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22 Jul 03:35

Instagram Photo by dj_empirical • American Can Lofts

by djempirical

.@dexter_huahua is dead fuckin' asleep.

Original Source

22 Jul 03:19

Historical Map: Pacific Electric Strip Map Submitted by Sam...

Historical Map: Pacific Electric Strip Map

Submitted by Sam Huddy, who says:

This is a strip map of the Santa Monica Air Line that appears on several station platforms along the Expo Line in Los Angeles. As far as I know, this idea is original to the Metro era. As a work of art, the stops are unlabeled, and typical of the PE, it’s unclear what makes some stops “major” or “minor.”


Transit Maps says:

This is actually a lovely little homage from the LA Metro: acknowledging what came before them (the Expo Line utilises much of the Air Line’s original right of way) and giving it due credit. Love it!

Historical note: the Santa Monica Airline was a Pacific Electric streetcar service that ran from downtown LA to Santa Monica from 1909 to 1953.

(Source: Photographed by Sam)

22 Jul 01:25

Holy crap, Oz the Great and Powerful was a remake of Army of Darkness

by Rob Bricken

Don't believe me? Watch this video and you'll be completely convinced that Sam Raimi remade his 1992 classic too (spoilers for Oz, by the way — and Army of Darkness too, I guess, if you were still waiting to see it or something). I tell you, Oz would have been a lot better if James Franco had a chainsaw hand.



22 Jul 00:25

blackromney: yet again unrealistic expectations for men


yet again unrealistic expectations for men

22 Jul 00:25

fuckyeahdementia: a gentle jedi


a gentle jedi

22 Jul 00:03

Animation Of Every Photoshop Filter In Use

by Rusty Blazenhoff

not news but always interesting/useful

Created as a tribute to Adobe Photoshop filters, “Photoshop Cs5 Filters Animation” by Device shows what every filter in Photoshop Cs5 looks like applied to the software’s logo. For the same project, Device made animated GIFs of all the same filters and placed them in their own Tumblr.

trace contour

Trace contour

via The Next Web

22 Jul 00:02

SDCC: Dark Horse's "Star Wars" Comics - Here and Now


I still can't imagine DisneyMarvelLucas will keep Dark Horse for much longer
oh god is Marvel going to buy Dark Horse
:( :( nightmare fuel :( :(

The creative teams behind Dark Horse Comics' popular line of 'Star Wars' comics gathered at Comic-Con International to preview what's about to arrive from a galaxy far, far away!
22 Jul 00:01

World World Something

22 Jul 00:01

Harvard University Establishes a Nas Fellowship

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

Harvard University Establishes a Nas Fellowship

Yeah, you read that correctly. From the Los Angeles Times:

The W.E.B. Du Bois Institute at Harvard University and the Hip-Hop Archive announced the Nasir Jones Hip-Hop Fellowship on Tuesday. The goal of the fellowship is to provide chosen scholars and artists with an opportunity to show that "education is real power."

The mission of the Hip-Hop Archive, according to the announcement, is to seek projects from scholars and artists that build on the rich and complex hip-hop tradition; to respect that tradition through historically grounded and contextualized critical insights; and most important, to represent one's creative and/or intellectually rigorous contribution to hip-hop and the discourse through personal and academic projects.  

Read more at the Times.

Original Source

22 Jul 00:01

Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

FT Welchade Fruit Punch

Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford

Original Source

22 Jul 00:00

"  "

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy


22 Jul 00:00

Fingertips (by FineLeatherJackets)

Fingertips (by FineLeatherJackets)

22 Jul 00:00

Map of European leaders.

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy
21 Jul 23:58

Hack exposes e-mail addresses, password data for 2 million Ubuntu Forum users

by Dan Goodin


The defacement left on the Ubuntu Forums website.

E-mail addresses, user names, and password data for every registered user of the Ubuntu Forums—estimated to be 1.82 million accounts—were exposed in a security breach hitting the company responsible for maintaining the freely available, open-source operating system. There's no sign the compromised data has been published online.

The Ubuntu Forums were closed Saturday evening, following the discovery that the site's homepage was defaced by someone who managed to gain privileged access to its underlying servers. To their credit, administrators with Canonical, the for-profit company that markets Ubuntu, quickly issued an advisory that warned users who used their forum password to safeguard other accounts to change the credentials immediately. The forums remained inaccessible at time of writing on Sunday afternoon.

