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30 Mar 04:59

Playfully Creative UFO-Inspired Milk Packaging Is Out of This World

by Leah Pellegrini

I love clever packaging.

Every kid’s morning cup of calcium just got an extraterrestrial twist, thanks to the design team at I-Media. This Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan-based creative agency has developed quirky new packaging for the Molocow milk company, inspired by the famous legend of a Kansas cow’s alien abduction. Youngsters may not be familiar with the folklore, which dates back to 1897, but they’re nonetheless likely to moon over this fantastical design.

The conical glass vessel in I-Media's playful design mimics a beam that leads up to its UFO-shaped plastic cap, capturing an ascending cow that’s printed as a logo on the front. The sleek, translucent packaging also emphasizes the fresh, pure quality of the product, elevating the beverage from standard to stellar. The clever concept just might convince more adults to drink their daily dose of dairy, too.

This “spacial edition” milk is not yet available for sale in the United States, but you can check out I-Media’s more down-to-earth design concepts on their website.

I-Media: Website | Behance
via [Laughing Squid]

29 Mar 15:33

Rare Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Vast Collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History

by Leah Pellegrini

Ooooo! I bet I could spend months just opening drawers and walking up and down the aisles...

Here are just a few of the fascinating artifacts you might encounter during a visit to The Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.: Moon rocks; the Hope Diamond; the fossilized skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex; ancient mummies dating back to 1200 BC—and that’s just what’s on display. The Museum houses over 126 million scientific specimens and cultural relics, and a large fraction of the colossal collection is kept behind closed doors.

The Museum’s private storage is almost unfathomable in size and scope, containing curiosities that span from birds to bones to butterflies. The artifacts are scrupulously preserved, catalogued, and organized, so that authorized scientific experts can explore for new discoveries. According to the Museum, the goal is to better predict the future by examining the past: "NMNH scientists and their colleagues worldwide seek the puzzle pieces that will form detailed pictures of vital topics such as evolutionary relationships of organisms, biodiversity loss and global climate change."

Though the secluded shelves are normally off-limits to the public, the Museum offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the clandestine compendium in the photographs below.

Top photo credit: Chip Clark

Photo credit: Chip Clark

Photo credit: Chip Clark

Photo credit: Chip Clark

Photo credit: Chip Clark

Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History: Website | Facebook
via [Amusing Planet, NMNH]

29 Mar 06:00

It seems silly to character sketch before a game, but it was on...


MIMI!! Love it. The tracksuit! :)

It seems silly to character sketch before a game, but it was on my mind… Am not happy with any of the results. Was aiming for more ridiculously shaped characters than what I wound up getting.

26 Mar 09:28

bravelykind: One of our Vulture readers noted that they love...


I adore Gina Torres. She's still my top pick for playing Wonder Woman.


One of our Vulture readers noted that they love how Suits doesn’t hide your height: You’re always wearing high heels and beautiful column dresses. Have you had the experience of shows or movies trying to downsize you?

I often end up doing most of my scenes barefoot in other shows that I’ve been in. Which, on one hand, I really miss, because being in those heels all day is not fun. But it is wonderful. It’s wonderful when you see those shots of me clicking it down the hallway from head to toe, and it’s all me. Gabriel doesn’t care for it, at all. Gabriel is used to being the tallest guy on the set, so it really messes with him, which I love. A part of that, too, is that there’s nobody above Jessica, really. She is running it; she doesn’t have to apologize for her height or anything else. So often when I do come onto another show — sorry, guys — the leading men are shorter, and it’s all about maintaining the illusion that there’s a big guy on our campus. And a lot of [the actors] aren’t mature enough to not have that be so. And quite frankly, the networks aren’t particularly thrilled about having their big guys on campus look smaller than they need them to be. But that’s changing, I think. There are a lot of power women that are working today. (x)

26 Mar 03:08

uncomfortablyuncool: everydayamermaid: by Jessica Warrick Oh...


