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25 Feb 23:54

A zoeira nas escolas japonesas

by Igor Massami

O ensino médio é bem puxado no Japão. Junto com todos os testes típicos e trabalhos de casa para os estudantes, há uma lista aparentemente interminável de regras (você deve usar sapatos fechados especiais, usar uma máscara se você está doente, abrir todas as janelas em pleno inverno para ventilar o ambiente) que são o suficiente para fazer até o mais disciplinado aluno surtar nas escolas japonesas.

Diversao no ensino medio japones 01

É por isso que esses estudantes japoneses resolveram aproveitar um pouco como a maioria do estudantes do ensino médio no resto do mundo fazem.

Diversao no ensino medio japones 02

Eles não só têm encontrado uma maneira de se divertirem um pouco para aliviar o estresse e a pressão da vida escolar, com a criatividade e sagacidade nipônica eles estão criando um estilo que não divertem apenas eles, mas os procrastinadores da internet em todo o mundo.

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25 Feb 14:32

Postcards from Rio de Janeiro

by adiniz9

HQ publicada na revista italiana Internazzionale, em setembro de 2013


01 02


25 Feb 14:20

A Turkish Car Insurance Company Made This Glorious ‘Street Fighter’ Commercial

by Ashley Burns

American car insurance commercials are a fascinating phenomenon. For some reason, Geico thinks that a talking, jet ski-riding pig and men with ukuleles telling terrible jokes will make people purchase its insurance, while Progressive is under the impression that people out there actually like Flo and don’t find her magnificently annoying. And then there’s the General, with his penguin and terrible man-on-the-street interviews. If Morgan Spurlock directed a documentary investigating the terrible world of car insurance commercials, I’d be the first person in line on its release date.

But maybe we wouldn’t be so cynical and sometimes full of rage (seriously, have you seen the Geico ad writers patting themselves on their backs in their own Writer’s Room videos?) if our car insurance companies made ads a little more like Anadolu Sigorta. The Turkish company recently released this Street Fighter-themed ad and it’s just spectacular.

My only complaint would be that it doesn’t feature Dhalsim crouching in the corner, just popping his arms at the other characters when they approach. That’s the cheap way I used to kick my friends’ asses all the time. Then they moved on to the Mortal Kombat series and the joke was on me.

24 Feb 02:42


21 Feb 00:56

Alexandra Daddario’s Reaction To Obama Watching ‘True Detective’ Is Just Perfect

by The Cajun Boy

Getty Image

Last week we told you about President Obama requesting that the head of HBO send him DVDs of True Detective (and Game of Thrones) so that he could spend part of this past President’s Day weekend binging on our new obsession.

From the New York Times:

Mr. Obama made a point of approaching HBO’s chief executive, Richard Plepler, at the state dinner for France on Tuesday night.

“Where is my True Detective and Game of Thrones?” Mr. Obama asked Mr. Plepler as he told him that the coming weekend would be a good time to have the DVDs.

With that said, Texas Chainsaw 3D star Alexandra Daddario knows exactly what this means

If Obama adds Texas Chainsaw 3D to his Netflix cue this week, we’ll all know what’s up.

19 Feb 22:21


by ricardo

19 Feb 22:06

There is a “zip bomb” that is only 42 kilobytes when zipped, but...

There is a “zip bomb” that is only 42 kilobytes when zipped, but is 4.5 Petabytes uncompressed.


18 Feb 18:06


by Laerte
Alvaro Freitas

sua mãe aquela gorda jokes

17 Feb 17:09

Muzinga :: Velho canalha

by adiniz9
Alvaro Freitas

gaaaah muito bom

Roteiro e desenhos de André Diniz :: Cores de Marcela Mannheimer





13 Feb 14:38

February 13, 2014

Stacy Farina had the best graph at BAHFest 2013!

Don't forget to watch the question session afterward!
11 Feb 22:39

This Peter Dinklage Dancing GIF Is The Most Important Development From The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Preview

by Kris Maske


Did you watch the Game of Thrones Season 4 foreshadowing preview last night? Of course you did! There were (even slightly larger!) dragons! And no show owns Pavlovian promo response quite like Game of Thrones.

Even though very little was revealed (unless you’re one of those people who can’t help themselves from pausing their DVR and poring over every little detail for spoilers) it was simply a nice little something to hold us over another two months. With that in mind I think we can all agree the quick in-between-takes footage of Peter Dinklage dancing from roughly the 10:15 mark turned into a GIF is undoubtedly the most important development from the whole promo. You’re probably not even reading this as a result of your hypnotic state.

