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14 Aug 14:58

‘Sandman vol.8: El Fin de los Mundos’, bebidas y buenas historias. Toca disfrutar

by Mario de Olivera

Nueva entrega de Sandman repleta de historias cortas, esas en las que Gaiman se destapa como un narrador prodigioso creando pequeños bocados literarios que encierran una calidad pocas veces vista en la narrativa ilustrada breve. Pero el guionista aun encuentra una razón más para agrandar su figura, llegando al final de la colección se desmarca con un arco argumental en el que el protagonista absoluto, Morfeo, se deja ver bien poco, al menos físicamente, ya que a lo largo de todos los relatos su presencia se sentirá en cada una de las páginas. Y todo esto lo hace sin que la lectura de la historia central se vea perjudicada, al contrario, gana en intensidad e interés. Lo dicho, todo un genio.

Pero, ¿cómo se las arregla Gaiman para que todo esto tenga algo de sentido? Bueno, tratándose de Sandman es normal que incluso una serie de historias cortas tengan algo de especial. Unos relatos de los que se cuentan en cualquier bar o taberna (en concreto la del Fin de los Mundos) sin embargo estos serán narrados mientras una tormenta dimensional tiene lugar en el exterior, causada, probablemente, por algún tipo de accidente cósmico. Un grupo de personajes de lo más peculiares, sentados alrededor de una mesa, buen vino de acompañamiento y muchas ganas de sorprender al resto de comensales.

Con cada uno de los relatos sirviendo de marco para el siguiente, Gaiman va creando pequeñas fábulas, todas ellas con su tono propio y característico. Distintos narradores se irán sucediendo hasta llegar a la última historia donde Brant Tucker, el personaje objetivo de este singular experimento literario, nos mostrará unas visiones de futuro que nos dejarán bastante sorprendidos. Pero la lectura de El Fin de los Mundos estará plagada de momentos sublimes como el tono fantástico de capa y espada de Una historia de Cluracán o el viaje por mar que relata el inmortal Hob Gadling en El leviatán de Hob.

Para que esa diversidad de estilos quede más patente, Gaiman adapta cada uno de los episodios a las habilidades de los distintos ilustradores. La lista se compone de nombres bastante importantes además de habituales del guionista británico: Alec Stevens, John Watkiss, Michael Zulli, Mike Allred, Shea Anton Pensa, Gary Amaro y Bryan Talbot, siendo este último el que repite en cada una de las historias. Otro volumen, otra genialidad, así es como se las gasta uno de los escritores más influyentes del mundo del comic en su creación más laureada, una odisea a la que cada vez le van quedando menos paradas. Una pena.
[Grade -- O.M.]

Sandman vol.8: El Fin de los Mundos

  • Autores: Neil Gaiman y V.V.A.A.
  • Editorial: ECC
  • Encuadernación: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 176
  • Precio: 17,95 euros
14 Aug 14:51

A Pedra (Catoira)

by Alberto López Traba
¡¡Hola zampones!! Hoy os voy a hacer una sugerencia cortita y simple...
Se trata del local A Pedra que cité brevemente en el Especial Express (Avda. Muíños do Vento, 20 A Catoira, o más fácil, en la carretera Santiago-Pontevedra al finalizar Catoira lo verás a mano izquierda al final de una recta).

¿Porqué hablo de el? Básicamente por sus pizzas artesanas inmensas, aunque
además tiene otras platos típicos como los pinchos vikingos y otros manjares

Se trata de un local con aparcamiento propio, con dos comedores amplios y una terraza generosa.
Paso a exponeros nuestra última experiencia, y digo última porque a este local hemos ido bastantes veces ya que, cuando menos, es curioso.

Llegamos 3 zampones una tarde de verano a A Pedra y decidimos sentarnos en la terraza (¡Error! Las avispas son muy cansinas, ¡tenedlo en cuenta!). Pedimos un agua de litro y un refresco de litro mientras ojeabamos la carta.

De primero pedimos una ensaladita de la casa, que se trata de una ensalada mixta variada con una salsa que pedimos que nos la pusieran aparte.

Podemos definir la ensalada como correcta.

Posteriormente para los 3 pedimos una pizza grande. ¿Una sola pizza zampón? Si! ¿Para tres? Pues si vais dos personas que comeis bastante y uno que come algo menos... os llega, a nosotros nos sobró un cachito. Pedimos mitad paesanela y mitad 4 estaciones. La hay hasta de pulpo... pero a mi no me hace mucha gracia, me quedo con el pulpo a feira y la pizza por otro lado :).

No sé si se nota el tamaño... para que os hagais una idea son pizzas finas y es un quilo de masa, algo más de 50cm de diámetro...

Suelen ir además bastante rellenas, aquí os dejo unas fotos más en detalle.

