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22 Oct 15:22

Alamo Drafthouse's Tim League Defends Both Digital & 35mm Cinema

by Alex Billington

Alamo Drafthouse knows whats up

Alamo Drafthouse

We're only a few weeks away from the release of Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, which will be opening four days early in film only (35mm/70mm projection). The announcement caused quite a stir in the cinema community, as the response from some movie theater chains was not unexpected. Many of them got upset, many of them were pissed off that they weren't a part of this deal, the big reason being that they just gave up their 35mm projectors to transform to digital and now they're missing out on some of the best money of the year. So they blame the studios, and the filmmakers, but never themselves. In response to all of this, Alamo Drafthouse CEO Tim League (who owns a handful of theaters himself) wrote a passionate essay/response and published it on Deadline. It's brilliant, it gets everything right, and at the end of it all, it's inspiring too. ›››

Continue reading Alamo Drafthouse's Tim League Defends Both Digital & 35mm Cinema

17 Oct 22:54

Is this new POODLE thing scary?


It really was a lot of hype and not really anything to talk about...but of course I am still stuck late tonight patching for it.

by a non moose

15 Oct 17:23

Frontier jet that carried Ebola patient made five more flights

by Hugo Martin

judging by Frontier airlines cheapness and sketch factor I imagine all they did was spray febreeze on it 5 minutes before loading more people.

The Frontier Airlines jet that carried a Dallas healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola made five additional flights after her trip before it was taken out of service, according to a flight-monitoring website.
14 Oct 01:21

The Dunning-Kruger Peak of Photography

by Michael Zhang

this is applicable to like every skill. It was always a little humorous in college to see the new film majors that thought (and talked like) they were the next Wes Anderson and then every movie they made was terrabad and got ripped apart in class. This is why the greatest attribute that makes people be able to learn well is humility, pride is the great killer of education and skill improvement.


This humorous graphic was created by Lee Hutchinson over at Ars Technica in a recent article comparing the iPhone 6 Plus to a Canon DSLR. It suggests that people who are just starting out in photography commonly experience a period of delusion in which they suddenly think they are much greater at photography than they actually are.

Here’s how Hutchinson explains the graph:

The point labeled “Dunning-Kruger peak” is that surge of self-confidence one gets when one acquires some small amount of skill in a thing and, emboldened by that skill, decides that they are awesome at that thing. However, repeated use of the skill typically disabuses one of that illusion [...] Once you’re across the peak, reality settles in, and you realize that the things you don’t know massively outweigh the things you’ve learned [...]

Only with a lot of time and effort can you realistically self-assess your skill.

The name of the peak refers to the Dunning–Kruger effect, coined by a pair of researchers at Cornell University in 1999.

Through their study, the scientists discovered that people who are unskilled at something — photography for example — are often unable to see how bad they are. Incompetent people will (1) fail to recognize that they are bad, (2) fail to recognize how good competent people are, and (3) fail to see the magnitude of their incompetence.

However, if given more training in what they’re bad at, those same people will recognize how incompetent they were (this is where people fall from the “Dunning-Kruger Peak”).

Once people become skilled at a particular thing, things actually get flipped: people who are actually good at things tend to underestimate their own skill compared to the grossly inflated claims made by unskilled people.

Have you seen or experienced the “Dunning-Kruger Peak” before?

The solution to avoiding both sides of this effect: don’t worry too much about how you think you stack up next to photographers around you. Simply focus on improving your skills.

Image credits: Graphic by Lee Hutchinson/Ars Technica and used with permission

26 Sep 19:47



this pretty much sums it up.

25 Sep 02:52

NSA Execs reading about CloudFlare's Keyless SSL

by sharhalakis

this made me laugh


You can read the announcement and the nitty gritty technical details

17 Sep 01:31

09/15/14 PHD comic: 'Statistics!'


cool graph although the subject of peak oil and when we will hit it is of much debate

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Statistics!" - originally published 9/15/2014

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

15 Sep 15:21

Future Self


Sometimes I am like who set this up, how does this thing work! But then I find a onenote I wrote years ago explaining the whole thing and I am like thanks past Arthur.

Maybe I haven't been to Iceland because I'm busy dealing with YOUR crummy code.
14 Sep 20:12

MRW the customer launches the product with MY self signed cert.


if I had a dollar for every large scale certificate screw up I have seen from people I would be a rich man. PKI is literally one of the most important things on the internet yet people still manage to screw it up all the time.

by anonymous submission

02 Sep 18:22

Communicating that the DoS test on the production system was successful


This also doubles for when a late night maintenance goes badly and you are trying to write a text to wake your boss/coworkers up.

by @crdbr

26 Aug 21:54

Lightmode Motorcycle Helmets


bonus you can also pretend you are in the movie Tron.

