Shared posts

13 May 20:46


13 May 20:46

(via thefrogman)

(via thefrogman)

13 May 20:45

I love this show.

I love this show.

10 May 15:52

(via onlylolgifs)

(via onlylolgifs)

10 May 15:42

Five simple fucking ingredients in this bitch right here. This...

Five simple fucking ingredients in this bitch right here. This is some good shit to make when you are feeling bougie as fuck. High-fructose corn syrup? Naw son, I don’t play that. Hit this with some vodka though, different story. Max relax.


5 cups of water

1/2 -3/4 cup sugar (yeah, it is fucking lemonade. without the sugar it is just real sour fucking water)

 3/4 cup Meyer lemon juice, about 6 lemons ​(you can just use the regular lemons at the store too, not a dealbreaker)

juice of half a lime​

4 sprigs of fresh lavender​

Bring the water to a boil in a medium pot. Add the sugar and simmer that shit on a low heat for about 5 minutes. Make sure to stir it on the regular. The sugar should be all dissolved in the water by now with no little fucking grains rolling around in there. Turn off the heat and stir in the lemon juice, lime juice, and lavender. Let it cool until it is around room temperature. Take the lavender pieces out but use a fucking spoon and not your fingers if you are going to serve that shit to other people. Put the lemonade in the fridge to cool down all the way. Serve with lemon wedges and a pinch of dried lavender if you want it to look fucking impressive.

makes about 1 quart of chill the fuck out



09 May 16:02

Most Lethal Tweet of the Year

by gerardvanderleun
Sarah Jamison

This might be the burniest burn that ever burned.

Iowahawk leaving an indelible mark on his latest victim:


09 May 15:50

The Rose: The spinning vortex of Saturn’s north polar...

The Rose: The spinning vortex of Saturn’s north polar storm resembles a deep red rose of giant proportions surrounded by green foliage in this false-color image from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. Measurements have sized the eye at a staggering 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) across with cloud speeds as fast as 330 miles per hour (150 meters per second). (via NASA - The Rose)

07 May 21:44


06 May 15:05


Sarah Jamison


06 May 15:04


03 May 16:35

Thanks to reader @treyformidable for creating this beautiful art...

by chozzles

Thanks to reader @treyformidable for creating this beautiful art piece for us! We have the best readers! TAKE THAT, GQ.COM!!!

03 May 14:51


03 May 14:40

ryannorth: So far I have been gifted with TWO amazing TNG...


So far I have been gifted with TWO amazing TNG reaction gifs while talking with @johnmartz and life has never been sweeter

02 May 21:25

The confidence of TWO.

by (Margaret)
Sarah Jamison

"I wonder how many good things are going to happen before bed today? I bet at least one hundred."

02 May 21:16

Day Jobs of the Poets

by Grant

This comic is factual, but it requires a couple clarifications: Wallace Stevens was an executive at an insurance company, not your average insurance salesman. And there's no evidence that Emily Dickinson liked cats, but her sister Lavinia was cat-obsessed. So Emily must have been forced to cat-sit occasionally.

You can order a poster here.
01 May 19:14

chimpanzeejim: so my parents were gone for 2 days and I switched most of our family photos with...


so my parents were gone for 2 days and I switched most of our family photos with pictures of steve buscemi…image




01 May 18:25

niallers-potatoes: pwnyzgonnapwn: lolsofunny: m-a-d-h-a-u-s: ...






I think you mean cananabananailism

30 Apr 17:56

understandablydumb: the guy on the radio just said “gas prices aren’t so bad if you consider you’re...


the guy on the radio just said “gas prices aren’t so bad if you consider you’re really buying liquid explosive dinosaurs” and my perspective on life is forever changed

30 Apr 17:55


30 Apr 15:03

Kirby Krackle and Weird Al at the Calgary Expo

by megan
Sarah Jamison

Behind the scenes before a Weird Al show!

We got back from the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo yesterday and I’m all jittery with leftover excitement. I’d gone primarily to see Kirby Krackle (for those just tuning in my husband Scott plays bass in the band) when they opened for Weird Al. Look, I tried to play it cool but this was a big, exciting, “if only I could tell my 15-year-old self” type deal. And it was indeed amazing and fun and I’m so grateful I got to be there for it.