The fourth one is so cute!



by Jessica Warrick

Oh my god I am in love with the fishboys’ family portrait

26 Mar 02:57

in-the-violet-hour: destroymales: terpsikeraunos: queenotrera: History wants so badly for...





History wants so badly for Cleopatra to be beautiful. Like they can’t conceive of Rome being intimidated by anything less

because being a linguist, fleet commander, and powerful ruler doesn’t matter, only her looks

Her Arab contemporaries raved about her being very interested and knowledgeable in the sciences.

She completely reformed the system in Alexandria, and Egypt at large; making it much more of a functional powerhouse. 

She did what 300 years of her ancestors couldn’t: Managed to get the support of both the Greek AND Egyptian subjects she ruled.

There is a sculpture that has been identified as her, through comparisons to coins minted under her rule, that proves beyond a doubt that she wasn’t particularly beautiful.

It isn’t that people just happen to believe it by mistake. Rome was fucking terrified of her and painted her as a vapid, scheming, beautiful, sex obsessed queen to discredit her to their people. She was a threat, and that was how they handled it. The unfortunate thing is that that is the most surviving record of her. A smear campaign against one of the smartest, most powerful women in human history. 

This is a woman who became her father’s co-ruler at nearly 14 years old in order to train for her actual ascension to the throne, who was forced to marry her own siblings in order to keep her power, and it’s widely believed that she poisoned them so she could rule alone. She’s a Pharaoh who led Egypt into a new era of wealth, who went fearlessly into war to protect her rule and Egypt’s independence from the Roman empire, a woman who took her own life rather than face being raped and tortured by her conquerors, knowing full well that she was leaving her surviving children in their uncertain mercy. Cleopatra is one of the most interesting, morally ambiguous, complexing historical figures we have and the media has turned her into a tantalizing sex object for the male gaze.

Even after Cleopatra died her influence on those around her lived on: her daughter, Cleopatra Selene, was the only child of Cleopatra’s to live to adulthood, and she became queen of Mauretania along with her husband Juba and it’s believed they married for love, which was extremely rare for that time period, especially among nobles/the upper class. Not only did she grow up in the house of her mother’s worst enemy and technical murderer, but she still went on to become a queen who possessed an equal amount of political power as her husband, even having her face minted on coins on the opposite side of his likeness, showing they were equal rulers.

Cleopatra and her influence on history, and her daughter’s legacy, have both been brushed aside in favour of the sexy Cleopatra visage. It’s bullshit. Egyptian mythology is interesting and vivid, and full of powerful women and it’s bullshit that we take some of the most powerful women in Africa’s history and try to turn them into fashion icons or sluts who only ruled through toying with men. 

20 Mar 09:59

All-Female Flight Crew Lands Plane in Saudi Arabia, Where It's Illegal for Them to Drive

by Anna Gragert

While I'm not happy that women are not allowed to drive there, I'm glad that the pilot exception allows them to fly. These pictures are pretty awesome.

A historic moment took place when an all-female flight crew landed a Royal Brunei plane in Saudi Arabia, on February 23rd. It ended up being a very significant event because women aren't even allowed to drive a car in the country. Only men can get a driver's license in Saudi Arabia, whereas women will be fined or arrested if they're seen driving in public. Yet, women are interestingly allowed to obtain a pilot's license and, in 2014, the first Saudi woman became certified to fly a plane.

Currently, Royal Brunei is working to add more women to their workforce, especially since it's estimated that there are only 4,000 female pilots out of the 130,000 total pilots in the world. Plus, only 450 women work as captains in the industry. Sharifah Czarena Surainy, the woman who landed the plane in Saudi Arabia, is actually Royal Brunei's first female pilot. "As a woman, a Bruneian woman, it is such a great achievement," Surainy told The Brunei Times, after she received her captains' epaulettes in 2012. "It’s really showing the younger generation or the girls especially that whatever they dream of, they can achieve it."

