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04 Aug 03:53

Someone Made a Fully Functional "Aliens" Pulse Rifle

The replica weapon combines a 9mm submachine gun with a 12 gage shotgun and needed a BAFTE letter to confirm that it was a legal configuration.
03 Aug 21:51

omgthatdress: RaincoatAnne Klein 1971The Metropolitan Museum...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Anne Klein, 1971

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

03 Aug 21:51

thepoliticalfreakshow: The left happened earlier today at the...

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The left happened earlier today at the Stone Mountain, GA pro-Confederate flag rally. The right happened in Ferguson, MO.

03 Aug 21:50

edwordoh: itsstuckyinmyhead: The Skeleton War 2014 SKELETON...

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The Skeleton War 2014


03 Aug 21:50

youngbloodbuzz: nicoledollanganger: WE FOUND THIS IN THE...

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03 Aug 21:49

differentrealms: Sabysachi talks about luxury in Indian fashion...

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Sabysachi talks about luxury in Indian fashion [X]

This is effing aweeeessssoommmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee

03 Aug 21:48

Level Up | Yah-Chuen-Shen | Via ‘Level up’ as reality is...

Level Up | Yah-Chuen-Shen | Via

‘Level up’ as reality is reconstructed into an immersive, augmented video gaming experience; where both the audio-visual language and the interaction processes associated with them connect players and their bodies to the physical plane even if their minds are overwhelmingly allured during playtime in virtual space. With the spread of online role-playing games, this hybrid space transcends traditional gaming experiences; allowing the players to live out new dimensions and alternate characters without limits. The project is situated at the beginning of spaces that emerge from the superimposition of the physical and the virtual, which constitute themselves through the convergence of ‘technology’, ‘space’, and ‘community’

03 Aug 20:40

workaround, n.

OED Word of the Day: workaround, n. orig. Aeronaut. A temporary or makeshift means of bypassing or resolving a technical difficulty
03 Aug 19:31


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

03 Aug 19:31

DAYUM, it’s sad that this sold and there’s only one of it....

DAYUM, it’s sad that this sold and there’s only one of it.

(sigh) Happy memories of Sean Connery in a ponytail and a loincloth, running around eastern County Wicklow with a big gun…

Zardoz Belt Buckle

03 Aug 19:28


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

03 Aug 19:27

John Oliver Examines How The People Of DC Have Almost No Electoral Rights

The familiar cry of state's rights extends pretty far, unless you're not technically living in a state.
03 Aug 19:26

What's your first language? :)

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Talking shit

03 Aug 19:23

News in Brief: Humanity Still Producing New Art As Though Megadeth’s ‘Rust In Peace’ Doesn’t Already Exist

WASHINGTON—Saying that any further endeavors of technical skill and imagination were pointless, experts at the Smithsonian Institution reportedly questioned Monday why new art was still being produced after the pinnacle of aesthetic and creative potential was reached in 1990 with Megadeth’s fourth studio album, Rust In Peace. “As the unquestioned apex of the entire history of the creative arts, Rust In Peace is the finest and last necessary piece of human expression—but it’s almost as though current so-called artists are completely oblivious to Dave Mustaine’s blistering, transcendent guitar work on ‘Hangar 18,’” said Smithsonian curator of contemporary art Joanna Marsh, gesturing dismissively in the direction of a massive self-portrait by photorealist Chuck Close, completed in 2000. “It’s not just incredibly disrespectful to keep making art; in many ways, it’s actually quite sad. The deluded people churning out this worthless garbage just can’t ...

03 Aug 19:21

Golden Rice—a star among GMO foods—has a major study retracted

by Deena Shanker
The golden child of the pro-GMO advocates just got a little tarnished.

