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05 Jul 16:42

Mike Tyson's abandoned mansion

by alexander
Having made more than $300 million throughout his career, boxing legend Mike Tyson was able to afford a lavish lifestyle, buying numerous mansions and cars. When he filed for bankruptcy in 2004 he was already deep in debt. Problems though had started years earlier. In the late 90s he lost ownership of his 5-bedroom,60 acre property with an indoor pool, basket ball court and on-site tiger cages near Southington, Ohio to an entrepreneur who was arrested on drug related charges a year later. Then, the mansion fell into the hands of the authorities as its state was deteriorating due to neglect and vandalism. These photos were taken in 2007. Today, the property has been restored and it's privately owned again. 

More deserted places in the United States

(Click here for the full post)

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05 Jul 11:38

Historical Map: Société des Tramways de Constantinople Tram...

Historical Map: Société des Tramways de Constantinople Tram Ticket, c. 1920s

A very interesting early topological transit diagram from Istanbul. It’s tricky to date precisely: the best I can do is the range 1923–1939, based on the lines shown and the fact that the STM was dissolved at the latter date when transit in Istanbul was nationalised.

It’s probably roughly contemporaneous with other early topological maps like George Dow’s work for the LNER in 1929, although I actually see this map being born out of necessity, rather than being any great pioneering design work. That’s because the map is printed on a small ticket, and was used by the ticket seller/conductor to mark the destination that the ticket is valid to. Note the blue marks on “Aller" and “Bechiktache" — this was sold as a one-way ticket to that destination. Obviously, a geographical map couldn’t fit into this tiny space, hence the necessity for this simplified topological representation.

The other interesting thing about this map is that Istanbul is flipped along the axis of the Golden Horn. Destinations that should be on the left of that waterway (looking at it on a standard map, with north to the top) are shown on the right and vice versa. The tram bridge across the Golden Horn is clearly shown on the map (as “Pont", bridge in French). I know that Arabic reads from right to left: is this flipping of locations a concession to that?

Finally, I adore the little squiggly arrows that show how the lines connect between each stop.

Our rating: Amazing transit ephemera from the early 20th century. Five stars!

5 Stars!

(Source: Ottoman History Podcast/Flickr)

05 Jul 11:37

Retired P.E. Teacher Wears Same Outfit for 40 Years of Yearbook Portraits

by Christopher Jobson

Retired P.E. Teacher Wears Same Outfit for 40 Years of Yearbook Portraits portraits multiples

Retired P.E. Teacher Wears Same Outfit for 40 Years of Yearbook Portraits portraits multiples

Retired gym teacher Dale Irby posed for his first yearbook photo back in 1973 at Prestonwood Elementary school. The next year, completely by accident, Irby wore the exact same outfit. At first he was horrified to discover the faux pas, but then his wife made a dare: do it again the next year. Before you knew it a 40-year tradition was born; from 1973 to 2012 the teacher, now 63, wore an identical sweater vest and collared shirt for every single yearbook portrait. You can see a slideshow of the photos over at the Dallas Morning News. (via peta pixel)

05 Jul 11:34

Cry freedom

by J.S., R.L.W. and L.P.

When countries earned their independence, and celebrate it

AMERICANS celebrate their independence from Britain on July 4th with fireworks, hot dogs and a sea of Star-Spangled Banners. Freedom in 1776 came around 170 years after the first English settlers landed. The United States was the first of more than 50 countries that eventually became independent from Britain. Far-flung colonies peopled with pioneers or prisoners were hard to administer and tended to break away earlier than closer territories. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1810 and other Spanish colonies swiftly followed. Brazil earned its freedom from Portugal in 1822. Canada became independent in 1867 (on better terms than neighbouring America), though it wasn't until 1982 that the country divested itself fully of Britain's role in constitutional matters. Like America, Canada also celebrates its independence in July. It is the most popular month for countries to fete their freedom. The biggest wave of independence started in the late 1950s, when most of Africa was freed of British, French, Portuguese and Belgian rule. The next bloc to earn its freedom was in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union fell and satellite states had their sovereignty restored. 

