Shared posts

09 Jun 23:10

Posthuman Studios Eclipse Phase Bundle of Holding

by RPGnet News
From June 9th to June 12th we are partnering with Bundle of Holding for a pay-what-you-want bundle of Eclipse Phase titles. Starting at $8.95 you get copies of Eclipse Phase, Sunward: The Inner System, and NPC File 1: Prime! If you contribute more, you'll unlock additional books: Continuity, Transhuman, and Panopticon. Those books initially unlocked if you pay at least $15.95, but the unlocking dollar figure will change depending on how much other people contribute!
This is a great chance to give the gift of Eclipse Phase to a friend or your gaming group, one easy transaction -- and you pick the price! (If you bought all those PDFs by themselves, they would be $75, so you can steer your purchase based on that figure.) All books will be fulfilled by DriveThruRPG, so you'll be in the loop for future updates to them.

(Original RSS Post)
09 Jun 23:09

alxbngala: Meal Time for Baby Squirrel [ஐ]


Meal Time for Baby Squirrel []

09 Jun 23:07

Newswire: Neil Young’s Twitter account was hacked and filled with porn

by Sean O'Neal

Disappointing all who hoped that Neil Young had at last returned to the unapologetically filthy sex romps of songs like “Cinnamon Girl,” Mashable reports that Young’s Twitter account was hacked last Friday, and so that was not the 68-year-old singer tweeting out seemingly Neil Young-approved pornographic images. Furthermore, it definitely wasn’t Young who changed his account’s display name to “SLUT FOR THE D,” but rather some other, as-yet-unnamed slut who’s gotta have that d. As of now, the only “d” that Neil Young could arguably be called a slut for is the digital distribution of high-resolution music, which he absolutely can’t get enough of. 

John Hamm—CEO of PonoMusic, the company that gives Neil Young all the “d” he can handle (and not the Jon Hamm who has an abundance of another kind of “d”)—confirmed to Mashable that Young’s account had been hacked ...

09 Jun 23:01

PBOT Has Pulled Its Questionable Application for More Bike Share Funding

by Dirk VanderHart

Remember in November, when the Portland Bureau of Transportation applied for $2 million in state lottery funds to help pay for a theoretical expansion of the city's theoretical bike share system? The application [PDF] included a bold claim, which has since proven objectively false: That Portland had already found roughly $5.5 million in sponsorships to purchase a system and run it for five years.

As we reported last week, no sponsorships have been announced for bike share, and there's no indication any agreements have been reached. Kaiser Permanente, the health care provider rumored to have been on the verge of signing a sponsorship, now says that isn't even on its radar.

Earlier this year, we raised questions over the truthfulness of the PBOT application with the Oregon Department of Transportation, which administers the ConnectOregon grant funds PBOT was applying for. Others have complained to ODOT in recent months, too. ConnectOregon officials repeatedly acknowledged public concerns, but allowed the application to carry on, unimpeded. In fact, Portland's bid for more bike share money was ranked fourth among all applications for bike/pedestrian projects this year, following only projects that earned a highest-possible "Tier 1" designation. (It still faced steep odds of being chosen. ConnectOregon has only $42 million to dish out this year, and $126 million in requests.)

Not anymore. On Friday, PBOT sent word it was formally pulling the application, blaming the shifting sands that have plagued Portland's quest for a bike share program. The Mercury's obtained a copy of an email Gabe Graff, operations and safety manager for PBOT's Active Transportation division, sent to ODOT officials.

"I wanted to ask you to withdraw our ConnectOregon bike share application from further consideration," Graff wrote. "Portland Bike Share has not proceeded as we expected when we originally submitted the application and in the unlikely event that we would have been awarded funds, we wouldn’t be able to utilize them as initially described."

Reached today, Graff confirmed the cancellation, but wouldn't talk further about the situation without speaking with PBOT's communications staff.

