Shared posts

30 Sep 15:29


Tom Wright

That's why his Patronus is a phoenix.

29 Sep 14:43


Tom Wright


27 Sep 14:52

Sexy Vampires and Existential Philosophy

Tom Wright


Yeah I mean, life is meaningless and all, but it turns out being a sexy vampire is kind of alright.
20 Sep 19:38

The Next Great Stoic Competition

Tom Wright

That second panel is so great.

The reality TV phase of Marcus Aurelius's life was mostly edited out of Meditations.
19 Sep 14:30

Natalie Ayerdis made all things cool!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

By our very own, home-grown local-hero Natalie.

Molly with Natalie's donations

Admit it. You want those TMNT oven mitts. Badly. The only thing you want more than those is the Wonder Woman beanie. Or the Game of Thrones (or A Song of Ice and Fire for the purists) blanket-scarf-throw-thing.

Well, they could all be yours if you come to the convention and mosey over to the silent auction, and bid some good old charity money. Can’t wait to see who gets all this cool loot!

Thanks Natalie!

18 Sep 18:14

Roxley Game Laboratory donated to our Play-to-Win!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. Super-fun.

Molly with two copies of Steampunk Rally

Roxley Game Laboratory donated to our convention!

Do you want to play a fun game? Then you came to the right place. Steampunk Rally is an engine-building racing game, where gears fly apart as inventors vie for the finish line. Will you cross the finish line first (which isn’t actually how you win, but it sounds good in this sentence, you actually win by getting furthest past the finish line, man this game is so good), or will your racing contraption blow to pieces before your very eyes?

Come out and play for the chance to win a copy!

18 Sep 16:54

Japanime Games donated to our Play-to-Win!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

Will someone please get Austin on The Old Reader?

Molly with two copies of Naruto Shippuden board game

Japanime Games donated to help SafePlace!

Feast your eyes on the Naruto Shippuden board game! Join your friends as you battle the forces of evil. Will you avoid the traps and dispatch your foes, or will your enemies get the better of you? Find out at the convention, where you can play to win a copy!

18 Sep 04:15


Tom Wright

I'm the opposite. Someone take this dog home with them.


16 Sep 18:49 donated with their usual charitable spirit!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

I know what's happening with that mug if it goes to someone in our book club...

Molly with's donations

Man, is so cool.

They donate every year, and we can always expect the coolest stuff from them. Check out their website, you’re sure to find something you like. And be sure to come bid on their donations in the silent auction!

16 Sep 17:22

Renegade Game Studios donated a lot of games!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

I've played 3 out of 4 of these, and 9 out of 10 dentists agree that they were super-fun.

I was surprised at how much fun Double Feature was. Abinadi, Natalie, we played this at your house pre-book club on July 4th, I think. I probably won.

Molly with Renegade Game Studios donations

Renegade Game Studios donated so many games!

And you could win them! Come play Fuse, a super-cool timed speed game, and Lanterns, a tile-laying game. Or Double Feature, where you try to name the movie the fastest. All of these are in our Play-to-Win event, and you could go home with a copy!

16 Sep 16:35

Leslie Archibald is on The Old Reader

by /u/tomolly
Tom Wright

Click on the list of people I'm following, find Leslie, and follow her. Or, she can just comment here and you can click on her name and follow her.

You're welcome.

And you should follow her. You're welcome.

submitted by /u/tomolly
[link] [comments]
16 Sep 15:04

Crits Happen donated A HUGE amount to our convention!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

That copy of Henchmen just looks photoshopped in, to me. Like it's a little too perfectly rectangular, and it stands out a little too much by it's color and shading...

Molly with Crits Happen donations

Crits Happen donated a ton of games!

Tox of Crits Happen has always donated generously, and this year was no exception. Take a look at all that stuff you can buy in either the silent auction or the Dutch auction. Man that’s a lot of games.

Thanks Tox!

16 Sep 15:03

Arcana Games donated Blade & Brush!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

I was floored by how fun this game is.

Molly with two copies of Blade and Brush

Arcana Games donated to our Play-to-Win event!

Blade & Brush has players write haikus to gain points. How much fun is that? I’m glad you asked. It’s super-fun. Choose a character, then write haikus as you face dilemmas. Will you help the unfortunate villagers, or rob their houses while they’re gone? Or will you win the tournament, or start a brawl in the stands?

