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19 Jul 00:00

Manny Ramirez Impresses Triple-A Teammates With Knowledge Of Shapes

ROUND ROCK, TX—In a remarkable demonstration of expertise, Round Rock Express designated hitter Manny Ramirez reportedly wowed his triple-A teammates Friday with his expansive knowledge of basic geometric shapes.
18 Jul 23:42

Hey Portland City Commissioners! WHERE'S YOUR TV COMMERCIAL??

by Wm.™ Steven Humphrey

lol, well done, community TV

Dear Portland City Commissioners:

Just a quick note to let you know that the city council of Whitehorse (just the largest city in northern Canada, so don't get it twisted) is making you guys look like JUNIOR VARSITY. Why? Because they have a TV commercial... and YOU DON'T. Just because you got elected doesn't mean you can sit on your cans and stop trying to look necessary! ADVERTISE HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO THIS COMMUNITY, people. Don't take it for granted. Otherwise you'll just keep letting those fluoride-hating, reservoir un-capping hippies run right over you.

Wm. Steven Humphrey

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18 Jul 23:40

Another Dreamliner is forced to land—so when do we call it star-crossed?

by Steve LeVine
boeing 787 dreamliner

A Japan Airlines 787 Dreamliner on the way to Tokyo has landed in Boston, returning to its originating airport after a reported fault. An early report suggests a problem with the plane’s fuel pump could be to blame. But whatever the case, Boeing’s flagship airliner is starting to look star-crossed. And its investors are anxious: Boeing’s share price fell in after-hours trading on the report that the JAL plane was returning to Boston.

Peter Wilson of Boston’s WBZ tweeted that a JAL 787 landed safely at Boston’s Logan Airport just after 6 pm EST. Few other details are known. Wilson included this photograph.

This evening in Boston Peter Wilson

But it is potentially the latest problem in an unusual spate of incidents involving the Dreamliner. On July 12, an Ethiopian Airlines 787 caught fire at London’s Heathrow Airport, forcing the closing of all its runways. In an announcement today, British authorities said a small lithium ion battery had possibly been the reason for the fire.

The battery’s chemistry—lithium manganese dioxide–is different from and actually regarded as far less flammable than the main battery technology used on the Boeing planes. The Dreamliners mainly use lithium cobalt oxide batteries, which are the most flammable of the core lithium ion chemistries on the market, and were responsible for fires aboard two other 787s in January. The latter fires resulted in the grounding of the entire Dreamliner fleet until they began to return to service in May and June.

But the UK authorities recommended that the lithium manganese dioxide batteries—used in the plane’s emergency locator transmitter—be disabled until they can be better investigated. US officials so far disagree—they say that the transmitters, using precisely the same batteries, have already been flown for some 50 million miles without incident, and so urge more contemplation before any action.

18 Jul 23:36

"Hello, This is Jack you were. Zedy from the city of Somerville with information related to the..."


the city’s annual heartbeat festival
The with small donation is suggested for Saturday’s festival several road closure is indeed towards will apply as follows
West found traffic from Highland out will be diverted right onto call a job
Tree will be diverted. Axion run out and on some Assaf closure
bus this rope

“Hello, This is Jack you were. Zedy from the city of Somerville with information related to the city’s annual heartbeat festival, scheduled for Friday evening and Saturday and Davis Square. The festival will be getting Friday evening, July 19th from 6 to 10 PM, with live music and 7 Health park in Davis Square. On Saturday, July 20th from 11 AM to 6 PM. Craft fenders live music on several stages and local artist will set up through Davis Square. The events are free. The with small donation is suggested for Saturday’s festival several road closure is indeed towards will apply as follows, beginning at 8 AM. Davis Square will be close to all vehicle traffic. West found traffic from Highland out will be diverted right onto call a job, left on to Winter Street, and back on the Holland St. East Bound traffic from call a job will be diverted right onto Winter Street, left on the camera have. And on some Assaf. East Bound traffic from home. Tree will be diverted. Axion run out and on some Assaf closure is, will remain in effect on Saturday until 8 PM. And, N. B. T. A bus this rope Davis Square will be re routed. If you have any questions. Please Visit, www, dot, Summerville Arts Council dot org, or call 311 Thank you.”
18 Jul 23:28

DeConnick, Sebela and Sook To Launch 'Ghost' Ongoing Series [SDCC 2013]

by Joseph Hughes


Following the success of the recent Ghost miniseries from Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Noto, and increasing Dark Horse’s efforts to develop their superhero comics, today the publisher announched the launch of a Ghost ongoing series. DeConnick will be returning, with Christopher Sebela joining her as co-writer and Ryan Sook providing interior art. Issue #1 will have a cover from Terry Dodson and a variant cover from Paolo Rivera, which you can view below.

