Shared posts

15 Aug 02:13

Drunken texts

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

Applies to much in life now, compared to then

When I was younger:


15 Aug 02:11

Emirates to Launch World's Longest Flight

Simple Simon

Nearly 14,000km (longest route by 18km), 17 and a half hours! I used to think a 12 hour flight was long (well, it is long).

Emirates has announced the plans to launch a daily service to Panama City (PTY) as of February 1st, 2016.

Emirates to Launch World's Longest Flight
29 Jul 09:17

When someone puts a meeting in at lunchtime

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

This happened yesterday.

Thanks to discolush!

15 Jul 15:32


After decades of increasingly confused arguing, Pluto is reclassified as a "dwarf Pluto."
11 Jul 09:35

When it’s Friday and it’s sunny!

by lightbluebird
Simple Simon

Thinking about a geothermal bath

10 Jul 11:47

tarynel: fanboy-trav: hypersexualfangirl: file this under the...




file this under the shit-load of under appreciated people who you never learn about in school

By fucking hand, bro.

you always hear about the first man on the moon but never this 

24 Jun 15:17

Massif Central: Wiggo Hour Record Poster

by prolly
Simple Simon

I have too many posters...


With Wiggo’s new hour record title firmly stamped in the record books, infographics like this from Massif Central break all the data down play by play in a design that radiates off his signature bullseye. Check out more at Massif Central.

The post Massif Central: Wiggo Hour Record Poster appeared first on The Radavist.

24 Jun 11:32

Bike Jerks: Opening Night at the NSC Velodrome Photos

by prolly
Simple Simon

Nice photo of the track



Photos by Marty Wood

The Bike Jerks blog has some exceptional photos up from their local track’s opening night. Head on over to check out some more photos from the NSC Velodrome’s season kick-off. Seriously Marty, those are some great photos!

The post Bike Jerks: Opening Night at the NSC Velodrome Photos appeared first on The Radavist.

22 Jun 21:05

Some men in this country as soon as it reaches 13 degrees

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

A bit of an extension of the Scottish favourite "Taps aff!"

11 Jun 07:17

micdotcom: Watch: First, Stephen Hawking used theoretical...

22 May 20:27

Exploring Central Asia with a Nikon D7000

by [NR] admin

Exploring Central Asia with a Nikon D7000 by Jeremiah Gilbert (WebsiteFacebook500px):

I like to travel light, usually just one camera and two lenses (a wide angle and a moderate zoom). I travel with a Nikon D7000 as it, along with my Sigma 10-20mm lens, is noticeably smaller and lighter than my D600 equipped with a Nikkor 16-35mm lens. It would also be considerably cheaper to replace should it be lost or stolen. These go into my Think Tank Retrospective 5 bag, which is light enough to carry all day and doesn’t look like a camera bag.

It was this combination that I took with me to Central Asia last spring, beginning in Xi’an, China and ending up in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It was a month retracing the Silk Road, or at least one route of the Silk Road. Besides some French and German tourists, this is an area that sees few Westerners and the only region in my varied travels where I was asked to pose for photos with locals.

Traveling west of Xi’an, one is reminded of the vastness of China. It is a 22-hour train ride from Xi’an to Dunhuang, leaving at 11am and arriving at 9am the following morning. Dunhuang is known for its Mogao Grottoes, a system of 492 cave temples spanning 1000 years, and its Crescent Lake situated amidst rolling sand dunes. Being China, the sand dunes include ladders draped along them to make them easier to climb.

It’s another 9-hour train ride to Turpan, this one leaving from a frigid platform in the middle of the night from a remote station. Here is where China becomes less Asian and more Middle Eastern. Arabic starts to be heard far more than Mandarin and the people look more Central Asian than Han Chinese. Among many other sites, Turpan serves as a gateway to the ancient city of Jiaohe, located at the foot of the Flaming Mountain. In the 14th century, the city was damaged and abandoned due to warfare between Mongolian aristocrats and Uigurs.

Kashgar is the westernmost city in China, located near the border with Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Here I shift into street photographer mode while attending their Sunday animal bazaar. Along with my wide angle, I travel with a medium telephoto lens, which I switched to for this experience (in this case, a Nikkor 18-105mm). There are rows and rows of trucks with animals, ranging from goats to camels, along with a back lane used to run horses. There are also makeshift eateries serving food and drink, as negotiations can be lengthy.

