Shared posts

26 Jul 15:19

124. TAYLOR MALI: What Teachers Make

by Gav

124. TAYLOR MALI: What Teachers Make

Taylor Mali (1965-) is a an American slam poet who has been part of four winning teams at the National Poetry Slam competition. What Teachers Make is Mali’s most well-known poem and was born out of an actual dinner conversation he had. You can view Mali performing the poem in this video and more of his work on his YouTube channel. The poem was also the title of a book Mali wrote: What Teachers Make – In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World. Mali worked as an English, History and Math teacher for nine years and continues to be an advocate for teachers all over the world.

I thought this poem would make a good follow-up to last week’s Erica Goldson graduation speech. While the system might not be perfect, teachers are the unsung heroes of the education system and I have nothing but praise and respect for the profession. Teachers can make all the difference – having a mediocre one can really damage a student’s potential, but the right one can inspire a child to greatness.

I’m really honoured that a lot of teachers have told me they use Zen Pencils comics in the classroom. It’s something I never planned on happening and is such a thrill. It also makes perfect sense – I would have paid way more attention to poetry and history if they were taught with the aid of cartoons. If you’re one such teacher (or a student on the receiving end), then please share how you use them in the comments.

UPDATE: I’ve been in touch with Taylor Mali and he has kindly given me permission to make this available as a print. He also will be donating his share of the profits to The Atlantic Center for the Arts, where he is currently teaching poetry. Taylor even told me that he has used the comic as a slideshow while performing the poem – which is pretty freakin’ awesome!

- Taylor Mali’s official website.
- Thanks to George for submitting the poem.
- Zen Pencils is on GoComics! My archives will be updating regularly on the biggest comics website in the world, where you can also read the entire archives of hundreds of famous comics such as Calvin & Hobbes, Dilbert and Peanuts. It’s really an honour to have my work alongside these legendary strips, especially Calvin & Hobbes, which is my all-time biggest influence and inspiration. There’s also a great GoComics app you can download so you can read all your favourite strips on your phone or tablet.


19 Jul 19:00

Agua sónica

by (Alvy)

Si yo tuviera un centro de investigación sería solo para llamarlo algo así como Laboratorio Cinemático para los Estudios de Sonidos y Vibraciones Visibles en el Agua Sónica.

Alternativamente, Centro de Investigaciones Foto Atómicas también me vale.

# Enlace Permanente

18 Jul 15:29

Analyze Dat: TOR Visualization & online black markets


Comprar falopa con bitcoins desde la compu. Viva internet.

A few weeks ago, Sight and Sound, a festival produced by Eastern Bloc in Montreal, ran a workshop titled Analyze Dat: TOR Visualization. Headed by someone who presents himself (or herself) as Arthur Heist, the description of the workshop suggested an internet driven by secrecy.

This workshop explored the use of natural language processing tools to analyze the goods, products and services available on online black markets, trying to reveal a faithful cartography of the dark web.

The workshop will begin with an introduction of the tools involved in accessing the Internet's black markets (Tor bundle, Bitcoins). Participants will then process these webpages to extract information from natural language to draw a map of hidden services. These tools allow the user to go from simple word frequency analysis (i.e. cloud tags) to more complex semantic comparison and statistical relationships between those networks. The goal is to be able to visualize this data in order to get a better understanding of the inner, deep feelings society keeps hidden.

Word visualization of the hidden wiki made during the workshop. Image courtesy Arthur Heist

I knew about the stateless, encrypted online Bitcoin currency of course, i had heard of the Tor software that enables online anonymity but other than that, i felt that there was precious little i knew about the Deep Web, the vast submersed side of the World Wide Web that countless people are using in perfect anonymity every day to buy goods that neither ebay nor amazon will ever sell you and to exchange services that won't appear when you do a google search.

The more i looked into Tor and the many activities it enabled, the more intrigued i was. I thought that the easiest and fastest way to get a better understanding of the issue would be to interview Arthur Heist:

HI Arthur! How much can one discover about this underground economy ?

