Shared posts

14 Oct 19:02

dilfgod: so I was watching dexter and deb was showing dexter a suspect list and


so I was watching dexter and deb was showing dexter a suspect list and




14 Oct 19:02

4.5 Billion Years Of Earth's History In One Chart

by Ria Misra

4.5 Billion Years Of Earth's History In One Chart

Parsing out how to picture time is a tricky process. When we talk about time on a human scale — in seconds, minutes, days, years, decades — it's not so difficult to grasp. But when we shift to the universe's scale and begin to grapple with billions, things get much more complicated.


14 Oct 19:02

therealgingerjedi: this will never not be funny


this will never not be funny

14 Oct 19:02

Broga Mats, Yoga Mats Specifically Made for Men’s Bodies and a Line of Whimsical Carrying Bags

by Lori Dorn

Burrito Bag

Yoga enthusiast Dan Abramson has created BrogMats, a line of yoga mats that are specifically made to accommodate the larger size of men’s bodies along with a line of whimsical bags in which to carry the oversized mats.

Brogamats was founded on the belief that yoga practitioners defy simple categorization, and include people of all walks of life, all genders, all Lululemon budgets, and all levels of earthy pretentiousness. We are avid yogaphiles who felt the range of yoga products currently available was frustratingly narrow, so we decided to start designing our own. First, we threw on some graphics that we thought would be fun to carry on our backs on the way to class or unfurl in front of envious classmates. Second, given that men are taller, heavier and sweat more than women, we decided to make a mat that was extra long, extra thick, and grippy as hell.

We previously wrote about Yoga Joes, Dan’s latest yoga-themed project

Quiver Mat

Quiver Bag

Downward-facing Log


14 Oct 18:56

Bellevue Hospital Says Patients Feared To Have Ebola Do NOT Have The Disease

EMS crews who dealt with the patients have also been isolated as a precaution, sources said. But a hospital spokeswoman insisted Monday: 'There are currently no patients suspected of having Ebola at Bellevue.' If confirmed, the two would be the first cases in the city of a deadly disease that has already killed 4,000 people in West Africa and claimed one victim in the U.S.
14 Oct 18:54

Game Review: Bayonetta 2 welcomes players with something-for-everyone surrealism

by Joe Keiser

One of Bayonetta 2’s many virtues is that it introduces itself accurately and succinctly. Pressing start on the game’s first section introduces the game’s titular witch via a slow panning shot from her neckline to her crotch. Under player control, she then mauls a dozen seraphim, jumps into robot armor, and murders some hulking cherubs riding on the back of a house-sized demonic manta ray. Her world’s bizarre creation myth plays in the background the entire time, seemingly without reason. Five minutes have barely passed, but Bayonetta 2 has already expressed itself fully—here is what it is, here is what it will be teaching, here are the bizarre tics of personality that you have to push past.

It is a confident approach, and for a game like Bayonetta 2, it is also the only approach. This is a game that takes some central ideas—ultraviolence ...

14 Oct 18:51

New Species Of Snail Named In Celebration Of Same-Sex Marriage

Researchers in Taiwan have taken the unusual step of naming a newly identified species of snail in recognition of same-sex marriage rights. Dubbed Aegista diversifamilia, the hermaphroditic species was so named to reflect the “diversity of sexual orientation in the animal kingdom," said Dr Yen-Chang Lee, who co-authored the study published on Monday in the journal ZooKeys.
14 Oct 17:54


14 Oct 17:45

Ferguson protesters chant in stands and outside Rams game

by Seth Rosenthal

Protests over the August police shooting of Mike Brown continue around the St. Louis area, including in the stands at the Rams' Monday might meeting with the 49ers. Protesters could be heard chanting Brown's name as well as "hands up, don't shoot" and "black lives matter":


The crowd might not quite agree...#fergusonoctober

View on Instagram

Shut. It. Down. 50 protestors tell #STLRams "Black Lives Matter" #Ferguson #FergusonOctober

— handsupunited (@handsupunited_) October 14, 2014

Elon James White's videos show people assembled outside Edward Jones Dome, including some chanting for Officer Darren Wilson:


#NojusticeNoFootball 9:31pm

View on Instagram


#STLdispatch 9:30om security rises...

View on Instagram


#STLdispatch #NojusticeNoFootball 9:18pm

View on Instagram

14 Oct 15:25

fandomsandfeminism: blackfangirlsunite: shmurdapunk: fyeahlilb...






