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22 Apr 14:11

Illustrations Made by Folding And Unfolding Pieces of Paper...

Illustrations Made by Folding And Unfolding Pieces of Paper bySimon Schubert

22 Apr 07:47

"Please know there are much better things in life than being lonely or liked or bitter or mean or..."

“Please know there are much better things in life than being lonely or liked or bitter or mean or self-conscious. We are all full of shit. Go love someone just because; I know your heart may be badly bruised, or even the victim of numerous knifings, but it will always heal, even if you don’t want it to; it keeps going. There are the most fantastic, beautiful things and people out there, I promise. It is up to you to find them.”

- Chuck Palahniuk
21 Apr 15:43

fornicating: Singapore-based artist Keng Lye meticulously...


Singapore-based artist Keng Lye meticulously produces three-dimensional works of art with acrylics and epoxy resin that lie somewhere between painting and sculpture. Lye manages to produce the illusion of different animals swimming in water using a time-consuming process which involves pouring resin into a bowl and then painting on top of it with acrylics, layer by layer.

18 Apr 19:05

Favorite Natural Beauty Tutorials

by (cocorosa)
 photo Look1beforeandafter_zpsdb7dd70a.jpg
photo via bridesmagazine

I'm obsessed with Natural Beauty looks! Not only is a fresh, radiant and dewy skin like a fresh leaf in spring, it is a perfect base to play up the classics like a winged eye or perfect red lips too! For me a bare look where it looks like no make-up is involved is far more intimidating as well, I always envy Natural Beauty's and their effortlessly nonchalant looks! Luckily for us looking "Natural Stellar" ends up being not so natural at all ;)  

1) Barefaced Chic

A beautiful little tutorial on getting a gorgeous and natural look! The soft blush and sheer gloss on a light moist skin give such an understated glow and freshness to a bare look.

 photo Look1beforeandafter_zpsdb7dd70a.jpg

2) Quick Brightening Make Up

Lisa Eldridge her blog and video tutorials are a real gem! A beautiful natural look is all about skin, about a radiant, fresh, glowy and yes bright skin!

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3) Blush, Luminizer and Bronzer

A gorgeous video on blush, luminizer and bronzer! To be honest the video is more of an inspiration then an actual help although it does really make you get up and have a go with the blush! Helpful or not, for a beautiful natural look you need that flush of blush.

4) Covering Blemishes

Sometimes foundations and powders just work against you when you want a fresh natural look, Foundations can cake or just take away a natural glow (hormones, happiness, know a real glow), try to work with an concealer only and by working on the problem areas only; dark circles and lines! I'm not lucky enough to step out with only a drip of concealer everyday but the days that I do, it ends up looking far better then a whole cover up! Not brave enough? Just finish up with a sheer foundation instead!

 photo thebeautydepartmentcom-Blemish-Cover-Up-1_zps957734e6.jpg

5) Beautiful Brows

Gorgeous brows are often a key (and forgotten) secret to a perfect natural look, I think a natural look is all about a subtle enhancement of the face, features and skin!

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6) Brow Guidance

Another great and must see Brow Tutorial!

 photo TheBeautyDepartmentcom-Brow-Guidance_zps7187875d.jpg

7) Romantic Waves

A common misconception when it comes to natural looks is that everything has to be natural! You would be surprised how natural these curls would look when they dance gently in the wind! I would even go with a slightly lighter lipgloss and maybe even set the eyes a bit more!

 photo Bridal-Musings-hair-tutorial-shoot_zpsd313eec2.jpg

8) Flower Braid

A lighthearted and playful touch adds quickly something youthful to any look! I would just keep the hair with the braid instead of making the actual flower but I do really love the idea!

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9) Lace Braid

The hair is much more complicated but "frilly", and this "frilly" and "free" feel is a much understated and forgotten aspect to  a "natural beauty" look!

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10) Flat to Full

Add freshness and an uplifted feel to a natural look with beautiful big and dancing hair! I just love this tutorial!

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18 Apr 13:21

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

by Zaron Burnett III
Daria Nifontova

все ебанулись and that's what modern art is about

To a hummingbird you look like a statue. Buzzing past, their wings flapping in a blur of motion, you appear about as lively as stone. Avant-garde artists move through the art world, pretty much the same way. It’s like they live in the near-future instead of the frozen moment of the present with the rest of us.

