Shared posts

25 Apr 20:55


22 Apr 15:33

Phil Collins Recreates Original Album Covers With His 2016 Face

by Zeon Santos

Phil Collins has been making music for over forty years and yet he still manages to garner new fans every time he releases a new album, even if that new fan connection is sometimes facilitated by cartoons.

But Phil's look has also been updated ever so slightly by the passage of time, so he decided to recreate all of his original album covers with images of his now face for the 2016 reissues.

It's refreshing to see a famous face who's not afraid to embrace their actual age, and Phil looks mighty good considering he's been rocking and rolling for most of his life!

-Via Bored Panda

19 Apr 19:23

Led Zeppelin-Beethoven Mashup

by Miss Cellania

2CELLOS are back with a little number that blends Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony with “Whole Lotta Love” from Led Zeppelin. By the time they are finished, it’s four cellos.

(YouTube link)

Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser were once rivals for the title of hottest best cello player in Croatia, and then teamed up to form 2CELLOS. Which was a great move. Hear more of their music in previous posts at Neatorama.

-via Buzzfeed

19 Apr 15:13

Cannoli Filled with Cannolis

by John Farrier

Leave the gun. But definitely take the cannolis. Thrillist, I understand it, recently attended a cooking class hosted by the Barilla brand of pasta. The chefs prepared these extraordinary cannolis.

The obvious next step would be to prepare cannolis made of these cannolis--like a pastry version of Voltron.

18 Apr 15:08

Trees Are Even More Amazing Than We Realized

by Maddie Stone on Gizmodo, shared by Adam Clark Estes to io9

Trees, is there anything they can’t do? Doubtful. Let’s see: producing half the world’s oxygen, providing habitat for millions of species, creating the soil and timber resources we depend on. Not bad. But all that’s just scratching the surface. As new research shows, there’s a lot more going on beneath the forest floor than we realized.


15 Apr 13:08

Comic for 2016.04.15

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic
14 Apr 19:08

Pizza box unfolds into a weed pipe

by Mark Frauenfelder


This pizza box is cleverly designed to let you make a weed pipe before you eat the pizza. The little "pizza saver" that keeps the box top from smushing onto the pizza is made from ceramic, and serves as the pipe's bowl.


14 Apr 19:06

Learn Cyber Security Hacking and Pen Testing - now 95% off

by Boing Boing's Store

We all want to make money. Discounting ways that end with you behind bars, here’s some friendly advice: become an expert in a field everyone knows is important, but that very few fully understand. If you actually know your stuff, you’ll have employers lining up to hire you - and offering to pay you handsomely for the privilege.

Cyber-security and the world of internet white hats and black hats is one of those fields. Hacking, cyber ransoms, online terrorism...companies need to protect themselves from such threats -- and now, this giant 12-course bundle of Cyber Security Hacker & Pen Tester Certification Training (just $39, 95% off in the Boing Boing Store) will give you all the tools needed to be a business’ first line of defense in this shadowy realm.

Throughout 117 lectures, you’ll understand the mindset of a hacker as you deep dive into areas like threat modeling, cross-site request forgery, source code fuzzing, penetration testing and more. Usually, this coursework collection comes with a price tag just south of $800, but right now, Boing Boing shoppers can get it for about 95% off its MSRP.

14 Apr 14:17

UC Davis paid $175,000 or more to scrub police pepper spray incident from web searches

by Xeni Jardin

Photo: Brian Nguyen, The Aggie.

Looks like the geniuses who run UC Davis never Googled the words “Streisand Effect.”


12 Apr 19:18

Gwinnett Man Arrested For 'Exotic' Animals

by Doug Gross
Authorities say Jesus M. Cruz-Concepcion had two cobras and an alligator, among other animals in his Gwinnett County home.
11 Apr 20:29

That Emoji Does Not Mean What You Think It Means

by Alissa Walker on Gizmodo, shared by Adam Clark Estes to io9

SO TRUE, just try using Pidgin.

By now you probably know that the emoji you send on an iPhone might not be the emoji that is received on a Nexus. Since emoji are designed differently across platforms , sometimes your text messages might get lost in translation. But how differently might your well-intentioned emoji be displayed? The reality might surprise you.


11 Apr 19:15

Inside the World's First POV Action Movie: 'Everybody Has To Be Awake or Somebody Could Die'

by Germain Lussier

Hardcore Henry is the world’s first fully first-person action movie, in which the audience sees from the point of view of the main character. That’s a simple idea, but making it happen was insanely complicated—and dangerous. People were, at times, flirting with death. But for director Ilya Naishuller and star Sharlto Copley, the long, hard road to the film’s April 8 release was worth it.


