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16 May 00:50

Did Google Just Try to Totally Change How Search Works?

by Kyle Wagner

Google might have just added a huge feature to Search. It's trying to make it conversational.


16 May 00:02

Senado aprova a criação de quase 7.000 mil cargos no governo

Sem alarde, o Senado aprovou nesta quarta-feira (15) projeto que cria 6.818 cargos no governo federal com impacto anual de R$ 480 milhões por ano aos cofres públicos. O projeto segue para sanção da presidente Dilma Rousseff. A votação ocorreu de forma simbólica (sem o registro do voto dos senadores), com a presença de poucos congressistas no plenário. As novas vagas serão preenchidas pelo Executivo em diversos ministérios e autarquias, por meio de concurso público, a partir deste ano. Mas os impactos orçamentários vão ocorrer a partir do ano que vem. Leia mais (15/05/2013 - 19h58)
15 May 22:18

Super Rock Stars as Superheroes Are Super Great to Look At

by Glen Tickle

Super Pop Stars Cover

Hey, can we talk for a minute about how great Butcher Billy is at making things that pique my interest? The answer is that he’s really freaking great at it. He’s mashed up supervillains with real-world bad guys and swapped Batmen. (Batmans?) Now he has a batch of Post-Punk/New Wave Super Friends. Butcher Billy gets me.

These redesigned comic book covers replace some of the most iconic DC characters with some of the most recognizable icons of the ’80s music scene. Take a look at the likes of Morrissey as Superman, Ian Curtis as Batman, Billy Idol as Aquaman — because he was pretty much the Aquaman of ’80s music — and more.

Super Morrisey

Flash Devo

PIL Firestorm

Billy Idol Aquaman

Robert Smith Plastic Man

Ian Curtis Batman

Souixsie Wonder Woman

These are all 100% tremendous. Butcher Billy also sent us his mashup of Gremlins with celebrities in rehab, but it tragically fell to the wayside, but if you like Gremlins, celebrities with problems, or mashups, it’s totally worth your time.

(via Butcher Billy’s Page)

Relevant to your interests

15 May 22:11

The Game Of Thrones showrunners wrote an upcoming episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

30 Apr 02:11

Do atheists secretly believe in God?

Pacific StandardThe heads and hearts of atheists may not be on precisely the same page. That’s the implication of recently published research from Finland, which finds avowed non-believers become emotionally aroused when daring God to do terrible things.

“The results imply that atheists’ attitudes toward God are ambivalent, in that their explicit beliefs conflict with their affective response,” concludes a research team led by University of Helsinki psychologist Marjaana Lindeman. Its study is published in the International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.

Lindeman and her colleagues describe two small-scale experiments. The first featured 17 Finns, recruited online, who expressed high levels of belief, or disbelief, in God. They read out loud a series of statements while skin conductance data was collected via electrodes placed on two of their fingers.

Continue Reading...

29 Apr 23:08

The Omni: a esteira para você andar em ambientes virtuais

by Fabricio Teixeira

Virtuix Omni

Agora que o Wii e o Kinect se popularizaram, as pessoas estão aceitando melhor a ideia de jogar videogame em pé.

Mas a tal da Virtuix quer que você videogame correndo. E controlando seu personagem através da corrida.

“The Omni é a primeira esteira-que-corre-para-todos-os-lados e que as pessoas podem ter em casa. Cabe em uma sala de estar e, mais importante que isso, permite que o usuário ande livremente e naturalmente por ambientes virtuais.”

O vídeo abaixo mostra melhor como The Omni funciona.

Dica do Daniel Dranger.


29 Apr 22:59

Here's the Nerd Prom 'House of Cards' Spoof Everyone is Talking About

by Esther Zuckerman

One of the highlights of this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner was the House of Cards spoof that opened the evening, which brought the popular fictional D.C. to real life D.C., and now you can watch it too. The video featured Kevin Spacey in character as Congressman Francis Underwood trying to control the dinner. It opens with Underwood trying to bargain with president of the White House Correspondents Association, Fox News' Ed Henry, has cameos from Valerie Jarrett, John McCain, Mike Allen, Charlie Rose, and more, and concludes with a monologue from Underwood in tux: "I may lie, cheat and intimidate to get what I want, but at least I get the job done. So I hope some of you were taking notes." 


