Shared posts

18 Jul 19:45

Lord Byron’s Factory. They made troll dolls there for a...

Lord Byron’s Factory. They made troll dolls there for a while, and then adult diapers during the Golden Girls fad; now it’s mostly empty except for a few Brony squatters and a family of raccoons.

16 Jul 22:20

Here Is the First Instagram Photo

Happy fourth birthday, Instagram. As a way to celebrate, the site has posted the first ever actual Instagram—a picture of founder Kevin Systrom's dog: the face that launched a million selfies ...

16 Jul 17:27

Remarkable Macro Photograph of a Hummingbird by Chris Morgan

by Christopher Jobson

Remarkable Macro Photograph of a Hummingbird by Chris Morgan macro birds

Remarkable Macro Photograph of a Hummingbird by Chris Morgan macro birds

Photographer Chris Morgan snapped these great macro shots of hummingbirds in 2011 at Bosque De Paz, a 3,000 acre privately-owned biological reserve in the middle of Costa Rica. The top photo is a Green-Crowned Brilliant, a bird that only grows to a length of 13cm and is not known for its ability to sit for portraits. You can see more of Morgan’s bird photos here. (via Lost at E Minor)

15 Jul 16:52

This Girl's Selfies Take the Selfie Game to a New Level

Mirror selfies are the worst. Everyone knows that. Everyone except for 26-year-old Helene Meldahl, who has cannonballed into the mirror selfie game and promptly become a super star. Her Instagram account is a treasure trove of creativity. The premise is crazy simple, but the result is spectacular. From Peter Pan to Batman to an anthropomorphic cupcake, Helene has the mirror selfie game on lockdown.

15 Jul 16:51

This 1863 Marble Statue Proves Ron Swanson Is a Time Traveling Hero

A Redditor was recently visiting Philadelphia’s historic Walnut Street Theater—first founded in 1809—and snapped this striking photo of a marble statue at the venue. Clearly, there is only one logical explanation: Ron Swanson is a time traveling hero, dispensing his self-reliant brand of wisdom and protein advocacy throughout the ages. Either that, or iconic local actor Edwin Forrest just happens to bear a resemblance to Nick Offerman. But, nah. It's probably the time travel thing ...

15 Jul 16:50

16 Surprising Things about Parenting in China

by Joanna Goddard


For our Motherhood Around the World series, our ninth interview features Tatum Hawkins, who moved to Shanghai with her husband, Sam, and their daughters, Tess, 3, and Rue, 18 months. Here, she shares 16 surprising things about being a mom in China...
Read More >
15 Jul 16:47

Meet the New Star of ‘Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda’: Conan O’Brien

Late night legend Conan O’Brien is about to make a career-defining film debut. The comedy talk show host will guest star alongside a Sharktopus and a Pteracuda in Roger Corman SyFy film series about monstrous sea-dwelling half-breeds. In though the film doesn’t air until August, Team Coco has already created a “For Your Consideration” poster, in preparation for his inevitable Emmy/Oscar/BAFTA campaign for his work in the destined-to-become-a-classic, Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda ...

15 Jul 16:11

Here’s What the Cast of ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ Looks Like 10 Years Later

It’s hard to believe that a decade has passed since Vote for Pedro forever entered into the pop culture lexicon and a weird high schooler known as “Napoleon Dynamite” became a household name. PR professional Stephanie Kahan (the one in the middle) posted this picture of the cast 10 years later, as they’ve gathered to celebrate the epic anniversary. The Fox Searchlight studio even unveiled a life-sized bronze statue of the unlikely hero, forever immortalizing America’s favorite tetherball aficionado ...

15 Jul 03:28


11 Jul 17:49

Watch This 2-Year-Old Amputee Learn to Walk Like an Absolute Champion


ohhhhhh the little tiny walker

2-year-old Kayden Elijah Kinckle was born with a condition called omphalocele, which caused his intestines to stick through his navel. The condition ultimately led to the amputation of his left leg and right foot. Doctors predicted he wouldn't make it, but not only has he made it—he's learning to walk with the help of new walker. It's no mean feat, but Kayden has the heart of a champion and his mantra—"I got it! I got it!"—is probably the most inspiring thing you'll hear all day ...

11 Jul 17:46

Study: Watching Boring Stuff on TV Causes You to Eat Way More

According to a new study from researchers in Sweden, watching boring TV shows may be bad for your diet. The team from Uppsala University studied a group of women as they watched “engaging comedies” as well as boring televised lectures. The results showed that watching boring stuff on TV actually causes you to eat 52% more. From TIME: “The study authors conclude that it’s the level of excitement in our TV shows that may determine the amount we chow—not the act of watching (or reading) itself.” The team produced similar results when subjects were asked to read something boring, though the snack intake percentage wasn’t as dramatic. We’re just going to say it: Downton Abbey is causing you to overeat ...