It’s a long drive from China to Kyrgyzstan along a 100km no-man’s land. After several Chinese checkpoints, the Kyrgyzstan checkpoint is quiet and the guards don’t seem to know what to do with the group I’m traveling with, so they line us up by nationality and have us sing our national anthems. This seems to please them and soon our passports are stamped and we’re officially in the country.

I spend my first night in Kyrgyzstan in a yurt beside the ruins of Tash Rabat, a well-preserved 15th century stone caravanserai. One comes to Kyrgyzstan for its natural treasures, not its ruins, so it is nice to be so close to one of the few there are to find. Another is Burana Tower, near the town of Tokmok. The tower, along with some grave markers, is about all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun.

The city of Karakol began as a Russian military outpost founded in 1869. In the 1880s, Karakol's population surged with an influx of Dungans, Chinese Muslims fleeing warfare in China. As a result, one finds a Russian Orthodox Church only a few blocks from Dungan Mosque, decidedly Chinese in its architectural style.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan’s capital city, is an industrial break from the country’s overflowing natural beauty and retains a decided Soviet feel with its grand squares and monuments. This is in stark contrast with Uzbekistan, my next destination, which has been making a conscious attempt to remove all remnants of its Soviet past. The Cyrillic alphabet is all but gone and there’s hardly a hint of Soviet architecture in the capital city of Tashkent.

The architecture that is found in Uzbekistan is a wide-angle shooters dream. There is such intricacy to try to capture but it seems out of context if zoomed in on, and there are wonderful lines to work with. There is also the history of the land, from its association with Islam and Tamerlane to its ancient cities and trading routes. Markets can be found in every city, some dating back centuries.

After arriving in Tashkent for a night, I head to Khiva, an ancient walled oasis city famous for its unfinished blue minaret. Along with its unfinished minaret, one comes across Djuma Mosque, which retains 112 columns taken from ancient structures. One can also climb atop the city’s wall for panoramic views if they can find the right man behind the right door down the right turn to give their money to.

The region around Bukhara has been inhabited for at least five millennia, and the city has existed for at least half that time. Due to its location on the Silk Road, the city has long been a center of trade, scholarship, culture, and religion. Its Kalân Mosque, for instance, was completed in 1514 and is able to accommodate 12 thousand people. In Bukhara’s market area I buy a foldable knife that I’m not sure I’ll be able to get back into the US, but the seller has a warm personality and an inviting smile. Centuries of inherited practice, I’m sure.

Samarkand has carefully preserved the traditions of ancient crafts: embroidery, silk weaving, engraving on copper, ceramics, and painting on wood. It is also home to Guri Amir, the mausoleum of the Asian conqueror Tamerlane. Guir Amir served as the precursor and model for later great Mughal architecture tombs, including the Taj Mahal. One also comes across Shah-i-Zinda, a necropolis complex formed over nine (from 11th till 19th) centuries, which now includes more than twenty buildings.

My travels end back in Tashkent, whose Hotel Uzbekistan retains a modern Soviet style. Inside, when exchanging money, I am reminded by the woman behind the glass that I will not be able to exchange it back, so be sure to spend it. “I’m only in the country one more day,” I reply, as a means of explaining the small amount I had exchanged. “Good,” she replies, “be sure to spend it all.” Guess I’ll go explore some more markets.

03_Turpan_Jiaohe 28_Uzbekistan_Tashkent
25_Uzbekistan_Samarkand 24_Uzbekistan_Samarkand
19_Uzbekistan_Bukhara 17_Uzbekistan_Bukhara
15_Uzbekistan_Khiva 13_Kyrgyzstan_Bishkek

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Adobe Photoshop CC plus Lightroom desktop and mobile for $9.99/mo

12 May 22:32

Working in North Sea – One of the harshest working environment in the world

by DrillingFormulas.Com
Simple Simon

I was on the Sedco 706 (where the video was taken of the Dunbar platform)!

North Sea is one of the toughest offshore conditions on the planet because extremely high wave, wind and unstable sea state. We would like to share some very interesting VDO showing conditions of rig/platform in the North Sea.

Huge waves crash against swaying North Sea oil rig

Accommodation platform Floatel Superior in Storm in the North Sea.

Borgholm Dolphin North Sea 27th Nov 2011

Dunbar Oil Rig in North Sea – Hit by huge wave (14-12-2008)

North Sea Rig in BIG storm

A Day in the Life Offshore

BBC What is life like on a North Sea rig 31.12.2013

Storm – Northsea – Offshore – Platform – F3-FB-1

Always Work Safely

27 Apr 13:40

Man injured at Anhui airport after toilet he was squatting on collapsed

Simple Simon

no no noooo!!!

