Shared posts

05 Jun 18:40


05 Jun 18:35

A Couple of Use Cases for Calc()

by Chris Coyier

calc() is a native CSS way to do simple math right in CSS as a replacement for any length value (or pretty much any number value). It has four simple math operators: add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/). Being able to do math in code is nice and a welcome addition to a language that is fairly number heavy.

But is it useful? I've strained my brain in the past trying to think of obviously useful cases. There definitely are some though.

Can't Preprocessors Do Our Math?

All CSS Preprocessors do have math functions and they are pretty useful. But they aren't quite as powerful as native math. The most useful ability of calc() is it's ability to mix units, like percentages and pixels. No Preprocessor will ever be able to do that. It is something that has to happen at render time.


.thing {
  width: 90%; /* fallback if needed */
  width: calc(100% - 3em);

There must be spaces surrounding the math operator. You can nest.

Browser Support

It is surprisingly good. Can I use... is always great for checking out the details there. On desktop the concerns would be it's IE 9+, Safari 6+, and won't be in Opera until it is on Blink in 15+. On mobile, Android and Opera Mini don't support it at all yet and iOS just on 6.0+.

You'll have to make the call there. I've been able to actually use it in production in certain scenarios already.

Use Case #1: (All The Height - Header)

A block level child element with height: 100% will be as tall as it's block level parent element. It can be nice to make a colored module as tall as the parent element in some cases.

But now let's say the parent element becomes too small to contain all the content in the module. You want the content to scroll, but you want just the content to scroll, not the entire module. Just set overflow-y: auto; right? Not quite, because overflow-y is only useful if the content element itself has a set height that can be overflowed. We can't make the content element 100% high because with the header there, that will be too high. We need 100% minus the height of the header. If we know that header height, it's doable!

* {
  /* So 100% means 100% */
  box-sizing: border-box;
html, body {
  /* Make the body to be as tall as browser window */
  height: 100%;
  background: #ccc;
  padding: 20px;
body {
  padding: 20px;
  background: white;  
.area-one {
  /* With the body as tall as the browser window
     this will be too */
  height: 100%;
.area-one h2 {
  height: 50px;
  line-height: 50px;
.content {
  /* Subtract the header size */
  height: calc(100% - 50px);
  overflow: auto;

You might gripe that the header shouldn't have a fixed size. Might be cool someday if calc() could subtract measured sizes of elements, but that's not possible yet. You could set the header to overflow with ellipsis.

Check out this Pen!

Use Case #2: X Pixels From Bottom Right Corner

We can position background-image X pixels from the top-left corner easily.

background-image: url(dog.png);
background-position: 50px 20px;

That would put the dog 50px from the left and 20px from the top of the elements box. But what if you want it 50px from the right and 20px from the bottom? Not possible with just straight length values. But calc() makes it possible!

background-image: url(dog.png);
background-position: calc(100% - 50px) calc(100% - 20px);
Check out this Pen!

Use Case #3: Fixed Gutters Without Parents

Let's say you want two columns next to each other. The first 40% wide, the second 60%, but with a fixed 1em gap between the columns. Don't Overthink It Grids have fixed gutters, but they aren't true gutters in a sense. The columns themselves bump right into each other and the columns are made by internal padding inside those columns.

Using calc(), we can make the first column 40% wide with a right margin of 1em, then make the second column 60% wide minus that 1em.

.area-one {
  width: 40%;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 1em;

.area-two {
  width: calc(60% - 1em);
  float: right;

You could remove half the gutter from both if you wanted to keep the proportion more accurate. Now you have two true columns separated by fixed space without needing parent elements or using the internal padding.

Check out this Pen!

Use Case #4: Showing Math Is Easier To Understand

Speaking of columns, sometimes division math gets messy. Let's say you wanted a 7-column grid, you might have classes like:

.column-1-7 {
   width: 14.2857%
.column-2-7 {
   width: 28.5714%
.column-3-7 {
   width: 42.8571%

Not exactly magic numbers, but difficult to understand at a glance.