11 Jul 17:46

People Are Reviewing the Grand Budapest Hotel on TripAdvisor

Just because the Grand Budapest Hotel is a fictional creation used as the centerpiece for the latest Wes Anderson movie, there’s no reason deadpan Internet users can’t post fake reviews for it on TripAdvisor, like this one:

Its best days may be behind it, but it's at least quiet, and you never have to wait for a table at dinner time. As much as I enjoy the solitude, though, it's not perfect. The elevator has the odor of some strong cologne that just won't dissipate, and every so often a VERY creepy old man wanders around and sleeps in the servant's quarters. I'm sorry, but somebody like that has no business amongst the classes that would be staying in a grand hotel. Still, it's quite nice, and one of the few genuinely historic buildings remaining in Zig-Zag-occupied Zubrowka. The concierge is lazy, but also quite accommodating.

10 Jul 15:16

Three orange lipsticks: Which would you choose?

by Joanna Goddard

she is so striking

Have you tried orange lipstick? We've been spotting it everywhere this summer, and it's surprisingly flattering on women with all different skin tones. So we asked make-up artist Ashlee Glazer to show us three ways to wear it, my friend Courtney Adamo agreed to model and Jamie Beck took photos. Here are three summer looks...Read More >
10 Jul 15:14

Meet the World’s Greatest Barber

For Texas-based barber Rob The Original, every hair cut is a work of art. Using clippers and scissors, the stylist turns his customers’ heads into canvases, creating life-like portraits and pop-culture inspired designs. You can head over to his Instagram profile to see more of his work ...

07 Jul 15:26

And...we're moving!

by Joanna Goddard

all i can think about is how much money they put into that interior decorator a few months ago

Last fall, we moved from the West Village to an apartment farther downtown in Battery Park City. We planned to stay for a year or two until we could find a place in Brooklyn, but then...Read More >
02 Jul 03:22

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen

by Christopher Jobson

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Table Topography: Wood Furniture Embedded with Glass Rivers and Lakes by Greg Klassen wood table rivers lakes furniture

Furniture maker Greg Klassen builds intricately designed tables and other objects embedded with glass rivers and lakes. Inspired by his surroundings in the Pacific Northwest, Klassen works with edge pieces from discarded trees (often acquired from construction sites, or from dying trees that have begun to rot) which he aligns to mimic the jagged shores of various bodies of water. The pieces are completed with the addition of hand-cut glass pieces that appear to meander through the middle of each table. You can see much more of work here, and several tables are available through his shop.

30 Jun 16:51

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani

by Christopher Jobson

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

People Skewered with Geometric Shapes by Aakash Nihalani tape street art geometric

A number of new works today from artist Aakash Nihalani (previously) who has been skewering subjects in Brooklyn with his geometric figures made from neon tape as part of a new body of work called Landline. You can follow the artist’s newest work on his blog Eye Scream Sunday.

26 Jun 16:07

Potentially Magic Rocks…

26 Jun 16:06

Jane Krakowski to Star in New Tina Fey-Produced Sitcom

30 Rock frenemies Jane Krakowski and Tina Fey are reuniting. Fey, who is producing a new sitcom starring The Office’s Ellie Kemper for NBC, has tapped her old comedy partner for a recurring role in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. According to Deadline, the show follows the “wide-eyed Kimmy who, after 15 years of living in a cult, decides it’s time to reclaim her life and heads to New York. Krakowski will play a rich Upper West Side mom who hires Kimmy as a nanny.” Krakowski and Kemper’s triumphant return to NBC will air this fall ...

26 Jun 16:06

Finally! An Applebee’s Social Networking App for True Fans of the 'Bee

Finally, a Chat Roulette-style app just for devoted fans of Applebee’s! Imagine being able to walk into your favorite neighborhood bar and grill, order up some sliders and pull out your phone for a quick chat with another Applebee’s diner somewhere in the world. Thanks to the WhatsApplebee’s app, that ever-elusive dream is finally a reality.

The maker of the app, a developer named Michael Lazer-Walker who has no affiliation with the actual Applebee’s company, explained to Engadget, “Lately I’ve seen so many apps that seem like they’re a parody of Silicon Valley culture but are in fact real, actual products. I wanted to create something just on the other side of that line—something that’s clearly a terrible idea, but not SO outlandish compared to the current state of things that you might, for a second, believe it’s real.” The app itself may be a joke, but the good news for lonely diners looking for an actual Applebee’s-based social network is that WhatsApplebee’s is a fully functional iPhone app. You’ll never have to spend a lonely evening with your Bourbon Black & Bleu Burger again ...

26 Jun 15:23

Watching Rom-Coms and Sitcoms Will Change Your Expectations For Love


i just want to comment on this picture-- i honestly didn't recognize lily at first. i thought she was a random kid in this picture.

