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25 Mar 13:49


by O Melhor do Twitter (OMdT)

Alguém já tentou jogar água no Chávez pra ver se ele volta?

14 Feb 15:39


There are probably children out there holding down spacebar to stay warm in the winter! YOUR UPDATE MURDERS CHILDREN.
14 Feb 15:39


And it says a lot about you that when your friends jump off a bridge en masse, your first thought is apparently 'my friends are all foolish and I won't be like them' and not 'are my friends ok?'.
14 Feb 14:04

Gutters: Issue #379 - Rantz Hoseley

Oh yeah, it happened. Mainstream News Story? Big Time Comics Story? Smash them together and bam! It's Gutters.

I like a lot of folks was pretty surprised when Geoff Johns announced he was leaving Green Lantern. The man made Hal cool again, but as with all good things, it must come to an end. So what's next for DC's Golden Boy?

Well, I have a theory...

Warner Bros has just apparently scrapped the latest Justice League movie script. Johns has some free time on his hands and is well known to the folks over on the movie side of things. Could we be setting the stage for Geoff Johns to write the Justice League movie?

I don't know. I have nothing to back up any of that. But it's a thought.

Finally today, I would not be doing my job if I didn't tell you all to go out and read Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore's Battle Pope. It's the right thing to do. 

Today's Papal page comes to us from Rantz Hoseley:

Rantz Hoseley is a caffeine-swilling, profanity-spewing force of dark comic matter who's been kicking around the comic industry since 1987. Having worked on everything from Phil Foglio's "XXXenophile" to the OGN adaptation of Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad," he was nominated in 2009 for the British Fantasy Award (which he didn't win) The Eisner Award (which he did win), and the Harvey Award (also a win) for "Comic Book Tattoo." For the last three years, Rantz has been working in the world of digital comics, & the "evolution of narratives in digital entertainment" with his company LongBox, Inc.  Because he's a firm believer in the powers of caffeine and scoffs at the notion that human beings need sleep, he's also working on an OGN called "LIFT," about a little-known skunkworks project at NASA in the 1950s.

Enjoy New Comics Day, friends! See you back here Friday!


18 Jan 23:43

Os idiotas da meteorologia

by Andrício de Souza

21 Dec 02:23

Tasting Notes

21 Dec 01:48

Notícia fresquinha

by Andrício de Souza

02 Dec 09:53


by Iris Yan

22 Nov 02:36

O ciclo que nunca acaba.

by Zanfa

Mas volta a acontecer.


22 Nov 02:35

Ganhar ou perder.

by Zanfa

Não faz diferença.

A depressão reina.


07 Nov 02:06


by O Melhor do Twitter (OMdT)

Todo capitalista é liberal até os lucros cairem. Aí vão correr atrás do governo para se salvarem.

01 Nov 13:25

Como devem ser os livros que não li I

by Andrício de Souza

29 Oct 02:10

Golden Boy

by Jason Poland

Everything's coming up Bobby!

(bonus panel)

Robbie is a staunch believer in the theory of limited good. All that good luck is finite! You can’t have it all, Bobby.

There are so many superstitions and uses of language built around fortuitous events. What are your theories on good luck? Do you ever get a case of Schadenfruede when things don’t work out so well for others? Oh, I bet you do!

07 Oct 21:40


by Eoin


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