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26 Oct 20:56

greencrook: greencrook: My uni students asked me if they had homework for the holidays and I felt...



My uni students asked me if they had homework for the holidays and I felt so bad for them and their tired, dead eyes that I told them to just mail me pics of their favorite pokemons.  

Three students sent me digimons I can’t fucking trust them with anything I give up

26 Oct 09:39


26 Oct 01:46

Isabel Marant x H&M

by Alex

Après avoir pris le temps de réfléchir à la collection Isabel Marant pour H&M

On a conclu qu’il était vraiment indispensable d’aller faire des heures de queue. Le problème de ces collections capsules, c’est que quand on n’a que quelques minutes pour prendre un maximum de choses, on repart souvent avec des pièces qu’on ne mettra jamais (mes acquisitions de la collection Lanvin x H&M portent encore leur étiquette mais plutôt mourir que de m’en séparer. Et je n’ai jamais porté ma pochette candy Margiela).

Donc c’est décidé, cette fois-ci, je m’en tiens à un seul article. Bien sûr, il y a toujours le risque de choisir le même que tout le monde et de se retrouver devant des portants vides… Mais dans mes rêves de shopping, l’article élu sera bien là, dans ma taille, en récompense de ma nouvelle collab-attitude raisonnée.
Petit conseil de collab-shoppeuse avertie : ne pas négliger le vestiaire masculin. On trouve souvent des pièces canon et c’est toujours beaucoup plus calme…

J’ai demandé à tout le monde au studio de choisir sa pièce préférée, donc voici ci-dessous nos coups de coeur !

Tamar : Le pantalon rouge ! En général, je suis assez peu audacieuse dans mes choix de pantalon, mais celui-ci est suffisamment sobre pour que je me sente bien dedans tout en étant original !

Emily : Vu la collection, ce choix n’est-il pas un peu prévisible ? Meuh non. Tant qu’à faire la queue pendant des heures, autant acheter une pièce passe partout que je pourrai porter souvent et longtemps, comme cette veste/blazer. Je me vois bien l’associer à un t-shirt cet automne ou, quand il fera froid, la mettre en mode manteau sur un gros pull douillet.

Christiana : Je veux ce pull. Il est peut-être un peu masculin (oui, c’est bien la collection homme), mais c’est justement la garantie d’une coupe oversize parfaite, non ?

Alex : piocher dans la collection masculine n’est pas tricher ! Ce col roulé frangé frôle la perfection marantissime.

Garance: Je choisirais cette veste, et je la porterais avec tout, tout le temps. Je peux aussi avoir le top en dentelle. Ça irait tellement bien avec !

Qu’est ce vous auriez envie d’acheter ?

26 Oct 00:39

The doorstop always wins

by Minnesotastan

A compilation of puppies battling doorstops.  I also found it interesting that in two instances the doorstops were mounted on the doors rather than on the wall; I wonder if in some situations there is a practical or design advantage to that arrangement?

Via The Dish.
26 Oct 00:35


25 Oct 21:29

thefingerfuckingfemalefury: ohne-dich: Wear...


I still don't know what I think of this season, because it's had some really cringeworthy moments. But I am enjoying the costuming enough to keep watching.



Wear something…black.


25 Oct 21:19



This twitter account has been solid gold lately. Hat tip to Rosalind for pointing it out.

25 Oct 21:19


25 Oct 19:07

reomanet: 15 10 2013 . InAisce Rick Owens Reo Ma Carol...


I'm experimenting with fleecy hood wrap patterns for "go away and leave me alone" fashion this winter. I'm going for this level of face/head coverage.


15 10 2013 .
Rick Owens
Reo Ma
Carol Christian Poell

25 Oct 18:57

October 24, 2013

25 Oct 18:45


25 Oct 18:43



I have found my *punk.

25 Oct 18:43

This is based on a superstition my mom had, she always made sure...

This is based on a superstition my mom had, she always made sure I carried a coin.

