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14 Jan 08:43

New FAA Regulations Could Shoot Down Artists’ Drone-Based Projects

by Benjamin Sutton
 Bart Jansen, "Orvillecopter" (2012) (photo by Dennis van Zuijlekom/Flickr)

Bart Jansen, “Orvillecopter” (2012) (photo by Dennis van Zuijlekom/Flickr)

Regulations being proposed by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) could clip the wings of artists who use drones in their practice. Laws currently on the books with regards to the use of drones (or Unmanned Aircraft Systems) only govern commercial use, but the new rules that will likely be put before Congress for approval in September could curtail artistic uses of drones, The Art Newspaper‘s Rachel Corbett reports.

Artists occupy an ambiguous place vis-à-vis the rules currently governing commercial use of drones, for which a license is required. While artists qualify as recreational drone users who are not subject to the current FAA regulations, if they try to sell works created with the use of a drone — like, for instance, graffiti artist KATSU’s drone paintings — they could in theory be considered commercial users and expected to procure the appropriate licenses and permits. The more stringent rules may seek to reduce such ambiguities. They will also be aimed at curtailing security and privacy risks associated with unmanned aircraft by formalizing the FAA’s best practices for drone use such as “Don’t fly above 400 feet,” “Keep your unmanned aircraft within sight,” and “Please respect the privacy of everyone. No taking pictures of people if they are not expecting it!” The regulations are expected to restrict drone flights to daytime.

“The price of unmanned aircraft has come down, and this newer and more powerful technology is more affordable to more people, yet many are not familiar with the rules of flying,” FAA Administrator Michael P. Huerta said last month. “In previous years, many model aircraft enthusiasts were drawn to the hobby by an interest in aviation and in developing stick and rudder skills and other aviation skills. Today, those enthusiasts are still among us and are using unmanned aircraft, but a large segment of the market for multi-rotor unmanned aircraft is photography enthusiasts.”

While the FAA has struggled to keep pace with the popularization of drones in the US, some cities have introduced municipal laws to ensure they are used safely and respectfully. Last week London’s Metropolitan Police Service issued a warning that the law prohibits citizens from operating drones within 150 meters (492 feet) of “any congested area” and within 50 meters (164 feet) of a building not owned by the drone’s operator, according to the Daily Mail.

In New York City there is no municipal ordinance currently regulating the use of drones, but if the NYPD rules that a particular drone pilot is putting the public risk, it could charge him or her with Reckless Endangerment. The days of lawless drone piloting may be numbered in New York, though. A bill introduced by Councilman Daniel Garodnick (D-Manhattan) would effectively ban flying unmanned aircraft within city limits, and it has caused an uproar in the model airplane community.

14 Jan 08:42

marxvx: the “je suis charlie” marches in paris really just show how positively the media can...


the “je suis charlie” marches in paris really just show how positively the media can portray street demonstrations when they want to, and, by comparison, how negatively they have been portraying every left-populist street protest movement of the past four years

Or even in the past.  A lot of social justice protests of the past are portrayed positively now in hindsight, and implied as if it had broad support from the dominant mainstream in the past when that usually wasn’t the case.

14 Jan 08:41

FOX Mushroom Farm Terrorism Expert Might Be Sorry

by Vixen Strangely

There’s something entirely too easy to slam about a “terrorism expert” appearing on Jeanine Pirro’s FOX News program absolutely fudging up a demographic fact like the proportion of Muslim people in Birmingham, UK. The funny old thing is, his particular overestimation of the number of Muslims or immigrants is sort of a weird example of a study done recently regarding the tendency of people to wildly overstate the number of immigrants or Muslims, and understate the number of Christians, in their home nation.

Jeanine Pirro, whose presence on the FOX network utterly obviates the entire concept of “sober as a judge”, devolved into a rant upon the killing of Muslims because they apparently freak her out by existing.  To hear old Jeanine blow it, the 1% of Muslims in the United States have led to the likelihood that the First Amendment will be altered (without congressional ratification?) to somehow not be mean to Muslims, and praying with them is weird and she doesn’t like it. And also—“We need to kill them”.  Nope—listen to it in all its sick glory. She really is hot about genocide.

Now, Steve Emerson is sorry about his comments, and realizes his credibility is in a bit of jeopardy.  Would Jeanine Pirro feel anything like the same thing over her genocidal and ill-informed rant, I wonder? Or even feel that her utter journalistic failure and immoral bigotry against an entire religion sort of disqualifies her from being a judge or you know—a reliable journalist?

Forget it, Jake, it’s FOX Mushroom Farm. She’s doing her real job, don’t you know?

(X-posted at Strangely Blogged.)

14 Jan 08:40

thebirdandthebat: virginiagentlenerd: GWENDOLINE.  BRB...




BRB blushing forever.

