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10 Mar 11:11

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood

by Caroline Williamson

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood

Finnish designer Jalmari Laihinen, aka byJalmari, explores the beauty of wood with all of its cracks, breaks, and defects, in a series of furniture called Broken. By allowing the true natural properties of wood to show through, wood becomes more than just the material that the pieces are made from.

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

Wood with defects is often discarded and not used in the furniture making process, but Laihinen embraces them and treats these unique features as accents.

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

Broken: Furniture that Explores the Defects in Wood in home furnishings Category

09 Mar 12:22

Pelikan Souverän Special Orders at

by Brian Goulet

We carry a variety of brands and models at, but there are so many more we don't yet have available right now. Pelikan is one of those lines that we've actually been authorized retailers of for a few years (we love their ink!), but we haven't dipped our toes into the high-end fountain pen line... until now.

We haven't completely taken the plunge to regularly stock the full line in our warehouse just yet, as it is incredibly extensive. So in the meantime, we've set up the most popular Souverän series up on our website as special order items, including the M600, M800, and M1000. This means you can add one to your cart and check out as normal, but instead of shipping your order immediately, we'll be placing an order in to the Pelikan distributor to order your specific pen. Once it arrives to us about a week or two later, we'll inspect it to make sure it looks good, even ink it up and test it per your request, and ship out your order in full at that time.

There are still many more Pelikan models available to us, as well as individual nibs units. We're happy to special order any of those as well - just shoot us an email and we'll be happy to get you a price quote. If you have any other questions, just email us or drop a note in the comments below.

Are you excited to see us expanding our Pelikan line? What's your favorite Pelikan pen?

Write On,
Brian & Rachel Goulet
09 Mar 12:20

February 18, 2014

Every damn time.
09 Mar 12:09

Making the Fletcher Capstan Table (by Morph Studio) Okay, I...

Making the Fletcher Capstan Table (by Morph Studio)

Okay, I want one of these.

09 Mar 10:42

Extra Credit

by Greg Ross

cooper malaria watercolors

In studying the parasitic protozoan Plasmodium ovale in 1954, English parasitologist William Cooper volunteered to receive the bites of about a thousand mosquitos, and nine days later underwent a laparotomy in which a piece of his liver was removed. On recovering, he stained the sections himself, located the malaria parasite stages in his own tissue, and painted these in watercolors to accompany the resulting article.

His coauthor, University of London protozoologist Cyril Garnham, wrote that Cooper “attained everlasting fame by this episode.”

(P.C.C. Garnham et al., “The Pre-Erythrocytic Stage of Plasmodium Ovale,” Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 49:2 [March 1955], 158-167)

(Thanks, Andrew.)

09 Mar 10:25

Trying to sneak in while your parents are sleeping.

09 Mar 10:01

Invisible Borders: Mirrored Picket Fence Blurs the Lines

by Steph
[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Mirrored Fence Illusion 1

Mirrors typically represent a way of facing reality, but depending on where they’re placed, they can bend it to the point of surreality instead. Take, for example, this invisible fence, a striking illusion installed at the Storm King Arts Center by artist Alyson Shotz. Driving past it, you likely wouldn’t even notice it was there, though your eye might be caught by unusual glimmers – tricks of the light.

Mirrored Fence Illusion 2

Mirrored Fence Illusion 3

‘Mirror Fence’ is exactly as the title suggests; a reflective barrier in the shape of a picket fence that’s almost perfectly camouflaged in its environment. The illusion is so effective that you could probably walk right up to it, only realizing that the barrier exists when the reflection of your own legs comes into view.

Mirrored Picket Fence Illusion 4

Mirrored Picket Fence Illusion 5

Though her portfolio reflects a diverse range of shapes and media, Shotz unifies her work with a common aim to “give form to the invisible forces of nature.” Many focus on light itself, such as a sculptural examination of the dual nature of light (as it bears characteristics of both a particle and a wave) entitled Geometry of Light, and a digital animation called ‘Fluid State’ that captures an ocean of reflective spheres over a dawn-to-dusk cycle.

Mirror House Illusion

The installation calls to mind another recent project, ‘Lucid Stead’ by Phillip K Smith III, wherein an abandoned home in the desert was fitted with mirrors that make up doors, windows and long horizontal siding to create the illusion of ghostly floating wood.

