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17 Oct 14:01

The Battle to Lose the Independent Vote

by Tim Urban

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15 Oct 17:48


by Laerte

15 Oct 13:54

O apaziguamento de Machete

by Miguel Abrantes
11 Oct 09:39

amroyounes: Growing up, my most fond memories was visiting...


Growing up, my most fond memories was visiting abandoned places with my brother.  To this day, if opportunity presents itself, I bring my camera and take a few pictures.  These are not my work ofcourse, but I hope you enjoy the visual beauty and maybe it brings fond memories of your own adventures.

Part II:

  1. Abandoned Construction of Nuclear Power Plant. Photo By brokenview
  2. Chatillon Car Graveyard in Belgium
  3. Jiancing Historic Trail in Taipingshan National Forest in Taiwan. Photo By T.-C
  4. Abandoned theme park in nara dreamland, japan. Photo by michaeljohngrist
  5. Clock tower
  6. Old shack in a snow field, Idaho. Photo By James Neeley
  7. Abandoned terminal at Nicosia Airport. Photo By eyesfutur
  8. Milan, New Orleans. Photo By JustUptown
  9. Abandoned church in autumn. Photo by *CainPascoe
  10. Abanonded steam engine in Uyuni train cemetery, Bolivia. Photo By jimmyharris
11 Oct 09:38

Não quero pensar no que mais descobriria faltar-me se acaso tentasse fazê-lo.

by Catarina
As saudades que eu tinha de escrever a azul descobri-as esta tarde enquanto escrevia a azul.
10 Oct 09:33

lilfaux: that-darn-hyena: skully-pens: cosmicremix: tordles: ...

by aishiterushit








ah yes. my gender is blue with pink leg

so this is killing me cause my mind immediately thought.

and this is why im not allowed to be part of actual serious discussions.




I feel particularly close to this one:


I made a thing aswell.

So scandalous~

I’m so done right now

08 Oct 15:10

Chineses da EDP protestam contra novo imposto sobre produtores eléctricos

by Rodrigo Moita de Deus

Eu percebo a admiração. Os chineses são de um país onde o mercado funciona livremente e sem interferências do Estado.

08 Oct 15:10


by Rodrigo Moita de Deus

2002 - Choque fiscal, Durão Barroso

2005 - Choque tecnológico, José Sócrates

2013 - Choque de expectativas, Pedro Passos Coelho


07 Oct 14:18

Manifesto dos escritores brasileiros, em Frankfurt

by cadeiraovoltaire


Com a Feira do Livro de Frankfurt quase a começar, este ano tendo o Brasil como país convidado, os escritores brasileiros preparam um manifesto onde afirmam algumas posições claras sobre o que se passa no seu país e, de certa forma, em boa parte do mundo. Em português, inglês e alemão, o texto que vai ser distribuído diz assim:

Frankfurt, 8 de outubro de 2013

Nós, abaixo assinados, escritores brasileiros presentes na Feira do Livro de Frankfurt 2013

1- Apoiamos a greve dos professores no Rio de Janeiro, como parte da luta pela melhoria da qualidade do ensino público no Brasil.

2- Repudiamos a violência policial e pedimos um amplo debate sobre a atuação da polícia no país.

3- Não existe cidadania sem educação; não existe democracia sem liberdade de manifestação.

Até agora, assinaram este texto os escritores André Sant’Anna, Andrea del Fuego, Carola Saavedra, Chacal, Daniel Galera, Ferréz, Flávio Izhaki , Heitor Ferraz, Italo Moriconi, João Paulo Cuenca, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Joca Reiners Terron, Luiz Ruffato, Marçal Aquino, Marcelino Freire, Mary del Priore, Michel Laub, Paulo Henriques Britto, Paulo Lins, Sérgio Sant’Anna, Tércia Montenegro, Veronica Stigger. Diz João Paulo Cuenca, um dos escritores que subscreve o texto: “Na cerimônia de abertura da Feira do Livro de Frankfurt 2013, dia 8 de outubro, entregaremos esse abaixo-assinado para as autoridades e imprensa presentes. Os escritores não encontrados até o meio-dia de amanhã, poderão juntar-se ao manifesto até o encerramento da Feira.” Quem pensava que o escritor comprometido com a sociedade e a polis era coisa do passado, desengane-se.

07 Oct 11:41

karenhurley: An absolutely shocking campaign that is truly...


An absolutely shocking campaign that is truly brilliant. These images are of actual human rights abuse victims taken by traveling journalists form a variety of countries that have been placed into Switzerland’s surroundings. The shock of seeing these individuals right in front of the public eye certainly shed new light on the issue and caused a global stir. 