14 Jan 08:39

onlyblackgirl: blackfemalejesus: Only good joke some them...



Only good joke

some them white folks were like “wait, it didn’t work?”

14 Jan 08:39

favillus: incredible 



14 Jan 08:38


14 Jan 08:38

flowisaconstruct: digg: This is what people asked the library...



This is what people asked the library before Google. (via)

When I was in college, there was a service called KU info. You called a number and some poor student answered and had to look up answers. The night shift must have sucked beyond belief. “No, sir. None of my references tell me what gravity tastes like.”

14 Jan 08:37

kanayahummel: theperksofbeingdornish: ohanameansfamily24: -beh...










oh my god

As a person from California, this is 100% accurate

As a person from Michigan, this is 100% accurate

As a person from England I was so confused because I forgot you use the Fahrenheit system 

50 degrees in England 

100 degrees in England


I don’t know why I found the skeletons so funny, it’s almost like they’re dancing really sarcastically?

they’re british skeletons of course they’re dancing sarcastically. 

14 Jan 08:37

lzbth: swag won’t pay the bills but apparently neither will your degree


swag won’t pay the bills but apparently neither will your degree

14 Jan 08:36

lunors: this account is the realest account ever


this account is the realest account ever

14 Jan 08:36

blink-182-bashers: funfrom4chan: What the fuck do we do...



What the fuck do we do now?

take a picture,  thats it. 

14 Jan 08:35

there, i fixed it

there, i fixed it

14 Jan 08:32

West Hollywood to require all single-stall public restrooms to be gender-neutral

by Staff Reports
west-hollywoodThe city of West Hollywood plans to require gender-neutral restrooms to accommodate individuals' whose gender identity conflicts with their ascribed biological sex.
14 Jan 08:31

kurovoid: circuitbird: Presented without comment. The perfect...



Presented without comment.

The perfect poop.

#gothiccharmschool #I need your opinions on this #and pull Alex in too if he feels like it

I … wha? …

Well, this did provoke the first real laughter I’ve had all day, yay? Even if it was really ugly cackling.

If “health goth” means self-care, learning to love the body you have, and exercise because you like it (or like the results), I’m all for it.

HOWEVER, if “health goth” means looking the “right” way while wearing specific brands of black exercise gear, and making dismissive comments about different body types, then I will raise an eyebrow and look very, very disappointed in everyone. 

13 Jan 20:02

A Tunnel, Not A Door: Exiting Conditioned, Generational Sex Work

by Lime Jello
This piece is adapted from a December 17th speech the author gave this year. “You’re so lazy, you’ll never be anything but a whore. And you won’t even be a good whore because nobody wants to fuck a girl with a book in front of her face.” When I was about twelve, as I lay […]
13 Jan 18:40

Conservatives Criticizing Obama for Not Going to Paris Are Full of Merde

by Rude One
Seriously, all the Republicans pretend angry at Obama for not going to march in France and are pretend supportive of the French in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks, go eat out the assholes of porcupines, you ludicrous fucks. First of all, you don't give a jolly rat shit about France. It's just an occasion to slam Muslims and show that you love Israel so much that even Israel says, "Whoa, back the fuck off. You're smothering me."

And how the fuck does the Rude Pundit know this is just a fuckin' joke, a little bit of political slap and tickle? Because Newt Gingrich had the fuckin' balls to call Barack Obama not going to France "cowardice." And then, in a smarmy little Facebook Q&A, Gingrich said, "France has not always been with us but they were decisively with us after 9/11 and we have been allies a long time. It is no accident that one of the two portraits in the united states house of representatives is a Frenchman, the marquess de Lafayette, the other is President Washington. That is how much we owed the French for helping us win our independence." (Sic all the errors - Gingrich apparently can't tell a Marquis from a Marquess, which explains a lot.)

This would be the same Newt Gingrich who, way back in 2012, in an accordion-scored ad titled, "The French Connection," found the link between Mitt Romney and John Kerry: Motherfuckers both speak French, like little bitches:

The Republicans drove John Kerry insane, an insanity that lasts to this day, with all the insinuations and accusations about his manhood and France or about his liberalism and eeevil French socialism. Or maybe that he's a snooty stereotype of a waiter or a cartoon skunk or something. Honestly, the Rude Pundit could never figure out why one would hate someone for having a connection to France once we got past the whole "Freedom Fries" bullshit just because France said, correctly, "Um, yeah, your Iraq War is fucking dumb." It was just a piece with the Great Stupiding of Our Nation at the hands of idiot Republicans and cowardly Democrats.

If Obama had gone to Paris, all the right-wing media would have talked about would have been if he had "disgraced" the nation by talking to the Palestinian president or by not rubbing Bibi's balls enough. Fox "news" dimwits and bullshit artists would have torn apart how he stood, who he stood next to, whose hands he shook, whether he gave too much love to Muslims, whether he did or didn't say anything about the murdered Jews, whether his clothes were proper enough, and it would have ended with them attacking him for going.