Korean-American heroine Silk will be receiving her own ongoing series, written by Robbie Thompson and drawn by Stacey Lee.

wonderful design

This is soooo pretty

~Tempting~ I may have to check out issue 1

14 Oct 15:25

pixel-life-daily: Dark Souls in a nutshell


Dark Souls in a nutshell

14 Oct 15:25

sexhobolith: Was just browsing frilly shirts on Amazon. I...


Was just browsing frilly shirts on Amazon.

I laughed so hard I woke my husband who was sleeping two rooms over.

14 Oct 15:25

maxofs2d: Someone made a thing that changes “SJW” to “skeleton”...


Someone made a thing that changes “SJW” to “skeleton” and it’s the best thing

14 Oct 15:25

luvpie1997: I am so satisfied


I am so satisfied

14 Oct 02:39

Under Armour Holds A Game Show To Find Its Future

The setting is a close facsimile of the reality TV show "Shark Tank," complete with lights, cameras, and a giant clock making sure the business pitches are brief. The only significant difference is the number of push-ups—and the tendency of Under Armour Chief Executive Officer (and competition judge) Kevin Plank to get involved in the workouts.
14 Oct 02:38

Newswire: Luke Wilson to play NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in concussion movie

by Sam Barsanti

makes sense

As reported by The Wrap, Luke Wilson has signed on to Ridley Scott’s yet-untitled football concussion movie. Wilson will be playing NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, a role that seems perfectly suited for some great supervillain-esque scene-chewing. However, the yet-untitled football concussion movie seems to be positioning Goodell as a guy who actually does the right thing, despite that one particularly notable example when he did not. That’s according to The Wrap’s description of Goodell’s character arc, which it says focuses on how he “eventually recognizes the connection [between football and concussions] and donates huge amounts of money to scientific research.”

As we previously reported, Will Smith is set to star as Dr. Bennet Omalu, the forensic neuropathologist who first realized that maybe all of these football players getting smashed in the head were injuring their brains. Ridley Scott is producing the film (which we’re just ...

14 Oct 02:38

The Bus | Paul Kirchner | Via

The Bus | Paul Kirchner | Via

14 Oct 02:38

Today's Werner Herzog News (feat. Penguins)

by Erik Henriksen

"What can we learn from all of this? Well, it's pretty clear: Parents, show your children Encounters at the End of the World instead of Penguins of Madagascar; it will better prepare them for life's cold and brutal futility."

Kids love watching crap and parents love showing their kids crap; it's how the idiots of today train the idiots of tomorrow. And this is how we end up with three Madagascar films (and counting), the TV series The Penguins of Madagascar and All Hail King Julien, and the touring shows Madagascar Live!, Madagascar Live! Operation: Vacation, Madagascar Live! Prepare to Party, and, of course—as if we could ever forget—Madagascar Live! It's Circus Time. Also there's a Penguins of Madagascar movie coming out next month, so that's something you will probably be forcibly exposed to at some point if you're ever within a half-mile radius of someone's child.

That said, any commercial enterprise large enough to devour entire worlds will, every once in a while, accidentally consume something (or someone) worthwhile; in this case, that would be one Werner Herzog, who narrates this clip from the Penguins of Madagascar and shows up for a minute, too. Whenever Herzog shows up in this, it almost feels like a real movie!

And now, from Herzog's fantastic Encounters at the End of the World, A STRIKINGLY SIMILAR SCENE:

What can we learn from all of this? Well, it's pretty clear: Parents, show your children Encounters at the End of the World instead of Penguins of Madagascar; it will better prepare them for life's cold and brutal futility.

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14 Oct 02:35

Apple might fine its sapphire supplier $50 million for every secret it leaks

by Jacob Kastrenakes

"Even the confidentiality agreements are confidential" ... "GTAT is also asking that even its request for secrecy be kept a secret"

It's well known that Apple takes secrecy quite seriously, but we're now learning just how seriously that is: it apparently may fine a partner that reveal its secrets up to $50 million for every slip up. That figure comes from a court document filed by Apple's sapphire glass supplier, GT Advanced Technologies (GTAT), which is currently going through bankruptcy proceedings that are, in part, related to what it calls "oppressive and burdensome" agreements with Apple.