Está rica y es una pizza especial, no tiene el sabor a pizza industrial de las que muchas pecan... ahora bien, he de destacar que bajo mi criterio ya no son los que eran... No sé si por ser verano o por otra causa pero tenemos mejores recuerdos de estas pizzas de hace uno o dos años, más jugosas y más rebosantes de ingredientes, aún así creo que siguen estando a la altura para poder recomendároslas.

Como postres... se nos fué la olla, no lo voy a negar. Pedimos dos postres y con uno sobraba... la tarta de tres chocolates de termomix está muy rica pero es densa... muy densa... y es un tacote... que ya os digo... si pedis para tres y ya vais algo llenos, pedid una nada más. El otro postre, más ligero (menos mal) fué la tarta de oreo, bastante curiosa... aunque yo me quedo con la tres chocolates.


Pedimos finalmente un café con leche y un americano (no hay de pota) con gotas. El precio para no variar os lo dejo desglosado con la cuenta.

Quizá pueda parecer algo caro 42 euros por tres personas para comer de pizza... pero ¡reventamos! Además debeis tener en cuenta que más de 9 euros son ya por los postres.

Conclusión: Un local curioso, con comida original que quizá haya bajado un poco últimamente pero que sigue siendo recomendable pasarse por allí, sobre todo para hacer una excursión a la playa con amigos. Cabe destacar que se pueden pedir para recoger... y esa caja de pizza es tremenda jaja

La próxima crítica supongo que será de alguna zona de Asturias... por donde hemos estado recientemente y hemos comido como verdaderos zampones.

¡¡¡Hasta la próxima zampones!!!
14 Aug 14:49

Comedy Central Orders a Late Night Talk Show Pilot Hosted by Kurt Braunohler

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

braunohler_smFormer host of IFC's Bunk and upcoming star of the CC:Studios digital series Roustabout Kurt Braunohler might be getting his own late night talk show. Deadline reports that Comedy Central has ordered a pilot called Gettin' Some Strange with Kurt Braunohler, a late night talk show in which Braunohler "covers the strangest stories of the day, revealing just how beautifully insane our world actually is." Braunohler will also serve as executive producer alongside his writing partner Scotty Landes.

For more on Braunohler's current projects, check out our interview with him from last month.

14 Aug 11:21

Huevos rancheros. Receta para el desayuno

by Mary Soco

Huevos rancheros. Receta para el desayuno

Los huevos rancheros son uno de los desayunos clásicos de México, y no dudo que en el resto del continente también lo sean. Es una de esas recetas que da cabida a los gustos de cada cocinero y de cada comensal. Habrá quien simplemente los haga colocando una porción de salsa, verde o roja, sobre la tortilla y encima el huevo, habrá quien prefiera sólo esparcir frijoles refritos y quien guste poner los frijoles parados.

He visto incluso, en algún lugar de Veracruz, que a la tortilla le derriten un poco de queso encima antes de agregar el huevo, y hablando de este último, hay quien gusta de comerlos simplemente estrellados, o quienes prefieran cocerlos por ambos lados. A mi me gusta prepararlos con unos frijoles refritos recién hechos, y una salsa cocida con mucha textura, pero confieso que también de vez en vez los preparo aún más sencillamente.. y son deliciosos, como quiera que los sirvamos.

Ingredientes para 4 personas

  • 2 tazas de frijoles cocidos, 4 chiles serranos secos, 3/4 de cebolla, 1 diente de ajo, 2 chiles verdes, 5 jitomates, 8 tortillas de maíz, 4 huevos, aceite, sal y unas hojas de cilantro.

Cómo hacer huevos rancheros

Comenzaremos haciendo unos frijoles refritos. Para ello, calentamos dos cucharadas de aceite en una sartén y agregamos 1/2 cebolla rebanada y los chiles serranos. Cuando la cebolla comience a dorar, añadimos los frijoles cocidos y los aplastamos con un machacador de cocina, hasta que queden al gusto.

En otra sartén preparamos la salsa, calentamos una cucharada de aceite y salteamos el resto de la cebolla, el ajo y los chiles verdes finamente picados. Cortamos en cubos los jitomates y cuando el chile comience a soltar su aroma los añadimos a la sartén. Bajamos el fuego y dejamos cocinar que el jitomate se haya suavizado. Sazonamos con una pizca de sal.


Una vez que los frijoles y la salsa están listos, doramos una a una las tortillas en una sartén con aceite caliente y después, hacemos los huevos estrellados como acostumbramos hacerlo y al gusto de cada quien.

Para finalizar, colocamos en un plato dos tortillas de maíz y esparcimos encima tres cucharadas de frijoles refritos. Colocamos un huevo estrellado, agregamos una buena porción de salsa alrededor y adornamos con las hojas de cilantro picadas toscamente.