29 Apr 00:04

Serra vence terceira etapa e amplia liderança na Stock Car

Preto Piano

Li apenas a manchete e pensei "Finalmente o Serra se encontrou, parabéns"

O piloto paulista Daniel Serra, da Red Bull Racing, conquistou a terceira etapa da Stock Car, disputada neste domingo, no circuito gaúcho de Tarumã. Com este resultado, ele amplia a vantagem na liderança do campeonato. Serra tem agora 65 pontos, enquanto Cacá Bueno e Ricardo Maurício aparecem na segunda colocação, com 56 pontos cada. Leia mais (28/04/2013 - 13h12)
27 Apr 02:18

Perfect score on a 4th grade science test about Dinosaurs

by Mark Frauenfelder
Preto Piano


I can't vouch for the provenance of this alleged school test about dinosaurs. I just like to imagine cute dinosaurs the size of sheep. They must've been fabulous pets! (Via CN)


27 Apr 01:29

Comedian J-L Cauvin Does Dead-On Impression of Louis C.K. Telling Classic Jokes

by Rusty Blazenhoff

Comedian J-L Cauvin does a hilarious dead-on impression of fellow comedian Louis C.K. telling classic jokes (like “Why did the chicken cross the road?) in a trailer for a fake special titled “Louis C.K. Tells The Classics.”


27 Apr 01:28


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April 24th, 2013: If you view source on this page and scroll waaaaay down you'll see a little surprise that comes courtesy of Ben!

I've been posting a lot about the Adventure Time comic I write, but until now you couldn't read it online for free! THAT HAS ALL CHANGED, YO..

Also the sequel to Machine of Death, called This Is How You Die, is on the Publisher's Weekly Best Summer Books 2013 list! NICE. You can't get the book yet but it'll be available in July! I will be sure shout far and wide when it's available.

– Ryan

27 Apr 01:26

Part Of 9/11 Plane Landing Gear Discovered In New York

The area where the landing gear was found is about three blocks from ground zero in Manhattan.


NEW YORK (AP) -- A 5-foot-tall piece of landing gear believed to be from one of the planes destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks has been discovered wedged between a mosque site and another building near the World Trade Center.

The part includes a clearly visible Boeing identification number, New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said Friday. The twisted, rusted metal part has cables and levers on it and is about 3 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep.


Boeing name and serial number stamped on the landing gear believed to be from 9/11 plane found in New York.

Source: @shimon4ny

Update: Friday, April 26, 2013 - 6:06 p.m. ET:

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26 Apr 11:21

I Can't Stop Looking at This Photo of President Obama and Barbara Bush

by Cord Jefferson

If anything good came out of today's George W. Bush Presidential Center dedication in Dallas, it is only this picture of President Obama with Bush's 87-year-old mother, Barbara. I have no idea what's going on here—sneeze? argument? accusatory pointing?—but it looks a lot more interesting than the George W. Bush Presidential Center will be.



26 Apr 10:59

Maduro fala em "emboscada violenta" e ordena prisões na Venezuela

O presidente venezuelano, Nicolás Maduro, denunciou nesta quinta-feira uma suposta "segunda emboscada violenta" no país e anunciou que ordenou ao ministro do Interior, Miguel Rodríguez Torres, que prenda as pessoas ligadas a um suposto plano de desestabilização. "Os senhores sabem que estão preparando uma segunda emboscada violenta contra o povo e contra a pátria", disse Maduro durante um ato de governo em Caracas. "Dei ordens ao ministro do Interior, Rodríguez Torres, para que detenha imediatamente as pessoas com quem foram encontradas provas em vídeo pedindo dinheiro a um americano, a um gringo para causar violência em cidades do país", acrescentou. Leia mais (25/04/2013 - 23h00)
26 Apr 10:20

Must Watch: Neil deGrasse Tyson Moderates a Debate on Nothingness

by Robert T. Gonzalez

For 14 years now, the American Museum of Natural History has hosted the Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate – an annual meeting of scientific and philosophical minds, held in honor of one of modern history's most formidable intellects. The debates are always fantastic, but this year's topic – the existence of nothing – proved particularly compelling.