Using toilets in China can be a somewhat unpleasant experience from time to time. For one male passenger at the Xinqiao Airport in Anhui province, however, it literally became a pain in the ass.
26 Apr 21:43

Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos for first time ever

Simple Simon

This is frightening.

A team of Chinese scientists said they successfully tweaked human DNA in an embryo for the first time in history, according to a new report in Nature News.
26 Apr 21:43

Tomorrow, Uber will offer sky-high helicopter rides above Shanghai

Simple Simon

We used Uber in Johannesburg - have to admit that I'd be keen to do this in Shanghai!

Tomorrow (Saturday, April 25) customers willing to fork out a cool 2,999 RMB (about 484 USD) can summon a EC135 helicopter which will take you on a sky cruise over Shanghai’s most scenic locations.
26 Apr 21:42

Aunties and uncles exit bus during traffic jam for impromptu dance-off

Simple Simon

the traffic is never this bad here, unfortunately

China's determined square-dancers at times seem unstoppable. No matter what hurdles the world throws at them, whether it be bicycle locks, regulated routines or—quite literally—feces, they find a way to dance, whenever and wherever.
26 Apr 21:39

Four Seasons Super-Exclusive Private Jet Revealed

by Jonny Clark
Simple Simon

Need to wait for the boom times again...
Alternatively, you could get 6 hrs of flying in a Spitfire for that.

Four Seasons Photography Shoot April 2015_Kirsten Holst

We love a special jet, and there is no more special than Four Season’s little black number revealed today to the world’s press. This is the basically the Orient Express for the 21st century, carefully transporting 52 very exclusive passengers on a money-can’t-buy itinerary of a lifetime.

Four Seasons Photography Shoot April 2015_Kirsten Holst

Working in partnership with Four Seasons Hotels, TCS Expeditions and Iacobucci HF Aerospace as their preferred design partner, (and a favourite of ours) Factorydesign has helped define the Four Seasons Private Jet Experience. Designing luxury cabin interiors and state-of-the-art flatbed leather seats to create a unique cabin for their guests, Four Seasons continues to re-imagine luxury hospitality with the introduction of the hotel industry’s first fully branded jet experience. Passengers will be arranged in one of the aircraft’s most spacious layouts, featuring just 13 rows of 2 x 2 fully flat bed seats.

Four Seasons Photography Shoot April 2015_Kirsten Holst

This very special 757 is all about contemporary design touches fused with luxurious finishes. We love the interior, and feel private jet operators could learn a thing or two, as this understated look is the future of the luxury market. From the hand-crafted leather flatbed seats by specialised aerospace Italian designer Iacobucci and hand-woven woollen carpeting to fine tableware, cosy Mongolian cashmere blankets and cabin crew uniforms, no detail has been overlooked. The exterior matches the impressive interior of the aircraft – and there’s no denying we love a black aircraft here at TheDesignAir. We love the design aesthetic thanks to a high-gloss black finish and interestingly the largest ever version of the iconic Four Seasons tree logo.

At £63,000 these trips far exceed the prices paid on round the world cruises, but the experience is unbeatable. From Dom Perignon to Bvlgari amenity kits, the private jet also includes its own executive and sous in-flight chefs. Chef Kerry Sear said: ‘Our aim is to recreate the hotel experience on the Four Seasons Private Jet, which means creating innovative meals using fresh ingredients, served on the finest tableware and linens, all with impeccable Four Seasons service. But you aren’t just paying a hefty price tag for the 10 crew who accompany you on the trip, but the hotel accomodation (Four Seasons of course), ground transportation and planned excursions as well as all meals and beverages throughout the trip.


One itinerary for example would include 24 days split between Los Angeles – Kona – Bora Bora – Sydney – Bali – Chiang Mai – Taj Mahal and Mumbai – Prague – London. However, if one of their itineraries don’t float your boat, you could always charter the black bird. Now then, where’s our black Amex?