Los huevos rancheros son de esos desayunos tradicionales que hay que disfrutar sin prisas. Es agradable al paladar la combinación de frijoles refritos con salsa picante, que son contrastados en cada bocado con el sabor fresco del cilantro picado. Ni que decir de los tropezones crujientes de la tortilla y del huevo. ¿Bebida? Un vaso de jugo de naranja fresco.

La noticia Huevos rancheros. Receta para el desayuno fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Mary Soco .

14 Aug 11:19

Bebidas de verano: limonada de sandía

by Mikel López Iturriaga

El Comidista continúa su serie de bebidas especialmente apropiadas para combatir el calor. No te pierdas las recetas, más refrescantes y embriagadoras que un summer wine, cada jueves de agosto.

zLimonada de sangria

Refresca más que un frigodedo. / EL COMIDISTA


Martha Stewart es de esas personas a las que debería detestar: su mundo de ama de casa perfecta americana, su breevandecampismo y su tendencia a la cursilería cuqui de manualidad de Pinterest la sitúan a años luz de lo que me gusta y me interesa. Sin embargo, no puedo dejar de sentir amor por esta auténtica gurú del mariestilo de vida en Estados Unidos. Me encanta su sentido del humor, que demuestra en cada aparición televisiva. Me encanta que haya estado en la cárcel y no se haya venido abajo. Me encantan sus desastrosas fotos de comida en Twitter. Y sobre todo me encantan sus recetas, que apetecen casi siempre y no fallan casi nunca.

La limonada de hoy, que continúa la serie de bebidas de verano iniciada con el batido de melón y aguacate, está adaptada de una de la web de Martha. Junta tres frutas que se llevan muy bien -limón, lima y sandía-, y las mojitifica con el añadido de la menta machacada. Es difícilmente superable en cuanto a poder refrigerante, y admite con bastante facilidad el añadido de tu alcoholazo favorito si es que estás necesitado de evasión dionisíaca. Vamos, que es un exitazo.


Debes saber exprimir un limón.


Para 2/3 personas

  • 1/3 aproximadamente de sandía
  • 1 limón
  • 1 lima
  • 8 hojas de menta
  • Miel (opcional)


1. Pelar la lima y machacar la peladura en un mortero o taza con su jugo y la menta. Verter todo en el recipiente en el que vayamos a preparar la limonada.

2. Triturar la sandía, colarla para obtener su jugo y verterlo en el recipiente.

3. Terminar con el zumo de limón. Probar, y si resulta muy ácida (dependerá de lo dulce que esté la sandía), añadir miel al gusto. Servir muy fría.

14 Aug 11:16

El Ayuntamiento de Santiago devuelve el proyecto de Galeras a la concesionaria por incumplimiento de la normativa

by La Voz
Agustín Hernández no cierra la puerta a que se retome en un futuro
14 Aug 11:13

BuzzFeed Motion Pictures President Ze Frank

by kliuless
Producer Michael Shamberg Wants to 'Invent the Future' With BuzzFeed Motion Pictures - "I don't think there's ever been a Hollywood R&D model like we have here." (previously 1,2,3)

  • Felix Salmon on the Buzzfeed model - "In that sense, the right comparison for BuzzFeed is probably not newspapers, or even other websites like Business Insider; rather, it's advertising agencies, or companies like Vice, which make their money mostly by creating, rather than simply running, web-based advertising campaigns... That means beefing up the current editorial product; investing massively in video; and an aggressive international expansion, into a number of brand-new languages and cultures."
  • Is BuzzFeed a Tech Company? - "Everything that is hurting traditional media companies – zero marginal costs, 'free' expectations, unlimited competition because of global distribution – are opportunities for new media companies unencumbered by traditional thinking... One can absolutely make the case that an organization like BuzzFeed, with clearly labeled native advertising, is a lot more trustworthy than any reporting that may come out of an organization like NBC (which is owned by Comcast). Oh sure, NBC journalists will object to that statement, but how can we every truly know?"
more on sponsored content and native advertising...
14 Aug 11:11

How Guys Should Greet One Another in 2014

by Twan Stoffels

I am a young man, and with daily regularity I move through a metropolitan area. In this area, there are tons of people whom I don’t know. A smaller number of these people I actually do know personally, but in varying degrees.

Greeting women isn’t all that complex: I kiss my female friends on the cheek, I usually greet my girlfriend with a kiss on the lips, and women who insist on a hug, I usually greet with a bow.

Greeting men, on the other hand, is more complicated. Men from different social classes greet one another in different ways. Since a greeting is a form of contact that implies a first meeting (be it ever, or just on that particular day), discussing the means of greeting your counterpart properly beforehand is basically impossible. Which is why shit like the GIF above happens every day.

