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12 Sep 17:35

Robot Nutcracker

by swissmiss

Robot Nutcracker

I would gladly give this Robot Nutcracker a home.

12 Sep 17:26

The Sad Dads of One Direction Concerts Photo Gallery Is Perfect


this wasn't quite as funny as i wanted it to be, but still amusing

A music photographer recently attended a concert by the boy band One Direction and noticed an interesting phenomenon: Peppered throughout Nashville’s LP Field were sad dads who were evidently accompanying their young daughters to the show. As the photos seem to indicate, for some reason, they do not appear to be enjoying themselves ...

10 Sep 15:44

Kid Just Is Not Into Meeting President Obama

In this picture, we see President Barack Obama meeting with a departing Secret Service agent and his wife, thanking them for their service to their country. We also see the couple's son, and he is just not having any of it. Whether this photo says more about the state of politics or parenting probably depends more on the viewer than anything, but maybe there is no metaphor here, other than yet another monumental tribute to the boredom of childhood and the fact that kids can get away with things that most of us can not ...

10 Sep 15:43

Bill Murray Unveils His All-Female Ghostbuster Dream Team


linda cardellini!

We already know that director Paul Feig has an all-female Ghostbusters revival in the works, and that's pretty good news. But in talking to interviewers at the Toronto International Film Festival, Ghostbuster godfather and walking celebrity lifehack Bill Murray unveiled who he thinks should pick up the proton packs—and it's pretty on-point.

First up, Bridesmaid's Melissa McCarthy—an obvious choice, but a perfect one. Then, Kristen Wiig—one of her generation's finest comedians, so no surprise there either. Linda Cardellini—probably the least known of the bunch, but a terrific choice, and one who worked with Feig in Freaks and Geeks. And finally, Emma Stone—maybe you've heard of her. Stone's solidly in the a-list these days, but she hasn't had a true comedy role since appearing alongside Murray in the excellent Zombieland. So, it's up to you now, Mr. Paul Feig. Who you gonna call? ...

10 Sep 15:43

Do or Don’t: Tomboy perfumes

by Joanna Goddard

this actually kind of made me want to wear cologne

The other night, I met my friend K. at the movies. As we hugged hello outside, I noticed that she smelled incredible—sexy, warm, spicy, subtle. When I asked her about her perfume, she revealed that it was actually this men's cologne. "Strangers stop me on the street to ask what I'm wearing," she added.

It's funny, recently I've noticed that all my friends who smell amazing seem to be wearing masculine scents. My cousin wears sandalwood essential oil. My friend S. wears a cedar cologne. My friend Kendra borrows her husband's smoky, peppery fragrance.

I'm curious: Which perfume are you wearing these days? Would you wear a masculine fragrance? There's something so sexy about them. I think I'm going to pair this citrus musk with sweaters and jeans this fall.

P.S. Wedding overalls.

(Photo by Garance Dore)
05 Sep 21:52


The days of the week are Monday, Arctic, Wellesley, Green, Electra, Synergize, and the Seventh Seal.
05 Sep 17:41

IKEA’s ‘BookBook’ Catalogue Gets the Product Release Demo It Deserves

IKEA is promoting the release of their groundbreaking new “BookBook” catalogue with a product video that would make Tim Cook jealous. Behold, innovative features like hundreds of pages of actual content, functionality to easily flip them forward and backward and the ability to “literally share it.” And the best part? no Allen-wrenches required ...

29 Aug 17:26

So, Kirk Cameron Is Preparing to Save Christmas


is kirk cameron for real?

A new film is promising to put “Christ back into Christmas" once and for all—because, evidently, the holiday must finally be saved from the politically correct. And, yes, you guessed it, there is only one man who can save it. And that man is Kirk Cameron. The actor—who stars in Saving Christmas, which he produced with Liberty University—told The Blaze, “I assume [atheists] are going to get frustrated to see some of their best arguments deflated by this movie, because we take on some of the most commonly parroted myths about the origins of Christmas.” It’s probably best that you just make your own judgments about how effective the film will be at deflating atheists (because we guess that's part of the goal here?), and just watch the trailer for yourself, which, honestly, like the poster, is extremely confusing ...