.column-1-7 {
   width: calc(100% / 7);
.column-2-7 {
   width: calc(100% / 7 * 2);
.column-3-7 {
   width: calc(100% / 7 * 3);
Check out this Pen!

Use Case #5: Kinda Crappy box-sizing Replacement

I'm a fan of universal box-sizing: border-box; because it means you don't have to do much math to figure out how big an element actually is, our adjust that math when things like border and padding change.

If you want to replicate what box-sizing does, you could use calc() to subtract the values as needed.

.module {
  padding: 10px;

  /* Same as box-sizing: padding-box */
  width: calc(40% - 20px);

  border: 2px solid black;

  /* Same as box-sizing: border-box */
  width: calc(40% - 20px - 4px);

box-sizing has far better browser support than calc() though, so this would be rarely used.

The Future?

I think it will be interesting when we can use the attr() function in places other than the content property. With that, we could yank the value from HTML elements, run calculations on them, and use the new numbers to do design-y things. Like colorize inputs based on the numbers they contain.

Perhaps we could even use it to do fancy things with the <progress> elements like turn it into a speedometer like on this page. Perhaps something like:

/* Not real */
progress::progress-bar {
  transform: rotate(calc(!parent(attr(value))*18)) + deg);

Need a new look for your portfolio? Check out the Snap WordPress theme from The Theme Foundry. Sass files and Compass config are included!

A Couple of Use Cases for Calc() is a post from CSS-Tricks

05 Jun 15:24


05 Jun 15:14

When intonation overrides tone

by Victor Mair
Russian Sledges

#yourmom news

Practically everybody has heard of the fabled Grass Mud Horse (cǎonímǎ 草泥马), which is a pun for "f*ck your mother" (cào nǐ mā 肏你妈). China Digital Times, which pioneered research on "sensitive words", including "Grass Mud Horse", has just introduced a new feature, which should prove to be a useful resource for China scholars and journalists: "Two Years of Sensitive Words: Grass-Mud Horse List".

You will observe that not one of the tones of cǎonímǎ 草泥马 ("Grass Mud Horse") matches the corresponding tone in the original cào nǐ mā 肏你妈 ("f*ck your mother"), yet no one has the slightest difficulty in comprehending that the former is meant as a pun for the latter.

The problem of the importance of tones for understanding was extensively discussed in the comments to this Language Log post. Note especially this comment, where it is pointed out that expressions like "wo cao ni ma" (original tones 3 4 3 1 ["I f*ck your mother"]) will be understood regardless of the tones that are applied to them. Indeed, from the 80s up to the present day, my colleagues and I have been extensively experimenting with toneless written Mandarin and have found that speakers with native fluency automatically add the correct tones, so long as the text is written in an orthographically proper form. By "orthographically proper", I mean that the official rules for word formation, punctuation, and so forth are followed. Of course, we want our learners of Chinese languages to get the tones "right", so for pedagogical purposes and in dictionaries, tones should definitely be marked. It's the same with primary and secondary stress in Russian, which are marked in language textbooks and dictionaries, but not in typical texts for adults.

Let us examine these four variations of "wǒ cào" (which have been circulating on Weibo [China's Twitter clone]):

N.B.: No Chinese characters are given for the four items that are being explicated.

The glosses read as follows:

biǎo fènnù 表愤怒 ("indicates anger")

biǎo jīngtàn 表惊叹 ("indicates surprise")

biǎo qīngmiè 表轻蔑 ("indicates contempt")

biǎo yíwèn 表疑问 ("indicates doubt")

All four variants are saying "I f*ck [your mother]", but they employ a variety of tones to convey different nuances and emotions.

