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24 Aug 17:44

jazzcatte: dont fucking love target. dont love walmart. dont love trader joes or whole foods. you...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


dont fucking love target. dont love walmart. dont love trader joes or whole foods. you gotta buy shit somewhere because theres no ethical consumption under late capitalism but for the love of god dont develop affection towards people  who exploit their workers

24 Aug 17:44

Pigalle basketball court tucked between Paris apartments

by Kelly

Pigalle Duperre by Ill Studio dezeen 468 16

Completely love this basketball court redesign in one of my favorite Parisian neighborhoods, via dezeen:

Ill-Studio has collaborated with French fashion brand Pigalle to create a multicoloured basketball court between a row of buildings in the 9th arrondissement of Paris

Read more.

24 Aug 17:41

MFNW not very rock n roll, turns out

24 Aug 17:41

Lesson to Portland from San Fransisco's current boom: ""I said, 'We're a nonprofit, and we've been a good tenant for years,'" Chin recalled. "'Is there anything we can do? Can you reconsider?'" The answer: No dice. "

24 Aug 17:41

Before he self destructed: chronicling the fall of 50 Cent

by Nathan Rabin

Jackson’s struggles were once a strength: he was a hip-hop Horatio Alger story who overcame his drug-dealing adolescence and getting shot nine times to become a massive superstar. But he has only himself to blame for his downfall, and now his story has a much darker context: it’s a cautionary tale of how hubris and bad decisions can torpedo any career. Twelve years ago, the idea of 50 Cent pleading for his financial life in bankruptcy court was inconceivable. Today, his bankruptcy engenders not shock or pity but Nelson Muntz-like cackles of "Ha ha!"

That's because Jackson’s fall is among the most deserved in pop culture, to the point a would-be rhetorical question like "where did it all go wrong?" has multiple, specific answers. Here are 10 of the seemingly infinite mistakes he made en route from being one of rap’s biggest winners to one of its biggest losers.

2004: Jackson uses an early Playboy interview to out himself as a homophobe

By his own account, 50 Cent’s mother was bisexual, and like many heterosexual men, he’s a lot more accepting / turned-on by the concept of women loving women than he is about men loving men. In a 2004 interview with Playboy, 50 Cent told writer Rob Tennenbaum, "I ain’t into faggots. I don’t like gay people around me, because I’m not comfortable with what their thoughts are. I’m not prejudiced. I just don’t go with gay people and kick it — we don’t have that much in common. I’d rather hang out with a straight dude. But women who like women, that’s cool. I could actually get into that, having a woman who likes women, too. We might have more in common."

"It’s okay to write that I’m prejudiced. This is as honest as I could possibly be with you."

50 Cent goes on to explain, "It’s okay to write that I’m prejudiced. This is as honest as I could possibly be with you. When people become celebrities, they change the way they speak. But my conversation with you is exactly the way I would have a conversation on the street. We refer to gay people as faggots, as homos. It could be disrespectful, but that’s the facts."

So don’t hate on 50 Cent: he’s just being honest about his disdain for faggots and his desire to not have them around him, and he’s from the streets, where it’s okay to call people faggots and homos. Later, the rapper revised his public take on homosexuality, but in 2010 he did tweet, "Perez Hilton calld [sic] me a douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt [sic] his but still made me feel better."

2005: Jackson goes without an acting coach on the set of Get Rich Or Die Tryin’

Six-time Academy Award nominee Jim Sheridan famously implored Jackson to trust his own instincts rather than professionals on the set of 2005's Get Rich Or Die Tryin'. Crowing to that his lead's preparation included "No art. No voice coaches, no acting coaches, no bullshit," Sheridan went on to infamously boast that he told Jackson, "You know, if this movie fails, it won't be because you can't act, it's because I didn't direct you right."

By Sheridan's criteria, he did a terrible job directing Get Rich, because the film was a critical — and commercial — failure. Despite the acclaim that greeted Sheridan's previous films, Get Rich Or Die Tryin' has a 16 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Anne Hornaday of The Washington Post captured the tone of the film's pans when she dubbed it "shockingly inert" and said that Jackson was "oddly distant and detached as a performer." A decade later, Jackson has yet to prove to anyone that he can act. He remains an eternal dilettante, always aspiring, never quite there.

2005: Jackson goes after Jadakiss and Nas (and Kelis) on the diss track "Piggy Bank"

Jackson rose to fame partially on the strength of "Wanksta," a devastating early diss track that played a huge role in ending the career of the rapper’s arch-rival Ja Rule. In the years that followed, Jackson kept beefing with everyone and everything, but it wasn’t just his new music that paled in comparison to his early stuff: his new beefs were petty and strained, and informed by increasingly knee-jerk misogyny.

In the dour 2005 diss song "Piggy Bank," Jackson pointlessly went after respected New York cult rapper Jadakiss for having the gall to record a song ("New York") with Ja Rule. But elsewhere, he seemed offended simply at the idea of rappers being in love with women they treat with respect. On "Piggy Bank," the rapper taunts, "Kelis say her milkshake bring all the boys to the yard / then Nas went and tattooed the bitch on his arm / I’m way out in Cali / Niggas know you cus / First thing they say about you is you’s a sucka for love."

Ever eager to prove that he was not a sucker for love, the rapper later went after Shaniqua Tompkins, the mother of his son Marquise on the 2009 diss track, "So Disrespectful," taunting, "They say first comes love, then comes marriage / Instead I got Shaniqua and a baby carriage / Then came the cash and the baby mama drama / I gave that bitch half a mil she blew it on Prada." (In 2009, Tompkins unsuccessfully sued Jackson for tens of millions in child support.)