Even the confidentiality agreements are confidential

It appears that several secrecy arrangements are among those agreements. Though the court document doesn't refer to Apple by name, GTAT notes that it may be subject to these heavy fines for violating various confidentiality agreements that it's made with another company — and it's hard to imagine another partner of GTAT's imposing such steep penalties. The Financial Times also reports that the third party is Apple.

This incredible level of confidentiality is making bankruptcy proceedings tough for GTAT. Not only is it requesting that the court allow it to file certain documents in secret — which Reuters reports is "unusual" for a bankruptcy filing — GTAT is also asking that even its request for secrecy be kept a secret. "GTAT recognizes the unusual (and perhaps unprecedented) nature of the request," it writes in a court filing. The company writes that the potential fees have "compelled" it to request this level of confidentiality.

GTAT is also seeking to shut down the Arizona plant it uses to make sapphire glass for Apple. The decision apparently comes as a surprise to even Apple, and it's likely that this will disrupt its ambitious plans for using sapphire.

14 Oct 02:34

Convert Your Headphones To Bluetooth Headphones

by Rebecca Houlihan

Turn your headphones into bluetooth headphones with Bluetooth Box. via instructables

I love what my headphones, but a few weeks ago, my friend bought a new bluetooth headset, I intend to switch to bluetooth headphones. But I do not want to throw away the love of my headphones, so I got the idea make a small box, which I can turn my headphones into a Bluetooth headset.
This project shows how to convert all wired headphones or speakers to the headset or bluetooth wireless speakers with the ability to work at least 6 hours on full charge and being able to recharge without any complications.. It is open hardware project: BluetoothBox

Before we get started we are going to need a little bit of motivation, take a look at these pictures and realize what you will be making.

This project could be complete by anyone, just a little electronic skills, you can make yourself a unique BluetoothBox. It only takes 3 days to complete the design and to share this project to you, and I hope this project can help you a lot.

I love bluetooth, short range hi-tech radio that can transmit all sorts of data. Bluetooth headsets are AWESOME because you can listen to music, game, or call your friends with no cord hanging around. You can connect this box to any bluetooth enabled device such as a tablet, computer, or almost any phone. There is NO DONGLE NECESSARY, and it only costs about 15$.

Here is what you need to make your BlutoothBox:


Laser cut machine (Better that you should send the file to a laser shop for laser cutting machine). If you have a 3D printer, it will not have any big problems anymore. You can easily design a case for themselves at your disposal without calculating thickness of acrylic sheets. Unfortunately I do not have a 3D printer, it will come in the future :))
Hook Knife Cutter PCB Copper
PCB drill
3mm Screws Hexagon and Screwdriver

Wire cutters

30-40W soldering iron with small tip

Iron ruler

USB charger


Wired headphones or speakers (of course)
PCB sheet: size 4 inches square or larger
200mA Li-ion rechargeable battery: 1pcs
TP4056 Li-lon Battery Charger IC: 1pcs

0805 SMD Blue Led :4pcs
0805 SMD Red Led :1pcs
0603 SMD 10KOhm resistor: 7pcs
0603 SMD 5KOhm resistor: 1pcs
0603 SMD 0.5Ohm resistor: 1pcs
0603 SMD 1KOhm resistor: 6pcs
0603 SMD 4.7uF capacitor: 3pcs
0603 SMD 100nF capacitor: 1pcs
0805 SMD 10uF capacitor: 2pcs
2N3906 SMD transistor: 1pcs
3.5mm SMD Female Stereo Audio Jack connector: 1pcs

2 pin SMD button: 1pcs

BLK BC-05B Bluetooth module: 1pcs

PAM8403 audio amplifier (Red board): 1pcs

5-way tactile switch: 1pcs

Micro USB SMD Female connector: 1pcs

Thin wires: about 10 inch

5mm acrylic sheet (with any color you like)

3mm acrylic sheet (with any color you like)

2mm acrylic sheet :black

2mm acrylic sheet : white opaque

Full tutorial

14 Oct 02:34

Jay Cutler calls NFL's Microsoft Surface tablets 'knockoff iPads'

by James Dator

shared to delight Overbey

Cutler just called the Microsoft Surface on sidelines "knockoff iPads."

— jon greenberg (@jon_greenberg) October 13, 2014

It's safe to say we won't see Jay Cutler in a Microsoft commercial anytime soon. The technology giant is coaching NFL announcers to stop calling their product "iPads" and it appears the Chicago Bears quarterback didn't get the memo.