To complicate matters further, I should note that, because the actual character for writing the "cao" syllable of "wo cao" is considered to be incredibly vulgar (cào 肏, which consists of "enter" over "flesh", both graphically depicted), it doesn't exist in normal fonts, and even when using large fonts or writing by hand, nearly all "decent" folk avoid using cào 肏, substituting for it cāo 操 (which literally means "grasp; hold; operate; do; exercise"). Cāo 操 is thus both a graphic and euphemistic substitution for cào 肏. Nonetheless, although they are pronounced with different tones, everybody (even those who would never themselves use cào 肏, know full well that cāo 操 in the first tone is standing in for cào 肏 in the fourth tone. Thus, what used to be wǒ cào 我肏 ("I f*ck") has now become wǒ cāo 我操 ("I do [i.e., f*ck]").

The question of how intonation relates to tone also has an important bearing on the interaction between musical tune and linguistic tone. What happens when the contours of a melody are superimposed on the lyrics of a song? For example, what is the result when a rising second tone syllable meets a falling glissando? Well, the melody is going to win out over the tone, just as intonation wins out over the tones in the examples discussed above. Yet, since the linguistic tones have been distorted or completely changed, how is meaning conveyed? These are questions that deeply perplex students of Chinese music theory.

To get an idea of how powerful intonation can be, just think of the little syllable "oh" in English, which can mean any number of things depending on the way it is uttered and suprasegmental aspects of the sentences in which it occurs.

[Thanks to David Moser]

05 Jun 14:07

…A little overreaction here perhaps?

Russian Sledges

via overbey; sr:o

…A little overreaction here perhaps?

05 Jun 11:36

Car runs on Tweets, likes and shares

by Low Lai Chow
Russian Sledges


Car runs on Tweets, likes and shares

It’s a nice idea: hook up a vintage Volkswagen Karmann Ghia with Arduino so it can monitor social media buzz and literally run on tweets, hashtags, views and likes. It’s part of an exercise by non-profit MindDrive to engage at-risk youth by getting them to convert the Karmann Ghia car into an electric car. Hmm, probably best to bring lots of smart devices on the ride in case the car runs out of juice on the highway.

Social car (4) Social car (3) Social car (2) Social car (1)

The post Car runs on Tweets, likes and shares appeared first on Lost At E Minor: For creative people.

05 Jun 04:35

The Nazi Origins of Meth — AKA “Tank Chocolate”

by Klint Finley
Russian Sledges

thank you, firehose


Fabienne Hurst writes:

When the then-Berlin-based drug maker Temmler Werke launched its methamphetamine compound onto the market in 1938, high-ranking army physiologist Otto Ranke saw in it a true miracle drug that could keep tired pilots alert and an entire army euphoric. It was the ideal war drug. In September 1939, Ranke tested the drug on university students, who were suddenly capable of impressive productivity despite being short on sleep.

From that point on, the Wehrmacht, Germany’s World War II army, distributed millions of the tablets to soldiers on the front, who soon dubbed the stimulant “Panzerschokolade” (“tank chocolate”). British newspapers reported that German soldiers were using a “miracle pill.” But for many soldiers, the miracle became a nightmare.

As enticing as the drug was, its long-term effects on the human body were just as devastating. Short rest periods weren’t enough to make up for long stretches of wakefulness, and the soldiers quickly became addicted to the stimulant. And with addiction came sweating, dizziness, depression and hallucinations. There were soldiers who died of heart failure and others who shot themselves during psychotic phases. Some doctors took a skeptical view of the drug in light of these side effects. Even Leonardo Conti, the Third Reich’s top health official, wanted to limit use of the drug, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

Full Story: Der Spiegel: WWII Drug: The German Granddaddy of Crystal Meth

(Thanks Trevor)

See also: An Interview with Infamous Meth Chef Uncle Fester

05 Jun 04:31

Chinese dissidents dodge Tiananmen Square censorship with memes

by Jeff Blagdon

24 years ago today, hardliners within China’s government cracked down on student protests in Tiananmen Square with a hail of bullets, killing hundreds, possibly thousands. The event has been all but completely scrubbed from China’s historical record: today, words and phrases as benign as "today," "June 4," and even "May 35" are scoured from web services like Weibo. But dissidents have found one way to sneak references to the tragic event online: memes.