24 Aug 18:05

Jimmy Fallon Did Us All a Favor and Just Started Making Up Good News

It's been a rough week for news, both at home and abroad, and even the unfailingly smiley Jimmy Fallon was forced to admit that things are pretty bad out there. Never one to take bad news lying down, Fallon decided to just straight up lie, and recruited a few news stories that aren't necessarily true, but, hey, it'd be nice if they were. Thanks, Jimmy. We feel better all ready ...

19 Aug 15:23

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe

by Christopher Jobson

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Color Coded Food and Flowers Photographed by Emily Blincoe food flowers color

Photographer Emily Blincoe (previously) continues to make us smile with her arrays of food and plants perfectly organized by color. Blincoe collects every color permutation of tomatoes, oranges, eggs, and even candy and then sorts them into groups and gradients for each image. Her wildly popular photos have attracted a huge following on Instagram and Tumblr, and many are available as prints.

18 Aug 21:37

The Kardashians Are Refusing to Film Their Reality Show, Thank Goodness.


even though it's so dumb, the way this was written just kept making me laugh

We needed a little good news this week. After Château Kardashian was burglarized a reported three times in the past year, the Sisters K are reportedly refusing to begin filming another season until the Kardashian Kriminal has been Kaught. They reportedly think a Keeping Up With the Kardashians Krewmember is to blame. According to TMZ:

All 3 thefts—$4K taken from Kourtney's Hampton's rental, $50K stolen from Kourtney's Calabasas home and $250K in jewelry taken from Khloe's house—appear to be inside jobs, with no signs of forced entry.

Ignoring the fact that one of these girls losing $50K is the equivalent of you misplacing a Buy-One-Get-One-Free ticket for your local Smoothie King, the Kardashians' Koncerns are duly noted. With any luck, the thief will never be found, leaving the show left with no option but to Kall it Kwits ...

18 Aug 21:35

Oxford Dictionaries Add YOLO, Hot Mess, Adorbs and Other Regrettable Words

If someone in the future were to use the Oxford Dictionaries as a reference point for English-speaking culture in the year 2014, they’ll now be able to see what a strange, confusing time it was. The word database—which as Time notes, is different than the more official Oxford English Dictionary—added a series of new words and definitions, showcasing the rapidly (d)evolving nature of the English language in the Internet era, including: cray, adorbs, listicle, YOLO and neckbeard. The entire list, which you can view here, reads as if Tom Haverford and Jean-Ralphio were (wisely) personally consulted ...

18 Aug 21:27

Michael Cera Has Released a Surprise Album


i tried listening to a few songs but i don't get it

Taking a page right out of the Beyonce playbook, the always-loveable Michael Cera released a surprise album this week, which you can listen to on Bandcamp. And, for a dude whose mostly known for his comedies, it’s actually pretty good (just a heads up, there’s some explicit language). George Michael channels Michigan-era Sufjan Stevens, with interestingly-arranged folk tunes, weird lyrics, electronic bleeps and whispery vocals. Well done, Mr. Manager ...

18 Aug 21:27

How the Sun Sees You: People Discover What They Look like under Ultraviolet Light, and the Startling Power of Sunscreen

by Christopher Jobson

wow! this is crazy. especially when they put on sunscreen

How the Sun Sees You: People Discover What They Look like under Ultraviolet Light, and the Startling Power of Sunscreen video art

Artist Thomas Leveritt recently setup a special UV motion camera in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park with the intent of filming random passersby. Ultraviolet rays have the ability to expose not-yet-visible changes to human skin, namely freckles, that turn even the most unblemished faces into dark explosions of dots. Leveritt installed a monitor above the camera so people could instantly see the results, and then to heighten the effect, supplied them sunscreen in a vivid demonstration of why you should probably never again step outside without it. (via Laughing Squid, Co.Create)

