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19 Aug 00:15


by Jessica Hagy

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13 Aug 13:41

Computers vs Humans

It's hard to train deep learning algorithms when most of the positive feedback they get is sarcastic.
29 Jul 14:53

1 Thing Parents Should Know About ‘The Emoji Movie’

by Matt Blum

Well... says it all really.

Emoji Movie

There really is just one thing anyone should know about 'The Emoji Movie'...

Click through to read all of "1 Thing Parents Should Know About ‘The Emoji Movie’."

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29 Jul 06:44

How to sneeze like I do

by Matthew Inman
20 Jul 00:32


by aaron

Just don't read the comments.... :-/

19 Jul 22:07

Wifi vs Cellular

According to the cable company reps who keep calling me, it's because I haven't upgraded to the XTREME GIGABAND PANAMAX FLAVOR-BLASTED PRO PACKAGE WITH HBO, which is only $5 more per month for the first 6 months and five billion dollars per month after that.
19 May 10:09

Girls With Slingshots - GWS Chaser #574


Tee hee!

New comic!

Today's News:

They say the "fuck you" is breaking, but everyone already knew.">Here's the old strip!

11 May 11:21

Oww, quit it.

by Jessica Hagy

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25 Apr 22:11

And don’t you forget it.

by Jessica Hagy


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07 Apr 07:36

And on weekends, we reset.

by Jessica Hagy

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19 Mar 21:23

Selling Off a ‘Grimm’ Corpse

by Marziah Karch

I'd never been to a TV show's estate sale before, but that's apparently how it's done. 'Grimm' shot their final episode, and now everything had to go, even before the final episode of the series airs.

Click through to read all of "Selling Off a ‘Grimm’ Corpse."

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14 Mar 11:20

His practice investigates four-dimensional cartography of astral planes.

by Jessica Hagy
24 Feb 09:29

Guess What?

by alex

Guess What?

15 Feb 21:38

Irregular Webcomic! #1527 Rerun

Comic #1527

The dessert stomach is a concept popular amongst my circle of friends. The basic idea is that no matter how much you have eaten for dinner, no matter how stuffed to the gills you are and cannot possibly fit another morsel in, no matter how gorged and bloated you feel, there's always room for dessert. This is achieved by switching further food intake to the special backup dessert stomach, which is reserved for just such situations.

This seems to be a moderately widespread concept, as Google attests, but not so well known as to be common knowledge. Professor Jones' dessert stomach seems to be quite large.

The background photo is another from my 2001 trip to Italy. I don't know what the specific building is, but it's between the Vittorio Emanuelle II monument and Castel Sant'Angelo. It was a daylight photo, which I've Photoshopped into a night scene.

2017-02-15 Rerun commentary: There's now an actual science article about the dessert stomach. It's a real thing! Says the article:
The stomach is a flexible organ. When you consume a large meal the walls of the upper section of the stomach relax to make room for the food. [...] Glucose – or sugar if you will – stimulates this relaxation reflex. "In this way it can decrease the pressure on the stomach and reduce the sensation of being full. A sweet dessert allows the stomach to make room for more food," the researchers write in the medical journal. [...] The best thing to do is to limit your consumption of dessert to just a taste of something sweet. This won't split your gut, and at the same time the small dose of sugar will trigger the dessert expansion. The result will probably be that you feel a little less full after your meal. So a single bite of something sweet will actually make you more comfortable after a feast than if you had passed it by.
Now, while we here at Irregular Webcomic! agree wholeheartedly that ingesting sugar (or even just seeing a fine dessert in some cases) allows the stomach to make room for more food, we must protest against the notion that the best strategy is to partake of a mere single bite!
09 Feb 23:32


by alex


07 Feb 11:41

Super Bowl – Part 5

by ray

Super Bowl – Part 5

02 Jan 20:31

A World Full Of Mean Kittens


Ever see a two-year-old pet a kitty? It is not a pleasant experience for the kitty. The kid staggers over, beaming; the kitty, if it has any experience with small children, generally attempts to flee.

And the kid, full of friendship and good will, whacks the cat on the head repeatedly in their clumsy version of “petting.” Depending on the cat’s temperament, the cat will either scratch or flee. In either case, the kid is often heartbroken.

At which point the child is presented with an optional lesson to be learned: They can understand that their version of “petting” is not actually what the kitty wants…

Or they can decide the kitty is MEAN to them because they petted, and yet the kitty rejected their friendship!

Wise parents will help shape this lesson for their children, of course. But if the kid doesn’t figure it out eventually, the world is gonna be full of very mean kittens.

And I see that behavior a lot in life, particularly among men seeking the company of women. Like the two-year-old, they’ve watched what other men do and have picked up on some elements of how social interactions work, but not the critical subtleties that would convey kindness.

Then they go out and act like what they think is a “nice” guy, except they’re actually whackin’ kittens in the face.

And when the women inevitably reject their “kind” advances, they don’t stop to think, “Wait, maybe what I’m doing isn’t what the people I’m trying to date actually want.” They generally double down, bitching that they did everything they were supposed to, and these dumb bitches don’t know when a guy is doing good things for them, and it never really occurs to them that when they’re secretly thinking of women as dumb bitches that maaaaaybe that’s a sign that women shouldn’t actually date them, but by then it’s too late.

They live in a world full of mean kittens.

Which isn’t to say that some cats don’t scratch, of course. There are some genuinely hissy felines out there. But in that case, the lesson to be learned is generally “Cats don’t exist to be petted for your convenience,” and wise people realize that “getting to pet every cat you liked” is not something you were ever guaranteed in life.

The rest of them throw tantrums. Kind of like a two-year-old.

Cross-posted from Ferrett's Real Blog.

This entry has also been posted at You can comment here, or comment there; makes no never-mind by me.
30 Dec 22:07


by aaron
23 Dec 23:22



Maybe next year... :-P

And then in a twinkling, a sound gave me pause / From the roof came the scratching of eight tarsal claws.
22 Dec 07:20


by aaron
15 Dec 20:59


by aaron
11 Dec 21:00


by aaron
04 Dec 09:52

(315): 2016 shall be rememered as...


Oh dear, this made me giggle...

(315): 2016 shall be rememered as the year I sharted while putting up the Christmas tree.
28 Nov 20:22

Baby Post

18 Nov 03:40

Rover, P.I. Takes Another Case

by alex

Rover, P.I. Takes Another Case

01 Nov 06:34

Parents just don’t understand.

by Jessica Hagy

Don't tax my gig hardcore, k cruster!


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27 Oct 00:27

In the USA, the sorting hat has a catch-phrase.

by Jessica Hagy


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13 Oct 04:11

Sneak Preview: ‘Betrayal at House on the Hill’: ‘Widow’s Walk’

by Gerry Tolbert

​For those of you anxiously awaiting the release of Betrayal at House on the Hill's first expansion Widow's Walk, GeekDad got an exclusive look at a new Room Tile and an Event Card with finished artwork and mechanics.

Click through to read all of "Sneak Preview: ‘Betrayal at House on the Hill’: ‘Widow’s Walk’."

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30 Sep 01:46

How many more weeks until this election is over?

by Jessica Hagy


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21 Sep 21:58

Manhattan Project

On the plus side, we definitely killed that cancer over there, even if we caused a bunch more everywhere else.