Shared posts

27 Jan 18:57

Party Hard

27 Jan 18:56

I want a cat that would go on adventures with me

27 Jan 18:51

This yeti creeping around Boston in the storm



27 Jan 00:41

exploding planet

26 Jan 22:25

Sun protection in Medina


Those are beautiful.

26 Jan 21:15

Dashcam Video Appears to Show Terrifying Rocket Attack in Mariupol

by Brendan O'Connor

Holy shit...

Dashcam Video Appears to Show Terrifying Rocket Attack in Mariupol

A dashcam video uploaded to YouTube yesterday appears to show part of the deadly rocket attacks on Mariupol that killed as many as 30 people.


24 Jan 00:23

There's Something Horribly, Unspeakably Wrong With Picard's Uniform

by Rob Bricken

This is beautiful!

The old Star Trek: TNG joke is that even though its the 24th century, somehow Starfleet never discovered a cure for Picard's baldness. But apparently, they also couldn't even manage to give their highest-ranking officers uniforms that fit, as this amazing (and hilariously lengthy) supercut proves.


23 Jan 21:51

How An Engineer Outsmarted A Crazy Person With A Fake Inoculation

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

This is great.

How An Engineer Outsmarted A Crazy Person With A Fake Inoculation

You are testing a new technology. One night, as you work, a person with a case of the crazies comes in. They hate your new technology. They think it's making them sick. And they have a gun. What do you do? If you're W. W. Bradford, you do something awesome.


23 Jan 19:35

They were perfect.

23 Jan 19:30

MRW I read most science reported in the popular press



23 Jan 19:17

I work at a grain elevator.This is what grain does to the 1/4" steel liners of grain chutes at work.



23 Jan 19:14

Car Manufacturers Have Been Faking Our Engine Noises Is Nothing Sacred

by Gabrielle Bluestone

Car Manufacturers Have Been Faking Our Engine Noises Is Nothing Sacred

If you bought a car recently, I'm sorry to tell you your "badass" engine noise is probably just a recording of someone else's badass engine, and there's nothing you can do about it.


23 Jan 19:11

SkyMall Files for Bankruptcy, Sends Man Back to Wretched Malls of Earth

by Taylor Berman

SkyMall Files for Bankruptcy, Sends Man Back to Wretched Malls of Earth

SkyMall, the preferred shopping choice of Ambien-addled flyers everywhere, is broke. The company that owns the eclectic in-flight shopping catalog filed for bankruptcy on Thursday, in part because passengers prefer playing with their iPhones over buying weird shit from a magazine.


21 Jan 23:25

Procrastination in red


Love it!

21 Jan 22:44

Why You Should Care About the Silk Road Trial

by Sam Biddle

Good read.

Why You Should Care About the Silk Road Trial

Right now, a 30-year-old engineer is on trial for founding and operating an enormous online black market—the Amazon of drugs . The outcome of his trial could change the way we use the internet.


21 Jan 22:24

World's Saddest Service Offers Make-Believe Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

by Dan Lyons

LOL! I'm signing one of you poor sods up for this.

World's Saddest Service Offers Make-Believe Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

The service is called Invisible Girlfriend, and the idea is that you sign up and pay $25 and they will send you text messages and photos and make you feel as if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend (your choice), and if you can laugh at this without your laughter getting caught in your throat and turning to sobs, then you are a heartless tool.


20 Jan 21:30

I'm back, doc. Back from the...

19 Jan 19:57

Fox Wants To Bring Back The X-Files, David Duchovny And Gillian Anderson

by Robbie Gonzalez

Fox Wants To Bring Back The X-Files, David Duchovny And Gillian Anderson

Fox has confirmed that it is in talks to revive its iconic supernatural horror procedural, The X-Files.


19 Jan 19:01

Man Finds Cozy Spot Between Semis to Wait Out 26-Car Pileup

by Hudson Hongo

Man Finds Cozy Spot Between Semis to Wait Out 26-Car Pileup

For most of the 100 or so people involved in Saturday's massive highway accident in Eastern Oregon, the 26-car pileup was surely a harrowing ordeal, but one man found a cute new place amidst all the chaos, wedged safely between two big rigs.