It is quite easy to find out about any good or hidden service available on the dark web. One just needs to know the first entry point that keeps track of these peculiar services.

Do you have to be a seasoned hacker, a super smart programmer or can any web user make interesting enough discoveries ?

The first pit stop is to go to the Tor project website and install the Tor browser for your operating system. Once installed, you can launch Tor browser and access any website anonymously. So, no need to be either a hacker or programmer to begin browsing the hidden web. A popular place where a lot hidden services are listed is "The Hidden Wiki". From there, you can even find search engines that specifically target onion websites (those with an cabalistic URL).

And how did you find about it in the first place ?

As a user, I had been using Tor for a few years to enhance my anonymity online. I like the fact that it allows you to bypass some restrictions applied unfairly by companies who want to protects their assets. In a way, Tor gives us back the net neutrality some companies or governments want to put at risk. Concerning the dark web more specifically, this whole economy emerged more recently as a result of the emergence of bitcoin currency approximately 4 years ago. Even though I did not get interested in bitcoin specifically, I was more fascinated by the whole range of services and activities made available by these new technologies.

Screenshot of an item description page on the Silk Road Marketplace

Screenshot of some of Silk Road's offerings, with its price marked in Bitcoins

Deep web, Silk Road, etc. Do you feel that the general public is quite unaware of the existence of this less visible part of the web ?

From a general point of view, I have never thought that the internet was much different or more dangerous than what we can experience in the real world. Let's say you are going to Toronto for the first time and you want to buy some crack cocaïne, where do you go? Who do you get in contact with? In the same manner, if you want to find illegal services on the web, it takes the same effort to know about them.

The general public has been fed what commercial companies want them to know. They have their minds locked in a narrow place for them to consume more easily, in the same way they'd go to Starbucks instead of the local coffee shop because it's not advertised on the same scale.

Were the participants like me, attracted by the description of the workshop but totally unaware of what it entailed? Or did they come prepared and knowing what they would be looking for ?

The nice thing about the participants was that they represented in their interests the whole range of topics discussed during the workshop. Some were more interested in the political issues involved, some more in the use of natural language tools. Most of them had already installed Tor on their computers.

How exactly does this online black market reflect the traditional offline black market ?

As stated above, there are no major differences between what you can find through online or offline black markets. And as a matter of fact, in the offline black market, anonymity is also the rule, going from changing your real name to wearing disguises so as not to be recognized. The main added value that the online black market allows for is the possibility to connect dealers and customers that would not have met otherwise in real life, which is also the main characteristic of online services in general too.

Does it allow for other types of transactions, activities, exchanges of goods and services?

Of course, anonymity brings a wide range of activities that you would not be able to find if it weren't anonymous. Among things you can find through hidden services are the scary contract killers who offer to kill someone, whose prices are set depending on the popularity of the person to kill. A funnier website called Tor University offers you to write any assignment or essay you need to get better grades. Another website offers to set up pranks to your friends; for example, by breaking into their house with a fully equipped SWAT team ...

I read that law enforcement agencies were struggling to deal with online black market. Why is it even more difficult to grasp and fight than, say, traditional drug traffic?

Because of the inner nature or how Tor works, by encrypting the communications being sent, all along the way through each relay (except for the last one), it is not easily possible to track down one specific user or website. Nevertheless, one famous hack was made possible on the Tor network by setting up a few Tor routers, which all relay a lot of information. Most of it is encrypted, but when the router is chosen (by the algorithm itself) to act as the last relay, then the data being transited is sent in the clear. So, if you set up your own relay, you are able to log all data transiting on your node, and thus retrieve information people have not encrypted before sending it through the Tor network. Tor network offers anonymity, not confidentiality! I read there also were some rumors that US governmental agencies may possibly run fake drug websites, so as to be able to get an alarm when some user was buying a too large amount of drugs for it to be his personal consumption.

Can the dark web (the way it operates, protects itself, etc.) teach innocent users of the internet (like me) anything ?