In case you didn't know it, there's a direct correlation between the visibility of a motorcyclist's helmet and their safety. Now you can give yourself a boost in both safety...

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26 Aug 20:34

How Droughts Are Drying Up Your Breakfast

by Popular Science Staff

TL;DR a lot of problems is making food more expensive.

Some parts of your complete breakfast are about to get pricier. Or, at the very least, they’re about to get pricier than they already are. With droughts raging in agricultural powerhouses like California and Brazil, the dreaded water conflicts of the future are starting to make their presence known right now. Because of the severity and long-term nature of these droughts, food prices are starting to rise for consumers -- in America and beyond.

Below are some of the breakfast favorites whose prices will rise as droughts and other environmental catastrophes make supplies scarce around the world.  


Where's the shortage? Brazil...for now.

Details: As if your morning caffeine hit wasn’t expensive enough. According to NPR, drought in Brazil (the world’s largest producer of coffee) could wipe out 10 percent of the country’s coffee by 2020, potentially raising prices on the commodity.  

Breakfast prognosis: There are still other areas of the world that produce coffee, but climate change experts are predicting that over the course of the next decade, warmer temperatures could impact coffee growers around the world, leading to even more coffee shortfalls. For now, coffee production levels are rising, but it’s still too early to tell whether or not that trend is sustainable over the long term. 

Omelet Fillings 

Where's the shortage? California

Details: Avocados, tomatoes and peppers grown in sunny California have been getting a bit too much sun and not enough rain recently, creating shortages of these delicious veggies and causing prices to jump

Breakfast prognosis: If you’re a fan of domestic vegetables, the outlook is grim. California-grown produce is likely to be expensive, but luckily, other areas of the world, including Chile and Mexico could make up the difference on supermarket shelves, according to EcoWatch.  

Wheat And Flour

Who's to blame for the shortage? Southern Plains of the United States, Russia, Ukraine

Details: Drought is hitting the breadbasket of the United States for the fourth year in a row, driving up prices. But Americans aren’t the only ones facing expensive prices on wheat. According to the Wall Street Journal, in addition to the drought, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia (both wheat producers) could cause prices to rise even more, as future sanctions could target Russia’s wheat and violence could disrupt Ukrainian production.  

Breakfast prognosis: Prices of flour are still in flux, but with much of the world’s breadbaskets in turmoil (environmental or political) your whole wheat toast could get more expensive. 



Where's the shortage? California

Details: California’s drought means less alfalfa for dairy cows, forcing farmers to import feed from other states. This makes dairy farming an expensive enterprise. 

Breakfast prognosis: Milk prices have declined this year from a high of $3.74 per gallon in May to $3.65 in July. But overall, prices have been climbing since mid-2009, when milk dipped below $3 a gallon. Interestingly, an article from ABC earlier this year points out that other dairy products like yogurt or cheese aren’t quite as volatile, as they don’t tend to have the same short shelf life as fresh milk.  


Where's the shortage? Turkey

Details: In this case, cold, not drought is the main issue for hazelnuts, one of the key ingredients in the chocolatey goodness that is Nutella. Turkey, which produces 70 percent of the world’s hazelnut crop, was hit hard by an unseasonable frost and hailstorms wiped out a huge portion of their supply; these episodes caused hazelnut prices to rise by 60 percent, according to the Guardian.  

Breakfast prognosis: For Nutella in particular, the prognosis is good. The brand consumes about 25 percent of the world’s hazelnut crop, but in July, their parent company, Ferrero, announced that they’d purchased one of Turkey’s largest hazelnut producers, effectively buying out the middleman. There will still be fewer hazelnuts all around, but the world isn’t likely to completely run out of Nutella. 

Bacon and Ham

Where's the shortage?  The United States and Canada

Details:  A nasty virus that causes severe diarrhea in pigs has killed off an estimated 5 - 10 percent of pigs in the United States, causing prices to rise dramatically. The virus is incredibly unlikely to spread to humans, and pork is still safe to eat, but the disease is deadly to piglets.   

Breakfast prognosis: Pricier pork products are definitely here, but, as Bloomberg Businessweek reports, the higher prices haven’t deterred bacon fanatics from their morning ritual. And some groups are even estimating that prices could fall this autumn, as producers adjust to the new reality. 

Orange Juice 

Where's the shortage? Brazil

Details: In addition to drought affecting coffee, Brazil has other problems. Back in February, the FDA banned imports of frozen concentrated orange juice from Brazil, because they found traces of fungicide in the product. The fungicide was in low enough concentrations, so the orange juice is still safe to drink, but that wasn’t enough to stop it from being banned.

Breakfast prognosis: Grim. In addition to the shortfall from Brazil, orange growers in Florida and elsewhere are facing the disease known as citrus greening, which is already forcing some of them out of business.