"While the passwords were not stored in plain text, good practice dictates that users should assume the passwords have been accessed and change them," Ubuntu CEO Jane Silber wrote in an updated advisory. "If users used the same password on other services, they should immediately change that password."

Read 6 remaining paragraphs | Comments


21 Jul 23:56

Follow your labels: Starbucks coffee farmers who never heard of Starbucks


via Russian Sledges

Despite the siren logo on their property, some Colombian coffee farmers receive no benefit from Starbucks' sustainability program.

21 Jul 23:56

Economically Healthy 'Daily Planet' Now Most Unrealistic Part Of Superman Universe | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

by russiansledges

via Russian Sledges

"I can play along with Superman using a steel girder to swat someone into outer space, but I just can't get past the idea that The Daily Planet still occupies one of the largest skyscrapers in all of Metropolis and is totally impervious to newsroom layoffs or dwindling home subscriptions," said comics blogger Marc Daigle, adding that it was impossible for him to even look at Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent, without immediately thinking he would have been replaced long ago by a freelancer who gets paid nine cents a word and receives no health benefits. "Every time The Daily Planet shows up, I just get taken out of the story completely. I usually flip ahead to Superman freezing a volcano with his breath or something."
21 Jul 23:55

Microsoft call center worker fired for hanging up on a neo-nazi

by Mark Frauenfelder

via multitasksuicide
the like is for hanging up on the piece of shit

Julian says: "We all have to deal with call centers and they are alas today's dark Satanic mills. A place where you can get low pay, high stress and no recognition. A friend of mine was recently canned at one (a contractor for Microsoft), for hanging up on someone with a pro Nazi nym.

Around 6:15 PM PST on July 17th of this year, I got a call from Dave. Dave had some kind of an accounts issue, which we don’t normally touch. I told him I could transfer him to the Live department and they could take a look at the issue for him. Up to this point Dave seemed perfectly nice. He didn’t even give me shit about being named April and having a male-sounding voice. Then I asked him his gamertag.

“I’ll spell it out for you,” says Dave. “It’s H-E-E-B, and then it’s all together, no spaces, H-U-N-T-E-R, and then an S-S. So it should be HeebHunterSS with no spaces.”

Hanging up on a Nazi


21 Jul 23:54

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Trailer is an Amazing Thrill Ride

by Charlie Jane Anders

'Daleks blowing up, flames everywhere, everything going to Hell. And in the middle of all the carnage, John Hurt as the non-Doctor, looking resolute. "Great men are forged in fire," he says.'
so the Doctor wasn't great until he was Moffat retconned
thanks Omoffat

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Trailer is an Amazing Thrill Ride

We just saw the first footage from Doctor Who's 50th anniversary here at Comic-Con. We expected hilarious banter between stars Matt Smith and David Tennant, and a haunting look at the forgotten Doctor John Hurt. But we got much, much more.


21 Jul 23:52

You Might As Well Look Good When Walking Your Cat. Cary Grant.


via saucie via multitasksuicide
motherfucking swag

You Might As Well Look Good When Walking Your Cat.

Cary Grant.

21 Jul 23:50

the-absolute-best-gifs: elisetheawesome: I see the doctor who...


via Toaster Strudel



I see the doctor who hiatus going well?

21 Jul 23:49

Spacely Sprockets: 1956

by Dave

via multitasksuicide

1956. "General Motors Technical Center. Warren, Mich. Design Center interior. Eero Saarinen, architect." Kodachrome by Balthazar Korab. View full size.
21 Jul 23:48

ichthyologist: Spring-Loaded Hood Orchids Some orchids of the...


via saucie
Tertiarymatt: "Nobody fucks like orchids. Nobody."


Spring-Loaded Hood Orchids

Some orchids of the genus Pterostylis have adopted rapid plant movement as a method of ensuring pollination.

Male fungus gnats are attracted to pheromones exuded by the flower and try to copulate with the dark, furry structure known as the labellum. The labellum is attached to a sensitive elastic strap that flips upwards in response to disturbance.