It was a fucking trap, either way, because the compulsive masturbators of the right would have been jacking it in one direction or another.

The other thing that's galling about this whole "debate"? It makes the tragedy there about us and our own derangement, like a bunch of selfish assholes.

(Note: Obama should have sent Biden, though. Just sayin'.)
13 Jan 17:25

Tuesday Tarot – All Steam(punk)ed Up!

by syrbal-labrys
I got very excited scanning my new deck of tarot cards in so I could provide vivid images for anyone ...
Continue reading
13 Jan 17:24

A Cartography of Incarceration in the United States

by Allison Meier
Josh Begley, "Facility 237," from the series 'Prison Map'

Josh Begley, “Facility 237,” from the series ‘Prison Map’

Incarceration in the United States is often isolated and invisible. Data artist Josh Begley has created an online Prison Map that catalogues aerial photographs of prisons, jails, and other American detention centers to give the architecture of the growing prison population a tangibility and scale.

Last week, Pete Brook featured the project at Wired, writing:

Since 1980, the US prison population has exploded from fewer than 500,000 to more than 2.2 million. That’s prompted a prison building boom, mostly in rural America. As a consequence, many of these facilities are located in small towns, deserts, and remote corners of states with lots of space. They’re out of sight, and out of mind. Prison Map reveals this vast hidden infrastructure.

Prison Map will be part of Prison Obscura at Parsons next month, an exhibition curated by Brook, himself the editor of the website Prison Photography. Focused on the unseen world of prisons, the show has previously been on view at Haverford and Scripps Colleges.

Christopher Ingraham at the Washington Post reported this month that 2.3 million prisoners were incarcerated in the US, according to the 2010 census, but we “tend to focus less on where we’re putting all those people.” Begley used a coded script run through the Google Maps API based on coordinates from the Correctional Facility Locator to image 5,300 sites. We overall have little idea what prisons — frequently out in the middle of nowhere or surrounded by impenetrable fences — look like, even if statistically it’s likely that more and more of us know someone who’s incarcerated.

Like Tings Chak, whose Undocumented: The Architecture of Migrant Detention visualizes the unseen migrant detention centers of Canada, Begley is interested in the cartography of this clandestine world. As he asks on Prison Map: “What does it mean to have 5,000 or 6,000 people locked up in the same place? What do these carceral spaces look like? How do they transform (or get transformed by) the landscape around them?” The aerial photographs reveal their stern structures as a growing, sequestered sprawl against the landscape.

Josh Begley, "Facility 492," from the series 'Prison Map'

Josh Begley, “Facility 492,” from the series ‘Prison Map’

Josh Begley, "Facility 183," from the series 'Prison Map'

Josh Begley, “Facility 183,” from the series ‘Prison Map’

Josh Begley's Prison Map (screenshot by the author for Hyperallergic)

Josh Begley’s Prison Map (screenshot by the author for Hyperallergic)

13 Jan 17:21

Gary Glitter appears in court to deny historic sex offence charges

by clovernews

“The trial of Gary Glitter was adjourned yesterday, with the 70-year-old appearing at London’s Southwark Crown Court to face 10 charges relating to historic sex abuse crimes committed in the ’70s and early ’80s.”

Link to article

13 Jan 17:21

Fundy Asshats By Any Other Name Are Still Shitheads

by syrbal-labrys

1jesusIf there ever was a Jesus, he may have been “gentle” as the word always attaches to his name, but his followers have certainly NOT followed in his gentle footsteps.  I am about sick of being told only brown skinned Muslims are capable of terrorizing actions and murder.

Just because our moronic media does a crummy job reporting it when Christianist terrors wreak havoc doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.  And no, they don’t get off saying “Well, that person was crazy.”

And yes, it is Monday, and I am so fed up with bullshit that I even boiled over on the other blog!  And if you don’t think there is reason to be fed up?  Well, you need to have a view from non-Americans perhaps, through the questions they ask an American?

Filed under: Religious Nuts & Bolts, War & No Peace Tagged: christian-is-as-christian-does, Christian-terrorists, murder, terrorism
13 Jan 17:20

Fog…Not Cat’s Feet At All

by syrbal-labrys

15-01-12-12_2014-12-01 Day 71 Trees in Fog 1_croppedI had to drive to the vet early this morning.  Nothing sets up the day like a scolding by phone FROM the vet for not already being there.   But the email said 0950 and I planned to be there at 0900.  But no, their “computer” doesn’t email the right times for surgical drop-offs and I should have known better.  Oh, really?  Well, take me off your fucking computer’s email list then, if it misinforms me and then the human staff scolds me before I’ve finished my coffee.  So, out I go with unhappy woozle.  Into fog.  Fog so heavy that anyone going over 30 mph is over-driving their headlights.