2007: Jackson says he’ll retire from his solo career if Kanye West outsells him, then reneges

When Kanye West decided to release his third album, Graduation, the same day as 50 Cent’s Curtis, Jackson spied an opportunity to create a rivalry to pump up sales. The rapper vowed to end his solo career if Kanye sold more copies the first week out. But when West won by something like a quarter million units, Jackson surprised no one by not making good on his promise.

If Kanye won the battle against 50, he slaughtered him in the war

From the perspective of 2015, the rivalry, which had the unmistakable feel of an internal sales stunt (the two rappers' labels were both under the Universal Music Group umbrella), was as much a battle between wildly conflicting ideologies as it was anything else. 50 embodied a retrograde conception of the alpha-male as boorish chauvinist pig, while West personified the endlessly complicated future. As Jackson’s defeats go, this wasn’t so bad — he still managed to sell over 600,000 copies in the first week. But if West conclusively won this particular battle, he slaughtered Jackson in the war.

Eight years later, West is as relevant and respected as ever, while 50 Cent is a figure and phenomenon that people think about in the past tense. Of course, that doesn't stop Jackson from continuing to take shots from the sidelines. When asked by XXL in 2012 about “Perfect Bitch”, West's ode to his current wife Kim Kardashian, Jackson opined, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

2008: Jackson decides that publicly humiliating Young Buck would be good for a laugh

Young Buck is a rapper so loyal that he stood trial for allegedly attacking a man with some form of cutlery while defending Dr. Dre at The Vibe Awards (the police thought it was a knife, videotape suggested it was a fork). That's the kind of man you'd want on your side, unless you're 50 Cent. In an attempt to diversify G-Unit's sound and appeal, Young Buck joined Jackson's G-Unit crew / label at the height of its popularity, but like seemingly everyone in his circle, Young Buck came to regret joining forces with Jackson.

After Young Buck reportedly led a chant of "Fuck G-Unit" at a show, Jackson decided to publicly humiliate his collaborator by furtively taping a phone conversation in which Buck tearfully professed his eternal allegiance to G-Unit. The idea was to expose Young Buck as a groveler who committed the shameful sin of possessing emotions, but the stunt just made 50 Cent seem like a sociopath who turns on protégés with shocking callousness. Taking a private, dark-night-of-the-soul phone call public wasn't a boss move, it was just a dick move.

2008: Jackson attempts to be the hip-hop Donald Trump on 50 Cent: The Money And The Power

50 cent: the money and the power

50 cent: the money and the power

Jackson could not resist the tawdry siren song of reality television. But what would his reality show be about? Why money, of course. In 2008, Jackson ripped huge chunks out of the Donald Trump celebrity playbook and launched 50 Cent: The Money And The Power. The show was a knockoff of The Apprentice that found a bunch of hungry hustlers, divided subtly into Team Money and Team Power, competing for the opportunity to win $100,000 and impress Jackson.

Trump opined that the show would "fail because (50 Cent is) not Trump," which turned out to be a rare instance of Trump being correct. Usually, not being Trump is a strength; when launching a The Apprentice rip-off, however, it's a weakness. Beyond being nakedly derivative, The Money And The Power was further done in by clumsy plugs for other products in Jackson's media empire, degrading challenges (such as one in which the members of competing teams were shackled together, chain gang style), and competitors who were exactly the kind of loathsome exhibitionists you find on any other reality competition. The show was swiftly canceled due to low ratings, and its failure further diminished the credibility of the 50 Cent brand.

2009: Jackson stars in 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand, a video game set in the Middle East

Like seemingly everything he did circa 2005, Bulletproof, Jackson’s first foray into video games, was a success, selling over a million copies. Bulletproof found 50 and his G-Unit cronies in a comfortably on-brand street-revenge scenario involving Jackson going after the hit men who tried to kill him. But for some reason, the game’s follow-up, 2009’s Blood In The Sand, took the action from the inner city to an unnamed Middle Eastern country, where 50 and his sidekicks are tasked with retrieving a diamond-encrusted skull worth millions.

The game got better reviews than Bulletproof, but sold a fraction of what the earlier game did, perhaps because Jackson making a Middle Eastern-set video game about a diamond skull was about as off-brand for the G-Unit head honcho as humanly possible, unless Jackson decided to sponsor an modern improvisational dance troupe.

2009: Jackson goes after Rick Ross, regrets it

Hip-hop’s code of authenticity should have given 50 Cent a huge advantage in his beef with Rick Ross. Jackson had sold crack and been shot multiple times, giving him instant cred, whereas Ross was a morbidly obese Notorious B.I.G. soundalike with a shameful past as a prison guard. That probably explains why Jackson felt confident going after him, but it turned out fans didn’t care about where rappers came from so much as what they were currently doing.

Ross’ backstory consequently didn’t matter as much as his ability to crank out the kind of catchy hits Jackson once churned out effortlessly. There was a time when Jackson could have ended Rick Ross’ career with a diss track. Instead, the beef ended up irrevocably harming Jackson’s career: his constant attacks on Ross did nothing to harm the outsized rapper’s ascent to superstardom, while Jackson entered a steep professional downward spiral.

In videos on his website and on YouTube, Jackson depicted himself as the champion of the unfortunate women Ross had abandoned and mistreated. To that end, he gives a forum to Ross’ ex Tia, who, in a rant that now feels deliciously ironic given Jackson’s recent woes, tells the camera that Ross was merely feigning wealth with rented jewels and cars. Ever the gentleman, Jackson then pulls out a sleazy skin mag and shows a picture of Lastonia Leviston (or "Brooke" as she is identified in the video), a woman he claims is a call girl (or "really exclusive whore" in his charming turn of phrase) in addition to being the mother of one of Ross’ children.