26 Apr 09:45

17 Things You Probably Didn't Know About "The Wizard Of Oz"

Jello-colored horses and political allegories aside, here are some incredible facts about one of the most epic films of all time.

This "fire" was actually apple juice spewing out of Dorothy's shoes; the film was sped up to make it look like fire.

This "fire" was actually apple juice spewing out of Dorothy's shoes; the film was sped up to make it look like fire.


The Cowardly Lion's facial makeup included a pieces of a brown paper bag.

The Cowardly Lion's facial makeup included a pieces of a brown paper bag.


The steam shooting from the Tin Man's cap startles Toto, who runs out of the shot.

The steam shooting from the Tin Man's cap startles Toto, who runs out of the shot.

Judy Garland couldn't stop giggling while filming the scene in which Dorothy slaps the Cowardly Lion. The director, Victor Fleming, took her aside and slapped her. She returned to the set and filmed the scene in one take.

Judy Garland couldn't stop giggling while filming the scene in which Dorothy slaps the Cowardly Lion. The director, Victor Fleming, took her aside and slapped her. She returned to the set and filmed the scene in one take.

Garland can still be seen laughing in between the lines "Well, of course not" and "My, what a fuss you're making." (GIFed above.)

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25 Apr 23:05

Canadian University Offers A 'Science Of Batman' Course

science-of-batman-college-course.jpg In further proof I picked the wrong f***ing major, the University of Victoria in British Columbia is offering a 'Science of Batman' course that explores the human body and it's adaptability though the life of Batman. No word if losing both parents at a young age is a prerequisite. And for the record, yes, this makes three Batman related posts in one day. It just sort of happened. It's like falling in love, you know? One minute you're infatuated with a friend's boobs, and the next you realize she's really smart and funny and stuff. Plus is willing to put up with you and do sexy stuff together. That's the purest kind of love. Man, I should make movies like The Notebook. Thanks to Sergey, who signed up for the class hoping they get to take turns punching each other wearing Batsuits.
25 Apr 21:44

Google shows requests for censorship have reached new highs

by Agence France-Presse
Preto Piano

The spike from Brazil was attributed in large part to local law banning commentary critical of candidates during elections, and all but 57 of the 697 removal requests came in the form of court orders, according to the report.

“We’re appealing many of these cases, on the basis the content is protected by freedom of expression under the Brazilian Constitution,” Infantino said.

Google only received 191 content removal requests from Brazil in the first half of last year, prior to the fall election season.

Google on Thursday released data showing that requests by governments to censor the Internet giant’s content have hit new heights, with Brazil and the United States leading the way.

Google received 2,285 government requests to remove content from it properties, including YouTube and search pages, in the second half of last year as compared to 1,811 requests in the first six months, according to its latest Transparency Report.

The requests related to 24,179 pieces of content, up from 18,070 items, the California-based Internet giant said.

“As we’ve gathered and released more data over time, it’s become increasingly clear that the scope of government attempts to censor content on Google services has grown,” Google legal director Susan Infantino said in a blog post.

“In more places than ever, we’ve been asked by governments to remove political content that people post on our services.”

Google launched its semi-annual transparency reports three years ago, saying its intent is to “shine some light on the scale and scope of government requests for censorship and data around the globe.”

In the second half of last year, Google logged notable increases in content removal requests from Brazil and Russia, and fielded inquiries from 20 countries regarding YouTube posts of clips from the controversial ‘Innocence of Muslims’ film, which sparked violent protests around the world.