13 Aug 16:27

Behold, a Two-Headed Dolphin, Just Like the Legends Said

Admittedly, we can't think of any legends featuring a two-headed dolphin, but it's time to get going writing some, because we've got at least one on our hands. Or, at least, we had one. 39-year-old gym teacher Tugrul Metin was taking a stroll on a Turkish beach when he happened across a recently deceased dolphin calf who had, yes, been born with two noggins. “I couldn’t take it in at first. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I’ve never even heard about a dolphin like this let alone seen one with my own eyes–I was completely shocked,” Metin told the Daily Mail. Associate professor Mehmet Gokoglu from the marine-biology department at the Ak Deniz University confirmed that a two-headed dolphin is a rare occurrence. Almost legendary. Or, at least, it should be ...

13 Aug 16:27

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet

by Christopher Jobson

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet sculpture paper humor

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet sculpture paper humor

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet sculpture paper humor

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet sculpture paper humor

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet sculpture paper humor

Toilet Paper Rolls Squished into Funny Faces by Junior Fritz Jacquet sculpture paper humor

French paper artist Junior Fritz Jacquet created this fantastic series of weird masks made from toilet paper rolls. Inspired by the craft of origami, each mask is made from a single paper roll which is folded and squished into an expressive face. The pieces are then finished with a coat of shellac and different pigments. These masks are just one small facet of Jacquet’s artwork, you can see more of his functional paper lights and other paper creations over on Facebook. Photos here by Matthieu Gauchet. (via Brain Pickings, Lost at E Minor)

12 Aug 21:58

Watch the Insane Performance that won the World Championship of Yo-Yo



Yo-yo wizard Gentry Stein took home the title of 2014 World Yo-Yo Champion (which is evidently a thing), with this insane performance that will make you want to dig your old Duncan out of the attic ...

07 Aug 16:11

Benevolent Fairy Taylor Swift Gives Fan $90 for Chipotle


what? this is so weird!

Twitter user Alex Garcia says he was celebrating a friend's birthday in New York City when global superstar and kindly fairy godmother Taylor Swift alighted upon Central Park to bestow the birthday girl some Chipotle money. Evidently, doe-eyed lady of the lowlands Taylor Swift asked the fan where she was going for her birthday, and upon hearing the fan meant to go to Chipotle promptly fished $90 out of her purse so she could go get a burrito. Does Taylor Swift think Chipotle burritos cost $90? Or was she hoping the young lady would bring her back some change? Perhaps she meant to give her $9,000 to start her own burrito restaurant. We simply do not know. Regardless, the fan's birthday got a shot of that Taylor Swift magic, and once the clock struck midnight and her birthday was over, all she had was her memories, which she will treasure forever ...

07 Aug 16:09

Sign of the Apocalypse: Scrabble Will Now Allow Players to Use ‘Selfie,’ ‘Bromance’ and ‘Chillax’

Scrabble has just updated its official “Player’s Dictionary” for the first time in nearly a decade, and its latest additions are sad signs of the times we live in. Players can now legally use words including “selfie,” “bromance,” “frenemy” and “chillax” to score points in what was once a respectable, somewhat high-minded board game that encouraged players to utilize a large vocabulary and proper spelling. Also on the list are a handful of words that appear to be created by someone who has at least heard of the Internet—but probably only from startup press releases written in 2004 and the film The Net: “Webzine,” “vodcast” (?),” “joypad,” and “vlog” are among the words that no one has ever actually used to describe things associated with modern technology ...

04 Aug 18:45

This Ice Cream Changes Color When Licked


this cannot be good for you

It’s a fascinating time to be alive. An ice cream lover/physicist named Manuel Linares has used the wizardry of chemistry to create an ice cream that changes colors when licked. The Xamaleón flavor—named after chameleons—contains a variety of hues that transformed when they come in contact with human saliva. Yeah science! ...

