Shared posts

02 May 20:43

Car in traffic hit by turtle shell.

02 May 20:22

Love these guys

01 May 22:35

If I fits I sits!

01 May 22:35

Street art is getting rough

01 May 22:32

Probably the best gif ever

25 Apr 19:57

The Odd Couple

25 Apr 19:37

Dad With Alzheimer's Gets His Speech Back When He Sees His Dog

by Jay Hathaway

Late-stage Alzheimer's disease can be a cruel and brutal thing, as the loss of vocabulary gives way to the inability to speak at all. That's the situation Lisa Abeyta's father finds himself in most days, but there's one thing that seems to help: the family dog.


24 Apr 22:43



This is how I feel every Thursday when I play.

24 Apr 20:05

MRW I finish watching porn and close 17 tabs.

24 Apr 20:03


24 Apr 19:57

News Station Airs In-Depth Coverage of Local Hero's Camel Toe

by Jay Hathaway

After six Houston teens broke into a house, using a basketball to break a window, local news station KPRC aired an interview with the heroic neighbor who saw them and called police. The witness wanted to remain anonymous, so the station pointed the camera away from her face—and now she's probably wishing they hadn't.


24 Apr 19:53

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Fucks a Clown For GQ

by Jordan Sargent on Defamer, shared by Sarah Hedgecock to Gawker


Julia Louis-Dreyfus Fucks a Clown For GQ

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is featured in GQ's new comedy issue—with Louis C.K. on the cover—and the photos are great.


24 Apr 19:36

School Agrees to Stop Pumping Kids Full Of Mountain Dew Before Tests

by Jay Hathaway

School Agrees to Stop Pumping Kids Full Of Mountain Dew Before Tests

A Florida elementary school has agreed to stop its longstanding policy of giving kids Mountain Dew as brain fuel before the state's most important standardized test.


23 Apr 04:03

Joel Hodgson Wants To Resurrect Mystery Science Theater 3000 In 2014

by Rob Bricken

I support this.

Joel Hodgson Wants To Resurrect Mystery Science Theater 3000 In 2014

Tucked away in this fantastic Wired article about the history of MST3K comes the amazing news that creator Joel Hodgson is trying to bring back the beloved series — this time online, and with a brand-new host.


22 Apr 23:35

Our New Favorite Tumblr: Texts From TNG

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Our New Favorite Tumblr: Texts From TNG

Finally, a version of Texts From Last Night we can all rally behind.


22 Apr 23:33

Another Fireball Meteor Has Been Caught on Camera Over Russia

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Another Fireball Meteor Has Been Caught on Camera Over Russia

Late last night, a suspected meteor tore through the skies over the northern Russian city of Murmansk.


22 Apr 23:27

The Farscape Movie is Officially Happening

by Robert T. Gonzalez

This makes me very happy.

The Farscape Movie is Officially Happening

Back in February we brought you news that a Farscape movie was supposedly in the works. Now Rockne O'Bannon, creator and showrunner of the original series, has confirmed that the movie is, in fact, happening.


22 Apr 23:21

That's Ingenuity

That's Ingenuity

Submitted by: (via Unknown)

Tagged: wtf , tacos , drunk , idiots , funny , id , after 12 , g rated
22 Apr 23:07

This Kid Knows How to Get Hyped for the Game

This Kid Knows How to Get Hyped for the Game

Submitted by: (via The Chive)

Tagged: gifs , hockey , sports , g rated , win
22 Apr 22:15

The Dark Crystal is probably one of the most unsettling movies I have ever seen.

22 Apr 19:21

Winner of the Finnish Nature Image 2013 — Swallowed Alive

22 Apr 19:21

Crashed and sunken plane

22 Apr 19:19

He gave a “Wuddup. Peep this.” nod to the cameraman.

22 Apr 19:03

Couldn't find my kitten anywhere, then I walked passed the pot plant and saw this....

22 Apr 18:52

Heroic Ospreys Will Not Stop Building Nests on This Traffic Camera

by Tom Scocca

Heroic Ospreys Will Not Stop Building Nests on This Traffic Camera

The osprey, Pandion haliaetus, is a bird of character. The ancient poets knew this, and the Maryland Transportation Authority is discovering it the hard way. Last week, a pair of ospreys decided to build their nest on a platform overlooking the approach to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, where the MDTA keeps a traffic camera.


21 Apr 23:50

Disturbingly Smart Ape Makes Fire, Toasts Marshmallows

by Gabrielle Bluestone

To be fair, he does have a box of matches.

Primates are growing smarter every day—case in point is this recent Monkey Planet episode about a Bonobo ape that can comfortably build a fire from scratch, flip burgers, and even toast marshmallows.


21 Apr 22:10

Space Station 76 Is The Greatest Space Comedy Since Galaxy Quest

by Charlie Jane Anders

Space Station 76 Is The Greatest Space Comedy Since Galaxy Quest

There's no way to prepare you for the insanity of Space Station 76. It's a comedy set in a mid-1970s version of the future that looks like Space: 1999. But it's also a surprisingly dark character study of people who are slowly falling apart, which owes a lot to The Ice Storm. Here's our nearly spoiler-free first impressions of this new movie.



18 Apr 18:36

Wu-Tang Clan producer RZA has responded to the news that formerly Wu-affiliated rapper Christ Bearer

by Jay Hathaway

"That shit sound mythical."
Thanks, RZA.

Wu-Tang Clan producer RZA has responded to the news that formerly Wu-affiliated rapper Christ Bearer cut off his own penis and jumped out of an apartment building. "I don't make music with him nowadays. But the story—what he did—is incredible. That shit sound mythical," RZA told XXL.


18 Apr 14:20

Conan O'Brien Becomes the World's Creepiest Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

by Jay Hathaway

Love me some Conan.

Why won't you let Conan into your home? He's not crazy, he just wants to come to the party. Wearing more lipstick than the Joker. And not carrying a cell phone, because the police can trace those.



18 Apr 14:13

How to make your tables less terrible