Shared posts

08 Apr 13:45


by Mr. Orange


07 Apr 22:53

Dragon Ball Attack Photo Meme Is Taking Over Japan

by Amy Ratcliffe



A super fun meme is happening all over Japan right now: teens are sharing photos of themselves performing an attack from Dragon Ball. The Kamehameha attack is an offensive attack that involves sending out energy waves and pushing people away.

Some photos feature just a couple of kids doing it, but the groups are getting larger and larger. It could spread like the Harlem Shake to all corners of the web in no time.

Check out more pics after the break.

dragon ball z

dragon ball z 2

dragon ball z 4

dragon ball z 5

dragon ball z 6

dragon ball z 7

(via Kotaku)

07 Apr 19:32




06 Apr 22:25

These Retro Game Cartridge Pillows Are The Perfect Couch Accessory

by Nicole Wakelin



These retro game cartridge pillows are the perfect accessory for your living room. Each measures 14″ x 12″ x 3.5″ and is sold as a set. You’ll get one Lava Jump and one Unicorn’s Revenge. As an added bonus, you don’t need to blow into them to make them work and they’re way more snuggly than the plastic versions.

See more pictures after the break…




Product Page ($34.99)

06 Apr 22:24

How Disney’s “Gargoyles” Might Look With a Modern Update

by Nicole Wakelin


The Disney cartoon series Gargoyles was hugely popular when it aired back in the 90′s but it definitely has a dated look to it now. Although no one has said anything about giving the series a modern reboot, DeviantArtist DigitalTofu has created these gorgeous portraits of what the gargoyles might look like today. They’re grittier and darker than the original and they’d make for a reboot I’d love to see.

See more pictures after the break…








(via blastr)

06 Apr 09:26

LEGO Castle Grayskull

by Josh

David Frank (AKA Fraslund) has created an outstanding LEGO rendition of that classic toy, Castle Grayskull, from the 80s television show, Masters of the Universe. David’s version is drop-dead gorgeous. He was able to perfectly capture the iconic gate and drawbridge, as well as the lesser known details around the sides and rear. David definitely has the power!


Check out the rest of the pictures. They are definitely worth it.

05 Apr 20:44

stuff done lately

picture for presspaws

Mercenary Kings screenshots

guest animation for Anamanaguchi

seems like not many people use livejournal anymore so remember to check instead, bye
05 Apr 15:55

LucasArts is Dead: Let's Remember The Good Times

by Chris Person


I don't get wistful that often when it comes to gaming news. Companies come and go, but LucasArts was something special. It's time to remember that.


05 Apr 15:53

RPG en un archivo de Excel

by Amorin Uzuki


Hay muchos formatos de juegos de rol, desde los videojuegos a los de tablero, pasando por los “de libro”. Pero lo de meter un RPG en un archivo de Excel es una variante especialmente original. Cary Walkin, contable y un gran experto en la aplicación de Microsoft (que sin duda es mi favorita del paquete de Office), se ha currado el archivo que os podéis descargar en el enlace que os dejamos al final, y que ocupa poco más de 1 MB, en el que hay miles de enemigos y objetos, cuatro finales distintos, más de 30 magias y mucho más. Hay que echarle un poco (bastante) de imaginación al asunto, pero está claro que la propuesta es algo totalmente diferente.

Descargar archivo: Arena.Xlsm

Vía: GamesAjare

05 Apr 15:52

A Pinkie Pie Plush Big Enough To Ride

by Nicole Wakelin

Súper Pony!


This is the Pinkie Pie to beat all other Pinkie Pies. It’s a custom made plush that measures 55 inches tall and took four 8-10 hour days to complete. DeviantArtist MagnaStorm, who made this beauty, says you can’t actually ride her because she doesn’t have an interior metal frame. Although this one isn’t for sale, she will take orders for giant plushes starting at $1000 plus another $300 to have it delivered to your door.

See more pictures after the break…

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(via Neatorama)

05 Apr 15:52

Woody, Link And Assorted Action Figures Killing Time At a Train Station

by Nicole Wakelin

La parada más molona.


No one likes hanging out and waiting for a train, but these guys are managing to have some fun while they wait. It was all part of Japanese toy line Tomy Tec’s effort to make their newly released train station benches a little more interesting. Yes, it’s about the benches, not the figures, but that makes these shots no less entertaining.

