Shared posts

07 Jan 15:14


by Reza

05 Jan 10:40

Adjective Foods

Contains 100% of your recommended daily allowance!
30 Nov 19:42

Saying Things

by Reza


24 Nov 20:43

A Taste Of What Concorde Would Have Looked Like Today. But, It May Actually Still Happen.

by Jonny Clark
Simple Simon

Likely to be beyond our reach, but this is pretty cool!


The future is a little closer this month, with Boom taking a leap forward and presenting their XB-1 1/3rd-scale ‘little brother’ version of the ideal next generation supersonic passenger jet. ‘Baby Boom’ as it has been dubbed, may not be taking flight until next year, but it will pave the way for the new Concorde of the skies.

Even better the aircraft designers are showcasing a potential dream interior for the aircraft with its 1 x 1 super large business class suites taking centre stage inside the supersonic delta wing aircraft.


These thrones may not turn into luxurious long flatbeds but that is not because the airline is skimping on comfort. But when a transatlantic flight with Boom will only take a few hours, there is only just enough time to have a 11.3 mile high fine-dining meal before starting the descent.


Naturally the airline seems to be showing off high-tech seats, with climate control, all the technological connections a modern day traveller would require, but perhaps nothing can compare with the sight of the curve of the earth from each passengers dedicated larger-than-normal window – something that wasn’t available to Concorde passengers, but due to technological advancements and composite materials, is now a reality.


The project may be the first independent supersonic passenger project, but it’s already received interest from the speed junkie of the Aviation world. “I have long been passionate about aerospace innovation and the development of high-speed commercial flights,” said Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group. “As an innovator in the space, Virgin Galactic’s decision to work with Boom was an easy one. We’re excited to have an option on Boom’s first 10 airframes. Through Virgin Galactic’s manufacturing arm, The Spaceship Company, we will provide engineering and manufacturing services, along with flight test support and operations as part of our shared ambitions.”


If the project is successful over the next couple of years, expect Virgin and Delta to start to heat up the transAtlantic and transcontinental race, taking the mantle from British Airways and bringing it to the competition.

The supersonic facts

1. First independently developed supersonic jet: Previously, supersonic flight has been the province of governments and militaries. The XB-1 is the first independently developed and privately-funded supersonic jet.

2. Fastest Civil Aircraft Ever: Cruising at Mach 2.2 (1,451mph), the Boom jets will be 10% faster than Concorde and 2.6X faster than other airliners.


3. State of the Art, Proven Technology: Leveraging 50 years’ progress in fundamental aerospace technologies, Boom uses proven tech (aerodynamics, materials, propulsion) to create a revolutionary new design. While the design is new, every key technology has already been proven safe and reliable on other commercial aircraft.

4. Premium Passenger Experience: With one spacious seat on each side of the aisle, each passenger has a large window, a personal overhead bin, and direct aisle access. Cruising up to 60,000’, passengers experience a smoother ride with less turbulence.

5. Safety First: The Boom design meets or exceeds industry and regulatory safety guidelines. Boom’s aim is to create an aircraft that is safe, fast, and a pleasant to fly.


02 Nov 01:15

animals-riding-animals: cat riding dog


cat riding dog

25 Oct 19:57

Unfair to Spiders

by Reza


23 Oct 11:08

The Nikon D7100 and Nikkor 10-24mm lens in Scotland

by [NR] admin

Colours like a fairytale. Make sure you are quick, light can change incredibly fast! The water is so blue, and so crystal clear! The light is amazing today! the-sunset-at-talisker-bay The colours and the view… You would be stone cold if your not touched by the beauty of nature. Some fine pools for a fresh dip. Can you imagine I had this place whole to myself? The lights are on during the Blue Hour!

Tieme Pool (Website | Facebook | Twitter) visited Scotland with his Nikon D7100 camera and Nikkor 10-24mm lens:

In the fast-moving world of technology, the Nikon D7100 is already ancient, and while the D7x00 series has been known as a semiprofessional body, the D5x00 series has been getting better and better. As specially since the D5200, the D5x00 series even beats the D7x00 on some aspects of image quality. My Nikon D7100 has been my reliable companion since 2014, and many people wonder why they should buy the D7x00 series over the D5x00.