Want More? Click for Great Related Content on WebUrbanist:

Invisible Tree: Trunk Wrapped & Camouflaged to Float on Air

A simple illusion with so much potential – wrap an object, paint the wrapping plastic and presto, a central section appears to disappear before your ... Click Here to Read More »»

Mirrored Street Facade Art Turns Pedestrians into Acrobats

At first: vertigo. You are moving along the sidewalk, when suddenly you see the front of a structure, only on its side, extruded from the ground below you. Click Here to Read More »»

Reflections on Nature: Mirrored Gate Leads to Another World

Step through the looking glass and into an understated art project that turns a simple passageway into a lighthearted journey back to childhood wonder. Click Here to Read More »»

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09 Mar 09:51

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese.

by Jessica

This is why facebook is the devil.

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese I

I had banana bread.

I wanted chocolate.

A day doesn’t go by where I don’t desire cheese.

Frankly, my banana bread was a bit stale. Which is a feat in itself because that means we didn’t eat an entire loaf in 34 seconds.

Why aren’t loaf pans made much larger? Like, instead of 9×5 inches, it should probably be 2×4 feet. THEN no one would have the problem of eating the entire loaf of banana bread the same day it’s made.

I know it isn’t just me.

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese I

Anyhoo. Even I thought that banana bread grilled cheese was a bit out there. I asked on facebook & twitter if I should do such a horrid thing. And you thought that I should.

I relish in the fact that you are weird too. We SO like all the same things.

I’m such a grilled cheese freak. Grill all the bread, all the cheese. I want it 24/7. I’m even teaching a class on it in two weeks!

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese I

Um, also, how cute are my metallic rose goldy mugs? My friend Laura sent me one of them and I, of course, had to buy one from Starbucks during the holiday season and they pretty much make my day. Pretty things.

Life is so much better when things are pretty.

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese I

If you love sweets and cheeses, you’ll die. Melty brie, dark chocolate. I used a banana bread recipe that you can find in my cookbook later this year, but I have lots of others here. Perhaps we should try the bacon one…

Since banana bread is soft yet dense, the entire slice doesn’t crisp up like regular crusty bread. You need a thick slice, after all, for this to work. You can make the sandwich like a regular old grilled cheese OR you can butter both sides, fry both sides, then stick the cheese and chocolate in the middle and keep it over low heat until the insides melt.

The insides melt. Now that sounds delicious. Hmmpf.

Except it so is.

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese I

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese

Yield: serves 2 appropriately, 1 obnoxiously

Total Time: 20 minutes


4 slices banana bread (if it's slightly stale, even better!)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened for spreading
6 ounces brie cheese
4 ounces dark chocolate, chopped


Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat. Butter the outsides of the banana bread, and place one slice butter-side down in the skillet. Immediately top the slice with some cheese, a bit of chocolate, and a little more cheese. I like to always have cheese on both sides to act like "glue" - it helps hold the sandwich together when flipping. Cook until both sides are golden and the cheese and chocolate is barely melted, about 4 minutes per side. If the cheese is melting slowly, I like to reduce the heat to medium-low and cover the skillet - just make sure to watch the sandwich because the sides cook more quickly.

Banana Bread, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese I

Yep. I did that.

© How Sweet It Is

09 Mar 09:24

It worked.

13 Feb 10:58

A squirrel attempts to hide a nut in the fur of a Bernese mountain dog

by Robert T. Gonzalez

A squirrel attempts to hide a nut in the fur of a Bernese mountain dog

This one does exactly what it says on the tin, folks. And yes, it is the best thing.



13 Feb 02:19

Lost City found Underwater in China

by Donnia

Qiandao Lake est un lac artificiel localisé à Chun’an County, en Chine, dans lequel des archéologues ont découvert en 2001 les ruines d’une ville enfouie sous l’eau. La ville, nommée « Lion City », se situe entre 26 et 40 mètres de profondeur. Il y aurait eu 290 000 habitants pendant plus de 1300 ans.

Lost City found Underwater in China 9 Lost City found Underwater in China 8 Lost City found Underwater in China 10 Lost City found Underwater in China 7 Lost City found Underwater in China 6 Lost City found Underwater in China 5 Lost City found Underwater in China 4 Lost City found Underwater in China 3 Lost City found Underwater in China 2 Lost City found Underwater in China 1
12 Feb 09:51

Everyone’s an architect: 11 jobs common only in romantic comedies

by Archinect

Lonely male architects star in The Lake House (Keanu Reeves), The Last Kiss (Zach Braff), Three To Tango (Matthew Perry), Sleepless In Seattle (Tom Hanks), My Super Ex-Girlfriend (Luke Wilson), Love Actually (Liam Neeson), Just Like Heaven (Mark Ruffalo), and It’s Complicated (Steve Martin)—apparently, architecture is a good cipher for “sensitive, but not girly.” Few of those men ever worry about the job market...

