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26 Jan 07:10

sammy-spock-dalek: i-love-art: Sing Fire Like Dragons by Tin...



Sing Fire Like Dragons


Tin Can Forest

They have a tumblr right here! :)

25 Jan 03:31

stupidcoolfinnparty: these two inspire me


these two inspire me

24 Jan 22:44

Water found in Stardust

by René

Wissenschaftler diskutieren schon lange, ob Solarwinde, die Wasserstoff-Ionen ins Weltall pupsen, in Verbindung mit Staubteilchen im All, die Sauerstoff enthalten, Wasser erzeugen könnten. Jetzt hat man genau dieses Sonnenpups-Wasser in Sternenstaub gefunden und das erklärt nicht nur, warum man auf der Oberfläche des Mondes H2O findet, sondern legt auch nahe, dass Wasser und damit das zentrale Element zum Ursprung des Lebens im ganzen Universum zu finden ist. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Leben da draußen hat sich grade von echtsuperultrawahrscheinlich auf echtsuperduperultragigawahrscheinlichdochjawirklich erhöht.

The dust grains that float through our solar system contain tiny pockets of water, which form when they are zapped by a blast of charged wind from the sun. The chemical reaction causing this to happen had previously been mimicked in laboratories, but this is the first time water has been found trapped inside real stardust.

Combined with previous findings of organic compounds in interplanetary dust, the results suggest that these grains contain the basic ingredients needed for life. As similar dust grains are thought to be found in solar systems all over the universe, this bodes well for the existence of life across the cosmos.

Water found in stardust suggests life is universal

23 Jan 19:32


23 Jan 18:28

Photoshop Magic of the Day: Hungarian Music Video Shows the Impact of Photoshop in Realtime

Photo altering tools like Photoshop have had a significant effect on how the world perceives beauty. Hungarian singer Boggie displays the drastic change that shopped videos and images go through with her latest music video that features her appearance being digitally altered from beginning to end.

Submitted by: Unknown

22 Jan 23:02

lalondegnostalgic: seven—drunken—pirates: mazarinedrake: garyk...








5 out of 9 of these things I don’t even care for anyhow

Fuck you guys, flips flogs, jean shorts and shirts with shit on them is my entire wardrobe.

I’m a guy and I HATE flip-flops! I also dislike shorts in general

I do wear a fedora occasionally, but it’s an actual fedora and not a fucking trilby.

and I’m not sure if my mustache counts as ‘little’ or not, since it’s not super thick, but it’s part of an actual full beard. 

You guys are, once again, missing the fucking point.

You know that feeling of outrage you got from reading this? The sense of, “how dare anyone tell me what to wear? I can wear whatever clothes I like.”


So YOU don’t like it when someone says your clothing choices are stupid? Good. STOP SAYING IT TO WOMEN THEN. 

Wow, I never reblog these kinds of things, but… they said the thing. Thank you for saying the thing.

when guys wear anything but fitted suits. terrible, who let you out of the house.

22 Jan 18:43

"This is wrinkling my brain."

"This is wrinkling my brain."

22 Jan 16:23

The Oldest Love Poem. The world’s oldest known love poem....

The Oldest Love Poem.

The world’s oldest known love poem. According to the Sumerian belief, it was a sacred duty for the king to marry every year a priestess instead of Inanna, the goddess of fertility and sexual love, in order to make the soil and women fertile. This poem was most probably written by a bride chosen for Shu-Sin in order to be sung at the New Year festival and it was sung at banquets and festivals accompanied by music and dance.

Its translation:

Bridegroom, dear to my heart,

Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet,

Lion, dear to my heart,

Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.


Bridegroom, let me caress you,

My precious caress is more savory than honey,

In the bedchamber, honey-filled, In the bedchamber, honey-filled,

Let me enjoy your goodly beauty,

Lion, let me caress you,

My precious caress is more savory than honey.