If a gnat lands on the labellum, the whole surface springs back and traps the pollinator in the hood. To escape, the insect must crawl through a small opening in the hood, brushing against the orchid’s pollinia in the process. These sticky packets of pollen adhere to the insects back.

The insect, now carrying pollen, visits a new flower and goes through the ordeal again. This time, the pollen on the insect’s back brushes past the new flower’s stigma while the pollinator escapes, which fertilises the flower.

(Pterostylis longifolia shown)

via Flickr

21 Jul 23:47

Apple Developer Website Hacked: Developer Names, Addresses May Have Been Taken

by Jordan Golson

via Overbey

developerIn an email to developers today, Apple revealed that its Developer Center website was breached by unknown hackers and was taken offline last Thursday as a precaution.

The company notes that sensitive personal information was "encrypted and cannot be accessed" but that Apple's engineers "could not rule out the possibility" that developer names, mailing addresses and email addresses may have been accessed.

Apple says it is overhauling its developer systems, updating software and rebuilding the entire developer database. There is no indication of when the site will be back up, other than the company saying it expects to have it up again soon.
Apple Developer Website Update

Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our registered developers from our developer website. Sensitive personal information was encrypted and cannot be accessed, however, we have not been able to rule out the possibility that some developers’ names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses may have been accessed. In the spirit of transparency, we want to inform you of the issue. We took the site down immediately on Thursday and have been working around the clock since then.

In order to prevent a security threat like this from happening again, we’re completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software, and rebuilding our entire database. We apologize for the significant inconvenience that our downtime has caused you and we expect to have the developer website up again soon.
Apple told Macworld that the breached server was not associated with any customer information and that all personal information is encrypted -- additionally, the attackers did not get access to any app code or to any servers where app information is stored.

21 Jul 20:44

SDCC ’13 | ‘Saga,’ David Aja, Chris Ware among Eisner winners

by JK Parkin

at least Aja won


Best Publication for Kids (ages 8-12)
Adventure Time, by Ryan North, Shelli Paroline, and Braden Lamb (kaboom!)

SDCC ’13 | ‘Saga,’ David Aja, Chris Ware among Eisner winners

The 2013 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards were presented tonight in San Diego in conjunction with Comic-Con International, with Saga by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples, Hawkeye‘s David Aja and Building Stories by Chris Ware taking home multiple awards. You can find the complete list of nominees, with the winners bolded, below. Best Short [...]
21 Jul 20:40

Why It May Be Illegal For Your Boss To Screen You Via Social Media



Social media screens for potential hires automatically put employers on the wrong side of the law.
21 Jul 20:38


21 Jul 19:18

Tonight in Music: PDX Pop Now!, Cathedral Park Jazz Fest, Dessa & More

by Ned Lannamann

"Peter Murphy—the Subaru Forester-driving Godfather of Goth—has pretty much beat his recent methamphetamine possession and DUI charges"
anyway, Ours
and Candlebox

(SE Salmon & Water) This is the most wonderful time of the year: PDX Pop Now! time! The three-day, all-ages, all-local, all-free festival kicks off today with bunches of terrific bands, and this year's fest also includes the first round of the annual Rigsketball tourney, in which Portland bands compete on a rigged basketball hoop attached to the back of And And And's van. Summer is NOW, yo! NED LANNAMANN Read our feature on PDX Pop Now!

(Cathedral Park, N Edison & Pittsburg) Maximize the fine Portland summer by spending it lounging on the grass while surrounded by the sounds of the West Coast's longest-running free jazz festival. The Cathedral Park Jazz Festival is on its 33rd year, boasting a lineup that includes tonight's performers Blue Cranes and the Eri Yamamoto Trio. MARJORIE SKINNER

(Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi) The only female member of Minneapolis rap collective Doomtree since their first release, False Hopes, Dessa has always stood out from her peers with her poetic, spoken-word rap style. On her latest solo effort, Parts of Speech, she indulges further in the singing and songwriting abilities she often hinted at in her past solo material and work with supergroup Gayngs, but wisely spares any acoustic cheesiness by sticking to her tried-and-true in-house producers Paper Tiger and Lazerbeak. Even the softer songs still manage to hit hard, Dessa's lyrics taking focus when the beats thin out. There's definitely an art-house element to it all, but it should go over well in a live setting with a crowd that's been down with Doomtree since their backpack glory days. MIKE RAMOS