Sebela and DeConnick have previously worked together on some issues of Captain Marvel. In an interview on CBR interview, DeConnick spoke about how their collaboration on Ghost would differ:

Chris and I had worked together before on “Captain Marvel.” This is different, though. I don’t want to downplay Chris’s contributions to “Captain Marvel” — some of the best bits of the issues we did together were his ideas — but I felt very protective of ”my voice” on that book and we were developing stories that I had already, at least roughly, sketched out. Here, on “Ghost,” I’ve let loose of the reins significantly more. I had no plan for the ongoing — Chris and I came into this together. In fact, the main plot line was his — the subplot was mine — at least in the beginning

Ghost is the story of Elisa Cameron, an investigative reporter from Chicago with amnesia who suddenly finds herself in a semi-corporeal form, as she attempts to put together the pieces of her life and discover what exactly happened to her.

Ghost #1 goes on sale in November.

Terry Dodson Paolo Rivera
18 Jul 23:22

Music: Great Job, Internet!: Watch A.V. Fest headliner Neko Case attempt to play her new single in a tiny dressing room

by Marah Eakin

attn: saucie
Neko Case beat

Neko Case just helped Funny Or Die “launch” its new video series, the Dressing Room Sessions, with a totally awkward performance. It’s a lark, of course, but the clip below finds A.V. Fest headliner Case, Undercover veteran Kelly Hogan, and the rest of Case’s band crammed into a vintage store’s tiny dressing room, ostensibly to premiere the band’s new single, “Man.” Watch it if you like Case, Hogan, or footage of fake shoppers rolling their eyes.

For those who actually want to see Case perform “Man” along with a number of other songs, tickets for A.V. Fest are on sale now. On sale now, goddammit! 

Read more
18 Jul 23:20

Juke Ellington Exposed for Stealing More Records | Do Androids Dance

by djempirical

meanwhile, in Portland


h/t dj ripley

click through for sounds


In reporting the inner-workings of the industry, lines become blurry.  Deciding what’s right and what’s wrong is a daily task.  I reported a few weeks ago that Juke Ellington stole a song in some capacity and passed it off as his own.  We don’t know if he purchased the song from Soundclick and passed it off as his own, or downloaded the track from Kid Urban, slowed the tune down, and renamed it to act as if he produced it; nobody ever clarified what happened.  All we’re sure of is that a producer on the rise that had tons of love and respect in the industry had his entire catalog in question because of one “mistake.”

I felt odd about being the one to post this information, as I’ve always had positive interactions with him.  Juke Ellington just had a child.  Despite the hatred that I hold for those that hinder fairness and legitimacy within this industry, being the one to ruin the career of a new father and generally good dude is not the thing that anyone with half a heart wants to do.  But the flood of people that reached out to me after this article went live was a bit overwhelming.

My post a couple weeks ago was shared around and talked about more than I would have ever imagined, and actually led to dozens of people telling similar stories.  I’m working on a handful of them at one time, and will slowly start to uncover the foul practices within the industry at all levels.  It’s much bigger than just Juke Ellington, and reaches to producers that you know and love.  Producers that aren’t actually making the records that are turning them into superstars.  But as I flush out those stories and build these cases, I thought it to be prudent to finish the story that started these conversations.

¡EL CUCUY! is a producer living in Portland that you may or may not be familiar with. His work has been ferocious for quite some time, and he’s been nothing short of slept on. He has been jumping between genres, creating some next level records that you could classify if you wanted to. It’s all bass music, and all of it is ridiculous. So when someone that’s familiar with his work hears a record like “Dippin,” it makes complete sense:

Then we hear the “collaboration” between Juke Ellington and ¡EL CUCUY! on “Dippin Trappin.” It isn’t far from being the same exact track: “Dippin” was sped-up and hats were added.  Outside of that, there is no difference between these two tracks.  The sequencing is exactly the same.  The vocal samples land in the same exact place. And though this is nothing more than an edit, it was released by Juke Ellington as a collaborative track:

Though this record has since been removed from Juke Ellington’s SoundCloud page, you can find “Dippin Trappin” all over YouTube if you peek around.  Anyone can feel free to debate what the ethical move is when two people contribute to a record. The bigger question to me was why ¡EL CUCUY! would wait until now to say anything about this. His explanation actually makes a lot of sense.

