Shared posts

21 Jul 18:33

Helen Mirren on why the first words she'd have taught her daughter would have been 'f*** off' | Mail Online

by gguillotte
If I’d had children and had a girl, the first words I would have taught her would have been “f*** off” because we weren’t brought up ever to say that to anyone, were we? ‘And it’s quite valuable to have the courage and the confidence to say, “No, f*** off, leave me alone, thank you very much.” 'You see, I couldn’t help saying “Thank you very much”, I just couldn’t help myself.’
21 Jul 18:32



sorry saucie
via Snorkmaiden

21 Jul 18:32

Magic: The Gathering director addresses player gender disparity | Polygon

by gguillotte

"without trying to stereotype gender," (insert gender stereotype)
aka the actual reason Magic is dominated by nerdbros

"That's a tough one. It is getting better, recently, in the last few years, I believe," Forsythe said. "There are more women playing. I think, in general, the way we have sold magic and what not, it is very competitive, it is a very competitive endeavour. And a lot of those halls are very testosterone fuelled — sitting around the table, beating the crap out each other for prizes — and without trying to stereotype gender, that is not necessarily something or an environment that women want to hang out in."
21 Jul 18:23

Edgar Wright says The World's End is like a drunken Doctor Who

by gguillotte

NGL, we could do worse than a Wright/Pegg/Winter-run Who

"Well, if you've ever watched Doctor Who and thought it would be funnier if the Doctor was really hammered, then this is the movie for you," Wright quipped about The World's End, which opens today in England and on August 23rd in North America. "So why don't we just re-title it Doctor Hooch?" In the video above, Wright and Pegg both talk about the Doctor-ish elements in their film.
21 Jul 18:22

2013 ENnie Awards Nominees | ENnie Awards

by gguillotte

I have a production credit in Wayfinder #8, so I am tangentially up for an ENnie? I think?

Best Free Product Battletech: A Time of War Quick-Start Rules/Shadowrun Quick-Start Rules (Catalyst Game Labs) EPOCH: Road Trip (Imaginary Empire) Fools Rush In (Privateer Press) Night in the Seyvoth Manor (Darklight Interactive) Wayfinder #8 (Paizo Fans United)
21 Jul 18:17


21 Jul 18:16

darrynek: ay she’s mine


no god only shiba


ay she’s mine

21 Jul 18:16


21 Jul 18:16


21 Jul 18:16


21 Jul 18:16




team movies

  • ratio of male heroes to female heroes in avengers: 5:1
  • ratio of male heroes to female heroes in guardians of the galaxy: 4:1

male-headlined movies

  • iron man
  • iron man 2
  • iron man 3
  • captain america
  • captain america 2: the winter soldier
  • thor
  • thor 2: the dark world
  • ant-man
  • the incredible hulk

female-headlined movies



21 Jul 18:16

phantomdoodler: QR code of the year


QR code of the year

21 Jul 18:16


21 Jul 18:07

LGBT gaming rights high on the agenda at GaymerX

by Colin Campbell

The fact that GaymerX exists at all is both an indictment of our collective barbarism — that such a thing is even required — and it is a source of comfort that gaming moves forward, albeit at a crawl.

The San Francisco event, which pitches itself as the "first LGBT gaming convention focused on queer geek culture," is set to take place Aug. 3-4, and is predicted to attract around 2,000 people.

Its organizer Matt Conn told Polygon that GaymerX is there to create a "safe space" for members of the LGBT gaming community. The event's Kickstarter raised $50,000, four times its target, suggesting significant demand for just such a place.

"It's not the fault of [E3 organizer] the ESA or PAX that the gaming community can be homophobic and a little ignorant of other communities," he said. "Our job is to get a safe space for people to get together and talk about the things they like to geek out about."


Conn said that many visitors to GaymerX are traveling long distances, from places that are not as tolerant of homosexuality as the City by the Bay. "I live in San Francisco so walking down the street and holding your boyfriend's hand is not that unusual. But we have people coming from China or the South, where even having a discussion about queer rights is a taboo thing. Talking about how we get more gay characters into games just never comes up. We can really dive deeper into these dialogs."