Quartz has posted a look at some of the best takes, including a photoshop of the classic ‘Tank Man’ image incorporating the big yellow duck from Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor, pictured above. ("Rubber duck" has since been removed as a search term by Sina Weibo.) Another take (above), spotted by BuzzFeed uses Lego. Yet another re-enactment (below) with a cow and bulldozers was spotted by South China Morning Post.


Dealing with the constant scrutiny and filtering of internet activity under China’s Great Firewall has led to some inventive solutions, like using code words to talk about political figures. As thousands gathered today in Hong Kong and Macau to hold vigils memorializing the 1989 massacre, dissidents in mainland China resort to protesting covertly, trading image links online. But as long as people keep policing China’s web services for references to the June 4th Incident, it only seems to harden people’s resolve. "At least the Sina [Weibo] censors remember," wrote film director Jia Zhangke.

05 Jun 04:27

cyber-ecco: holy shit get me shorts made out of this

Russian Sledges

get me this as yarn


holy shit get me shorts made out of this

05 Jun 00:51

Historical Disapproval

by (Bill)

Special thanks to reader Tineke, who sent us a link to this illustration of disapproving rabbits from 1305
04 Jun 19:03

smithsonianlibraries: The Great Sea Serpent.  As depicted in...

by ushishir


The Great Sea Serpent.  As depicted in the Natural History of Norway, so it must be real! Right? 

Ok, maybe 1755 was a bit before peer review…

04 Jun 18:48

bad-postcards: GREAT SLOTH BEAST MEGATHERIUM Pronounced:...

by ushishir




Pronounced: meg-a-THEE-ree-um
Literally, “great beast”

Megatherium was the largest of the ground sloths, and although apparently very awkward and slow-witted, his great size and strength protected him from the large meat-eaters of his time. He lived during the Pleistocene epoch which began 1 million years ago.

Thunderbeast Park - Hiway 97 - Chiloquin, Ore. 

04 Jun 18:38

On “Geek” Versus “Nerd” | Slackpropagation

by russiansledges
To characterize the similarities and differences between “geek” and “nerd,” maybe we can find the other words that tend keep them company, and see if those linguistic companions support my position?
04 Jun 18:04

koichialtair: Brockhaus & Efron encyclopedia (...

by ushishir


Brockhaus & Efron encyclopedia ( russian: Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона) published in the Russian Empire from 1890 to 1906 by an editors association from Leipzig and Saint-Petersbourg 

04 Jun 18:02

The Vespa Years. Gary Cooper.

The Vespa Years.

Gary Cooper.

04 Jun 18:02



04 Jun 17:43

holdnoquarter: Today I came across goats playing on a...


Today I came across goats playing on a trampoline while I was driving around and it was the happiest thing I’ve ever seen.

04 Jun 15:34

Gait study finds that some people have feet suited to tree-climbing

For over a year, people visiting the Boston Museum of Science took off their shoes for science. Visitors strutted on a 20-foot-long mechanized gait carpet and a special plate that measured how their feet landed and pushed off when they walked.

04 Jun 15:28

Germans lose their longest word

by whyevolutionistrue

The German language is known for its jawbreakingly long words, and I mastered a few of them when I was learning the language. One I remember (I hope this is right) is Feuerversicherungsgesellschäften, or “fire insurance companies.” But according to The Independent, there are even longer ones, and the longest has just been deep-sixed:

It has 63 letters and would span more than four Scrabble boards, but is no more after a change in EU law.

The word, abbreviated to RkReÜAÜG (and reproduced at the bottom of this article to avoid page display problems!) means “beef-labelling monitoring assessment assignment law” and was conceived in 1999 in the wake of the BSE crisis. Now Brussels has relaxed testing rules and the law has been ditched, along with RkReÜAÜG.