Royal Brunei: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Mashable, The Brunei Times]

19 Mar 07:35

This Self-Appointed "Queen Of Sh*tty Robots" Is My New Hero

by Jen

"...and let's hope it doesn't look like a really weird porn shoot."

You may have seen some of Simone Giertz's creations already, or at least this gif of how she touches up her lipstick:

(Love that final flourish at the end. It's like, "oops, missed a spot... GOT IT.")

I'm late to the party, since Simone's channel has been blowing up on Youtube for months now, but this is a genius that must be shared.

Not only is Simone absolutely hilarious (you're missing out if you're not watching her build vlogs), she's also an unapologetic tinkerer who makes robot-building seem both doable and ridiculously fun.

Plus she reminds me of Willow from Buffy mixed with Hannah from My Drunk Kitchen. BONUS.

Now, who wants to go build stuff??

Just, uh, not this:


 Go check out Simone's Youtube channel for lots more hilarity (again, watch the build vlogs!), and then follow her on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with her latest projects.
19 Mar 07:20


I looked up "insanity" in like 10 different dictionaries and none of them said anything like that. Neither did the DSM-4. But I'll keep looking. Maybe it's in the DSM-5!
17 Mar 07:28

Just a Town

by Reza

Perhaps I should share this advice with my Monsterhearts PCs.


14 Mar 11:14

Doomsday Clock


Just one more reason for no more DST.

After a power outage at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the new Digital Doomsday Clock is flashing 00:00 and mushroom clouds keep appearing and then retracting once a second.
13 Mar 23:05

leseanthomas: DEMOBAZA I love and want all of them. ALL OF...

by simply-sithel

Love these!
Hmmm... only ~$700 for that coat...



I love and want all of them. ALL OF THEM.

13 Mar 08:32

Clever Combinations of Illustrations and Wood Carvings Create Extraordinary Miniature Cities

by Kristine Mitchell

Charming! Very Gorey in feel. Naturally I love the underground sections best.

Luke O’Sullivan uses a combination of drawings and sculptural carvings to construct wondrous urban landscapes. His extensive metropolitan pieces strike a balance between recognizable architecture and impossible structures in order to create fantastical subterranean systems. The 3-D artworks protrude into space, similar to a diorama display, but O'Sullivan purposively ensures that his miniature worlds are rooted partially in reality and partially in the absurd.

His latest release, Cool Shelter makes use of screen printed drawings and wooden structures to create a labyrinth of twists and turns. His piece aims to explore the relationship between an over-world and underworld by blending together above and below with three-dimensional and two dimensional to create an exceptional environment. O’Sullivan states that he draws inspiration from dystopian science fiction and early Nintendo animations to conceive his artwork. With this in mind, his vibrant world explores the idea of an urban environment in a novel and interesting way.

Luke O'Sullivan: Website | Instagram
via [Booooooom]

10 Mar 06:49

fellandfaironline: “Good instinct’s worth a hundred men in the...

by simply-sithel



“Good instinct’s worth a hundred men in the field.” And so is @nicolasbruno. Photographer, archer, craftsman. Nick’s innovation and steadfastness help the #FellCompany accomplish what it sets out to do. (at Wilderland)

07 Mar 01:41

Japan's Scariest Manga Artist Loves Japan's Creepiest Cosplayer

by Brian Ashcraft on Kotaku, shared by Brian Ashcraft to Cosplay

This reminds me, when are we doing the zombie makeup tutorial day?

Junji Ito’s art is scary . And cosplayer Ikura’s recreations of his work are creepy nightmare fuel. No wonder he’s a fan.


04 Mar 16:30

Mom Spends Only 20 Minutes Designing Daughter's Incredibly Elaborate Braids Before School

by Anna Gragert

Oh my god, if someone did cool stuff like this with my hair, I might actually leave it long.