Via r/GameOfThrones

10 Feb 20:58


by ricardo
Alvaro Freitas

corujo veio do futuro p. ex.

06 Feb 01:50

Ônibus, corredores e a pior coisa que aconteceu em 2013

by Miyu Domae
Se eu tivesse um vlog agora estaria gritando e xingando muito em frente a uma câmera! Como isso seria muito, estou aqui humildemente escrevendo neste blog véio, hehe.

O meu maior motivo de indignação foi o corte sem escrúpulos e o mínimo de pesquisa da linha 577T Vila Gomes - Jd. Miriam. Você, que mora em São Paulo, já deve ter visto esta belezinha azul circular pela cidade porque ela passava por várias avenidas e lugares-chave como a Av. Vital Brasil, Av. Rebouças, Av. Paulista, Hospital São Paulo, etc. Eu usava essa linha desde que comecei a andar de ônibus nesta vida maledeta, simplesmente porque ela servia para todo lugar que eu fosse. E isso era realidade para muita gente.

Dae, algum espertalhão (ou vários) resolveu que, para parecer que estavam preocupados com o transporte público depois das manifestações de junho, precisava fazer algo aleatório. E o que fizeram? Criaram uma renca de corredores de ônibus (muito fácil, pouco custo) e saíram cortando linhas por aí. De uma hora pra outra, sem um mínimo de pesquisa, sem perguntar se alguém tinha curtido. Assim os ônibus que restaram andariam muito mais rápido, gerariam números para mostrar na campanha da próxima eleição.

No meio disso, o 577T virou Jd. Miriam - Ana Rosa (ou seja, pessoal que mora nessa ponta não teria mais acesso às principais avenidas) e pra Vila Gomes jogaram o 8018 que vai até a... Vila Sonia. Sério? Quem diabos mora em um bairro da zona oeste e vai para outro bairro ainda mais pra dentro da zona oeste? O único ponto útil que essa linha passa é o metrô!

As alternativas que o pessoal é obrigado a pegar são sensacionais: 

• A pessoa pode descer (ou andar, porque é mais fácil) na Av. Corifeu de Azevedo Marques e esperar o único ônibus que restou (715M) que vai para a Av. Paulista (e que está explodindo de gente quando passa, obviamente)

• Gastar mais e pegar o metrô, que quando chega na estação Paulista está tão cheio de gente que nem anda

• Ir até a Av. Prof. Francisco Morato e trocar para algum ônibus que já chega com gente saindo pelas janelas. O que eles sugerem como substituição quando você manda uma reclamação no site da Sp Trans demora tanto para passar que nunca vi desde que a linha foi cancelada e eu tentei ir por esse caminho

• Ir até a Raposo Tavares, arriscar um pouquinho a vida e tentar entrar em algum ônibus que já veio cheio lá das bandas do Jd. João XXIII

Em todas as alternativas a pessoa andará mais, perderá muito mais tempo (porque o segundo ou terceiro ônibus vai demorar, vai vir cheio e talvez tenha que se esperar o próximo) e não vai ter o mínimo de dignidade. Se já é difícil para quem ainda é jovem, calcule o dano nos nhenhentos velhinhos que moram no conjunto do BNH que precisam ir pra algum dos 5 hospitais que faziam parte do itinerário do saudoso 577T.

Só para fechar com chave de coco, o 8018 só tem 4 ônibus circulando durante o dia, todos velhos, que volta e meia estão com problemas. Não passa no ponto do metrô no caminho de volta, demora no mínimo 20 minutos entre um e outro e sempre atrasa. Hoje mesmo foram 35 minutos. Como podem fazer isso em um itinerário que dura meia hora?

E ainda tem aqueles pontos bonitos e inúteis que trocaram faz pouco tempo, com menos lugares para sentar e com um teto que não protege de nada. Ow gastança!

Tem abaixo assinado entregue no ministério público, reuniões e agora uma manifestação marcada para sexta-feira. Já vi matérias em vários veículos falando especificamente do corte desta linha. Espero muito que algo seja feito de verdade, senão acho que vou dar razão a esse pessoal que taca fogo em ônibus.
05 Feb 01:14


by Masks of Eris

Hmm. Mercury is both a planet and a metal.


