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11 Oct 16:35

Shootout at the Goodreads Corral

by Chrysostom
A couple of weeks ago, Goodreads — a massive social networking and cataloging site for books, readers and authors — announced a change in its moderation policy. From now on, the site's administrators would be deleting "reviews that were created primarily to talk about author behavior."

The impetus for all this is a raging feud between relatively small groups of reviewers and authors. (Goodreads has about 20 million members, although only a fraction of that number actively uses the site.) That conflict, mostly carried out far from the public eye, rose to a little prominence over the summer when Lauren Pippa (aka Lauren Howard), a self-published author about to release her first book, challenged a Goodreads member who had given her book a two-star rating.

[previously: Amazon buys Goodreads]
11 Oct 11:43

Forever 21 markets t-shirt with Ayn Rand quote

by Maggie Serota
Forever 21 markets t-shirt with Ayn Rand quote

For the low price of $11.80, you can save people the trouble of having a conversation with you in order to find out that you’re a blowhard.

Time Newsfeed sums up the inherent ridiculousness of marketing a writer who espoused the virtues of selfishness to a largely college-aged demographic:

The quote refers to Rand’s capitalist-based theory of objectivism — that the moral purpose of life is rational self interest — a concept we highly doubt is taught in high school classrooms or discussed among teen lunchroom conversations. And it’s not much of a theory to stand by for an age group that still financially relies on their parents.

Of course, the quote is less representative of Rand’s overall worldview and more of the kind of bland, inspirational fodder you’d find in the signature of your office manager’s email or paired with stock photography hanging in a conference room.

No matter where you are on the political spectrum, you have to enjoy the irony of a company whose owners demonstrated their faith by putting bible quotes on their shopping bags–selling a product with an inspirational quote from someone who categorically rejected faith and religion in favor of her own creative interpretation of reason.

h/t Time/image via PolicyMic

11 Oct 11:42

Taking pictures of your food makes you enjoy it less, says science

by Jordan Freiman
Taking pictures of your food makes you enjoy it less, says science

In what was possibly the most important scientific study conducted in the last decade, it has been determined that taking pictures of your food actually makes you enjoy it less. See? It turns out that all your friends who kept complaining as you carefully arranged your plate to get the lighting just right for that picture you just absolutely had to post on Instagram were actually just looking out for you.

It appears that just imagining your enjoyment of something can lead to feelings of being satiated without consuming the food. So, when you’re done taking that picture, you’ll still be hungry–but you won’t actually enjoy eating the food nearly as much as you would have had you just started eating. You know, like a normal person. So there you go. Science says to stop taking pictures of your food. It’s for your own good.

The study does point out that it only works if you’re looking at or taking pictures of similar types of foods that you plan to eat. So in theory, you could take all the pictures of desserts you wanted and still be able to go to town on that hamburger. If you’re taking pictures of food you aren’t even eating though, seriously, stop it. You have a serious problem and you should probably seek help.

h/t Atlantic

11 Oct 11:41

Rapper Tribe One writes the ultimate hip-hop ode to comic books

by R SS
Rapper Tribe One writes the ultimate hip-hop ode to comic books

For most people, Wu-Tang mainstay Ghostface Killah (a.k.a. “Ironman”) is the rapper most often associated with comic book fandom. But if this video, by rising nerdcore star Tribe One, is any indication, he’s got pretty serious competition.

Taking his cue from Blackalicious’s tongue-twisting “Alphabet Aerobics” track from 1999′s A2G EP, Tribe One tears his way through a hefty stack of Marvel comics in perfect alphabetical cadence. Along the way, the Atlanta-based rapper hits all the obvious X-Men/Women/Factor/Force touchstones, as well as some of Marvel’s lesser-known properties (When’s the last time Ghostface name-checked Rom, the Space Knight?)

Hip-hop and comic books. A perfect combo. Now, when’s the DC follow-up?

11 Oct 10:43

religious nudity

by tiki bot
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religious nudity originally appeared on My[confined]Space NSFW on October 10, 2013.

10 Oct 22:22


10 Oct 18:53

7 Moronic Things People Have Said About A Possible Wonder Woman Movie (Now With Bonus Rage)

by Kaye Toal

We can cast Ben Affleck as Batman, but we can't even MAKE a Wonder Woman movie? WHAT IS GOING ON.

1. "She's a bad role model."


I'm not going to act like Wondy's original origin story — you know, the awkward sexist "good woman" secretary bondage one of 1940 — is anything to write home to Gloria Steinem about, but, uhm, it's been like 70 years since that was a thing.