Come on out to Game for the Cause and play Blade & Brush for a chance to win a copy!

16 Sep 14:45

Crafty Games donated Little Wizards to our convention!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

Molly, Ethan, Emily, Ben, and I all played this. Totally worth it.

Molly with two copies of Little Wizards

Crafty Games donated to our Play-to-Win event!

Take on the role of a Lil’ Wizard as you explore the magical archipelagos of Coinworld. Will you know magic from birth, or did you learn at a school? What animal will be your familiar? Can you solve the mysteries and save the day?

Written for a younger audience, Little Wizards is fun for kids and adults alike. Come on out and play a session for the chance to win a copy!

16 Sep 13:55

Stonemaier Games knows their charity!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

Super-fun. Some lucky person is going to get this.

Molly holding 2 copies of Between Two Cities

Year after year, Stonemaier Games helps out SafePlace with a generous donation.

Known for quality games with quality components, Stoneamaier Games recently released Scythe, and it’s taking the board game world by storm. Check out their website, and be sure to come and play Between Two Cities in our play-to-win event!

16 Sep 13:53

Repos Production sent us 7 Wonders Duel!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

This is a fun two-player game.

Molly with 7 Wonders Duel

Repos Production donated to our Play-to-Win event!

Do you like fun games? Good, then you’ll love 7 Wonders Duel. It has the same charm as the original 7 Wonders, with a new twist on the drafting mechanic. Come on out and play for the chance to win!

16 Sep 13:51

Grey Fox Games donated a bunch of awesome games!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

So is Champions of Midgard.

Molly with Grey Fox Games donations

Grey Fox Games donated to our silent auction!

With a cool line of games on their website, Grey Fox Games are known for smash hits Champions of Midgard and Deception: Murder in Hong Kong. Check out their website, and come bid on their donations at the convention!

16 Sep 13:51

Formal Ferret Games donated two copies of The Networks!

by ToMolly
Tom Wright

So The Networks is actually a fun game.

Molly with two copies of The Networks

Formal Ferret Games donated to our Play-to-Win event!

Do you know what’s an awesome game? The Networks, that’s what. Play as a TV exec trying to get more ratings for your favorite TV shows. You’ll need to hire stars and land ads, and the savviest exec will walk away with the most viewers.

Come play for the chance to win a copy!

15 Sep 22:49

The Day a Man Asked For Spotify’s Hand in Marriage [Pics]

by Geeks are Sexy
Tom Wright

Gimmicky. I love gimmicky stuff. For entertainment purposes only, though. At least, from what I can think of off the top of my head.

13 Sep 15:50

Earth Temperature Timeline

Tom Wright

I'm with this guy on this science.

[After setting your car on fire] Listen, your car's temperature has changed before.
12 Sep 15:55

BURN: iPhone Fans Will Get The Joke

by Remy Carreiro
Tom Wright

I loved Wait Wait Don't Tell Me today, when the host said, "Courage. Emergency first responders and fire-fighters, you race into burning buildings to save whole families, but would you have the courage to remove an extremely useful feature from your flagship product?"

I like the headphone jack. I dislike the wireless, when I can't tell if someone is talking to me or not, or if they're on their phone.

Part of me wonders if there's a market for the new iPhone earbuds, only with fake cords that can attach to your phone so women can still wear them as a signal to men that they don't want to talk.


Bet you can’t wait for that upgrade, huh? Impressive stuff! Somewhere, just out of frame in this picture, an android is laughing.

Quick fill in for those who have no idea what is going on here. Apple announced its new iPhones yesterday and um, the upgrade is, well, no audio jack. I will just walk away now and let above meme say what I cannot.

Editor’s note: There’s an adapter that plugs into the lightning port, but it prevents people from charging and listening to music at the same time. Plus, knowing myself, I’d lose that adapter in no time.


The post BURN: iPhone Fans Will Get The Joke appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

11 Sep 15:51


Tom Wright

Man, whoever writes these has serious comedy chops.

08 Sep 23:48

Scary Nightmare

by alex
Tom Wright

Seriously, Brett needs to get on The Old Reader.

And they need to use a better font in this comic. Ugh.