The beef set in motion the chain of events that would lead to Jackson begging for mercy in bankruptcy court, when his undying desire to humiliate Ross led to him leaking a sex tape that ultimately resulted in a costly lawsuit for Jackson.

2009: Jackson introduces Pimpin’ Curly

After ascending to superstardom, Jackson puzzlingly seized upon YouTube as a showcase for his material that just couldn’t wait to go through traditional channels. This mostly consists of homemade videos in which he wears silly costumes, talks in silly voices, and mugs his way through ostensibly comic vignettes. Jackson’s signature YouTube character is Pimpin’ Curly, a procurer of prostitutes with Eriq LaSalle’s hair from Coming To America and a voice out of a blaxploitation movie.

Unlike most YouTube videos, 50 Cent’s Pimpin’ Curly videos have millions of views on YouTube (they are also hosted on Jackson’s own website). But otherwise, they're remarkably similar to most other comedy videos on YouTube in that they are a self-indulgent waste of everyone’s time. That especially goes for Jackson himself, who became inexplicably fixated on amateur sketch comedy rather than, say, his music or his family. It’d be tempting to dismiss these curious exercises as harmless ways for Jackson to amuse himself (if only himself) except that Pimpin’ Curly put in a cameo in the leaked sex tape that is the source of his current financial woes.

2009: Jackson writes, directs, and stars in the insane vanity project Before I Self Destruct

Pimpin' Curly wasn't 50's only outlet for his extra-musical creativity. Jackson also took what appeared to be his grandma's camcorder and wrote, directed, and starred in the insanely awful Before I Self Destruct, a DVD of which was included with his album of the same name. Thus Jackson found a way to disappoint fans in multiple media at once with a hilariously inept melodrama about an athlete who gets wrapped up in gang violence in an attempt to provide for his brother, a 12-year-old genius who has already been accepted to every Ivy League institution. Yes, Jackson made a movie where the B plot involves a pint-sized super-genius, and remarkably, that's probably the film's most realistic aspect.

2011: In yet another bid for his non-existent acting career, Jackson co-writes a role for himself as a cancer-stricken college football player in All Things Fall Apart

Jackson didn’t get good roles following Get Rich for an understandable reason: he is a terrible actor incapable of playing a character based on himself, much less anyone else. Eager to broaden his range beyond his default role of "drug dealer in generic thrillers," Jackson took the unusual and extreme step of losing 54 pounds and co-writing and personally financing All Things Fall Apart, in which he plays a college football star who goes from being a serious contender for the Heisman Trophy to being diagnosed with cancer.

That is remarkable dedication — especially since Jackson was a 35-year-old man playing a college kid — but even if he was born the same day as his character, he still wouldn’t have been able to sell it. The Raging Bull scary-weight-loss route may work for seasoned actors, but the response to his bid for respectability was the same as all his films: it was barely released in theaters and became a punchline for the critics that Jackson had hoped to impress. With All Things Fall Apart, Jackson tried to establish himself as a serious actor; instead he merely cemented his reputation as a deluded narcissist.

2015: Jackson's leak of a sex tape featuring an ex-girlfriend of Rick Ross costs him in more ways than one

While the path to Jackson’s bankruptcy was long and eventful, the ultimate catalyst was a multi-million-dollar lawsuit Jackson lost against Lastonia Leviston, the ex-girlfriend of rival Rick Ross, who accused Jackson of leaking a sex tape featuring her in an attempt to humiliate her ex-boyfriend back in 2009.

The sex tape leak embodies everything that makes Jackson deplorable

Leaking the sex tape neatly embodied everything that makes Jackson deplorable: the sociopathic intensity of his beefs, his entitlement, even Pimpin’ Curly, who makes an appearance early in the video through the magic of editing. Maybe Jackson can try to save face and argue that Pimpin’ Curly took over his mind, Jekyll and Hyde style, and made all the terrible mistakes that took his alter-ego from the penthouse to the gutter in 12 tumultuous years. After all, 50 Cent spent much of his career cultivating an image as a cool, collected, consummate businessman not ruled by emotions, and that person clearly could have not have consistently made such awful decisions. Pimpin’ Curly, on the other hand — now that is a man who is not to be trusted.

24 Aug 17:38

NJ man accused of hiding Rosie O'Donnell's daughter sent nude photo to the ... - New York Daily News

New York Daily News

NJ man accused of hiding Rosie O'Donnell's daughter sent nude photo to the ...
New York Daily News
The New Jersey man who was hiding Rosie O'Donnell's missing teenage daughter sent the girl a nude photo, prosecutors said Monday. Steven Sheerer, 25, was scheduled to be arraigned Monday on charges of child endangerment and distribution of ...
Steven Sheerer Is Accused of Sending a Nude Photo to Rosie O'Donnell's ...E! Online
Judge maintains bail for man found with Rosie O'Donnell's missing
Man Arrested in Rosie O'Donnell Missing-Daughter Case Sent a Nude PhotoVanity Fair
TheWrap -National Post
all 350 news articles »
24 Aug 17:37

Ashley Madison offers $500,000 reward amid reports of member suicides

by Dan Goodin

An international roster of police and private investigators are vowing to vigorously pursue the people who hacked the Ashley Madison dating website for cheaters, with the cheating site offering a $500,000 reward and appealing for help from hackers around the world.