12 Feb 05:19

larabarakara: I was studying in my room, turned around to grab something and saw this… So,...


I was studying in my room, turned around to grab something and saw this…


So, basically, this is not my cat. 


But she’s all like chillin’ in my bed like she pays rent.


How the did she even got into the freaking house. WHO ARE YOU CAT?

11 Feb 04:36

Dreamed Up

by Greg Ross

In composing a state map of New York in the 1930s, the General Drafting Company wanted to be sure that competing mapmakers would not simply copy its work. So the company’s founder, Otto G. Lindberg, and his assistant, Ernest Alpers, scrambled their initials and placed the fictional town of Agloe at the intersection of two dirt roads in the Catskills north of Roscoe.

Several years later, they discovered Agloe on a Rand McNally map and confronted their competitor. But Rand was innocent: It had got the name from the county government, which had taken it from the Agloe General Store, which now occupied the intersection. The store had taken the name from a map by Esso, which had (apparently) copied it from Lindberg’s map. Agloe had somehow clambered from imagination into reality.

Similarly, in 2001 editors placed a fake word in the New Oxford American Dictionary as a trap for other lexicographers who might steal their material. Fittingly, the word was esquivalience, “the willful avoidance of one’s official responsibilities; the shirking of duties.”

Sure enough, the word turned up at (it’s since been taken down), citing Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary.

And as with Agloe, the invention has taken on a life of its own. NOAD editor Christine Lindberg, who coined esquivalience, told the Chicago Tribune that she finds herself using it regularly. “I especially like the critical, judgmental tone I can get out of it: ‘Those esquivalient little wretches.’ Sounds literate and nasty all in one breath. I like that.”

06 Feb 09:34

Put Some Clothes On, Creepy Sleepwalker Statue

by Laura Vitto

This may be the last thing you'd want to bump into on a walk home from the campus library.

A sculpture of an underwear-clad sleepwalking man was recently installed at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, and has left students seriously creeped out with its lifelike appearance. Sculptor Tony Matelli created the nearly-nude statue, titled "Sleepwalker," as part of an ongoing exhibition at the school's Davis Museum, according to The Boston Globe.

Man in Underwear Statue

Image: AP Photo/Steven Senne/Associated Press

Not long after the sculpture's installation on Feb. 3, hundreds of students on the all-women's campus signed a petition to remove the art piece. Read more...

More about Art, Wtf, Weird, Us, and Watercooler
05 Feb 09:44

Doolittle Home that Looks Like a Bond Villain’s Lair On Sale in Joshua Tree

by Lidija Grozdanic
05 Feb 07:57

This weird visual trick is freaking the hell out of me

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Have you ever heard about the Thatcher Effect? I just learned about it after seeing it in action—and it freaked me out. First watch the video, then read the explanation.


05 Feb 07:18

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Conduit (NSFW)

by Andrew Tarantola

Mixing elements of Gothic horror and Film Noir with a healthy dose of face-melting psychedelics, Conduit will have you questioning your faith in a higher power and your own ability to sleep tonight.



04 Feb 13:10

Pitcher Plants Glow under UV Light to Lure Insects to Their Doom

by John Farrier

(Photos: Rajani Kurup et al.)

Many carnivorous plants use tasty nectars, appealing scents and bright colors to attract insects into their traps. Scientists at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute in India have discovered another method: tantalizing ultraviolet light.

Rajani Kurup, Anil John Johnson, Sreethu Sankar and Sabulal Baby discovered that the mouth of the Nepenthes khasiana plant glows under UV light. Ants find this color, which is almost invisible to humans under normal conditions, very attractive.

The researchers exposed these pitcher plants to ants in a field. Some of the plant mouths were painted with an acetone coating that blocks UV light. These painted plants attracted few ants, indicating that the UV emissions are essential to luring prey.


04 Feb 12:34

This time-lapse makes me want to move to South Dakota

by Robert T. Gonzalez

This time-lapse makes me want to move to South Dakota

This is one of the most arresting compilations of landscape and astrovideography we've seen in ages. Titled "Huelux," created by photographer Randy Halverson, the video plays like a greatest-hits reel of natural phenomena in South Dakota, Wyoming and Utah.



