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30 Jun 21:28

PT Birth 01k


Lo comparto sólo por aberrar. No sé cómo he llegado a esto.

PT Birth 01k

28 Jun 09:19


by Mr. Orange

Está claro xDDDD


Un E3 sin un teaser de Fallout, es un E3 perdido
28 Jun 06:11

The Xbox One Is Getting A Delightful-Looking Indie Game

by Chris Person

Jujuju :D

Here’s the trailer for Below, the upcoming Xbox One game by Capybara Games, creators of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP and Super Time Force. As per usual with Capy, it looks charming and artsy as all get out.



28 Jun 06:09

Llevando el tetris a otro nivel



28 Jun 02:54

Famous Scifi And Fantasy Authors In Their Workspaces

by Vincze Miklós

Mu chuli!

Famous Scifi And Fantasy Authors In Their Workspaces

It can be a revelation to see an author in the place where he or she invented your favorite fantasy worlds. Out of these humble machines and cluttered studies come alternate realities.



28 Jun 02:47

Handmade Fallout Monopoly Board Game

by Link

Ya se compartió no, pero otra vez más no duele! :D

Looks like someone put a lot of hard work into this.

Auction Here

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28 Jun 02:45

'Elysium', tráiler final y cartel definitivo

by Mikel Zorrilla

La vemos?

Imagen con el cartel de la película 'Elysium'

El cine ha puesto tantas veces en peligro, convertido en inhabitable o aniquilado nuestro planeta que me empiezo a plantear si no es un milagro que la Tierra aún esté plenamente operativa. Este próximo verano serán varios los blockbusters que jueguen con esa premisa, pero tengo bastante claro que el que espero con más ganas es ‘Elysium‘ (id, 2013), la nueva película de Neill Blomkamp de la que ahora podemos ver su espectacular último tráiler y su cartel final.

Siempre agradeceré que una gran superproducción apueste por una historia original —aunque con muchos referentes— como la de ‘Elysium’, pero no les quedaba otra tras el notable éxito alcanzado por Blomkamp con ‘District 9‘ (id, 2009), su primer largometraje. En ‘Elysium’ nos llevará al año 2154, donde la mayoría de la humanidad vive hacinada en la inmundicia en nuestro planeta mientras los más poderosos disfrutan de toda clase de lujos en una estación espacial y sólo un hombre tendrá el suficiente valor —y necesidad— para intentar conseguir que eso cambie.

Tengo que reconocer que el primer avance no me volvió todo lo loco que esperaba, pero eso ha cambiado con el extenso tráiler que acabamos de ver. Otro de los puntos a favor de ‘Elysium’ es su llamativo reparto, en el cual encontramos, entre otros, a Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley —actor fetiche de Blomkamp—, William Fichtner, Wagner Moura, Diego Luna y Alice Braga. ‘Elysium’ se estrenará en España el próximo 16 de agosto, justo una semana después de su llegada a los cines de Estados Unidos.

Vía | Joblo

28 Jun 02:41

Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Gets His Own ’80s Training Montage [Video]

by Geek Girl Diva


jon snow

I love the internet. Why? Because the internet allows me to see things like this 80′s style Jon Snow training montage.

I have only two things I’d change.

1) Leave out the non-GoT footage because there’s enough of that to make this work.

2) Use You’re The Best by Joe Esposito and do homage to The Karate Kid.

Or Eye of The Tiger.

Get on it Internet!

Check it out after break.

(via Laughing Squid)


28 Jun 02:30

Yes, Those Are Super Mario Levels On Top Of Animal Skulls

by Amy Ratcliffe

Mira tú!

mario levels skulls 1

Is there an animal skull level of Super Mario Bros? After seeing this trippy art, I’m convinced there needs to be. Artist Tobias Wüstefeld had some animal skulls lying around and decided to sculpt itty bitty Goombas, Koopas, and more to make a level from Super Mario Bros on top of the skulls. It’s surrealistic and wacky, and I’d love to add these to one of my bookshelves.