The full-court press comes amid a report of at least two suicides of people whose personal information was included in the massive dump of account data for Ashley Madison, which carried the tag line "Life is short. Have an affair." It's too early to say if the exposures were the proximate reason the individuals took their lives, but the deaths were discussed during a press conference the Toronto Police Service held early Monday morning. Bryce Evans, acting staff superintendent, said the outing of so many people in committed relationships cheating on their partners crossed a line that could destroy lives and careers of millions of people around the world.

Wakeup call

He called on hackers around the world to provide tips to law enforcement agencies working to identify the people who thoroughly rooted the servers of Ashley Madison parent company Avid Life Media. He also said the investigation was being carried out jointly by his department, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the US Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and others. A Homeland Security official said the department investigates matters potentially involving the extortion of federal employees. As Ars reported last week, leaked account details showed hundreds of federal workers used Internet connections in their federal offices to pay membership fees for and use the site. Additionally, he said Avid Life Media has pledged a $500,000 reward for information leading to the identification of the people responsible for the compromise, who have dubbed themselves Impact Team.

Read 5 remaining paragraphs | Comments

24 Aug 17:22

Analysis: Two Reasons Why Playable Female Characters Are Here To Stay

by Hershall Cook

via Toaster Strudel

'Why the sudden change in direction? Potential explanations include broader marketing strategies and more female developers.'


'Two years ago, the company looked at the player base for several core franchises, finding the numbers less skewed than many would expect. Twenty-eight percent of Call of Duty gamers, for example, were women. A similar number surfaced for Grand Theft Auto, Assassin's Creed, and Halo, with each franchise's player base hovering around one-third female. (Source)

For industry heavyweights hoping to cash in on the influx of hardcore female gamers, a survey highlighted at GDC proposes a road map. In a sample of 1,400 students, researchers Rosalind Wiseman and Ashly Burch found 60 percent of high-school girls preferred playing as their own gender, compared to 39 percent of high-school boys. As women continue to cross the threshold into the realm of hardcore gaming, it stands to reason more publishers will cater to their needs by adding playable female characters.

Acting contrary to this research, after all, would result in lost revenue, especially considering that the gender disparity among hardcore gamers may disappear entirely. From 2011-14, the number of women playing games on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 rose by 70 percent, climbing from 18 to 30.3 million. The same survey only recorded a 45 percent increase for men, suggesting female gamers are growing at a faster rate.

Regarding gaming's core community, Pachter agrees. "In our lifetimes, there's no reason it wouldn't be 50 [percent female]," he asserts. With more women playing big-budget console titles, publishers need to market to them so as to avoid losing money.'


'When Williams discusses the 9:1 gender ratio of video game characters, he explains how it came close to mimicking the percentage of male and female game developers in 2006. "Our hypothesis developers make game characters like themselves," he says, before cautioning against assumptions about the developers' reasoning. "There's no ulterior motive. They're not good or bad people. They have no agenda. Just like most creators of content, they make stuff that looks like them." Following Williams' reasoning, more women in game development equates to more female characters – playable and otherwise – in the games themselves.'

Video game protagonists have come a long way over the years. Consider the iconic Lara Croft: In her 1996 debut, she was a polygonal, sexualized figure, designed to appeal to an overwhelmingly male audience. However, she also stood out for being one of the few playable female protagonists at the time; her strong demeanor made her a beloved heroine for many female gamers as well. Almost 20 years later, Crystal Dynamics took the character to the next level by rebooting her into a more complex, multidimensional character. This year's E3 showcased that more playable female characters are following suit, suggesting this trend may soon become the new status quo.

At E3 2014, the press conferences showcased 28 games with exclusive male leads compared to 5 titles starring women. Around the same time, Ubisoft chose not to add a playable female character to its upcoming game Assassin's Creed Unity, alienating potential customers. These two occurrences encapsulate why controversy arose during last year's E3, an event some publications used to call out the video game industry on its lack of gender diversity. This year, however, the narrative seems to have flipped.

Most hailed E3 2015 as a much-needed reversal for female representation. With Dishonored 2, Bethesda unveiled Emily Kaldwin instead of further highlighting the returning male character Corvo. The same occurred with Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, as E3 attendees watched a trailer dedicated to Evie Fyre at Sony's press conference. Time and time again, the press conferences emphasized playable female characters.

To compare E3 2015 to its predecessors, I watched every E3 press conference from 2012 through 2015 and compiled yearly lists of games with playable female characters. Most titles earned a spot through the inclusion of a customizable protagonist, though a significant number of fighting games were included because of their selectable female fighters. A few games also qualified because of exclusively female leads or brief segments featuring a playable woman (think Ciri in The Witcher 3). In cases where playable female characters had been announced but were not shown during the presentation, I marked the game as having playable women.

The results of my research are below.* 'Total' refers to each year's games with playable female characters divided by all the games at E3. Bethesda and Square Enix's press conferences from 2015 are not listed, but I included them when calculating the totals. Of the six games Bethesda highlighted at its press conference, five – 83 percent – offered playable female characters. For Square Enix, that number dropped to 64 percent.

*Research for 2015 done by NYM Gamer. To see the numbers in a table format, click here.

With a 20 percent boost in playable female characters, my sentiment that E3 2015 was a better year for female representation proved true. Why the sudden change in direction? Potential explanations include broader marketing strategies and more female developers. Let's look at each possibility.

Turn to the next page to learn how marketing changes are affecting the number of playable female characters.