Watch the video

Campaign: Not here, but now 
Agency: Walker, Switzerland Via

07 Oct 11:40

The earth, that is sufficient, I do not want the constellations any nearer, I know they are very well where they are, I know they suffice for those who belong to them

by but does it float
Photographs of Earth from the ESA Archive Title: Walt Whitman The icy waters of the Baltic Sea surrounding Germany’s largest island, Rügen, JAXA/ESA A phytoplankton bloom swirls a figure-of-8 in the South Atlantic Ocean about 600 km east of the Falkland Islands. Different types and quantities of phytoplankton exhibit different colours, such as the blues and greens in this image, ESA The landscape of the Tanezrouft Basin, one of the most desolate parts of the Sahara desert, in south-central Algeria. The region is known as ‘land of terror’ because of its lack of water and vegetation, JAXA/ESA The southern Atacama Desert, with the border of Chile (west) and Argentina (east) running down the middle. The Atacama is believed to be the driest desert in the world, and the lack of cloud cover in this image highlights the dry climate, ESA Beijing, NASA/ESA Clearwater Lakes, located to the east of the Hudson Bay, what appears to be two separate lakes is actually a single body of water that fills two depressions. The depressions were created by two meteorite impacts, believed to have hit Earth simultaneously up to 290 million years ago, USGS/ESA The northern part of the country of Namibia. Namibia is located on the west coast of southern Africa between Angola and South Africa, ESA Lake Powell, USGS/ESA In this false-color image of the Mississippi River delta, land vegetation appears pink, while the sediment in the surrounding waters are bright blue and green, USGS/ESA The sand seas of the Namib Desert, KARI/ESA The Paraná River cuts through this image of southern Brazil, ESA The northern end of the Persian Gulf, along with the border of Iran and Iraq and the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab river, USGS/ESA Sand and dust blowing northeast from the Arabian Peninsula across the Persian Gulf toward Iran (visible at image top), ESA The foothills of the Andes mountains near the southern coast of Peru, KARI/ESA Sand and dust from the Sahara Desert blowing across the Atlantic Ocean along the coasts of Mauritania (top), Senegal (middle) and Guinea Bissau (bottom), ESA North central Siberia, ESA Three of the five Great Lakes of North America. Lakes Huron (left) and Erie (bottom) are partially ice-covered following snow storms in Michigan and Cleveland, while Lake Ontario (right) is completely visible in blue, ESA Running across the image, the Okavango River forms the border between Namibia to the south and Angola to the north, KARI/ESA Rolling hills of farmland in part of the Palouse Region in the northwest United States, KARI/ESA The Tibesti Mountains, located mostly in Chad with the northern slopes extending into Libya, ESA More photographs of Earth Atley
07 Oct 11:39

The Joy of Reading

by Grant

I had the great honor of illustrating the cover of the special Sex Issue of the NY Times Book Review! Thanks to art director Nicholas Blechman for the assignment. It’s full of thoughtful and hilarious pieces on writing about sex - one of the stickier topics to tackle in literature. The issue also features an autobiographical comic by Alison Bechdel (one of my favorite cartoonists) and gorgeous spot illustrations by Luci Gutierrez (one of my new favorite illustrators). 

I’ve turned my cover illustration and a couple of my unused sketches into a series of posters titled The Joy of Reading. I’ll post the other drawings throughout the week. 

07 Oct 11:37


06 Oct 11:00

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day

by Christopher Jobson

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day WWII war sand Normandy installation

This past weekend British artists Jamie Wardley and Andy Moss accompanied by numerous volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes representing fallen people into the sand. Titled The Fallen 9000, the piece is meant as a stark visual reminder of the civillians, Germans and allied forces who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6th, 1944 during WWII. The original team consisted of 60 volunteers, but as word spread nearly 500 additional local residents arrived to help with the temporary installation that lasted only a few hours before being washed away by the tide. (via Lustik)

06 Oct 10:58

The Game of Life Select the difficulty level: Easy (Fácil) /...

The Game of Life

Select the difficulty level: Easy (Fácil) / Normal / Hard (Difícil)

[ cinismo ilustrado ]

06 Oct 10:58

LOLA 127

by Laerte

06 Oct 10:53

twentypercentcooler: Japanese Spiderman is the best...


Japanese Spiderman is the best Spider-Man.

06 Oct 10:52

think-progress: digg: "compromise" A government shutdown...