04 Feb 10:13

New Study Shows White Roofs are Three Times More Effective than Green Roofs at Fighting Climate Change

by Lidija Grozdanic

white roofs, white roofs climate change, sustainable white roofs, green roofs, scientific study, eco-friendly roofs, roof gardens, climate change, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stanford University study, environmental study, heat island effect, reflective roofs

Green roofs offer a lot of environmental benefits – they provide additional insulation, reduce rainwater runoff, and can lower your electricity bill. However a new study suggests that roofs painted white might actually be more effective at fighting climate change. A study published in the Energy and Buildings Journal compared three types of roofs – green, black and white – and came to the conclusion that white roofs have great economic benefits, and they are also three times more effective than the other two at fighting climate change.

white roofs, white roofs climate change, sustainable white roofs, green roofs, scientific study, eco-friendly roofs, roof gardens, climate change, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stanford University study, environmental study, heat island effect, reflective roofs white roofs, white roofs climate change, sustainable white roofs, green roofs, scientific study, eco-friendly roofs, roof gardens, climate change, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stanford University study, environmental study, heat island effect, reflective roofs white roofs, white roofs climate change, sustainable white roofs, green roofs, scientific study, eco-friendly roofs, roof gardens, climate change, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stanford University study, environmental study, heat island effect, reflective roofs

Read the rest of New Study Shows White Roofs are Three Times More Effective than Green Roofs at Fighting Climate Change

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Post tags: Climate Change, eco-friendly roofs, environmental study, green roofs, heat island effect, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, reflective roofs, roof gardens, scientific study, Stanford University study, sustainable white roofs, white roofs, white roofs climate change


31 Jan 13:00

Bike Tire Tent: Compact Travel Shelter Wraps Inside Wheels

by Urbanist
[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

tire bike travel tent

For the cycling nomad, this design uses space you never knew you had, and helps free up room in front-of-handlebar baskets or on above-back-tire racks for other uses in the process.

tire deployed camping closeup

Designed by Chung-Jung Wu, Pei-Chun Chen & Li-Fu Chen, a specially-reinforced tire creates a void into which a biker can clip their travel tent for extended rides.

tire shelter wheel design

The easy-to-access clasps make it simpler and speedier to deploy the tent when you reach your temporary destination, rather than unwrapping it from a pack or unstrapping it from a fender platform.

tire tent fully open

Of even greater value to long-distance travelers: precious cargo space on your back and elsewhere on your bicycle is freed up for clothes and other essential gear.

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City Cycle: Curved Urban Tread Wraps ‘Round Bike Tire

Rough around the edges, we rarely notice the unique landscape that evolves from regular wear and tear on our bicycle tire - even our ordinary ones. Click Here to Read More »»

Walking Shelter: Sneakers Expand Into Human-Frame Tent

The next time you need a portable shelter, you could just pull it out of your sneakers and expand it into a tent using your own body as a frame. The Walking ... Click Here to Read More »»

Rough Sleeper: Mobile Backpack Shelter for Urban Homeless

Amid the various conceptual designs for addressing large-scale homelessness, this working prototype stands out as refreshingly realistic, practical and ... Click Here to Read More »»

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31 Jan 08:52

How the Architecture of Our Buildings Shapes the Germs Around Us

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

How the Architecture of Our Buildings Shapes the Germs Around Us

We design buildings to make human lives better—but should we also design them to make bacteria healthier? A new study posits just that, suggesting that the microbial communities that live amongst us are deeply influenced by the design of our buildings. Wait—but aren't microbes bad? Not exactly.



31 Jan 08:33

Canadian spy agency used airport WiFi to track travelers

by Sean Buckley
Questionable data collection isn't just for the US and Britain -- according to CBC News, Canada's own spy agency may have been tracking its citizens illegally too. Documents allegedly provided by Edward Snowden show that Communications Security ...
28 Jan 11:55

Photos of Cute and Fluffy Hamster Butts

by Kimber Streams

Hamster Butts

Sad and Useless has gathered a cute collection of 18 fluffy hamster butts. More photos of fuzzy rodent behinds can be found at Sad and Useless.

Hamster Butts

Hamster Butts

Hamster Butts

images via Sad and Useless

via Sad and Useless, Pleated-Jeans

28 Jan 11:39

A Map of Signature Cocktails by US State

by Lori Dorn

Signature Cocktail by State

Every state in the U.S. has its own flag, its own flower, its own animal and its own motto, so why not its own cocktail? Hannah C Gregg of BuzzFeed has compiled a delicious menu of suggested cocktails delineated by state.

America boasts an almost endless array of liquor, making the choice of one signature cocktail for each state a tricky task. But every state gets tipsy in its own special way, and we chose these cocktails with some semblance of logic: a combination of state of origin, popularity, and exclusivity.