24 Aug 15:01

Comics A.M. - Duke Freshmen Divided Over "Fun Home" Selection


' A number of incoming freshmen at Duke University have refused to read Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, chosen as the summer reading selection for the class of 2019. Brian Grasso started the conversation by posting on the class Facebook page that he wouldn’t read the graphic novel because of its depictions of sexuality, saying, “I feel as if I would have to compromise my personal Christian moral beliefs to read it.” That opened up a discussion in which some students defended the book and said that reading it would broaden their horizons, while others shied away from the visual depictions of sexual acts. And Grasso felt that the choice was insensitive, commenting: “Duke did not seem to have people like me in mind. It was like Duke didn’t know we existed, which surprises me.”'

Some incoming freshmen are refusing to read Alison Bechdel's memoir! The growth of LGBTQ comics! Van Jensen interviews Jeff Parker! Plus much more!
24 Aug 14:54

Trigger warnings don’t hinder freedom of expression: they expand it | Lindy West


'Predictably, as with any cultural phenomenon associated primarily with young women (see also: vocal fry, pop music), campus trigger warnings have faced a swift, imperious and borderline unhinged backlash. The Daily Beast told college students to “grow up” and argued that they’re “incapable of living in the real world”. An Atlantic cover story recently described undergrads as “coddled”, claiming rather hysterically: “A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense.” The authors then make a truly remarkable leap to accuse trigger warning proponents of engendering “campus culture devoted to policing speech and punishing speakers”, as well as exacerbating mental health problems by shielding trauma victims from triggering texts that could serve as “exposure therapy”.

It’s a tidy way to link trigger warnings with the other progressive bogeyman du jour, political correctness, and all its sinister attendants: microaggressions, the supposed erosion of free speech, and the “right not to be offended”. But all those concepts, when examined honestly, just boil down to treating marginalised groups with respect and humanity and striving to correct harmful imbalances. Thinking critically about the harmful assumptions inherent in, for example, the phrase “I don’t see colour” is not “[scrubbing] campuses clean of words”. It’s being a responsible human being.

Political correctness is, essentially, a family of suggestions: don’t talk over people who have been historically silenced; demand and make way for diverse representation; trust people to be authorities on their own lives; be cognisant and careful with other people’s trauma; listen, and be kind.'

24 Aug 14:52

Daniel Wolfe Is Killing Himself Live On Facebook

Daniel Wolfe's backpack contains most of what he’s got left. Discharge papers. Records from Veterans Affairs hospitals in two states. Old warrants for his arrest. He’s got a V.A.-issued pamphlet on “Pain and Pain Management” and an appointment card for “Mandatory Suicide Prevention Education,” dated three months ago. He’s got a bottle of Jack Daniel’s, a cell phone, and a box cutter.
24 Aug 14:51

You probably missed out on watching one of the greatest feats in athletics, ever

by Cassie Werber
Jessica Ennis-Hill of Britain is congratulated by Brianne Theisen.

It’s hard to imagine the strain the body goes through when competing at the highest level of athletics. Especially in something like the hepthalon, which consists of seven events. Imagine throwing the javelin, shortly after jumping over a bar higher than your own head, and just before an 800-meter race.

Imagine doing that all just over a year after giving birth. Now, imagine doing it—and winning gold.

Jessica Ennis-Hill just did that at the World Championships in Beijing over the weekend—a feat that has never been done before and should go down as one of the all-time great performances in athletics. If you missed it—and you probably did with all the noise over Usain Bolt’s victory—here are the highlights:

The British athlete gave birth to a son, Reggie, in July 2014. Speculation as to whether she would be able to compete at the highest level of sport again—let alone to triumph there—began immediately. “Only a handful of women have celebrated a world title after giving birth, and the majority of those have come in endurance races, where pregnancy may confer some benefits,” a writer for The Guardian noted. “But in the heptathlon? Never. In fact many sport scientists I spoke to after Ennis-Hill announced she was pregnant last year privately doubted that it could be done.”

As recently as July, Ennis-Hill didn’t know if she would compete in Beijing, let alone win. Her training schedule began in October, just three months after her son’s birth, but only entered a serious phase in February, months behind her competitors. Toni Minichiello, her coach, said he wasn’t sure she’d manage it.

Yet the Beijing triumph places Ennis-Hill at the very forefront of the sport. Her final score of 6,669 was a season’s best—her long-jump just short of her personal best.

Minichiello added that if she gets pregnant again, he’ll know better how to handle her training. (That’s unlikely. Ennis-Hill said she’d likely wait until retirement to expand her family.) But before that, there’s the Rio Olympics in 2016.

Few women have come back from childbirth and retained their Olympic titles, which is the next challenge for Ennis-Hill, who won gold in London in 2012. Only two people in history—hurdler Shirley Strickland in 1956 and triple-jumper Françoise Mbango in 2008—have ever done it, according to The Guardian. And again—none in the hepthalon.

But after this weekend, don’t count Ennis-Hill out.

24 Aug 14:49

How Google convinced China's Communist Party to love science fiction

by Ezra Klein

via Ibstopher

This is a fascinating story from author Neil Gaiman:

I was in China in 2007, and it was the first ever state-sponsored, Party-approved science-fiction convention. They brought in some people from the west and I was one of them, and I was talking to a number of the older science-fiction writers in China, who told me about how science fiction was not just looked down on, but seen as suspicious and counter-revolutionary, because you could write a story set in a giant ant colony in the future, when people were becoming ants, but nobody was quite sure: was this really a commentary on the state? As such, it was very, very dodgy.

I took aside one of the Party organisers, and said, "OK. Why are you now in 2007 endorsing a science-fiction convention?" And his reply was that the Party had been concerned that while China historically has been a culture of magical and radical invention, right now, they weren’t inventing things. They were making things incredibly well but they weren’t inventing. And they’d gone to America and interviewed the people at Google and Apple and Microsoft, and talked to the inventors, and discovered that in each case, when young, they’d read science fiction. That was why the Chinese had decided that they were going to officially now approve of science fiction and fantasy.