Fog like a shroud,

Over every tree,

Wrapping each house,

Dimming each light....

All the requisite idiots are at large.  The red sports-car roaring around you at a stop-light, the bus driver almost hitting a van — both driving with NO headlights, the bike-rider texting instead of crossing the road with HIS light and almost being hit when he belatedly pedals out, and the imbecile behind you driving with his high beams on, in your mirror, of course.

Crows sit disconsolate,

On dripping bare branches,

Pin your hopes on red,

Traffic lights for navigation…

The fog is so heavy it even mutes sound.  And on the backroads, you feel as if you’ve slipped into some human devoid twilight zone-ville.  My mind slips a bit into irrational: turning right at a four-way stop, I suddenly think, “Oh, what if this road does not meet my connecting road?” while absolutely knowing (right angles being as they are and all!) that it utterly DOES meet the correct road eight blocks east!  Yes, the fog is so dense and white that every looming shape might be something monstrous.  A bobbing yellow mass 100 feet away resolves into a brightly clad runner.  A distorted series of shadows is a mother and four children, seemingly unaware of the risks of fog-walking on the road.

Street signs vanish,

As mirrors in smoke,

A gray car on a gray day,

Passes out of sight…

I hear whistles off to my right, a school play-yard there is invisible.  How can you practice soccer or football when the ball vanishes when kicked?  Brake lights make a red plume of brilliance, like the Firebird’s tail…a dog had a narrow escape.  Just a bit further, and I hear sirens wailing.  Somebody did not escape?  That fool in the sports-car?

It is almost mid-morning,

But blindness prevails,

White nights or white days,

January in the Northlands….

I stop to pick up milk and fruit.  The store is so bright inside, I blink my eyes like something from a midnight cave dragged into the noonday sun.  Raspberries in January.  “Spring” lamb before the springtime.  Outdoors it is nearly medieval with the possibility of ghosts and monsters; indoors it is surreal with what technology supplies.  I want to escape both, on this, my “day off”.

White, but not snow-white,

Give me white, alright!

Take me back to my bed,

To warm feathers white as fog.

Filed under: Life, Poetry Tagged: monday, seasons
13 Jan 17:18

Once Upon a Time Here…

by syrbal-labrys

…there was a series of posts called “Tarot Tuesday”.  This is before I had the other ‘softer Eye - Backside’ blog, Experiential Pagan for that sort of speculative stuff!  The posts are still somewhere here…but henceforth, anyone seeking them will be disappointed with lack of images.  I am purging my media files and all the tarot pics are going to go away.

Lest card-carrying (harharhah!) pagans and such feel disrespected, I also got rid of a bunch of brewing and cooking pics from a couple years back.

Tuesday Tarot will resume at my other blog on aother-weekly basis.  Soon as I get motivated to play with cards and my own psychology at the same time again.

Filed under: Life, Religious Nuts & Bolts Tagged: psychology, symbols, tarot
13 Jan 14:36

Challenging my thoughts

by HappyComeLucky

I have been poorly for the last week and a half. That means that I hadn’t prepared my post for today. In some ways that has been a very good thing as it has led me to challenge myself. While I was thinking about what picture to take, I automatically discounted some ideas because I have my period. When that thought appeared in my mind, I immediately stopped and challenged why I thought that. There is nothing bad about my body when I have my period. In addition to that, I get incredibly horny and crave penetration. After a few minutes thinking, my mind was made up and after a play, I took this picture.


Click to see some more Sinful Sundays.

Sinful Sunday

13 Jan 14:35

“Ban This Sick Filth”

by kittystryker

All photos from my scenes in “Ban This Sick Filth“, a collaboration between Courtney Trouble, Pandora Blake and myself

It’s been funny, not ha-ha, but somewhat ironic that the last week has been filled with people telling me that free speech needs to be absolute, and that I just don’t appreciate the necessity for it.

While I’ve been working on a porn that critiques and challenges obscenity laws… with more obscenity.

Originally, it was meant to challenge the UK’s VOD restrictions- things I do at home, like fisting, squirting, and spanking, are now banned for me to do on film. As we worked on it, however, it morphed into a wider critique of how porn, often decided to be without “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value”, can and does serve as validation for sexual diversity, queerness, and an enjoyment of non-heteronormative sex.

In lieu of all the fervor about freedom of speech, I feel inclined to remind folks that obscenity is one of a few things not protected under “freedom of speech”. I don’t have the right to distribute or advertise my creative work, because I’m naked and orgasming in it and a bunch of white old dudes will argue in a courtroom about the artistic and educational merit of that. Considering a local community makes the decision on what is immoral for them, rather than a national standard, what is obscene and what it beautiful varies wildly from state to state. What might be completely acceptable and even tender in the Bay may well be horrifying and traumatizing to people in a conservative state.