150 years ago, the first avant-garde exhibition took place in Paris on May 17, 1863. Over the three centuries of its lifetime, the role of the avant-garde matured dramatically. In recent decades, it was considered elitist. It’s been labeled passé, believed to be unnecessary. It’s been declared dead numerous times. Yet, the avant-garde keeps hovering and darting forward ahead of the art world, unfazed by the rumors of its demise.

Here are 5 avant-garde artists/art collectives pushing today into tomorrow.

Remember this name.


She makes fashion-art for the body. She’s one of the most visually arresting artists working today. And she just graduated from fashion school. Brandishing the fire–dripping torch of youth to light her way, Manon Kundig stomped off into uncharted woods, inspired by the beauty of the bowerbird that makes its nest there.

In an interview with Triangulation Blog, Manon Kundig said of her inspiration, “It gave me so much freedom. I could act like a bird and make a collection where everything is possible and imaginable. The aesthetic of the bird has no hierarchy. Rubbish can be beauty. A cocktail. The bird picks whatever is in his surrounding.”

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Female bowerbirds are drab. So like peacocks, male bowerbirds use colorful sexual displays to attract females. Not gifted with the peacock’s rainbow plumage, male bowerbirds are color-mad collectors. They’re Nature’s version of a Tumblr-obsessed curator. Male bowerbirds erect a ground-based, walled structure for their nest. They decorate it with whatever catches their eye. Truly… whatever.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

A bowerbird nest is typically a tapestry of color and textures and shapes all formed into a lush carpet of arranged baubles, odds, ends, berries and trash the bird collected. Using the display to entice females, the future of their species depends on the beauty the male creates.

Here’s Manon Kundig’s Spring ’13 Bowerbird men’s collection:

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow                                                      Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Just like the bowerbird searching the forest, Manon Kundig’s curiosity wings through the concrete jungle, down into the streets and past the cars of her immigrant Antwerp neighborhood. Sometimes, she picks from the beauty she finds on the sidewalk. Other times, an image on her laptop catches her eye and she plucks from her digital environment.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow                                                       Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Speaking with Triangulation Blog, Manon Kundig explained how she found the inspiration for the headscarves her male models wear, “My online research is clearly not on fashionable sides. It is the ‘real’ aspect that fascinates me. I actually ‘stole’ the idea from a silk fetish thing going on Flickr. It is damn serious. There is a fetish for almost everything…  I wanted no body or physical aspect to be seen. No human. A pile of information for the eyes.”

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow                                                              Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

For her, fashion isn’t a calculated use of trend but more like visual play. It’s entirely natural for her to combine underground fetish imagery with the mating ritual of a rainforest bird. She gathers whatever ignites her passion and assembles it all into color-dense, richly layered patterns perfect for visual seduction.

Her intelligence, her willingness to steal and recombine, her playful desire to sumptuously layer pattern atop pattern to create something totally new and visually striking, pushes her work into the avant-garde. Without her sense of fun it could easily become a vomited mess. Instead, it’s like she decorates bodies with a rainforest.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow                                              Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

If you’re a guy, you might be thinking, “There’s no way, I’d wear anything like that.” That’s cool. But trust me… men of the future will look more like this and less like you.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Not limited to fashion, Manon Kundig also creates digital prints. Her Net-art is another way for her to combine humor with her love of color, texture and sexual imagery to create vibrant patterns and vivid mosaics.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow                                                      Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

This one’s my favorite…

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

…And not because it’s a penis-shaped potato. I like how she uses a laugh to remind us our bodies are just as ridiculous and beautiful as a duck-billed platypus. And I love how Manon Kundig fully enjoys our overlooked animal nature.

Here’s Manon Kundig’s 2013 Spring runway show:


There’s an artist couple whose work constantly asks the audience: “What the hell do you care about?” They’re art-pranksters. Shameless provocateurs. They’re best known for outrageous crimes perpetrated against the art world. These days, artists don’t really publish manifestos. It’s good there are still art-radicals like Eva & Franco to force us into a passionate conversation about social values.


Years ago, they introduced the world to Serbian artist, Darko Maver. He took photos of gory re-enactments of murder victims staged in empty houses, hotels and street scenes as social commentary. The reclusive artist became world-famous. His work was included in the 48th Venice Biennale. At the height of his fame, he died in a Kosovoan prison. But this wasn’t the end of Darko Maver because…

…Eva and Franco invented Darko Maver. He was an elaborate prank. They conned the art world insiders like a bunch of naïve fairground suckers. The photos of the gruesome figures everyone thought were wax mannequins were real photos of real victims of real atrocities from the former Yugoslavia. It was Eva and Franco’s laughing indictment of how the media would rather focus on art pieces than reality.

