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11 Jun 19:29


26 Jun 10:12

Numeric Nightmare

by John

Numeric Nightmare

This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever made
04 Jun 14:50

Tech FTW 140

by (
Tech FTW 140
تقديم: يوسف النفجان | عبدالله الثاني | خالد السديري | محمد أبو الحسن طاهر

نناقش أهم أخبار مؤتمر آبل في WWDC 2014، من أهم الميزات الجديدة لتحديثي OS X Yosimite للماك و iOS 8 للآيفون والآيباد، إلى ميزات Continuitiy التي تربط بين أجهزة آبل بشكل غير مسبوق. أيضا نناقش آخر الساعات الذكية، والرسائل الغريبة التي تصل لجوالات السعوديين، والمزيد!

  • اضغط هنا لمتابعتنا ومراجعتنا على آيتونز أو اضغط هنا لمتابعتنا عن طريق أي برنامج يدعم خلاصات الـRSS



18 May 06:05

'Game of Thrones' author George R.R. Martin explains why he writes on a DOS machine

by Cassandra Khaw

The fact that George R.R. Martin writes the mammoth Game of Thrones novels on a DOS machine is no secret but it is still delightful to hear him explain why. The beloved fantasy author said on Conan that he enjoys the simplicity of WordStar 4.0 and dislikes modern autocorrect and spellcheckers. "If I wanted a capital, I would have typed a capital. I know how to work the shift key," he exclaims to the laughter of a sympathetic audience. Martin's no-nonsense setup might sound archaic but it is complemented by a second computer that he uses for email and web browsing. He's also not the first to attempt to keep it simple. Many have tried to make $1,000 computers perform similarly with minimalist text editors. However, few have expressed their reasoning as eloquently as Martin has.

04 May 21:59

Nintendo bundling Wii U with two games and an extra controller for $330 on May 30th

by Ben Gilbert

You don't have a Wii U yet, right? You're forgiven, and far from unique (in that respect, anyway -- you're a unique snowflake otherwise). Should the eighth entry in the Mario Kart series pique your interest, Nintendo's got a pretty fantastic bundle arriving at the end of May with a copy of the game, an extra Wii Remote Plus gamepad, and a free download of one of four games. All that stuff comes together in one box for $329.99 -- a pretty great deal considering the Wii U system in the box costs $300 by itself!

Head below for a new trailer for Mario Kart 8, as well as more on why Nintendo would offer a brand new game for free alongside its console.

The price isn't a measure of Nintendo trying to save you dough, but one of a company struggling to make its game console relevant against growing competition from Sony and Microsoft. The PlayStation 4's sales are already outpacing the Wii U, at 7 million consoles compared to Nintendo's 5.86 million (as of Dec. 31 2013); Xbox One isn't far behind at 5 million.

With major third-party publishers like EA and Ubisoft largely abandoning the Wii U, Nintendo's leaning on first-party software to sell the system. And that's where this Spring's Mario Kart 8 comes in, the latest entry in a series going back to the Super Nintendo era. Like Microsoft offering Titanfall bundled in with Xbox One, Nintendo is bundling a major, exclusive release with its console, and taking a hit on profits from game sales in favor of putting more Wii Us in more living rooms. The hope is, in the long run, more consoles in homes means more game / accessory sales (which is where the real money is for Nintendo).

The company also announced this week that it's going to (once again) skip holding a press conference at E3, instead opting to host a Nintendo Direct video stream.

Filed under: Gaming, Software, HD, Nintendo


04 May 21:55

You can now use Chromecast to share your Google Drive Presentation

by Edgar Alvarez

Google's inexpensive dongle can do a lot of things. Whether it be streaming music or a variety of video programming, the Chromecast is capable of handling it all -- and don't forget live TV is coming soon, too. But while having these entertainment options is nice, sometimes you have to be, you know, productive. Thankfully, it looks like you can start using the $35 dongle to send some of your work to a separate screen near you.

As spotted by Android Police, Google has quietly added an option within Drive that lets you push your Presentation to Chromecast. We looked into it ourselves and can confirm that said feature is indeed there, via the "Present on another device" menu. Technically, you could already do something similar by simply casting the entire browser, but this gives you an alternative that's actually optimized for Presentations. And don't be surprised by the fact there hasn't been a formal announcement, since Google's been known to do things unexpectedly from time to time. Either way, you can give it a try now -- just be sure to have the Cast extension installed, as you'll need that in order for this to work.

Filed under: Internet, Google


Source: Android Police

25 Jan 13:35

Reshared post from Roberta Zannoni:

30 Oct 21:54

Improved Keyboard

I'm always installing tons of weird experimental keyboards because it serves as a good reminder that nothing I was going to type was really worth the trouble.
31 Jul 18:29

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

by Alex Wain

If you’re an actor on set with hundreds of production staff scattering around constantly being yelled direction and with the added the pressure of deadlines and expectations of nailing that first take, it’s no wonder it can get a little overwhelming and stressful at times. That’s why even some of the biggest names break character and blow off some steam. Sometimes you make so many mistakes or things go do badly wrong that you just have to laugh at the absudiry of the situation.Even Hollywood with all its millions needs a bit of respite from it all.

In these rarely seen photos take on the set of some of the most popular films over the past few decades, thats exactly what happens.

No matter how focused you are, how serious the scene – occasionally you can’t help but get a case of the giggles.


12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes


12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Game Of Thrones

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Pulp Fiction

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

James Bond: Skyfall

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Les Miserables

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

The Godfather

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Leon: The Professional

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

The Royal Tenenbaums

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Fight Club

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

The Dark Knight Rises

12 Rare Photos Of Actors Laughing Between Scenes

Via Redditor Join_You_In_The_Sun