Where does that leave a language fond of words so long they require a sip of water to get through? The longest word in Duden, the German dictionary, is Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (36 letters; “motor-vehicle liability insurance”) but Guinness World Records also records Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften (39 letters; “insurance firms providing legal protection”).

What’s was longest word, though? Get a load of this:


04 Jun 15:21

How Amazon's commercial fan fiction misses the point

by Adi Robertson
Russian Sledges

via firehose

In 2007, former Yahoo executive Chris Williams decided it was time to make money off fan fiction. "I work for a brand-new fan fiction website called and my colleagues and I want it to be the ultimate place for talented writers like you," read an email sent to hundreds of authors. "Together, we can create the greatest fan fiction site the web's ever seen!" In partnership with publishers and show producers, FanLib launched sweepstakes and contests for fans, letting winners contribute to scripts for series like The L Word.

But the response from fans was instant and furious. Some mocked the site's tone-deaf design, and others worried that it profited off authors without giving them any legal protection. "The people behind FanLib ... don't actually care about fanfic, the fanfic community, or anything except making money off content created entirely by other people and getting media attention," wrote fan fiction author Astolat. "They're creating a lawsuit-bait site while being bad potential defendants." After barely over a year, FanLib's infrastructure was bought by Disney, and the fan fiction archive was quietly shut down.

"What Amazon is trying to do is commodify a community."

Six years later, media powerhouse Amazon is giving the idea another try. In May, Amazon announced Kindle Worlds, a fan fiction wing of its publishing program. In exchange for work written for three Warner Bros. shows, authors will receive between 20 and 35 percent of the revenue from each sale. Rather than existing in legal limbo, stories will be officially sanctioned by copyright holders. And it's one of the only ways for fan fiction authors to easily sell their work. But to some authors, Kindle Worlds is still a step backwards — an effort to monetize fan fiction while stripping out its best features.

"What Amazon is trying to do is commodify a community," says Nistasha Perez, who handles communications at the Organization for Transformative Works. Among other things, the organization runs a massive nonprofit fan fiction site called Archive of our Own, created by Astolat and others in direct response to FanLib. AO3, as it's called, has become one of fan fiction's central hubs, along with LiveJournal, Wattpad, Tumblr, and It's designed for and by fans, supporting itself with periodic fundraising drives.


The problem, as Perez and others see it, is that Amazon's publishing program simply misunderstands what fandom is about. To them, the often collaborative process of fan fiction can't be shoehorned into a single ebook file. "I'm going to write this story for my friend because she's having a bad day, and then somebody is going to decide to draw fanart for me, or leave a two-page paragraph about how much they enjoyed it," says Perez. But Amazon's terms of service give it exclusive rights to stories and a license to use new elements in them — like original characters or specific settings. That likely means stories can't be posted elsewhere or built upon by other fans.

Ironically, this could make people less likely to buy Kindle Worlds' product. As it stands, Amazon is in competition with a vast array of free options, including well-curated selections by individual fans. A typical fan fiction story might start on Livejournal in response to a prompt, then get cross-posted to, Archive of our Own, and a dedicated fan site. Kindle Worlds authors can sell their work, but they can't tap into the same wide network of collaboration and support

Amazon is in competition with a vast array of free options

Though Kindle Worlds could get more licenses in the future, it currently only allows fan fiction from three properties, and only one — The Vampire Diaries — is particularly active. Inside Vampire Diaries fandom, there's tentative consideration of Amazon's offer. "It's been an ongoing discussion," says Vampire Diaries fan That_Treason, a software engineer who started writing fan fiction about a year ago as practice for original fiction. "There are definitely some of my friends who are interested in being a guinea pig for the rest of us, and seeing if it's actually a useful tool."