Australian mom Shelley Gifford has mastered the art of hair. Every morning, she styles her 6-year-old daughter's hair and, though she does so in under 20 minutes, she's able to send Grace off to school with the most impressive braids we've ever seen. The night before, Gifford will plan out the hairstyle, which can involve anything from woven hearts to spiral crowns. If the mom thinks that the look will take more than 20 minutes, she ends up saving the braid for the weekend.

Gifford later decided to share her hair art with the world, which is when she created Pretty Little Braids. "I found accounts that were solely set up to show hairstyles that mums had created on their daughters. I loved what I saw and it was then that I started my own Facebook and Instagram braiding accounts," the mom told BuzzFeed. "I just love learning new styles and advancing my skills. I’m hair obsessed." Gifford also mentions that many of her followers wonder how Grace is able to sit still for that long, but she explains that the young girl has been getting her hair braided since she was a toddler and is completely used to it by now.

"I don't have a favorite braid; however, I love challenging myself to multistrand braids," Gifford told POPSUGAR. "As for Grace, she loves anything pretty and styles that she can see herself in the mirror, like a high bun or a side braid." Plus, the mom reveals that her followers tend to love anything involving a heart (or two).

Pretty Little Braids: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [POPSUGAR, BuzzFeed]

01 Mar 08:22



Just learned about the national pipeline maps. This is even better! Mmm... visualizations...

In the future, every single pipeline will lead to the bowl of a giant blender, and we'll all just show up with a bucket each day to take our share of the resulting smoothie.
20 Feb 23:24

wearewakanda: Taraji P. Henson to Play Math Genius in New Film...




Taraji P. Henson to Play Math Genius in New Film ‘Hidden Figures’

“Empire” star Taraji P. Henson will play mathematics genius Katherine Johnson in “Hidden Figures” for Fox 2000.

The story centers on Johnson, a brilliant African-American mathematician who, along with her colleagues Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson, served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in U.S. history — the momentous launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, and his safe return. The three women crossed all gender, race and professional lines while embarking on the mission. [+]

WΛW | Like : Tweet : Pin : Blog



20 Feb 17:13

Meticulously-Stitched Embroideries Sculpt Fuzzy Woodland Creatures with Thread

by Sara Barnes

I'm not usually much of an embroidery person but these capture the fur and musculature so well! I love the ermine.

Illustrator Chloe Giordano embroiders miniaturized animals that are so thickly sewn, they take on a sculptural appearance. Her compositions consist of layers of fine, thin threads and, together, these meticulously-stitched marks visually blend color together like a pointillist painting. At the same time, the tiny fibers are visibly fuzzy, which is ideal for The artist's subject matter of woodland creatures like deer and rabbits.

Giordano has been practicing embroidery since 2011, after graduating from college with a degree in illustration. She continued to experiment with her artistic process, using thread and hand-dyed fabrics to construct these pieces, in addition to plush sculptures.

Giordano keeps up an Etsy shop and occasionally posts her embroideries for sale. Follow her on Facebook to see when she’s got her next piece ready for purchase.

Chloe Giordano: Website | Facebook | Tumblr | Etsy
via [Art People Gallery]

16 Feb 10:13

Exact Replica of the Titanic Will Set Sail in 2018

by Sara Barnes

Gorgeous! When can I buy a ticket??

If you've ever fantasized about what life on the Titanic was like, you may get the chance to experience it firsthand, as an exact replica of the historic ship is scheduled to set sail in the near future. The Australia-based company Blue Star Line is planning to recreate the original vessel using modern amenities and safety standards. Aptly called the Titanic II, it will have similar dimensions to its predecessor with 840 rooms and nine decks, with a capacity of 2,400 passengers (including roughly 900 crew).

Blue Star Line has started the design process for the updated vessel, and the company will soon conduct the first of its model testing—a 9.3 meter wooden model of the Titanic II will be put through resistance and powering tests in a 300-meter-long tank. Once that phase is complete, the ship will be launched from the construction base in China on its maiden voyage to Dubai.