His [Juke Ellington's] explanation was that he like the original arrangement & didn’t want to take away from the song as it was. It was one of my 1st collaborations as well & since he didn’t make the song worse, I sort of went with it. I didn’t say anything because the track was well received by DJs/blogs and I knew I had written it. My fan base grew. My name was out there. I just moved on to the next track & didn’t make a fuss. But I definitely felt like I had to share my story once the original story broke.”

You might think this is ridiculous, but his explanation makes perfect sense.  Juke Ellington is one of hundreds of producers that have my personal contact information.  It’s easier for them to place tracks in my hands than it would be someone that I have never heard of, and I’m sure it’s like this with tons of other blogs.  ¡EL CUCUY! has a better chance of his work being heard if someone that has a little leverage pushes the track.   As the risks and rewards get bigger, so does this practice.  You may start to notice how many big name producers collaborate with people that you’ve never heard of.  There are hundreds of producers that will willingly give away their work to a producer that has a following in order to get recognized.  And as most big blogs and sites don’t have writers and curators that know how to dictate what’s good, leaning on the proven producers seems like a logical move if you want to get some kind of recognition in this game.

Though there is debate in the morality of this practice, the next producer that contacted me seals the deal with Juke Ellington. Skulltrane is producer from San Francisco that has been making wonky trap and juke records for the past year. She gave stems to a record called “TalktheTalk” to Juke Ellington and heard nothing back:

Months later we hear the same exact drum work on a remix that Juke Ellington released for DJ Azamat & NXTLYF. It’s essentially an edit that is built from the stems of two different songs. The vocals were removed from the Skulltrane record, and a couple elements from the DJ Azamat & NXTLYF record were added.  Skultrane was never credited:

In the original piece I wrote on Juke Ellington, I spoke on blacklisting any producer that we caught in the act of passing off someone else’s work as their own. The response on this sentiment was split. Though my personal feelings about muddying legitimacy are unwavering, we saw comments like “give the man a break…he is human,” and actually considered them. Juke Ellington apologized, and swore that he was going to change and put in work.

We have no clue what Juke Ellington actually produced anymore; his whole catalog is in question. I had his tunes removed from TrapMusic.NET (because I curate content there), and won’t be posting his records on any site I work for ever again. He is the first on a long list of frauds I’m aware of in this industry.  And though you can’t do much more than walk away and shake your head, this situation speaks on bigger issues. How do you credit a track that two people worked unequal amounts on?  How can we as bloggers and content curators let unknown producers know that we will post their content no matter how many followers or plays they have?  What does poking holes in industry practice do to your reputation within the industry?  All of that will be settled in the following months.  This producer might be done, but my quest to uncover those at the top that are doing the same exact thing has just begun.

Original Source

18 Jul 23:16

Al-Qaeda volleyball rules

by Cory Doctorow
When Osama bin Laden and and Mohammed Atef played volleyball, the other al-Queda members insisted that they play on opposite sides, because they were both tall, good players. (via Reddit)

18 Jul 23:08

World of Warcraft gets its first official children's book

by Michael McWhertor

'he's watched his "rugrats" grow up alongside World of Warcraft, which will turn nine years old this November, and that they've been curious about the characters and lore.'

The first children's book based on the Warcraft franchise will go on pre-sale later this year and make its premiere at BlizzCon, Blizzard Entertainment announced at San Diego Comic-Con today.

The debut children's book, titled Snowfight, is written by senior VP of story and franchise development Chris Metzen and illustrated by Blizzard artist Wei Wang. "I've been thinking about it for a while," Metzen said, saying that he's watched his "rugrats" grow up alongside World of Warcraft, which will turn nine years old this November, and that they've been curious about the characters and lore.

"I always thought the idea would be really cool," Metzen said of the unexpected expansion to children's books. "There was just something about these ideas... that just felt really fun and like getting back to basics."

Metzen said that seeing Wang's art, which is traditionally "hyper-detailed" fantasy art, "stretch this way" and conjures images that emote in a new way made the children's book project fun to work on.