See more pictures after the break…

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(Hobby Search Blog via Kotaku)

05 Apr 15:48

A Stop Motion Animation Tribute To Ms. Pac-Man and Donkey Kong [Video]

by Amy Ratcliffe

Stop motion post-its

Michael Birken has serious passion for Ms. Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. He spent weekends and nights for the past 11 months creating a stop motion animation tribute to his favorite game out of Post-It Notes. He doesn’t mention how many paper cuts he managed to give himself, but it had to be a few. Birken says:

The recordings were printed out, one frame at a time, and transferred by hand to various walls around my office floor using thousands of Post-It Notes. The process consumed weekends and holidays for the past 11 months. Changing background scenery was masked out and replaced with 1 consistent frame throughout the animation, producing an eerie stillness amid the moving images on the walls.

It’s crazy impressive.

Watch the video after the break.

(via Kotaku)

05 Apr 15:44

Destroy Cities With This LEGO Mass Effect Reaper

by Amy Ratcliffe

Muerte y destrucción!

mass effect reaper lego 1

Are you ready to destroy pretend cities? Then you need a Reaper from Mass Effect. This Lego model is much safer than the real thing. The Destroyer class Reaper was designed by ImagineBrickZone and features posable legs, a pivoting head, and a movable face plate. You wouldn’t want to get in its way.

See more images of this awesome build after the break.

mass effect reaper lego 2

mass effect reaper lego 3

mass effect reaper lego 4

mass effect reaper lego 5

(The Omega Nerd via OW)

05 Apr 15:40

Dreamcast bags and 16-bit gear The 16-bit and Dreamcast tops,...

by ericisawesome

La almohada y la maletica :D

Dreamcast bags and 16-bit gear

The 16-bit and Dreamcast tops, along with the oversized Dreamcast backpack (omg at that amazing mural), are headed to Japan from Segakawaii later this month. They’re priced at ¥4,725 ($49) each and ¥13,860 ($144) respectively.

The belt and luggage are both available at the Japanese Sega Store for ¥8,400 ($87) and ¥22,050 ($229) — hat tip to La Repisa Nintendo for posting those. As much as I love all of this, these prices are crazybutts.

BUY: Sega Dreamcast games and hardware, Dreamcast Collection
05 Apr 15:38

Mike Doyle builds massive city of Odan from 200,000 Lego bricks [Interview]

by Nannan

Mike Doyle spent over 600 hours to create this majestic fantasy cityscape called Odan. The creation depicts the peaceful contact of extraterrestrials with a race of highly spiritual humans. The diorama measures 5′ high by 6′ wide, but more impressive is its consistent quality in every corner as is characteristic of Mike’s focus on detail. We interviewed Mike about his work, which you’ll find below.

CONTACT 1: Millennial Celebration of the Eternal Choir at K'al Yne, Odan

The Brothers Brick: How did you determine the visual style of this creation, since it lies half-way between fantasy and science fiction?

Mike Doyle: The visual style evolved over time along with the theme. At first, the intent was to do a piece that was of a medieval society on a spiritually awake planet. It was to be sort of LotR with meditation and the spiritual arts. I was looking at castles for inspiration at that time. You can see the first part of development in the earlier Flickr shots of this.

After creating the Sanctuary Gate (Issis Elb’ien) at the top of the falls, I realized the style of this structure was more appropriate and interesting. It has a bit of an eastern feel or Angkor Wat look. This felt more spiritual to me. So, I went back in and pushed the detail further on the things that I had created and worked to bring in some Asian influences. I also began looking at Mesoamerican structures for inspiration which I later integrated in the piece. Additionally, the theme went from a medieval culture to a space faring one which changed the look a bit.

TBB: What drew you to this style?

MD: This piece corresponds to a new point in my life where spirituality is of high concern to me. I have begun meditating and am working on astral travel. As well have been researching many phenomena that have been reported in the ancient Vedic, Vedic Sanskrit, near death experiences and more. Funny enough, this led me to research ufos which goes hand in hand to all these concepts of spirituality. Inspiration for this came from Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure movement and CE5 (close encounters of the fifth kind) protocols for vectoring ETs to his teams’ location. The ufo research transformed the piece from a medieval culture to a spiritually and technically advanced one but still remaining squarely in the spiritual realm. So, I began integrating landing pods (made from metallic Bionical shields. I loved the look of these as they appear like floating lily pads or something organic.