The ConnectOregon application isn't the only instance of officials acting as though sponsorships were a done deal. Around the same time, PBOT cut a $40,000 check to Alta Bicycle Share, the company tasked with bringing bike share to Portland. The money was tied to a "system finance report" that, according to the city's contract with Alta, was to be submitted "with 100% of funds secured to acquire, install and operate a 75 station, 750 bike System for five years."

But the difficulty in inking sponsorship agreements has been the single-largest challenge in getting bike share up and running. The program was supposed to launch in spring 2013, but has been delayed twice. It's now scheduled to launch next year.

Update, 12:24 pm, Tuesday: PBOT spokesman Dylan Rivera just issued a statement on this situation to the Mercury.

As we have stated earlier, at the time we made the grant application, we had sponsorship commitments at the highest level. We withdrew the Connect Oregon grant application recently because significant changes in the bike share industry have caused the City and sponsors to reconsider the project's timeline. We have had clear and frequent communication with ODOT staff throughout the process. We continue our due diligence and look forward to launching the right bike share system for Portland.

If Rivera's mentioned that the city once had active sponsorship commitments "at the highest level," it hasn't been in numerous conversations with the Mercury. In fact, every time we've talked about this with PBOT—including asking specific questions about exactly how strong sponsorship prospects for bike share were, and whether they were actually "secured" as stated in the ConnectOregon application—Rivera has demurred.

[ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]

09 Jun 23:01


09 Jun 22:59

iOS 8 code allows for apps to run in split-screen mode

by Chris Welch

Recent rumors have suggested that Apple may be aiming to match Microsoft's Surface by introducing a split-screen multitasking mode for iPads. The company's WWDC keynote — complete with a lengthy preview of iOS 8 — came and went with no mention of this feature. But developer Steve Troughton-Smith has discovered code in iOS 8 that allows two apps to run side by side, suggesting that Apple has at least been working on the idea, even if it's not ready to showcase the results just yet.

From the sounds of it, Apple has looked at an approach resembling Microsoft's "snap" functionality that would enable apps to be resized on the screen according to preference. Troughton-Smith says the code allows apps to take up half of the screen, a single quarter, or three quarters. So in theory you'd be able to have a Twitter app take up a small section of the iPad's display, with Netflix, Safari, or another app receiving the majority of screen real estate.

The split-screen feature may not be ready, but there's also the possibility that Apple is simply waiting until an iPad unveiling this fall to reveal it. The company has often kept some pending iOS features secret only to spill the full details about them during hardware events. This new multitasking approach could fall under that tent and be used as a selling point for the next-generation iPad Air. But for now all we have to work with are rumors and code, so split-screen functionality is by no means guaranteed. The simplicity of iOS has been critical to its success, and while plenty of mockups are out there, if Apple can't find an intuitive way to make all this work, the plan could go nowhere.

09 Jun 22:24

"Count Di-Amon" -  Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakaishin (Cobra...

"Count Di-Amon" - 

Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakaishin (Cobra Team/Bandai - SNES - 1994)

09 Jun 22:21

LeBron James reminds us that going to the movies by yourself is awesome

by Bill Hanstock

LeBron James is the greatest ever (at going to see "Maleficent" by himself). Teach us your ways, oh wise one.

Via Deadspin, we have been made aware that on Saturday, LeBron James took in a screening of the hit Disney film Maleficent. By himself.

We know what #Lebron is doing right now. It's a Lebron selfie!!

— Jeremy Baker (@JBWeather) June 7, 2014

Some people are taking this as an opportunity to mock LeBron James. (Other opportunities people think it is acceptable to mock LeBron: literally every instant he is alive.)

But not us. SB Nation is taking a firm stance that going to the movies by yourself is awesome. I personally have been of this opinion for some time. Going to the movies alone is like a staycation where you leave the house. (Someone should come up with a term for that.)