Continue reading
05 Jul 11:29

Worcester Art Museum visitors supportive of museum's gay marriage stance

by Kevin Koczwara,
Russian Sledges


The issue of the museum hosting gay marriages arose on June 26, the day the Supreme Court ruled that legally married same-sex couples should receive the same Federal benefits as heterosexual married couples. After the ruling was announced, WAM posted a message on its Facebook and Twitter pages welcoming same-sex couples to get married at the museum, something heterosexual couples can do as well.
05 Jul 11:23

bunnyfood: (via reddit)


(via reddit)

05 Jul 09:33

All the books getting turned into movies & TV shows over the next year

by Meredith Woerner
Russian Sledges

Lem? I guess it's better than ripping him off indirectly

All the books getting turned into movies & TV shows over the next year

This year is all about the book adaptation. Game of Thrones, Warm Bodies, Beautiful Creatures and World War Z (sort of) were all books first! So here is our extensive guide to just about every movie and TV series turning your favorite book into a live-action wonder. Get out your reading lists so you too can say "the book was better."



04 Jul 22:20

How to Make Tailor’s Hams and Sausages

by russiansledges
A tailor's ham is a helpful little cushion that is used when pressing curved seams, such as a bust or a hip seam. You can also use a tailor's sausage to slip into a sleeve to press open that hard to reach seam. Use this tool at any point where your seam won’t lay flat.
04 Jul 22:17

Free Pattern: A gentleman’s necktie

by Sarai

Holy smokes, Father’s Day is this Sunday! What a great excuse to share a new pattern with you all: a classic gentleman’s necktie brought to you by the lovely Kristina Angelozzi of Fischer clothing. We will hand the blog over to Kristina as she shows you the step-by-step process for sewing up a super special gift.



Hello Colette readers, I’m Kristina of Fischer clothing from Brooklyn and I’m thrilled Colette Patterns is giving me the opportunity to share a little tutorial with you!

Neckties seem like a pretty cliché Father’s Day gift, but they can definitely take on a whole new sentiment when you make them yourself. It’s so much more personal to hand pick a fabric you know he’ll love, isn’t it? I chose a multicolor madras pattern for my dad since he’s a pretty classic and casual dude.

When I first set out to add ties to my mens collections about two years ago, I searched high and low for a thorough tutorial on how to make them. I was unsuccessful and finally wound up buying a few ties at a thrift store and tearing them apart to see how they were constructed. I altered a few details to suit my style and have been hand-making them here in Brooklyn ever since.

I’ve replicated my patten in a downloadable version for you all to try at home. This tie is a standard 55″ length and 3 3/4″ Wide. It’s slim, and I find it looks good on a variety of body types.

Supplies Needed:

  • Our free downloadable necktie pattern
  • outer fabric: 3/4 yd of 45″ or 60″ wide fabric
  • contrast lining fabric: 1/4 yd
  • interlining (I use muslin): 1 1/4 yd
  • thread to match the outer fabric
  • iron & ironing board
  • sewing machine
  • scissors


Before starting, assemble the tiles of your necktie pattern pieces and cut out the pattern. Then follow the instructions below.

1. Cut the Necktie Front (A) and Necktie Tail (B) from the main fabric, cutting these pieces on the bias. Cut the Necktie Front Lining (E) and Necktie Tail Lining (D) from the contrast lining fabric. Cut the Necktie Interlining piece from the interlining fabric. Pay attention to the grainline, as all these pieces should be cut on the bias.



This is what the pieces look after they’ve been cut out:


2. With the right sides together, match up the flat, short ends of the Necktie Front (A) and Nectie Tail (B), as shown. Stitch together with 3/8 seam allowance.


3. Press seam open.


4. Fold the tie in half lengthwise, with the right sides together, as shown below.

Take a look at the ends of your tie and you will see a small flat tip. Stitch across the tip with a 3/8″ seam allowance, stopping 3/8″ from the diagonal edge. In other words, stitch this tip for a few stitches, but do not stitch into the seam allowance. Backstitch to secure.

This small stitched edge will allow you to turn the tip under later.


5. Unfold, then match right sides of the main fabric to right sides of the liner pieces.


6. Sew along the notched edge and one side of point, stopping at the tip before sewing over the small tuck.


7. Starting on the opposite side of the tuck, sew opposite side of point.


8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 on the other end of the tie. Trim away excess seam allowance.

9. Turn ends inside out and press. You can use a fancy point turner for this, but a simple knitting needle or chopstick will work just fine. Now you’ll see that the small tuck helped to miter the corner.


10. With your tie right side down, lay interlining along the center and tuck ends into the little pockets you created with the outer fabric and the lining. Try and weasel the points together on the inside as closely as possible.