Salvador Mattos is managing editor of website, and a supporter of GaymerX. "If you go to something like EVO, there have been stories about violent language, homophobia and sexism that may not be intentional but makes people uncomfortable," he said. "It's a shame because at gaming events, all gamers should feel comfortable."

GaymerX represents the commonplace social segregation of LGBTs in the world and in gaming. But it's a necessary development. It's taken thirty-odd years for video games to seriously face issues about homophobia in online communities, and the lack of gay characters in games. But they are now being addressed at GaymerX.

Gay characters are appearing. Options to play in multiplayer games, as gay, are slowly emerging. It may even be argued that the social acceptability of homophobia (overt and casual) in gaming is diminishing, though not everywhere, not all the time and not particularly rapidly. In most places, most of the time, hate and fear is still the norm.

It's the right thing to do

Still, there are reasons to be optimistic, and GaymerX is one of them. Through forums like Twitter, people who previously had no voice, are able to speak, without entirely being shouted down by the haters. Kickstarter has brought a commercial power to organize. Media outlets are much more likely to cover LGBT issues than even five years ago.

The event has attracted plenty of speakers, both straight and LGBT, to talk about gay issues and also generic video game topics. They include developer Anna Anthropy, voice actors Ellen McLain (GLaDOS) and John Patrick Lowrie (Team Fortress 2), representatives from Electronic Arts and Riot Games and Dragon Age franchise lead writer David Gaider.

"It's the right thing to do," said Gaider. "We have a number of minorities who are our fans. It's very easy to get into the mindset where you only see the majority, the part of your audience that publishers are accustomed to seeing. But gaming has changed in the last few years and it's incumbent upon companies to embrace that and to recognize that these fans are playing their games and looking for the things that concern them and feeling like they are appreciated."

Feeling appreciated is one of the issues that will be addressed during GaymerX's panels. Single-player game campaign lead characters are still, overwhelmingly, straight white males, reflections of the tired self-idealization of gaming's traditional audience, as determined, mostly, by college-educated straight white males.

This is not merely an LGBT issue, it's also about the rights of women and of all minorities to be, literally, recognized as existing in some form other than foils, ciphers, decorations, rent-a-villains and sources of chucklesome relief.

Mattos (pictured below, in foreground) said that "representation" will be one of the key issues at the event. "We see the white, bald, grizzled space marine archetype again and again," he said. "The day when we can get playable characters who are gay or a woman or a person of color, that'll be a big deal."


"One of our goals is showing the gaming world that this segment of the audience exists," said Conn. "If we want to consider video games as art, we can't throw away the idea of talking about gender and sexuality, because that's part of the human experience.

"People say we never talked about these issues when we played Pac-man. Well, no shit, there's tens of thousands of lines of dialogue in games like Bioshock, so it's really important that we explore these things, and not avoid them because they are scary."

David Gaider will be speaking on at EA panel on why the company says it's important to bring more LGBT characters to games. In his own work, there have been options to explore gay romances. This, inevitably, has raised the ire of people who would prefer not be confronted in their leisure entertainments by any suggestion that homosexuality exists in the world.


"When to comes to our inclusion of LGBT players there are some people who react negatively," said Gaider. "I hear a lot from people that we are 'shoving this down their throats.' Here are these optional romances that you don't have to pursue. But the mere fact that they exist is 'oh my god you're throwing it at my face.'

"At some point it's down to the developers to say they [the critics] will just have to get over it. It's not impossible that you will encounter things in a game that you don't get to switch off. You don't get to turn off uncomfortable plot developments. It is a fact of life and it's something that these people will need to get used to."

Female gamers have had the same fight for legitimacy

For Conn, Mattos and Gaider it's clear that the issues being faced by the LGBT community are relevant to all minorities, and that discussion of one rolls into another. The lack of gay characters, or powerful females, or people of color in leading roles are all part of the same problem.