(Centaur Guitar, 2833 NE Sandy) The parking lot of Centaur Guitar is once again undergoing its yearly transformation from ho-hum asphalt wasteland to stomping grounds for rockers of every creed. Featuring a stupefying number of bands, this year's Centaurpalooza spills over into neighboring bar Katie O'Brien's. None of this affects the price of admission: totally free. Genres be damned here; acts as diverse as the Satin Chaps, the Decliners, Big Foot Dick, Bitch School, and the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers all have a turn at the stage. It's unfortunate that the fest's dates coincide with those of PDX Pop Now! this year, but any port in a storm, right? RYAN J. PRADO

(Hawthorne Theatre, 1507 SE César E. Chávez) Peter Murphy—the Subaru Forester-driving Godfather of Goth—has pretty much beat his recent methamphetamine possession and DUI charges, stemming from a hit-and-run accident in Glendale, California, and is out on the road with his "Mr. Moonlight Tour." Don't expect any solo songs from the high-cheekboned King of Gloom—Murphy will perform 100 percent from the Bauhaus catalog. No other members of Bauhaus will perform with him, but expect rivers of mascara-soaked goth tears to flow anyway when Murphy croons the infamous 1979 hit "Bela Lugosi's Dead." KELLY O

(The Know, 2026 NE Alberta) You know that weathered, grizzled, greasy, long-haired rocker standing outside of the show smoking cigarettes and staring into space like he knows something you don't? If you handed that guy a microphone and a guitar, then scraped some band members out of the gutter for him, Lecherous Gaze would be the result. Equal parts punk and good ol' rock 'n' roll, Lecherous Gaze kicks it out like the Dead Boys and MC5. The guitar solos and bass lines scream Back in the USA, while the vocals sound like someone choking Stiv Bators. Basically, Lecherous Gaze plays old-fashioned rock 'n' roll that has a real bad attitude. ARIS WALES

(Crystal Ballroom, 1332 W Burnside) Rock historians love to talk about how Nirvana "rescued" us from the music drought of the '80s. Candlebox—and pretty much every other post-Nevermind group that self-identified as grunge—are proof that those people are stupid. The mainstream's acceptance of Nirvana and grunge merely blazed a trail for an abhorrent new species of rock to follow, one that proved far more regrettable and enduring than any offshoot it succeeded (see also: Creed). Nirvana didn't save rock 'n' roll. Their popularity merely persuaded hair metal bands who missed the party to revise their aesthetic. And Candlebox are the most offensive of the bunch; "You" remains one of the worst songs I've ever heard. In my entire life. Courtney didn't kill Kurt—bands like Candlebox did. MORGAN TROPER

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21 Jul 18:55

Joe Biden in GQ on Being President in 2016

by russiansledges

via Russian Sledges

Biden calls him Johnny, considers him a pal. John pulls me aside. "So," he asks, "is this what you expected of the vice president of the United States?" Guys in this unit used to guard Cheney. "Night and day," is all one will say of it. "Night and day."
21 Jul 18:55


21 Jul 18:52

nineprotons: vaishino: peptobismarck: amenamarth: gurl-u-cray...

Courtney shared this story from cabulous rhymes with "fabulous":
Excellent Indianapolis with the Fire Knee.













How to name your Pacific Rim Jaeger

Adventure LaGrange w/ a Plasma Knee

Sarcastic Daler (I grew up in Farmingdale but fuck calling it that, people from Farmingdale are Dalers)

Sprint Toe

Gratuitous Baltimore equipped with Blaster Esophagus wat

Greatest Windsor with Pummel Cheek

Blue Windsor with Rocket Toe

My jaeger is the Exclusive Richfield

my super weapon is April Knee

…not that exciting XD

Pretty San Juan

Super weapon would be Laser Ear.


Early Vegas, with the super weapon Sprint Knee.

I. Okay, this actually came out pretty well.

Horny Brisbane with the…Laser…Head


Rampant Dartmouth, armed with the Fire Hand.

Rampant Dartmouth would be a pretty good insult where I’m living now :p

Pretty Charlotte, armed with the Fire Foot.

Bisexual Girardeau with Blaster Leg.