Golden Rice, often touted as a shining example of the benefits of genetic engineering, might not be as golden as originally thought.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has issued a retraction to a 2012 paper on Golden Rice because of insufficient evidence of consent from the parents of the children involved in the study, The Ecologist reports. And, perhaps more significantly, the retraction provides the opportunity to re-raise another question regarding the validity of the AJCN trial: The diets fed to the children in the trial were, according to critics, unrealistically high in fat. (Because vitamin A, the primary benefit of Golden Rice, is fat soluble, the body needs fat to absorb it.)

Golden Rice, first introduced in a 2000 study in Science, is genetically engineered rice that’s extra high in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. It was developed as a potential solution to vitamin A deficiencies in children around the world, especially those in highly populated, impoverished areas. In 2005, a paper in Nature Biotechnology introduced Golden Rice 2, which had 23-times more beta-carotene than its predecessor. In the 2012 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, the beta-carotene in Golden Rice 2 (now just Golden Rice) was found to be as effective as pure beta-carotene in a capsule, and even more effective than spinach in providing children with vitamin A. Golden Rice was the golden child of pro-GMO interests.

Even though the private sector was involved in the development of Golden Rice, and companies including Syngenta and Monsanto have proprietary rights in it, they emphasize that they do not make money from the marketing or sale of Golden Rice, and the efforts are coordinated not by them, but by the International Rice Research Institute.

Golden Rice’s real value to these companies is in publicity. Though there have been protests about its use from environmental groups like Greenpeace, the nutritional qualities of Golden Rice have overshadowed the complaints.

All that may now come into question if the study’s validity is challenged beyond the consent issue. The children in the trial ate meals that were 20% fat by calories, and included both pork and egg—foods not usually available in large quantities, if at all, to the target population of poor children. Without it, much of the vitamin will go to waste. (The AJCN did not include this critique in its decision to retract the paper.)

Syngenta did not immediately respond to request for comment. Monsanto directed inquiries to industry group BIO, which declined to comment.

03 Aug 19:21

tastefullyoffensive: (photo by melsu)

03 Aug 19:21

Comics A.M. | Ted Rall claims he’s ‘vindicated’ by enhanced LAPD tape

by Brigid Alverson
The cartoonist has presented an enhanced version of an LAPD audiotape that he says supports his account of a 2001 encounter with police.
03 Aug 19:19

Citizen complaint of the day: Boston doesn't need a monument to BDSM

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

A put-upon citizen files a complaint with the city about all the locks on the Mass. Ave. bridge over the turnpike near Boylston not because the weight is warping the bridge or will make the fence fall down but because:

A relationship should not be defined by human bondage and subjugation.

Original Source

03 Aug 19:19

Uber and the lawlessness of 'sharing economy' corporates | Technology | The Guardian

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

The analogy is most obvious in the case of an American civil rights law itself. Uber has ignored advocates for the blind, and other disabled persons, when they claim Uber’s drivers discriminate against them. In response to a lawsuit by the National Federation of the Blind, Uber bluntly asserts that it’s merely a communication platform, not the type of employer meant to be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Some judges and regulators accept that reasoning; others reject it. But the larger lesson is clear: Uber’s aggressive efforts to avoid or evade disability laws are nothing less than a form of corporate nullification, as menacing to the rule of law as defiance of civil rights laws in the days after courts ruled against racial segregation in the US.

Original Source

03 Aug 19:18

WATCH: First Trailer for "Guardians of the Galaxy" Animated Series

Groot, Rocket, Drax, Gamora and Star-Lord are all present, accounted for and hooked on a feeling.
03 Aug 19:18

Kate Beaton Unleashes "The Princess and the Pony"

The cartoonist spoke with CBR about her new children's book - starring everyone's favorite pony - her new "Hark! A Vagrant" collection and more.
03 Aug 19:16


03 Aug 19:16

22-Year Old San Francisco Student Crafts Unique Colorful Guitars Using Recycled Skateboard Decks

by Lori Dorn


22-year old Nick Pourfard, a full-time student and self-taught woodworker in San Francisco, has married his love for skateboarding and music with Prisma Guitars an incredible line of handcrafted guitars and other accessories crafted from recycled skateboard decks. The company launched in early 2015 with a short promotional video.