As mentioned, the D5x00 series is getting better and better in image quality, but there are a few advantages if you own a Nikon D7x00. First off, the build quality is slightly better. It is weather sealed (which is a big plus if you’re an outdoors photographer like me), the viewfinder is slightly bigger and brighter, battery life is better too, and the autofocus system is superb. Besides, you have an additional memory card slot in the D7x00, it has a built-in focus motor (good for old, non-AF, lenses), and is faster in burst mode.

Even older is my Nikon 10-24 wide angle lens, introduced in 2009, and never upgraded by Nikon ever since. And with this trustworthy combination, I went out to one of the counties that every photographer wants to visit: the Highlands and the Isle of Skye in Scotland. To make sure my beloved camera didn’t feel alone, I also brought his friends, a Gitzo tripod, a B+W polariser, and a pair of Lee filters (I tried Cokin for a while, but it just didn’t work for me. Not just the colour cask, also the reduction of sharpness).

I started in the Highlands, as a friend of me, working on his mountain guide license, took me into the wilderness near the Ben Nevis, the Grey Corries, and the Mamores.

The Water of Nevis.

The Water of Nevis.

The hike in the wilderness was amazing. Drinking from waterfalls and creeks isn’t possible in The Netherlands (we don’t have waterfalls to begin with, and the water will get you sick quickly). And to do so was a fantastic experience.

The first ever waterfall I drank from.

The first ever waterfall I drank from.

The Lee filters I use are a Graduated Natural Density filter, to darken the skies, and The Big Stopper. This is a Natural Density filter that reduces the light getting into the camera by a thousand times, to create long exposure shots during daylight, like the waterfall above.

The downside of the trip were the many midges battling me whenever there was no wind. A midge is a mosquito with the size of a fruit fly. And why are they so bad? They attack in large groups!

We slept in this bothy (Meanach) to hide from the midges.

We slept in this bothy (Meanach) to hide from the midges.

My next stop was the Isle of Skye, I did that alone. And my beloved Nikon 10-24 showed to be a trustworthy friend. I was tired of the long days (wake up way before sunrise and go to sleep after sunrise) and the hikes, and got a bit sloppy. I switched lenses, so I removed the Nikon 10-24 and attached a Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR II. As I acted quick, I placed my Nikon 10-24 on the ground, and not so sturdy. While attaching the 70-200, my 10-24 decided to bounce of the rocks! I couldn’t catch it, that would mean dropping my 70-200 and D7100, so I had to let it bounce. In horror I ran down the rocks, my lens must have bounced at least 15 times, about 10 meters down the rocks… The lens cap had fallen of the B+W polarizing filter, and with my heart beating in my throat, I checked my lens. No broken glass, no scratches… Nothing! Even the filter wasn’t scratched! What a relieve, the Photography gods must have liked me that day!

Thanks to my Nikon 10-24 surviving a good pair of bounces down the rocks, I could take a “selfie”!

Thanks to my Nikon 10-24 surviving a good pair of bounces down the rocks, I could take a “selfie”!

During my first day on the Isle of Skye I visited Neist Point and Portree. What a spectacular Island! Portree is the largest town of Skye, yet still very small.

The colourful harbour of Portree. Or Port Rígh, or Port Ruighe.

The colourful harbour of Portree. Or Port Rígh, or Port Ruighe.

Neist Point is a rock and lighthouse in the area Waterstein. This is positioned in the west, so perfect for the sunset.

The colours and the view… You would be stone cold if your not touched by the beauty of nature.

The colours and the view… You would be stone cold if your not touched by the beauty of nature.

The lights are on during the Blue Hour!

The lights are on during the Blue Hour!

As my trip was all about hiking, I went out the Quiraing the next day. This is a must do hike for photographers on Skye!

Make sure you are quick, light can change incredibly fast!

Make sure you are quick, light can change incredibly fast!

A 300 second long exposure (using the Big Stopper) to have a little break from hiking.

A 300 second long exposure (using the Big Stopper) to have a little break from hiking.