16 Jan 21:26

This is mine now

16 Jan 19:30

Titles are hard


Now I'm seriously considering

16 Jan 18:55

132 year old Winchester rifle found leaning up against a tree in Nevada. How long it's been there is unknown.

16 Jan 18:29

22 of the Coolest, Freakiest Articles on Wikipedia

by Ben Wilson and Tyne Uzo
"Tibetan Buddhist and poet, "the Madman of the Dragon Lineage," and "The Saint of 5,000 Women." He has been reported to transform demonesses into protective deities though hitting them with his penis, also known as the "Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom." Drukpa Kunley is also credited for the esoteric practice of painting phalluses on walls in Bhutan."

22 of the Coolest, Freakiest Articles on Wikipedia

Welcome to Cool Freaks' Wikipedia Club (CFWC)—an absurdity hub.


16 Jan 18:15

Guantanamo guard claims CIA killed detainees, made it look like suicide

by Alex Moore

The CIA kills people and then they cover it up?! That is soooooo super shocking! Said no one ever.

Guantanamo guard claims CIA killed detainees, made it look like suicide

Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman is a former Guantanamo Bay guard who was on duty the night of June 9, 2006, when the U.S. government says three detainees committed suicide. He calls the government’s version of the events that night “impossible” and claims the CIA actually killed these men and covered it up to make it look like suicide.

Hickman makes his case in a new book called “Murder at Camp Delta,” which comes out next week.

“They would have had to all three tie their hands and feet together, shove rags down their throats, put a mask over their face, made a noose, hung it from the ceiling on the side of the cellblock, jumped into the noose and hung themselves simultaneously,” he tells Vice in a new interview about the book. Plus, guards had checked the cellblock hours earlier and found none of the materials needed for making gags and nooses.

Hickman claims that while on duty on June 9, 2006 he witnessed a paddy wagon pull into Guantanamo’s Alpha Block three separate times and turn left heading away from the block, a road that only leads to what he refers to as Camp No, which has since been revealed to be a CIA holding facility.

After witnessing the paddy wagon make three trips to Camp No, Hickman says he saw the paddy wagon return—but instead of returning to Alpha Block it went to a detainee medical clinic. “About 10 minutes later, all the lights come on, like a stadium, and sirens are going off — it’s chaos,” he says.

So why would the CIA want to kill detainees, from whom they were supposedly trying to get valuable information?

Hickman says the three men were avid hunger strikers, who were inciting others to follow suit.

“They had a policy that if a detainee is hunger-striking, he cannot be interrogated,” he said. “I believe the number-one mission in JTF-GTMO (Joint Task Force Guantanamo) at the time was, stop the hunger strikes at all costs. I think you get rid of the people that provoked the hunger strikes and you get rid of the problem. After the deaths there were no hunger strikes for a long period of time.”

Hickman’s claims aren’t new—he first made them in 2010 and a Harper’s Magazine article about the claim caused a stir at the time. Of course the government claims Hickman couldn’t have accurately witnessed the events at Alpha Block from his post. But the story seems worth revisiting in the wake of the recent bombshell revelation of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture. The standard dogma of CIA torture techniques has always been that it’s uncomfortable but ultimately harmless—that no permanent injury is sustained and the discomfort inflicted is well worth the price of the intelligence extracted.

Not only have multiple reports shown that no valuable intelligence was extracted whatsoever through the torture practices, but now it looks like the CIA could actually be murdering detainees who have never been so much as charged with a crime.

So why write “Murder at Camp Delta” now?

“I was trying to put Guantanamo behind me. I didn’t want to remember it. It was like a bad dream I was trying to put in the past,” Hickman says. “Then I saw in news that another detainee had hung themself. I had to face it and see what really happened.”

Watch his interview below, and look out for “Murder at Camp Delta” on sale next week.

[h/t Vice, | Image: Wiki]

15 Jan 20:50

Little dude is super happy

15 Jan 20:49

Who wore it better?


I miss Rocco...

15 Jan 20:44

Great use of science


Gyroscopically stable beer....mmmmmmhhh

15 Jan 20:43

Ernie, how do I look?

15 Jan 03:54

This makes me happy


Amongst other things..

14 Jan 19:22

Ludacris just posted this.