2. "People want to see an action-packed superhero movie."

Oh, my bad, I didn't realize shovel-jawed manhunks had the market cornered on action.

Oh, wait. They don't.

3. "She's just not as much of a badass."

Is this even worth addressing? Do you even pay attention? Are you aware of what greatness you speak?

4. "Wonder Woman doesn't sell as well as Batman, Superman, or Green Lantern."

You know what? You've got me there. Her individual books don't, and that's too bad. She's consistently been in the top 50 (and higher!) titles since her introduction, though — and Justice League is consistently a best-seller. But that's weird ... I wonder why female-led books don't appear to sell as well.


Oh. Right. Rampant objectification and inexplicably flexible spines. That's why.

Can you imagine if men were constantly presented as women are? Imagine no longer! Artists have done that for you.

5. "Wonder Woman just isn't that iconic."

Shhh. Shhhhhh. It's time to stop speaking.

6. "Is Wonder Woman even that interesting as a character?"

Diana Prince comes from an all-woman island, or is the daughter of Zeus, or is the daughter of two women, or is basically a goddess herself, depending on the origin story you'd decide on. Also, she's (probably) bisexual:

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

7. "MISANDRY. Wonder Woman's an Amazon! She hates men! She doesn't even HAVE a dad in one of her bazillion origin stories! IT'S NOT FAIR."


That misandry sure is some systematically oppressive nonsense, isn't it? I mean DAMN. At one point this summer you couldn't even see a movie led by a woman, but one Wonder Woman movie to Superman's 10 and Batman's 15 is going to establish a terrible oppressive matriarchy and end the world.*

*Also, Wonder Woman does not hate men, and neither do feminists.

So I think that's settled, then. Let's get Joss Whedon to direct it and Gina Torres to star in it. Done and done; good job, team!

Next time someone tries to pull any of these on you, remind them:

An Upworthy original. Comic book panels all collected by the curator over time; panels from various DC Comics and Marvel Comics books. Remember to support your favorite titles so they'll keep gettin' made! You can buy the most recent issues of Wonder Woman's current arc here, and don't forget that Marvel has a ton of amazing titles too (like the all-ladies X-Men arc.)

If you know the creator of any of the gifs, please let us know so we can attribute appropriately!

My favorite Wonder Woman artist (and comic book artist in general) is Cliff Chiang. He drew the cover used in the thumbnail and the first three panels in this list, and he is amazing. Please go give him all the love and support his work so he continues to draw all the books. Thank you.

10 Oct 18:44

Los Coches Topes por @juangorostidi

Los Coches Topes

por @juangorostidi

10 Oct 18:44


10 Oct 18:42

Día Mundial do Orgullo Maleni

by Disquecool

AmelieO 19 de outubro de 2001 chegou a España Amélie, a película de Jean-Paul Jeneut que tanto dano fixo (non é que teñamos unha memoria prodixiosa, é que usamos o IMDB). Amélie é a culpable de moitas cousas: dende os cortes de pelo estraños, ata á normalización dos costumes realmente WTF (agora a ninguén lle parece tan mal roubar fotos nun fotomatón para facer un álbum de recortes), pasando pola reconversión de París de cidade culta e intelectual a pequeno paraíso da cor de rosa. Pero Amélie non é só culpable de todo iso: tamén está detrás de boom das malenis. Ou iso é o que anunciou hai xa uns anos a pensadora contemporánea Raquel Gratis Total, que foi a primeira en acuñar un nome científico para esas rapazas que levan vestidos de flores, zapatos de puntas redondas e comen cupcakes mentres len cousas vintage. E por iso, por esa orixe, decidimos converter o 19 de outubro no Día Mundial do Orgullo Maleni.

Seguramente vos preguntaredes cales son as razóns polas que o mundo (un mundo cheo de días do orgullo de algo) precisa unha xornada de exaltación das malenis. Se sodes desa xente que non comprende esa intoxicación na que estamos sumidos en glaseado, flores e taciñas vitorianas de porcelana fina, posiblemente estaredes a poucos segundos de coller o portátil/o tablet/o smartphone e tiralo con furia contra o chan berrando a vosa indignación. E por xente como vós polo que é preciso un día de exaltación do cupcake, dos zapatos maryjane e das cores pastel? Non, claro, aínda que vos invitamos a ser tolerantes. Porque as malenis son unhas incomprendidas e cada vez están peor vistas. Para chamar á solidariedade, reivindicar o dereito a ser maleni se che peta, aproveitar para comer algúns doces e ter unha escusa para mercar algunha cousa ñoña que non te atrevías a adquirir, para todo iso, creamos o Día Mundial do Orgullo Maleni.