These clumsy ways of greeting other males from different backgrounds catch me off guard every once in a while. So, to avoid further embarrassment, I have summed up some of the most popular greetings, complete with GIFs and guidelines on how to pull them off successfully—as well as the mortifying pitfalls of fucking them up.



It's completely natural to forget somebody’s name, so don't worry about that. But do remember that every time you avoid eye contact during a handshake, somewhere on the planet a panda nursery explodes.

The moment: Self-explanatory. First introductions and formal occasions.
Do shake: Fathers-in-law, dentists, and undertakers.
Don’t shake: Exes. That classmate you used to scavenge 7-Eleven with after school in search of rolling papers and Flamin' Hot Cheetos.


Exhibit A: The Top Slap
Avoid the redundant extra hand on top of the already performed handshake. Your partner in shake could interpret this as a gesture of superiority. You are not Bill Clinton. (And if you are Bill Clinton, why the fuck are you reading Go back to doing shit ex-presidents do.)



This is often viewed as a hazardous greeting, but this is nonsense; even small children and dogs should be able to reciprocate. If you can't pull it off, frankly you don't deserve to meet anyone. A clue to look for is that, prior to impact, we often see one of the two participants initiating the high five by reaching out a slightly tilted right hand above their shoulder.

The moment: The high five thrives immediately after exceptional performances (whether of a sporting nature or otherwise) and platonic rendezvous with canines.
Do high-five: Colleagues at work, people on their way to collect the Heisman Trophy.
Don't high-five: Sniffer dogs.


Exhibit A: The Critical Miss
Tip: By watching your counterpart’s elbow, your chances of a direct hit increase exponentially. Still find yourself missing after the old elbow-gazing trick? Let this high five be, and make sure you avoid things like newborns, traffic, and job interviews for the next 24 hours.

Exhibit B: The Leave You Hangin'
Painful, but sometimes unavoidable. Utilize the heat of this moment to check the floor for any holes you could disappear into. 



This particular greeting is despised by knuckle-health advocates globally, but loved by germaphobes and the CDC because of its relatively few points of physical contact. Another plus is that every successfully dispensed bro fist will gain you five "swag points," which you can redeem for items of clothing at clothing chains. So what are you still waiting for?

The moment: Greetings or goodbyes, whatever floats your boat.
Do fist-bump: Elderly relatives at the weddings of in-laws will remember you forever.
Don't fist-bump: Bare-knuckle boxers, librarians. Drug dealers. Anyone with those droopy sociopath eyes that David Blaine has.


Exhibit A: The Fist Palm (Essentially a Face Palm for the Hand)
There is also the Hand Palm XL, where one engages in the socially gratuitous activity of shaking the previously performed fist palm. This is like trying to cover up a racist remark with an anecdote about a hilarious child molester you just met around the corner.




When I started practicing this routine back in secondary school, I felt like I grew a chest hair every time I managed to pull one off successfully.

The moment: Practically any time, provided that you don't live anywhere too rural. Yes, there will come a moment of clarity when you realize that PlayStation, weed, WhatsApp, and the horizontal high-five/fist-bump combo aren't the best companions to carry with you through life, but as Warren Zevon, Robert Smith, and Jon Bon Jovi have all said, we'll shake hands properly when we're dead.
Do horizontal-high-five/fist-bump-combo: People you have practiced it with before.
Don't horizontal-high-five/fist-bump-combo: The blind.


Exhibit A: The Horizontal High-Five/Fist-Bump/Heart-Pound Combo
After performing this already complex greeting, you could choose to move your fist to your heart. This is an unnecessary risk to take; you're lucky that you and your partner have come this far together. Don't try to fly when you're just learning to crawl.



The most overtly masculine of all the greetings, this one’s ideal for greeting your dad’s mates, or crushing someone’s metacarpals.

Moment: When two alphas collide.
Who to diagonally folded clap hand: The sort of men who give people the clap.
Who not to diagonally folded clap hand: Your grandma.

When the hand isn’t positioned at the correct diagonal angle, this greeting could easily be confused with any of those we've already run through. That’s why you should always, always seek eye contact when executing this greeting.

Place your right arm at a 45-degree angle, perform an underhand swing from the shoulders, and press the folded hands together firmly. Repeat this long enough and beer will start falling from the sky in red cups, bro!

Exhibit A: The Confusion Fumble
This particular routine can be extended with an embrace, but be aware that you are playing with fire—you could end up head-butting or even kissing your counterpart, both of which are generally considered no-nos.



When was the last time you actually waved at someone? Waving is for old people and babies.

The moment: When the distance between both acquaintances is too great to enact a contact-greeting. Or when you regularly wet your bed and still refer to pajamas as "jammies."
Who to wave at: Other children, people on trains.
Who not to wave at: Anyone whose respect you'd appreciate.

