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13 Nov 05:33

Dozens of Venomous Spiders Burst from a Bag of Sainsbury’s Bananas

by Lori Zimmer

green design, eco design, sustainable design, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Consi Taylor, Sainsbury, spiders found in bananas, venomous spiders, poisonous spiders, banana spiders

A London mother’s worst nightmare came to life when she found dozens of venomous spiders crawling over a bag of newly-purchased bananas. Just as Consi Taylor was about to bite into one of the Sainsbury’s bananas, she realized that white spots she assumed were bits of mold were in fact dozens of tiny baby spiders that Taylor had the presence of mind to photograph. They turned out to be infantile Brazilian wandering spiders, which are among the world’s most deadly arachnids.

green design, eco design, sustainable design, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Consi Taylor, Sainsbury, spiders found in bananas, venomous spiders, poisonous spiders, banana spiders green design, eco design, sustainable design, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Consi Taylor, Sainsbury, spiders found in bananas, venomous spiders, poisonous spiders, banana spiders

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Post tags: banana spiders, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Consi Taylor, eco design, green design, London woman finds spiders in her bananas, poisonous spiders, Sainsbury, Sainsbury bananas, spiders found in bananas, sustainable design, venomous spiders, woman finds venomous spiders in Sainsbury bananas


12 Nov 01:17

Love Him Like You Love Yourself

by Jessica
Love him like you love yourself
Take a look at really creative print advertising campaign by Biocanina. The slogan “Love him like you love yourself” clearly wants to send a signal to every person not to neglect own pet. These images are really funny and the result of the campaign is a guaranteed success. The author of this creative idea is [...]
11 Nov 20:00


09 Nov 21:24

Teaching done right -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
09 Nov 20:01

Guillermo del Toro's book, "Cabinet of Curiosities"

by Cory Doctorow

Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities is a new, huge, beautiful look at his notebooks, scrapbooks and sketches. Flavorwire has a bunch of excerpts from the book that are quite fetching and wonderfully gruesome. Some of my favorites are below.

Guillermo del Toro Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions (via Kadrey)


09 Nov 19:52

Everyday Objects Blended With Simple Sketches

by Pr1nceShawn

Submitted by Pr1nceShawn
09 Nov 19:49

Japanese system -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
09 Nov 03:47

That's what she said | LOLBRARY.COM

by lolbrary

Submitted by lolbrary
09 Nov 02:01

Wearing big pants -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
08 Nov 18:48

Owner Invents Suit to Keep Her Blind Dog from Running Into Things



Owner Invents Suit to Keep Her Blind Dog from Running Into Things

From tubmlr: "My sister's dog is blind and I guess today she made this ridiculous dog space suit thing to keep him from running into things."

Submitted by: Unknown (via Tumblr)

08 Nov 18:05

Foxlife Worlwide Tv Branding on Behance

Found by diegomachado
08 Nov 17:27


by atomjack

Submitted by atomjack
08 Nov 17:24

Disney Princesses With Beards.

by Pr1nceShawn

Submitted by Pr1nceShawn
08 Nov 17:12

My friend is a gardender -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
08 Nov 17:11

funny snails colored pads

by obstacol

Submitted by obstacol
08 Nov 01:57

Have a nice day.

Found by vespertines
08 Nov 01:57

Mind-Blowing Natural Wood Installations by Tora Brasil

These are mind-blowing pieces, but what makes them more so is that all materials used by Tora Brasil are from managed forest areas in Brazil. Even further, Tora Brasil specializes in using discards from the mainstream furniture industry - material that might otherwise go to waste. And they create the most imposing, magnificent, jaw-dropping pieces precisely because their creations "value the work of nature". We have never seen single pieces of wood this size! Just look at the boardroom table above. It leaves us speechless. To boot, they manufacture a line of furniture for the discerning consumer (see below). And because their products are made from real wood, they are suitable for outdoor use. What a great way to blend your decor with your environs. But have no doubt, Tora Brasil pieces are luxurious enough to command attention indoors. Even their smallest pieces are natural beauties.
Photo (above) by Casa Vogue
The natural wood installation pieces command the space they occupy.
Use the smaller pieces on your patio!
What a fantastic dining table!
Be creative on your patio!
More information: Tora Brasil
07 Nov 23:07

If Your Cat Was on OKCupid

If Your Cat Was on OKCupid

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: online dating , Cats , funny , dating
07 Nov 23:00

People posing for a photo that's actually a video

by David Pescovitz

You know that awkward moment when you think you're getting your photo taken but the shooter accidentally has their camera set on video? From the Nottingham Trent Students Union, "here's a super awkward montage of lots of students mistaking our video camera for a stills camera."


07 Nov 22:55

funny thor hammer bicycle France

by obstacol

Submitted by obstacol
07 Nov 20:47

by aburx

Submitted by aburx
07 Nov 20:39

The reaction when I massage him -

by FunSubstance

Submitted by FunSubstance
07 Nov 18:00

Enmarca el arroz con Rice Cube

by La Gusa


El Rice Cube tiene un uso muy específico: convertir una masa ingente, chillona y caótica de arroz en cubos perfectos con los que mantener una velada ordenada, sin sobresaltos y con una adjudicación de comida uniforme entre todos los invitados.

Lo sé, lo sé: la descripción del producto parece un artilugio político para el control de masas, pero para eso ya tenemos la publicidad. Sería redundante. Y el arroz puede ser redondo, sí, pero aquí estamos hablando precisamente de lo contrario, que es hacerlo cuadrado o cúbico: manipular el arroz redondo, unirlo por grupos sociales, apelmazarlo y distribuirlo para que no arme tanto escándalo. El proceso se puede ver en el siguiente cuadro sociológico:

Exacto: esos cuatro recuadros podrían representar la gestión de un país. O la forma de hacer cubos con el arroz, según se quiera (o se pueda) ver. Y ahora, que cada uno adjudique a las manos que manipulan el Rice Cube el nombre del villano que prefiera.

Visto en Craziest Gadgets

Ver más: arroz, cubo
Seguir @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan


07 Nov 04:53

lady gaga

lady gaga

07 Nov 04:13

led cathedral 02

Found by Marlo
07 Nov 03:13

by Galadriel

Submitted by Galadriel
06 Nov 18:08

[197] untitled oil on canvas 193.9 x 112.1 cm 2013 on Behance

Found by colenielsen
05 Nov 22:10

(7) Tumblr

by saighnean

Submitted by saighnean
05 Nov 18:07

Grooming as a Guy Sucks

Grooming as a Guy Sucks

Submitted by: Unknown

05 Nov 18:06

Lean Just a Little Bit Closer...

Lean Just a Little Bit Closer...

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: ouch , gif , fan , funny , fail nation , g rated