Cartelería maleni

Cartelería maleni

Que podes facer ese día? O 19 de outubro é un sábado, así que tes todo o día para adicalo á exaltación maleni.

O primeiro é, por suposto, comer un cupcake. Invitámosvos a comer un cupcake en público, para desafiar todos os prexuízos que poidan existir sobre o malenismo. Podedes ir a algún lugar representativo e con toques malenis a unha hora concreta para darlle máis peso a acción. En Santiago, por exemplo, nada con máis potencial de ídolo maleni que as Dúas Marías. Deixade nos comentarios lugares e horas.

O segundo punto segue polo da comida. Aproveitemos que é o Día Mundial do Orgullo Maleni para comer todos e cantos máis doces podamos. Poñede en Google “pasteis maleni” e atoparedes moita inspiración. Podedes mercalos ou podedes (e isto sería o sublime do malenismo) facelos.

O terceiro é, claro está, incorporar algo maleni á vestimenta do día. Todo toque maleni será benvido, dende os zapatos ata o cabelo.

O cuarto é o de facer algo vintage. Que gusta máis no mundo maleni que un cupcake? Algo retro. Pensade en algo vintage que vos convenza  e entregádevos a iso con entusiamo. Pode ser dende ir a falar ao Café Derby sobre literatura (podedes falar de Nancy Mitford, que debería ser a autora de cabeceira maleni) ata parar na sombreirería da rúa do Vilar e mercar un deses sombreiros tan retro (si, son unhas recomendacións moi santiaguesas, pero podedes facer unha ruta retro á medida en calquera outro lugar).

O quinto é o de coller un bo libro maleni e adicar o sábado á súa lectura.

E por suposto compartir todo en redes sociais usando o hashtag #orgullomaleni.

Fotos | Amélie,  lamantin

10 Oct 09:37

red scarf and rainbow socks

by tiki bot

Hahaha! Pero que curriña! :3

red scarf and rainbow socks (7).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (20).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (17).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (14).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (16).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (1).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (4).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (15).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (18).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (6).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (11).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (5).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (8).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (13).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (10).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (12).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (3).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (9).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (2).jpg red scarf and rainbow socks (19).jpg

red scarf and rainbow socks originally appeared on My[confined]Space NSFW on October 10, 2013.

10 Oct 09:36


10 Oct 08:49

Codex Seraphinianus

This book is further out than far out. It's an illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, created by the Italian artist, architect and industrial designer Luigi Serafini. It's around 360 pages long (depending on edition) and written in a completely unintelligible alphabet. The book is comprised of copious hand-drawn colored-pencil illustrations, of bizarre and fantastical flora, fauna, anatomies, fashions, and foods. It's a fervent, phantasmagorical, feast of fantasy. ∆
09 Oct 21:30

15 Cruelest Author-To-Author Insults

by Cody Delistraty

Writers are too polite these days. They seem to be trying to channel a prim-and-proper Henry James character or reflect with a Joyce-level seriousness before they act. I, for one, miss the glory days. The days of author-to-author zingers that their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are no doubt still shaking their heads about to this day. The days where Flaubert would call George Sand, “a great cow full of ink” or Gore Vidal would refer to Truman Capote as “a full-fledged housewife from Kansas.” Everyone has an opinion. It’s just that authors are particularly well-equipped to provide theirs.

Recently, Harold Bloom got a jab in on J.K. Rowling, rhetorically asking, “How to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? Why, very quickly, to begin with, and perhaps also to make an end. Why read it? Presumably, if you cannot be persuaded to read anything better, Rowling will have to do.” Now, that’s not too cool (who hates on J.K.?). But what it does show is that unnecessary, cruel literary criticism isn’t yet dead. I couldn’t imagine authors one day deciding to become nice people. They’re much too entertaining.

1. Ernest Hemingway on William Faulkner

“Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?”

2. Elizabeth Bishop on J.D. Salinger

“I hated [Catcher in the Rye]. It took me days to go through it, gingerly, a page at a time, and blushing with embarrassment for him every ridiculous sentence of the way. How can they let him do it?”

3. Truman Capote on Jack Kerouac

“That’s not writing, that’s typing.”

4. Lord Byron on John Keats

“Here are Johnny Keats’ piss-a-bed poetry, and three novels by God knows whom… No more Keats, I entreat: flay him alive; if some of you don’t I must skin him myself: there is no bearing the driveling idiotism of the Mankin.”

5. Vladimir Nabokov on Joseph Conrad

“I cannot abide Conrad’s souvenir shop style and bottled ships and shell necklaces of romanticist clichés.”