02 Aug 04:03

“I was extremely shy when I was younger. I wasn’t asked to the...


WHOA hahaha

“I was extremely shy when I was younger. I wasn’t asked to the prom or anything. Life didn’t really even start for me until I turned fifty. But let’s just say I got plenty of experience after that!”

30 Jul 15:40

Why Won’t These Walmart Ice Cream Sandwiches Melt?

A YouTube scientist/country radio DJ from Sioux Falls decided to find out what happens if you leave a Walmart Great Value Brand ice cream sandwich in the sun on an 80 degree day for over an hour. Disturbingly, not only doesn’t not melt as you would expect any non-mutant ice cream to, it looked almost identical to when it came out of the box ...

30 Jul 15:39

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico

by Christopher Jobson

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal Leaves Miniature Cement Skeletons on the Streets of Mexico street art sculpture miniature Mexico cement

Artist Isaac Cordal (previously) is well-known for his creation and placement of miniature cement figures in public places around the world as part of an ongoing series called Cement Eclipses. While the meaning behind each tiny sculpture is intentionally ambiguous, it’s impossible to look at each piece without imagining a story. The pieces often appear in scenes of mourning or despair, as part of what Cordal says is commentary on humankind’s disregard for nature and as foreshadowing of potential consequences. From his artist statement:

Isaac Cordal is sympathetic toward his little people and you can empathize with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and even their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. The sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters; in many unusual and unlikely places.

These new skeletal works are part of a 2013 series he created in Chiapas, Mexico, and he also had work this summer at ArtScape 2014 in Sweden. You can see more over on Facebook. (via Supersonic)

28 Jul 16:05

Cooking date nights

by Joanna Goddard

i think it's funny that she posts this as if she's never tried it before

We've tried Blue Apron, the meal subscription service, a few times before and really like it. Lately, some of our friends have been raving about using it for at-home date nights—they cook the recipes with their significant others, while cracking a bottle of wine. You don't have to worry about meal planning or grocery shopping—it's like a date-night-in-a-box! So, we decided to try that out...Read More >
28 Jul 16:04

Just a Picture of Jack White Having the Time of His Life at a Baseball Game

Jack White is playing in Chicago this week, and he decided to spend part his trip taking part in the great American pastime. And he had the time of his life. Just look at him. Can you blame him? The crack of the bat. The roar of the crowd. Even the most tortured rock star can't help but let free his inner child when once taken by the spirit of baseball. Have an extra hot dog for the rest of us, Mr. White! ...

26 Jul 18:34

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24 Jul 19:19

The real question is did someone beauty sleep for 20 years and...


these are seriously cracking me up

The real question is did someone beauty sleep for 20 years and wake up like she the queen of the future because that attitude is so

21 Jul 14:31

"We’ve been best friends for 26 years! She used to be my...


these ladies are hilarious

"We’ve been best friends for 26 years! She used to be my hairdresser. We know everything about each other. We spend the day together, then she goes home to her husband. And I go home to my little dog Stormy."

21 Jul 14:31

This Makes Me Uncomfortable

by swissmiss

ohmygosh. i looked at this board. i can't even.

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 9.29.48 PM

My studiomate Carly put together this Pinterest board titled “This Makes Me Uncomfortable“. It’s so bad it’s good. Just what I needed after a day of looking at Excel spreadsheets.

17 Jul 21:18

"My Beauty Uniform"

by Joanna Goddard

seriously, where does she find these friends?

My friend Jenny Gordy, a designer of handmade clothing, moved from Brooklyn to Iowa City and now has a sweet baby girl. She's warm and thoughtful and is one of those people you want to ask a million questions because she always has the best answers. Here, she shares her secrets, including a game-changing eyebrow trick and the "mocktail" she swears by...Read More >