The proposed interiors of the Titanic II look equally as impressive as its predecessor. They feature the grand architecture and opulent decor that helped make the previous Titanic so luxurious and unforgettable. In addition to first, second, and third class cabins, the vessel will feature gymnasiums and Turkish baths. As of now, the Titanic II is slated to set sail in 2018, which gives you plenty of time to get your historically-accurate costume ready.

First class bedroom

Third class bunks

Edwardian-inspired gymnasium

Turkish baths

Blue Star Line: Website
via [Buzzfeed, Mashable]

16 Feb 09:59

Artist Rides Bike Around City to Create Elaborate Doodles with GPS Routes

by Sara Barnes

Impressive. Most impressive.

Before dawn on January 1, 2015, artist Stephen Lund snuck out of his house and “painted” a New Year’s message on the streets of Victoria, Canada. This painting was not your typical artistic endeavor—instead of a brush on canvas, Lund rode his bike around town and tracked his journey using a GPS. The combination of a very specific cycling path and GPS software created an unconventional work of art. After the ride, he viewed the traced path and a location-based drawing was revealed.

Lund is part of Strava, an online community of athletes from around the world. The app, which works with devices like Garmin and Fitbit, allows you to analyze, quantify, and share your performance with other users. After Lund’s inaugural ride, he displayed his handiwork with members of his online cycling club. Their enthusiastic response encouraged Lund to keep at this unusual art form. “I decided to embrace Strava artwork as a way both to spend some of my free time and recharge my creative batteries,” he writes on his website.

Over the course of 2015, Lund created a myriad of playful GPS doodles. From Star Wars to animals to machine equipment, the red lines formed colorful characters and detailed drawings you’d never expect from this newfound medium. In addition to careful planning, the impressive works represent a lot of time spent on his bike—Lund figures he rode over 3,000 miles to construct these elaborate drawings. Lund has archived all of his works on his blog, but stopped the project at the end of the year.

Lund's first doodle of 2015

Stephen Lund: Website | Instagram | Facebook
via [Booooooom]

26 Jan 07:35

Loving Dad Builds Incredible Fairy Tree Reading Nook in His Daughter's Bedroom

by Anna Gragert

Well I guess I know what my next home renovation project is going to be.

Video game artist Rob Adams (aka radamshome) spent 350 hours of his time creating his 6-year-old daughter Lia's dream: a magical, bedroom-based tree that doubles as a reading nook. Using Disney set designs as inspiration, the dad first drew the work of his daughter's imagination and then produced an impressive 1:12 clay scale model. Once his prep work was complete, the dedicated dad immediately made sure this idea wasn't a fire hazard and, with the fire department's blessing, got to work on the 18-month-long project. Adams transformed Lia's room into a work station, drew the tree silhouette on her walls and floor, and then created a steel tree skeleton. For the project's base, he employed a portland cement, water, and polymer fluid mixture, but had to apply a lighter papier mâché on the outer branches. Adams then finished off his hard work with paint, foliage, holiday lights, and various fairy decorations.

The 6-year-old now has a tree she can read inside, climb on, admire from all angles, and even use as a nightlight. The detailed room renovations ended up costing a total of $4,250 but, for Adams, Lia's smile was all worth it in the end. "Lia’s reaction was pretty awesome," Adams told Upvoted. "She just looked at it a lot, climbed in it, hugged me over and over. She wanted her brother to sleep in there and he camped out in her room for two weeks after it was finished."

While this project did take a lot of time and effort, Adams isn't quite done with his home renovations. After all, he also has a son. "I’m going to build a pirate ship treehouse for my son this summer," he says.

Rob Adams: Reddit | Fairy Tree Instructions
via [Upvoted, A Plus]

All images via Rob Adams.

22 Jan 08:01

People's Deepest and Darkest Irrational Fears Are Turned into Humorously Relatable Comics

by Anna Gragert

They just got better and better. Brain in a jar is my favorite.

