Shared posts

07 Jul 21:00

Proving that the error is from someone else

by sharhalakis

this is like everytime someone thinks it is a problem with active directory. 10/10 in 3 years here our AD had never been the problem, it has always been something else.

by uaiHebert

07 Jul 20:16

mfw when the presenters chrome site thumbnails include free porn and escorts during a webex with senior staff


It would be sad except I look at the firewall traffic sometimes and cry when I realize how many execs look at tons of porn at work.

by viss

07 Jul 19:53

The Latest Super-Thin ATM Skimmers Are Virtually Unspottable

by Jamie Condliffe

The current credit cards in America are getting increasingly stolen we need a new system

The Latest Super-Thin ATM Skimmers Are Virtually Unspottable

Just like consumer tech, criminal tech advances in leaps and bounds—and none more so than the ATM skimmer. Now, the kinds of skimmers being used are so slim and small that you'll never see them—and their battery life means they last an age, too.


03 Jul 20:30




This comic is a day early because tomorrow is Independence Day for Americans, and I will be feeling independent for the whole day tomorrow, and possibly stuffing my face with mechanically-separated food of some sort. Yay! As always, comments welcome on Facebook.

01 Jul 19:26

The IRS saying they only retain email data for 6 months


when I read that they did not have any saved emails I literally laughed out loud because the boldfaced lie of it is pretty extreme.

20 Jun 00:43

Quiz: Which Game of Thrones character would you be?

by Matthew Inman

this is the best

Quiz: Which Game of Thrones character would you be?

I made a quiz which determines which character you'd be on Game of Thrones.

19 Jun 14:52

Spaceship art by Seokin Chung

by Igor Tkac
Seokin Chung's portfolio on ArtStation.

Keywords: sci-fi science fiction spaceship environment concept art by art center in pasadena student seokin chung portfolio samples
18 Jun 20:56

"Huh, wonder what that device on my network doing DHCP requests is, I haven't added anything new."

17 Jun 18:38

Possible hidden Latin warning about NSA in Truecrypt's suicide note

by Cory Doctorow

hidden note in Latin... this just gets better and better

When the anonymous authors of the Truecrypt security tool mysteriously yanked their software last month, there was widespread suspicion that they had been ordered by the NSA to secretly compromise their software. A close look at the cryptic message they left behind suggests that they may have encoded a secret clue in the initials of each word of the sentence ("Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues"), the Latin phrase "uti nsa im cu si" which some claim can be translated as a warning that the NSA had pwned Truecrypt. Read the rest

15 Jun 20:16

Everyone finally starts reading the OpenSSL source code


pretty much the state of the internet right now.

13 Jun 14:22

What people think I do as a Security Consultant:


That last gif pretty much sums up several meetings I have had after reviewing internal sites.

What I actually do as a Security Consultant:

by Aaron

10 Jun 02:28

I Need A Hero


I should be that hero....

I Need A Hero

He or she would also strike fear into the hearts of developers who make those ads that jump in front of your cursor right before you click.

09 Jun 18:57

The perils of nerd dating...


09 Jun 01:52

Solid Gold Mountain Bike


dumbest idea ever, gold is super heavy and when you are biking you want it to be a light as possible.... Also gold is structurally weak.... If I saw someone using this I would laugh so stinking hard.

Let's see: you've got a gold phone, gold chain, gold watch, gold rings, and maybe even a gold wallet. Why not complete the look and ride the streets on gold...

Visit Uncrate for the full post.
09 Jun 01:51

A Softer World


I am terrified I will meet my clone and he will just be really annoying...

09 Jun 01:49

A Softer World

06 Jun 14:03

Reset the Net

by sharhalakis

double agreed

05 Jun 14:04

One Weird Trick to Get Everything You Want


If I could control my content on facebook with RSS I would be much happier with my news feed there, instead of their lame rankings.