I cannot completely anticipate the possible reactions or consequences of what I do, but I can make a pretty decent guess- I might get arrested, I might get doxxed by someone like Porn WikiLeaks, I might end up shot by some Elliot Rodgers PUA/MRA wannabe. Or I might be pointed at as someone perpetuating violence against women in the work I do. So, knowing those possibilities, I try to reduce by ethical carbon footprint in how I critique.

The thing is, when working on this porn, I recognized that, for example, there are people who watch porn for sexual education. That sense of awareness gave me some feelings of accountability to the viewer.

While it would’ve been, in many ways, a lot easier to have the banned acts be things that are nonconsensually thrust on me as the bottom, I also knew that we live in a culture that considers fisting violent. I know we live in a society where 5 year old rape victims have been said, by judges, that they were “asking for it”. I know we live in a society where to say men shouldn’t catcall is considered some sort of misandrist rallying cry. I didn’t want to add to that culture by implying that these were acts I didn’t want happening to me, I didn’t want there to be a question about my consent. I wanted to show how absurd it is that I can do these things with the same people offscreen and that’s legal, but if it’s on a camera, suddenly it’s obscene.

I think obscenity laws are ridiculous and worth making fun of. There are ways, I think, to both critique society, government, and law without falling into the tedious and easy trap of perpetuating ignorance or falling into boring stereotypes. While I know very well fisting isn’t inherently violent, I also know that my depiction informs people, and maybe I should avoid having it be part of a rough sex scene involving face slapping and smutty talk so I can show people that it can be intimate and sweet. I choose to do a scene where I giggle through my caning instead of crying, because I want to show that these acts are ok, and a desire for these things is ok to have.

“Ban This Sick Filth” is a pet project I care a lot about, not only because I care about picking away at obscenity laws, but also because it was playful, and fun, and sends the message I wanted to send without being mean. And it’s very intimate- doing watersports for the first time with a real life partner was really precious to me, and a challenge. I feel like this came from my heart, inviting people in to see why I love “sick filth”, rather than dismissing them as ignorant for not feeling the same. And I can’t wait to share it with all of you!

13 Jan 14:35

Channel 4’s diversity policy won’t work

by stavvers

Channel 4 have produced new diversity guidelines, and get your martini glasses ready because they’ll likely make the rich cis straight white abled men media class start sobbing. Women, PoC, LGBT and disabled people must now be given leading roles in new shows, and characters must also reflect this diversity.

It sounds good on paper, but it won’t fucking change much. The big problem here is that Channel 4 haven’t hit the issue where it matters: the showrunners. The thing about rich cis straight white abled men is they’re not very good at writing diverse characters. They write tokens rather than rounded characters. They write fucking rubbish, because they can’t step outside of their own very limited life experience. Without a change to who is running shows, we’re not likely to see much interesting new content, just a rehash of the same old tired tropes that happen when characters are viewed through the eyes of the rich cis straight white abled man. Channel 4 could have attacked this problem at the very root, and drastically cut the quantity of shows commissioned that are run by this demographic so it reflects population level.

Saying that, even if they did that, I expect what we’d see was a sudden rise in shows run by rich cis gay white abled men.

There’s also a lot of bullshit which falls into compliance with Channel 4’s self-imposed guidelines which won’t help anything. Take, for example, Dr Christian’s pharmacopoeia of nastiness: he’s a gay man (TICK!) and he’s making shows which feature disabled people (TICK!). The fact that these shows generally take the tone of “HEY LOOK AT THIS FREAK WANNA FIND OUT HOW SHE FUCKS?” doesn’t factor into these diversity guidelines. Representation is representation is representation. It doesn’t matter how people are represented, just that they are there.

On the character side of things, I anticipate a little bit of change, maybe. I expect to see less queer-coding villains and more overtly queer, deviant villains. I foresee an enormous rise in racist tropes, with magical negroes leading the white heroes on their quests while at least getting to be in the opening credits for once. And oh! So much naughty, after hours shows with physical comedy about rimming because everybody knows gays can’t go on before the watershed. But worst of all, I predict a rise of the freak show formula. It’s done Channel 4 well so far, and it’ll only serve it better.

Channel 4 has taken a step, but it’s a pretty useless step. I only hope the amount of discomfort it causes the rich cis straight white abled men media class outweighs the negatives.