Bridegroom, you have taken your pleasure of me,

Tell my mother, she will give you delicacies,

My father, he will give you gifts.


You, because you love me,

Give me pray of your caresses,

My lord god, my lord protector,

My SHU-SIN, who gladdens ENLIL’s heart,

Give my pray of your caresses. (x)

Courtesy & currently located at the Museum Of The Ancient Orient, Istanbul Archaeology Museums. Photo taken by Yuxuan Wang.

22 Jan 07:41


22 Jan 06:52

klokateercatlady: ishouldvehadtheabortion: Dethklok...



Dethklok Valentines!

I know what I’m givin my pals for valentines :D 

22 Jan 06:49

Female Celebrities and the “Faint Sexual Flame”

by Lisa Wade, PhD

Shared for the phrase, "bland, erotic pudding".

3Thanks to a tip from Jay Livingston, I came across this quote from The Pursuit of  Loneliness by sociologist Philip Slater.  It’s long, but wow:

[I]t can’t be denied that the female ideal in America is nonaggressive and nonthreatening, to the point of caricature.  Take for example the film personality of the much-idolized Marilyn Monroe: docile, accommodating, brainless, defenseless, totally uncentered, incapable of taking up for herself or knowing what she wants or needs. A sexual encounter with such a woman in real life would border on rape – the idea of “consenting adults” wouldn’t even apply.  The term “perversion” seems more appropriate for this kind of yearning than for homosexuality or bestiality, since it isn’t directed toward a complete being.  The Marilyn Monroe image was the ideal sex object for the sexually crippled and anxious male: a bland erotic pudding that would never upset his delicate stomach.

It’s important to realize that this Playboy ideal is a sign of low, rather than high, sexual energy.  It suggests that the sexual flame is so faint and wavering that a whole person would overwhelm and extinguish it.  Only a vapid, compliant ninny-fantasy can keep it alive. It’s designed for men who don’t really like sex but need it for tension-release – men whose libido is wrapped up in achievement or dreams of glory.

Slater wrote this passage in 1970, hence the reference to Marilyn Monroe.  I would have to think hard about whether I think it still applies broadly, but I think it’s fair to say that the “bland erotic pudding” is still part of the repertoire of essentially every female celebrity who is successful in part because of her appearance.  I did a search for some of the most high-profile female actresses and singers today, looking specifically for images that might fit Slater’s description.  I invite your thoughts.


Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

(View original at

22 Jan 06:42

This could be a young wizard from Hogwarts casting a spell to...

This could be a young wizard from Hogwarts casting a spell to summon the Aurora Borealis. Finnish photographer Antti Pietikäinen captured this amazing shot deep in the heart of ‘The Aurora Zone’ in Lapland, Finland.


22 Jan 05:41

Thom Browne Fall 2014 Menswear Collection

by Tom and Lorenzo

Models dressed as tweed hobo animals have a tea party with life-size tea sets, which are also models.

Thom Browne Fall 2014 Menswear Collection         Photo Credit: IMAXtree
22 Jan 04:46

Interview with Conchita Wurst - Austria 2014

by Eurovision Song Contest

AWESOME! Conchita Wurst is representing Austria in Eurovision this year.

Powered by The Austrian public broadcaster ORF has confirmed that Conchita Wurst has been internally chosen to represent the Central...
Views: 45442
757 ratings
Time: 04:30 More in Entertainment
22 Jan 04:39

World of Darkness

by Varg Vikernes

All the usual Vargshare disclaimers: Sharing =\= endorsement, consider the source, this man holds some deeply flawed ideas, etc.

Here we have Varg talking about in influence of RPGs on early black metal. And yes, that's Dungeons and Dragons, not portable Soviet rocket launchers.

FrenchMagyar. Serbian.

The problem with so-called Black Metal is that it is clouded with blatant lies, and so many of these lies don’t even make any sense. So it is hard to understand what Black Metal was, what it was supposed to be and why it turned out the way it did. Most of the veteran people in the scene are either dead, ignorant, permanent drunk and/or retarded, so getting any sensible information out of them is very hard.