You probably heard about the Facebook executive who complained about the proliferation of “stupid stories about how you should wash your jeans instead of freezing them.” It’s almost too easy to be snarky about a Facebook guy who worries the Internet is awash in silly sponsored content. 

Besides, we know that silly sponsored content is not a benign issue. MetaFilter founder Matt Haughhey has written thoughtfully about how Google’s opaque and inscrutable ranking systems have been killing his business. He admits that, “we were doing nothing in terms of SEO, as I find the whole business kind of gross." But because MetaFilter won’t play the ranking game, ad revenue has collapsed. Having thoughtful, high-quality content isn’t enough to get read.

The Internet is still full of great content. The problem is that the big Internet companies don’t do a good job of facilitating it. Well, that and advertisers and shameless self promoters are finding new and annoying ways to get in your face.

Last week, we wrote in defense of publishers’ right to get paid for advertising. But that’s just one part of the equation. The other half is providing a better way for quality content to be found. Or at least found without having to tart it up with stupid SEO tricks. 


I know that content syndication can be used and abused by some people for link building. But RSS is not an algorithm that can be gamed by advertisers and content hucksters. I know that it is still the best mechanism to find the content you want. You’re not going to be tricked into clicking on a link and you’re not having your newsfeed polluted with promoted content. 

And I think it is time to start talking about this. Sometimes I get the feeling RSS developers think of themselves caretakers of an established and respected institution. You know, the kind of institution that can keep catering to a dwindling number of dedicated and sophisticated followers but doesn’t bother attracting new users. RSS is not new technology. But it is outside of the mainstream content delivery that’s increasingly compromised by someone’s desire to sell you something. 

And if a Facebook executive is recognizing the mindlessness, other people are too. It’s time to reintroduce RSS to the world. How about telling people that there is a way to actually ask for content you want to see and actually have it delivered to you. It’s not a miracle or weird trick. Although it will probably seem that way to a few people. 

29 May 21:47

My reaction after TrueCrypt shutdown / was compromised


pretty much a lot of people right now. I moved everyone over to bitlocker like 2 years ago from another program that was based on truecrypt and now I feel smart about the decision.

23 May 23:39

Hello World! (part 1)

by Yuumei

This comic is only just getting started but so far I am a fan. It seems to do a really good job of both explaining hacking and computer security correctly and making it look cool visually.

A flashback to the beginning.

09 Apr 21:43

How I imagine Windows XP users feel


relevant considering our current debate

19 Mar 15:35

Board Meetings


working at a huge company this is my life haha

Board Meetings

This comic is about how to run an organization effectively.

10 Mar 19:56

Candy Crush


this is exactly why I don't play games like this, I have a hard enough time as it is calming my mind down to be able to sleep and weird enough dreams without that sort of nonsense.

Candy Crush

I can’t be the only one who does this.

26 Feb 01:56

Why Settlers of Catan Takes Forever Sometimes


this happens every game and it drives me crazy

Why Settlers of Catan Takes Forever Sometimes

Have you encountered other annoying board game habits?  Tell us about it on our Facebook page.

20 Feb 21:34

The way of solving most problems

by sharhalakis

I gave them some nerd points in this movie when all their command line stuff was actually real commands.

by @Chertograad

18 Feb 15:31

When someone asks you for "2 minutes" of your time

by sharhalakis

later somehow you are roped into several hour long meetings

by Maish

18 Feb 15:24

A Softer World


this cracked me up

17 Feb 02:28

Windows XP: April 9, 2014


also server 2003 which is why we are quickly killing the last couple of 2003 servers we support.

by anonymous submission

13 Feb 16:25

Oracle recruiter over Linkedin: "I think you're the perfect match for this role on our $security_team."


truth Oracle is the Antichrist.

by @cl0pen

24 Jan 17:27

Exclusive Photo of Justin Bieber's Arrest


seems legit

Exclusive Photo of Justin Bieber's Arrest

Submitted by: Unknown