"Our main goal is to make sure we are serving the community that helped us get to this point, which is the queer gaming community," said Conn. "But if we can get to the point where we are something that is open to everybody that really tries to provide a safe space, where we can deal with misogyny and racism in the online gaming community and developing stronger narratives in single player games, that's great."

Based on pre-registrations, Conn expects the percentage of female attendants to be higher than at other gaming conventions. "Female gamers have had the same fight for legitimacy, to be taken seriously," he said.


From the inside of games publishing, Gaider understands how and why change is coming so slowly. He said that most people who make games are "intelligent, liberal, educated people," who likely want to do the right thing.

"They don't sit there saying 'I don't care about that stuff.' But it doesn't affect them personally, and they may say, 'what would I have to say about that, in a way that wouldn't seem inauthentic?' That's not a good reason to leave it alone. I think a lot of the pushback comes from what they assume their audience will or will not tolerate."

There's no ‘gay-friendly' switch in Unity or Unreal Engine. Addressing this change takes courage and skill. "It's a minefield to walk into. You can't just do X," said Gaider. "You can attempt to do it and do it badly, so a lot of developers don't want to think about it."

BioWare, which has included gay content in its Mass Effect and Dragon Age games, is no stranger to the difficulties this challenge represents. In January the company responded to calls to allow gay relationships in Star Wars: The Old Republic by creating a ‘gay planet' called Makeb as part of a paid DLC package (Gaider did not work on SW:TOR). This move courted debate between those that believed the company was at least trying to do the right thing, and those who said it was merely creating yet another segregated gay community. There were also those who objected to any kind of gay content in the Star Wars universe.

Despite the inherent perils, Gaider said that it takes a small amount of effort to include more gay characters or optional LGBT story-threads into games. "I think we can do better, and honestly we can do better without having to take extraordinary measures. The minimum bar for being inclusive does not take any great leaps, it does not ruin gaming or change the games in any revolutionary fashion," he said. "That's the frustrating part for a lot of people in the LGBT community. It is not that big a leap, so why do they deserve so little effort, like it's almost too much to ask?"

The indie scene has been quicker to produce gay-friendly work. My ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant by Luke Miller was promoted as a game for gay men. A character-trait in Rogue Legacy includes gayness though, interestingly, it has zero effect on the characters abilities.


Companies like BioWare and its parent EA are embracing LGBT communities, by attending pride rallies and hosting panels about gay rights. Why? Because it's the right thing to do, because they are being urged to by employees and fans, and crucially, because it's the smart business decision, Conn and Gaider say.

"They are looking to have as many people play their games as possible," said Conn. "They are taking a progressive stance and being as inclusive as possible because the more people who are playing their games, the more people will spend money on their products."


Gaider agrees. "When you get down to it, companies are looking for more sales and more fans. If you keep going after the same fans over and over again you're only going to get so far. To get [LGBT players] to come and play your game takes more than just the assumption that they will be there no matter you do."

I hope people don't throw soft ball questions

After so many years of being ignored by game-creators and maligned by hostile game players in online arenas, the LGBT gaming community is pressing for changes. GaymerX is an opportunity to present their case. Conn very much hopes that the games companies who are attending are ready for some tough questions.

"I hope they leave a lot of time for Q&A and I hope people don't throw soft ball questions," he said. "They are showing that they want to be part of the discussion.and when they make decisions that are not the best decisions, maybe they have the right idea in mind, but it's important that we hold them to the way we want to shape things moving forward."

Tickets for GaymerX are still on sale. Polygon will be reporting from the event.

21 Jul 18:04

Wasteland 2 delayed due to increased scope

by Thomas Schulenberg

success is failure

Wasteland 2 delayed A recent update to inXile Entertainment's Kickstarter page for Wasteland 2 revealed that the game's initial October release will instead mark the beginning of its beta testing. The delay stems from the game's Kickstarter gathering $2 million more than the requested funds.