Eva & Franco love to touch the art world… wherever they think it’ll hurt.

For their most infamous project, they visited museums and galleries all around the world and stole bits and pieces from famous works by artists such as Kandinsky, Duchamp, Rauschenberg, Beuys, Koons and Warhol. For two years, they stole from great masterpieces. Eventually, they assembled it together and exhibited their work as a new “masterpiece.” It’s currently on display in a gallery in London.

Here’s a video of one of their heists:

Stolen Pieces from Eva and Franco Mattes on Vimeo.

Eva and Franco’s work functions like a funhouse mirror for us to gaze at ourselves.

One of Eva & Franco’s best works is their video, “No Fun.” They picked a website where users surf web-cam feeds, called Riffing on the suicidal game of Russian roulette, Eva and Franco loaded the “chamber” of their webcam with a suicide victim. Unlucky strangers looking to chat were confronted by a hanged man. They filmed the strangers’ reactions. It’s a smorgasbord of humanity on display. At around seven minutes in, it sure looks like the guy wearing only a bathrobe starts masturbating to the swinging “dead man.”

Here’s the video:

No Fun from Eva and Franco Mattes on Vimeo.

In their recent, “Emily’s Video” project, Eva & Franco explored our tendency to be drawn to, and yet quickly grow immune to, whatever shocks us. They edited together the most horrible imagery they could find, uploaded it, and asked strangers to record themselves watching it. Some viewed it alone, others watched in groups.

Here are some reactions:

Eva & Franco grasp how perception is our key to reality. They leverage our social values against us. They use perception to unlock our heads and then show us our reality-making machinery. Pranksters and provocateurs of the avant-garde, they confront the audience. In response, we’re forced to stumble and trip into the future.

For more on Eva & Franco:


Using the more traditional medium of paint, an Armenian artist, living and working in New York, asks the same questions of who we are today- but he takes an enthusiastically opposite approach.


His work teases out technology’s influence as he wonders who we’re becoming. Tsgitzyhan spotlights the beauty he finds in our modern nature and offers playful insights without relying on the nasty sting of shock. Instead, he creates familiar identification with his subjects and then twists.

Digitally fractured across modern life, sometimes it seems like we’re all like murals painted on brick walls, made of lots of little pieces that somehow form a coherent picture of our lives. Tsgitzhyan’s series of paintings, “Sectionals,” offers some rather beautiful schizophrenic renderings of such modern persons.

“Self Portrait” (2009)
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

“Untitled” (2011)
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Some artists see how we’re intimidated by technology’s constant advances. Tsgitzyhan recognizes how we still enjoy simpler, more classical views of the world. The Old Masters’ tricks still work on us. In his “Millennium” series, Tsgitzyhan rendered his subjects in a classical treatment, borrowing from the ways of the Old Masters. Then he tossed in modern items like iPods and smartphones for conflict.

“Millennium” (2010)
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Borrowing Caravaggio-inspired lighting for his work, “Connection,” he focused on an infant using a cellphone. You might smile. Yet, there’s a bittersweet edge. Despite the pleasing classical feel, our fancy techno-wonders somehow diminish the subject’s grand humanity. We don’t measure up against the classics. We look tragically silly compared to the mothers, infants, kings and queens of olde.

“Connection” (2011)
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Tsgitzyhan’s most recent paintings, from his “Mirror” series, feature women with hands before their faces. The oil paintings suggest our self-created avatars, those uncontrollable social identities we use in our modern world.

“White Mirror” (2013)
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Her hands try to obscure her real world face. But her anonymity is already gone. These paintings are beautifully subtle portraits of our digital reality. Tsgitzyhan’s techniques may not be avant-garde, but his work clearly is. His art speaks to right now, as it leans into the near-future.

“Mirror II” (2013)
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

To see more of his artwork visit:

Like the previously mentioned artists, this art collective relies on humor to sweeten the truth of its message. They’re philosophers of art. They often lecture on subjects such as data retention, information-sharing and the corporate “branding” of our world. They’re known for their insights into the evolution of our shared values.


A design studio and art collective based in Amsterdam, Metahaven is arranged around Daniel van der Velden, Vinca Kruk and Gon Zifroni, contemporary artists who think globally and act digitally.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Their primary focus is media-based graphic design. Motivated by their avant-garde principles, the freshness of their work arrests your attention for a moment. And yet, their style never compromises any of their deeper messages.