This may not come as a surprise, but it at least ought to give you pause. A new study to be published in Psychology Of Popular Media Culture says that, yes, the type of romantic shows you watch does affect your outlook on love. University of Michigan researchers found that if you're the type to watch shows like The Bachelor, you're more likely to believe in "The One" and love at first sight and choosing who you're going to marry based on a gameshow. Romantic stuff like that.

However, not all television shows are created equal. Fans of slightly more cynical sitcoms like How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory are acquainted with the cold ways of the world, and do not expect life to serve up a steaming pile of true love at every turn. Basically, the more you watch shows that promise One True Love—like The Bachelor—the more likely you are to believe in it. The more you watch sitcoms that feature a frequently revolving door of dating relationships, the less likely you are to be on the lookout for The One. Or, as The New Yorker puts it: "Even if we aren’t aware of it, the researchers argue, we internalize the messages we hear on TV or in films" ...

24 Jun 14:31

Celebrate Today By Watching a Bunch of Beagles Experience Sunshine for the First Time


oh my gosh.

Other Beagles is a company that rescues beagles from labs who are using them for test subjects. These particular beagles had been born in cages, and would have spent their whole lives in them, if Other Beagles hadn't come along, rescued them and, in the video below, let them outside for the very first time and scored it all with some understandably overbearing music. Congratulations, little guys ...

24 Jun 14:27

Maps Show the Most Popular Baby Names in Every State

According to these carefully color-coded U.S. maps, a generation of Emmas, Sophias, Liams and Williams will one day be running the country. The Huffington Post used data from the Social Security Administration revealing the top names given to baby boys and girls born in 2013 to create the two maps (the one featuring girl’s names is below, and both can be seen here) ...

24 Jun 14:26


by Joanna Goddard

welcome to 2010

To make your dinner table pretty, here's an easy idea: Scatter succulents around the table. They're beautiful—with a hint of the desert—and they last much longer than fresh flowers. You can find collections at Etsy, West Elm and Terrain. (They'd also make a great hostess gift, don't you think?)

P.S. Pretty napkins, and home scents.

(Photo by Alpha Smoot for Cup of Jo, styling by Kendra Smoot)
24 Jun 14:25

Building a World - Lion and Turtle


the little lion is so cute!

23 Jun 18:46

Lose Yourself in the Celebrity Guys With Zooey Deschanel Eyes Tumblr

Lately, Tumblr seems to mostly exist to produce things we didn't know we needed. In this case, pictures of what celebrity guys would look like if they had Zooey Deschanel's whimsical peepers. You keep doing you, Tumblr ...

23 Jun 18:45

Important: Amy Grant Releasing an Album of Dance Remixes

Drop what you're doing. Drop what everyone else is doing too, because this is happening. If you were raised in a certain kind of Christian household, choreographing dances to Amy Grant songs was probably as much a part of your childhood as breakfast cereal. And now, Mrs. Grant is doing something she should have done eons ago: Honoring this time-honed tradition with an album of dance remixes. Yes. The album is called In Motion, it'll release August 19 and it may well be the most important musical release of the year, or any other. And if you think that news is a big deal, then check this out: the first single, a "Baby Baby" dance remix, is out and you can listen to it right now. Why are you even still reading this? Go, go, go ...

02 Jun 00:12

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP

by Christopher Jobson

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Artist Henrique Oliveira Constructs a Cavernous Network of Repurposed Wood Tunnels at MAC USP wood installation architecture

Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira (previously) recently completed work on his largest installation to date titled Transarquitetônica at Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade in São Paulo. As with much of his earlier sculptural and installation work the enormous piece is built from tapumes, a kind of temporary siding made from inexpensive wood that is commonly used to obscure construction sites. Oliveira uses the repurposed wood pieces as a skin nailed to an organic framework that looks intentionally like a large root system. Because the space provided by the museum was so immense, the artist expanded the installation into a fully immersive environment where viewers are welcome to enter the artwork and explore the cavernous interior. Transarquitetônica will be on view through the end of November this year, and you can watch the video above by Crane TV to hear Oliveira discuss its creation.

26 May 16:39


26 May 05:04

Aug(De)Mented Reality: An Ingenious Fusion of Traditional Cel Animation and iPhone Photography

by Christopher Jobson

tj and i watched this the other day. so good

Aug(De)Mented Reality: An Ingenious Fusion of Traditional Cel Animation and iPhone Photography stop motion animation

Animator Marty Cooper creates brief animated shorts by blending traditional cel animation with photos he takes with his iPhone 5. By using transparent layers he’s able to create characters that interact with other objects in the background and foreground in a method similar to stop motion. Above is a three minute collection titled Aug(De)Mented Reality, and you can also see more on his Tumblr.