Shared posts

10 Jun 18:49

When someone is chipper at the office on a Monday

10 Jun 18:48

When I order something online but it won't get here for a few days

07 Jun 17:00

Important Chicken Update

by S. Weasel
Sarah Jamison



Brought home the new chooks this afternoon. The little black one is about five weeks, the little two-tone is about seven weeks. We can’t be more precise. Because our chicken lady is a bing-bong, is why. They’re getting along fine, though, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

No names yet. We’re thinking of calling the piebald one Magpie, Maggie for short. The little black one we’re trying very hard not to call Shaniqua or Towanda. Because people ask, and then we have to tell them.

And now begins the long, slow process of integrating them into the flock.

In related news, I bought a new high-powered squirt gun today.

07 Jun 16:59

Generation X Aptitude Test

by (Vox)
Khyron creates the GXAT:

1. Do you want to change the world?

A. Yes, and I’m proud to say we did it, man. We changed the world. Just look around you!

B. Yes, absolutely, and I promise I will get back to doing that just as soon as interest rates return to where they’re supposed to be.

C. Omigod, omigod, changing the world and helping people is, like, totally important to me! I worked in a soup kitchen once and it was so sad but the poor people there had so much dignity!

D. That question is so stupid and absurd that there is obviously no reason to continue this pointless exercise.

If you answered D, you are Generation X.   Thus endeth the GXAT.

Posted by Vox Day.
06 Jun 16:43

lucaslascivious: Martha Stewart having a Taco Bell bean burrito...


Martha Stewart having a Taco Bell bean burrito and drinking a 40, NBD

31 May 21:05

Who the fuck arms a chicken?

Who the fuck arms a chicken?

29 May 15:08

Whenever math is involved

29 May 15:08


29 May 15:07


29 May 15:05

Me before I've had my coffee

Sarah Jamison



29 May 14:46

nsfwhumor: [via]

Sarah Jamison

Y'all remind me to tell you the story of the woman I work with who not only didn't know who Snape was but was all, "That's a dude?!"

28 May 16:43

caitlincato: djlegz: I don’t like sports, but the Bearcats are...



I don’t like sports, but the Bearcats are my new favorite team.

This guy is perfect.

28 May 16:13

When someone asks me how much of my day is spent actually working


24 May 19:20


21 May 17:04

A Fact of Life

by Miss Cellania


This graph makes a lot of sense. You can spot the exact point in which puberty begins. This graph was created in a hurry by redditor rstarr13. The age axis is a little wonky, but in reality, the first ten years of your life take up a lot more brain space than the last several decades. Link -via Pleated Jeans

21 May 16:56

Data Trains His Cat

21 May 16:55

(via Colonel Meow)

(via Colonel Meow)

20 May 15:22


20 May 15:10

A Domino Chain Made of Dominoes... Wait, What?

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: Dominoes , yo dawg , funny , Video , g rated , win
20 May 15:03

joala: IM CRYING



19 May 01:58

Three hens, one nest

by S. Weasel
Sarah Jamison

chicken update!

I did a political ‘Shop tonight, but it sucked, so please enjoy some chicken porn instead.

Yes, there is another, empty nest box right next to this one. Chickens don’t care. They’re natural conservatives. (That’s poor Vita top left, with only her tail showing. The rest of her is buried somewhere under the other two pushy old birds).

I had another talk with a local chook breeder today. She’s had a good hatching this time. Possibilities we would be interested in include black, chocolate and lemon (my, that sounds delicious). It’ll be another month before they’re old enough to tell the girls from the boys and take them out from under the heat lamps. That’s the earliest we can bring a couple home.

Oooo, the anticipation…

16 May 16:16

I’m just reading up on… artillery.

I’m just reading up on… artillery.

15 May 20:53

Questions for the woman jogging with a party-hat-wearing dog

Was is the dog's birthday or was this commemorating another occasion?
How did you manage to keep the dog's hat on its head?
How could you just keep running without looking around to enjoy everyone's reaction, as if it was not a big deal?

Follow Claire Zulkey @Zulkey

15 May 19:10

pleatedjeans: this will be the best 5 seconds of your day....


this will be the best 5 seconds of your day. [jerome]

15 May 19:07

When your friends start picking up phrases that you use all the time

14 May 18:00


14 May 15:13

malformalady: In late summer the area between Kluane Lake and...


In late summer the area between Kluane Lake and Haines Junction, Yukon, commonly produces stacked lenticular clouds. Lenticular clouds, technically known as altocumulus standing lenticularis, are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, normally aligned at right-angles to the wind direction.

Photo credit: David Cartier

14 May 14:36

When I try to inspire people



13 May 21:37

Vintage Bullshit

Vintage Bullshit

13 May 21:12

Bath Salts In The Days Before Face-Eating

Bath Salts In The Days Before Face-Eating
A tweet:

As far as I know, no one has answered for all the vanished 1970s moms who Calgon "took away."