Consider this cover design. Dick Cheney split into a color-shifted image that subtly suggests his darker, distorted underlying nature. The subtext teases the image.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Supporters of the open-source protocol and philosophy of Wikileaks, they’ve created items for fund-raising efforts for the legally embattled site. They made these Wikileaks scarves. You’ll notice they’re… transparent. Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow
Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

You’ll also notice their Wikileaks t-shirt is tastefully… non-transparent.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Speaking in an interview with That New Design Smell, Daniel van der Velden of Metahaven expressed an interesting assessment of the function of critical design, ”Intuition plays an important role in everything aesthetic and beautiful. As well as in everything political. The most important things in design are decided in a split second. Without any justification. And the crucial point is to talk about that moment; to talk about the moment when you decided ‘it should be like this’. If someone brings up “they feel like it” as a justification for design, of course, that’s uninteresting. But if intuition tells you what needs to be what, that’s interesting. Because it refers back to the capacity of designers to observe. They observe a certain reality around them, a certain state of things around them, and at some point, they think: this is the best expression. That moment is important for design.”

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

Interviewed by Eye Magazine, Daniel van der Velden discussed Metahaven’s visual style, ”If you hammer too much it becomes too much like noise, and if it becomes too poetic you lose the tension of the density of ideas.”

This is the balance they strike so well, as they find fresh ways to disturb, while also offering a valid reason to startle the audience. It’s the social function of any avant-garde artist. They give us beneficial shocks to our system.

Notes from the Avant-Garde: 5 Artists Pushing Today Into Tomorrow

For more about Metahaven visit:


Lastly, a young artist who’s a crazy-talented multi-hyphenate: a graphic-designer/rapper/net-artist. He rhymes like Drake on Thorazine, has the eyes of a video nerd, spits the vocab of swag, but laughs as he finds his place in this world.


Back in 2011, Yung Jake broke on the art scene with his video, “Datamosh.”

If you don’t hang out with graphic artists, “datamoshing” is a compression technique that warps and distorts an image stream’s playback. Squeezing this visual trick for all its juice, Yung Jake created a video you couldn’t just watch once. He and his creative team, fellow CalArts graduates, Vince McKelvie, Max Barabria, and Temra Pavlovic, combined the visual play of Net-art with auto-tuned rhymes and Yung Jake’s witty, laid-back couplets.

Here’s the video:
After the video grabbed viral attention, Yung Jake went back to the lab and created a response video called, “e.m-bed-de/d.”

It’s about what comes next after an artist creates an Internet sensation. The video focuses on a computer screen as windows and tabs keep popping. Stuck onscreen, Yung Jake gets embedded in different websites and on social media sites. At some point, Justin Bieber tweets about him (Apparently, this happened).

It’s a catchy song about our ever-increasing love of media exposure. Notorious B.I.G. rhymed that he wanted to “blow up like the World Trade.” Yung Jake humblebrags about how he wants to “get embedded.” They’re such opposite metaphors for popularity. One lights up the real world with smoke and fire. The other burns across the net at light-speed, pushed by electrons. One goes up and the other goes in.

Hip-hop isn’t known for its avant-garde. Luckily, there’s Yung Jake. He’s the future-shift of hip-hop.

Here’s the video:
Speaking with the Creator’s Project blog, Yung Jake described his artwork, “Net-art is a scene just like rap or memes or punk. It’s something that you are either interested [in] or not. I foresee it becoming much bigger in the future…”

If you’re interested in the future… follow the avant-garde, they always get there first. TC Mark

You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.


17 Apr 19:24

"I know how miserable you must be, and I would give ten years of my life to be there to kiss your..."

“I know how miserable you must be, and I would give ten years of my life to be there to kiss your sweet lips good night.”

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, First Blood (via perfect)
15 Apr 08:20

Ask a Grown Man: Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich

by Thom Yorke

Atoms for Peace is the newish project from Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and producer/multi-instrumentalist Nigel Godrich, who—along with Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea, percussionist Mauro Refosco, and drummer Joey Waronker—recently released their debut album, AMOK. They will be on tour starting this summer, but first, the longtime collaborators came together to answer, or at least contemplate, your questions about boys: shy ones, boring ones, good ones, lame ones, and ones who are not your boyfriend but you want to make out with them anyway.