Here, I’m showing the interlining above the lining, so you can see how it should be aligned. But you will want to tuck it inside of the lining piece.


11. Fold over one unfinished edge so the interlining is tucked against the crease.


12. Fold up the opposite unfinished edge.


13. Turn the exposed edge under about 1/2″, making sure to keep the folded as close to the center of the tie’s length as possible. This is your finished center back seam.


14. About 3″ from the bottom of the inside lining, slipstitch the center back seam to the other side of the tie. It does help here to have a few pins to keep it in place.


Also, if you fold the tie in half lengthwise as you sew, you get a better vantage point to catch both pieces of fabric.


15. Once you’ve completed your slipstitching, you’ll need to put a loop of some sort to hold the tail in place while being worn. I use my labels, but you could easily use a a piece of bias tape, grosgrain or just make a little strip out of fabric. My standard placement is 10″ from the tip.


Et viola!! That wasn’t so bad, was it?



Download the necktie pattern!

04 Jul 20:29

Happy America Day

America was the first country to join the European Union. Great Britain was the second.

04 Jul 19:23

How Fireworks Displays Have Changed

by Miss Cellania

It's not your imagination or faulty memory -large public fireworks displays used to have bigger bursts that went higher in the sky. Over the past few decades, professional pyrotechs have been compelled to make the shells smaller, which correlates with lower altitude. Doug Taylor, the president of Zambelli Fireworks, explains.

“What’s happened is, the size shell that you can shoot in a particular location has decreased,” Taylor explains. Just as shell width correlates to height, so too does height correlate with regulation. Old regulations dictated that you needed 70 feet of area cleared for every inch of shell fired around a launch area. The new industry standard is 100 feet. So when you play that out, practically, a large 12-inch shell needs 1,200 feet (or nearly a quarter of a mile) cleared in every direction to be considered safe.

Taylor tells me that fireworks sites nationwide have been shrinking with both urbanization and suburban sprawl.  

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. The shows make up for the decreased height with a more dense display.

“Rather than one 8-inch shell, I could probably put 12 3-inch shells up for the same price,” Taylor says. “We like that for several reasons. Larger shells are more dangerous because they have more explosive power in them. But the truth is, people in this country especially like density in their fireworks show.”

The drawback is that instead of watching them from your home, you are more likely to have to drive to the fireworks site. Read more about modern fireworks displays at FastCo Design. Link

(Image credit: Flickr use Jeff Golden)

04 Jul 16:44

scalesofperception: Amazon Unpacked by Ben Roberts Workers at...

Russian Sledges

via firehose


Amazon Unpacked by Ben Roberts

Workers at Rugeley spend their days wandering the massive warehouse, either squirreling away incoming products, pulling orders down from shelves, or packing them up for shipment. In each of these activities, the workers’ motions are not driven by the engine of human judgment or expertise but rather by the massive engine of Amazon’s exquisitely complex fulfillment mechanism: a computer that both tracks and commands every worker’s movements throughout the day.

An Amazon fulfillment associate might have to walk as far as 15 miles in a single shift, endlessly looping back and forth between shelves in a warehouse the size of nine soccer fields. They do this in complete silence, except for the sound of their feet. The atmosphere is so quiet that workers can be fired for even talking to one another. And all the while, cardboard cutouts of happy Amazon workers look on, cartoon speech bubbles frozen above their heads: “This is the best job I ever had!"


04 Jul 16:34

Lone Ranger is Johnny Depp's tribute to shitty superhero origin films

by overbey
Russian Sledges

via overbey

What makes the Lone Ranger finally embrace the need for his mask, and hence the whole "secret identity" thing? In a nutshell, he realizes his fellow white men are corrupt, and complicit in the mass murder of Tonto's fellow Native Americans. If he takes the mask off, then he too will wind up becoming complicit. Yes, that's right — in this film, the Lone Ranger's mask is made of White Guilt.
04 Jul 10:02

Motorola Droid silently, insecurely sends personal data to mothership

by Cory Doctorow
Ben Lincoln discovered that his Motorola Droid X2 was silently sending an enormous amount of private, sensitive information to Motorola, without permission -- much of it without any encryption. He carefully documented the scope of the leaks, and gave the steps necessary to repeat his work. It's a terrible, and potentially criminal, design decision by Motorola, and demands full disclosure from the company and full investigation by independent researchers. (via /.)

