Shared posts

19 Jul 18:05

Thou Shall Find Lovecraft Online, Ramen

by Not Always Right
Restaurant | Philadelphia, PA, USA

(I’m a waitress in a popular buffet chain restaurant. I am serving a middle aged customer who is wearing a shirt that has a picture of Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a heart. Beneath it is the caption ‘we met on the internet’.)

Me: “That’s a great shirt!”

Woman: “Thanks. I think it says a lot about the kind of people you find on the internet.”

Me: “How do you mean?”

Woman: “You know, how there’s nothing but monsters online.”

To see the t-shirt design mentioned in this story, visit the NotAlwaysRomantic Extras section, which can be found here!

18 Jul 17:51

Adam And Leave

by Not Always Right
Retail | GA, USA

(I’m escorting a young couple around the store, and helping them register for their upcoming wedding. I hear my manager announce a Code Adam—a missing child security protocol in the United States—for a small boy over the P.A. system. I apologize to the couple, and start to walk to my assigned section when the man speaks up.)

Man: “Excuse me! We’re not done registering yet!”

Me: “I am so sorry, but as you heard, there is a Code Adam in place right now. I need to go help find the child. Hopefully we’ll find him quickly, and once we do, I’ll come back to you and help you finish your registry.”

Woman: “There are plenty of you working here; your coworkers can handle it. Besides, it is the fault of the parents for not paying attention to their little brats. Now, does this particular set come in stainless?”

Me: “I’m sorry, but there is a little kid missing right now. I cannot just assume that he’s okay. You can still take a look around and see if there is anything else you like while we’re searching. Like I said before, I will come back to you all once the child is found.”

Man: “Look b****, you obviously don’t get it. We’re ready to drop thousands of dollars with you guys for our wedding, as well as our new home. The least you can do is be more helpful and answer our questions. Otherwise, we’ll just go elsewhere.”

Me: “Sir, you are free to take your business anywhere you’d like.”

(I reach over and take the scan gun from the woman’s hand.)

Me: “And you’re right, I should be more helpful. I’m going to go help the parents of the missing kid, who are probably in hysterics right now.”

(I turn around and rush to my assigned area to begin searching for the missing boy. Luckily, I quickly find him building a pillow fort in our back stock room. The parents thanked me profusely, and I even received recognition from corporate!)

18 Jul 16:38


by Rapha Bento

Olha a Porsche soltando o pino da granada! A equipe da casa de carros convidou o artista e designer Gerry Judah para fazer uma instalaçãozinha bem simples para comemorar os 50 anos do clássico 911 da marca e olhem só o que o cara criou: uma escultura que parece desafiar a gravidade com três modelos diferentes do carro aniversariante, ou seja, de épocas distintas (1963, 1973 e o 2013 que vocês viram aqui) pesando 22 toneladas, alçadas junto com setas de aço brancas.

Agora queremos ver alguma outra fabricante bater essa que a montadora alemã aprontou. Uma combinação explosiva de obra de arte, loucura, criatividade bem aguçada e perfeccionismo já que o resultado ficou único! Veja mais fotos aqui.

Fotos: Contemporist.

17 Jul 19:04

Nicolas Cage vira as princesas da Disney em montagens toscas

by Rafael Aloi

Nicolas Cage em “A Bela e a Fera”! Por favor, internet! Hahaha!

Nicolas Cage já viveu muitos personagens no cinema, e na internet, mais ainda, porque as pessoas adoram colocar o seu rosto nos mais diversos personagens, animais, objetos…

Em montagens feitas por Jen Lewis e divulgadas pelo Buzzfeed, ele virou as 9 princesas da Disney: Branca de Neve, Aurora, Jasmin, Cinderela, Bela, Ariel, Mulan, Pocahontas e Tiana.

Com esse rostinho, seria um pouco difícil os contos de fada terminarem felizes para sempre, com um beijo de amor verdadeiro.


A Princesa e o Sapo”, sendo maravilhoso e nada vulgar…

“Mulan”, apenas observando…

“Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões”! Hahaha!

“Cinderela”, uma princesa clássica, muito fina e educada!

“Pequena Sereia”, rainha do mar! Hahaha!

“A Bela Adormecida”… E essa mão? Amando, por favor <3

“Pocahontas”, uma mulher poderosa que run the world!

“Alladin”, gente, por favor! Disney, Pixar, Dreamworkds, usem o Nicolas Cage nos desenhos! Hahaha!

10 Jul 19:18

She Has An Anachronic Case

by Not Always Right
Hospital | New Zealand

(My mother is a schoolteacher. To celebrate the end of school, she and the other teachers have a party, of which the theme is anachronisms. My mother wears, among other things, a Greek toga and a top hat. During the party, she hurts her leg and phones me to help her get to the hospital. We finally get to see a doctor at two o’clock in the morning.)

Doctor: “So, er… What’s the problem?”