If you’re near Berlin, you can see these as part of the 8 Bit Art Show in September.

See more of this otherworldly design after the break.

mario levels skulls 2

mario levels skulls 3

mario levels skulls 5

mario levels skulls 6

mario levels skulls 4

(Behance via OW)


22 Jun 09:01

Visit The Dungeons Of Hyrule On An Audio Adventure

by (Matthew Green)

Un poco de classic.

The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the GoddessesEveryone loves to remix and adapt the famous overworld theme from The Legend of Zelda, but the franchise has its share of memorable dungeon themes that deserve their own share of attention.  Nintendo has released a video from the traveling The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses concert series in which the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at the Hammersmith Apollo, London performs a medley of beloved dungeon songs from across the franchise.  It's just what you need on this Friday.  Be sure to pick up the boss key on your way to the inner sanctum or else you'll just have to backtrack.

21 Jun 19:44

The Ultimate Adventure Time Bedroom

by Amy Ratcliffe

Ideas, sólo ideas.

adventure time room 1

Mighty Oaks, Little Acorns is ambitious. With two weeks left to go in her pregnancy, she decided to redecorate her boys’ bedroom in fantastic Adventure Time style. She wanted to include all the characters possible so she drew them and had them printed at Staples. I think she got the entire cast in on the fun! All she did to stick them to the wall was use Simply Tacky so they can come right down without too much fuss.

The bright bright bedding that provides the finishing touch is from Ikea, and I love all the tiny plush toys around the room. I’m floored by the amount of Adventure Time merchandise available!

More photos of the room after the break.

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adventure time room 2

adventure time room 4

adventure time room 5

(Mighty Oaks, Little Acorns via Reddit)


20 Jun 20:12

Huge LEGO “Wizard of Oz” Diorama With Working Tornado [Video]

by Nicole Wakelin

Ala, ala, locurón!

Screen Shot 2013-06-19 at 6.11.31 PM

This 10ft long Wizard of Oz diorama was on display last weekend at Brickworld 2013 in Chicago. It featured all the movie’s biggest scenes and included a working tornado! The piece was constructed by a team of 12 builders from VirtuaLUG who assembled separate sections of the diorama and then brought them together at the Brickworld where they won the Collaborative Display award.

There’s an incredible attention to detail with black-and-white scenes from Kansas, a Yellow Brick Road with ultra-violet lighted poppy fields, and a motorized tornado complete with flying witches and Dorothy’s little house.

See more pictures and video of the tornado after the break…



(MOCpages via Lego Gizmodo)


20 Jun 20:06

TowerFall Was The Most Fun I Had At E3

by Chris Person


I have this problem having what humans call "fun" at E3.



20 Jun 19:51

See Assassin’s Creed IV's Improved Stealth, Naval Combat in New Trailer

by Evan Narcisse

Es el primer Assassin's Creed que me está poniendo MUY PALOTE.

Maybe you’re on the fence about Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and its whole pirate-centric motif. Well, you should let this latest clip reveal one crucial gameplay element to you: pirates were basically partying all the time. And lead character Edward Kenway can just sit down and have a drink with his fellow salty dogs when they’re chilling on the beach.



18 Jun 06:15

60,000 People Waiting For Green Day? Better Sing Bohemian Rhapsody



Submitted by: Celsius

17 Jun 20:37



Tiene.... el poder!

17 Jun 20:33

Bark Kent: Man’s Best Friend Man of Steel, arguably the...



Bark Kent: Man’s Best Friend

Man of Steel, arguably the biggest action movie of the summer dropped this weekend and MWD wanted to pay homage to America’s favorite hero the only way we know how. With menswear! Here’s our nod to our favorite take on the character, Christopher Reeve’s version of Supes and his surprisingly dapper alter ego, Clark Kent.

The debate rages on with whether or not newcomer Henry Cavill lives up to the hype, but I think we’ll always prefer the oldschool version, red undies and all.