The anecdote comes from a wonderful conversation Gaimain had with Kazuo Ishiguro about genre fiction. It's very much worth reading in full.

24 Aug 14:49

Google Now’s staff exodus reveals hurdles for new CEO Pichai

by Recode Staff

On Thursday, Microsoft fired up an old rivalry. The Redmond giant released an update to its Bing search app that allows other apps to tap into its information architecture. See something in one mobile app — a nice location shot in Instagram, say — and, with a tap, you can summon information about that something via Bing.

Nothing earth-shattering. But Microsoft happened to put out the release on Android first, and did so right before Google is set to launch Now on Tap, a nearly identical feature.

Google teased the product with some fanfare in May, at its I/O developer conference, as a breakthrough iteration of Google Now, its personal assistant and one of the twin bedrocks for CEO Larry Page when he returned as executive in 2011.

What went unannounced was that most of the original team that built Now had departed, many of them just before I/O, according to multiple sources. Some had grown frustrated that the product, born within Android, was shuttered into search inside of Google, they said. And Sundar Pichai, Google’s SVP and incoming CEO, did not prioritize the product as much as Page.

The exits reveal the hiccups Google has incubating new products that reach across multiple units of the tech giant. They also expose some key traits of Pichai’s leadership style — and some of the many hurdles he has ahead as he marshals Google’s core business.

Now launched at I/O in 2012 with Android Jelly Bean. It began, not many months before, as a side experiment within the Maps team. Engineers had rigged a way to scrap personal data on the phone — from calendars, email, location history — and feed the relevant bits to users via notifications, starting with transit data. “Initially, we wanted to do something that had no clicks,” said one early engineer.

Now escalated inside Google quickly, largely because it had the backing of Page. The product comports to his vision of a future with more intelligent, seamless computing. For several months after its launch, Page emphasized its importance to Google’s future. “He would open up every single all-hands [meeting] with Google Now,” said another former Googler who worked on the product.

Then, Page started to step away. He began holding regular, lengthy leadership meetings meant to spur out-there initiatives and moonshots, floating ideas like another research lab, code-named “Google Y,” according to multiple sources. He was laying the foundation for what would become Alphabet.

Meanwhile, Google’s core business, search, continue to lose steam with paid clicks falling as mobile app usage skyrocketed. At some point last year Amit Singhal, the SVP who heads search, requested that Now move from Android into his division, multiple sources said.

Several engineers objected. According to multiple sources, their initial vision of Now — as a mobile assistant tailored to particular users — works best living on the mobile operating system, not within search.

Also, Google’s a political place and search is Congress. Big, necessary, stodgy.

Pichai approved Singhal’s request. In part, perhaps, because Google must balance products like Now, which push information to users, with its central business problem: It makes less money from mobile searches. Google has started to deploy Now as a primary vehicle for indexing apps.

And the company remains bullish on the product’s prospects. “We’re seeing strong usage and very positive feedback,” a Google spokesperson said. “And we’re continuing to make Google Now work even better — continuing to add dozens of new cards, getting Now on Tap ready for release, improving our predictive technology, and iterating on the design and user experience.”

Another potential reason for the internal shift: Pichai is known as an executive that seeks consensus rather than conflict. A former Googler who worked on Now recalled Pichai’s response to their protests: “‘Look, I’ve got a lot on my plate. Chrome and Android are my top priorities. Google Now is not on that. I can’t fight that battle for you.’”

Now has its own battles in store. It has a solid user base, more than a hundred million monthly ones, according to multiple sources. (Google declined to comment on these numbers.) Yet it’s unclear how active those users are, and only a slim slice of them are on the iOS app.

Apple, for its part, looks prepared to launch a competitor to Now on Tap. With its proactive assistant and spotlight search, the Apple entry could elbow Google out. Several people said it was unusual for Google to pre-announce a feature like Now on Tap before it is ready. That hurriedness may have been to pre-empt Apple’s announcement the following month.

And now Bing, which powers search on Apple devices, has its own Now on Tap foil.

Microsoft has worked on the product for years and did not time its release around Google, said Ryan Gavin, general manager for Search, Cloud and Content. Still, Gavin did draw distinctions between the approaches, noting that Microsoft’s was far more favorable to app developers than Google.

“One’s a very open approach,” he said. “And the other is asking developers to register their app data with Google.”

Many developers are suspicious of Google’s mobile plans. Aparna Chennapragada, the product lead on Now starting this year, told Re/code last month that Now on Tap will solve app developers’ nagging issue with discovery. She’s well respected inside Google, but must roll out the product and get developers on board without much of the initial team.

Two of the engineers who created Now left in the company in March; several others left around the same time. Only one of the founding team remains at Google, according to multiple sources. (Google, again, declined to comment on this.) For several, the experience of seeing their product steered in an unwanted direction was too dispiriting, they said.

“Google’s a big company,” said one person who departed. “This is how big companies work.”

24 Aug 14:49

Twitter shuts down 30 sites dedicated to saving politicians' deleted tweets

by James Vincent

"Imagine how nerve-racking — terrifying, even — tweeting would be if it was immutable and irrevocable?" Twitter reportedly told the OSF. "No one user is more deserving of that ability than another. Indeed, deleting a tweet is an expression of the user’s voice."