Blatantly, recent news about the US Prism program shows us again that giving up your personal data into the hands of big internet companies is like leaving your luggage in your hotel lobby: how trustworthy is it, you can never be sure it won't be stolen or searched by anyone. And what the Tor network (and as an extension, bitcoins) achieves is the possibility to give us back the power to build the internet as it should, free and open. Of course, mass media like to make us think the use of these tools is evil and unsafe, whereas it is indeed the safest thing to do.

What did the participants achieve during the workshop ?

The workshop was more about awareness, discussion and showing how these various tools work and how to use them in your own practice.

Thanks Arthur!

Also part of Sight and Sound, a Montreal festival which, this year, explored the rhizomatic and permeating structures of society's concealed systems: The Pirate Cinema, A Cinematic Collage Generated by P2P Users.

16 Jul 21:38

Die Antwoord - "Cookie Thumper"

by unuj


15 Jul 18:22

"Imitation", exploring China copy culture

Imitation Chapter 3-1

Imitation, Imitation is another project exhibited at the RCA graduation show, this time in the Design Products department (Platform 13.)

Zhenhan Hao explored China's copy culture in an attempt to go beyond the 'illegal', 'vile' and 'evil' epithets that are usually associated with the practice. In the artist/designer's own words:

I have taken on the guise of an agent and am managing two research-practices simultaneously under different social contexts. In China, I have proposed a new production model for craftspeople in Dafen village and Jingdezhen, 'the porcelain capital of China', to imitate and create at the same time. Together, we co-produced a series of improvised products that sought to inspire the imitators to explore their imagination and creativity.

Hao asked artisan imitators to use their own imagination and customize the goods that would otherwise have been mere replicas of 'Western' artworks and fashion items. He commissioned a suit, a series of ceramic vases as well as oil paintings. He would suggest that the workers stick to what they are used to (imitating famous fashion brands or Impressionist painters) while adding something personal. A cobbler created footwear that mix the design of traditional Church's shoes with the bold colour of trainers. And tailors designed a suit by mixing western aesthetics (in particular the famous Barbour jacket) with traditional Chinese patterns and symbols:

0commission as a methodology  (3).jpg

0commission as a methodology  (2).jpg

0tailorscommission as a methodology  (4).jpg

0jacketcommission as a methodology  (5).jpg

A painter specialized in replicating Van Gogh oils pictured his own bedroom in the style of the Dutch post-Impressionist:

0vangoghfigure 6.jpg
Imitation Chapter 5-1

The vases add another layer to the project as Hao asked the ceramists to 'document' their craft and its context by painting their tools and workshops on the surface of the vase:

Imitation Chapter 4-1

0avasecharifigure 4.1 .jpg
Imitation Chapter 4-1

0potierefigure 1.jpg
Imitation Chapter 4-1

0vasefigure 1.1.jpg
Imitation Chapter 4-1

The artist did some kind of reverse experiment in London where he introduced Chinese imitation culture through a workshop with the absurd aim of mimic-drawing perfect circles.

Imitation Chapter 6-1

0drawing a perfect cirlce workshop (1).jpg
Imitation Chapter 6-1

I'll leave the conclusion to Zhenhan Hao:

As a Chinese national studying in London, I attempt to exploit the cultural differences and normative principles to uncover the complexity of imitation in the contemporary Chinese context. However, rather than delivering value judgments, or repeating the platitudes of political relativism, I am committed to revealing unknown matters and unfamiliar processes and keen to exploring an alternative ethic and aesthetic of imitation through my commission as a methodology as well as participatory interventions and practices.

Related story: Err (or the creativity of the factory worker), a conversation with Jeremy Hutchison.

06 Jul 02:14

Perón Perón - Ironías en mi vida

by Guerrillero Culinario

la cena del lunes?

Que un amigo mío haya tomado las riendas del restaurante Perón Perón, que se coma bien y barato, que esté decorado políticamente justicialista y que muchos peronistas vayan a comer ahí es la mayor de las ironías con las que me castiga el karma en vida.