But she's less sure that she would actually buy an ebook from Amazon. "The way I would be most willing to pay for something is if it were something I had already read," says That_Treason. "If I had read it through all the way and thought ‘Wow, that was really amazing — I would want to support that author,' then I might want to buy a copy and read it on my Kindle." Without a good way to vet stories, Kindle Worlds has less to offer than its free competitors. "Whether I'd be willing to pay for something without knowing the author... I don't know." The fan fiction gift economy doesn't just mean collaboration — it also means that people would rather support someone who's built up a reputation for good work.

A Kindle Worlds ebook might not make much money, but it could pull fan fiction out of fuzzy legal territory

That_Treason acknowledges that the money from Kindle Worlds would probably be negligible, but she says there's another reason she'd want to try it out: not having to worry about her story falling into a legal gray area. The Organization for Transformative Works insists that fan fiction is fair use, but the legal precedent is far from clear. Unfortunately, this means Amazon's offer could be a double-edged sword. "The fandom that I write in has been relatively tolerant on this thing," says That_Treason. "But now that they have an official license, will they start to crack down on or on AO3? These are questions I'm concerned about for my own writing, even if I don't go to Amazon."

Amazon's actual terms of service could pose a more immediate problem. As science fiction author John Scalzi pointed out soon after the announcement, publishers can use fans' original story elements without further pay, which has alienated some people. There are also ongoing questions about where publishers will draw the line for what to accept. General guidelines forbid graphic sex or "offensive" content like excessive violence or profanity. But a longer set of rules will apply to each fandom, and nobody knows yet what it will include. Both Amazon and Warner Bros. declined to answer questions about the guidelines.


Fandom thrives on flipping morality systems, reinterpreting relationships, and changing tones — probing the dark implications of a lighthearted video game or putting dramatic characters in ridiculous situations to imagine how they'd react. It's a way to create new stories that critique the old ones, or simply to explore the things that aren't shown in the source material. Much-mocked genres like slash fiction create new ways to explore relationships and alternate character interpretations give us stories from the villains' point of view. Depending on what Warner Bros. is comfortable with, authorized fan fiction may be stripped of much of its power. And because of licensing issues, writers can't submit "crossover" fiction, which combines characters or settings from multiple works.

Kindle Worlds gives fan fiction authors something they'd probably never get anywhere else: a sense of legitimacy and a bit of money. Scalzi also notes that there's already a version of paid and licensed "fan fiction" if you count tie-ins — depending on your interpretation, Amazon is either democratizing or undercutting the tie-in novel market. Unlike FanLib, fan fiction writers are getting more than a contest prize; they're being treated as real authors and given real legal protection.

But fan fiction isn't just a lesser version of ordinary fiction. It's a medium and genre with its own conventions and strengths, and that's what Perez worries Amazon is missing. "[Fan fiction is] a reaction to large publishers, a reaction to mass media," she says. "It's a reinterpretation from a minority point of view, a female point of view, an LGBTQ point of view, a queer point of view — it's reinterpreted to represent people who are often not represented in mass media. In a lot of ways, it feels like Amazon hasn't even scratched the surface of what fandom is."

04 Jun 13:13

Drawing arbitrary 8-bit images by playing Tetris

by Cory Doctorow
Russian Sledges

via multitask suicide

Holy. Crap.

Michael Birken lays out, in detail, a method for teaching a computer to draw arbitrary 8-bit images by playing Tetris, strategically deploying blocks of various colors to cause exactly the picture you want to emerge. The method is (as you'd imagine), starkly terrifying in its complexity, but the video speaks for itself.

The algorithm converts pixels from a source image into squares in the Tetris playfield, one row at a time from the bottom up. To generate an individual square, the algorithm assembles a structure consisting of a rectangular region fully supported by a single square protruding from the bottom. When the rectangular region is completed, its rows are cleared, leaving behind the protruding square. Three examples of the process appear below.

The algorithm can also generate multiple squares with a single structure as shown below.

During construction of a row, all of the squares produced by this method must be supported. In the images above, the generated squares are supported by the floor of the playfield. However, if an arbitrary row contains holes, it may not provide the support necessary for the construction of the row above it. The algorithm solves this problem by constructing a flat platform on top of the row with holes. In the animation below, a platform is built above a row comprising of a single red square. The platform is a temporary structure and inserting the final piece removes it.