Either that or he absolutely got the memo. He technically didn't call the Surface an iPad, he said it's a "knockoff iPad," which is about a million times worse. Anecdotally we believe he would be the kid who screams at his parents on Christmas for buying him the wrong tablet and pouts all day long.

14 Oct 02:32

Cute dog wanders onto pitch, gets belly rubs and cuddles

by Ryan Rosenblatt

That's a very good dog.

How to be a good dog

Step 1: Be very cute

Step 2: Find people

Step 3: Lie down for rubs

Step 4: Cuddle

The dog who found the middle of the pitch in this Argentina Premier League match is a good dog. A very good dog.

HT Metro

14 Oct 02:30

Islamic State seeks to justify enslaving Yazidi women and girls in Iraq - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
In an article in its English-language online magazine Dabiq, the group provides what it says is religious justification for the enslavement of defeated "idolators". The ancient custom of enslavement had fallen out of use because of deviation from true Islam, but was revived when fighters overran Yazidi villages in Iraq's Sinjar region.
14 Oct 02:30

Suge Knight like any other kid as he buys FOUR corn dogs at Disneyland | Daily Mail Online

by gguillotte

I mean, it doesn't seem likely that he's buying corn dogs for FOUR people or w/e, but sure

anyway, he looks good for having been shot six times multiple times

Suge was seen with a tray of four corn dogs as well as a tray of four packets of crisps
14 Oct 02:28

oldtobegin: librarianpirate: cherrispryte: drdisgruntledphd: ...


via Rosalind








Cornel West arrested in Ferguson (10/13/14). That’s how they’re feeling out there. Wow. 



Bad move, STL PD.

Holy shit. 

He warned us last night!  He said “I didn’t come here to give a speech, I came here to go to jail.”  I love him so much


holy. shit.

14 Oct 01:59

Judge blocks disposal of Ebola victim's incinerated belongings in Louisiana - Washington Post



"Despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines saying that "Ebola-associated waste that has been appropriately inactivated or incinerated is no longer infectious," Caldwell said in an earlier statement that "there are too many unknowns at this point" for the ashes of Duncan's belongings to cross into his state.

"Even the CDC and our health-care workers seem uncertain as to the effectiveness of purported protocols in dealing with Ebola," Caldwell said. "It is absurd to transport potentially hazardous Ebola waste across state lines."'


Judge blocks disposal of Ebola victim's incinerated belongings in Louisiana
Washington Post
The incinerated belongings of Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan were bound for a Louisiana hazardous waste landfill — until the state's attorney general, Buddy Caldwell, raised concerns that the ashes could pose a danger to Louisiana's population.
Restraining order granted blocking disposal of ashes from Ebola victim's items in ...The Huntsville Times -
Louisiana company says it won't accept ash from Texas Ebola victim's apartment ...Minneapolis Star Tribune
Ebola waste concerns in LouisianaKATC Lafayette News
WCVB Boston
all 191 news articles »
14 Oct 00:54

GoPro falls as camera said to be linked to Schumacher accident - Yahoo Finance

by gguillotte
The reports today said Schumacher’s son blames his father’s condition on the GoPro camera that was mounted to the race car driver’s helmet at the time of the incident.
14 Oct 00:44

La.: Don't bring waste from Ebola victim's personal items

by gguillotte

h/t my mom, who called Duncan "a black" and "probably an illegal"

Louisiana State Attorney General Buddy Caldwell is seeking a temporary restraining order to block the disposal of incinerated waste from the Dallas Ebola victim's personal items and belongings at a Louisiana landfill. It has been reported that six truckloads of potential Ebola contaminated material collected from the apartment where Thomas Eric Duncan became ill were brought to Port Arthur, Texas, on Friday to be processed at the Veolia Environmental Services incinerator. From there the incinerated material is slated to be transported to a hazardous waste landfill in Louisiana for final disposal.
14 Oct 00:42

Casey Affleck to Produce and Star in Drama About the Boston Marathon Bombing

by gguillotte


Casey Affleck is taking his hometown pride to the big screen. The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that the actor (who appears in this fall’s Interstellar) is set to produce and star in Boston Strong, a drama about the aftermath of the 2013 bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The film has been adapted from the book of the same name, which will be published on Feb. 22, according to the book’s official Facebook page.
14 Oct 00:42

Boston evacuates 5 with flu-like symptons from flight - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
US emergency services in Boston on Monday evacuated five people with flu-like symptoms from a passenger jet after it was quarantined on arrival from Dubai, officials said.