Mum: “I hurt my leg during a party.”

(She shows him where it hurts, and the doctor feels around for a while.)

Doctor: “How exactly did you do this?”

Mum: “Well, the music came on, and I was so excited to start dancing that I jumped up, and suddenly my muscle went pop!”

Doctor: “This is probably the most interesting accident we’ve had for a while. Will you take off your socks, please, so I can see better?”

(My mother pulls them off to reveal her blackened toes, which she had coloured in before the party.)

Doctor: “What’s that?”

Mum: “Oh, don’t mind that. It’s just the bubonic plague.”

(Later, as I am sitting in the waiting room while my mum has her leg bandaged, I hear the doctor saying she’d made his night!)

05 Jul 11:57

A SlingSword Is A Sword/Slingshot Hybrid For Fighting Zombies

by Lily Hay Newman

o mundo é muito bom às vezes

Joerg Sprave is expanding his horizons and moving The Slingshot Channel into a new era. He had blacksmith James Helm make him a small sword and this demo is a relaxing break for all of us. Just some good old fashioned coconut decapitation to test the blade. Refreshing! Oh, and the hilt of the sword also has a built-in slingshot. Baby steps.



03 Jul 20:30

He Must Be Baked

by Not Always Right
Restaurant | NY, USA

(I am with my family at a Chinese restaurant. My father has kept the waitress at our table for at least five minutes, trying to order what he wants. He is mostly speaking about the food itself, and then moving on. He finally thinks of something he wants.)

Father: “Oh. I’ll have the salty fried pork with pepper. Do you have that?”

Waitress: “No, but we have similar.”

(My brother slides the menu to our father, and points at the baked salted pork.)

Waitress: “You’ll have that?”

Brother: “Yes, he will.”

Father: “Wait, so not peppered?”

Waitress: “No pepper.”

Father: “Oh, okay, so it’s salty fried pork. I’ll have that.”

Waitress: “It’s salted baked pork.”

Father: “Yes, yes, I understand, but it’s fried right?”

Waitress: “Baked.”

Father: “Fried?”

Waitress: “Baked.”

Father: “Fried?”

Waitress: “Baked.”

Father: “Fried?”

Waitress: “Baked.”

Father: “Fried?”

Waitress: “Yes.”

08 Jun 14:44

Wait… what?

08 Jun 14:42

Studio Ghibli

08 Jun 14:42


by Rapha Bento

A companhia americana Seaweed & Gravel apresenta sua linda versão da Honda CB550 de 1975. Mantendo a essência da moto, ou seja, a aparência simples e minimalista sem ser preguiçosa (o que se tornou muito comum em projetos desse tipo) e acrescentando ao modelo original um assento marrom, tanque de combustível carimbado com o nome da marca japonesa,um par de pneus Firestone, motor totalmente reconstruído e bateria da Antigravity Batteries. Belíssima duas rodas que se encaixa perfeitamente para viagens em estradas cheias de paisagens ao redor…

Foto: Seaweed & Gravel.

02 Jun 22:11

The Sometimes, Always, Never 3-Button Rule

02 Jun 22:06

Dr. Who?

02 Jun 21:59

Behind the scenes

02 Jun 21:57

Poorly drawn lines

02 Jun 21:46

Are you awake?

02 Jun 21:43


02 Jun 21:41

Matt who?

02 Jun 21:40

Is there life on Mars?

02 Jun 17:55

If You’re Thinking About….Dressing Like Carlo Alberto Pregnolato This Summer

by The Sartorialist

If You’re Thinking About….Dressing Like Carlo Alberto Pregnolato This Summer

02 Jun 17:53

Daft Punk + CR Fashion Book

by Lívia Facirolli

daft punk + cr fashion book | 5

daft punk + cr fashion book | 1daft punk + cr fashion book | 2daft punk + cr fashion book | 8 daft punk + cr fashion book | 6 daft punk + cr fashion book | 4 daft punk + cr fashion book | daft punk + cr fashion book | 3



E ainda fotografados na casa de James Goldstein, casa dos sonhos.

01 Jun 20:58

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

by Josh Tyson

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

Like a well-stocked bar, a grooming drawer with different tonics, cremes and tacky things gives you options to suit your mood and the occasion. The Rebounding Backsweep hair styling cocktail is named for its ability to recharge days after the original application and features a couple of nice pomades and a styling cream.

Read more after the jump.

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

First, wash and towel dry your hair. Then, squirt a dime-sized dollop of Bumble & Bumble Styling Creme into your hand (it looks very similar to something else you might excrete in the bathroom). Spread the stuff all over your palms and run it through your hair, massaging it into your roots with your fingertips for added lift.

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

Next, get a modest glob of Imperial Classic Pomade on your finger. This stuff is pretty thick. You can wet your palm before rubbing it in your hands to thin it some. Spread that through your hair and then comb it back into the style you like.