When you go to the movies by yourself:

- You can show up whenever you want and just see whatever
- You can get whatever you want at the snack bar, even one of those theater hot dogs you mock around your friends but that you secretly believe smell fantastic
- You can sit wherever you want, even in the very last row and use your phone to text snide comments without anyone looking at you like you just dropped a baby
- If someone is being obnoxious or kicking your seat, YOU CAN JUST MOVE AT ANY TIME
- You can sob as hard as you want to The Fault In Our Stars or Maleficent or X-Men: Days of Future Past (which has a final scene where sobbing is warranted and how dare you say otherwise)

In other words, LeBron James is reminding us all that Team Solo is awesome. He is a hero both on and off the court.

With all that being said, however:



09 Jun 22:19

Nicolas Cage wore a shirt with his own face on it

by Bill Hanstock

An important part of sports is wearing the correct uniform.

By now, you should know that everything is sports. And if you go to a concert when you're over the age of 30 -- even for a band that doesn't have a history of inciting riots -- you should know that three hours of standing in one spot and nodding your head a bit is pretty much the most intense workout you can possibly get.

So when you're attending a sporting event like a concert, you should dress accordingly. Nicolas Cage and Andrew Dice Clay went to a Guns N' Roses concert in Las Vegas. Did they both come attired correctly for this outing?

Nailed it. Dice is ... still dressing like that in public apparently. And while your eye may be drawn to Nic Cage's cane, cowboy hat, indoor aviators, prayer beads or PANTS WITH FRINGE, please be aware that he is wearing a T-shirt with a meme of his own face on it.

Please never change, Nic Cage. Please continue making 12 movies a year so you can buy more yachts.

(h/t to Vulture)

09 Jun 21:10

"I think that [Red Sonja and Wonder Woman] are the alphas of their respective worlds. I mean, I know..."

“I think that [Red Sonja and Wonder Woman] are the alphas of their respective worlds. I mean, I know some will say Conan and Batman/Superman are, but they just are fooling themselves.”


Gail Simone (via cacntommyboi)


09 Jun 20:56

Newswire: Guillermo del Toro is writing Pacific Rim 2, studio backing be damned

by Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

According to an interview at the ATX Television Festival, Guillermo del Toro has started writing a sequel to his wub-wub-clang mechas vs. kaiju flick Pacific Rim. Del Toro—who was in Austin to promote his FX vampire series, The Strain—says he began work on Pacific Rim 2 several months ago, with Marvel movie mainstay Zak Penn as his co-writer.

Of course, writing a movie is very different from getting one made. And although Pacific Rim earned over $400 million worldwide, that number begins to seem a lot smaller once you factor in the film’s $190 million budget and the estimated $175 million spent on its extensive marketing campaign. Legendary Pictures, which produced Pacific Rim and put up 75 percent of its budget, has yet to give del Toro the go-ahead, and even he admits that, at this stage, he doesn’t “have the money,” but is still “proceeding ...

09 Jun 20:32

Nigeria Gunmen Seize 20 Women Near Site of Schoolgirl Kidnap - Businessweek



Nigeria Gunmen Seize 20 Women Near Site of Schoolgirl Kidnap
Schoolgirls who escaped from Boko Haram kidnappers in the village of Chibok, some of more than 200 kidnapped girls, arrive at the Government house to speak with Borno state governor Kashim Shettima in Maiduguri, Nigeria, on June 2, 2014. Source: ...

and more »
09 Jun 20:26

Illicit Moonshine Culture Is Dead

If there is something lost in the commercialization of moonshine (a sin I’m surely guilty of participating in), then there is something gained by more and more people adopting home distilling as a way to appreciate spirits.
09 Jun 20:23

Verizon will miss its deadline to bring citywide broadband to New York

by Russell Brandom

all carriers suck forever

New Yorkers waiting for a fiber line will have to wait longer than they thought. In 2008, Verizon promised to build a "state-of-the-art fiber-optic network throughout the entire City by mid-year 2014," as part of a franchise agreement with the city. But as June 30th approaches, many New Yorkers seem to have been left high and dry, and the company has officially admitted that it will not make the deadline.