6. Ralph Waldo Emerson on Jane Austen

“Miss Austen’s novels… seem to me vulgar in tone, sterile in artistic invention, imprisoned in the wretched conventions of English society, without genius, wit, or knowledge of the world. Never was life so pinched and narrow. The one problem in the mind of the writer… is marriageableness.”

7. Mark Twain on Jane Austen

“I haven’t any right to criticize books, and I don’t do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can’t conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice, I want to dig her up and hit her over the skull with her own shin-bone.”

8. Oscar Wilde on Alexander Pope

“There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope.”

9. W. H. Auden on Robert Browning

“I don’t think Robert Browning was very good in bed. His wife probably didn’t care for him very much. He snored and had fantasies about twelve-year-old girls.”

10. Martin Amis on Miguel Cervantes

“Reading Don Quixote can be compared to an indefinite visit from your most impossible senior relative, with all his pranks, dirty habits, unstoppable reminiscences, and terrible cronies. When the experience is over, and the old boy checks out at last, you will shed tears all right; not tears of relief or regret but tears of pride. You made it, despite all that Don Quixote could do.”

11. D.H. Lawrence on Herman Melville (1923)

“Nobody can be more clownish, more clumsy and sententiously in bad taste, than Herman Melville, even in a great book like Moby Dick… One wearies of the grand serieux. There’s something false about it. And that’s Melville. Oh dear, when the solemn ass brays! brays! brays!”

12. Ayn Rand on C.S. Lewis

“The lousy bastard who is a pickpocket of concepts, not a thief, which is too big a word for him…This monstrosity is not opposed to science — oh no! — not to pure science, only to applied science, only to anything that improves man’s life on earth!”

13. Henry James on Edgar Allan Poe

“An enthusiasm for Poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive stage of reflection.”

14. Samuel Butler on Goethe

“I have been reading a translation of Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister. Is it good? To me it seems perhaps the very worst book I ever read. No Englishman could have written such a book. I cannot remember a single good page or idea… I am glad I have never taken the trouble to learn German.”

15. Virginia Woolf to James Joyce

“I dislike Ulysses more and more — that is, I think it more and more unimportant; and don’t even trouble conscientiously to make out its meanings. Thank God, I need not write about it.” TC mark


09 Oct 21:16

"Contra o acordo con Mauritania, houbo máis votos de Portugal que de España"

by Miguel Pardo

A maioría de eurodeputados españois abstívose ou votou a favor do protocolo que expulsa a frota galega do caladoiro. A referencia de prensa en español da UE obvia os prexuízos para Galicia e as recomendacións da Comisión de Pesca que si aparecen en portugués ou inglés.

09 Oct 20:02

Watch The Roots and Miley Cyrus Do an A Cappella Version of "We Can't Stop"

by Elise Czajkowski

Jimmy Fallon e The Roots poden facer que me mole calquera canción. :_

by Elise Czajkowski

Miley Cyrus was the only guest on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night, and once again The Roots demonstrated that they're the most gifted musicians in late night, if not all of television. This a cappella rendition of "We Can't Stop", which features the band as well as Miley and Jimmy in a Brady Bunch-style split screen, is simple but undeniably charming. Though for my money, it'll never rival their cover of the Sesame Street theme.

09 Oct 09:56

Foto del día: FEMEN toma el Congreso de los Diputados

by Fogardo
FEMEN toma el Congreso de los Diputados

Las sextremistas protestan en topless contra la prohibición del aborto.

09 Oct 09:55

Rendimos un tributo porno a las Pussy Riot

by Pinjed
Rendimos un tributo porno a las Pussy Riot

Ha pasado ya un año y medio desde el escándalo de las Pussy Riot —el inicio de su vergonzoso proceso judicial— y los medios, como suele suceder, parecen haberse olvidados de que dos de las tres integrantes siguen todavía entre rejas. El otro día nos enteramos de que hace un par de semanas Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (la del pasado remotamente relacionado con el porno) ha iniciado una huelga de hambre para denunciar las condiciones penitenciarias y está hospitalizada. Pongamos el foco de nuevo sobre ellas de la forma que mejor sabemos: con una orgía fenomenal.

09 Oct 09:52


by half_past_seven
09 Oct 08:35

Chatting with Petra Collins About Her Menstruating-Vagina Shirt

by Patrick McGuire

Here is the most controversial menstrual-blood-themed T-shirt of all time, by Petra Collins. Image via American Apparel.