Fear is an emotion that all people experience, though it's easy to feel alone in your panic as your nightmares are getting the best of you. Whether it's a certain predator with scales, sharp teeth, and talons; creepy, crawly spiders; clowns who only pretend to be your friend; or a monster in your closet, we all have particular phobias that keep us up late at night. To show the world that we're never alone in such fears, artist Fran Krause created Deep Dark Fears—a web comic that illustrates others' sometimes humorous, sometimes gory, and mostly downright relatable fears.

When Kruase decided to design this series in 2012, he was inspired by his own experiences. "It just occurred to me that I had a lot of irrational fears, a lot of persistent thoughts that would pop into my head," the artist told Big Shiny Robot. "You know, I knew they were irrational and I wasn’t paralyzed by them or anything but they would happen to me and I would think, that’s a weird thing to think and it would probably be less weird if it didn’t pop up every couple months. Just these persistent things that I’ve had since childhood, that’s always been on my mind."

To help others get their fears out of their heads in a creative fashion, Krause developed an online submission form for readers who would like their deepest, darkest fears illustrated. Thanks to his success with this endeavor, the artist was able to produce a Deep Dark Fears book featuring 101 comics that are sure to make you feel less alone when a horror movie-type idea suddenly emerges in your mind.

Deep Dark Fears: Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram | Amazon

All images via Deep Dark Fears.

06 Jan 19:48

Judgment Day

It took a lot of booster rockets, but luckily Amazon had recently built thousands of them to bring Amazon Prime same-day delivery to the Moon colony.
03 Jan 09:48

What should have happened

Darth Vader: A sister... if you will not turn to the dark side then perhaps she will.
Luke: It's Leia.
Darth Vader: Oh fuck, nevermind.
21 Dec 17:44

Watson Medical Algorithm


How handy! Treese's Medicae decision tree in one handy flowchart!

Due to a minor glitch, 'discharge patient' does not cause the algorithm to exit, but instead leads back to 'hunt down and capture patient'.
19 Dec 07:45

Dad Transforms His Adorable 4-Month-Old Son into a Real-Life Elf on the Shelf

by Anna Gragert

I don't have any interest in Elf on the Whatever, but these are pretty cute.

Photographer Alan Lawrence (who's behind the Wil Can Fly series) is now creatively celebrating the holidays with his 4-month-old son Rockwell. Instead of buying his kids an Elf on the Shelf, the dad instead went in a different direction: he made Rockwell the elf. "We have never had an Elf on the Shelf in our home but the idea has always intrigued me. Parents letting elves in their homes to watch their kids and cause mischief," Lawrence explained to BuzzFeed. "Then one day someone told us that Rockwell looked like an elf and the idea came to me. What if a real life elf came to live with us for the holidays and how would I react in real life to having it show up to live with us?"

Lawrence soon had an answer to his question because Rockwell was transformed into an absolutely adorable elf. In his bright red costume (complete with a pointy hat), the little boy can be seen playfully causing mischief all over the house, each of his high jinks caught in a sweet series of photos. Beneath each image, Lawrence writes a story that adds to the fun nature of this project, which he hopes to continue every day until Christmas.

"We love sharing our family’s story," says Lawrence. "I just feel blessed to be a dad and want the world to know how fun it can be when you don’t take life so serious."

Alan Lawrence: Website | Blog | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
via [BuzzFeed, The Mighty]

16 Dec 08:08

"I went to [Tolkien’s] public lectures. They were absolutely appalling. In those days a lecturer..."


I know this is old news but I still think this story is so cute. Go DWJ! Aww now I want to re-read Howl's and Derkholm and Many Lives of Christopher Chant and and...

““I went to [Tolkien’s] public lectures. They were absolutely appalling. In those days a lecturer could be paid for his entire course even if he lost his audience, provided he turned up for the first lecture. I think that Tolkien made quite a cynical effort to get rid of us so he could go home and finish writing Lord of the Rings.””