Mayor De Blasio has already called out Verizon for the shortfall

A new report in Crain's New York details why. Hurricane Sandy was a major setback, flooding infrastructure and ruining miles of copper wiring. Verizon has also blamed New York landlords for blocking necessary construction. Still, the company claimed to be on track as recently as April of 2013. Even now, Verizon says it will only be a few months late in meeting the deadline.

Part of the problem may also be in how Verizon is defining success. The agreement only requires fiber lines to "pass all households," a nebulous term that could leave tens of thousands of dollars worth of work when it comes time to connect an individual building to the network. Mayor De Blasio has already called out Verizon for the shortfall, saying, "there's very clear terms [in the Verizon franchise agreement] that have not been met," and indicating he might use the city's regulatory and franchise powers to force Verizon to make good on its word.

09 Jun 20:19

No, A 'Supercomputer' Did NOT Pass The Turing Test For The First Time And Everyone Should Know Better | Techdirt

by hodad

So, this weekend's news in the tech world was flooded with a "story" about how a "chatbot" passed the Turing Test for "the first time," with lots of publications buying every point in the story and talking about what a big deal it was. Except, almost everything about the story is bogus and a bunch of gullible reporters ran with it, because that's what they do. First, here's the press release from the University of Reading, which should have set off all sorts of alarm bells for any reporter. Here are some quotes, almost all of which are misleading or bogus:

The 65 year-old iconic Turing Test was passed for the very first time by supercomputer Eugene Goostman during Turing Test 2014 held at the renowned Royal Society in London on Saturday.

'Eugene', a computer programme that simulates a 13 year old boy, was developed in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The development team includes Eugene's creator Vladimir Veselov, who was born in Russia and now lives in the United States, and Ukrainian born Eugene Demchenko who now lives in Russia.

[....] If a computer is mistaken for a human more than 30% of the time during a series of five minute keyboard conversations it passes the test. No computer has ever achieved this, until now. Eugene managed to convince 33% of the human judges that it was human.
Okay, almost everything about the story is bogus. Let's dig in:
  1. It's not a "supercomputer," it's a chatbot. It's a script made to mimic human conversation. There is no intelligence, artificial or not involved. It's just a chatbot.
  2. Plenty of other chatbots have similarly claimed to have "passed" the Turing test in the past (often with higher ratings). Here's a story from three years ago about another bot, Cleverbot, "passing" the Turing Test by convincing 59% of judges it was human (much higher than the 33% Eugene Goostman) claims.
  3. It "beat" the Turing test here by "gaming" the rules -- by telling people the computer was a 13-year-old boy from Ukraine in order to mentally explain away odd responses.
  4. The "rules" of the Turing test always seem to change. Hell, Turing's original test was quite different anyway.
  5. As Chris Dixon points out, you don't get to run a single test with judges that you picked and declare you accomplished something. That's just not how it's done. If someone claimed to have created nuclear fusion or cured cancer, you'd wait for some peer review and repeat tests under other circumstances before buying it, right?
  6. The whole concept of the Turing Test itself is kind of a joke. While it's fun to think about, creating a chatbot that can fool humans is not really the same thing as creating artificial intelligence. Many in the AI world look on the Turing Test as a needless distraction.
Oh, and the biggest red flag of all. The event was organized by Kevin Warwick at Reading University. If you've spent any time at all in the tech world, you should automatically have red flags raised around that name. Warwick is somewhat infamous for his ridiculous claims to the press, which gullible reporters repeat without question. He's been doing it for decades. All the way back in 2000, we were writing about all the ridiculous press he got for claiming to be the world's first "cyborg" for implanting a chip in his arm. There was even a -- since taken down -- Kevin Warwick Watch website that mocked and categorized all of his media appearances in which gullible reporters simply repeated all of his nutty claims. Warwick had gone quiet for a while, but back in 2010, we wrote about how his lab was getting bogus press for claiming to have "the first human infected with a computer virus." The Register has rightly referred to Warwick as both "Captain Cyborg" and a "media strumpet" and has long been chronicling his escapades in exaggerating bogus stories about the intersection of humans and computers for many, many years.