23 Apr 09:27


If you live in the Northern hemisphere, anyway. In the southern hemisphere, due to the coriolis effect, babies are born nine months BEFORE they're conceived.
22 Apr 19:20

ANA’s Kin To Star Wars

by Jonny Clark

design02 We sense a disturbance in the air… and we love it! We all remember how cool it was when we learned R2-D2 could fly, and well, it’s happening again. All Nippon Airways announced today it will introduce a very special Star Wars livery, with the iconic (and only true link to all Star Wars movies) R2-D2, on its newest aircraft 787-9 Dreamliner to mark the beginning of a five-year ANA Star Wars™ Project and agreement with The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd. This marks the first time a Star Wars character will appear on the exterior of a commercial aircraft. In a similar move to Air New Zealand‘s courtship to Lord of the Rings, ANA’s R2-D2 design was unveiled toStar Wars fans today at the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California, just months prior to the character’s appearance on international flights in autumn of this year. design01 The Star Wars livery is in line with ANA’s strategy to further enhance its international presence – and it’s going to work. Last spring, the carrier significantly expanded its international flight network from Haneda and Narita airports in Tokyo. With demand increasing around the world for flights to Japan and routes linking the United States with Asia, ANA is committed to raising the profile of the ANA brand in the global market through innovative partnerships and branding opportunities. The partnership with Star Wars, an internationally loved franchise, is a perfect match as Japan’s largest airline seeks to connect travelers around the world through this project. design05 “We’re excited to be involved in this collaboration with ANA, one of the world’s leading 5-star airlines,” said Kayleen Walters, Vice President, Marketing for Lucasfilm Ltd. “We’re proud of the innovative R2-D2 design, and we look forward to witnessing the first-ever flight of a passenger aircraft featuring a Star Wars character. We’re confident that Star Wars fans around the world will absolutely love this design.”

  “ANA boasts an extensive international network, along with convenient connections between the U.S. and a wide variety of destinations throughout Asia,” said Takashi Shiki, ANA Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing. “Although it’s a lofty goal, we hope that like Star Wars, ANA will become well known and loved across all borders and generations. The R2-D2 motif works well with ANA’s blue logo design on the aircraft’s fuselage, and many people associate R2-D2 with competent and reliable service—also hallmarks of ANA’s 5-star service. We are particularly delighted to introduce this collaboration now as we prepare to launch our new international service from Tokyo to Houston in June, making it our 10th North American destination. Through the introduction of the new Star Wars livery we hope to welcome more passengers from around the world to experience ANA as the Inspiration of Japan.” ANA 787-9 E-2 If you want to get involved in ANA’s universe, take a look at their dedicated microsite… let’s just hope our chances of flying on the new jet are less than 725 to one…
30 Mar 08:50


We all remember those famous first words spoken by an astronaut on the surface of Mars: "That's one small step fo- HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT IT'S GOT SOME KIND OF DRILL! Get back to the ... [unintelligible] ... [signal lost]"
25 Mar 10:19

Squirrel Plan

[Halfway to the Sun ...] Heyyyy ... what if this BALLOON is full of acorns?!
25 Feb 21:34

Zaha Hadid Has Ambitious Plans For Beijing

by Jonny Clark
Simple Simon

The artists renderings don't take into account the smog though.

ZHA_Beijing New Airport (2)

The world’s largest airport passenger terminal design has been revealed, conceived by ADP Ingeniérie (ADPI) and Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA). The Beijing New Airport Terminal Building in Daxing, Beijing, doesn’t have a completion date yet, but was submitted under the leadership of the Beijing New Airport Headquarters (BNAH), based on the bid-winning planning scheme by ADPI.

Following the 2011 international competition bid, in October 2014 the Beijing New Airport Headquarters created a Joint Design Team bringing together ADPI and Zaha Hadid Architects with competition consortium group members Buro Happold, Mott Macdonald and EC Harris to collaborate on the optimised concept design for the Beijing New Airport Terminal Building.

ZHA_Beijing New Airport (1)

Interestingly, Beijing airport is already mammoth in size, however, due to the accelerated growth in China, is already exceeding its planned capacity. The latest terminal (Terminal 3) was only just finished in 2013, designed by a consortium of NACO (Netherlands Airport Consultants B.V), UK Architect Foster and Partners and ARUP. So the entire airport experience will be created by a plethora of European designers when this new terminal is complete.

Initially accommodating 45 million passengers per year, the new terminal will be adaptable and sustainable, operating in many different configurations dependant on varying aircraft and passenger traffic throughout each day. With an integrated multi-modal transport centre featuring direct links to local and national rail services including the Gaotie high speed rail, the new Daxing airport will be a key hub within Beijing’s growing transport network and a catalyst for the region’s economic development, including the city of Tianjin and Hebei Province.