"This feature complete playable is about 6 weeks behind where I had wanted it to be but I can't be too surprised considering the increased scope," the statement reads. "We have been able to accomplish so much in so little time by our experience, fantastic team and tools."

The next month will be spent implementing all basic gameplay mechanics, including the combat system, world map travel and AI functionality for all the characters you're inevitably going to slaughter in cold blood.

Interplay and inXile founder Brian Fargo co-designed the original Wasteland in 1988 and is leading development for Wasteland 2. Fallout 1 and 2 composer Mark Morgan, Wasteland co-creator Michael Stackpole, and Fallout co-creator Jason Anderson are all involved with Wasteland 2. Those who donated $55 or more to Wasteland 2's Kickstarter campaign will gain access to the barren, desolate wasteland in October.

JoystiqWasteland 2 delayed due to increased scope originally appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 13:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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21 Jul 18:03

IDW To Remaster 2000 AD's 'Rogue Trooper', Adapt Thompson's 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas' [SDCC]

by Andy Khouri

'Fear & Loathing is the latest in a number of literary adaptations from IDW, which have included Beowulf, Dracula, Oliver Twist as well as contemporary works like Peter S. Beagle’s The Last Unicorn and the Parker novels of Richard Stark.'

Following their successful collaboration with Judge Dredd, IDW Publishing and Rebellion/2000 AD announced at Comic-Con that they’ve selected Rogue Trooper as their next publishing initiative. IDW will not only produce a new Rogue Trooper series but also reissue the existing 2000 AD material in newly recolored editions.

IDW also announced that it had secured the comic book rights to Hunter S. Thompson’s classic work, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

Co-created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons in 1981, Rogue Trooper depicted a future world hopelessly polluted as the consequence of a crazy war. “Genetic Infantrymen” were created to cope with the new environmental conditions. These blue skinned warriors could survive in the impossibly toxic atmosphere, and their thoughts were recorded on implanted biochips so they could be reused in new bodies. The infantrymen were betrayed and their biochips corrupted in such a way that prevented downloading into new bodies, so those biochips that survived inhabit the titular Rogue Trooper’s gun, backpack and helmet. It’s pretty crazy. In addition to Gibbons, Steve Dillon, Colin Wilson, Cam Kennedy, Bret Ewins, and Chris Weston all worked on the series.

No creative team has been announced for the new Rogue Trooper, but IDW says the project will follow the model established by Duane Swierczynski and Nelson Daniel, and that the recolored edition of the original material will come courtesy of Dredd’s Adrian Salmon.

The new Rogue Trooper will launch in 2014.

Fear & Loathing is the latest in a number of literary adaptations from IDW, which have included Beowulf, Dracula, Oliver Twist as well as contemporary works like Peter S. Beagle’s The Last Unicorn and the Parker  novels of Richard Stark. 

IDW CEO Ted Adams expressed devotion to Thompson’s work: “I’ve read Thompson throughout my entire life, I’m very serious about doing this novel right.”

No creative team or release date has been announced, but given IDW’s past fidelity to artists, it seems likely that original Fear & Loathing illustrator Ralph Steadman’s work will be a part of the project in some way or another.

21 Jul 17:30

i do believe in commas. i do, i do.: I love defictionalized stuff


strongly (and long) suspected to be TV writer and mystery novelist Tom Straw:

i do believe in commas. i do, i do.: I love defictionalized stuff:


I have so much respect for ABC and the production team of Castle.

They could have just taken the easy way out, the expected way out, and never done anything with the fact that their main character is an author.

Instead, they actually published the fictional books that…

This sounds interesting, and implies a nice attention to detail. Yet my thought goes immediately to the writers they’ll have engaged to do this for them as “work for hire". I hope they’re being paid decently, and are enjoying their work… because there’s nothing more annoying than WFH work that pays crap and that you’re doing because you can’t afford not to.

21 Jul 17:23

@gguillotte: Meanwhile, in Portland -


don't rock
rock and you're dead

Meanwhile, in Portland -


by @gguillotte via

21 Jul 17:23

→ Apple Developer Center still down


Apple hates developers, transparency

We apologize that maintenance is taking longer than expected.