Basically, any reporter should view extraordinary claims associated with Warwick with extreme caution. But that's not what happened at all. Instead, as is all too typical with Warwick claims, the press went nutty over it, including publications that should know better. Here are just a few sample headlines. The absolute worst are the ones who claim this is a "supercomputer." Anyway, a lot of hubbub over nothing special that everyone seemed to buy into because of the easy headlines (which is exactly what Warwick always counts on). So, since we just spent all this time on a useless nothing, let's end it with the obligatory xkcd: Turing Test

Original Source

09 Jun 20:18

States Now Offering Millions In Tax Breaks To Any Person Who Says ‘High-Tech Jobs’

ST. PAUL, MN—In an effort to spur their local economies, many state governments are now offering tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks to any person who simply says the words “high-tech jobs,” according to a survey by the Pew Researc...

09 Jun 20:17

rubbishheterosexuals: exorin: betweenelsewherenevermore: profe...


'Career illusionist Teller (of Penn & Teller) is cooking up a re-imagining of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” using freaking MAGIC!
Musician Tom Waits and his wife Kathleen Brennan gave Teller access to their catalog'






Career illusionist Teller (of Penn & Teller) is cooking up a re-imagining of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” using freaking MAGIC!

Read the heck out of this story.


"The creators say the music and monsters do that too. Musician Tom Waits and his wife Kathleen Brennan gave Teller access to their catalog of gritty songs. The island’s creatures are brought to life by Pilobolus, a dance company known for piling performers on top of each other."






This is how you Shakespeare

Wait. HOLD ON. 

I need a moment.

I’m going to see this awesome, awesome shit next week!!!

09 Jun 20:13

alex-v-hernandez: radvillain: disgusting-weeaboo: and people...


via Rosalind
Nichijou, and be sure to hang in there for the plot twist at the end:




and people say anime is shit.

this scene truly changed my life

I want, no need, Kanye West’s perspective on this.

09 Jun 20:13



enjoy this live webcam of me at my day job

09 Jun 20:13

Evil spirits, Book Graphics

Evil spirits, Book Graphics

09 Jun 20:12



quality GIF

09 Jun 20:12

Apple is reportedly looking for a 'friendlier' head of public relations

by Josh Lowensohn

Apple's been without a public relations chief since the end May, and is still looking for a replacement. Now the company is said to be looking for a "friendlier, more approachable," person to fill that spot. Citing sources, Recode says Apple has been reviewing two internal candidates from its existing PR staff, but that CEO Tim Cook is also personally looking at outsiders that fit that friendlier description.

New boss, different than the old boss?

The report comes as Apple put on a markedly more ebullient, and open display at its developer conference, which took place last week. The company opened up iOS more than it ever has before, as well as offered Windows users and even Google a small olive branch in compatibility and integration.

Apple's previous PR chief Katie Cotton announced retirement plans at the beginning of May after being at the company for 18 years, a period that saw Apple go from the brink of bankruptcy to record-breaking profits. That role has also been a crucial part to the company's mystery and secrecy, with highly-limited access to executives and product unveilings.

09 Jun 20:11

Rise of the Tomb Raider's trailer does the amazing: It makes an action hero seem human

by Ben Kuchera

“A girl your age should be exploring new horizons,” Lara Croft’s therapist tells her in the trailer for the unfortunately titled Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Croft looks like she’s a few miles from doing OK in the trailer; her face is hidden behind a hoodie and her hands and feet are in constant motion. This is a person who seems not only uncomfortable but actively disturbed.

