Shared posts

18 Sep 20:06

Happy Saturday, interwebs.

Happy Saturday, interwebs.

18 Sep 20:02

sofapizza: your sheep looks concerned


your sheep looks concerned

18 Sep 20:01

This Ought to be the Protest of Our Time

18 Sep 20:00


18 Sep 19:58

Pun Dog #14 (previously)

Pun Dog #14 (previously)

18 Sep 19:58


18 Sep 19:58



18 Sep 19:50


18 Sep 19:47


18 Sep 19:46


by abbyinamerica

18 Sep 19:46


18 Sep 19:31


18 Sep 19:30

sogaysoalive: I can never stop laughing at this


I can never stop laughing at this

18 Sep 19:29

satdeshret: cannibalcoalition: meenmeen: cinoh: House in...

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by

House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | Posted by





House in Balsthal by Pascal Flammer | via

Pascal Flammer created this timber house in Balsthal. There are two principal floors; one set 75 cm below the earth, one 1.50 m above. The ground floor consists of one single family room with a noticeably low horizontal ceiling. In this space there is a physical connection with the nature outside the continuous windows.

The space above is the inverse. This floor is divided into four equal rooms with 6m high ceilings. The height defines the space. Large windows open to composed views of the wheat field. Whereas the ground floor is about connecting with the visceral nature of the context, the floor above is about observing nature – a more distant and cerebral activity.


I would walk naked in front of all those windows. 

I want this house

18 Sep 19:20

Fortune cookie

18 Sep 18:57



18 Sep 18:57


18 Sep 18:47

takealookatyourlife: This is hilarious in the darkest way...


This is hilarious in the darkest way because this tree is holding the dead corpse of one of the other trees

18 Sep 18:46

Dog rally crash Yup. I love you internet!

Dog rally crash

Yup. I love you internet!

18 Sep 00:23


18 Sep 00:22

fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap [via]



17 Sep 23:57

Race distributions of police departments versus residents

by Nathan Yau

Race Gap in Police Departments by NYT

When you compare distributions of race for police departments and for the residents of the area they serve, you find disparity in many metropolitan areas. Jeremy Ashkenas and Haeyoun Park for the New York Times report, focusing on the higher percentage of white police officers.

Stacked bars show race distributions for residents (top) and the respective police department (bottom) for selected cities. A map for each area shows bubbles colored by amount of gap and sized by number of police officers. The darker the shade of green, the bigger the gap, so you see mostly green maps.

Tags: comparison, New York Times, police, race

17 Sep 23:37

Keeping the systems running

by sharhalakis

by Frank

17 Sep 23:36

Video: NFL Players Read Mean Tweets About Themselves

17 Sep 23:35

darksilenceinsuburbia: Villa...


Villa Vals

Architects CMA and SeARCH were focusing on the question if it would be possible to conceal a house in an Alpine slope while still exploiting the wonderful views and allowing light to enter the building when planing the Villa Vals. They decided to build a central patio into the steep incline to create a large facade with considerable potential for window openings. The viewing angle from the building is slightly inclined, giving a dramatic view of the beautiful mountains on the opposite side of the narrow valley.

All images © Iwan Baan

17 Sep 23:34


17 Sep 23:33

4nimalparty: - (by Luc Rousseau)

17 Sep 23:33

Panorama Photos Gone Wrong [via]Previously: Animal Photobombs

Panorama Photos Gone Wrong [via]

Previously: Animal Photobombs

17 Sep 23:32

aros: Nature-inspired details shaping 65BTP-House in Singapore

17 Sep 23:22

hanwearspants: ventriloquisthief: slowking-s-thompson: boyexem...






Ka-Pow: Watch These Fish Cannons Shoot Salmon Safely Over Dams

Salmon have serious swimming skills—some travel thousands of miles to return to their original homes to breed. But even though they can jump as high as 12 feet in the air, they can’t manage to get over massive concrete dams that we have built to block their journeys back to their homes. Now one new idea could give them a boost. The plan involves whisking the fish through a long vacuum tube at speeds up to 22 miles per hour and then shooting them out the other end like a cannon.

Read More>

fuck we’ve made this planet weird

fuck yeah salmon cannons

I expect someone to make a weapon out of this someday. Just wait.

thanks for all the fish