I did this comic in 1hr. to challenge myself to make something. Enjoy :)

25 Oct 18:32

3 & 5 are Otis :)

3 & 5 are Otis :)

25 Oct 01:35


25 Oct 01:35


24 Oct 22:24

Baby boomers care about retirement plans while millennials want pet health insurance

by Commentary

I am just one millenial dog person, but my opinion on the pet healthcare and dogs at work instead of profit-sharing is that as long as I have basic security and quality of life, having a lot more money, or simply enough money doesn't make a big difference to me. If I can travel with relative ease, have a safe roof over my head, can go to the doctor when I need to and feel safe doing all those things at my own discretion, I don't need a bunch of extra profit. However, if I can have my dog with me when I do those things, that does actually make a huge difference to my quality of life. It also makes me more willing to work longer hours.

Fighting for Fido.

Differences between generations at work show up in conference rooms, communications styles and job satisfaction levels, as well as the most valued perks.

A new report from PayScale and Millennial Branding turned up many distinctions from levels of stress reported (millennials have the least) to amount of meaning found in their jobs (two-thirds of Boomers report a lot, much more than Gen X or Y). The preferred perks—those most commonly used—also diverged widely:

  • Millennials: bus passes, paid overtime, and pet healthcare plans
  • Generation X: 100% work from home, paid internet access at home, and paid sabbaticals
  • Boomers: defined benefit retirement plans, private medical insurance, and a company car

Millennials must really love their pets because they also listed dogs at work right ahead of a company profit-sharing plan. “Their expectations of jobs are much higher—and they’re not being met,” said Dan Schawbel, founder of Millennial Branding, author of Promote Yourself and co-sponsor of the research.

One area where they all three generations agree:  The top thing they’d like to change about their job is the pay.

Follow Vickie Elmer on Twitter @WorkingKindWe welcome your comments at

24 Oct 20:20

Wrapped Around My Finger

by Radhika Seth

The Zero is yet another bottle packaging design that looks at extracting the very last drop of its contents. We saw a similar toothpaste design that used centrifugal force to drive all the toothpaste towards the mouth. The question here is, does this concept work or should designers put back their thinking caps and come up with something different? What do you say?

Designer: Yongwoo Shim

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Wrapped Around My Finger was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Sometimes Using The Finger Is Better
  2. Keep on Finger Snippin
  3. Finger Fatigue No More


24 Oct 20:12

helpusgreatwarrior: What do you look for in a man? Thanks to...


What do you look for in a man?

Thanks to everyone who tuned in to the livestream! 

24 Oct 20:02

Wide Angle Craft & Fashion: Slow Fashion

by Rachel


Above: Dress patterns hanging next to vintage deadstock fabric @ MagBig Boutique in Portland, OR

Slow Fashion

Have you heard of the Slow Food Movement? It encourages us to learn the connection between the food we eat and the farms where it is grown.

Slow Fashion is the same concept, but for clothes and the factories they are made in.

What is the main idea? Before you support the garment industry, think about what portion of the industry your money will be supporting.

For example: If you know a big-box-store’s garments came from a factory in Bangladesh, were people endanger their lives working in atrocious conditions to make almost no money, you probably won’t buy that item of clothing.

How do you know what clothes to buy? The easiest way I’ve found to avoid giving money to the wrong clothing company is to buy local or handmade. (If you have other tips, please share!)


I learned about Slow Fashion while working at a Portland retail shop called MagBig. They named themselves “A Makers Department Store,” exclusively selling local artists and designers. Their goal is to foster small, sustainable local clothing production.


They’ve branched out to include some other locally made products, too. I love their vintage oven display!

Their list of contributing designers is quite lengthy. It reminds me that no one needs to go far to find great fashion.

One of my favorites is Sweet Cycle Apparel: a sustainable, small batch label that is handmade in Oregon. Check out their Company Values page for a more in-depth definition of Slow Fashion, and links to other resources.

colette-company-field-trip-sauvie-island01I was actually repping a Sweet Cycle Slow Your Fashion tee in our company field trip photos! I have had some fantastic conversations with people while wearing this shirt. I don’t mind encouraging anyone to buy one if they’re interested in advocating for Slow Fashion.