August is a really pretty month for Skye! Too bad it is a great month for midges too.

August is a really pretty month for Skye! Too bad it is a great month for midges too.

You’ll run in to all sorts of impressive landscapes while hiking The Quiraing.

You’ll run in to all sorts of impressive landscapes while hiking The Quiraing.

“The Table”

“The Table”

On the right side you see the “Table” and in the middle of the picture the “Prison”.

On the right side you see the “Table” and in the middle of the picture the “Prison”.

This island looks like a fairytale.

This island looks like a fairytale.

Two other fun attractions are Kilt Rock and the Lealt Falls. Beware though: these are proper tourists attractions, so for me this was a stop and go moment!

A quick, yet beautiful, stop and go.

A quick, yet beautiful, stop and go.

Hike down to the Lealt waterfall if you have the chance.

Hike down to the Lealt waterfall if you have the chance.

On the third day, I was still happy my Nikon 10-24 survived the fall down the rocks. And the Lee ND Grad Filters were of great service too! Our cameras are not able to capture a wide range of light intensity. So darkening the sky using a filter, is a great option to avoid blown out parts of the photo. As this country looks like a fairytale (many movies have been recorded here), I moved on the the Fairy Pools. A spectacular set of waterfalls (the colours are impressive, not the size) which you have to visit around sunrise. As during the day, tourists swarm (and ruin) this place.

Colours like a fairytale.

Colours like a fairytale.

Some fine pools for a fresh dip.

Some fine pools for a fresh dip.

The cool colours of the waterfall, and the warm colours of the sunrise are spectacular! And with the Black Cuillins in the background, the scene is complete. If you are here during sunrise, it is mesmerizing!

The Black Cuillins in the background are spectacular!

The Black Cuillins in the background are spectacular!

The water is so blue, and so crystal clear!

The water is so blue, and so crystal clear!

And if you are in good shape, continue your hike towards the mountains, where most tourists don’t go.

Can you imagine I had this place whole to myself?

Can you imagine I had this place whole to myself?

Later that day I captured the sunset at Talisker Bay (after visiting the Distillery obviously!).

The sunset at Talisker Bay.

The sunset at Talisker Bay.

A spectacular sunset!

A spectacular sunset!

On my final day on Skye I paid a visit to probably the most photographed rock formation on Skye, the Old man of Storr. A cliché spot, but a must do.

The Old man of Storr.

The Old man of Storr.

The light is amazing today!

The light is amazing today!

On my way back to the mainland of Scotland, I said one final goodbye to Sligachan. A small village (although I haven’t seen any houses), with a spectacular view on the Black Cuillins.

The old bridge of Sligachan.

The old bridge of Sligachan.

Goodbye Black Cuillin!

Goodbye Black Cuillin!

I was lucky to avoid the rain, probably more famous than the gorgeous landscape, and had a fantastic pair of hikes. I hope you enjoyed my pictures, and thank you so much for watching!

If you have an interesting idea for a guest post, you can contact me here.

11 Oct 05:58


I have this weird thing where if I don't drink enough water, I start feeling bad and then die of dehydration.
10 Oct 14:39


Remind me to order another pack of coffee filters from Dyson. Man, these things are EXPENSIVE.
03 Oct 07:06


I WONDERED why he kept asking whether we thought the impact speed was too low.
01 Oct 02:03

China plans to build the world's largest, deepest high-speed railway station under the Great Wall

If you thought the Great Wall was great before, just wait a few more years!
28 Sep 09:55

Fixing Problems

'What was the original problem you were trying to fix?' 'Well, I noticed one of the tools I was using had an inefficiency that was wasting my time.'
26 Sep 06:14

Dear Jim, could you please paint the chestburster scene from...

Dear Jim, could you please paint the chestburster scene from Alien as portrayed by famous TV puppets, with Zippy from Rainbow as John Hurt being held down as a human hand bursts through his stomach.