With every lateral movement of the hand you lose 0.05 percent of your total testosterone supply.


14 Aug 10:44

How To Be A Pastel Goth

Because you’re black on the inside, but baby blue on the outside.

By now you probably know what GOTH looks like. You know, something like THIS:

By now you probably know what GOTH looks like. You know, something like THIS:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this.

Or this.

Patron saints Edward Gorey, Robert Smith, and Jack Skellington.

Ian Forsyth / Getty Images

But maybe black's not FULLY YOUR COLOR.

But maybe black's not FULLY YOUR COLOR.

Ian Forsyth / Getty Images

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14 Aug 10:39

15 Things That Are Very Different When You Have Big Boobs

You always come in like a wrecking ball. Also, SLIDEY THINGS!



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14 Aug 10:24

Punks by Martin Sorrondeguy

by deathbyejaculation
14 Aug 10:23

La nueva dimensión del perreo y el twerking

by Pinjed
La nueva dimensión del perreo y el twerking

Hace un par de semanas este señor turbogordo llamado Big LA y esta menuda señorita llamada Ratchet Regi se hicieron famosos al dejarse llevar...

14 Aug 10:22

Sabina Urraca: la letra con porno entra

by Pinjed
Sabina Urraca: la letra con porno entra

Sabina Urraca es una heroína, una guardiana del saber en una cruzada personal por combatir a las huestes del SMS y la miseria lingüística que...

14 Aug 10:20

Currás es el único concejal que cogió vacaciones «largas»

by santiago / la voz


14 Aug 10:19

Paulo Coelho ejerce gran influencia internacional, pero no finalizó la Ruta

El famoso escritor cubrió el Camino Francés hasta O Cebreiro, pero desde allí se desplazó en autobús hasta Santiago
14 Aug 10:19

Xogar ao parchís no café máis cool

by Ana Bulnes


Amantes dos xogos de mesa, sabemos como vos sentides. Esas miradas dos amigos cando propoñedes quedar na casa a xogar ao Trivial, intentar que non se vos note o brillo nos ollos cando entrades nun bar no que hai xogos de mesa, finxir que ese Tabú que vos trouxeron no Nadal foi unha idea rara dos vosos pais e non estaba escrito en letras grandes nesa carta que aínda fas cada ano. Nunca perdestes a esperanza, sabiades que cada vez máis o momento estaba máis próximo. Se calcetar, coleccionar selos, facer tartas e ata xogar á petanca é cool, o dos xogos de mesa non podía estar lonxe. Si, xa está aquí. Espera un par de meses para a revolución. Os xogos de mesa molan outra vez.

Estamos un pouco a ler o futuro, pero hai unha razón. En setembro abrirá en Hackney, un dos barrios guais de Londres (un dos xentrificados, xa sabedes, con disturbios e hipsters convivindo felizmente), Droughts. Eles preséntanse así, sen vergoña, de cara. Din que son o primeiro café londinense de xogos de mesa. Porque son algo máis ca un bar con xogos.

Son conscientes do que pensa todo o mundo. Toda a vida houbo bares con xogos de mesa. Si, pero eles teñen 500 onde escoller. Non é moi cedo para falar de tendencia cando este café podería sinxelamente fracasar? Non. Son os primeiros de Londres, pero non os primeiros do Reino Unido. En xullo xa abriu en Oxford un, Thirsty Meeples, cunha oferta de 1.800 xogos. En Canadá hai outro desde 2010, Snakes and Lattes, con tanto éxito que xa teñen franquicia aberta. E está claro a quen vai dirixido: ademais dos xogos hai café bo e cervexa artesana. Queridos hipsters, tirade o dado.

Os donos, como contan en The Guardian, cren que a tendencia ten sentido. “Hai toda unha xeración que creceu xogando a videoxogos, pero que agora ten unha idade na que xa non quere pasar a tarde facendo iso”, di Toby Hamand, un dos responsables de Draughts. “Dirixímonos a xente de 20 e 30 anos que sente que xa lle pasou o tempo de saír e escoitar música rave, que queren facer algo distinto a beber cervexa no pub”. Se a cervexa é artesanal e ecolóxica, se o café é bo, se a decoración é bonita, se todo apunta a que estamos nun lugar cool… por que non escoller un dos centos de xogos á nosa disposición?

Na maioría deste tipo de cafés cobran unha pequena taxa por xogar -pagas esas 5 libras e xogas todo o que queiras-, pero a cambio ofrecen a seguridade de que calquera camareiro ao que lle preguntes saberá explicar as reglas do xogo. Algo non demasiado importante se estás co Trivial ou co Parchís (aínda que sempre haberá discusións sobre como son as cousas), pero básico se estás nun lugar no que hai máis de 1.000 xogos que escoller. (Existen tantos? De verdade?).

