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19 Dec 09:24

Happy Holidays from Team Sky

by prolly
Simple Simon

Ding ding

Bells are the best!

The post Happy Holidays from Team Sky appeared first on The Radavist.

18 Dec 23:29

Shanghai’s Factory Five Has a New Shop

by prolly
Simple Simon

Sad I never actually got to visit these guys - the owner is a drummer in a hardcore band too, seemed like a nice guy!




It’s been a while, but after a good amount of prep and construction, Shanghai’s Factory Five have just opened their new space. They converted a 150sqm shell into their new storefront and design offices, while leaving the perimeter open to bring in natural light.

Factory Five carries their own frames, PAUL, Restrap, Mission Workshop and others.

Head to their Flickr to see more photos!

The post Shanghai’s Factory Five Has a New Shop appeared first on The Radavist.

18 Dec 19:51

R.I.P. Nikon D3200, D5200 and D7000

by [NR] admin
Simple Simon

The D7000 is my camera :'( It's only 3 years old!

Both the Nikon D7000 camera body only and lens kit are listed as discontinued at B&H. Adorama doesn't even list the camera anymore on their website. Amazon is selling the last D7000 pieces for $525 $484. Nikon also lists the D7000 as discontinued on their website.

The D3200 and D5200 models are also listed as discontinued, but they are still widely available:



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Adobe Photoshop CC plus Lightroom desktop and mobile for $9.99/mo

18 Dec 12:51

Rothera Cycling: Team Za Jersey

by prolly


Oh, pizza. How I love thee.

Rothera’s got the perfect ride motivator (pizza) printed up in an homage to Team Z. Made by Castelli, these jerseys aren’t going to last long. Like a pizza at a bike shop on a Friday afternoon, they’re gonna go fast! Pick up a Rothera Cycling Team Za jersey while it’s still piping hot.

The post Rothera Cycling: Team Za Jersey appeared first on The Radavist.

12 Dec 23:43


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11 Dec 21:49

World's longest train ride from Yiwu to Madrid completed

Simple Simon

In Madrid (and Barcelona) there were numerous Christmas markets selling characters and decorations for nativity scenes. What did we buy? Dudes having a shit. Yep, you can place an Arab gentleman, having a dump, next to wee baby cheeses on a Spanish nativity scene. Anyway, this train was probably full of shitting dudes.

History was made on Tuesday, when a train originating from the Chinese city of Yiwu arrived at its final destination, Madrid, to complete the world's longest ever train journey, reports Xinhua.
11 Dec 09:20

Shandong villager pilfers natural gas, takes it home on bike in 6-meter bag

A villager in Binzhou, Shandong province was photographed carrying a six-meter-long plastic bag filled with natural gas back to his home via bicycle on Friday.
11 Dec 09:13

Yiwu's 'red factories': Where the world's Christmas decorations are made

Simple Simon

Sharing because of my comment on the train story!

Thousands of miles away from the North Pole, a "Christmas Village" in China's Zhejiang province is filled with “red factories” that produce Christmas products for the whole world.
11 Dec 09:05

Which country lasts the longest watching porn? China comes out on top!

This is according to the stats team at PornHub, who just released this crucial interactive map rating each country by sexual stamina. The results are diverse, but Iraq sets the bar pretty low at a relatively speedy five minutes and 30 seconds. Coming up (down?) next is Cuba at a slightly more satisfying but snappy six minutes and 24 seconds. Trumping all by a long shot, however, is China, where porn faithful can keep it going for an impressive 14 minutes and 34 seconds. Jiayou!
11 Dec 07:09

Stoked Is the New Suffering

by prolly
Simple Simon

I want to be more like this, although it's difficult to be stoked about riding in horizontal rain.

Personally, romanticism of intense physical exertion hasn’t been my thing. Probably because as fitness found me like a dog finds the wheel of a moving car, the ability to document rides took precedent over turning myself inside out climbing.

In short, the main motivation for getting fit was being able to ride, shoot photos and not be dying the whole time.

Presenting cycling as something that is excruciating alienates a large potential of thrill seekers, at least according to my opinion – ATMO. Instead, going up that tough climb and stopping along the way to capture a switchback, or redirecting the group back to a technical section for a photo, always lends itself to a more engaging riding experience.

People often ask if it’s possible to get a real ride in while documenting the whole time. The answer is yes, your definition of ride just needs to change.

Introduction aside, there are a lot of people I know who, at least at some capacity, live by this loose mantra of riding. Most of them are really, really, really fucking good at bikes, but even better at fucking around. These dudes live, breathe and eat cycling. Cycling, and tacos.

Yesterday, Sean from Team Dream, Ty from Golden Saddle and myself headed up Brown to El Prieto for a quick and easy MTB ride. We’re all strong in our own ways. Sean can sprint up a fire road and look scared on descents like none other. Ty is a gravity bully on descents, but will always stop to hit a line that no one else sees.