Because the city is an ancient one, I had wanted the main city structure to look somewhat cobbled together as if it had evolved over time. There is little symmetry to it beyond local additions. The style also progresses a bit from the more direct interpretation of castle look on the bottom, to more unusual as you go up.

CONTACT 1: The Millennial Celebration of the Eternal Choir at K'al Yne, Odan

TBB: How did you plan this massive build? How does the finished product compare to what you initially imagined?

MD: There was not much planning at all beyond looking at some castle artwork. I knew I wanted a castle on a hill and an older city that would work its way up the hills. The process is an organic and intuitive one. I build for a few hours and then stare at it for a while and begin to see what should come next. It is not a totally smooth process. There are areas in the landscape where I pulled up everything and started over. I really only knew I wanted it microscale and very large. I approach each session with prayer as well which seems to help put me in a positive state of flow. I try not to think too much when I build but rather let things happen. I think planning is more like hiking up a mountain. I know basically where I want to go and simply follow a path one step at a time. I don’t know ahead of time the particulars of the trail and try to keep focused on the moment. Generally, like hiking, the path is revealed to me at each twist and turn. Eventually, I find myself at the top of the mountain. Also, if I’m honest with myself, I really stink at planning. Inevitably the process is more a natural one for me to achieve.

As far as comparison to my original vision. It is bigger than what I had originally thought it would be – that is for sure. Also, I didn’t expect it to take a technological twist. Beyond that, I didn’t have a clear picture in the beginning so it’s about what I had hoped it would be.

TBB: What was the most challenging aspect of this project?

MD: I think patience can be difficult. I had expected this only to take 3 or 4 months, but ended up being double that. Also, simply funding this is really tough. I never seem to have enough pieces or enough of the right ones. This and waiting for the orders to come in can be frustrating.

TBB: You did a Kickstarter for this creation once before, that didn’t succeed. What are you doing differently this time on your new Kickstarter project?

MD: Well, I think a few things. Firstly, I have a finished work this time around. This much better capture people’s imagination and interest, I think. In the first attempt, the piece was perhaps only 20% complete and much less impressive. This time around I’m also offering more interesting rewards. For instance, I have five buildings from the model that I have replicated for DIY kits. These kits range anywhere from 220 pieces to around 3000 pieces and include a small fine art print as well as a history of the building in context. Finally, I lowered the funding goal to a more achievable level.

Sanctuary Gate: Issis Elb'ienDawn's Light Residential Tower

TBB: What will you do with Odan now that it is finished?

MD: The piece itself is in the process of being disassembled for use in future mocs – again, it’s a money thing. As for the series, I changed the original theme from “Odan” based to “Contact” based. The Contact series is designed to promote the beauty of all intelligent life forms as extensions of our family – children under the same creative force. This broadens the whole experience to far more subject matter. I am thinking that my next work will be a representation of expanded consciousness – which will be more abstract in nature. Other pieces could range from tender ET moments – like mothers caring for their young – to contact events to other fictional pieces as Odan was. The story might include a beautiful old Dutch style image of spiritual fruits which some near death experiencers have seen in other worlds. Or perhaps future mocs will simply cover other exotic ET locals. I hope to be interviewing contactees to see what worlds they have seen in their expanded consciousness.

Seer's Meditation Tower

TBB: We noticed that your upcoming publication called Beautiful LEGO features Odan on its cover, can you tell us more about what’s in the book?

MD: The book is a celebration of all the beautiful work I see on the web. It includes work form about 80 designers and has around 380 different pictures of mocs. The book has been treated like a fine art book – which I think is new to LEGO themed books. Pages will have usually 1 or 2 images with a good deal of white space and a simple credit on the bottom. The idea is to elevate building to more of an art level. While many of these mocsmight be familiar to the readers, I have retouched most the pieces – color balanceing and adding complementary backgrounds to freshen the pieces up. To me, many of the mocs seem new simply because the presentation is so much better.