Para asegurar a abertura de Draughts, os cofundadores lanzaron unha campaña en Kickstarter na que levan xa máis de 15.000 libras recadadas (e pedían 10.000), cando aínda faltan dúas semanas para que peche. Tamén conseguiron un crédito bancario, así que parece que o capital tamén confía neles.

E non, non lles preocupa ter un establecemento cheo de ingleses bebendo cervexa e xogando (todos sabemos que este tipo de xogos sacan o peor de cada un). As pelexas non serán o problema. O malo serán as manchas de cervexa e café que co tempo irán acumulando os taboeiros.

13 Aug 19:03

My Parents Had a Party

by Amanda Dandeneau

My Parents Had a Party, Long Island, NY
Last summer, my parents decided to throw a party to celebrate life. I wasn’t quite sure what my mom had planned other than an entertaining night with good food and company. As I entered my parents' house that evening, I was greeted by a little person my mom had hired from an adult entertainment agency. He was dressed as a cop and demanded that each arriving and unsuspecting guest show his or her ID… or else.
OK, a little weird, but nothing too extreme. As the party continued, two of the cocktail waitresses and one of the male servers started taking off their clothing, and suddenly they were naked and the lap dances and the tequila ice-luge/body-shot demonstrations began. At first, many of their guests were unsure of how to react to the nakedness around them. I, for one, was amused and a bit surprised to see adults whom I have known my entire life getting smothered in breasts and bathed in booze at my parents' house.
As the night progressed, two additional strippers arrived to perform for the guests, and the little person quickly stripped down to join in the show. Slowly and surely, more and more guests began to loosen up and really experience the celebration of zany fun that my mom had planned from the start. The hours went by fast; everyone was merrily drunk, including the dog sitter. After a long night of hard partying, the talent was paid, the guests sent off with coffee, and we all went to bed. The next morning may have been even more fun as we conducted the post-party critique, with mom wearing the little person's uniform, which he had somehow forgoten to take home that night. 
Amanda Dandeneau is a photographer based in Brooklyn. See more of her work (and more pictures of her parents) here.
13 Aug 18:31

Every Pet Guinea Pig Needs A Pair Of Leather Steampunk Wings

by Lauren Davis

Every Pet Guinea Pig Needs A Pair Of Leather Steampunk Wings

Pulguinha the Steampunk Guinea Pig doesn't need a jetpack, because he has a pair of brass and leather wings, perfect for soaring high among the airships.


13 Aug 18:29

17 Incredible Food Mash-Ups To Make This Summer

How did it take us so long realize that churros and ice cream belong together?

Lobster Roll Corn Dogs

Lobster Roll Corn Dogs

Arguably the best duo Lollapalooza has ever hosted. Recipe here.

Deviled Egg Pasta Salad

Deviled Egg Pasta Salad

Two of your favorite cookout classics got together and were like, "But what if..?" Recipe here.

Churro Ice Cream Sandwiches

Churro Ice Cream Sandwiches

A Spanish sensation met an American classic, and the rest is history. Created by The Churro Borough in Los Angeles, these are an epic summer treat that mix the richness of ice cream with the crunchy lightness of churro cookies. Here's a recipe you can make at home.

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13 Aug 17:32

Illustrators Pay Tribute to Robin Williams

by Nick Gazin

Although you might have never uttered the words "I'm a huge Robin Williams fan," I could probably rattle off at least five of his movies that you love, or that at the least made you very happy for a while. Robin Williams was omnipresent through a lot of our childhoods. Somehow, through the range and progression of his roles, he was able to rise up and meet my generation at whatever level of maturation we were at, from the age of about four onward until he stopped existing.

Learning how to channel grief is hard, especially when it's over someone you didn't know personally. I draw pictures, as do a lot of people I know. Robin Williams was a fan of comics and illustration, so I asked people to submit drawings of him in tribute.

Out of hundreds of submissions, here are the 15 I thought were best.

Alex Fine


Nick Gazin

Brian Butler

Killer Acid

Serena Dominguez

Rick Altergott

Mathilde Van Gheluwe

Penelope Gazin

Zack Soto

Matt French

A.T. Pratt

Spencer Hicks


Follow Nick Gazin on Twitter.
13 Aug 17:09

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13 Aug 17:08

Watch Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'Brien, and Seth Meyers Pay Tribute to Robin Williams

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

Here's a clip from last night's Tonight Show, in which Jimmy Fallon takes a few minutes to remember the great Robin Williams and do a quick impersonation of his hero. Click through to watch Conan O'Brien and Seth Meyers both take time out of their late night shows to salute Williams.