Gonzalo Alderete es un cocinero salteño amante de los sabores, los aromas, y todo lo que tiene que ver con nuestras raíces, o más bien, sus raíces... y no hablo del jengibre. Conocí a este cocinero antes de que se ponga las pilas con el manejo integral del restaurante peronista-palermitano, ya sabiendo qué enfoque tiene él en su cocina.

Hago hincapié en esto porque creo (o al menos quiero creer) que no hay malos cocineros de oficio, sólo tienen diferentes enfoques. Comparto mucho la forma en la que cocina Gonzalo, porque también aprendí a cocinar en casa y después perfeccioné y pulí ciertos detalles. Mi costumbre me lleva a valorar platos que recién ahora empezaron a ponerse de moda. Hace un par de años comías siempre Sushi o algún salteado asiático. Hoy pareciera ser Hipster comer guiso de lentejas.

Moda o no, me gusta que muchos platos tradicionales estén hoy en las cartas de los restaurantes. 

Escribo sobre el restaurante que maneja un amigo mío porque tengo la libertad de ser sincero hasta con mis amigos. Es simple, el que es petiso, es petiso, el que es feo, es feo, el que es peronista, es peronista.

No se imaginan lo que me cuesta escribir sobre una comida tan buena teniendo que dejar de lado mi rechazo al peronismo. Obviamente que éste no es un lugar para debatir sobre política, para eso tenemos Polémica en el Bar o los programas de chimentos. Pero quería hacer esta aclaración porque vale la pena saber que la comida suma más puntos de los que resta la afinidad política decorativa del restaurante.

A diferencia de otros pseudo-peronistas, éste es un restaurante realmente peronista. Lo digo porque acá se come bien y barato. Hay varios restaurantes peronistas nacidos con toda esta militancia neo palermitana de la mano de jóvenes con exceso de tiempo libre. Varios de esos tienen precios proporcionalmente elevados al producto que ofrecen.

No es el caso de Perón Perón. Acá es donde me gusta la coherencia entre el plato, el precio, y la idiosincrasia. La comida es muy buena, el precio es realmente accesible para la clase media (se come a precio de bodegón de barrio, pero a dos pasos de Juan B. Justo y Santa Fe, zona por excelencia con precios elevados) y la idiosincrasia es respetada: la carta, tanto de platos como de vinos, y la decoración, es bastante peronista.

Antes de ponerme a escribir sobre este lugar hice un focus group enviando a amigos y conocidos (cada cual se pondrá en el grupo que le calce) para comer en este restaurante. Después les pregunté y, sumados varios positivos, me di cuenta que podía escribir sobre un lugar con la subjetividad de conocer al dueño, pero con la tranquilidad de saber que mi opinión era la correcta.

De esa forma me sentí libre al opinar sobre las empanadas de ossobuco, sí, empanadas rellenas con ossobuco braseado, con la carne que se te deshace en la boca mientras el juguito se filtra entre los labios y las mejillas. Una cosa esplendorosa. Ni hablar de la empanada de carne cortada a cuchillo, con papa, como toda hermosa empanada salteña. Aquí un truco de la casa: agitar la empanada dos o tres veces para que los jugos se mezclen bien...

El ossobuco es una carne económica y sabrosa que requiere de tiempos de cocciones largos, buen manejo de sus líquidos y un control puntual para evitar que se queme mientras está al fuego. Este corte es el caballo de batalla del restaurante, especialmente para ese pastel de papas con ossobuco braseado, que por un lado mantiene los jugos y por otro calma ese contenido de líquido, sabor y grasa, el bocado junto a la papa.

Si querés probar el ossobuco en su máxima expresión, lo mejor es pedirlo al plato acompañado con polenta, tan peroncho que Evita se lo pediría cualquier domingo de invierno.

Uno de mis platos preferidos es el pollo a la cazadora, en una ollita de barro, cubierto con masa que se hornea hasta quedar crocante y sirve para mojar los juguitos que largan tanto las verduras como el gallinaceo, mientras empinamos el codo con una copita de vino.