My friend Petra Collins—who has done all sorts of wonderful photography work for VICE, along with the all-female art collective she founded and curates, the Ardorous—caused an entertaining storm of controversy this week. Petra designed a T-shirt for American Apparel with a simplistic line drawing depicting a masturbating, menstruating woman with pubic hair. All sorts of people who can’t handle female sexuality have called the shirt “vile,” “disgusting,” “gross,” and “icky,” while adding “ew wtf” for good measure. Petra’s $32 T-shirt has been written up by the Daily Mail, the Huffington Post, Time, and a whole bunch of other blogs and media outlets who are trying to “figure out” the controversy.

In order to have a rational and intelligent conversation about a drawing on a T-shirt that is making a bunch of crazy people upset, I gave Petra a call on Skype last night and we talked it out.

VICE: What do you think of the media storm you’ve started?
Petra Collins:
It’s really awesome. I’m not surprised. It’s exactly what I wanted because it totally proves my point…

And what is your point?
That we’re so shocked and appalled at something that’s such a natural state—and it’s funny that out of all the images everywhere, all of the sexually violent images, or disgustingly derogatory images, this is something that’s so, so shocking apparently. The graphic on my shirt is a line drawing, too. It’s not even a full-on image.

Yeah. In Grand Theft Auto V, I can chase an elderly person down the street and shoot them 60 times with an assault rifle. I could literally do that for hours if I wanted to. No one cares. And yet your T-shirt shirt is the worst thing ever.
Yeah. The worst thing ever.

How did you react when the headlines started rolling in?
If you want to know my literal reaction, I was laughing really hard. I called my sister and we were both just like, “Oh my God.” Deep down it really saddens me, but it’s also awesome that I’ve just trolled the mainstream media.

I did a very short interview for City TV—they took a two-second sound clip and I don’t even remember what I said—that they edited with peoples’ reactions on the street saying, “Oh that’s disgusting,” and stuff like that. Except for one dude who thought it was awesome.

I just saw an American Apparel ad on the City TV website.
[Laughs] The headline they used was, “Does this T-Shirt Graphic Go Too Far?” Talking to these news anchors is the best. The woman was talking to me in her news anchor voice and trying to avoid saying “vagina” and I would say, “Oh, the masturbation, vagina, and pubic-hair tee?” She had trouble saying it back to me. Vagina is such a scandalous word.

It’s kind of good and it’s kind of bad. The conversation that this shirt creates cannot fit on television. It can’t fit on television because there’s not enough time—and it would just never make it to air. So they cover it in this way where it’s like, “Whoa! Has this T-Shirt Gone Too Far?” What does that mean? What if it did go too far? What then? Burn all the T-shirts?
[Laughs] And the fact that it’s a drawing, too. Getting down to the basics of it. It’s literally a line drawing. So simple.

Who actually drew it?
My friend Alice Lancaster [Alice is also a member of the Ardorous]. She was obviously laughing so hard, too. We went back and forth about what we wanted—I told her I wanted a girl masturbating from a certain angle. She kept saying, “This is hard. I’m going to have to take a selfie and draw it.” She was like, “Can you take a selfie?”

Is that how she ended up drawing it?
I don’t know what happened, but we had a lot of trouble. It’s hard to get a selfie that’s accurate for drawing.

A lot of work went into this bloody-vagina line drawing.
Yeah, it was really hard! She actually gave me three drawings, and so I took those three drawings and made them into one, then watercolored the blood on.

Do you wear the shirt in public?
Yeah, of course.

Was American Apparel instantly into the shirt when you showed them the drawing?
Yeah! There were no questions about it, which was really cool.

Did they react at all?
We had to figure out how to place the graphic on the t-shirt but other than that they were just like, “Cool, thanks.” That was basically it.

That’s a great contrast to all of this controversy.
I’m getting some crazy Instagram comments, too.

Why don’t you read me some of the most awful things people have said?
OK! Most of the people who follow me know what they’re in for. They’re cool and normal. But this one girl went off: “What the fuck? Why the fuck would anyone wear a bleeding, gaping vagina and asshole on their chest? [For] hipster points? Thanks, American Apparel once again.”

I’m always scared of people reporting me on Instagram because I don’t want to lose my profile so I have to block a lot of these people. Oh here’s a good one: “Next to actually seeing a girl shit, this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. The woman is the most remarkable creation on the planet, but some lady things they go through… I’m not trying to see on a T-shirt. This is just mind-blowingly disgusting. This shirt on any beautiful body will instantly be a deal breaker, I’m sorry! But any publicity is good publicity right?”