04 Jul 06:34

Help Seattle to name a park after Octavia Butler

by Charlie Jane Anders

Help Seattle to name a park after Octavia Butler

Author Octavia Butler was a national treasure — but she lived in Seattle for the final years of her life. And now, the Seattle Parks Department is seeking input on what to name a new park, and her name is one of the leading contenders. You can vote in the Parks Department Survey here.



04 Jul 02:03

IKEA Solar-Powered Flat-Pack Shelters

by Jeff Carvalho

IKEA Solar Powered Flat Pack Shelters

IKEA and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) have collaborated on a new “flat-pack shelter” design for use during conflict and natural disasters. The flat-pack shelter is solar-powered and can be snapped into place in little time. It is a concept that takes the collective brain power of IKEA engineering and puts it to incredibly important use.

IKEA Solar-Powered Flat-Pack Shelters is a post by Jeff Carvalho on Selectism.

04 Jul 02:01

Mass. man accused of filing fake marathon claim

BOSTON (AP) — A Boston man has pleaded not guilty to making a fake claim of nearly $2.2 million to the main compensation fund for Boston Marathon bombing victims.

04 Jul 02:01

The rise of Angela Davis posters

by Mark Frauenfelder

Collectors Weekly has an article about the rise of Angela Davis posters.

On August 18, 1970, Angela Yvonne Davis’s name was added to the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List for kidnapping, murder, and interstate flight. Davis was already a darling of the left for her membership in the Communist Party and outspoken support for the Black Panthers, which caused then-California governor Ronald Reagan to personally orchestrate the 26-year-old’s dismissal from a teaching post at UCLA. Being hunted by J. Edgar Hoover for a crime she clearly did not commit took Davis’s celebrity to a whole new level, instantly making her as famous or infamous, depending on your point of view, as revolutionaries such as Che and Mao.

Trailing Angela Davis, from FBI Flyers to 'Radical Chic' Art


04 Jul 02:00

All Hail the Coffee Robots!

by Rob Bricken
Russian Sledges

hey overbey

All Hail the Coffee Robots!

Honestly, I have no idea what the hell a Farberware Coffee Robot is, or how much it actually resembles a traditional, anthropomorphic robot (my guess: not much as the thing on this ad). I do know this: When the robos turn on their fleshy masters and the revolution begins, we are going to be extra-screwed if the robot take our coffee.



04 Jul 01:58

Meanwhile, At The Millbrae BART Station...

by Brock Keeling
Russian Sledges

hey overbey

Meanwhile, At The Millbrae BART Station... Greg Burrell (right) from Florida, has his son Ben Burrell snap a picture of him in front of a closure sign at the Millbrae station. This makes day No. 3 of the BART strike. [ more › ]

04 Jul 01:56

Mob rapes in Tahrir Square worry rights groups -

Russian Sledges

via firehose

Mob rapes in Tahrir Square worry rights groups
Human Rights Watch says at least 91 women have been raped over the past four days in Cairo's Tahrir Square, a central site of recent mass protests that have shaken the country's political leadership. The New York-based rights group reported on its website ...
Human Rights Watch said Wednesday that 100 women have been sexually ...U.S. News & World Report

all 217 news articles »
04 Jul 01:53

Report: 79% Of Sincere Thoughts Played Off As Jokes

NEW HAVEN, CT—According to a groundbreaking new report from researchers at Yale University’s Center for Cultural Sociology, a full 79 percent of all sincere thoughts expressed in conversation are played off as jokes before they register their ...
04 Jul 01:51

Skyfall’s battleship island is now on Google Street View

by Low Lai Chow

Hashima, the desolate island off the Nagasaki Peninsula coast of Japan that appeared in Skyfall, recently made new waves when Google’s program manager Okura Wakaba announced on the Google Japan blog that the island was on Google Street View. It only took him about two hours to shoot the images of the island using a photographic equipment trekker backpack.

The post Skyfall’s battleship island is now on Google Street View appeared first on Lost At E Minor: For creative people.