Twitter has shut down a network of sites dedicated to archiving deleted tweets from politicians around the world. The sites — collectively known as Politwoops — were overseen by the Open State Foundation (OSF), which reported that Twitter suspended their API access on Friday, August 21st. Twitter reportedly told the OSF that its decision was the result of "thoughtful internal deliberation and close consideration of a number of factors," and that the social media site didn't distinguish between politicians and regular users.

"Imagine how nerve-racking — terrifying, even — tweeting would be if it was immutable and irrevocable?" Twitter reportedly told the OSF. "No one user is more deserving of that ability than another. Indeed, deleting a tweet is an expression of the user’s voice."

"What politicians say in public should be available to anyone."

The US arm of Politwoops was shut down in June this year, but this new decision affects countries all over the world including Canada, Egypt, India, Ireland, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, Norway, and the UK. The Diplotwoops site, dedicated to archiving deleted tweets from diplomats, was also shut down, with the OSF noting that all the accounts had been "extensively used and cited by journalists around the world." The organization's director, Arjan El Fassed, commented: "What politicians say in public should be available to anyone. This is not about typos, but it is a unique insight on how messages from elected politicians can change without notice."

The British arm of Politwoops, known by the handle @deletedbyMPs, was among those affected by Twitter's decision. Jules Mattsson, who runs the account, told The Guardian: "It’s a terrible shame that Twitter has made this decision. Politwoops has been an important new tool in political accountability in the UK and abroad. Politicians are all too happy to use social media to campaign, but if we lose the ability for this to be properly preserved, it becomes a one-way tool."

24 Aug 14:48

Plunging oil prices may have people dancing on OPEC’s grave, but geopolitical havoc is the price we’ll pay

by Steve LeVine
A worker prepares to fill a car at a gas station close to Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, January 12, 2015.

Not too long ago, oil prices seemed to have bottomed out. Internationally traded Brent crude was climbing back toward $70 a barrel after plunging into the mid-$40s, and a lot of analysts were giving the all-clear signal. After the breathtaking plunge from $115 a barrel in June 2014, the oil patch misery seemed to be over, so companies and petro-dictators could go back to business as usual.

But, as we reported, a couple of prominent analysts weren’t ready to leave the battlefield. Barclays’ Kevin Norrish warned that we were witnessing a false price recovery, and that Brent was headed back down—it would average $40-$50 a barrel for the year, Norrish said. Citi’s Ed Morse was even more bearish—Brent would fall below $40 a barrel later in the year, he said, and perhaps even to $20.

Today, Brent in fact does appear to be spiraling down toward the symbolic $40-a-barrel price barrier, and perhaps below—its low as of this writing was $42.51 a barrel. WTI, the US-traded grade, traded as low as $37.75 a barrel.

Their rationale holds still—US shale drillers remain resilient despite the earlier belief that their costs were too high to sustain production against low prices; OPEC is producing as much oil as it can in an effort to retain market share; and Iran appears to be on the cusp of throwing even more volume onto the market. Meanwhile, demand is up, but has been trounced by all the supply.

Watching this price plunge, it’s easy to imagine the queasiness in places long unaccustomed to such sensations—OPEC, for example, and Russia, both of them fiscally reliant on oil exports.

There has been a certain amount of schadenfreude: It appeared that after so many decades of outsized influence, the Saudi Arabians and other Gulf giants would suffer a dose of humility. And as for Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, many felt he deserved a comeuppance after the invasion of Ukraine. In fact, the longer low oil prices were sustained, the more humble Putin was likely to be, in line with the First Law of Petropolitics, which states that a petro-dictator’s mood moves in direct relationship to the price of oil—in high times, he is a jerk; and as prices drop, a friendly smile begins to cross his face.

But, as low prices seem likely to extend well into 2016 and even into 2017, a different reality suggests itself—the danger of a wave of new instability in the Middle East as some OPEC nations may find themselves unable to sustain social spending.

Given the turmoil in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, would a Saudi Arabia in chaos be a good thing, especially in the short and medium term? Probably not. As of now, almost no one has predicted that Saudi is headed that direction. But as the oil price plunge in general has shown, consensus forecasting is often wrong.

24 Aug 14:48

aerialsquid: The perfect dystopia-themed female cosplay.


via willowbl00


The perfect dystopia-themed female cosplay.

24 Aug 14:47

twinleaves: やったー!外人四コマの人、あの名シーンを10年ぶり再現!相変わらずの喜びよう|面白ニュース...


via Toaster Strudel

24 Aug 14:43

Sir Richard Owen holding the first discovered moa fossil and...

Sir Richard Owen holding the first discovered moa fossil and standing with a Dinornis skeleton

24 Aug 14:39

iwas-ench-anted: Im way too excited for this(x)

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


I’m way too excited for this


24 Aug 14:36

Newswire: Morrissey’s first novel will be released in England next month

by Sam Barsanti

As one might gather from browsing the “Morrissey” tag on The A.V. Club, most of the times we’ve written about the former Smiths frontman have been either when he says something weird or when someone says something weird about him—though it’s usually the former. However, at the risk of tempting fate a little bit, today we have an unusually straightforward Morrissey story to report on. According to fansite True To You (via Rolling Stone), Morrissey’s debut novel, List Of The Lost, will be in stores at the end of September. So far, it’s only being published in England, Ireland, Australia, India, New Zealand, and South Africa, which means we won’t be able to get it in America until a U.S. publisher picks it up or we give in to high shipping prices on Amazon.

That’s all pretty easy to follow, and ...