Why do you think people get so grossed out by bodily functions that they take it too far and start oppressing people?
Menstruation—and also pubic hair—really freaks people out. There’s pubic hair in the drawing, which I guess is super shocking to people, even though I cannot get over that. I feel like I’m so sheltered in a way. I always forget that people are so close-minded.

Grown women are taught to repress their postpubescent body or hide it. When you start puberty and you start growing hair you’re taught to shave it, because no one’s supposed to see it. With your period, it’s something that you conceal—no one’s supposed to know. It’s almost pedophilic—and I don’t want to throw that word around. But this feminine ideology we have, of the woman being a prepubescent girl, is how we’re taught to change our bodies.

I guess your T-shirt is the perfect visual symbol to combat that attitude, isn’t it?
Yeah. I was really inspired by… you know those really gross novelty shirts that make it look like you have boobs? I just wanted to reappropriate that and create a feminist, more aesthetically true drawing on one of those T-shirts that everyone can have.

Cool. I found it weird that people were mad about the pubic-hair thing as well. I didn’t even consider it controversial, like, oh, people are mad about that too?
I was really lucky and I got to guest-lecture in Allyson Mitchell's first-year feminism course at York University [Petra is 20 years old]. I was showing my work, and I have those images I took that are really—I feel like you’ve seen them—they’re just of my underwear with a multi-image filter and there’s pubic hair coming out.

I didn’t even think that my pubic hair would shock people but the class literally went into an uproar. I had so many girls being like, “This is disgusting, why do you have to show that?” It was really interesting to me that it shocked and disgusted people so much to see that.

Petra's artsy pubic hair. Image via The Ardorous

That is interesting. Clearly, you’re exposing people with this shirt, because anyone who’s offended only has one thing to say: “It’s gross.” But why is it gross? Are people just afraid of vaginas? Is that what it is?
[Laughing] Yeah, totally. It goes back to the woman being subordinate and the man being dominant in sex. Women are supposed to be submissive, we’re not supposed to be in control of our sexuality, so I guess it’s scary when a woman goes through puberty and gets hair and is able to take control of herself and her body.

It’s also so weird to me that female masturbation is totally different than male masturbation. Male masturbation is celebrated in movies and culture. In American Pie or whatever it’s something that’s talked about, whereas female masturbation just isn’t a thing.

Let’s talk about the 16-city tour you did with Tavi Gevinson from Rookie magazine where you got to bring young girls together and talk about things like this. Have you been contacted from fans of yours—that you maybe met on the trip—who get what you’re trying to do?
Yeah, it’s so cool to see so many smart, intelligent young girls. Recently, I started a club for girls at this school called Seed that I used to go to, and we’re creating a place where teenage girls from 12 to 18 can go hang out and talk about whatever they want.

We held the first one last year, toward the end of the year, and 50 girls showed up. It was the craziest two hours of my life. It was the most heartbreaking and also the most heartwarming experience—because all these girls were able to sit and talk to each other, and talk to all of us, about everything that they can’t really talk about, and all of the things they do have to hide. So I have been getting a lot of positive feedback from these girls and it really makes my life. It’s the reason I do this work. Last year I had a mom come up to me and talk to me about how much I meant to her daughter, and I will still cry thinking about it.

That’s amazing. I feel kind of emotional now. That’s cool. So what’s your message to all of the people who you’ve offended?
Honestly, if it’s stressing you out that much and you’re so uptight about it, you should probably masturbate and you’ll feel better—and then think about it again.

Jerk off and then decide.
Yeah, because then you’ll be happy—this goes especially for the girls who are really upset about it. Just put your hand down there and figure it out for yourself.

Follow Petra on Instagram: @petracollins

Follow Patrick on Twitter: @patrickmcguire

Have you seen our menstrual blood-themed photo shoot?

There Will Be Blood

09 Oct 08:34

Fennec Foxes are a ZooBorns Hit

by Andrew Bleiman

Fennec fox

Time for a ZooBorns classic: Fennec Foxes! These little newborns were recently photographed at Everland Zoo in Seoul, Korea, by zoo photographer In Cheryl Kim. Last year, we crunched the numbers and found that a Fennec Fox photo by In Cheryl Kim was the number one cutest picture featured on our website, single-handedly bringing 500,000 new visitors to the ZooBorns website. (See those top 25 photos here.) The Fennec Fox has since become our mascot. To browse through our previous Fennec Fox posts— they are truly adorable—click here.

Fennec Foxes are endemic to the Sahara Desert, where their big ears let them detect insects dancing across the sand at night and fur lined paws protect them from scorching hot sand during the day. They are the smallest species of canid in the world. And there's good news: the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the Fenne Fox as a species of Least Concern, meaning that they are common throughout their range and don't seem to be declining. 