Tetris Printer Algorithm (via Hacker News)


04 Jun 11:41

Oprah Winfrey disgraces my alma mater

by whyevolutionistrue

One of my friends went to Harvard’s graduation ceremony last Thursday, and I asked him who the main speaker was (the speaker at my own ceremony, when I got my Ph.D. there, was Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn).  When my friend replied, “Oprah Winfrey,” I about fell over.  Oprah Winfrey?  That peddler of woo, lachrymose feel-good guru, promoter of questionable science—she got an honorary doctorate of laws and gave the main speech?

I am appalled. Of all the substantive and non-wooish people Harvard could have lured with an honorary degree, they chose Oprah? Yes, I admire her work ethic and the determination that helped her attain superstardom by overcoming a horribly hard childhood and early life, but she’s still a symbol of attitudes that contravene the dictates of reason.

According to several accounts, her talk was just a string of platitudes—but of course nearly all graduation speeches are. The Reuters link above says this, for instance (but judge for yourself, as I’ve put the video below):

In a commencement address at the Ivy League school outside Boston, Winfrey told the graduates that they were bound to stumble no matter how high they might rise, but that “there is no such thing as failure — failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.”

No it isn’t, because “life” is not trying to do anything to us. Lord! Ceiling Cat!

At any rate, at least one major news outlet saw this degree for what it is: a tacit endorsement of woo and antiscientific attitudes.  At the Time Magazine “Ideas” site, rika Christakis and Nicholas A. Christakis note excoriate Winfrey and Harvard in a piece called “Oprah as Harvard’s commencement speaker is an endorsement of phony science”:

But Oprah’s particular brand of celebrity is not a good fit for the values of a university whose motto, Veritas, means truth. Oprah’s passionate advocacy extends, unfortunately, to a hearty embrace of phony science. Critics have taken Oprah to task for years for her energetic shilling on behalf of peddlers of quack medicine. Most notoriously, Oprah’s validation of Jenny McCarthy’s discredited claim that vaccines cause autism has no doubt contributed to much harm through the foolish avoidance of vaccines.

. . .But this vote of confidence in Oprah sends a troubling message at precisely the time when American universities need to do more, not less, to advance the cause of reason. As former Dean of Harvard College, Harry Lewis, pointedly noted in a blog post about his objections, “It seems very odd for Harvard to honor such a high profile popularizer of the irrational. I can’t square this in my mind, at a time when political and religious nonsense so imperil the rule of reason in this allegedly enlightened democracy and around the world.”

Indeed! What were the folks at Harvard thinking when they extended this invitation?

I am heartened, though, that the writers of the Time piece are both at Harvard, and were bold enough to speak out:

Erika Christakis, M.P.H, M.Ed., is an early childhood educator and Harvard College administrator. Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., is a professor of medicine and sociology at Harvard University. The views expressed are solely their own.

Well, my Ph.D. isn’t worth a plugged nickel now. What if Chicago revokes my professorship?

If you want to see her Harvard speech, here it is. I can’t bear to watch.

04 Jun 03:09

Prenda seeded its own porn files via BitTorrent, new affidavit argues

by Cyrus Farivar
Aurich Lawson

Graham Syfert is a local Florida lawyer who has been defending people caught up in Prenda purported copyright suits. Last we heard from the defense attorney, he appeared to have settled some cases with the porn trolling outfit. Nearly two weeks ago, Syfert told Ars that he was still involved in two more Florida Prenda-related cases: Sunlust Pictures v. Nguyen, and First Time Videos v. Oppold.

The latter case was initially filed back in July 2012 against a Florida man named Paul Oppold. Oppold was accused of downloading an unauthorized copy of a First Time Videos (FTV) pornographic film which was being represented by Prenda.