"It's so weird," Metzen said, "but it's one of those passion projects we wanted to chase I hope it just pops."

18 Jul 23:00

Music: Newswire: Varg Vikernes released from French jail after police are unable to prove a terrorist plot

by Marah Eakin

Varg Vikernes and his wife, Marie Cachet, have been released from French jail. The two weren’t officially charged with a crime after being nabbed earlier this week by police who suspected them of planning a massacre. Norwegian TV station NRK said, “Police were unable to identify specific terrorist plans or a terrorist target.” The Burzum frontman (who occasionally also goes by the name Louis Cachet) will still be required to appear in court to face accusations that he breeched French racism laws by making hateful comments about Jews and Muslims online. Everyone’s innocent until proven guilty, of course, but if what he’s posted on the Internet is any indication, he will probably lose that one.

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18 Jul 22:47

harmonicakind: sharknado passes the bechdel test let that sink in for a minute


sharknado passes the bechdel test

let that sink in for a minute

18 Jul 22:46

SDCC: Rob Liefeld & Gina Carano Bringing "Avengelyne" to Big Screen


oh for fuck's sake

Rob Liefeld has partnered with MMA fighter turned "Haywire" star Gina Carano to develop "Avengelyne" as a film that's being likened to the "Underworld" franchise.
18 Jul 22:46

Lawmaker known for anti-terrorism work mulls 2016 bid - USA TODAY


Lawmaker known for being a paranoid racist fascist stupid fucking New Yorker mulls pulling millions of dollars out of the economy to fund his own embarrassment and failure

ABC News

Lawmaker known for anti-terrorism work mulls 2016 bid
SHARE 175 CONNECT 60 TWEET 22 COMMENTEMAILMORE. A New York Republican congressman best known for his work on homeland security issues says he's thinking about running for president in 2016. Rep. Pete King, former chairman of the House ...
First Thoughts: A canary in the coal mine?
Peter King for president? NY congressman weighs 2016 runMSNBC
Rep. Peter King: Would Run to Save the
Fox News -Politico -CBS News
all 46 news articles »
18 Jul 22:40

The Top 10 Dress Shirts To Own

by Joe

When assembling your wardrobe, what styles of shirts are best to buy first? What shirts can you do without? That’s what this list is for. The shirts you’ll want to have on hand at all times (and maybe buy multiples of) will rank higher than the shirts you could probably do without. Also, keep those collars a substantial but not over-sized semi-spread. Button down, cutaway, and tiny-sized collars are great for certain situations, but you just can’t go wrong with a nicely sized semi spread. Specific examples for each are shown below. Pics are clickable.


#1.  White, semi-spread, light to mid-weight Poplin/Pinpoint/Twill

Nord. Trim Fit - $65 but goes on sale.

Nord. Trim Fit – $65 but goes on sale.

Quick, think of a white dress shirt.  Yahtzee.  That’s the #1 shirt we should all have in our closet.  The collar does not button down on these, and they’re made from a mid to lightweight fabric.  Some call these “oxfords” even though that’s not quite right. It’s a shirt that’ll look just as good with a suit as it will under a v-neck with jeans.  It’s crisp, it’s clean, and you want a collar with enough beef  to look substantial. Melt your brain with the differences between poplin, pinpoint, & twill here, here, and here (scroll down a bit on that last one). Head here for a hierarchy of white dress shirt options, from cheap to splurge-worthy. A terrific mid-priced option is this one from Nordstrom. Will need a bit of tailoring, but expect it to go on sale this Friday (7/19) as part of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.


#2. Light Blue, semi-spread, light to mid-weight Poplin/Pinpoint/Twill

BR's stretch poplin. About $40 on sale.

BR’s stretch poplin. Around $35 – $40 on sale.

Pretty much the same thing as the white dress shirt at #1, only in a very pale, light blue color.  Not royal blue, not kinda light blue with grey buttons, light blue with standard off-white/bone colored buttons.  Slightly less formal than white, but still able to be dressed way up. It’s actually somewhat difficult to find a very pale blue dress shirt for a reasonable price. The Banana Republic option shown here doesn’t even come in Neck & Sleeve measurements.


#3. White, mid-weight to heavy-weight Oxford Cloth Button Down Collar

jcp's OCBD. Casual, but still belongs.

jcp’s OCBD. Casual, but still deserves a mention.