Now available as a T-shirt and print:

21 Sep 06:51

This photo shows 13 F-22 Raptors squeezed into the NASA Langley Research Center hangar for Hurricane protection

by David Cenciotti
Simple Simon

I bet these guys are good at packing a suitcase

f-22-langley-hangar13 F-22 Raptors and 9 other aircraft found a shelter in the NASA hangar at Langley. The image above was posted by the Commander of the 1st Fighter Wing at Joint Base Langley-Eustis. It shows 13 F-22 Raptors along with 9 other aircraft for a collective 22 planes squeezed inside inside a giant NASA Langley […]
14 Sep 18:17

Finding the 'Hidden' iPhone 7 Headphone Jack

by (Dan Evon)
Simple Simon

I hope someone does this, as punishment for being an idiot!

Drilling a small hole into the shell of an iPhone 7 won't help you find the device's "hidden" headphone jack.
07 Sep 22:02

Aeromexico Looks To Its Cultural Roots To Celebrate Its New 787-9

by Jonny Clark
Simple Simon

nice doodles


For those who have an interest in Mexican archaeology and anthropology, you may get a little excited to see one of Mexico’s most famous deities adorning Aeromexico’s brand new 787-9. Named Quetzalcoatl, meaning “Feathered Serpent,” the new livery was the winning design from the carrier’s ‘Design in the Air’ competition.


Taking an eye-watering nine days to paint, (Six days longer than was originally planned) the design offers a unique fusion of tradition and modernity and acts as the perfect vehicle to celebrate the carrier’s brand new 787-9 aircraft.


In November 2014, Aeromexico’s contest was launched via social media and at several universities, inviting participants to submit a creative image to be painted on an aircraft’s fuselage. More than 1,000 participants presented their designs during the four-week contest period, 400 of which were chosen for meeting the requirements established in the rules. The winning design was created by graphic designer José Manuel Escudero of the Mexican state of Veracruz.


Aeromexico CEO Andres Conesa said “At Aeromexico, we are very excited about the buzz the Quetzalcoatl design has generated. As Mexico’s flagship carrier, this aircraft will become an icon of our fleet and a reflection of what Mexico is today, with culture and tradition represented in what we consider to be one of the most sophisticated creations of modern aviation engineering.”


The first of 10 787-9’s for the carrier, Aeromexico is the second airline in Latin America to operate the model. The aircraft type has been incredibly popular with airlines around the world. Aeromexico state in their press release “If an airline places an order for a 787 today, it could take between 10 to 15 years for it to be delivered.” With a fuselage measuring 20 feet longer than the 787-8, the 787-9 has capacity for 48 additional passengers on longer routes (up to 300 more nautical miles) with 20% greater fuel efficiency, and up to 20% fewer emissions than the aircraft this model is replacing.

The airline has hinted at even more developments, saying that it will wait until the plane lands in Mexico to unveil the interior of this new aircraft that will change its customers’ travel experience.

24 Aug 19:23

Tomii Cycles Watermelon Cap

by prolly
Simple Simon



Nao from Tomii Cycles always designs the best paint jobs and products, with the newest being these watermelon caps. Clean, simple and made in Austin, Texas by Rothera. Scoop one up you can now pre-order these sold out caps at Tomii Cycles today!

13 Aug 05:16

F-22 Raptor grounded by swarm of almost 20,000 bees

by David Cenciotti
Simple Simon

8lbs of bees = 20,000 bees!

192nd Fighter Wing Aircraft Maintainers found a swarm of honey bees hanging from the exhaust nozzle of an F-22 Raptor engine on June 11, 2016 at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. A local honey bee keeper was called to remove and relocate the bees to a safe place for them to build their hive. (U.S. Air Force courtesy photo)A swarm of honey bees found hanging from the exhaust nozzle of an F-22 Raptor stealth jet’s engine. On Jun. 11, 192nd Fighter Wing Aircraft Maintainers found something weird during post-flight operations checks at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia: a swarm of honey bees hanging from the exhaust nozzle of an F-22 Raptor engine. “A cloud […]
10 Aug 19:27

Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games

by [NR] admin
Simple Simon

I shudder to think how much that pile cost

Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 7
Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 3
Few pictures from the NPS (Nikon Professional Services) station at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The photos from Vincent Kalut @vkalut (Instagram | Twitter | Facebook) / Photo News are copyrighted and used with permission:

Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 5
Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 2
Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 1
Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 6
Nikon (NPS) stockpile at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games 4

10 Aug 07:04

Beijing bodybuilders

by LR admin

Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_18 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_53 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_52 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_51 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_49 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_44 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_38 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_34 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_27 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_26 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_25 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_24 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_14 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_10 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_07 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_05

Beijing bodybuilders by Pierre Alivon

I am a Leica addict photographer and acquire new lenses regularly depending on my projects (and my mood). I settled in Beijing almost one year ago and I am impressed with how attractive the Brand is here. People on the street ask me about my Leica or even open their window in a traffic jam to talk about it. When I ask people if I can take a picture, they see my Leica and instantly say yes. One thing I really appreciate is that the camera is very discreet and people I shoot don't take it too seriously and remain relaxed. In September, I began to take pictures of Beijing every day. I decided to use my Leica MP 240 as well as the Lenses Summicron 35 mm and Leica wide Super-Elmar-M-ASPH 18 mm. With these two lenses I could get all the scenes that made this amazing city. I went through hot summers, freezing cold winters, snow, heavily polluted days, charming springs, blue skies; and I am just now discovering the thunderstorms of June (and July I guess).

I encountered a lot of people with this project and the Chinese continue to follow up with me as I publish my pictures on WeChat, which is the most popular app that everybody uses here. Sometimes people contact me through WeChat to ask me to shoot some special events. This is how I got called to a bodybuilders contest that took place in Daxing University on June 5. Although I had to wake up very early, I said yes to add something unique to my "A year in Beijing" photography project. I also made a short video to support my project, all of them taken with my Leica MP240:

This contest took place in the outskirts of Beijing (Daxing University) and gathered mainly young men that worked in Fitness clubs in the Beijing area. There were also some schools that presented their students. In fact, you can't participate in this contest unless you are presented by an official organization. Participants arrive early around 6:30 am in order to prepare for the contest that starts at 9 am and ends at 4 pm. The bodybuilders first put some special brown color on their body to emphasize their muscles and then drank beer immediately, followed by some exercise since the alcohol would help bring more blood to their muscles.

Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_31 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_43 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_30 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_16 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_15 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_39 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_41 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_45 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_47 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_50 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_40 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_37 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_36 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_33 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_32 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_29 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_22 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_21 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_19 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_13 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_12 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_11 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_09 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_08 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_06 Beijing_05_JUIN_2016_PIERRE_ALIVON_03
What is impressive is that their bodies could trick some into thinking they could be a bit aggressive with too much adrenaline, but in reality, you really felt a lot kindness among the bodybuilders.

Some of the rooms were quite small and thanks to my Leica MP240 with Summicron 35 mm and Leica wide Super-Elmar-M-ASPH 18 mm, I could take pictures without embarrassing the bodybuilders. I was welcomed by these bodybuilders who were happy to let me take pictures of them.

These photographs are part of a one year series in Beijing where I took pictures every day to show daily life of Beijingers. This project can be seen on

If you have an interesting idea for a guest post, you can contact me here.

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05 Aug 00:49

Household Tips

To make your shoes feel more comfortable, smell better, and last longer, try taking them off before you shower.
27 Jul 20:21


"Or maybe, because we're suddenly having so many conversations through written text, we'll start relying MORE on altered spelling to indicate meaning!" "Wat."
20 Jul 11:46

2am in the club

by dorasomerville
15 Jul 07:05

When it’s 9:01am and someone comes over to my desk

by lightbluebird
05 Jul 05:26

Have it All

by Reza


30 Jun 21:15

Not Much

by Reza


27 Jun 07:44

Scotland right now

by dorasomerville
21 Jun 09:49


by Reza


16 Jun 09:42

Phishing License

Later, walking out of jail after posting $10,000 bail: "Wait, this isn't the street the county jail is on."
09 Jun 22:19

LOOK: Taiwanese teacher astonishes internet with his insane skills at the chalkboard

Simple Simon


"Leonardo of the Chalkboard."