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19 Apr 03:56


19 Apr 03:47

Man Deletes Entire Company with One Line of Code

by (Brooke Binkowski)
The hoax was a viral marketing scheme intended to direct traffic to his server management company.
18 Apr 18:06

Homeland Security urges you to uninstall QuickTime on Windows

Homeland Security urges you to uninstall QuickTime on Windows:

If you have QuickTime on your Windows machine, get rid of it now.

15 Apr 23:42

Watch an 18-rotor electric helicopter take its first manned flight

by Jon Fingas
E-Volo has been talking about the prospect of using many-rotor electric helicopters (aka multicopters) as semi-affordable personal transport for years, and it now looks like this isn't just a far-fetched dream. The company recently completed the fir...
15 Apr 23:35

Solar cell generates power from raindrops

by Jon Fingas
Rain is normally a solar energy cell's worst nightmare, but a team of Chinese scientists could make it a tremendous ally. They've developed a solar cell with an atom-thick graphene layer that harvests energy from raindrops, making it useful even on...
15 Apr 23:34

Fitbit data led doctors to shock a patient's heart

by Steve Dent
Doctor's made a decision to shock a man's heart back to rhythm based on his Fitbit data, showing that such devices can do far more than just track your exercise. The 42-year old patient arrive at an ER in Camden, New Jersey with an atrial fibrillati...
15 Apr 23:29

Climate change is now affecting how the Earth moves

by Daniel Cooper
Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have found that climate change is now affecting the way that the Earth moves. The team found that, as the last century has progressed, the "wobble" that our planet makes as it travels has shifted. A hun...
15 Apr 23:17

'Ghost in the Shell' VR movie won't reach your phone

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs


We have bad news if you were hoping to live out your anime dreams and watch a Ghost in the Shell VR movie on your phone: it's not going to happen. Production IG has revealed that Virtual Reality Diver will only be shown in 31 internet cafés ac...
15 Apr 23:14

Porn site bans all North Carolina users over anti-LGBT law

by Mat Smith
Since Monday, porn site has refused access to any user with a North Carolina IP address. The site says the block will stay in place until the state repeals House Bill 2, which prevents cities and counties passing rules that protect LGBT...
15 Apr 23:12

"Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s..."

“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”

- Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (15 Apr 1920-2012)
15 Apr 22:55

New York bill would have police scan your phone after a crash

by Jon Fingas
Cooper Griggs

whaaaa??? No.

It may be relatively difficult for police to catch people texting while driving, but one proposed New York law would make it near-impossible to avoid detection if that distraction leads to a crash. A new state Senate bill would let police submit you...
15 Apr 22:54

Tesla's Model S gets a fresh look and faster charging

by Matt Brian
While Tesla's upcoming Model 3 has dominated headlines in recent weeks, the company isn't neglecting the vehicle that has helped make an affordable option possible: the Model S. Addressing rumors that the luxury electric sedan would soon get a welcom...
15 Apr 22:42

Smart purifier tells you what's in the air

by Jon Fingas
With certain exceptions, air purifiers aren't especially smart or powerful. They'll remove some of the nastiness, but it's anyone's guess as to how much there actually is. Sprimo thinks it can change that: it's crowdfunding a purifier that's not on...
15 Apr 22:06

Stitch circuitry into your shirt for a better cell signal

by David Lumb
Wearables are getting slimmer, but they're still oblong lumps worn over normal outfits. That's not enough for some tinkerers who are trying to make clothes themselves part of the computing (see: Drum Pants). Now, Ohio State University researchers are...
15 Apr 22:04

Homeland Security urges you to uninstall QuickTime on Windows

by Mariella Moon
The Department of Homeland Security is echoing Trend Micro's advice to uninstall QuickTime if you have it on your Windows computer. While the multimedia program's working just fine, the security firm has discovered two new critical vulnerabilities lu...
15 Apr 22:02

UC Davis tries to erase references to pepper spray incident

by Mariella Moon
When you try to suppress or scrub information that's already out there, it tends to have the opposite effect. Barbra Streisand and Beyonce learned that the hard way, and now you can add the University of California, Davis to that list. According to t...
15 Apr 21:59

Man erases thousands of websites with a bad command

by Steve Dent
As one business owner showed, things can go spectacularly wrong when you don't backup properly. User "bleemboy," who runs a site-hosting business with 1,535 customers (!), wrote to a server forum saying he was using a bash script command to erase som...
15 Apr 21:50

Tesla Model S Ludicrous Mode: Brits react

by Matt Brian
If you put down big money for a Tesla Model S, one of the features you'll never get bored of is Ludicrous Mode. All it requires is a single press on the car's 17-inch touchscreen and the car gains the ability to go from a standing start to 60MPH in...
15 Apr 21:40

Apple's recycling efforts are saving it a fortune

by Daniel Cooper
Apple's agenda to be more kind to the planet isn't just about getting Friends of the Earth off its back, it's also about saving bucketloads of cash. The company published its environmental responsibility report for last year that reveals that recover...
15 Apr 21:33

Tesla coil zaps nanotubes into a self-assembling circuit

by David Lumb
Carbon nanotubes have gotten fanfare for rebooting Moore's Law and possibly powering the next generation of space probes, but that's not all the versatile material can do. How about shocking nanotubes with an electricity gun until they line up into n...
15 Apr 21:01

Orion in Red and Blue

When did Orion become so flashy? When did Orion become so flashy?

15 Apr 20:55

'Snowboarder Girl' Chased by Bear

by ()
15 Apr 20:48

Disabled Borrowers May Have Student Loans Forgiven

by ()
Cooper Griggs

There's a good start.

Hundreds of thousands of borrowers who are permanently disabled could have an estimated $7.7 billion in student loans forgiven.
15 Apr 20:47

Tickling Is Torture

by ()
Cooper Griggs

huh. bummer.

The slow loris has become a popular YouTube star, but experts claim that videos featuring them depict a form of torture.
15 Apr 20:45

Entire Goldman Sachs Executive Board Arrested by FBI

by ()
Cooper Griggs

Thought they should have been. And many others.

Fake news reports that the whole Goldman Sachs board was arrested by the FBI for defrauding millions of people and causing the 2008 financial collapse.
15 Apr 20:35

"The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play."

“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”

- Arnold J. Toynbee, historian (14 Apr 1889-1975) 
15 Apr 20:35

Shooting (past) the Moon #iAlmostUsedTheMoonFilter (at Baldwin...

Shooting (past) the Moon
#iAlmostUsedTheMoonFilter (at Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook)

15 Apr 20:35

Architecture Porn #datCurveThough #washingtondc #museum #theMall...

Architecture Porn
#datCurveThough #washingtondc #museum #theMall (at National Museum Of The Native American)

15 Apr 20:34

Senate to Americans: Your security is not our problem

by Violet Blue
The Senate Intelligence Committee just released a draft of long-awaited legislation to tackle the problem authorities have with encrypted communications. Namely, because encryption is so secure, it interferes with court orders in the same way private...
15 Apr 20:14

"Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s..."

“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”

- Thomas Szasz