03 Jul 14:50

乡音苑 Phonemica

by overbey
Russian Sledges

via overbey

Phonemica is a project to record spoken stories in every one of the thousands of varieties of Chinese in order to preserve both stories and language for future generations. We are a team of volunteers working within China and abroad.
03 Jul 01:18

Expansionwire: Sherman Market and Sherman Cafe to Connect

by Rachel Leah Blumenthal

shermancafe.jpgUnion Square breakfast and lunch spot Sherman Cafe and its sibling around the corner, Sherman Market, are undergoing renovations to integrate the two into a connected space with more seating and a bigger kitchen. There are a couple of other storefronts between them, but it appears that the two Shermans can connect somewhere in the innards of the building without disrupting the existing businesses.

In addition to the improved kitchen and seating, customers will be able to enter from both sides, according to a post on Sherman Cafe's Facebook page. For the time being, the market is closed off for renovations, and products from the market are available in the cafe space.

Sherman Cafe has been open for nine years, serving pastries, salads, and soups made almost entirely from scratch and from locally sourced ingredients. Likewise, the tiny market (which opened four years ago) stocks a variety of New England produce, meat, and other local products.
· Sherman Cafe [FB]
· All coverage of Sherman Cafe on Eater [~EBOS~]
[Photo: Facebook]

03 Jul 01:16

Battle Royale uniforms for Animal Crossing: New Leaf I...

by ericisawesome
Russian Sledges

via firehose

Battle Royale uniforms for Animal Crossing: New Leaf

I can’t wait until someone posts a dream code for a New Leaf town modeled after this film. Here’s where you can grab the QR codes:

I’m still waiting for someone to post QR codes for my gray-hoodie-and-plaid-shirt uniform.

BUY Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Battle Royale, upcoming games
03 Jul 01:14

Vatican commission clears John Paul II sainthood - News 10NBC

Russian Sledges

via firehose


Vatican commission clears John Paul II sainthood
News 10NBC
A Vatican official says Pope John Paul II has cleared the final obstacle before being made a saint. The ANSA news agency said a commission of cardinals and bishops met Tuesday to consider the case and signed off on it, leaving only Pope Francis to ...
John Paul II on brink of sainthood - reportTVNZ
John Paul II in final stretch toward becoming a saintThe Sheboygan Press
Vatican panel clears John Paul II for sainthoodWTOP

all 99 news articles »
03 Jul 01:12

Masked Mexican wrestler battles fake border patrol agents in the ring [video]

by Mark Frauenfelder

[Video Link] Filmmaker Kevin Gordon says:

The wrestler Blue Demon Jr. carries the mantle of the legendary luchador Blue Demon (who he says is his adoptive father). He sees his role as part of a larger mission to speak up for Mexican immigrants. Blue Demon Jr.’s feud with Oliver John [who plays the anti-immigrant leader of the Border Patrol tag team] is an allegory for the political battles being fought right now across this country. After years of feeling under attack by oppressive laws, heightened deportations and xenophobic language in the media, the audience watching these shows get to participate in a genuine act of cultural resistance and emotional release.

Border Patrol Body Slam


02 Jul 23:46

Why Todd English's replacement Olives has to be 'new and shiny:' A judge won't let him take anything out of the old one

by adamg
Russian Sledges

it's been a good day for boston restaurant news

Olives squeezed out.Olives squeezed out.

After people noticed last week that Todd English's Olives in City Square was closed, the jetsetting celebrichef with Boston roots issued a press release promising an all new Olives at a "new and shiny" location, one better suited for the times than dowdy old City Square, even if he had only opened a new and shiny Olives there last year:

Charlestown is and will always have a special place in my heart. It is with sadness that I will be leaving this neighborhood. We have been here since 1989 and so many wonderful memories are tied to this place. But with the incredible way America's culinary landscape has been evolving, I have decided that Olives - my first and signature restaurant - must also evolve.

What English forgot to mention in his wistful press release was that he had no choice in the closing of Olives - his landlord closed it for him, after convincing a judge last fall to let him seize the restaurant and all its belongings, including its valuable liquor license. Seems English owes a bit of back rent - some $780,000 in rent and interest dating to 2010.

Meanwhile, English faces similar problems across the harbor, where the operators of Faneuil Hall Marketplace got their own court order just last month to attach not only the liquor license of his failed Kingfish Hall but assets of his holding companies, in a lawsuit in which the marketplace now charges English with running a fraudulent financial shell game to suck assets out of the restaurant to avoid paying them.

According to a lawsuit in Suffolk Superior Court by William Carey, who owns 10 City Square in Charlestown, English stopped paying rent on Olives in early 2010 - several months before a fire that knocked the restaurant out of business for two years.