Fedora: Stefano (From Pork Pie Hatters NYC)  |  Glasses: Vintage Frames (Warby Parker alternative)

17 Jun 20:32

A Monster Hunter Game More People Might Actually Play

by Luke Plunkett


A Monster Hunter Game More People Might Actually Play

Look, I know there's this underground movement trying to get Monster Hunter going in the West, but most people - myself included - just aren't feeling it. Mostly that's down to the combat and reliance on party multiplayer, but I'm starting to wonder if the game's looks don't have something to do with it.



17 Jun 18:04

When Gaming Gets Too Heavy, Nippon Ichi Brings The Happy

by Mike Fahey


As I wade through the dark and depressing world of The Last of Us, I slowly fill with a sort of gloomy despair — a despair that can only be countered by anime frivolity and quick-time eating, courtesy of Nippon Ichi's The Witch and The Hundred Knights for the PlayStation 3.


16 Jun 15:01

DuckTales Has Changed. Here's How.

by Patricia Hernandez


For many, DuckTales is a beloved game—and I imagine that the mere idea of messing with it isn't an appealing one. But after a chat at E3 with Matt Bozon, dreative director at WayForward, and Austin Ivansmith, director, it seems that many of the changes in the remastered version of DuckTales are things that fans can look forward to.



15 Jun 10:35

LEGO approves Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover CUUSOO project [News]

by Andrew


Stephen Pakbaz‘s MSL Curiosity Rover project on LEGO CUUSOO hit 10,000 supporters 10 months ago, but today LEGO is announcing that Curiosity will become the next new LEGO set through the CUUSOO program.

LEGO CUUSOO Curiosity Rover

(This is Stephen’s project photo. I expect the final product may be slightly different. We’ll share the official product photos when we get them.)

Here’s the official announcement:

Results of the Fall 2012 LEGO® Review

We’re excited to share the results of the Fall LEGO® Review. In September, three LEGO CUUSOO projects entered the second quarterly review period for projects that successfully reach 10,000 supporters. These three projects — the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover, UCS Sandcrawler™, and Thinking with Portals!™ — have been being considered for production by the LEGO Review Board.

21104 Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover – pending final name confirmation

It is with great pleasure we reveal that the next LEGO CUUSOO set will be the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover, based upon the LEGO CUUSOO project by Perijove.

This project rose to popularity in late summer 2012, when the real Mars Curiosity Rover approached and landed on the planet Mars in its historic mission. The model designer, LEGO CUUSOO user Perijove is a Mechanical Engineer who worked on the actual Curiosity rover at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Perijove writes that he built and submitted the rover to further the educational outreach of the Mars Curiosity rover’s incredible mission, and to encourage greater public support for space exploration.

The final product is still in development. Exact pricing and availability is still being determined, so stay tuned for an update on when you can buy your own Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover in the coming months.

Tim Courtney shares the news in this video:

Personally, I couldn’t be more excited. This is easily my favorite LEGO CUUSOO project from the past 18 months, and is one of the best projects that reflects the spirit of CUUSOO. I know many of you out there will be disappointed that the Star Wars and Portal projects weren’t approved, but I hope you can join me in giving Stephen Pakbaz some well-deserved congratulations!

Update: Caylin and Chris are there at BrickWorld, and Caylin got this shot of the model they used to make the announcement there in Chicago:


It looks essentially identical to the one Stephen used for the project itself, so that’s a good sign, though I also expect that it’s still going through the redesign project with LEGO.

15 Jun 10:30

Get Lucky de Daft Punk a través de los años


Pues get lucky!