13 Jan 14:34

bufotoxin: if your privilege/oppression framework is defined solely according to “these people get...


if your privilege/oppression framework is defined solely according to “these people get a kind of flak these people don’t get” and not “these people are actually materially exploited by these people” then you get all kinds of bullshit like vanilla privilege or, idk, non-goth privilege. tall privilege. you can apply it to literally anything

It’s why you need to talk about privilege in the context of power and domination, and not just privilege as just a list of things you get.  Those are supposed to be an illustrative tool to help people understand how privilege applies to them, they’re symptoms, not causes.  The problem is that talking about privilege online is starting to get divorced from talking about it in the larger framework of anti-oppression, and it’s original place within a model of colonization, power and domination.  And so people just think privilege is simply some stuff other people have that you want, or stuff you have that others might want.

13 Jan 14:33

Millennials Are Less Tolerant Than You Think -- Science of Us

Millennials Are Less Tolerant Than You Think -- Science of Us:


"The fact of the matter is that millennials who are white — that is, members of the group that has always had the most regressive racial beliefs, and who will constitute a majority of U.S. voters for at least another couple of decades — are, on key questions involving race, no more open-minded than their parents. The only real difference, in fact, is that they think they are."

This goes to something I tweeted out yesterday.  White people did a better job convincing their children that racism is over than they did actually trying to end it.

13 Jan 14:32

NYC IDs Now Available (Along with Free Membership at Lots of Museums)

by Becca Rothfeld
(image via @1001ptUS/Twitter)

(image via @1001ptUS/Twitter)

Mayor Bill de Blasio launched IDNYC yesterday, the program that will issue municipal identification cards to any New York resident over the age of 14 who cares to apply for one — including undocumented immigrants. De Blasio’s office has promoted the program as evidence of its commitment to inclusivity, arguing that the cards afford New York’s immigrant population access to services previously unavailable to them. With municipal IDs, it will be easier for them to obtain library cards, open bank accounts, and enter federal buildings.

Though some civil rights groups have expressed concern that the cards could be used to identify undocumented immigrants, de Blasio’s office hopes the initiative will attract a wide enough swath of New Yorkers that they blend in with the crowd. To entice potential applicants, the IDYNC program offers a variety of cultural perks. Here’s a quick primer on why art enthusiasts might want a IDNYC card — and how to get one.

What are the benefits?

You should apply for a municipal ID so that undocumented immigrants can get them without facing stigma or repercussions. But you should also apply for an IDNYC card to get free one-year membership at any or all of these 33 participating cultural institutions:

American Museum of Natural History
Bronx County Historical Society
Bronx Museum of the Arts
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn Children’s Museum
Brooklyn Museum
Carnegie Hall
New York City Ballet
El Museo del Barrio
Flushing Town Hall
Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museum of Jewish Heritage
Museum of the City of New York
Museum of the Moving Image
New York Botanical Garden
New York City Center
New York Hall of Science
Public Theater
Queens Botanical Garden
Queens Museum
Queens Theatre in the Park
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
Staten Island Children’s Museum
Staten Island Historical Society
Staten Island Museum
Staten Island Zoo
Studio Museum in Harlem
Wave Hill
Wildlife Conservation Society
Bronx Zoo
New York Aquarium

Though the benefits of membership at these institutions vary, some offer pretty appealing packages. The Museum of the Moving Image, for instance, provides its members with “unlimited complimentary admission” to the permanent collection galleries (not counting special exhibitions, unfortunately).

How and where can you apply?

There are 12 IDNYC Enrollment Centers scattered across New York’s five boroughs. You can find a complete list of the centers, many of which are located in public libraries, here.

To apply for an IDYNC card, visit the website and print out an application, or stop by an IDNYC Enrollment Center. The application requires proof of residence and identity, but it’s flexible with respect to documentation. The program operates on a point system, requiring applicants to earn a total of at least three identity points and one residency point. For instance, New York–issued identification cards like a state driver’s license are worth four residency and identity points, whereas documents like phone bills are worth just one residency point. For details, look at the second page of the application. Work-arounds are offered for those without a stable home address and survivors of domestic violence.

13 Jan 14:30

At last, the paedophile as hero!

by tomocarroll

The paedophile as hero (well, a basically decent guy at least) isn’t exactly an overworked figure in contemporary commercial fiction, so when one turns up who is kind, wise, witty and moral, and even so handsome and athletic that women fall hopelessly (in every sense) in love with him, it is time to pay attention. Heretic TOC’s guest blogger today, “Dissident”, has done just that, by reviewing Pedal, last year’s debut novel by Canadian writer Chelsea Rooney (Caitlin Press, 2014). Dissident is a freelance editor and professional website administrator who also earns part of his living writing fiction, with a substantial body of published work to his name in several genres, including sci-fi. He is a long-time hebephile activist who has been prominent in GL circles for some 15 years. He has contributed essays on MAP-relevant topics to Newgon wiki and he posts to GirlChat, where he is a moderator. He has also participated regularly at Visions of Alice, Lifeline and here at Heretic TOC.