Sailor Mercury. Sailor Cadmium… Sailor Lead.

The planet-Sailor Mercury’s attack is mist. (Mist and not Mist, for those that speak German — though one could argue something you could compare to a bad day’s atmosphere in Shanghai is bit of a Mist- oder Scheissangriff, when others get a fireball or a lightning strike. Then again the smartest character in Sailor Moon is a cat, so what do I know.)

What if the metal-Sailor Mercury’s attack was some kind of a vapor, too? So… “Our enemies are defeated! In 1.21 years, once the heavy metals in their lungs have had time to work their… heavy metal magic!”

Wait, “Sailor Mercury”? Sailor Gemini! Sailor Apollo, fly me to the moon!


This kind of a silly game could go on forever. Take one Sailor Scout, and interpret the name in a funny way to generate others.

Sailor Mars! Sailor Snickers — Sailor Twix! Sailor Toblerone! To make an innocent girl feel guilty over what she eats is the pinnacle of villainy! In the name of chocolate, we will nourish you! (etc. etc.)

31 Jan 18:45

Largo Coração de Jesus

by Martin Jayo

638Há exatos 98 anos, em 30 de janeiro de 1916, um turista mandou pra casa este cartão postal.

“Walked + walked until I came to it having seen the statue in the distance. It looked quite near. I was tempted to go in, but was afraid I might be spoken to & couldn’t answer.”

(Andei e andei até chegar aqui, depois de ter visto a estátua de longe. Parecia perto. Fiquei tentado a entrar, mas tive medo de alguém falar comigo e eu não conseguir responder).

Hoje em dia, ele teria motivos bem mais fortes para sentir medo. A igreja do Largo Coração de Jesus continua igualzinha e ainda dá pra ver a estátua bem de longe, mas a caminhada seria pelo meio da cracolândia.


29 Jan 00:50

Check Out Peter Capaldi’s Costume For ‘Doctor Who’ And The Memes It Inspired

by RoboPanda

Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi

Back when Peter Capaldi was announced as the Twelfth Doctor on Doctor Who, we marked the occasion with Malcolm Tucker GIFs and f*ckity mashups. As much as we hoped the Scottish actor would somehow resemble his creatively foul-mouthed character from The Thick Of It, we also had to wonder just how ridiculous his outfit might look. Some of the Doctors can be a wee bit complicated to cosplay. You know how hard it is to knit a sweater vest with question marks on it?

Now the BBC has released the first picture of the Twelfth Doctor:


A magician’s outfit and black Doc Martins? That’s surprisingly normal for The Doctor (and easy to cosplay). Peter Capaldi describes the Twelfth Doctor’s style in a BBC press release:

“He’s woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord”

It sounds like this Doctor demands to be taken seriously. That makes the photoshop at the top of this page — referencing The Alliance Of Magicians in Arrested Development — all the more apt. It’s just one of the magical memes we spotted on Tumblr after the Doctor Who news broke.

We’ve collected our favorite photoshops of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor below. As always, you can also view them as a single page.


Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi


Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi

This was all foretold by Peter Capaldi’s punk bandmate Craig Ferguson. [via]


Pokemon [via]

Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi

Phoenix Wright [via]

Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi


Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi

“That moment when the Doctor is actually old Tuxedo Mask” — Harry Hagaren

Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi


Doctor Who memes based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi

Doctor Who doge meme based on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi

WOW. [via]

27 Jan 01:25

Saturday’s GoT Laughs: Literal Trailer

by Hear Me Roar

It has been a while since we had a Laughs post. Not enough material, simply. This piece came out last weekend, but of course the release of the behind the scenes video took the limelight off it. The spin on the S4 trailer (which has over 16 million YouTube views at the moment, btw) is not my favourite, but with the onset of the new season we are bound to get more Thrones humour to pick from as well.

And as a bonus, internet memes cast in Thrones, by C-Section Comics:

24 Jan 19:57

The Problem with Bars on the Death Star I like to imagine that...

by thedrunkenmooglestaffblog

The Problem with Bars on the Death Star

I like to imagine that there’s only one beer served at Empire approved bars. That beer would of course be the Imperial Stout. Qui Gon Jinn probably prefers a different kind of sauce, though. 

(via mrsinyster on r/StarWars)

23 Jan 17:20

January 23, 2014

BEHOLD! Jordan Smith's theory of Mitochondrial Superhumans!