The trailer moves between the quiet, tense scene with the therapist and the sort of action scene that we’re used to from the Tomb Raider series. Croft runs from a bear, and escapes death multiple times. We see her shoot a man in the back of the head with an arrow, and uncover one of the game’s eponymous tombs.

These parts of the trailer are the sort of things we’re used to seeing in pre-rendered trailers, but the idea that the events of the first game have stuck with Croft, to the point that she’s either seeking or forced to deal with professional help, is something that is rarely talked about in games. The idea that the events of the first game have hurt her mentally, and presented her with things she is continuing to work through, makes her a person, not a two-dimensional action hero.

It’s not enough to do the sort of things we see in these games, the fact that the trailer is willing to admit that these situations would do long-term damage to the emotional well-being of anyone who survived them is one of the interesting aspects of the reveal.

She’s learning to do amazing things, and she’s going to amazing places, but there’s a very real cost to her body and mind.

This is a sequel to a very well-received game, but this trailer goes a long way to showing the viewer that Croft is on a journey, not just another random adventure. The things she does, and the people she kills, have a long term impact on her as a person. She’s learning to do amazing things, and she’s going to amazing places, but there’s a very real cost to her body and mind.

It’s hard to know how much of this will be reflected in the actual game, but the trailers admission that these things would leave a mark on anyone who went through them is enough to make it one of the most human, and interesting, reveals of E3 so far. This is in great contrast to the uncomfortable feeling of torture porn that came from the trailers of the first Tomb Raider game, and shows an interest in creating an action hero that seems real.

More of this, please.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Polygon as an organization.

09 Jun 20:10

Pharrell Performing "Happy" For Walmart Shareholders Will Make You Sad

by gguillotte

with Robin Thicke

Here is a clip of Pharrell, who is extremely rich, singing "Happy" at today's Walmart shareholders meeting. It's definitely uplifting and inspiring and in no way very depressing and dystopian, especially when Pharrell says "put your hands together for Walmart, guys, for making the world a happier place."
09 Jun 20:10

gamewtfs: Oh yeah we got trouble, right here in...


Oh yeah we got trouble, right here in DinoCity!

(Irem - SNES - 1992)

09 Jun 20:09

Netflix got worse on Verizon even after Netflix agreed to pay Verizon | Ars Technica

by gguillotte
When Netflix agreed to pay Comcast for a direct connection to the ISP's network, video performance improved immediately. Verizon subscribers aren't so lucky. Although Netflix and Verizon confirmed on April 28 that they had struck a paid peering deal, performance continued to drop in May and could remain poor for months while the companies upgrade infrastructure. "Verizon FiOS is down two slots and now ranks behind DSL providers Frontier and Windstream," Netflix wrote today after releasing its monthly speed index.
09 Jun 20:04

rondraper: i still think about this tweet all the time


via Rosaucie


i still think about this tweet all the time

09 Jun 18:21

nicolascagesempai: pan-pizza: Went to Hot Topic Did not see a SINGLE bit of Gir or Zim...



Went to Hot Topic

Did not see a SINGLE bit of Gir or Zim merchandise

Is it… Is it over? No more? Goth girls no longer care about Gir?


Jhonen Vasquez emerges from Hot Topics corporate headquarter’s basement screaming sweet freedom as he bursts out of his chains and crawls out into the unforgiving wild world of 2014

09 Jun 18:20

vastderp: thekumazone: Owls may be symbols of wisdom, but...



Owls may be symbols of wisdom, but they’re actually complete morons


09 Jun 18:17

What Superheroes do People Relate to? Gail Simone and #IRelateTo have Answers | Feminism/geekery

by gguillotte
Gail Simone is known to discriminate against Cyclops, and her followers were either trolling her, or attempting to stand up for their favorite hero. Many of the responses seemed defensive in nature. "#IRelateTo Cyclops, because no-one cares about anything I do, like, ever, and I also lack charisma."