24 Aug 14:25

omgthatdress: Suit1969The Museum of London

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




The Museum of London

24 Aug 08:45


24 Aug 08:33

French train gunman 'dumbfounded' by terrorist tag - Reuters


"A gunman who attacked passengers on a high-speed train in France two days ago is "dumbfounded" at having been taken for an Islamist militant and says he only intended to rob people on board because he was hungry"


French train gunman 'dumbfounded' by terrorist tag
PARIS/ALGECIRAS, Spain A gunman who attacked passengers on a high-speed train in France two days ago is "dumbfounded" at having been taken for an Islamist militant and says he only intended to rob people on board because he was hungry, his ...
In today's world, public must 'be prepared to act'Boston Herald
Train hero plugged passenger's wound with fingers
Europe Facing New Uncertainty in Terrorism FightNew York Times
Washington Post -ABC News -BBC News
all 4,352 news articles »
24 Aug 08:27

TV Club: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever: “The Last One Forever and Ever (For Real This Time)(We... Mean It)“

by Kevin Johnson

Back in late 2000, I remember walking into my living room, dinner in hand, and plopping down in front of the television to watch whatever was on Cartoon Network at the time. I was greeted with creepy images of old people getting and out of a grimy pool, accompanied by a heavy percussioned beat. Then they came on: Home Movies, Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, and, of course, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. There were no ads for this new programming block, and for two hours I was collectively losing my shit. Was this a massive network mistake? Was this a one-off special? Did someone lace my dinner with LSD? I had no idea what was happening at the time, and in some ways, CN didn’t either. I can’t imagine anyone could’ve imagined that Adult Swim would’ve became the bizarrely ...

24 Aug 08:27

skiamachy n.

OED Word of the Day: skiamachy, n. A sham fight or argument
24 Aug 08:23



via baron

24 Aug 02:41

The Unspoken Biases in Film School


via otters

Film school has become an inextricable step in becoming a successful filmmaker. I went to NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and have not regretted it. I know I would not be where I am today without my education. 

But there are biases in film school that are never talked about. In my sophomore year I took a class called “Sight and Sound Film.” In this class we divided ourselves into groups of four and worked as a team for the entire semester. My class had 32 people in it, so we had eight groups of four people. There were two groups that were all-male, and no group was all-female. There was an unspoken belief that an all-female group was somehow illegitimate, not as competitive or talented. Looking back at this now, it seems so trite, but let me tell you that, at the time, there were no groups of women enthusiastic about working together as a production unit.

When I made my thesis film, I hired many female department heads. This was unusual. When conflict on set happened — something that happens a lot on any set — some commented, This is why you don’t see a female-driven crew. Too many emotions. These remarks were made in jest, but even so, it reflects a perspective that’s damaging and dangerous for all parties.

And this wasn’t just a production problem. In my thesis class, the first half of the year was a writing seminar. We were reviewing a script that featured a female protagonist. I thought this character was irreverent, snarky, and depressed, but nearly everyone else in the class characterized her as a bitch: She’s such a bitch, What a bitch, etc. I finally put my foot down and asked, “Can we use a different description?” I’m sad I even had to ask.

Exposure to female filmmakers and characters — or the lack thereof — plays a big part in this. During freshman year, everyone was required to take a class called “Language of Film.” This focused our critical eye and expanded our sense of film history. There were 13 films screened and only one by a woman:Agnes Varda’s The Gleaners & I. There was a specialized class called “Women in the Director’s Chair,” but the class was comprised of all women except one male student. Films directed by women were literally classified under an "elective." They weren’t important enough for everyone to learn.

24 Aug 02:40

Police: Trooper shot, critically injured during traffic stop


the only way to stop a middle-aged white man with a gun; my people, my people

the shot trooper is my mom's former boss's brother

A Louisiana State Trooper was shot in the head and critically injured while trying to stop a driver suspected of being drunk or drugged Sunday evening in southwestern Louisiana, state police officials told the Associated Press.

The trooper, who state police Col. Michael Edmonson identified to the Associated Press as Master Trooper Steven Vincent, 43, was listed in critical condition at a local hospital following the incident near Bell City, La., according to Fox-8.


Edmonson said Vincent is a 13-year veteran of the force and comes from a law enforcement family.

One of his brothers is also a state trooper and another is a town police chief, Edmonson said.

He said 54-year-old Kevin Daigle of Lake Charles, La., was arrested. Charges against Daigle will include attempted murder of a police officer, Edmonson said.

Vincent was shot after receiving a call that Daigle was driving erratically and had driven his pickup truck into a ditch.

Capt. Doug Cain, a state police spokesman, confirmed to the Associated Press that Trooper Vincent was shot in the head.

Edmonson says several civilians subdued Daigle, put the trooper's handcuffs on him and gave the trooper first aid.

Other drivers stopped to help, Sgt. James Anderson, spokesman for state police said.

"As I understand it, they rendered aid to the trooper, they called for help using the trooper's radio, and they detained the suspect," state police spokesman Sgt. James Anderson told the Associated Press.

He said Vincent was in critical but stable condition Sunday evening, and the man accused of shooting him was also in a hospital.

"He struggled with the guys who came to assist -- had some scrapes on him and so on," Anderson said.

23 Aug 23:50

Online Cat Purr generator

by adafruit


Adafruit 0274

Cat Purr.

Cuddling up with a purring cat is certainly a relaxing experience. Scientific studies have shown that cat owners have lower blood pressure and can live longer than humans who don’t own pets!
A cat’s purr is generally within the range of 40 – 200 Hz. In sound therapy, these frequencies are believed to heal injuries and relieve pain. It is also told that injured cats often purr to help soothe and heal themselves…
Whether you’re not at home, can’t have a pet, or just need your purr fix right this moment, this soundscape can help you relax and emulate the soothing experience of snuggling up with your furry friend – without the fleas and cat hair!