22 Jan 20:19

610 – Dança do Maxixe.

by gomba

Dança do Maxixe

Ah, a música brasileira.

21 Jan 22:39

‘How I Met Your Mother’ Filmed Its Big Climactic Ending Almost Eight Years Ago

by Danger Guerrero


The final season of How I Met Your Mother keeps trucking along — allegations of racism, slap-based 90s R&B cameos and all — toward its one-hour series finale on March 31, and once it gets there, it’s going to take us all on brief trip on the wayback machine. Specifically, to 2006, when one of the finale’s pivotal scenes was filmed after executive producers Carter Bays and Craig Thomas realized that the kids on the couch who have been hearing every last bit of their father’s sexual history in terrifying detail were getting older awfully fast.

In 2006, with the series in its second season and the possibility existing that it could be on for several more years, Bays and Thomas realised they’d better film that final scene right away. After all, the actors were growing up, would soon look different and wouldn’t even be able to fit in the clothes they wear while sitting on the couch.

So one day Bays and Thomas brought the young actors in, closed the set to all but one camera operator, and filmed the two-minute scene that will bring the series to a close. [David] Henrie and [Lyndsy] Fonseca signed nondisclosure agreements. So intent on keeping the secret, Fonseca put it out of her mind and doesn’t even remember what they filmed, Thomas said on Wednesday.

Through all the seasons that have come since, there hasn’t been any reason to change it, he said.

“It’s been the plan all along,” he said. “What you see on March 31 has been the plan. We leave the series with a certain message that we wanted to convey.”

I imagine the most difficult part of all of that was converting the footage from the original VHS tape to digital. We were still using VHS in 2006, right? I’m not good with time. What year did LaserDiscs come out? I don’t know. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.

Bays also revealed that they had a contingency plan in place from the beginning in case CBS canceled the series before they got to the mother they always intended Ted to marry: it was going to be Victoria, the baker from Season 1, played by Ashley Williams.


Whatever. I’m still furious that Rachel Bilson wasn’t the mother. Summer > Robin Scherbatsky > Anna > Every girl Ted dated on HIMYM.

Source:, photo via CBS

21 Jan 08:20

Great Idea


Great Idea

If there’s one thing I know for sure though, it’s that I’m just one person who is powerless in relation to societal influences.

16 Jan 13:12

He-gassen, a guerra de flatulências do Japão Feudal

by Roberto Maia


He-gassen emaki foi um pergaminho ilustrado que surgiu em algum momento do Período Edo. De autoriza anônima, alguns acadêmicos cogitam inclusive que ele possa ter sido feito por mais de um artista. Traduzindo toscamente, o nome da obra significa “pergaminho da competição de peidos”.

Sim, você não leu errado. O pergaminho ilustra uma série de situações onde personagens trocam flatulências de forma quase beligerante, inclusive com animais de estimação, edifícios e objetos sendo pegos nesse fogo cruzado bizarro e fedorento.

Sabe-se que o He-gassen foi uma espécie de arte que misturou humor e comentário político, que surgiu um pouco antes da abertura política e comercial do Japão no século XIX. Algumas imagens tinham como finalidade satirizar as rápidas mudanças que a sociedade japonesa presenciava graças a influência do ocidente, enquanto outras buscavam ridicularizar os ocidentais e seus hábitos de alimentação e higiene.

O pergaminho de He-gassen foi digitalizado pela Universidade de Waseda e sua versão na íntegra pode ser conferida no site da biblioteca.

Fonte: Dangerous Minds, Tofogu, Naruhodo 



13 Jan 19:34

What the Monsters in Doom Actually Saw

by Steve Napierski
What the Monsters in Doom Actually Saw Someone needs to create a mod for Doom where you can actually look in the mirrors, see Doomguy, and this is what is displayed. I'm not a vain person, but I could see my self staring into a mirror for a long duration of time if this is what I saw when it happens. Would help lighten the hellish mood of the game too. Maybe they could also add a feature where you can take selfies. That would be nice...