The spike from Brazil was attributed in large part to local law banning commentary critical of candidates during elections, and all but 57 of the 697 removal requests came in the form of court orders, according to the report.

“We’re appealing many of these cases, on the basis the content is protected by freedom of expression under the Brazilian Constitution,” Infantino said.

Google only received 191 content removal requests from Brazil in the first half of last year, prior to the fall election season.

Requests from Russia to remove content from Google jumped from six in the first half of last year to 114 in the second half, with all but seven of them citing a law that took effect there in the fall, according to the report.

Google said that while video clips from ‘Innocence of Muslims’ did not violate YouTube community guidelines it restricted views in several countries to comport with local laws and temporarily blocked it in Egypt and Libya.

The United States was second to Brazil in the number of requests, filing 321 in the second half of last year, according to the report.

Germany, India, and Turkey filled out the top-five list in that order, with 231, 160, and 147 requests respectively, Google said.

25 Apr 21:43

Little Girls Are Better at Designing Superheroes Than You

by Rusty Blazenhoff


Huntress & Power Girl as drawn by Alex Law

Biology undergrad student and artist Alexandria Law recently started a project where she gathers photos of little girls wearing superhero costumes and draws their version of the character they’re wearing. She’s started a Tumblr titled “Little Girls Are Better at Designing Superheroes Than You” and it highlights both the costumed girls and Law’s art based on their ideas.

Kids are more impressionable than you, but kids can also be less restricted by cultural gender norms than you. Kids are more creative than you, and they’re better at making superheroes than you.

Green Lantern Costume

Hana as the Green Lantern with Law’s illustration of her costume

image via Superheroes are for girls, too! with art by Alex Law

via Kotaku

25 Apr 18:03

Cartoonists angry, defensive after inane Miranda strip easy to subvert

by Rob Beschizza

Editorial cartoonist Daryl Cagle published this strip.

Then he reran it.

Spot the difference? To Ann Telnaes, this is “a clear case of a cartoon syndicate trying to maximize profits by offering the same artwork but changing a few words to address both ideological sides of an issue. An editorial cartoon is supposed to have a clear point of view.”

Daryl Cagle responds: "I remember when the Miranda decision came down in the 1960′s, on a 5-4 vote. It was controversial for a long time; the only area of the law where “ignorance of the law is no excuse” didn’t hold true. I got a large enough sampling of e-mails in response to the cartoon (and you can see from the Facebook comments as well) that I realized the Miranda decision no longer seems to be controversial – Miranda warning to the suspect with the suspect’s overall civil rights; I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a good thing."

Balls to all of this. The change doesn't address the other "ideological side"; it just illustrates the fundamental meaningless of the strip's emotionally triggering bucketful of images and words. Why stop at publishing it only twice? It could support any punchline just as well.

If you are worried about the hard times your profession suffers, I tell you right now that the very last thing you should be doing is publishing work that could be randomly generated by computers.


25 Apr 17:59

Sá a FadA

by peixeaquatico


17 Apr 23:57

A Conversation with Louis C.K., A Preview of His Upcoming HBO Special ‘Oh My God’

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Preto Piano

Breve, na TorrenTV

A Conversation with Louis C.K.” is a short preview of Louis C.K.’s upcoming HBO special titled “Oh My God” which premieres on April 13, 2013 at 10 PM.

13 Apr 06:59

The #1 Rule Of Karaoke

Seriously, don't be that guy.

If you stick to this one rule, everyone will be happy.

If you stick to this one rule, everyone will be happy.


Instagram by Lindsay Bernier at Planet Rose in Manhattan.

13 Apr 03:16

The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire

by Steve Napierski
The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Empire

Aaron Diaz, the creator of Dresdan Codak, has put together a proposal for new Legend of Zelda game where Zelda is the hero sent to rescue Prince Link. Here’s what he says on the topic:

Clockwork Empire is set 2,000 years after Twilight Princess, and is not a reboot, but simply another iteration in the Zelda franchise. It just so happens that in this case, Zelda is the protagonist. I’m a very big Zelda fan, and worked hard to draw from key elements in the continuity and mythos.