Scary Nightmare

02 Sep 15:44

coolscar: coolscar: i think im gonna lay down………… THE LAW! you all thought i was going to bed!...

Tom Wright

Haha, suckers.



i think im gonna lay down…………

THE LAW! you all thought i was going to bed! justice never sleeps, haha suckers

02 Sep 02:35

Keep it simple, stupid

by CommitStrip
Tom Wright

Do you hate the world?


01 Sep 02:33

thepoliticalnotebook: @vox takes on the trope of the...

Tom Wright

Yup. The books should have been about Hermione.


@vox takes on the trope of the hypercompetent female sidekick. You know her – the one who’s the smartest, toughest and most capable yet ends up being rescued by the less talented, but extremely straight, white, cisgender and male hero. 

This intersects well with discussions about the pay gap and obstacles women face in their careers. For those of us who aren’t straight white cisgender men – the persistence of being typecast as not-the-hero (or the boss, or the leader, or the expert commenter) despite qualifications, talents and capabilities is a lived reality. 

31 Aug 15:26

micdotcom: Watch: Anti-racism activist Tim Wise traces the...

Tom Wright


27 Aug 14:34

Ghostbusters (2016) Review

by Anita
Tom Wright

Can't wait for it to come to Redbox.


In the 1989 film Ghostbusters II, Peter, Ray, Winston and Egon discover that “mood slime” is being powered by all the hatred and aggression in New York to bring the city to the brink of yet another ghostly apocalypse. If mood slime were a real thing, the male-entitlement-fueled rage directed at the new Ghostbusters reboot surely would have been enough to open a massive portal to the spirit realm and bring the world as we know it to an end. As it stands, that rage manifested in hate-filled tweets aimed at the film’s director, Paul Feig, and the main cast, especially targeting Leslie Jones, while also earning the film the highest number of dislikes on a movie trailer in YouTube history, all because the beloved franchise had been reimagined with an all-female crew.

The onslaught of aggression toward the remake is not at all surprising to anyone participating in online culture these days, where attacks against women remain a daily occurrence. In fact, online misogyny is so tiresomely predictable that the film anticipated it. In one of its most grimly funny moments, Abby (Melissa McCarthy) and Erin (Kristen Wiig) see a comment left on a YouTube video they have posted: “Ain’t no bitches gonna bust no ghosts.”

I very quickly found myself pulled into the new Ghostbusters.

But while plenty of people were decrying the film’s very existence for somehow retroactively ruining their childhoods simply by suggesting that women could also be professional paranormal investigators and eliminators, there were also many of us who were thrilled to see even the suggestion of this kind of reimagining. Before its release, I had many conversations with friends and colleagues that usually went something like this: “Oh god, I hope it’s good. It might not be. But it’s so important. Please be good!” And in truth, it’s unfortunate that any film should have to shoulder such expectations. There’s no sense that if a high-concept sci-fi comedy with male leads bombs, it means that men aren’t funny, or that men simply shouldn’t play characters in a particular profession.


But even as female-led comedies continue to make and break box office records, there is still an overarching sense that they just aren’t good or won’t be successful, and that if they aren’t successful, it’s somehow a commentary on women as a group, and what kinds of roles they should or shouldn’t play. While these illogical sentiments continue, there is a tremendous amount of undue pressure put on comedies that star women to be masterpieces. In a better world, there would be plenty of comedies starring women, some great, some forgettable, and it wouldn’t be a big deal. But this is the world we live in, and the outrage directed at the very existence of the new Ghostbusters indicated that it is, indeed, a very big deal.

Even with all the pressure and expectations the film had to carry, I very quickly found myself pulled into the new Ghostbusters. Very often, ensemble movies and TV shows have one female member of a core group otherwise made up by men, severely limiting the range of female representations we get and making “female” a defining character trait. (Katha Pollitt coined the term “the Smurfette Principle” to describe this phenomenon.) When there are a variety of female roles in a single piece of media, we get a wider spectrum of personalities and character traits, which helps avoid boxing women into obnoxious and played-out stereotypes. With the new Ghostbusters crew, we are presented with a range of women: geeky scientists, quirky engineers, and tough historians.