Fennec fox

fennec fox

Fennec foxPhoto credits: In Cheryl Kim / Everland Zoo

09 Oct 08:02

Los momentos más delirantes de la historia de las telenovelas

by Borja Terán
  • TVE dejó de emitir sus tradicionales culebrones de sobremesa a finales del mes de agosto.

Desde que Televisión Española ya no emite telenovelas latinoamericanas en las tardes de La 1, padecemos un vacío existencial en nuestra parrilla televisiva. Los culebrones ya no cuentan con audiencias masivas en nuestro país, pero quedan en nuestra memoria tantos y tantos momentos absurdos, tramas sin pies ni cabeza, personajes rocambolescos e interpretaciones más allá de lo sobreactuado.

En las telenovelas, del drama a la comedia hilarante a veces hay solo un paso. Repasamos ocho delirios dramáticos que nos ha dejado el padre de los géneros de la ficción diaria, el culebrón:

1. ‘Valeria’, ¡eres una peluquera maldita!

2. Thalia “arrasando” en ‘María Mercedes’

3. ‘Acorralada’ (…y suspensa en arte dramático)

4. ‘María Mercedes’ y “uno de esos que vive en la vecindad”

5. ‘Rubi’ y cómo matar a un personaje en dos segundos

6. ‘Gata Salvaje’ y la importancia del “ja, ja, ja” más maquiavélico

7. ‘Secreto de amor’ (a gritos)

8. “Maldita lisiada”, la insuperable secuencia de ‘María la del barrio’


Adiós al culebrón: TVE dejó de emitir telenovelas

¿Cómo debería ser la TVE que necesitamos en el futuro?

Así ha mostrado la tele el fenómeno fan

09 Oct 07:59

Swipe que me estás matando (sesenta y siete & 68)

by J Calduch

Jojojojo. :D

Bryan Hitch. The Ultimates Vol. 2 (2005-2007)


David Rubín. El Heroe Vol. 2 (2012)


Swipe que me estás matando (sesenta y siete). Para mi que va a ser:
Copia (o taquiones)
¡Mentar a David Rubín! ¡el recurso fácil! free polls 

Frank Miller & David Machuzzelli. Daredevil Born Again (1986)


David Rubín. El Heroe 2 Vol. 2 (2012)

Swipe que me estás matando (68). Para mi que va a ser:
Copia (o taquiones)
¡El Recurso Fá...espera... free polls 
   (aportes de Antonio Hidalgo, no sabemos si ha encargado Battling Boy a
09 Oct 07:54


by Gentalha


Sobre o Feísmo Lingüístico

Há já algum tempo que se fala na Galiza de “Feísmo Urbanístico”; a Wikipédia refere como

o desleixo generalizado que impera em boa parte das construçons do país e que se fai especialmente patente no meio rural e naquelas zonas que sofrem os estragos da especulaçom urbanística”.

Mas o desleixo, que chegou também à língua, fai com que hoje o Feísmo Lingüístico esteja especialmente presente no meio urbano e naquelas zonas que sofrem os estragos da pressom do castelhano.

Com este concurso a Gentalha pretende evidenciar o estado de degradaçom em que se encontra o galego, muitas vezes tam hibridizado que já nem se identifica com a língua própria. “Alquila-se”, “temos pulpo”, “bizcochos e moletes”, “calamares da ria”, “ciruelas do país”.

A nossa língua poderá deixar de existir porque a sua comunidade de falantes decida deixar de falá-la; mas também poderá diluir-se num castelhano que cada dia parece gozar de mais vantagem dentro do próprio galego.

Denunciemos, desde a preocupaçom e o respeito, o que está a acontecer. Nom é a nossa intençom ridiculizar, rir ou insultar ninguém, e muito menos aquelas pessoas que se esforçam, apesar das dificuldades, em manter o galego na sua comunicaçom externa. Somos conscientes da falta de modelos e de recursos, da qual nós somos a primeiras vítimas e portanto também co-responsáveis neste feísmo. Só queremos fotografar umha realidade que, do nosso ponto de vista, deve ser invertida se nom queremos desaparecer como comunidade linguística.