In February, Pourfard was given the rare opportunity to craft a custom bass for Steve Harris of the legendary band Iron Maiden, a task he took quite seriously.

I took every detail of his playing style and aesthetic into consideration. The bass has an off-white painted alder back with skate top featuring colors as close to West Ham as possible. I laser cut a custom mirror pickguard and bound the whole body in black and white to pay homage to his classic original bass. I threw on a Badass II bridge with his custom strings and Seymour Duncan pickups to top it off. Then it was off to London!


In June, Troy Braunstein of The Hollow Suns tested out a beautiful Prisma guitar.

Additionally, the band Walk Off The Earth featured a Prisma guitar in their video for their song “Rule the World

Nick Pourfard




images via Prisma Guitars

via Contemporist

03 Aug 19:14

What’s across the ocean from you when you’re at the beach...

03 Aug 19:02

Your inherited genes control your IQ and may affect how well you do at exams

by Cathleen O'Grady

We know that genes play a role in how well children do in school, but there are gaps in our knowledge: is this the same for different topics in school? And can this be explained largely by intelligence, or do other genetic factors contribute?

A recent paper in Nature Scientific Reports conducted a large-scale study on twins and unrelated people, finding that genes contribute to success in the full range of subjects from maths to art—and that the genetic influence stuck around even after they factored out the effects of intelligence. Other genetic, inherited traits might include mental health, personality, or motivation.

Twin studies are used widely in behavioural genetics, because they remain one of the best methods we have to tease apart the effects of genes and environment. Both identical twins and non-identical twins share an environment, but identical twins have a more similar genome than their non-identical counterparts. If identical twins show greater similarity in some regard—like school results—than non-identical twins, we can infer that genes are responsible for some of the variation on that behaviour.

Read 17 remaining paragraphs | Comments

03 Aug 19:00

Exploits start against flaw that could hamstring huge swaths of Internet

by Dan Goodin

Hackers have started exploiting an extremely severe vulnerability in a widely used software utility, touching off concerns that the in-the-wild attacks could affect the stability of the Internet.

The attacks are exploiting a denial-of-service bug in all versions of Bind, the most widely used software for translating human-friendly domain names into IP addresses used by servers. As Ars reported last week, the flaw can be exploited with a single command to crash authoritative and recursive domain name system servers and in theory could allow a single person to take down large swaths of the Internet. There's no practical workaround, although some website firewalls can block many exploits. The only way administrators can ensure they don't fall victim is to install a recently published patch.

"Because of its severity we've been actively monitoring to see when the exploit would be live," Daniel Cid, founder and CTO of security firm Sucuri, wrote in a blog post published Sunday. "We can confirm that the attacks have begun. DNS is one of the most critical parts of the Internet infrastructure, so having your DNS go down, it also means your e-mail, HTTP, and all other services will be unavailable."

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

03 Aug 18:55

Soccer fan throws cheeseburger at goalkeeper, who eats it off the field

by James Dator

Argentina's Primera Division was home to the most delicious form of heckling over the weekend when Racing fans threw a cheeseburger at Belgrado goalkeeper Juan Olave mid-match. It's unclear what the cheeseburger was supposed to symbolize, maybe it was just the most readily-available object to throw? Either way, Olave picked the dang burger up, took two bites and thanked the crowd.

I played goalie in a rec league last year. I got a stitch from drinking too much water. This dude is out here eating cheeseburgers. Meanwhile the commenters on YouTube are afraid for his safety.


You know what has to happen ...


h/t Dirty Tackle

02 Aug 18:20

kropotkindersurprise: [video]

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02 Aug 18:15

StomacherThe Metropolitan Museum of Art




The Metropolitan Museum of Art

02 Aug 18:14

Chungking Express (Wong Kar-wai, 1994)#1


John Keough beat

Chungking Express (Wong Kar-wai, 1994)