Get Lucky de Daft Punk a través de los años

15 Jun 10:23

FEZ 2 y Hotline Miami 2 anunciados durante el E3

by (retroManiac)


Las secuelas en la escena independiente no son muy usuales, pero parece que durante este reciente E3 dos de los juegos más conocidos tendrán segundas partes, aunque por el momento los detalles brillan por su ausencia claro. En primer lugar apareció el primer vídeo teaser de FEZ II, y que excepto porque confirma que Polytron está trabajando con Disasterpeace, no desvela mucho más. Eso sí, gran ambientación musical:


Por otro lado, Hotline Miami 2 tuvo una presentación algo más atípica, jugando con los mensajes en la cuenta oficial de twitter en la que informaba que "en algún lugar en las afueras del E3" estaban mostrando el juego a algunos afortunados. Un anuncio muy confuso que ha contado con el beneplácito de algunas revistas online del sector como Joystiq y el inicio de una acción en internet por crear vídeos (muy chorras por cierto) con Vine. Tan sólo una captura aparentemente real del juego ha trascendido, y lo cierto es que parece que poco ha cambiado con respecto a la primera entrega:

@humble probando el juego. Imagen: Twitter

Las fotos dejaban entrever que la presentación se estaba realizando en una especie de caravana, como así parece tras nueva confirmación de los chicos de Joystiq. ¿La alternativa a una feria eminentemente pensada para la industria como el E3? Lo cierto es que la polémica no se ha hecho esperar con respecto a la decisión de producir dos secuelas por parte de dos de los diseñadores que precisamente más han renegado de las típicas maniobras comerciales de las grandes productoras.
14 Jun 06:43

The Greatest Science Fiction-Themed Bars and Restaurants on Earth

by Vincze Miklós

Click para más foticos chulas!.

The Greatest Science Fiction-Themed Bars and Restaurants on Earth

You may never get to drink at the Cantina — but you can still visit some real-life watering holes that celebrate your favorite stories. We've already shown you science-fictional bars we'd like to visit and people whose homes are based on spaceships, but here are real joints that boast a TARDIS, AT-ATs or the Martian landscape.



13 Jun 19:55




12 Jun 14:06

Cómo prestar un juego usado de PlayStation 4

by Amorin Uzuki

Esto ha sido muy épico tras el jaleo de que no se podía comprar segunda mano en la nueva generación

Los de Sony son unos trolls de cuidado, pero no le voy a negar que tienen bastante sentido del humor, y han aprovechado para zurrarle a XBOX One por donde ésta les ha dejado (o sea, por todos los lados), y de paso han aprovechado para colar cosas como un online de pago, pues para jugar a través de Internet PS4 requerirá una cuenta PSN y suscripción a PS Plus. Tenía que llegar…

11 Jun 21:09

Híbridos Xenomórficos



Híbridos Xenomórficos

11 Jun 20:50

There’s a Sexy Body Pillow For Every Fandom

by Nicole Wakelin

¿Hay surtido o no hay surtido? xDDD


You wouldn’t think it, but there appears to be a body pillow for every fandom. Superman? Check. Loki? Check? Bruce Banner, Deadpool, Biblo? We’ve got your covered. Technically, it’s the body pillows that have you covered so take a look and you’re sure to find the one that’s perfect for you to snuggle up to at night.

See more body pillows designs after the break…
















Product Page (Prices Vary via BuzzFeed)


11 Jun 20:01

New HD Remastered Scenes From Final Fantasy X/X-2 Are Always Welcome

by Mike Fahey

Loh peloh como ehcarpiah tras ver el FFX de nuevo ^^. El X-2 no xD.

Final Fantasy X was not my first Final Fantasy, nor is it my favorite by a long shot, but it was the Final Fantasy that gave the characters voices, so it'll always be strange and wonderful to me, especially in HD.



11 Jun 19:45

Massive Lego model of the Normandy SR2 from Mass Effect

by Nannan

Al ladito de mi X-Wing. :D

Ben Caukins spent the past 7 months constructing the Normandy SR2 from Mass Effect, proving yet again that he’s not afraid to build large curved ships. The ship measures almost 4 feet long with a wingspan of 19 inches. It will be displayed at Brickworld this weekend in Chicago. You can check out work-in-progress pictures on Flickr.

Normandy SR2

Normandy SR2