“He gave his lectures in a very, very small room and didn’t address us, his audience, at all. In fact he looked the other way, with his face almost squashed up against the blackboard. He spoke in a mutter. His mind was on finishing Lord of the Rings, and he was really musing to himself about the nature of narrative. But I found this so fascinating that I came back week after week, as did one other person. I’ve always wondered what became of him, because he was obviously equally fascinated. And because we stuck there, Tolkien couldn’t go away and write Lord of the Rings! He would say the most marvelous things about the way you take a very basic plot and twitch it here and twitch it there—and it becomes a completely different plot.”

—-Diana Wynne Jones

#I don’t know if I find this more enchanting for a really interesting discussion on worldbuilding and narrative #or the fact that DIANA WYNNE JONES PREVENTED JRR FROM WORKING ON LOTR A WHOLE SEMESTER BECAUSE SHE MADE HIM DO HIS JOB OH MY GOOOOOOOD THAT #IS #HILARIOUS #I LOVE HER SO MUCH

(via basileus)

Dianaaaaaaaa mwah mwah mwah

(via carlaspeedmcneil)

12 Dec 21:15

2016 Beakerhead Festival to Come Equipped with Fully Immersive Spaceship

by Sara Barnes

Nate! Rebecca! Let's go to Canada next year!!

Beakerhead, a spectacular festival where art, science, and engineering collide, has recently made an exciting announcement—they're getting their own spaceship! Thanks to the new Big Bang Residency Program, Beama Visual Environments will create a large-scale engineered artwork called Bass Ship that’ll premiere during Beakerhead 2016.

On the Bass Ship, there are no passengers—everyone is a part of the crew. This immersive, fully interactive audio-visual installation explores the idea of non-verbal conversation. “When you step inside the ship, you become a part of an experiment,” Mary Anne Moser, president and co-founder of Beakerhead explains. “You have to coordinate with three other crew members to create a coherent communication.”

Members of the “crew” are guided by visual cues from the ship’s switchboards and control panels. Every action by the participants will trigger a sequence of audio, lighting, and video events that’ll happen on the ship and simultaneously be shared with the audience (who’ll appear as extraterrestrials to the crew).

Bass Ship marks the first year of the Big Bang Residency Program’s three-year initiative. It will officially debut on September 14, 2016.

Beakerhead: Website | Flickr | Facebook
Beama Visual Environments: Website | Facebook

10 Dec 00:34

Genius Beehive Fences in Africa Naturally Protect Farms From Raiding Elephants

by Kristine Mitchell

Elegant solutions make me happy. Also- more bees! And the bees will help the crops be more fruitful too.

Sometimes the most brilliant solutions are the most simple. This is certainly the case for the organization Bees & Elephants, which managed to find a natural solution that reconciles the conflicts that occur between elephants and humans, in the form of beehive fences. The structures consist of strings of wire with beehives spaced out, 10 meters apart from one another. When an approaching elephant hits the wiring, it disturbs the bees, causing them to emerge from their hive and scare off the powerful beast. Zoologist Lucy King is the brain behind this innovative project that successfully deters crop-raiding elephants and protects rural farmers in Africa, since its initial test run in 2009.

Though the image of a mighty elephant running away from a tiny bee is comical, elephants are naturally terrified of the little creatures. Bee stings cause excruciating pain to the elephant’s sensitive trunk, and researchers have noted that entire herds of elephants will avoid areas where the buzzing of bees can be heard. King was the first to think of harnessing elephants' natural aversion to bees, with the intent to “reduce elephant crop-raiding and tree destruction and enhance local income through the sale of honey.” This ingenious and natural method takes a significant step forward towards sustainable human-elephant coexistence.

Currently, there are beehive fences located in Kenya, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Sri Lanka. The organization works in affiliation with the Save the Elephants foundation, and is currently seeking funding to continue expanding this elegant feat of interspecies landscape engineering that is creating a safer future for both elephants and the people that live amongst them.

Elephants & Bees: Website
via: [ColossalNeatorama]