ZHA_Beijing New Airport (3)

The Joint Design Team scheme integrates principles originally developed during the competition phase by ADPI and the Zaha Hadid Consortium Group respectively, which included Pascall+Watson, Buro Happold, Mott Macdonald and EC Harris.

There is a definite Hadid design stamp at work here, with large sweeping, non-conforming arches, spans and curved angles on the interior, whilst a starfish layout from an aerial view, sits alongside plans by Sir Norman Foster’s Mexico City Airport plans or Abu Dhabi’s Midfield Terminal, currently in construction. It also follows the trend of large sweeping open space alongside plans by Grimshaw’s Istanbul airport and the Mexico City airport

ZHA’s projects include some of the world’s most popular, user-focused and adaptable civic architecture that “prioritises the public realm and user experience”. This expertise, together with ADPI’s history and knowledge of airport planning and development, will ensure the new terminal at Daxing to be the world’s most convenient, sustainable and future-proof airport.

25 Feb 21:33

Red Arrows Become A Real Flag Carrier

by Jonny Clark
Simple Simon

Love this photography. Definitely an aviation geek.

Red Arrows display team unveil new Union flag design on jets

Perhaps one of the longest lasting unchanged liveries is owned by the Royal Air Force’s world famous Red Arrows. Well, until now. After over 50 years, the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, the Red Arrows, has revealed a new Union flag-inspired design on its world-famous jets. The brand new tailfins on the team’s Hawk aircraft have received the fresh look, reflecting British excellence. So it might not be a commercial carrier, but any avgeek around the world has a little bit of love for this flying troupe.

Red Arrows display team unveil new Union flag design on jets

Complete with flowing red, white and blue lines, the design emphasises the team’s important role as a global ambassador for the United Kingdom and Royal Air Force.

Red Arrows display team unveil new Union flag design on jets

Squadron Leader David Montenegro, who will lead the team as Red 1 for the first time in 2015, said: “The new tailfin perfectly illustrates the spirit of the Red Arrows – representing the UK, our engineering excellence and the continuing capability of the Royal Air Force to protect our skies.” Last year, the Red Arrows celebrated their 50th season, performing more than 80 displays across the UK and in nine other countries. The milestone was marked with a special, one-off tailfin design on its aircraft, replacing the familiar three-stripe livery the team’s jets had flown since the 1960s. Now, instead of returning to this original paint scheme following the season-long 50th pattern, the new Union flag design has been adopted for the future.

Red Arrows display team unveil new Union flag design on jets

The tail-fin, may look familiar, with similar waving standards found on both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic’s fleets in moderation, however, there is something about the bright red fuselage with bold clean bold colours that makes this new design really stand out. Something is for sure, with over 4,660 displays under their belt, this new livery will help re-inject some love from the British public, to hopefully see a further 50 years of flying.

24 Feb 09:15


If you click on the post, it takes you to search results for the note on various online music stores.
23 Feb 21:53

Retro Lufthansa 747-8I Takes Flight

Simple Simon

Sorry to spam with planes, but this is a beaut

The first Lufthansa Boeing 747-8i in a retro livery took flight. Check out our pictures!

Retro Lufthansa 747-8I Takes Flight
23 Feb 21:40

Behind the United Airlines Fare Glitch

A recent pricing error on United Airlines’ fares allowed thousands of people to book trans-Atlantic flights from the United Kingdom for as little as $50 by selecting the Danish Kroner as their form of currency.

Behind the United Airlines Fare Glitch
19 Jan 20:10

Waking up this morning

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

John Candy is probably closest to me this morning. No trains though. Car looks like it's got an ice-forest on it.

16 Jan 11:26

Apache to cut around 125 workers amid weak oil prices

Simple Simon

9000 from SLB too (6% I think it was)

HOUSTON -- Apache Corp. has cut 5% of its global workforce due to weak prices, the company said.
03 Jan 01:19

xkcd Phone 2

Washable, though only once.
23 Dec 19:04

Driver crashes 15 million yuan Porsche in Shanghai after borrowing car from friend

Simple Simon

"...he was opting not get his luxury car fixed in Germany because he was saving up to get a new Bugatti"
I'm sure he won't be crying into his tea at this. Sore one though.

A silver Porsche 918 Spyder worth 15 million RMB crashed into a tree off a road in Xiantiandi yesterday, reportedly after the owner lent the car to a friend for a test drive but the woman mistook the accelerator for the break and lost control.