Black Metal personified? Or maybe not… 

images (4)

I was there and I know what happened, and why it happened. Most of those who think about it understand that, and I am neither retarded nor permanent drunk, nor dead (yet..), so hardly a week passes by without some journalist, student, film maker or writer sending me an e-mail and requesting my participation in this or that project regarding Black Metal. As you might have understood, judging from just how rarely you see me talking about this anywhere, I turn their offers down. I am sick and tired of this subject and would like it to go away. Forever.

At the same time I guess I should speak about this more than I do, to shed some light on it, and banish the darkness that surrounds this subject. Rather than speak with some person who doesn’t have a clue, and who just want their name in the paper or on some book or DVD cover, and who in the process twists everything even more and gives birth to a dozen more lies and misconceptions, I will speak about this myself – and I do on YouTube.

My movie maker skills are limited, and my oratory skills too, so bear with me, but we can assume (or at least hope) that I will learn as I go.

Join me into a World of Darkness, of recklessness and black humour. Enjoy...



World of Darkness Part I, “The Temple of Elemental Evil”

So as you might have understood Burzum was heavily influenced by RPGs, and I guess in particular Rolemaster and MERP, but also by games like GURPS, RuneQuest, HarnMaster, Call of Cthulu, D&D, AD&D and other games too.

Of the individuals in the metal scene in Norway at the time I was, as far as I know, the only one interested in such games. In fact the others didn’t even understand what they were all about and just referred to them as “Varg’s power games”, because they had this idea that the point with these games was to gain power.

To me RPGs were instrumental in creating the backdrop of Burzum, the concept, the foundation on which I built all the lyrics – and of course they were instrumental in shaping me and my world view too. I grew up with them and spent most of me teenage years playing RPGs, making adventures, reading adventure moduels, reading rulebooks and browsing through different monster manuals and bestiaries. Making music came after that for me, and was less important to me for many years.


Burzum was created as an attempt to make real the magic that our forebears believed in. It was sort of like a sorcerous experiment. Each song was a spell – and each CD a grimoire. The purpose was to make the listener fall asleep, and then in sleep enter a fantasy world, a dream world.

And the experiment didn’t end there: I figured that if many individuals gave a part of their own spiritual energy to these dreams then they would perhaps become real, and gain a life of their own.

This sounds really far out, perhaps, but think about it. When you see something that moves you emotionally, then this something really changes you inside. You become different. Better perhaps. So why would you not become different when music moves you emotionally and perhaps kindles or re-kindles some old entity in your being? Like the Ancient European mindset? Like the Ancient Gods – in you!

So, I though it was cool to make music that way, and make this the concept of Burzum.

Now, to make something new you first have to destroy the old, so Burzum initially created a rather destructive world of darkness, a world that should engulf the others in the scene as well, via Euronymous, the most influential figure in the scene at that time. He came under the spell of Burzum, and the darkness spread out….

And it changed. And via Euronymous it changed the whole scene. Forever.

Part II here.

22 Jan 04:22

Notwehr gegen die NSA?

by René

Strafrechtler Lars Berster schreibt in der Zeit in einem großartigen Artikel auf, dass tätliche Gewalt gegen Einrichtungen der NSA angesichts der massenhaften Verletzung der Grundrechte durch die Notwehr gedeckt sei und warum das Verhalten der Bundesregierung (namentlich Angela Merkel und Ex-Chef des Bundeskanzleramts Ronald Pofalla) zur Auflösung des Gewaltenmonopols des Staates führt.

Ich hatte mit meinem Laienverständnis Notwehr nicht auf dem Schirm, dafür aber Art20§4 des Grundgesetzes: „Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, [die verfassungsmäßige] Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.“

Die Bundesrepublik weigert [die Beendigung der Spitzeleien] unter Verweis auf drohende sicherheits- und wirtschaftspolitische Schäden und beschwichtigt mit dem Hinweis auf laufende Verhandlungen über ein künftiges “No-Spy”-Abkommen. Die Massenbespitzelung läuft weiter.