A government shutdown “compromise”

(And, hey, my boss is trending.)

06 Oct 10:51

sweaterkittensahoy: Some days, you just can’t get rid of a...


Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bomb.

06 Oct 00:36



04 Oct 09:34

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan

by Christopher Jobson

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

A Huge Submarine Bursts through the Streets of Milan submarines Milan installation advertising

As part of an absurdly clever advertising campaign orchestrated by ad agency M&C Saatchi Milano for insurance firms Europ Assistance IT and Genertel, a giant submarine was installed near the city center as if it had suddenly burst through the street. The carefully orchestrated stunt which unfolded on October 1st was complete with a live reenactment meant to reinforce the idea of safeguarding yourself and posessions against unforseen events. Read more over on Designboom. All images courtesy M&C Saatchi Milano. (via It’s Nice That)

03 Oct 14:36


by Laerte

03 Oct 14:35

587 – Raio Lazer.

by gomba

Raio Lazer

Eu já errei coisa pior. Tipo quando eu decidi ser desempregado pra sempre.

03 Oct 13:48

O que lê David Bowie?

by Nuno Galopim
Os cem livros de David Bowie? Numa altura em que a exposição 'David Bowie Is' (um dos acontecimentos do ano) acaba de chegar a Toronto, os curadores Geoffrey Marsh e Victoria Broackes apresentaram uma lista de títulos de leitura que constam entre os favoritos de David Bowie.

Estão aqui livros de ficção e ensaio, entre os quais clássicos como a Ilíada de Homero, o Inferno, de Dante Alighieri ou Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert, obras do século XX como O Grande Gatsby de Scott Fitzgerald, o Paralelo 42 de John dos Passos, 1984 de George Orwell, Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov, O Estrangeiro de Albert Camus, Estrada Fora de Jack Kerouac, A Laranja Mecânica de Anthony Burgess, Silence: Lectures and Writing de John Cage, O Marinheiro que Perdeu as Graças do Mar de Mishima, A Sangue Frio de Truman Capote, Mr Norris Muda de Comboio de Christopher Isherwood ou Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson de Camille Paglia, e obras já do novo século como Teenage: The Creation of Youth 1875-1945 de Jon Savage ou The Age of American Unreason de Susan Jacoby.

Pode ver a lista aqui.
03 Oct 13:48

Entre a pintura e a música

by Nuno Galopim
O projeto Toro Y Moi, do norte-americano Chazwick Bradley Bundick, acaba de apresentar um teledisco para acompanhar o tema Rose Quartz, As imagens, assinadas por Lauren Gregory, fazem do ecrã um espaço que podemos ver como uma tela.

02 Oct 16:26

10 Classic Video Games Then and Now

by (Damn Cool Pics)
Grand Theft Auto

Tomb Raider


The Legend of Zelda

Madden NFL

Call of Duty

Sid Meier's Civilization

Final Fantasy


The Sims

02 Oct 16:25

Ghost Towns Around the World

by (Damn Cool Pics)
Photos of ghost towns around the world. You can google the town's name to read its story.

Dallol, Ethiopia

Nova Cidade de Kilamba Kilamba, Angola

Kolmanskop, Namibia

Taverga, Libya

Pomona, Namibia

Svalbard, Norway

Charly-Oradour, France

Kayaks, Turkey

Great Blasket Island 

Village Pegrema, Karelia, Russia

Pripyat, Ukraine

San Zhi , Taiwan

Paris In China: Tianducheng

Ghost City of Chenggong near Kunming, China

Centralia, PA

Plymouth, Montserrat 

Bodie, California

Fordlandia, Brazil

Chaiten, Chile

Grytviken, South Georgia

02 Oct 16:22

Google X Bing

by leonardovaz


Sério, quem usa bing?

27 Sep 16:00

The 15 Perfectly Timed Photos

by Boogie nuggets

964 650x424 The 15 Perfectly Timed Photos

FY really appreciate all those photographs for their creativity and inspirational photography.Take a look at these 15 examples of perfectly timed photos and tell us in the comments which one is your favorite.

1060 650x338 The 15 Perfectly Timed Photos

2010 650x417 The 15 Perfectly Timed Photos


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09 Sep 22:02

Fotoben XII

by miguelbarroso

Vamos então terminar este conjunto de fotos do Benjamin que estavam por publicar. São mais algumas dezenas de imagens excelentes como ele já nos habituou.

BicicletaEmLx BicicletaEmLx

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Até breve Bejamin, e mais uma vez um agradecimento especial… continuamos a contar com a tuas fotos.