Myself, I’m an ok climber, equally as ok descending and decent at shooting photos. My crowning achievement yesterday, however, was my #RubberSideUp. Party on dudes.

The post Stoked Is the New Suffering appeared first on The Radavist.

10 Dec 13:10

Small Moon

GENERAL JAN DODONNA: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has reinvigorated the arguments of the 'artificial moonlet' and 'rogue planet-station' camps. I fear this question is fracturing the Rebellion.
29 Nov 00:29

When all the UK shops are going on about Black Friday deals

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

Is it just this year that this has sprung up in this country? It's happening in Norway about France?

28 Nov 11:20

Dear Jim, I would like to know what Michael Jackson’s...

Dear Jim,

I would like to know what Michael Jackson’s Thriller video would have looked like had all the zombies been Alan Partridge.



21 Nov 13:49

Alternate Universe What Ifs

by xkcd

Alternate Universe What Ifs

Dispatches from a horrifying alternate universe

This week: Excerpts from What If articles written in a world which, thankfully, is not the one we live in:

... and most SCUBA equipment functions relatively well when immersed in human blood. However, since the density of blood (1.06 kg/L) is much higher than fresh water (1.00 kg/L) and slightly higher than seawater (1.03 kg/L), SCUBA diving weights must be adjusted. For obvious reasons, most equipment manufactured after 2006 is designed to cope with this ...

... we've all heard the factoid that the average person supposedly eats 4 spiders per second. This statistic is misleading; it's based on a study examining on the peak rate of spider consumption in areas where the spider-streams are densest. The global average rate is probably closer to 1 spider per second (obviously higher while asleep than while awake) ...

... assuming American football has an average death rate of 1.2 players per game. This is slightly higher than the average for association football (soccer), but an order of magnitude lower than the rates found in volleyball.

... the concept of a "population bottleneck" is in the news a lot lately. Let's take a look at some examples of past human population bottlenecks, which should help us understand how the current situation is both qualitatively different and much worse than ...

According to a report by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the top ten leading causes of injury in the workplace are as follows:
  • • Lightning strikes
  • • Unknown
  • • Predation
  • • Betrayal
  • • Curses (ancient + modern)
  • • Ant bites
  • • Falling
  • • Spider bites
  • • Bites (other)
  • • Natural causes

... while the idea that a human-sized mirror could offer protection from moonlight makes intuitive sense, in effect it serves only to create a second moon. The interaction between any pair of moons—in this case, the real Moon and the mirror-image "virtual" Moon—takes place at the geometric halfway point between them.

Here, that point is located at the surface of the mirror you are carrying, which makes it clear why this is such a bad ...

... while there are no firsthand accounts of the new building layout near Buckingham Palace, an examination of satellite imagery can give us an idea of the changes. Although the images are clearly heavily distorted due to the highly variable air temperature in Westminster, it appears that the Tower of London is intact, surrounded by a series of concentric rings presumably made from the remains of ...

... for these calculations, we will assume a spherical cow, although most remaining "cows" are actually closer to oblate spheroids ...

... while a roc is self-evidently capable of lifting and carrying adult humans without difficulty, even the largest among them would struggle to lift a typical 1,200 kg sedan. While it's plausible that a flock could accomplish this by cooperative lifting, they have instead taken to dropping boulders (usually 50-100 kg) on the cars from above. This is why most commuters stick to the tunnels, despite the obvious threat posed by snakes and ...

14 Nov 08:21

Dull Bit Grading Handbook – Great for Your Reference

by DrillingFormulas.Com
Simple Simon

Old, but a classic!

Dull bit grading is a standard method to grade the bit and it will also help personnel to understand bit performance better. However, it is sometimes very difficult to understand the meaning of the codes showing in the grading because you’ve never seen these dull characteristics before.   Especially, there are new people who start to work in the oilfield therefore it is very critical to have them learn the correct way to do the bit grading in a short period of time.


One of my friends shares this very useful dull bit grading created by Smith Bit company and I can say that this is an excellent book to help you grade the bit correctly.

Let’s take a look in this book what inside

Roller cone dull bit grading part

roller cone dull bit grading part

System Structure

system structure

Dull Characteristics

Dull Characteristics

Images showing the dull characteristics of the bit – Every dull type has an image to show you how it looks like.  This part is extremely helpful for you.  This book also tells you causes of bit failure.

Images showing the dull characteristics

There is another part which is “Fixed Cutter Dull Grading”. This is applicable for PDC bits and diamond bits

 Fixed Cutter Dull Grading

Dull characteristics for fixed cutter bits

Dull characteristics for fixed cutter bits

Location on the bit structure

Location on the bit structure

Images demonstrate how it should look like for each dull characteristic of the fixed blade bit

 Images demonstrate dull characteristic of the fixed blade bit

 There is a lot of information from this book and you can download it from this link -> Dull Bit Grading Book

Please feel free to add any comments or suggest.  We wish this book would be advantage for you and your colleges.