13 Aug 17:06

O 'imposto' á lectura que impón o novo canon ás bibliotecas

by Miguel Pardo

A nova normativa, que entrou en vigor neste mes de agosto, obriga os concellos a pagar unha taxa por cada usuario. A partir de 2016 terán que pagar tamén por cada préstamo. "É o colmo; tan só recibimos golpes", quéixanse os bibliotecarios municipais.

13 Aug 17:06


by Reza


13 Aug 15:52

Meet the Male Escort Who Makes $7,000 a Night

by Michael Grothaus

Josh picking up his trophy for Male Sex Worker of the Year at the 2011 Erotic Awards. All photos courtesy of Josh Brandon

London is home to many of the priciest things in the world. There’s a parking space that sold for $670,000, a bottle of champagne for $200,000, the $235 million apartment, and if you really feel like it, you can drop $50 for a sofa seat at a movie theater. There's also Josh Brandon, one of the most expensive escorts around. Reports peg his annual earnings at $500,000. Just a single night with him can cost almost $7,000, or almost twice the average monthly salary of a person in the UK.

Josh has been causing a stir in the sex-work industry lately for his push to legitimize the oldest profession in the world. It’s time to stop stigmatizing sex workers, he argues, and start treating them as the productive members of society they are. I spoke with him to find out more and, in the process, discovered he’s busy building himself an empire.

VICE: OK, so let’s get this out of the way. It’s been reported you clear $500,000 a year being an escort. Is that true?
Josh Brandon:
You went there already! Well, my end of year return is due soon, and I don't fancy filing it early. Let's say I'm not going to pop up on the Forbes rich list anytime soon, but I’m not going broke anytime soon either.

How do you earn so much? Are you doing something other escorts aren’t?
It's easier to make a lot of money if you love what you do. I think anyone who enjoys their job is going to make more than those who think, Damn, I gotta work again. Plus, it’s about being creative. I have VIP cards—kind of like Starbucks. So it’s just being creative and using regular good business practices, and the money follows from that.

Where do you draw the line with extreme requests from clients? Or is it just a case of, “That’ll cost you another grand”?
Things like bodily fluids and bondage on the receiving end are a no-no. Being in control is very important. Anything unsafe is off the menu, regardless of price.

You prefer the term “escort” to “sex worker.” You also think the term “prostitution” is outdated. Why?
“Prostitution” is so last century. The business has changed since the advent of the internet. The term “escort” covers more areas. For example, sex happens, but sex doesn't always happen. I have disabled clients who can only cuddle or chat; I have clients who want companionship in non-sexual ways. And a lot of escorts now are true entrepreneurs. If someone disagrees with that, I would say, “Why? This is a capitalist country after all. Everything is OK to sell except for sex and companionship? That’s just bizarre.”

Where I’m from, in America, there are a lot of Christian fundamentalists who would label you “bizarre” for being an escort. What would you say to the people who make those kinds of moral judgments about you?

I am very spiritual, believe it or not. But I don't buy the dogma. I keep it simple. The universe has laws. It’s always expanding, growing; everything is in a constant state of change. It must love all things equally if it created everything and creation is done out of love. I don't think you can create from hate. 

Josh in Miami

Do you feel society stigmatizes you, as a male escort, less than it does your female counterparts?
Oh, trust me, I still take flak—and occasional death threats. But it's much easier for males in my line of work. But among the bisexual guys I've dated, many have said they would never date a woman who did what I do, yet they’ll date me. When they explain, it comes to down to general sexism.

You’ve compared being a sex worker to a psychologist. What have you learned about the human psyche from your clients?
As a gay escort, learning how many people believe that “fitting in” is more important than personal happiness is the biggest eye opener. Many of my clients have a lot of repressed feelings and desires—and not only older clients. I'm still amazed how many young 18–25-year-old clients still feel they “have to” get married and yet don't want to. It’s also quite evident how nationality and race affects those beliefs. Then there’s a lot of clients who bring up early sexual experiences they need to relive and express feelings they've never talked about with anyone.

Josh in New York

Do you feel you’ve helped any of these people in some deeper way?
With a client in New York I met weekly over a few months, the effect the experience had on him—he was questioning everything, and he told me on our last meeting how his life had changed because of our time. He was happier. Family life, business, everything got better. He said he felt like he dealt with things that were beneath the surface. I’ve had lots of experiences like that, and those are the best in my opinion.

You're campaigning to promote the legitimacy of sex work in the hopes it will lessen its stigma. What change do you want to see?
It's about creating a safer environment. If no one talks about sex work publicly, it could continue to go deeper underground, which will only make it more dangerous for people forced into sex work against their will. It's about recognizing that some of us are business people yet others aren’t in it by choice—and they shouldn’t be ignored.