Honestly? Not a “dress” shirt. At least not most of them, especially if they’re cut in thicker, more rumpled cloth. But still needs to go on the list just because of its versatility. The OCBD (surprisingly, not  a member of WuTang) stands for Oxford Cloth Button Down.  And the “button down” part refers to the collar, not the fact that you button the shirt in front. A few lighter, pressed OCBDs can pull some duty at the office, but just make sure it’s not that much thicker than a standard poplin. The thicker the fabric, the less dressed up it can get. A workhorse for layering.


#4. White base, blue windowpane / tattersall

Ratio. Splurge-worthy at $98, but there are cheaper options out there.

Ratio’s $98 splurge-worthy shirt. There are cheaper alternatives.

Lots of white and blue right?  Well, yes. An orange and green check just won’t go with as much stuff in your closet.  Meanwhile, a windowpane is just different enough from the usual striped shirts most guys default to.  When under a jacket of some kind, they’ll give your look a bit of depth.  And unlike gingham (we’re getting there) they’ve got plenty of white which is more business ready.  When it comes to the office, for patterns, Tic-Tac-Toe > Checkers.  And for the size of the squares, the ideal size is between a pencil eraser and a quarter.  The perfect example:  Ratio’s.


#5. The Bold Gingham

Bold Check Dress Shirt

On sale for $38.90 starting Friday.

Color is up to you.  Black and white obviously offers the most contrast, but deep blue, red, even purple can deliver.  It’s a dressed up version of a dressed down pattern. Nordstrom’s house brand “Calibrate” is shown above, and those shirts are something else. Also part of the Anniversary Sale, coming up on Friday. How to wear it over here.


#6. White base, thin stripe

Target's Merona - $22.99. Check in store.

Target’s Merona – $22.99. Check in store.

The stripes on these are razor thin. Not a double stripe of different colors (say, a light blue and dark blue next to each other), but just one color, real thin, evenly spaced. That white base is dominant, but the stripes add a bit of depth. Clean and mean.  Thicker striped ties look just fine worn over these.  Keep your stripes slim and you can even take some color risks like a pink or light green.


#7. The micro  pattern

Tiny lines = busy, but in a good way.

Tiny lines = busy… in a good way. $39.95 via 1901.

Whether it’s a tiny check, tattersall, micro-plaid, gingham, or houndstooth, these are shirts that have two (three max) colors going on with a very small pattern. Not stripes, but something more geometric. From a distance they look solid, but up close they’re not. Lots of visual depth with these, and they often look great when you wear a suit without a tie.


#8. Thick/Bengal stripe

Charles Trywhitt - $49, but often on sale for less.

Charles Tyrwhitt – $49, but can go on sale for less.

The stripes here are much thicker than the pin-stripe at #6.  Thick enough that from a distance, the shirt looks like it’s leaning more towards the color of the stripe, instead of the white base. Blue is a default, black stripes can work, as can red if you want a shirt with some punch.


#9. The Pink or Red Subtle Patterned Shirt

Bonobos Pink

Bonobos – $43.50 w/ EXTRA25 ($88)

Pretty sure we’re all past the pink = YOU PLAY BALL LIKE A GIRL thing. Beware though. Some of us whiter dudes (y’know, us crackers) might not look so great wearing solid pink.  Lil’ too close to the skin tone.  So, harken back to #7, and maybe opt for a red micro-check on white. That’s not a  bad option for a similar look. It helps make the pink look less like flushed flesh.


#10. The Grey

Target Merona – $22.99

A grey shirt with collar stay slots (not a floppy collared chambray) is a good shirt to have on hand for under black sweaters or black sportcoats/blazers.  Works surprisingly well with a navy suit as well. Not a bad getup to wear when grabbing a cocktail post sunset.  It’s still put together, has an evening out feel to it, but it’s thankfully still very far from clubby when tucked in and layered over.

Final Notes

  • 2 is the magic number:  Less is more.  Two is sort of the speed limit when it comes to dress shirts.  Meaning:  Anything more than two colors or two different thicknesses of lines in a pattern on a shirt and things can get weird.  There are exceptions, but solids, and pattern shirts with just one color on a base are safest.
  • Try and stick with all cotton:  Prices are rising (evidence is up above…) but limiting the level of poly used in your dress shirts will keep you cooler.  Sometimes synthetic just can’t be avoided, like in the shirts from Target.
  • Neck and Sleeve = More dressed up:  Sometimes a S/M/L/ neck will fit.  Sometimes it won’t.  Try it on.
  • No-Iron is up to you:  Some people love wrinkle free.  Some hate it.  Up to you.
  • Collar Stays:  Always.  Unless it’s a button down collar.  Wurkin Stiffs are even better.