Carey, who blames English for that fire, alleging he failed to have the restaurant's ducts cleared of grease, sued English last September for $780,942.72 in back rent and interest. At first, Carey seemed content to let the lawsuit wend its slow way through court and to try to negotiate a settlement with English.

But then the Globe found out about the suit.

In a court filing, Carey wrote that after a Globe reporter contacted both him and English, he agreed with a request from English to have his lawyer tell the nosy reporter that both sides were working on an amicable settlement.

But after the Globe story appeared, English got really mad, Carey wrote. He said English sent him a text message reading, in part: "I don't want to have to blow u up, but I will. Not good for anyone." And he refused to meet to discuss a settlement.

Carey, well aware of the alleged condition in which English left Kingfish Hall, said he took English's threat literally and seriously.

"As the relationship with Mr. English has become contentious and in light of his threat to 'blow me up,' I am concerned that Mr. English may remove fixtures and other items from Olives and cause damage to the leased premises," he wrote.

A Suffolk Superior Court judge granted his motion Nov. 15. On Nov. 29, a sheriff officially seized the restaurant's liquor license, meaning it can't be sold without court permission. Last week, the landlord seized the physical location.

In a separate case in Suffolk Superior Court, a judge agreed last month to let the Rouse Companies, which now manage Faneuil Hall, attach close to $2 million in English's assets to try to recoup the nearly $1 million in rent he failed to pay for Kingfish Hall. These assets include his ownership of two holding companies and, as at Olives, the restaurant's liquor license.

Rouse filed its request for asset attachment on June 7 - a little more than a month after English's attorney and CFO appeared before the Boston Licensing Board to successfully ask for more time to sell the license to help pay off Rouse.

The board theoretically bars owners of liquor licenses - which are in short supply - from just sitting on them, but the board has consistently given English extension after extension to do something with his licenses at both Olives and Kingfish Hall.

In its request for attachments, Rouse said a deposition of Chorney and financial records from the company showed that even as Kingfish Hall - and its legal owner, Omega III LLC - was falling more and more behind in its rent to Faneuil Hall, it was continuing to funnel large amounts of cash to English's holding companies - which used the money to pay off debt at an Olives in Washington, DC and contribute to English's large salary and car payments.

In his deposition, Chorney said part of the payments were for work done by the holding companies for the restaurant, but that he could not say why the bulk of the payments were made. Rouse's attorney wrote:

Todd English and individuals working for his affiliated companies diverted in excess of 2,294,555.79 from Omega III to other companies affiliated with Todd English between Jan. 1, 2009 and Dec. 31, 2012. ... In the present action, it appears that Omega III received nothing in return for the transfers. Indeed, the CFO of Omega III and Todd English's other companies could not even explain the vast majority of these transfers at his deposition in this case.

On June 12, a Suffolk Superior Court judge agreed to attach assets of both Omega III - which now consists pretty much only of the liquor license - and English's holding companies. Rouse, the judge wrote, had proven "there is a reasonable likelihood that the plaintiff will recover judgment."

In his own filings, English has denied all the allegations.

02 Jul 21:15

Angry Vegans: Ex-Vegan Jamie Bissonnette Called Out by Angry Vegans

by Rachel Leah Blumenthal
Russian Sledges

oh dear

[Photo: Jamie Bissonnette at Stella/Jamie Rogers]

It's unclear whether the Vegan Sellout List website is actually backed by militant vegans, or if it's a satirical project aimed at making vegans look crazy, but Boston's own Jamie Bissonnette (Toro, Coppa) is one of a number of chefs called out as someone who has "regressed from moral consistency to moral depravity." The point of the website is apparently to name and shame former vegans who have returned to the dark side of the "haughty, nose-turning carnists."

Bissonnette's description, as submitted by an anonymous user:

"Former straight edge kid and MMA fighter and Krishna. Went to culinary school and developed a 'love affair' with foie gras."
Then, there's a quote from the Phoenix (RIP) on why Bissonnette gave up veganism — working for a chef in a Parisian restaurant at 22, he was told he'd be fired and "would never amount to anything" if he didn't taste everything. Eater National has a round-up of other chefs who made the list.
· Vegan Sellout List [Official Site]
· Extremist Vegan Website Names and Threatens Ex-Vegans [-EN-]
· All coverage of Jamie Bissonnette on Eater [~EBOS~]