Da der Abhörposten bewacht wird, weiß B. sich nun nicht mehr anders zu helfen, als von seinem Wohnungsfenster aus mit seinem Jagdgewehr den Starkstromverteiler der Botschaft unter Beschuss zu nehmen und zu zerstören. Der Anschlag gelingt. Hat B. etwas Unrechtes getan? Hat er sich gar strafbar gemacht? Die juristisch nüchterne Antwort lautet: Nein.

Hilft nur noch Notwehr gegen die NSA? (Danke Ole!)

22 Jan 02:48


22 Jan 00:27

seifukucat: googled “dog swearing” and wasn’t disappointed


googled “dog swearing” and wasn’t disappointed

22 Jan 00:08

Think your Internet blows? Try $300 for 3Mbps DSL and a data cap

by Jon Brodkin

via firehose: "Welcome to America"

People in Winthrop, Iowa and several nearby towns are mad about the price of their Internet service, and we can't blame them.

The East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative (EBTC) offers DSL Internet at sub-broadband download speeds for up to $300 a month, and it imposes data caps with overages of $5 per gigabyte. As detailed on the company's website, service starts at $24.95 for 5GB per month and moves up to $44.95 per month for 10GB, $179.95 for 50GB, and $299.95 for 100GB. Regardless of which plan you choose, going over your cap brings a charge of $5 more per gigabyte.

You can see the full price list to the right.

Read 24 remaining paragraphs | Comments

21 Jan 21:51



via firehose

Team dog 4 lyfe


21 Jan 20:05

wow such GIF very doge much looping

by René

Sorry, everyone.

21 Jan 19:45

Dogecoins send Jamaican Bobsled to the Winter Olympics

by René

More on that

Das jamaikanische Bobteam hat sich für die olympischen Spiele qualifiziert und sammelt grade Geld, um dort hinfliegen zu können. Und da sie nicht genug zusammenbekommen haben, gründete man den Jamaican Bobsled Dogecoin Fund, sackte dort bislang 26 Millionen Dogecoins ein, die sie in 35 Bitcoins konvertierten, rund 22.000 Dollar. Die schicken sie nun nach Jamaica. Cnet: Dogecoin raises $30,000 for Jamaican bobsleigh team

21 Jan 19:42

It had to happen.


Sorry, everyone.

It had to happen.

21 Jan 19:30

paint-fanduhms: An apple a day keeps The Doctor away.


An apple a day keeps The Doctor away.

21 Jan 17:16

When people you don’t know very well insist on...

When people you don’t know very well insist on communicating exclusively by phone for every little thing when an email would be faster, more convenient and not put you on the spot all the time.

21 Jan 01:50

Welcome to Lifehacker, After Hours: Time to Turn On Incognito Mode

by Whitson Gordon


Welcome to Lifehacker, After Hours: Time to Turn On Incognito Mode

Here at Lifehacker, we think of ourselves as a home base for the helpful, practical, and productive...and we've never been what you would call "edgy." We've never strayed too far from our more conservative nature. Today, we're changing that.


21 Jan 01:35

achronicmasturbator: I’m going to get an education, mother


Menswear Dog as a child, demonstrating his early penchant for clean lines and a classic fit.


I’m going to get an education, mother

21 Jan 01:21

sofasofia: merrychristo: merrychristo: mom… dad… im batman wait




mom… dad… im batman



21 Jan 01:20



#SoothingT-rex also functions as your personal assistant.

21 Jan 00:56

anarcutethegame: This is pre-alpha footage. It still lacks of...


This is pre-alpha footage. It still lacks of particles and fancy effects but you can see some of the cool features we already have in the game. More to be shown soon :D