Anything missed?  What should have made the top 10 that wasn’t? A bit plain + boring? Maybe. But again, two is the magic number. Extra colors + thickness of stripes can make a nice shirt look cheap real fast. Plain isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Leave it all in the comments. Many thanks to Rietsh P. for sending in a request for a 2013 update to this list.

18 Jul 22:39

Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite - ABC News

by gguillotte
A group of satanists say they’ve given the controversial Westboro Baptist Church a taste of its own medicine, performing a same-sex ritual at the grave of the mother of the church’s founder. Members of the Satanist Temple performed on Sunday what its spokesman describes as a “pink mass” an admittedly made-up ritual, celebrating gay love, at the grave in Meridian, Miss. Spokesman Lucien Greaves doffed a headdress made of horns as two male couples, and a female couple recited scripture, lit candles and made out over the grave. Members then posthumously declared Catherine Johnston, the mother of Westboro’s founder Fred Phelps, a lesbian.
18 Jul 22:37

Comcast May Put Wi-Fi Transceivers On Cars, Buses, Humans

by timothy

what could possibly

An anonymous reader writes "Comcast engineers want to put WiFi transceivers in rental cars, taxis, buses and even on humans to extend reach of its Xfinity WiFi network. They also detail an idea for offering incentives to drivers to move WiFi-enabled cars to areas where it needs WiFi coverage. The plan was detailed in a patent application published today by the USPTO (I wrote a story about it for FierceCable)." Speaking of extension, this sounds like a logical outgrowth of using wireless routers to grow the network. (I hope they choose their humans carefully, if this plan bears fruit.)

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18 Jul 22:36




18 Jul 22:34

The Mystery is Solved

The Mystery is Solved

Submitted by: Unknown

18 Jul 22:32

A private equity firm buys the US west coast’s most important data center for $437.5 million

by Simone Foxman
data center wires one wilshire

An innocuous high rise in downtown Los Angeles, California, just sold for a record $437.5 million. That’s 2.5 times the price per square foot of comparable buildings in the area, which might seem surprising, given that there’s nothing special about the building itself. But there is something special about its tenants.

That’s because 624 S. Grand Ave—more commonly known as One Wilshire—is the biggest telecommunications hub on the US west coast, according to CBRE Group’s Kevin Shannon. In fact, the importance of this high-rise data center is only rivaled by two other data centers in the world, according to Shannon: 60 Hudson Street in New York City and Telehouse in London.

One Wilshire is home to telecoms like Verizon, Sirius XM Radio and China Telecom. It’s also home to colocation centers—data centers where different companies rent space to store servers—such as the one run by CoreSite. Not only that, it sits at one end of fiber optic cables that connect Asia and North America, with much of the low-latency traffic between the two continents coursing through its wires. It’s little surprise that stock brokerage Crowell, Weedon & Co. is also a tenant. Some companies that trade try to locate as close as possible to their servers to minimize the time required to transmit data.

One Wilshire’s new owner, GI Partners, made the acquisition through TechCore, a $1 billion fund they manage for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). Since launching in 2012, GI Partners boasts that TechCore “has acquired 1.7 million square feet of mission critical data center and office properties.”

GI Partners isn’t the only financial firm in the data center game;  it was owned by the Carlyle Group before being sold to Hines Real Estate Trust in 2007. In 2011, data centers raised $6.9 billion dollars in debt financing and $400 million in equity financing. Boutique investment firms like DH Capital are even beginning to specialize in data center investments. The race is on to become one with the cloud.

18 Jul 22:28

When Your Smartphone Chauffeur Becomes a Stalker


lol startup doesn't gauge social complications lol lol

Lyft, one of San Francisco's most beloved new apps, isn't a bad idea if you think about it very briefly: the city's transit service isn't great, so let's make it easy to pay for a ride from your fellow man. But, surprise, when you let almost anyone be a cab driver, your fellow man is going to creep you the hell out.
18 Jul 22:04

Music: Newswire: Hy To The Phen No: Jay-Z is just "Jay Z" now

by Marah Eakin

only of interest to copy editors and librarians beat

Jay-Z has officially become Jay Z. The rapper has formally dropped the hyphen from his name, albeit so quietly that no one really noticed for a while. Mr. Z was first listed as Jay (no hyphen) Z in the liner notes for 2011’s Watch The Throne, and his name was recently changed on iTunes, but no one really pointed it out until Billboard this week. The publication says it got official confirmation of the punctuation switch straight from the rapper’s label, issuing notice to all the copyeditors out there. It’s not as big a nomenclatural story as Snoop Dogg changing his moniker to Snoop Lion, but it’s a bit of a shake-up all the same, maybe.