Another great local line is Make It Good. A small team of 7, they are dedicated to remaining a Portland company. They purchase organic cotton directly from their fabric miller, Ira, who lives in southern California. The team cuts that fabric, prints their own designs on every cut piece, then sews the garments by hand. Wow!


And of course, MagBig has their own houseline. Their Heirloom Collection is made from vintage deadstock fabric. Their new line is made from larger bolts of salvaged fabric, including the black and white “pizza print” shown above.


Here is shop owner, Cassie Ridgeway, laying out four layers of vintage rayon fabric.


They just acquired this electric rotary cutter, which is pretty fancy.

I hope that showing you these photos of small scale production inspires you to support local designers. I always feel a special connection to Portland when I wear clothes that were produced in the small attics and studio spaces around town.


  • War on WantAn inspiring campaign that brings groups together, focusing on helping those who are marginalized by globalization – i.e. factory and sweatshop workers.
  • Social Media: Search #LoveFashionHateSweatshops on Twitter to discover fast fashion protests.
  • Sweet Cycle’s list of ways to learn more about supporting Slow Fashion.
  • Zady: A retailer of companies that care about timeless style and solid construction.

This is part 2 of a 3 part series about the craft and fashion activist movements I’ve discovered. Read part 1: Craftivism.

24 Oct 17:36

Touché of the Day: What Happens When Sound Engineers Don't Get Paid



The metalcore band Altidudes learns an important lesson about music business ethics the hard way after refusing to pay their sound engineer, who decided to mix one of their songs into a hardcore EDM fusion track and share it with the world.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Reddit)

Tagged: hardcore , Music , EDM , funny
24 Oct 10:18

lamorbidezza: Chanel Pre-Fall 2009 Details


I'm always on the verge of unsubscribing from Creepyyeha and then something amazing like this gets posted.


Chanel Pre-Fall 2009 Details

24 Oct 06:09


24 Oct 00:03

99 Problems

by (Joanne Casey)
23 Oct 23:22

Nontransitive Dice

by Greg Ross

Label the faces of a fair set of dice with these numbers:

Die A: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6
Die B: 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5
Die C: 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

This gives them a curious property. In the long run Die A will tend to beat Die B, Die B will tend to beat Die C, and Die C will tend to beat Die A. The three dice form a ring in which each die beats its successor. No matter which die our opponent chooses, we can select another that is likely to beat it.

Business magnate Warren Buffet once challenged Bill Gates to such a game using four nontransitive dice. “Buffett suggested that each of them choose one of the dice, then discard the other two,” wrote Janet Lowe in her 1998 book Bill Gates Speaks. “They would bet on who would roll the highest number most often. Buffett offered to let Gates pick his die first. This suggestion instantly aroused Gates’s curiosity. He asked to examine the dice.”

“It wasn’t immediately evident that because of the clever selection of numbers for the dice, they were nontransitive,” Gates said. “Assuming the dice were rerolled, each of the four dice could be beaten by one of the others.” He invited Buffett to choose first.

23 Oct 23:18

79 Common Mispronunciations

by (Joanne Casey)

23 Oct 18:58

Meadham Kirchhoff RTW Spring 2014


Cool looking, but does not appear to have been made very practically.

23 Oct 18:22

Retractable Earphones

by Radhika Seth

I don't think this design is all that great, but as a concept, I'm into it.

Ice or Integrated Case Earphone is a retractable set of earphones that are built into the phone case. You simple tug at the earphones to extend the cord and then give them a slight pull, to retract. Essentially the design takes care of your wires and tangles mess; eliminating the need to wind them up or storing them separately. Love the idea, now only if someone will make it!

Designer: Yuljae Lee

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Retractable Earphones was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Super Flat and Retractable Cord
  2. Clothing Iron with Retractable Heat
  3. Earphones Tangled No More


23 Oct 18:11

Meanwhile, in Italy.

Meanwhile, in Italy.

23 Oct 18:10

Ovate :: Scythe

by Samantha