14 Nov 08:17

Hong Kong protest leaders plan to go to Beijing on Saturday

Simple Simon

Can't imagine this ending well...

Three student leaders involved with the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests are planning on packing up their umbrellas and heading to Beijing on Saturday to fight the good fight.
13 Nov 21:06

This Man Was The Last Immigrant To Pass Through Ellis Island

by B.P.
Simple Simon

I passed by close to Narvik on my travels. It's a lot different to New York!!


60 Years Ago – Ellis Island Closes

Arne Petterson last Ellis Island immigrant, 1954 photo: A.P.

Arne Petterson last Ellis Island immigrant, 1954 photo: A.P.

On November 12, 1954 Arne Petterson became the last alien immigrant to pass through Ellis Island, when the busiest immigration station in the United States permanently closed its doors.

Petterson is seen here waving goodbye on a ferry in New York Harbor as he was on his way to be picked up by a friend who would sponsor him for citizenship.

Petterson, 48, was a Norwegian merchant seaman from Narvik who had overstayed his shore leave while in New York. In 1942, during World War II, Petterson survived a German u-boat attack on his ship, the Leiv Eiriksson.

Ellis Island was in operation for 62 years and processed over 12 million immigrants.

The post This Man Was The Last Immigrant To Pass Through Ellis Island appeared first on Stuff Nobody Cares About.

13 Nov 15:30

Alibaba using bra size to determine shopping habits

Congratulations to whoever got stuck crunching numbers based on intimate apparel purchases, because they just discovered a nifty trend: women who purchase larger bra sizes tend to spend more than their small-sized compatriots. Big boobs, big money.
12 Nov 07:34

The New iOS Security Hole Is Worth Paying Attention to but Don't Panic

by Thorin Klosowski
Simple Simon

Don't click any unusual links, don't install anything from outside the appstore. Fairly common-sense knowledge.

Researchers from the security firm FireEye recently uncovered a nasty little exploit in iOS they're calling a "Masque Attack." Once implemented an attacker can steal banking credentials, dig into email, and plenty more. Don't panic though, it's pretty hard to actually pull off.


10 Nov 11:13


Simple Simon

Yep. Colour those lines blue, and it would be even more relevant.

I need an extension for my research project because I spent all month trying to figure out whether learning Dvorak would help me type it faster.
10 Nov 09:33

Guangzhou man buys 99 iPhone 6s to confess his love to colleague before Singles' Day

Simple Simon

2-years worth of savings...AND Roses!

A Guangzhou man who works in a gaming company used 500,000yuan to buy 99 iPhone6s in order to stage a love confession stunt to a colleague recently, NetEase reported. This definitely impresses us more than the Chinese tycoon who gifted an iPhone 6 to his entire high school class.
07 Nov 11:02


Cloud computing has a ways to go.
03 Nov 20:25

More than 2000 pharmacy students caught cheating in national exam

Simple Simon

Yikers, this is one thing I'd like the person behind the counter to know what they were talking about. They said over 2,500 took the test, and 2,440 were caught cheating!!

Around 2,500 students were caught cheating on a pharmacy licensing exam earlier this week in Xi'an through the use of wireless ear pieces and "electronic erasers," CCTV reports.
25 Oct 01:33


24 Oct 09:21


'Oh, hey Mom. No, nothing important, just at work.'
16 Oct 22:11

Nikkor lens technology explained (video)

by [NR] admin
Simple Simon

Alan, you should appreciate this - high proportion of technical sounding, but wank if you don't know what it means. If we could have made a product update with music, I think this might have been it!

Take a look at all of the technology that goes into a Nikkor lens in this new Nikon video:

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10 Oct 07:50

When my boss tells me to do something and I have no idea how to do it...

by dorasomerville
Simple Simon

I think we've all been here before! I still go there too ;)

Thanks to @julesbuena!

09 Oct 21:33

Look: Hellish numbers of tourists throng the Badaling Great Wall

Simple Simon

Look at the joy on their faces! One of the things I don't miss about this place...But can be utterly beautiful when not too many folks are about!

Beijing's Badaling Great Wall saw a hellish record of 87,500 tourists on the third day of the Golden Week holiday - aren't you glad that you weren't there?
09 Oct 21:31

Look: Adorable panda cubs make their public debut

During Golden Week, nine panda cubs, born at the Chengdu Giant Panda Research Base, were introduced to the world, and the world said "Awwww!" Their overwhelming cuteness helps us all forget about how cramped everything is.
09 Oct 21:30

Look: Beautiful 'Blood Moon' floats over Shanghai skyline

Simple Simon

I always liked the Shanghai skyline...Beijing has nothing to it.

For those of you who missed it, here's an image of the "Blood Moon" created by the lunar eclipse that was visible across most of the Americas and Asia last night.