Probé desde canelones de verdura (a veces hay que optar por algo más o menos fácil de digerir si sabés que estás por tomar una botella entera de vino) hasta la bondiola braseada, un clásico de la gastronomía porteña que todos piden, porque todavía quedan un par de lectores de revistas de moda que sienten la necesidad de comer bondiola porque mirá si van a comer guiso, los pobrecitos...

Amo que la carta tenga a la entraña como plato ya que es, a mi gusto, el mejor corte vacuno que se puede consumir acá. Elijo siempre este corte para darle de probar a un extranjero, porque cuando el turista no sabe qué comer, tiene que comer entraña. Lástima que sea tan complicada de conseguir.

Podemos hablar de platos, precios accesibles, decoraciones de izquierda con fotos de un militar, y todas esas cosas que parecen ser interesantes, hasta que llegamos a los postres de "el Perón", como lo bautizamos "lo' pibe' del barrio".

Los postres de Perón Perón son algo tan pero tan glorioso que hay gente que sólo va a comerse un postre en este restaurante. No es joda, y me juego las ciento y pico de crónicas culinarias que escribí a que el flan hecho con crema y leche condensada que hace Florencia (la mujer de Gonzalo) es uno de los mejores flanes que vas a haber probado en toda tu vida. 

Entre cocaína y ese flan, lo quiero con dulce de leche.

También, en temporada, saca unos membrillos cocidos dulces en rodajas que son incompatibles con diabéticos o muelas cariadas. ¡Ojo! No los coman pensando que son más sanos que el flan, no. Tienen toneladas de azúcar, así que pídanse ambas cosas y compartan.

Si querés un postre más humilde podés pasar por el arroz con leche, que lleva el logo peronista en canela, algo divertido para la foto, siempre y cuando estés a favor de cantar la marcha y gritar Viva Perón, unas dos o tres veces durante la noche.

Si la noche te parece hermosa, recordá que podés llevar tu vino y pagar el descorche. Cuando quiero saber que tomar, le pregunto a Francisco y leo las recomendaciones de su blog, La Logia Petit Verdot, porque como dicen los tanos: Chi beve vino, campa cent'anni!

El Guerrillero Culinario

04 Jul 20:02


03 Jul 16:01

Charles Fréger, The Wild and the Wise

A few weeks ago i was in Liverpool for the opening of Turning FACT Inside Out, an exhibition that celebrates the 10 years of existence of the UK's favourite media arts centre (I will get back with a report later this week.)

My well documented love for Liverpool has been growing since i discovered the Open Eye Gallery last year. The independent not-for-profit photo space is now showing the sensational Charles Fréger, The Wild and the Wise. The exhibition opened in collaboration with LOOK13, Liverpool International Photography Festival and as befits the theme of the festival this year (WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?), the gallery has selected the work of an artist concerned with both individual and collective identity.

One of Fréger's series documents some of the pagan rites that still celebrate the cyclical patterns of nature and life in general in Europe.

Babugeri, Bansko, Bulgaria, 2010-2011. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

Schnappviecher, Tramin, Italy. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

Ursul (Bear), Palanca, Romania, 2010-2011. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

Caretos, Lazarim, Portugal, 2010-2011. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

Charles Fréger, Busos, 2010. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

Juantramposo, Alsasua, Spain. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

Charles Fréger, Krampus, Bad Mitterndorf, Austria, 2011. From the "Wilder Mann" series © Charles Fréger

I could go on and on with those images. They might be less fancifully attired, but the Namibian Hereros, dressed in a vernacular version of colonial uniforms, impressed me just as much as the European revelers of all things folk and pagan.

Hereros 10, 2007. From the "Hereros" series © Charles Fréger

Hereros 11, 2007. From the "Hereros" series © Charles Fréger

I smiled at the Wilder Mann and at the Hereros series but i was moved by the portraits of rikishi ('sumo wrestlers' in Japanese) as children and adults.