Bases do Concurso

  1. As fotografias deverám retratar o processo de hibridaçom que está a sofrer a nossa língua.
  2. O prémio será outorgado àquelas fotografias que, a juízo do júri e do público, reflitam melhor e com maior qualidade este processo lingüístico.
  3. As fotografias poderám ser enviadas em qualquer formato digital com um máximo de 5 Mb.
  4. As fotomontagens nom serám aceites. Permitirám-se correçons mínimas de cor e brilho.
  5. As imagens apresentadas passarám a fazer parte dum arquivo criado para uso da Gentalha do Pichel, e poderám ser utilizadas, divulgadas ou reproduzidas pola associaçom citando a autoria das mesmas (salvo mençom expressa a contrário).
  6. Deverá indicar-se a localidade e local onde foi tirada a fotografia, a fim de poder comprovar a sua existência real.
  7. Cada fotografia terá de ser enviada com um pseudónimo diferente.
  8. As fotografias serám enviadas ao e-mail em anexo. O nome do arquivo será o pseudónimo escolhido.
  9. Com o propósito de nom incorrer injustamente no escárnio público, poderám ser apagadas das fotografias quaisquer referências explícitas ao local (privado) onde fôrom tiradas. Nom é intençom deste concurso magoar nem fazer burla.
  10. O prazo de entrega de fotografias termina na segunda feira 6 de janeiro de 2014 às 22h00.
  11. As fotografias ganhadoras serám escolhidas por votaçom popular e votaçom de júri especializado respetivamente. O período para a votaçom popular decorrerá entre o dia 10 e 30 de janeiro de 2014 no C.S O Pichel.
  12. O prémio do público consistirá num lote de produtos da Gentalha e um voto para a eleiçom do júri. O prémio do júri, por sua vez, consistirá num vale de 100€ em diferentes estabelecimentos do Projeto Pontos.
  13. Os prémios serám anunciados no dia 31 de janeiro e estarám à disposiçom das pessoas ganhadoras a partir desse mesmo dia no C.S O Pichel.


Exposiçom das fotografias recebidas no C.S O Pichel de 10 a 30 de janeiro

envios a:

09 Oct 00:59

Here’s An Article Called “24 Signs She’s A Slut”

by Chrissy Stockton

Toda esa páxina é, ou ben unha sátira moi coidada, ou ben a trapallada máis ofensiva que atopei en moito tempo. :D

A website called Return of Kings, “a blog for heterosexual, masculine men,” published an article called ‘24 Signs She’s A Slut.‘ Such giveaways include:

7. Has big tits. They probably came in early, which translates into additional years of male attention.

19. Is an artist, or a wannabe “model” who has done “photo shoots.” Girls in the arts tend to have a loose attitude toward sex, especially if their “art” involves “expressing themselves” with their body.

21. Has a bad relationship with her father and/or has divorced parents. “Daddy issues” are classic, but accurate predictors of her relationship to men and sex.

This list isn’t too suprising given the Return of Kings Community Beliefs:

2. Women are sluts if they sleep around, but men are not. This fact is due to the biological differences between men and women.

and this gem:

6. A woman’s value is mainly determined by her fertility and beauty. A man’s value is mainly determined by his resources, intellect, and character.

As depressing as reading this article is, I’m thankful that it exists. If this is a thing real men think, I would like to know about it rather than them thinking it without ever expressing it. It brings the issue to the surface, where we can talk about it (although not on Return Of Kings’ website where “Women and homosexuals are prohibited from commenting here. They will be immediately banned.”

To this end, I’ve collected the most interesting articles about “sluts.” What makes a woman a slut? Can that word ever be empowering?

Read more essays about this in our newest collection here.

TC Site


08 Oct 17:12



08 Oct 15:18

See The 5 Kick-Ass Women This Mom Dressed Her Daughter As Instead Of A Disney Princess

by Rossalyn Warren

Photographer and mother Jaime Moore searched high and low for creative inspiration to take photos of her 5-year-old daughter Emma but found most of the ideas were how to dress your little girl like a Disney princess. It got her thinking about some real women for her daughter to look up to, whether that be a pilot, a doctor, or even an astronaut.

Then she did what I can only describe as kick-ass. Below are the five inspirational women she dressed her daughter as. Then scroll down to see the bonus sixth photo because it made me smile so much.

Susan B. Anthony

Coco Chanel

Amelia Earhart

Helen Keller

Jane Goodall

The photographer's daughter, Emma.

ORIGINAL: By the photographer and mother with a wonderfully creative idea, Jaime C. Moore. Go and Like her photography on Facebook, too!

08 Oct 15:08

Meanwhile in Scotland

by Firky
08 Oct 15:08

Foto del día: Anatomía de un spanking

by Fogardo
Anatomía de un spanking

Tutorial para un básico disciplinario correctivo.

08 Oct 15:07

To Celebrate the forthcoming Royal Christening

by Head Gardener