11 Apr 19:01

The BFG Is Revealed in the Magical New Trailer for Steven Spielberg's Latest

by Germain Lussier

Am I the only one who remembers the Big Fucking Gun?

The latest trailer for The BFG, Steven Spielberg’s first film ever released by Disney, is here. And it looks just as whimsical as that previous sentence makes it sound. Based on the Roald Dahl book, it hits theaters July 1.


11 Apr 18:58

This Genius Twitter Feed Is Turning Classic Kids' Books Into Nightmares

by Cheryl Eddy

Our new favorite Twitter feed adds hilariously dark titles to the gosh-darn earnest cover art of vintage YA novels. Behold Paperback Paradise, which according to its bio is “The world’s #1 used book store,” before coaxing all ye who enter to “Come visit us at the edge of eternity.”


11 Apr 18:48

GEICO Dropped Me for Autocrossing My BRZ

by Stang70Fastback on Oppositelock, shared by Kat Callahan (鮎川きお) to Jalopnik

Today I received a very frustrating letter in the mail. Before we get to that, though, let’s back up a few steps, and take care of some of the basic questions people ask whenever you start talking about insurance:


08 Apr 19:38

The sound financial advice hidden in plain sight in an “Onion” article

by Joey deVilla

onion billionaire

The Onion may have been playing it up for laughs when they wrote the article titled Billionaire Reading Name In Panama Papers Totally Forgot He Even Had Funds In Seychelles, but like some of their best articles, there’s a surprisingly big nugget of truth in it.


Fidelity Investments did a study of their customers’ investment accounts that performed the best, and one key factor they had in common was that their owners had forgotten about them. Or at the very least, the customers acted as if they’d forgotten about them and simply left them alone.

A lot of this stems from the fact that by and large, we’re terrible at investing. The chart below shows the performance of the “average investor” was below most markets. Even cash — in the form of 3-month T-bills) did better:

average investor

It may seem weird to get real-world-applicable truth from a comedy site, but remember that these days…

truth politicans comedians

08 Apr 17:41

Angry people in local newspapers

by Rob Beschizza


Angry people in local newspapers is a blog that celebrates pictures of people posing angrily by unpatched potholes, inadequate signs, dog excrement, etc. This is the prevalent form of local news journalism in the United Kingdom. Previously: Local People, Arms Crossed.
08 Apr 15:25

Jay Leno's 1931 Indian Scout 101 Proves Just How Far Bikes Have Come

by Sean MacDonald on Lanesplitter, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

Damn, that's a beautiful machine.

On the latest episode of Jay Leno’s Garage, Jay takes us for a ride on his 1931 Indian Scout 101. And he proves that motorcycles have gotten worlds easier to ride.


08 Apr 15:16

Pick Up a New Set of Michelin Stealth Wiper Blades For $20

by Shep McAllister on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister to Jalopnik

Good 'til April 14

If you missed out on on last month’s Bosch Insight wiper blade sale, or if you just don’t like Bosch Insight blades, Amazon will sell you two Michelin Stealth blades today for $20. Just add any two to your cart (shipped and sold by, and the price will automatically be reduced to $20 at checkout. The deal even works if you buy two different sized blades, so you should have no trouble finding a combination that fits your car.


08 Apr 13:32

Sports journalist has awesome t-shirt

by Jason Weisberger


Clearly ESPN's Bomani Jones has great taste in t-shirts. I'm a little surprised the network had him cover the shirt, it is awesome.

The hypocrisy the shirt points out, is not awesome.

Via Deadspin:

After saying that he chose to wear the shirt because “it was clean,” Jones discussed the idea behind it: It would be weird to have the Caucasians as a sports mascot, so why is a baseball team still called the Indians?

A partial transcript:

Jones: The reason they won’t get rid of Chief Wahoo, which is completely indefensible, is they could still sell stuff with it. They can say they’re gonna de-emphasize it, but they’re not just gonna set money on fire. I thought [the shirt] was the exact same thing, and I could see the value in the design, so I was like, hey, we might as well give this a run.

Qerim: I think more thought went into it. I think you were trying to make some kind of statement.