It’s now been almost three full days. I don’t know anything about their infrastructure, but for a web service to be down this long with so little communication, most “maintenance” or migration theories become very unlikely.

The most likely explanations:

  1. Severe data loss, with trouble restoring from backups. While this can happen to the best of us, I don’t think it’s very likely to have happened here. Also, three days is pretty long even for backup-restoring troubles.
  2. A security breach, followed by cleanup and increased defenses. The longer it goes, especially with no statements to the contrary, the more this becomes the most likely explanation.

Apple IDs have been working normally, so if it was a security breach, it’s more likely specific to one of the roles of the Developer Center: forums (boring), beta downloads (boring), developer identity (creepy but maybe profitable), or device provisioning and certificates (potentially very profitable). If a root certificate somewhere was compromised, this could mean having to immediately generate new certificates for development, or more pressingly, push notifications or iCloud.

Either way, if you’re an iOS or Mac App Store developer, I’d suggest leaving some free time in the schedule this week until we know what happened to the Developer Center.

∞ Permalink

21 Jul 17:22

in this forum


via multitasksuicide

Today on Married To The Sea: in this forum

FIVE NEW COLORS! See Blitz, Cannibal, Dusted, Plip and Weird Girl at Super Black Lacquers, the nail polish line by Natalie Dee.
21 Jul 17:20 - Pathfinder Campaign Setting: General Discussion: Is The Pathfinder Setting Ethically Problematic?

by gguillotte

fuck my hobbies

Sean K Reynolds, Designer, RPG Superstar Judge: "Would it be less racist if the Africa-analogue continent, instead of showing demon apes for your character to fight, showed "black guys" for your character to fight?"
21 Jul 17:19

@gguillotte: Meanwhile, in Portland -


GIF clickthrough

Meanwhile, in Portland -


by @gguillotte via

21 Jul 17:19

@gguillotte: Meanwhile, in Portland -


GIF clickthrough

Meanwhile, in Portland -


by @gguillotte via

21 Jul 17:18

Meet Allan Hill, the man who lives In Detroit’s abandoned Packard Auto Plant


via Russian Sledges

 photo hill.jpg

Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of Detroit "ruin porn" is it inherently ignores the very real people who still live in the city. Now there's a convergence — the amazing story of Allan Hill, the man who legally lives inside the city's abandoned Packard Auto Plant.

What's most surprising about this moving mini-documentary is Hill's "quality of life" doesn't look as terrible as you'd imagine, nor does his reasoning for choosing to stay in the largest abandoned factory in the world seem so unsound.

The whole creation is a huge gut-check to our biases. Yes, the Packard Plant is so giant and empty and strange they shoot Michael Bay movies there. And, occasionally, kids push a dump truck out a window.

Yet, Hill has power, Internet access, a welding setup, and a small kitchen. He even maintains a webcam. The owner apparently gave him his blessing so long as Hill works as a custodian of the property.

HILL from thismustbetheplace on Vimeo.

21 Jul 17:17

The Armour-Stiner House (A.K.A. the “Octagon House") in winter,...

The Armour-Stiner House (A.K.A. the “Octagon House") in winter, Irvington, Westchester County, NY.

21 Jul 17:14

Patent Illustration Déjà Vu

by John Gruber

via Overbey

The amazing coincidences continue to pile up this week.

21 Jul 17:07

erikpreston: #owl #sdcc #comiccon

by laurabuu

via Vjuliao
owl beat


#owl #sdcc #comiccon

21 Jul 17:05

Only at comic-con (at San Diego Convention Center)


via Tadeu

Only at comic-con (at San Diego Convention Center)

21 Jul 17:05

Frozach Submitted


via Tadeu
debunked; the mat pictured does not turn colors when wet.

21 Jul 17:01

Metrodeck playing cards


via Elena Bulygina

Inspired by landmarks across New York City's five boroughs, Metrodeck Playing Cards are printed on..(Read...)