After we arrived in Calgary I was given I Guest Pass to the expo and a Backstage Pass to the concert, neither of which I was expecting. I resisted my urge to jump around and squeal.

The band got a peek at the arena the day before when things were still be setting up. Three thousand some seats. No pressure.

The afternoon of the show was load in, including piles of rented equipment. The behind the scenes halls of convention centers are very sexy, as you can see.

The theater was more dramatically lit than the day before.

Weird Al’s equipment had already been set up and I fell in love with this drum. Hello cutie.

First Weird Al’s band did a quick monitor level check, along with dramatic lighting. Either they have a band member that does a really great Weird Al singing imitation or they have a Weird Al voice modulator (for harmonies?) but at some point a Weird Al sounding voice (not a recording) was tested and I wanna know how they did it.

Next came Kirby Krackle’s sound check, still with some dramatic lighting. They had smoke machines running before we arrived and I tried to get video of how cool it looked being pumped into such a huge room while they ran through various lighting cues but I completely failed.

During sound check they went through and set the sound level for each band member’s instrument and microphone. During Scott’s turn Weird Al came over to greet the band. (You can see his elbow in the photo above, just behind Scott’s knee. I promise!) So Scott didn’t get to say hello, which was a bummer. I was on the wrong side of the stage to grab a good photo of the moment. But we hear from close and trusted sources that he was a nice guy.

My husband wielding his huge instrument. Hey there.

We did a panorama of the theater with Kyle and Scott appearing at both ends. It’s possibly funnier when you’re scrolling the picture on the iPhone.

The band’s green room was really posh. Ok, not really. It was the locker room for a hockey team. The away team. It smelled like the inside of rental hockey skates and was all cement and wooden benches. It was awesome, actually, because the band ran through an acoustic version of Grandma’s House and really made the echo-y surfaces work.

I make fun but I should also say that the expo took really great care. There was nothing that wasn’t provided backstage (including private space) and everybody was professional and great at their jobs and happy. Calgary you’re great.

I attempted to keep a low profile while blatantly abusing my backstage privileges. Behind the stage was a curtained off area that contained piles of costume changes and from the right angle you could spy Weird Al’s jacket for Eat It! I wonder how many versions of this have been made over the years? Or is this the same one? Is it real leather? Pleather? I was too timid to run up the ramp and touch it. Also, I’m very certain that I would have been stopped and then kicked out. Maybe.

This was innocently sitting stage right. I walked past it a dozen times before I realized that oh my god this is Weird Al Yankovic’s accordion!!! I wish there was some haze-and-halo filter I could have put on this photo. I didn’t touch the accordion. I should have. Just to say I did. Also because nobody was looking and I totally could have gotten away with it. (“I touched Weird Al’s accordion” sounds misleading though, no? Funny, yes.)

Kirby Krackle took the stage to a swell of cheering. Which was amazing and made me smile. I have shaky video of the moment that contains a loud off camera “thank you” (from a volunteer photographer that I’d just helped sorta kinda sneak into a semi-backstage photo vantage point) and a whispered “you’re welcome” as the camera wobbles. I regret nothing but maybe it’s time to invest in a good video recorder and some big headphones?

(Photo taken while sitting slightly backstage, the screens were projected from behind so I could see a clear but mirrored image.)

On either side of the stage were big screens that showed the live footage as it aired by You can (for free!) view the entire Kirby Krackle performance. I am listening to the show while I type this. It sounded better in person, but then again it’s hard to capture the awesome. Right around 17:35 I believe you can catch a glimpse of Kyle’s younger brother sneaking onto stage to capture iPhone video from behind the drums.

At a few points Kyle (the bright blur in the middle of the photo) jumped down off stage to run through the seats. The first time he did it he nearly gave me a fit because I thought he was going to jump all the way down. Happily he knew better than I and used a row of big speakers as a giant step. I heard later that Kyle had been caught examining his route down during sound check and had been given a stern “no” by a stage manager. Rule breaker!

The lighting and sound guys were quick. During Ring Capacity they threw up green lights.

Shortly after I took this photo the band ended their set and as I was turning back a guy (who had no idea I was connected to the band) bounded past and said to me “that was great!” Indeed it was, mystery man.