On Monday, Syfert continued his defense of Oppold, filing a damning motion. The motion includes a 31-page affidavit and related exhibits (compressed .ZIP archive) that offer a detailed analysis and a startling conclusion about one of the primary Prenda lawyers, John Steele. According to the filing, Steele

Read 14 remaining paragraphs | Comments

04 Jun 03:04

Red Army traffic controller in central Berlin. 

Red Army traffic controller in central Berlin. 

04 Jun 03:03

Will Love Tear Us Apart? transforms Joy Division song into a game

by Megan Farokhmanesh
Russian Sledges

via firehose

European developer Mighty Box Games created a game based off of what is (arguably) Joy Division's best song — a free-to-play, browser-based title created in Unity called Will Love Tear Us Apart?

The game was created as part of a project to adapt a song or poem into a game. Each verse of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" is translated into a different stage of the game, with special attention paid to the theme of that verse.

According to the game's Facebook page, Will Love Tear Us Apart? is about "the frustration of love that lingers beyond the realization of its unsustainability."

"It encourages players to reflect on the darker side of love: mis-communication, emotional impasse and the sadness of separation," the description reads. "Solace may be found in the brief moment of lightness that comes over us when we come to terms with the reality of an irreconcilable relationship with those we still have feelings for."

You can try Will Love Tear Us Apart? out for yourself over at its website.

04 Jun 01:52

via azathfeld

Russian Sledges

via firehose

via azathfeld

04 Jun 01:47

Jornada continental de apoyo a Vietnam, Cambodia y Laos 15 al 21...

Russian Sledges

via overbey

Jornada continental de apoyo a Vietnam, Cambodia y Laos 15 al 21 de Octubre. / Continental conference in support of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos 15 to 21 of October. 

04 Jun 01:13

girlgoesgrrr:   TODAY IN TURKEY National Protest: Istanbul:...

Russian Sledges

vis firehose




National Protest: Istanbul: 01-02JUNE2013

ACAB Worldwide


03 Jun 19:54

North Carolina’s ‘Back to Basics’ Education Revives Cursive Handwriting

by Lindsey Grudnicki
Russian Sledges

cursive is something I like and am good at, but fuck this

"Students should be able to read the script of this country’s historical documents": paleography is a totally different skill, and learning cursive from the models that are published for modern school curricula is a pretty laughable step toward this

One month after the New York Times hosted the “Is Cursive Dead?” debate, North Carolina declared that cursive is very much alive. House Bill 146, nicknamed the “Back to Basics” bill, was given final approval by the state senate last Thursday and awaits Governor Pat McCrory’s signature. The bill requires public elementary schools to instruct students in cursive writing so that kids can “create readable documents through legible cursive handwriting by the end of fifth grade.”

The national Common Core Standards for English Language Arts do not include any mention of handwriting, so the 45 states who have adopted the standards are left to pass supplementary legislation to cover the exclusion. North Carolina is just one of at least ten states that have considered requiring or recommending that students be taught to write in cursive.

The “Back to Basics” act, effective this upcoming school year, will also mandate that students “memorize multiplication tables.” The national standards require that students know how to solve problems using multiplication and division by Grade 3 but offer no recommendation of how those operations are to be taught in schools. Critics of the bill have called it an example of legislative overreach in the classroom, but supporters suggest that it merely aims to ensure that schools are teaching the time-honored “basics” of elementary education.

While handwriting expert Kate Gladstone has argued that “mandating cursive to preserve handwriting resembles mandating stovepipe hats and crinolines to preserve the art of tailoring,” there is something to be said for the teaching of cursive. Students should be able to read the script of this country’s historical documents, and the fine-tuning of writing as a motor skill can never hurt, as many professions -- despite the triumph of the digital age -- still require legible, fast notation.

03 Jun 17:55

(from Legends of Skyfall #1: Monsters of the Marsh, 1985) And...

(from Legends of Skyfall #1: Monsters of the Marsh, 1985)

And that, kids, is why you should steer clear of Stevie Nicks.