I’m pleased to say that Chelsea Rooney can well be considered one of an emerging band of writers who have an interest in actually getting to the truth of pedophilia (and its cousin sexual preferences, hebephilia and nepiophilia, both of which get token mention in this novel).

She is concerned neither with popular propaganda nor with looking politically “acceptable” to her fellow progressives and feminists; and she sure as hell isn’t looking to garner approval from the likes of Oprah Winfrey or her trashy imitators. She is simply interested in the truth, which she commendably values above popularity, especially of the kind that springs from ignorance, hatred, and willful lack of understanding.

That being made clear, Pedal can be difficult reading at times, depending on the reader’s stylistic preferences and where their extra-pedophilic interests may lie. Like many brilliant and well-read authors, Rooney is heavy on the vocab and may be thought pedantic. I’m a writer myself, and I found my own lexicon and general knowledge enhanced. The reader will learn more about bike maintenance, Canada’s roads and often spectacular scenery, stellar cartography, botany, and even haute couture than they may have been prepared for. You will also learn what radon daughters are, and the cool metaphorical use Rooney makes of them.

Rooney’s characters are complex, and their lives outside of protagonist Julia Hoop’s therapeutic and sociological interest in adult attraction to minors are probed in great detail. Thus these people feel real, including Smirks, the pedophile. The narrative also wanders “off topic” a fair bit, making it a mixed bag for those focused narrowly on pedophilia over general human drama and interplay, but Rooney clearly put a lot into this tale. Her characters are fully realized human beings – except for a trio of sketchily presented Nordic youths (or are they just children?) whose menacing presence briefly threatens Julia and Smirks for reasons that remain deeply enigmatic.

Julia is a so-called “survivor.” However, she has spotted something that a number of researchers have begun to notice among “victims” of sexual contact with adults as minors: she had not felt traumatized by the contact she had with her father, a drunkard and wannabe poet who fled his family many years prior to the main body of the story. Julia cycles across Canada to track down the fugitive referred to universally among family and friends as “Dirtbag” and confront him with what went on between them in her childhood. She wants closure, to make sense of her confused feelings. The journey is also intended as one of self-understanding and growth as a person.

Julia doesn’t feel traumatized by Dirtbag, despite the contemptuous label he is tagged with, but is made to feel shameful and guilty thanks to a now pervasive but erroneous belief. This “conventional wisdom” insists that every child who has such contact with an adult must be traumatized, because that’s just what happens when such contact occurs, be it consensual or not.

This leads Julia into conducting interviews for her thesis with women who had sexual contact with adults as children who believe they are “survivors” of molestation despite not reporting any trauma. As a feminist of the empowerment variety – the genuine feminists, as far as I’m concerned – Julia perceives the trauma matter to be dubious in many ways. She doesn’t find the idea of being emotionally damaged for life and relentlessly venting about it by lashing out at others as in any way empowering.

Her research and strong convictions about her inherent strength as a woman make her skeptical of therapists who encourage women to remain perpetual victims. She sees this as a condescending form of complicity with an agenda that has nothing to do with helping people heal from genuine abuse, or with making sense out of sexual encounters in which the child was a willing participant. She has strong reservations about being told by therapists, or society at large, how she should feel about certain experiences, rather than how she actually feels about it.

Julia perhaps served as a literary avatar for Rooney herself, as is common in fiction. She acknowledged the help of “My early correspondent, Krissy Darch, whose letters I have saved in my inbox in a folder called Fuck Trauma, and whose questions inspired the research that led to Pedal” (p. 239).

However, the informed reader will see Dirtbag as more likely a situational molester than a pedophile. What we hear of him suggests he made advances on his daughter for reasons other than preferential attraction to minors. The failure of his ambition to become a significant writer is implicated, along with associated alcoholic binges. He was very physically and emotionally abusive to Julia’s mom, and this seems again more indicative of a drunkard than a typical pedophile. This misstep of Rooney’s can largely be forgiven, though, because elsewhere in the book she struggles harder than most other progressives of the past two decades to understand pedophiles as human beings, and to make sense of pedophilia with an objective and compassionate eye.

This leads us to featured pedophile character Smirks. He is no activist, but does attend an MAA meeting in Vancouver in the hope of gaining a better understanding of himself. And, yes, Rooney does use the value-neutral, untainted term MAA (Minor Attracted Adult) to cover all forms of adult attraction to minors. This expression and its accompanying acronym are often used interchangeably with MAP (Minor Attracted Person) in the contemporary lexicon. The latter is more inclusive, taking in minor-attracted adolescents, but I’ll stick with Rooney’s language here.