The story follows a similar arc to the original: ousted from their academic positions, scientists with an interest in the paranormal start catching ghosts who are wreaking havoc around New York, face bureaucratic hurdles that threaten to put a stop to their work, and end up fighting an epic battle to save the city. But like Kylo Ren of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the terrifying Kilgrave of Netflix’s Jessica Jones, this film’s villain is a personification of male entitlement. Rowan North (Neil Casey) works at a hotel but sees himself as a scientific genius whose gifts were never properly recognized, and so he aims to take the power that he bitterly feels entitled to by harnessing the energy of the spirit realm. When he’s confronted by the Ghostbusters, he gives them a spiel about how hard it has been to be so brilliant and never get the respect he deserves. Abby, of course, knows exactly what it feels like to not be treated with respect, just as any woman who has had to struggle against the boys’ club mentality of scientific circles would, and she says as much. The camera cuts to Patty (Leslie Jones), who no doubt could teach Roland a thing or two about what it’s like to not be respected by society, and she doesn’t need to say a word; her look says it all.


While the film successfully avoided the Smurfette Principle, I couldn’t help but feel like Patty fulfilled the role of the token black character. This became especially pronounced during a ghostbusting session at a metal show. There’s an amusing gag in which Abby successfully crowdsurfs to get at an evasive ghost but when Patty attempts to do the same, she is dropped by the crowd and exclaims, “I don’t know if it’s a race thing or a woman thing but I’m mad as hell!” A few moments later Jillian (Kate McKinnon) praises her teammates Abby and Erin for their hard work but jokingly tells Patty to “try harder.” Both of these are amusing gags and while they were used as an opportunity to acknowledge racism and sexism, it felt like the film was singling out the one woman of colour on the crew. And like Ernie Hudson’s Winston Zeddemore in the original films, she’s presented as the “working-class” member of the team, leaving her job at the MTA to join up, while the other three come from highly educated, scientific backgrounds.


Chris Hemsworth’s Kevin, on the other hand, is a male subversion of the old stereotype of the female secretary who is kept around more for her looks than for her skills. Kevin is as inept as he is attractive, and his sheer obliviousness about how to even do the most basic things like answer the phone properly leads to a number of funny moments throughout the film. Erin fawns over Kevin constantly in a way that’s both amusing and kind of pathetic. On its own, this would be frustrating, but again, because Ghostbusters gives us a range of women with notably different personality types, no one character is holding all the weight for womankind, so the film has more freedom to explore comedic territory without reinforcing negative stereotypes.

Ghostbusters gives us a range of women with notably different personality types

Kevin here fills the same function that Annie Potts’ Janine filled in the original film, though Janine, if anything, was far too competent to be working for the Ghostbusters. Alas, her skills as an administrative assistant only earned her mockery from Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman. Annie Potts is one of many cast members from the original film who make cameos in the new one; Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver all show up as well. And not all the cameos are by human actors. There’s a gag involving the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, and also an appearance by Slimer. That’s fine in and of itself, but unfortunately this time around Slimer is joined by a female Slimer who is the very definition of a Ms. Male Character. While Slimer remains just a green ectoplasmic blob with a face and is perceived as male, his companion has practically every female signifier in the book–lipstick, long blonde hair, and a bow–to differentiate her as female.


Despite frustrations like this, the Ghostbusters reboot takes the beloved franchise from the 80s and manages to give us more of the rollicking comedic sci-fi adventure we loved in the 1984 classic while simultaneously wiping out much of the sexism that plagued the original. We also saw this with The Force Awakens, and it’s a trend I can certainly get behind.

Some internet misogynist may have commented that “ain’t no bitches gonna bust no ghosts” on that video the new Ghostbusters upload to YouTube, but in the end, just like the heroes of the original, they bust the ghosts and save the day. The final moments of the film clearly nod toward a possible sequel, and if the early box office results are any indication, we may well get one. In any case, it’s great to see a funny, entertaining film in which women triumph in spite of the sexist attitudes they encounter, and it’s made all the more sweet by the fact that this film also represents something of a triumph against legions of entitled men in the real world who felt so threatened by the simple idea of women busting ghosts.

26 Aug 19:55

Comic » Judging

Tom Wright


Added 5 Months Ago
26 Aug 14:41


Tom Wright

Yup. I forgot my laptop at home, only noticing when I got to work. Ugh.