Shared posts

13 Dec 08:37

McDonalds Selling 50 Chicken Nuggets For $9.99 Is America At Its Finest

by KFC
It also might be the downfall of America, but whatever.
24 Jan 09:59

Sad But True Facts About Each State

by Zeon Santos

We all have embarrassing secrets we'd rather keep hidden in the dark recesses of our memories, but when you're a state in a union obsessed with gossip it can be hard to hide your dirty laundry.

Facts like how backwards your state is about sex toys, how many people openly masturbate in public, and how homosexuality is seen as a detriment to your driving ability can make a state look mighty bad.

When these sad facts are exposed a state's cheeks are liable to turn beet red, and those embarrassed states might even try to slink away to become part of Canada, where only hosers are judged, eh.

Check out the rest of these sad but true state facts here  (Please note that some of these facts are neither sad nor true)

17 Jan 12:10

10 of the worst betrayals in human history (10 Photos)

by Bob
17 Jan 11:42

There's a Site That Allows You to Anonymously Ship Your Enemies the Most Vile Substance Known to Man: Glitter

glitter,revenge,prank,Video,g rated,win

Passive agressives rejoice!

A new service called "" launched (and crashed) this week, offering to enact revenge for you by sending packets of glitter and a note to anyone you dislike.

The company says their hatred of glitter (i.e the "herpes of the craft world") is what inspired them to start the service, because it's nearly impossible to clean up.

Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich all know what we're talking about.

It costs $9.99 Australian dollars (or about $8.15 in the United States), and anyone who wants to use the service just fills out a short form with the contact info for whomever they want to glitter bomb.

They will then "vomit up a tonne of glitter" and send it to your arch nemesis.

"There's someone in your life right now who you fucking hate," they write on the site. "Whether it be your shitty neighbour, a family member or that b*tch Amy down the road who thinks it's cool to invite you to High Tea but not provide any weed." was bombarded this week with requests after Monday's launch, and it says that purchases are temporarily suspended as a result.

Slate interviewed the founder, a 22-year-old internet marketer from Australia named Mathew Carpenter, who says the response was overwhelming.

"Over 2,000 of the world's brightest people have spent money on this service," he said. "It's good for business, but bad for society."

Submitted by: (via Ship Your Enemies Glitter)

Tagged: glitter , revenge , prank , Video , g rated , win
15 Jan 14:15

It's Got a Skull on it Because it's Poison

a vodka and tequila mix

Submitted by: (via Texas Dood 84)

15 Jan 08:08

A Local Used Car Dealership Is Getting A Taste of Internet Frontier Justice After Hassling A Pizza Delivery Man

by elpresidente
  The internet can be a cruel mistress. One second you’re hassling the pizza delivery man and the next second the entire internet is attacking you and posting horrific reviews on yelp.    That’s the world we live in nowadays.  Always got to keep your head on a swivel.  To be honest I don’t think [...]
15 Jan 07:47

The Best New Dating App

14 Jan 15:02

What People Say and What They REALLY Mean

by Alex Santoso

Lies girlfriends tell each other and what they really mean

Read my lips: what people say and what they really mean are usually two different things. Thankfully, writer Mikael Wulff and artist Anders Morgenthaler who teamed up to publish a series of "Truth Facts" cartoons under the name Wumo (previously on Neatorama), has got the translations:

Visit Wumo's website Kind of Normal for more of this kind of lovely shenanigans!

13 Jan 17:22

“Slap Her": Children's Reactions

by Miss Cellania

I wonder what Avioli would do?

(YouTube link)

A media group in Italy recruited a few young boys for a video project, but the real purpose of the video was not explained to them beforehand. Watch as they take direction up to a point. When the director asks them to slap a girl, all bets are off. The result is a thought-provoking PSA about domestic violence.  -via Brother Bill

13 Jan 10:20

A few secret fast food menu items you can get if you play your cards right (19 Photos)

by Bob
05 Jan 13:34

Facebook is often unpredictable, but almost always entertaining (28 Photos)

by Bob
24 Dec 10:11

George Carlin

24 Dec 10:09

When What to My Wondering Eyes Should Appear...

14 Dec 11:32


by Lisa Marcus

YouTube Link

Thomas Sanders walks around town inventing stories about the people he sees going about their lives. Sometimes the main characters are a little freaked out by his interpretations, and I can see why. Their reactions are more amusing than the actual stories. -Via Laughing Squid

08 Dec 08:11

Guys acting like girls on Instagram…perfect (25 Photos)

by Bob
08 Dec 04:27

This Is A Perfect Roundhouse Kick To The Face

by Rohan Nadkarni

This has been going around the interwebs for a little while, and we're not sure who the original source is, but it's still pretty fascinating to watch. Poor guy is out cold.


06 Dec 10:58

Would you buy this koala off of Craigslist? (3 Photos)

by Ben

This hands one of the funniest posts I've ever read.

06 Dec 10:44

Kid poppin’ and lockin’ like a regular prodigy (Video)

by Ben

I wonder if Squirrel is as good as this kid.

