Shared posts

12 Nov 01:16

Dafuq -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
11 Nov 22:27

(2) Tumblr

by Crumble

Submitted by Crumble
11 Nov 22:25

History test -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
11 Nov 19:48

by Galadriel

Submitted by Galadriel
11 Nov 19:19


by stregadelcuore

Submitted by stregadelcuore
11 Nov 19:12

(5) Tumblr

by ibarradas21

Submitted by ibarradas21
11 Nov 19:03

I see your super hero mannaties kfranks and raise you, Hero Squirrels | LOLBRARY.COM

by lolbrary

Submitted by lolbrary
11 Nov 18:50

Cookies with different sugar…

by wallq

Submitted by wallq
11 Nov 18:48

When I visit my grandma -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
11 Nov 18:28

City Clips Bookmarks

Found by evanvar
11 Nov 18:24

New Thor poster…

by wallq

Submitted by wallq
11 Nov 18:12

tumblr_m4zao1tU161qe6mn3o1_500.gif (500×281)

by antbaena
11 Nov 17:32



Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gif , cute , Kiss Cam , funny , dating
11 Nov 17:28

Lady Gaga pilots "first flying dress"

by Dan Howarth

News: Lady Gaga wore the world's "first flying dress" at the launch party for her latest album last night. (more...)

11 Nov 00:56

Would have never thought of that -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
11 Nov 00:55

Cafeterías de búhos. Japón, tenías que ser tú

by La Gusa

Las Fukurou o Cafeterías de Búhos se están haciendo bastante famosas en Japón por ofrecer un servicio, digamos, muy particular: uno puede acompañar su café con un búho. Uno real, con garras, pico y una mirada supuestamente sabia que a mí siempre me ha parecido más de acaríciame otra vez y será lo último que hagas.

La verdad es que me resultaría difícil concentrarme en una conversación bajo esas miradas. Simplemente, parecería que todo lo que digo son estupideces. Y no digo que no lo sean, pero no quiero que me lo recuerden constantemente con la mirada de ¿en serio has soltado eso delante de esos? ¿Pero cómo se te ocurre? De alguna forma, esos búhos parecen una consciencia ajena juzgándote todo el tiempo.

Tampoco podría hacerme el Hemingway y escribir en un bar, porque todo lo que escribiera delante de ellos sería catalogado instantáneamente como una basura. De hecho, estoy prácticamente seguro de que al escribir el enésimo chiste de tetas y me hiciera gracia todos los búhos se abalanzarían sobre mí a la tercera carcajada y mi vida acabaría ahí. Que, bien pensado, no es un final tan malo porque no tendría que pagar el café y, oye, eso que me ahorro.

Supongo que todo es un problema de actitud. Si esos búhos, en lugar de mirar de esa forma y ser tan majestuosos, fueran búhos strippers la cosa cambiaría bastante. Uno podría hablar más tranquilamente, escribir sin miedo y pasar un buen rato mientras le llueven plumas. Es una sugerencia que hago sin mayor pretensión que hacer del mundo un lugar más agradable.

Visto en Incredible Things

Ver más: animales, búhos, café, Japoneses
Seguir @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan


11 Nov 00:00

Need to get laid? Make a few of these with your special friend this weekend. | LOLBRARY.COM

by lolbrary

Submitted by lolbrary
10 Nov 23:44

The Ultimate Flipbook Battle: Goku vs. Superman

10 Nov 23:22

Soup - What everyone's posting right now

by bubble

Submitted by bubble
10 Nov 22:05

What Happens When an Olympic Sprinter Plays Rugby?

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: sports , rugby , funny , Video , g rated , win
10 Nov 22:03

Cats in Tights Are Sew in Right Now

Cats in Tights Are Sew in Right Now

Submitted by: Unknown (via Meowtfit of the Day)

10 Nov 22:00

Here's How to Completely Remove the Tension from the New Movie "Gravity"

Submitted by: Unknown

10 Nov 21:57

The Coolest Robot Dance Routine of the Week

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dancing , the robot , funny , Video , g rated , win
09 Nov 22:01


by atomjack

Submitted by atomjack
09 Nov 19:33


by SteadyEddie

Submitted by SteadyEddie
09 Nov 18:51

Jimmy Kimmel Helps Marvel Make Thor More Appealing To Its Female Audience!

by Perez Hilton

So, it's pretty safe to say that the superhero industry is a very male dominated.

Even Thor's Chris Hemsworth thinks there needs to be a female superhero movie in the works!

But have no fear, Jimmy Kimmel is here to save the day and he thinks he has the answers to Marvel's female problems!

The late night host created a marketing campaign that he thinks Marvel should use frequently for their upcoming superhero movies to bring more women in and he showed it on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Ch-ch-check out his ingenious idea in the video (above)!!

Will U be seeing the flick this weekend?!

09 Nov 17:55

WTF Facts : funny, interesting

by dafuq

Submitted by dafuq
09 Nov 17:41

Picture This...

Curated by Robotboy66
09 Nov 17:11

Golf ball hitting steel at 150mph, recorded at 70 000 fps.

Golf ball hitting steel at 150mph, recorded at 70 000 fps.

09 Nov 03:48

Get It Off! Get It Off! Get If Off!

Get It Off! Get It Off! Get If Off!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: get it off , octopus , funny