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18 Jul 21:57

Students Have Taken Over Florida Governor’s Office Demanding Justice For Trayvon - COLORLINES

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

The difference between this and the occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol Building is that Wisconsin is full of white people who are unlikely to be shot by police. I really hope these kids get out of this OK. :(

by Brentin Mock, Thursday, July 18 2013, 1:57 PM EST


Tags: infographic

Students from around Florida have converged at the state capitol in Tallahassee demanding that Gov. Rick Scott heed their demands concerning racial profiling and school-to-prison pipeline issues in the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict. The youth — mostly Latino and African Americans — call themselves the “Dream Defenders” and have occupied the building since Tuesday making pleas to speak with the governor. Leaders of the Defenders say Gov. Scott has so far refused to meet with them so they plan to stay overnight, through the weekend if necessary, until the governor responds. 

The Dream Defenders have been organizing around the killing of Trayvon Martin since the murder happened last spring. Today, hundreds of students, some as young as nine years old, are gathered to convince state lawmakers to pass the “Trayvon Martin Act.” The bill would address racial profiling, “Stand Your Ground” laws and school-to-prison pipeline issues  — “the three pillars that led to George Zimmerman getting away with killing Trayvon Martin,” said Dream Defender Philip Agnew on a media call. 

Despite the governor’s rebuff of their request to meet with him, Agnew said, “We’re not going anywhere. The State House Legislative building is a great place to live,” and joked that he even has some change-of-address forms. 

According to Dream Defender Ciara Taylor, the number of students occupying the building have “doubled” since they started Tuesday. Annie Thomas, of the Miami-based Power U Center for Social Change, said students there are “living in a state of fear” due to schools’ “zero tolerance” policies that lead to students of color getting excessively suspended and expelled. Trayvon Martin lived and went to school in Miami Gardens and was in Sanford the day he was murdered because he was serving a ten-day suspension from school. 

The Defenders’ occupy action has earned the support of civil rights groups like the NAACP, which is holding its national convention not far away in Orlando. The NAACP’s state chapter excused one of its directors, Dale Landry, so he could travel to Tallahassee and support the Defenders. Landry delivered a letter from the Florida NAACP president that told Gov. Scott to listen to the concerns of the organized youth. 

“Parents across the state are questioning whether Stand Your Ground laws protect their children from vigilantism and racial profiling,” said Landry.  

Landry also said that by Gov. Scott’s refusing to meet with the Defenders, “he is affirming the sentiment that the state places no value on the lives of black and brown youth.”

Original Source

18 Jul 21:54

Yelp to acquire restaurant reservation service SeatMe to take on OpenTable

by Jacob Kastrenakes


Yelp can already help you pick the best restaurant in town, and now it wants to help you get a table there. The company announced on Thursday that it'll be purchasing SeatMe, a service that allows restaurants to manage their waitlist and provide online reservations, for about $12.7 million. The acquisition is a clear move toward taking on OpenTable, which has already become the dominant tool for placing reservations online. Right now, Yelp includes OpenTable integration for restaurants that use the service, but it'll certainly be hoping to replace some of those with SeatMe once the service rolls out on a broader scale.

It'll be an uphill battle for Yelp as it tries to do that. The company has been working to make its entire service more robust on all grounds — from enabling reservations with SeatMe, to carrying out payments on its own — as a way to take on its competitors. That could make Yelp more versatile than OpenTable, but OpenTable still has a huge head start when it comes to adoption for placing reservations. A number of major services, including Foursquare, Evernote, and Yelp itself, all send users over to OpenTable, which currently boasts 28,000 listed restaurants — SeatMe, on the other hand, remains closer to 100.