Josh in an advert for the NUM

Which brings us to the charity you work with: The National Ugly Mugs scheme. What to they do?
The NUM is very important and unique. It lets escorts make reports direct to the project to be logged in their database so other escorts can be alerted to any dodgy dudes. Escorts can check the database and get alerts via emails, text, or the app. NUM helps escorts report crimes to the police anonymously. That's vital because most escorts won't report crimes, expecting the police to not be interested or do anything—or maybe even arrest them. That’s because not everyone knows where they legally stand. The charity works closely with all police forces around the country on behalf of street sex workers and escorts. Everyone in the business would be smart to sign up.

You’re a guy. Do you think female escorts have to fear for their safety more than males do?
Reports that come in from NUM show males and females are more or less equally likely to suffer violence from clients. I weigh, like, 110 pounds with a 25-inch waist, so I guess I’m in the same boat.

Any advice for escorts on how they can better protect themselves?
It's about having a strong mind and the confidence to deal with situations. Being smart every time—taking measures as if you expect someone to be violent, even if there's no reason to think so. Only meeting in hotels or your home with safety measures in place—like friends expecting a call at a certain time and keeping all information about your whereabouts logged in different places other people have access to.

If a friend came to you and said they wanted to get into the escort industry, what would you tell them?
I used to advise newbies a lot—I get asked more than I can respond to. One guy ignored everything and got himself in trouble with drugs and other things, so I'm less eager to advise since then. But visit and read everything, know the risks. Go into it as a business, respectful of customers. Know yourself first, your limits, and have a hard head. If it's about desperation for money, don’t get into it. If drugs are an issue, deal with that first, because drug problems could easily be amplified in this business. And realize that only about 5 percent of people in this business actually make big money.

You have a book, several internet businesses, and a tapas lounge all in the works. If those do really well, are you getting out of the escort game?
Sometimes it gets to the point where I can't meet clients, and it's annoying because I still see “Josh Brandon” as my first business and want him to keep going. So then I have to increase my rates and work less when other business gets busy. My time is worth more these days, but when it goes beyond what clients can afford, that’s when I'll have to hang up my overnight bag.

Thanks, Josh.

Follow Michael Grothaus on Twitter.

13 Aug 15:47

Fennec Fox Digs Tunnel of Love

by Andrew Bleiman

Fennec fox_tel aviv_5

For over 15 years, the keepers at the Zoological Center Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan, have eagerly hoped for zoo babies in their Fennec Fox enclosure.  Their patience has been rewarded, and they are excited to announce the birth of two new Fennec Fox cubs!

Fennec fox_tel aviv_3

Fennec fox_tel aviv_2

Fennec fox_tel aviv_1

Fennec fox_tel aviv_4Photo Credits: Tibor Jager

Four-year-old “Penny” and her mate, “Louis de Fennec”, also four-years-old, are the proud parents of the cubs.  Zookeepers observed the pair during their mating rituals and waited for the 50 day gestation period to occur.

During the gestation period, Penny and Louis spent their time digging burrows and tunnels, preparing a home for their growing family.  As the days passed, Penny became more and more aggressive, and all passersby were greeted by a chorus of thunderous barking. 

Finally, the much anticipated day arrived, and two tiny Fennec Fox cubs were born at the Safari Ramat Gan enclosure.  Penny hurried to hide the new babies in the burrows and in large pitchers that were purposefully placed in the enclosure by keepers.

Until recently, the Fennec Fox enclosure’s outer fence was covered with cloth to allow the young mother to feed her babies and bond with them in peace.  At present, keepers are gradually removing the covers and allowing Penny and her cubs to grow accustomed to the Safari’s visitors.

Native to North Africa, the Fennec Fox is also found in Asia.  They are currently not endangered and are listed “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List

13 Aug 15:28

Fermariello: oda visual a la sexualidad discapacitada

by Pinjed
Fermariello: oda visual a la sexualidad discapacitada

«En un mundo enganchado al porno, paradójicamente el cuerpo desnudo sigue siendo una de las más eficaces formas de protesta. Estuve...

13 Aug 15:05

The Ronin Rabbit Returns In This Great Stop-Motion Usagi Yojimbo Short

by Rob Bricken

Fans of Stan Sakai's long-running rabbit-based samurai epic rejoice! Check out this seven-minute stop-motion animated short, titled "The Last Request" — and then get ready for a full-length, direct-to-DVD movie in the same style!


13 Aug 15:01

Carreira do Conde se peatonalizará pese al rechazo de los conductores

by maría segade
La remodelación de la calle supondrá la retirada de unas 50 plazas de ORA
13 Aug 14:54

Sex: así nació el punk y el escándalo

by S Moda EL PAÍS
La mítica tienda que Malcolm McLaren y Vivienne Westwood regentaron en King’s Road cumple 40 años.