Rikishi, Japan, 2006 © Charles Fréger

Rikishi, Japan (sumo portrait 4), 2006 © Charles Fréger

Charles Fréger, The Wild and the Wise is at Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool until 26 August 2013.

Image on the homepage stolen from the Double Negative.

01 Jul 20:05

Something happening somewhere


Puntero laser

01 Jul 19:17

The Future

01 Jul 19:15


19 Jun 22:12

Identifique su arma química

by Federico Díaz Mastellone
composition with section of posters, from

Como parte del entrenamiento médico que Estados Unidos les daba a los soldados que iban a intervenir en la Segunda Guerra Mundial estaba: la detección de armas químicas. Los "simpáticos" afiches que veremos a continuación son parte de dicho entrenamiento, el cual se impartía en Camp Barkeley, en el estado de Texas. Pueden verlos aquí.

Visto en Boing Boing.
14 Jun 23:09

Aaaand she's gone | Imgur Exclusive



14 Jun 20:39

Supermajor: un superefecto óptico

by (Alvy)

En Supermajor algo raro sucede pero los visitantes tienen complicado adivinar exactamente qué. ¡Vale, Capitán Impaciencia! Salta a 00:30 para ver mejor el efecto, con todo detalle desde 01:00.

La obra de Matt Kenyon de Swamp (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production) se creó a raíz del desastroso vertido de crudo en el Golfo de México; 4,9 millones de barriles durante 90 días para ser más exactos, como forma de concienciación a través del arte.

Solución para ansiosos: es magia. Científica, pero magia.

(Vía The Kid Should See This..)

# Enlace Permanente

10 Jun 16:31

“I’m trying to organize a prison break. I’m looking...

10 Jun 16:31

There is no life without death


ultra gay

06 Jun 04:22

Lozano: “Oficialismo y oposición instalan una lógica que expulsa la perspectiva de cambio instalada en 2001″

by lamarencoche

Tu amigo tino

El diputado nacional Claudio Lozano habló de la polarización en el mapa político actual.

Descargar fichero de audio (CLAUDIO-LOZANO.mp3)


También analizó el presente económico argentino, el modelo productivo y su acuerdo en la ciudad con Marea Popular.

Entrevista completa

La entrada Lozano: “Oficialismo y oposición instalan una lógica que expulsa la perspectiva de cambio instalada en 2001″ aparece primero en FM La Tribu.

05 Jun 16:50

Yay, internet!



28 May 23:11

Microsoft Launches the Xbox One


mira ivankji

Microsoft Launches the Xbox One

Get Over Here and Play a Video Game

Submitted by: riley66

Tagged: gifs , Sony , microsoft , funny , xbox one
27 May 15:25

Ratapaloma de famosos 1

by (Morbo @kiwisaki)
Encerrado en su ático y alimentado solo con cabezas de pescado, el maligno Marcelo Hugo realiza horribles creaciones.
Bienvenidos a la primera entrega de la nueva sección de EBDM llamada "Ratapaloma de famosos".

23 May 21:23

And it occurred to me that these must be holographic viral projections from an autonomous continuum that was somehow intersecting my own

by but does it float


Fabergé Fractals by Tom Beddard, Rendered with the artist’s WebGL 3D fractal creator Title: Terence McKenna Folkert
23 May 21:19



23 May 21:17

Those Darn Neighbors

by Jason Bradshaw

20 May 14:55




20 May 14:53


I'm not sure if you can get Epcot, but my friend just got LegoLand. He guessed California but it was the one in Denmark. Meanwhile, I'm rapidly becoming a connoisseur of unmarked dirt roads over flat, barren landscapes.
18 May 05:31

Please Love Me

by Jason Bradshaw


Loosely inspired by the song Graceland by Paul Simon.
17 May 18:33

Your moment of Zen



19 Mar 15:19

Animated GIFs - Skip Dolphin Hursh

by rkn
18 Mar 20:49