This concept work is meant to show that Zelda as a game protagonist can be both compelling and true to the franchise, while bringing new and dynamic game elements that go farther than being a simple gender swap.

Here’s my question: If Link is now the prince instead of the hero, wouldn’t this game be The Legend of Link and not another installment in the Zelda series?

source: Indistinguishable From Magic
13 Apr 02:55

‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Can’t Stop Falling For Updog

by Maske

One of the favorite jokes of the shameful inner bro I keep locked away is “Updog.” I won’t deny it. Maybe it’s the hazy late night memories of the gag’s payoff making me giggle uncontrollably that triggers my subconscious, but whatever it is it never fails to slay me in its simple glorious/hilarious stupidity.

So when one one Redditor in r/GameOfThrones dug up (or created?) a bunch of multipane variations of different Game of Thrones characters falling for the gag you can bet your life I’m going to share them. It’s Thursday. The Masters is about to come on. Lucky Yates is here. It just makes sense. The rest below. Enjoy.

Via Reddit

The post ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Can’t Stop Falling For Updog appeared first on UPROXX.

13 Apr 02:11

Penis-Shaped Cat Toy

by Rusty Blazenhoff


Tempe, Arizona-based Shana of Meow-a-days hand-crochets peculiar (and sometimes very wrong) cat toys like this one that is shaped like a human penis. Each one is filled with certified 100% organic catnip which will ensure that cats will gnaw on it. It’s available to buy at her Etsy shop where you’ll also find cat toys shaped like tampons, disembodied zombie fingers, and more.

It’s a wiener cat toy. What else is there to say?

It’s ridickulous.

If you have a different color wang in mind let me know!


13 Apr 00:59

Meta é dobrar renda per capita do Brasil até 2022, diz Dilma

Preto Piano

Eike Batista vai ficar duas vezes mais rico.

Em visita a Porto Alegre nesta sexta-feira (12), a presidente Dilma Rousseff afirmou que o objetivo do governo é dobrar a renda per capita do país até 2022, data da comemoração dos 200 anos de independência do Brasil. Para a presidente, a efeméride servirá para avaliar se os "objetivos" foram alcançados. "Neste dia, vamos ter de olhar para trás e ver o que fizemos para construir a nossa soberania, o nosso desenvolvimento e o bem-estar do nosso povo. Se perguntarem para mim qual é o nosso objetivo, [direi que] o nosso objetivo é dobrar a nossa renda per capita." Em dezembro, em Brasília, a presidente já havia mencionado esse objetivo, mas sem especificar um prazo. "Eu não vou dizer a data, mas nós temos de dobrar a nossa renda per capita, nós seremos um país desenvolvido se dobrarmos a renda per capita." Leia mais (12/04/2013 - 15h03)
12 Apr 21:55

Foguete brasileiro é lançado com sucesso na Suécia

Preto Piano

brasil vai lançar um foguete, cuba também vai lançar...

12 Apr 20:59

NASA to Lasso Asteroid, Then Land on It

by Max Rivlin-Nadler
Click here to read NASA to Lasso Asteroid, Then Land on It In his budget for next year, President Obama will include $100 Million towards NASA "lasso-ing" a nearby asteroid, then exploring it. The money set aside will only cover the costs of planning the mission and identifying a correct asteroid (not too big, not too small), but the project has long been a goal for NASA administrators looking to learn more about how to mine (!) asteroids, as well as deflect them in case of a possible collision with Earth. More »

09 Apr 04:13

The Truth About Cable Companies

by Scarlett Madison

Cable Companies

Whatever you think you know about how cable companies work, it’s probably wrong. You may think they’re all greedy, they all offer terrible customer service, and the selections they offer are poor compared to what they could actually offer. You’d be wrong to think these things because it’s much worse than that.

This video breaks down the truth. It has severe language, but even the language is minimal compared to the reality of the situation. One word: oligopoly. Look it up. You’re seeing it happen all around you.