source: Cheezburger

See more: What the Monsters in Doom Actually Saw
11 Jan 15:20

How to Cook Like a Mycenaean

by (Jessica E. Saraceni)
Alvaro Freitas

churrasquinho grego

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS—Mycenaean elites of the late Bronze Age probably dined on meats cooked on portable grills and bread baked on non-stick griddles. Julie Hruby of Dartmouth College worked with ceramicist Connie Podleski of the Oregon College of Art and Craft to replicate two Mycenaean souvlaki trays and two griddles. Hruby then started cooking, using ingredients listed on ancient tablets as provisions for feasts. As she reported at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Hruby found that the heavy grill pan worked best when hot coals were placed inside its tray, rather than the tray placed in a cooking fire, suggesting that it was a portable device. Her tests of the griddles, which have a smooth side and a side with holes, showed that bread was probably placed on the side with the holes, since the dough tended to stick when cooked on the smooth side of the pan. “There are cooks mentioned in the Linear B [a Mycenaean syllabic script] record who have that as a profession—that’s their job—so we should envision professional cooks using these,” she added.

11 Jan 00:55


by ricardo

 Save the Cheerleader, Save the World
09 Jan 23:59

HiRISE Spots Curiosity Rover and Tracks from Orbit

by Nancy Atkinson

Tracks from the Curiosity rover are visible from orbit to the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, taken on Dec. 11, 2013. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

Tracks from the Curiosity rover are visible from orbit to the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, taken on Dec. 11, 2013. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.

Amazing, the things a birds-eye view allows you to see. Here’s a color image from the HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showing the tracks of the Curiosity rover. In this most recent HiRISE image of the MSL rover, the tracks are visible from Yellowknife Bay to its location on 11 December 2013, several kilometers to the southwest. Even though some of these tracks are more than a year old, they are still visible.

As HiRISE team member Christian Schaller said via Twitter, “Take only pictures; leave only footprints.” In this case, HiRISE took the pictures while MSL left the footprints!

HiRISE principal investigator Alfred McEwen explained the image: “Curiosity is progressing from the bright dust-covered area to a region with a darker surface, where saltating sand keeps the surface relatively free of dust. The scenery seen by the rover will be getting more interesting as it progresses toward Mount Sharp.”

See a black and white image below, where you can actually see Curiosity, too:
Read the rest of HiRISE Spots Curiosity Rover and Tracks from Orbit (49 words)

© nancy for Universe Today, 2014. | Permalink | 2 comments |
Post tags: High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), Mars, Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity Rover

Feed enhanced by Better Feed from Ozh

09 Jan 16:36

NBC Picked Up A Pilot From ‘Happy Endings’ Creator David Caspe

by Ashley Burns
Alvaro Freitas

sdds Happy Endings

David Caspe

First the good news: NBC has picked up the pilot for a new comedy from Happy Endings creator David Caspe, according to Deadline. Marry Me, a single-camera sitcom, doesn’t sound like the most original idea in the world, as it is said to be “in the vein of Mad About You” and about a young couple that just got hitched. Because if there’s one thing that we don’t have enough of on television, it’s relationship sitcoms.

But in fairness to everyone involved, including Caspe as the executive producer and writer and Seth Gordon as the director, Happy Endings didn’t have the most original premise either (a group of young friends coping with life and relationships in a big city, oh my!) but Caspe’s clever wit and creativity, as well as one of the most underrated casts, helped create a rabid fan base that still isn’t ready to let Happy Endings go.

Now the bad news: Marry Me still isn’t Happy Endings. But hey, you know what? Let’s have a Happy Endings GIF party anyway!

0 Jumper

Penny, no! I said it’s a GIF party, that means it’s happy!

1 Jane cat

1 Left Hanging

2 Team Friendship


4 Double Snookies

5 Turkey Dance

6 Puppy Party

7 Fire in our pants

8 No ring

9 Sup Suckers

10 Laptop dance

11 Brad spinning

12 Orange juice

13 Ribs

14 Brad and Jane

15 Steak me home

Santa Dance 1

Santa Dance 2

Santa Dance 3

Santa Dance 4

10 It's So Beautiful

(Banner via Getty)

09 Jan 03:10

604 – Me Obrigue.

by gomba

Me Obrigue

Esse título não foi enviado nessa leva, mas eu tava devendo ele.

06 Jan 17:13

Happy new year around the world

by Nathan Yau

Happy new year around the world

New Year's is a worldwide event, but as we know, it doesn't happen simultaneously everywhere. Midnight happens in different time zones and in various languages, so Krist Wongsuphasawat from Twitter visualized the event in an animated interactive, as people tweeted happy new year around the world. Press play and see how it happened.

The best part is that UTC+01:00 area that covers Central Europe and Western Africa. Spikes in 16 languages by my count.