Like the infamous Humbert Humbert, Smirks is no role model for MAAs. Unlike his literary hebephile predecessor as penned by Nabokov, he is far more restrained, and his life and interests are shown to encompass much more than his preferential attraction to children – girls, in his case, which is a refreshing change from the usual disproportionate attention given to boy-attracted MAAs over the past few decades, in both literature and research.

Smirks is a quirky but basically caring soul seeking his way through life while secretly dealing with his pedophilia. He is never revealed to have crossed the legal line, making him more sympathetic to a broad modern audience as a result. We learn that a ten-year-old girl named Maria was once part of his life, but never does Rooney treat Smirks as a mindless creature of lust. His ability to feel love for other human beings is made clear, and this includes his once-upon-a-time little sweetheart. His flaws are also laid bare, in a fully three-dimensional depiction. Never does Rooney make the common liberal mistake of attempting to canonize an oppressed minority in seeking its emancipation.

Significantly, women fall for Smirks, who is a ruggedly handsome 30-something, articulate, soft-spoken and a writer. But he isn’t sexually attracted to women. So what to do? Actual romantic involvement with an adult at least offers something beyond illicit fantasies, however unsatisfactorily. Rooney confronts this dilemma: Smirk’s sexual services are commandeered, shall we say, by Julia’s best friend, Lark, a fast-moving fashionista.

It is through Lark, indeed, that Julia meets Smirks. Julia, the 25-year-old psychology graduate student is instantly smitten, but she has no idea he is a MAA. When she poses as a female hebephile to gain entrance to the MAA lecture in Vancouver, she runs into Smirks there, and the truth of his actual preferences is laid bare to her in this rather awkward fashion.

In this meeting, we get a look into the famed European MAA organization IPCE, and its policies and mission statement are laid out. Rooney clearly did her research, and she represents the org fairly, with no concession whatever to popular hostility.

Wanting to keep Smirks close, Julia invites him to join her trek across Canada to locate Dirtbag. Quickly growing to love Julia in platonic fashion, and wanting her company and support, he agrees to the trip to provide her with the same. Along the way, she grows to know him better, and gains a first-hand view into the mind and feelings of an artistic pedophile who is struggling to make sense of his place in a society which hates the very idea of his natural feelings. He too has read much of the available literature, but being a newcomer to the organized MAA community – who meet mainly online – he has yet to fully scrutinize and critique the “scientific” research, much of which is not as scientific as one would wish. Among the books Julia mentions, I should add, is Tom O’Carroll’s Paedophilia: The Radical Case.

Some of the more distressing literature that Smirks reads includes the contention that pedophilia is a brain disorder, described by him in this manner:

“It’s a dysfunction. The white matter in my brain is screwy. I don’t have enough of it. Grey matter does the thinking, the information processing. White matter controls the signals between the information, their connections. When you look at a child, your white matter connects the child to a nonsexual being, and sends a signal of nurture. Love. Care. My white matter signals sex. Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. It’s a birth defect.” (pp. 155-156).

Smirks makes it quite clear what pedophiles who have not fully self-actualized often have to deal with when reading pseudo-science of this nature. The fact that Smirks is left-handed makes him buy into this all the more, considering what researcher James Cantor and his ilk have concluded about left-handedness being particularly prevalent in MAAs.

Not addressed by Smirks is what all of this means for non-MAA adults who do not feel that strong nurturing complex towards children. Do they, too, suffer from a lack of sufficient white matter in their neural make-up? And what about the very clear nurturing feelings towards children that many typical pedophiles have alongside the sexual component of the attraction? Does that signify some sort of brain abnormality? Artistic works throughout human history seem to contradict the notion that “normal” human adult brains are somehow biologically hard-wired to view children as asexual beings. This reeks of culture and a very recent brand of moralism imposed upon scientific research.

But the emotional turmoil that MAAs like Smirks have to deal with due to all of this specious literature posing as objective science causes them to buy into this on many levels. Sadly, some MAAs view degrees of self-hatred or at least condemnation of their natural feelings as a form of catharsis or absolution for their transgression against contemporary cultural propriety.

Rooney attempts to convey the belief that despite her strong sympathy for pedophiles (and MAAs in general) as human beings who are not inherently defective, and even her questioning of common perceptions of childhood “innocence,” there are no easy answers for this conundrum. It’s obvious that Rooney was struggling with these issues as she wrote the book, though I must commend her for doing so in a manner that more or less chose neutral ambiguity over that of “regretful” condemnation.

So do I recommend this book to all who are interested in the subject, including the MAA community itself? Yes, I certainly do. Chelsea Rooney is a courageous woman with a genuine interest in understanding pedophilia that does not rest on a simplistic abuse prevention agenda. She may very well have come close to doing for pedophilia and child sexuality in the realm of fiction what Judith Levine did a decade previous as a non-fiction writer. Even those who cannot fully agree with this conclusion may however concede that she has taken a step in the right direction.