We watched most of the Weird Al concert from the arena seats that were behind the big screens. We’d situated ourselves in the shadows far back from the stage and early on a manager came over and indicated that we all needed to move closer to the stage. Turns out during Weird Al’s show all of the band members have a costume change for each song (the time is covered by Al TV clips, which are hilarious). From where we were sitting we possibly could have seen rushed clothing changes. They were a very good looking band but, yeah, I would have made sure we all moved too.

I live in Seattle so I had to include this picture of the wig that Weird Al wears during Smells Like Nirvana, his drummer was wears a wig of amazing dreadlocks. I’d seen the girls with pom-poms who are onstage during this song practicing backstage, they had a room with a window and as I passed by I thought one was waving frantically so I glanced over. It was awkward. I hope they don’t think I was peeking. Oops. In any case, Scott and I later saw them doing a full cheerleaders-with-pom-poms rehearsal in the hallway. I think they were dancers hired just for that show and if so they learned the routine the few hours before they went on. Bravo gals!

Rock stars.

30 Apr 14:34


30 Apr 14:32

The Problem With Bread

by Doc


Here’s today’s Dilbert. Do you know someone with this problem?

Earlier about weight issues

The post The Problem With Bread appeared first on

29 Apr 20:20


29 Apr 20:19

At a French press conference for Iron Man 3, Gwenyth Paltrow...

At a French press conference for Iron Man 3, Gwenyth Paltrow responds in French and Robert Downey Jr. responds to her.

I love this guy so much.

29 Apr 20:15

Whip It

by Mr. Grouchypants

I sometimes get the feeling that it is far too late to whip it at all, much less to whip it good.

29 Apr 20:06

Jenny McCarthy And Andrew Wakefield Kill Another Baby

Jenny McCarthy And Andrew Wakefield Kill Another Baby
First fatal case of pertussis (whooping cough) in decades in Orange County, Florida. Story from WFTV:

Whooping cough, also called pertussis, and other diseases are making comebacks, because so many parents are deciding not to vaccinate their kids.

"It's really unfortunate. We're saddened to hear that an infant died of something like this," said Dain Weister with the Florida Department of Health in Orange County.

Officials said the family chose not to vaccinate their child. Some parents are choosing not to fully vaccinate their children because they worry there is a link between the vaccinations and autism.

"A lot of people may not know (that) even the person who did that study admitted that study was flawed," Weister said.

Health officials said that has caused vaccinations to drop and the number of cases of measles, pertussis and other preventable diseases to go up.

via @radleybalko

29 Apr 19:52

(via petapeta:via)

(via petapeta:via)

29 Apr 19:04

onlylolgifs: How to make kitten burrito


How to make kitten burrito

29 Apr 17:03

OCC Makeup Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duos featuring Willam, Detox, and Vicky Vox

by Christine
Sarah Jamison


OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

Celebrity drag queens Willam, Detox and Vicky Vox become the first faces of Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics. These drag queens are amongst Hollywood’s most famous and can be seen on RuPaul’s Drag Race, Rihanna’s music videos, Nip/Tuck, American Wedding (to name a few) and now on to the packages of Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics.

Making their debut on May 7th, 2013 you can find this dynamic trio wearing their favorite matching Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tars and Nail Lacquers in a collection exclusive to and select Sephora stores. The celebrity drag queen collection of Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo Packs will each come with a mini Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Brush and an inserted card that Willam, Detox and Vicky Vox can be seen on.

This makeup-loving trio is a natural choice to sport Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics long-lasting Lip Tar, which goes on slick and moist but dries down to a satin finish and densely pigmented Nail Lacquer. Celebrity drag queen Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo Packs will be offered in Anime, Black Dahlia, and Kava Kava at a special price of $22.50 each.

Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo ($22.50) (Limited Edition)

  • ANIME (Featuring WILLAM) – Bright Neon Pink Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer
  • BLACK DAHLIA (Featuring DETOX) – Super Blackened Red Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer
  • KAVA KAVA (Featuring VICKY VOX) – Neutral Peach Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer
  • NSFW (Featuring WILLAM) – True Balanced Red Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer
  • STRUMPET (Featuring DETOX) Deep Purpled Burgundy Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer
  • GRANDMA (Featuring VICKY VOX) Clean, Classic Coral Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer

Availability: May 7th online @ Sephora and select Sephora stores

See more photos!

OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo
OCC Lip Tar & Nail Lacquer Duo

26 Apr 19:38

It's Always an Adventure

It's Always an Adventure

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dogs , car , road trips , Cats