Jones: The statement is obvious. This [shirt] is the same thing. What we have here, this is the same thing that goes on with the logo for the Cleveland Indians, right? So, to have a problem with the logo of this, would be to have a problem with the Indians, but if you’re quiet about the Indians, and you got something to say about my shirt, I think it’s time for introspection. I think that’s a fair thing to ask.

08 Apr 13:29

These "Adorable" Easter Bunnies Will Haunt Your Dreams


Sometimes kids are afraid of the Easter bunny but eventually we all grow out of that. Lots of people have pictures of their smaller selves crying on the lap of an adorable, smiling bunny. Unfortunately, some of us were right to be afraid as a child. These bunnies with make you have Easter nightmares all over again.

Submitted by:

Tagged: easter , scary , FAIL , list , bunny
08 Apr 13:26


by Jennie Breeden
07 Apr 15:34

Awesome Animation Imagines the Nightmare That's Happening Around You When You Sleep

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Cheryl Eddy to io9
Awesome Animation Imagines the Nightmare That's Happening Around You When You Sleep

The scariest place to be when you’re a kid? Alone, at night, in your bed, right before you sleep. You just know right when you close your eyes, all the stuff of nightmares is going to come alive and scare any chance of sleep out of you. And it’s probably all true! Who knows what’s going on around you when you sleep. Andy Kennedy played on that fear by showing sleep disturbances from outside and within in his animated short Slow Wave.


07 Apr 14:09

The US Government's domestic spy-planes take weekends and holidays off

by Cory Doctorow


If you spend enough time looking at Flightradar24's data about fly-overs of American cities, you can figure out where and when the feds are flying domestic spy-aircraft, watching for the tell-tale circling patterns and mapping the planes' owners to companies that investigative journalists have revealed to be fake cut-outs for the FBI. (more…)

07 Apr 13:37

Incredible hand-stitched scenes from Dune

by Rob Beschizza

Hand-stitched Dune

Sarah Sumeray's mum made these incredible hand-stitched scenes from Dune novels; Andy Baio adds that they're covers by legendary SF artist Bruce Pennington


The originals:



05 Apr 18:37

Man recreates TSA's $47,400 "head this way" app in 10 minutes

by Rob Beschizza


TSA guards at airports had a new weapon in their arsenal in 2014: tablets that they held up to randomly direct travelers into different lines. According to the TSA's documentation, they spent $47k developing the app that did this. In this YouTube video, Chris Pacia develops a clone of the app in a few minutes.

The implication is that the TSA is astoundingly wasteful: Kevin Burke's FOIA request reveals a total spend of up to $336k to develop and distribute the related software, and about $1m more for the actual devices and training. Use of the app was discontinued by the TSA in any case.

You know, I've been thinking about it a while, and while they obviously have travelers' safety and best interests at heart, after seeing TSA guards ostentatiously standing with their arrow apps and "swiping" travelers this way and that, I'm beginning to suspect – forgive me! – that this whole deal might have had more to do with the appearance of security than the real thing. Crazy, right? And that in the absence of any real objectives, expertise or oversight, these guys are easily taken to the cleaners by opportunistic contractors. Someone should figure out a snappy phrase to describe this "theater of security" and do something about it. [via r/PoliticalVideos]

05 Apr 18:18

Sex Nun of Dune

by Rob Beschizza


Posted without context or comment.
04 Apr 18:41

Fabulous photo of newlyweds with Black Power gang

by Rob Beschizza


Married moments earlier in New Zealand, Sarah and Matthew Oke were posing for photos at Lucy's Gully when they ran into the Maori and Polynesian Black Power gang, who were paying their respects to dead members. So they all posed for this shot, which has gone viral.

Photographer Rebecca Inns writes: "The rain had just cleared and we were enjoying a lovely sunny wedding shoot. As we headed back, we came across a very full car-park and the guys who were there as part of a hikoi. We asked if it would be okay to include them in a wedding photo and they were really accommodating. This is the result. … "They all offered their congratulations to the couple and were so kind. They also told the bride how beautiful she looked."

04 Apr 18:34

Hot tub expert explains why you shouldn't buy one from a big box retailer

by Rob Beschizza
hot tub

I feel well-informed and educated by Chris Wheatley of Hot Tub University and will therefore not be purchasing a 12-person hot tub from Costco after all.

04 Apr 13:34

A Free Ride: More Than Half of State Lawmakers Facing No Opposition

by Tim Darnell

May 24 GA Primary Elections

State legislative incumbents are, for the most part, sitting pretty in the 2016 elections.