30 Nov 09:53

Little Girl Watches Russian Cartoon Dubbed With Actual Porn

by Mark Shrayber on Jezebel, shared by Rohan Nadkarni to Deadspin

Happy Thanksgiving! Here is a Russian cartoon that was inexplicably dubbed with Sasha Grey's moans. And here is a horrified child watching it. Welcome to Russia! Please enjoy your stay.


19 Nov 15:46

When you look up ‘class-act’ in the dictionary, an image of Tom Hanks should appear (23 Photos)

by Bob

Because it's true!

04 Nov 14:20

Shark Skin Gloves Bite Into Your Hands So You Can't Take Them Off

by John Farrier

As the proverb says, necessity is the mother of invention. Hence Sruli Recht's invention: gloves that you can't take off. The interior consists of the unlined skin of the Icelandic basking shark. The gills of these sharks are covered with thousands of small but sharp spikes which pick up plankton for the shark to eat.

Sticking your hands into these gloves is like shoving them down the maw of a shark because your hands will get stuck in them. The spikes face inward, so once you put them on, you can't take them off without ripping off your own flesh.

Obviously, they would make a great Christmas gift.

-via Toxel

23 Oct 15:24

A Complete List of What Every U.S. President Drank

by John Farrier

(Photo via Kate Shapiro)

If you're the President, you may feel the weight of the nation and the world on your shoulders. But that doesn't mean that you can't pour yourself a tasty alcoholic beverage and rest a bit.

Most Presidents of the United States drank alcohol. What drinks did they like? In his book Mint Juleps and with Teddy Roosevelt: A Complete History of Presidential Drinking, Mark Will-Weber describes what Presidents have knocked back. He wrote a summary for the New York Post. Here are a few selections:

George Washington
Washington sold whiskey (made near Mount Vernon), but he probably rarely, if ever, drank it. The formula was about 60% rye, 3% corn and a very meager amount of malted barley. As for his favorite drink — he loved dark porter (laced with molasses) that was made in Philadelphia. […]

Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson’s huge wine purchases helped bring him to the brink of financial ruin. […]

Andrew Jackson
When he wasn’t fighting Indians or the British, the Hero of New Orleans made and sold whiskey. He offered and drank whiskey as a matter of social routine when guests visited him. […]

Chester A. Arthur
When a representative of the Temperance movement tried to pressure Arthur into a no-liquor policy in the White House, he thundered: “Madam, I may be the president of the United States, but what I do with my private life is my own damned business!” […]

Grover Cleveland
Grover mostly drank beer, and lots of it. He and a fellow politician once took a vow to hold themselves to four beers a day. When they found this too arduous a task, they simply switched to larger beer steins. […]

Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy liked Mint Juleps and used them to entice his cabinet to come play tennis with him at the White House. He used fresh mint from the White House garden:

10 to 12 fresh mint leaves “muddled” with a splash of water and a sugar cube
2 or 3 oz. of rye whiskey
¼ oz. of brandy
Sprig or two of fresh mint as a garnish […]

Warren G. Harding
Even though Harding was president during Prohibition — and it was unlawful to transport liquor — he habitually stashed a bottle of whiskey in his golf bag and thought nothing of taking a pop before he teed up. (He rarely broke 100, so that might explain it.)

Calvin Coolidge
“Silent Cal” drank very little, but he was very fond of Tokay wine. The Coolidge Cooler was concocted by Vermont Spirits on Cal’s birthday:

1.5 oz. of Vermont White vodka
½ oz. of American whiskey
2 oz. of orange juice
Club soda

-via Ace of Spades HQ

23 Oct 13:51

Something to Keep in Mind During the Ebola Scare

Something to Keep in Mind During the Ebola Scare

Submitted by: (via wonderella)

23 Oct 02:37

Nah, Don't Be Ray Rice For Halloween

by Barry Petchesky

Nah, Don't Be Ray Rice For Halloween

I get it; it's cheap and easy. You get an old jersey, some pads, a blow-up doll, and bam: you're the public face of domestic violence. But maybe the recognition you'll inspire isn't worth it? Just a thought.


23 Oct 01:34

I’ve never seen such clever ways to protest (24 photos)

by Sebastian
23 Oct 01:13

14 conversations that he started but she ended (14 pics)

by Sebastian
21 Oct 20:13

Presenting the Internet’s Booty Hall of Fame! (43 Photos)

by Dougy

Freaking Hottt!

21 Oct 20:11

Nope. Just Nope.

21 Oct 14:22

The Cam'ron Ebola Mask Is the Perfect Way to Be Safe and Fashionable

by Zach Frydenlund

Id rather contract Ebola than put that shit on my face

The masks will reportedly be available next week.
20 Oct 23:54

Turtle Twerks in the Shower

by John Farrier

(Video Link)

The relaxing water puts this turtle in the mood to dance. Laugh if you like. But we all do this in the shower, right? Just remember that no one wants to see a video of that scene.

-via Tastefully Offensive