18 Jul 21:53

Batman: Arkham Origins re-imagines Copperhead as a female assassin

by Michael McWhertor

fuck's sake
can someone explain what is going on in the belly/crotch/hips area on this character

At Comic-Con today, WB Games Montreal and DC revealed the latest villain bound for Batman: Arkham Origins, the assassin Copperhead. The snake-themed enemy, first introduced in 1968, will be re-imagined for Origins, this time as a lithe female assassin.

During today's panel, WB Games Montreal's Eric Holmes debuted video of Copperhead in action, revealing her to be a slinky, predatory contortionist with razor sharp claws. Holmes said that Copperhead's motion capture in the cut scene — in which she battles and stalks Batman — required three performers, including a trained martial artist and a Cirque du Soleil acrobat.

DC Comic's Geoff Johns said that Batman: Arkham Origins' take on Copperhead has inspired the character to be revived in her female form in upcoming mainstream DC titles.

Batman: Arkham Origins will be released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC and Wii U on Oct. 25, the same day that Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate comes to Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.

18 Jul 21:41

Disgruntled Rhode Islander "thanks" Curt Shilling with sarcastic commemorative plaque

by Dave Tach


A custom-made plaque available at Sports and More, a Providence, R.I. memorabilia shop, commemorates ex-Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling's failed business venture that left taxpayers on the hook for millions.

In 2010, the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation backed a $75 million loan for Schilling's 38 Studios, developer of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. A condition of the agreement stipulated that the company would relocate and bring about 450 jobs to the state. Things didn't go as planned, and by Nov. 2012, the state sued the now-bankrupt developer over the loan.

The plaque (seen above, as captured by Redditor "bmon82") is framed, double matted and includes the 38 Studios logo, a photograph of Schilling in his more successful days and a tongue-in-cheek inscription that "thanks" him for the $75 million. Sports and More declined to provide Polygon with a photograph of the plaque.

According to the store, which you can visit in Providence Place Mall, it's on display at the front left of the store and available for $59.99.

18 Jul 21:40

Air Force to Discharge Sexual Assault Offenders

by Stephanie Gaskell

via multitasksuicide

In its latest effort to crack down on sexual assault offenders, the Air Force is now kicking all of them out of the military. By Stephanie Gaskell
18 Jul 21:40

Elmer T. Lee, bourbon icon, dead at 93

by William M. Dowd

via multitasksuicide

Picture 3
Elmer T. Lee
Elmer T. Lee, 93, the iconic master distiller whose name graces one of the bourbons made at Buffalo Trace, died Tuesday after a brief illness.

He was a pioneer in making single-barrel bourbons, and brought his first -- Blanton's -- to market in 1984. He retired in 1985, but was convinced to return to work as brand ambassador and master distiller emeritus for Buffalo Trace.

"We have lost a wonderful friend today, and he will be missed terribly," said Mark Brown, president and CEO of Sazerac, parent company of Buffalo Trace.

"In the world of making really fine whiskey, the role of master distiller is pivotal, but Elmer's meaning to those he met, came to know, and worked with closely extended far beyond that of a master distiller," Brown said.

"Elmer defined, in the simplest terms, what it means to be a great American: hard working, self-made, courageous, honest, kind, humble and humorous."

Lee was born in 1919 on a tobacco farm near Peaks Mill, Franklin County, KY. During World War II he served as a radar bombardier on a B-29, flying missions against Japan through 1945. In 1946, he was honorably discharged and returned home to study engineering at the University of Kentucky, where he graduated with honors in 1949.

In September 1949, Lee began working in the engineering department of the George T. Stagg Distillery in Frankfort. By 1966, he became plant superintendent, then plant manager in 1969. In 1984, he introduced Blanton's, the world's first single-barrel bourbon.

Lee was inducted into the Bourbon Hall of Fame in 2001, received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Whisky Advocate magazine in 2002, and a Lifetime Achievement Award and Hall of Fame induction from Whisky Magazine in 2012.
18 Jul 21:39

Night Slashers (Data East - arcade - 1993) vgjunk: Night...


menswear beat
mullet and ankle bracers

Night Slashers (Data East - arcade - 1993)


Night Slashers is really good, and if you like punching zombies so hard all their flesh falls off you should play it (or read about it here).

18 Jul 21:39

Things you can do with a book: sculpt it, scrape it, turn it into a cave


hey nice
I keep forgetting to rp shit to FYB

18 Jul 21:36

Lady Jouster by AutumnCat on Flickr.

by joanna-molloy

Lady Jouster by AutumnCat on Flickr.