18 Aug 15:38



drop table bass commit;

15 Aug 18:42

The Dark, Lucrative World of Debt Collection


this is actually a fascinating read. The system of debt collection is super sketchy, I have fought some of them before and learned to never never trust what they say. Also worth noting that if it is 7 years old it cannot go on your credit and they cannot take you to court for it. I did a bunch of disputes on my credit a few years ago and got a bunch of it removed.

In the murky world of unpaid bills, a banker and an ex-con can make a fortune — if they don’t run into too many crooks.

12 Aug 21:53

American Voices: New Ankle-Bracelet Baby Monitor Predicts Infant’s Mood


I know this is the Onion but for reals can we get one of these

A company called Sproutling has introduced a $250 wearable baby monitor that fits around the infant’s ankle and records vital signs like heart rate, skin temperature, and motion to predict when the baby will wake up and what mood he or she will be i...

12 Aug 21:35

Teacher Shows Up Drunk


10/10 was put on administrative paid leave and then re-instated a few weeks later. #everygovernmentjob

Teacher Shows Up Drunk
Police arrested a woman they said was intoxicated and not wearing any pants at an Oklahoma high school Monday.

The woman, Lorie Hill, was a newly hired teacher for Wagoner Public Schools. She was found by two other teachers in a Wagoner High School classroom on the first day back at school for teachers.

Police said Hill admitted she had been drinking, police said they found an empty cup in her car.

Submitted by: (via KTVU)

11 Aug 23:46

Blackmagic URSA 4K Digital Film Camera


wow this changes everything. I will seriously consider getting one of these at that price point. I am super excited about it.

If you're ready to upgrade your subpar video kit — whether you've been shooting on your trusty DSLR, or your iPhone — consider the Blackmagic URSA 4K Digital Film Camera....

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
10 Aug 18:29

Whenever a person says the word, "cyber"


I hate meaningless buzzwords. When I hear one in a meeting I assume that person has no idea what they are talking about.

08 Aug 01:49



yes let me just put my 6k bikes in a tent in my back yard

It's a common occurence for homeowners without a garage (or just with limited space): where to put all the stuff that doesn't belong in the house, but can't just sit...

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06 Aug 23:02

Will It Waffle?


this looks really good actually

Waffle irons are great for making waffles (obviously), but the rest of the time they just sit on your countertop taking up space. Put them to work full time with...

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30 Jul 14:08

When the user demands admin rights so they can install their favorite desktop apps.


tell me more about how you need to install more toolbars.

by Mj Tom

27 Jul 20:20

Employees of $client when we enable two-factor authentication.


as someone who has helped push 2 factor on people I can confirm this is accurate. I love the look on the sales guys face when they realize they can't use baseball1 as a password anymore too.

The correct response:

by anonymous submission

26 Jul 21:39

New project manager

by sharhalakis

This is my approach to managing meetings when people get off topic.

by @leecheve

25 Jul 18:55

Defender Smart Protection Device


10/10 people will just accidentally spray themselves with pepper spray while texting

Our phones are incredibly capable devices — but instead of improving personal safety, they tend to serve as targets for thieves and other nefarious types. The Defender Smart Protection Device...

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23 Jul 21:43

How to perfectly load a dishwasher

by Matthew Inman

my plan in a nutshell

22 Jul 14:13



NSA be all up in truecrypt

by fu

19 Jul 01:55

Automatic Sink and Toilet Logic


I hate with a passion automatic toilets

Automatic Sink and Toilet Logic

This comic is a day late because a long time ago some jerk decided to only give us 2 weekend days instead of 3 or perhaps 4.

16 Jul 21:48

Google Wallet Can Now Store Gift Cards and Pester Your Friends for Money

by Kate Knibbs

I need to move all my gift cards and loyalty cards to my google wallet now

Google Wallet Can Now Store Gift Cards and Pester Your Friends for Money

Google Wallet's latest update includes several new features, including a way to store gift cards and a way to easily harass your friends to pay you back.


16 Jul 02:26

How Painters Used To Make Pigments With Poisons, Mummies, and Gems

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

I know my wife would be interested in this. I thought it was really cool.

How Painters Used To Make Pigments With Poisons, Mummies, and Gems

When you walk into a museum you're likely not thinking about chemistry. Yet you probably ought to be. Before the industrial revolution brought us manufactured pigment, painters had to be great chemists—tinkering with rare, expensive, and sometimes downright poisonous chemicals to make colors.


08 Jul 14:15

When I see unlocked stations

by sharhalakis

I like the change peoples wallpaper to half nude pictures of david hasslehoff. We call it getting Hoffed. Also I have some annoying startup scripts I have written for repeat offenders.

by Richard