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

Go do some things so it can air dry just a bit. Then blow it dry with a blowdryer. It you want it to get big and tall, you can use a round brush or do a nice forward bend and dry your hair upside down: both actions look slightly insane.

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

Now brush it back and go for the Sumowax. Heat the red pot up with the dryer and start with a little bit. If you want your hair less billowy, use more, but use too much and your shit will get gummy.

Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep

The Imperial goo is water activated, so if your hair gets mussy, you can wet a comb and get it back into shape (it might not stay as tall, though). You’ll want some hairspray, too. All of this stuff can get kind of expensive, so it’s recommended that you marry a hair stylist and enjoy it at cost.


Hair Styling Cocktail: The Rebounding Backsweep is a post by Josh Tyson on Selectism.

30 May 00:46

Maionese em 60 Segundos

by flaviapantoja

  • Eu não sou uma pessoa que tem 1001 utensílios na cozinha. Você provavelmente não vai encontrar ali a ultima geração (ou a primeira) daquele utensilio de descascar alho, ou um objeto incrível alemão para picar cebola ou um cortador japonês de gema de ovo. Outro dia soube que tem uma maquina alemã de fazer sushi e fiquei devidamente fascinada. Acho que por isso resisti tanto tempo antes de comprar meu primeiro mixer, há uns quatro anos atrás. Achava, erradamente, que não servia para grandes coisas, que aquele era um utensilio que não mudaria minha maneira de cozinhar. Mas fiquei feliz de estar errada. Minha vida pós-mixer melhorou e um Mundo novo se abriu. Ok, também não precisa exagerar Flavia, mas fez uma agradável diferença.
  • Eu comecei a usa-lo para triturar sopas, para quebrar tomates em lata, para fazer milk-shakes para filhos carentes, para homogeneizar cremes e molhos. E há algum tempo, para fazer maionese.  Maionese feita em casa é um Mundo à parte, algo que não tem nada em comum com a versão industrial tão consumida por aí. Se você ainda não fez, prepare-se para se apaixonar e ter dificuldades sérias em voltar a consumir a versão plastificada, quer dizer, a versão industrial.
  • São 60 segundos no mixer. Vamos lá:
  • ingredientes

  • 2 ovos orgânicos ou caipiras, à temperatura ambiente
  • 1 ¼ copos de azeite de oliva extra-virgem
  • Sal
  • Suco de ½ limão aproximadamente
  • modo de preparo

  • 1.       Ponha a medida de azeite em um copo. Ponha os ovos em outro copo grande e alto, aonde o mixer possa trabalhar. Ligue o mixer e bata os ovos até formar um creme, por 10 segundos. Aos poucos adicione o azeite, mixando sem parar . ‘Mixando’ existe? Bem, vocês entenderam né. E mixando (se não existe, acabei de inventar essa palavra) adicione o resto do azeite aos poucos, bem devagar mesmo, para dar tempo da maionese engrossar. Quando você tiver adicionado a metade do azeite, pare o mixer, salgue a gosto, adicione suco da metade de um limão e continue a mixar até a maionese estar no ponto. De novo, é muito rápido, sessenta segundos. Ajuste o tempero com mais sal e limão se necessário..
  • 2.       Se ao contrario de mim, você adora alho e quer fazer um aioli (maionese de alho típica do sul da França), retire os germens de 2 ou 3 dentes de alho, pique o alho e triture bem com os ovos, antes de adicionar o azeite. Prossiga como para a maionese simples.
  • 3.       Outras ideias para variar a maionese: mostarda, presunto (picar bem o presunto antes de tritura-lo com os ovos), e  temperos como curry, cúrcuma e açafrão (fica uma delicia!).
29 May 19:08

Will Smith canta “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” com filho Jaden

by Rafael Maia

melhor programa

Hahaha! Que coisa bonitinha + incrível! O ator Will Smith participou do talk show do apresentador Graham Norton nesta semana, no Reino Unido.

O mais legal, no entanto, não foi a entrevista, mas, sim, a brincadeira que ele e o filho, Jaden Smith, fizeram. Eles cantaram “Fresh Prince of Bel Air”, tema da série estrelada por Smith anos, anos atrás e que, até hoje, é lembrada.

E ainda rolou um momento revival com um clássico com Alfonso Ribeiro…

It’s not unusuaaaal…

29 May 18:16

le Bat



29 May 18:13

Fixed that

29 May 18:07

Poorly drawn lines

Poorly Drawn Lines,

Poorly Drawn Lines,

Poorly drawn lines

29 May 18:07

Rooms by the Sea, Edward Hopper

Rooms by the Sea, Edward Hopper

29 May 18:05

It’s lonely being super

Cosmosnail on Behance - Belhoula Amir

It’s lonely being super

29 May 18:02

Saul Bass storyboards for Psycho

29 May 18:01

Manhattanhenge 2013