Here are just a few:

NY Signature Cocktail - The Moscow Mule
New York – The Moscow Mule

Florida Signature Cocktail - Rum Runner
Florida – Rum Runner

Florida Signature Cocktail - Rum Runner
California – Mai Tai

Ohio Signature Cocktail - Velvet Elvis
Ohio – Velvet Elvis

MI Signature Cocktail - The Golden Cadillac
Michigan – Golden Cadillac

images via BuzzFeed

28 Jan 11:30

Your Facial Hair Is Dismantling the Razor Industry

by Dayna Evans

Your Facial Hair Is Dismantling the Razor Industry

Procter & Gamble revealed Friday afternoon that one of their biggest financial challenges this year will be your disgusting, dirty face. Reanimating the lifeless corpse that is the word "hipster," the consumer company in charge of Colgate, Johnson & Johnson, and Gillette (among others), reported stagnating sales in their typically thriving "grooming market."



28 Jan 08:00

X-Ray Photographs of Plants and Animals

by EDW Lynch

X-Ray Photos of Nature

Netherlands-based physicist and photographer Arie van’t Riet applies his background in radiation physics to create colorized X-ray photographs of plants and animals. His prints are available for purchase.

X-Ray Photos of Nature

X-Ray Photos of Nature

X-Ray Photos of Nature

X-Ray Photos of Nature

via Lost At E Minor, Feature Shoot

28 Jan 07:23

Arte y Arquitectura: “La Persistencia del Trazo” por André Rocha

by Javiera Yávar

City Cube 2 © André Rocha

André Rocha es un arquitecto e ilustrador portugués que se graduó en arquitectura en la Universidad de Coimbra (Darq). Como estudiante, crea en el año 2004 un blog de dibujo titulado “La Persistencia del Trazo”, donde explora el diseño urbano evocando frecuentemente una cierta imaginación surrealista y e infantil.

City of Stakes © André Rocha

Vacilando entre lo real y lo irreal, la obra de André Rocha armoniza texturas y entornos urbanos, creando un mundo que quiere ser vivo. A través de la investigación de la morfología de las ciudades y sus texturas arquitectónicas, el artista construye tensiones entre espacios ultra compactos y espacios vacíos. El equilibrio entre estas dos características ha sido la base de su último trabajo.

Ponte Habitável © André Rocha

Desde temprana edad mostró interés por el miniaturismo. Sus ilustraciones se proponen tal como el propio diseño de la ciudad, que tiene una forma general de fácil apropiación. Sin embargo, para el deseo de convertir en “vivo” este imaginario urbano, André Rocha se detiene en el detalle para ilustrar universos arquitectónicos que le son familiares. El barroco portugués, iglesias góticas europeas, los barrios marginales de Brasil o el urbanismo medieval son algunos de los elementos de sus ciudades imaginarias.

Walking Favelas © André Rocha

Son ciudades apiladas, que se protegen o quieren vencer la gravedad en una imposibilidad física. Ilustraciones que apelan a su experiencia, pero que reflejan algún sentimiento de soledad en un universo de contrastes.

Gothic Gravitation © André Rocha

Ciudades imposibles que se elevan desde el suelo convirtiéndose en inmunes a la especie humana; ciudades que quieren ser adoradas como un objeto escultórico en cualquier espacio del museo.

City Cube © André Rocha

Siga el trabajo de André Rocha aqui.

Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha City Cube 2 © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Hollow City © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha The Old Refinary © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Gravity City © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Walking Favelas © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Soajo © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Ponte Habitável © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Gothic Gravitation © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha Barragan Utopia © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha City of Stakes © André Rocha Arte e Arquitetura: "A Persistência do Traço" por André Rocha City Cube © André Rocha
26 Jan 04:52

This 16th Century Book Can Be Read Six Different Ways

by Christopher Jobson

This 16th Century Book Can Be Read Six Different Ways history books

This 16th Century Book Can Be Read Six Different Ways history books

This 16th Century Book Can Be Read Six Different Ways history books

Sure, the Amazon Kindle might have dynamic font adjustments, and it can hold thousands of books, but can it do this? Printed in the late 16th century this small book from the National Library of Sweden is an example of sixfold dos-à-dos binding, where six books are conjoined into a single publication but can be read individually with the help of six perfectly placed clasps. This particular book was printed in Germany and like almost all books at the time is a religious devotional text. The National Library of Sweden has a fantastic photo collection of historical and rare books where you can find many more gems like this, and this, and this.

Update: And if you really like amazing old book discoveries, you should be following Erik Kwakkel, the Medieval book historian at Leiden University in the Netherlands, who originally unearthed this story. (via Neatorama)