If you have a question for a Grown Person, please send it to and write “Ask a Grown Man” or “Ask a Grown Woman” in the subject line, accordingly.

09 Apr 21:43

24 Things You Need To Stop Putting Off

by Chelsea Fagan


1. Cleaning out your closet, which currently has about a dozen clothing items you never wear and several shoes which are clearly abused beyond any kind of repair.

2. Taking your laundry out of the dryer. (Come on, it’s been in there for three episodes of Mad Men.)

3. Calling your grandparents and asking them how they are and what they’ve been up to these days — if they don’t pass out from shock at the effort you’re displaying by calling them in the first place.

4. Apologizing to someone you know you owe an apology to.

5. Responding to that Facebook message you got from that person you don’t really like that much but don’t have the heart to delete because it would make you look like an ass for no reason.

6. Renewing/updating your driver’s license.

7. Updating your blog, as you’ve basically just been filling it with pictures of BBC shows and delicious-looking food for the past several months and you might as well be dead at this point.

8. Finally completing the task that is in that browser window you’ve had open for about three weeks.

9. Throwing away all of the things in your refrigerator which are either clearly expired or definitely should be at this point.

10. Actually cleaning out the shelving and whatnot in your refrigerator, which you’re pretty sure you’ve never done.

11. Opening all the mail that isn’t personal or delicious-looking takeout menus.

12. Writing thank-you notes for everything people have ever been nice to you for, because you have literally never done it once even though you know it’s the right thing to do.

13. Going to visit your friend who lives, like, 20 minutes away by car but might as well live on the other side of the planet for how often you’re too lazy to make the drive.

14. Watching that show that everyone won’t stop talking about and you basically get mad every time you see something about it because you’re not in on the joke.

15. Buying anything that is somewhat essential and isn’t food, booze, or entertainment.

16. Investing in spare lightbulbs because you’re tired of having to make a special trip to the grocery store every time one of them goes out.

17. Replacing the smoke alarm battery that has been beeping for the last several decades and to the sound of which you have simply grown accustomed.

18. Deleting all of the people on your friends list who make you near-audibly roll your eyes and go “Ugh what an ass hat” every time you see them say something.

19. Starting that compost heap you’ve been thinking about for the past few years.

20. Trying at least one of the several thousand recipes you are constantly blogging/pinning/drooling over but never actually attempting.

21. Asking your crush out on a date because you are fairly positive they are never going to take the initiative to do it themselves.

22. Working out in general.

23. Responding to all of the emails that you have let pile up in your inbox for the past few months because, come on, typing is hard.

24. Buying fresh-cut flowers for your apartment. You think it will make everything nice and beautiful and feel so much better AND YOU ARE RIGHT. TC mark

You should follow Thought Catalog on Twitter here.


08 Apr 20:47

"I think things are beautiful when you don’t plan them, and you don’t have any expectations, and..."

“I think things are beautiful when you don’t plan them, and you don’t have any expectations, and you’re not trying to get somewhere in particular.”

- Alison Mosshart  
04 Apr 06:51

Milk & Cookies Smoothie

by Tracy
Daria Nifontova


I actually just looked up the word smoothie online. This is the definition in case you’re wondering….

Let’s discuss # 1 for a second. Have you ever called a dude a smoothie? Oh, he’s such a smoothie. Hmm. Not so sure about that one.

This milk & cookies smoothie definitely doesn’t fit definition #1. Although this smoothie is pretty suave.

#2. Yes. OK this is a smoothie.

I looked up the definition because I feel like this smoothie is way too decadent to be considered a smoothie. In my mind a smoothie is something you fill with bananas & berries. Something that you blend with green stuff to get good stuff into your kid’s diet.  You know…something on the healthy side. According to this definition, this is an actual smoothie even though it tastes like a milkshake. I think it has everything to do with the frozen bananas & cookies. It’s DECADENT. One second you get banana, and then you get a hint of cookies and BAM! There’s the peanut butter. It’s rich & creamy and will definitely fulfill your cookie & milkshake craving. It’s not just any old smoothie. It’s a Milk & Cookies Smoothie!

And we’re off!

Make sure you freeze a banana for this recipe. I have a whole stash in my freezer. You should too!

Put all ingredients in the blender. Add the ice.


Pour smoothie into two glasses…or one big TALL one like mine.

Plop in a straw.

Crumble some cookie crumbs on top and dip a rogue cookie in.

I swear it could be breakfast, lunch, dinner AND dessert.

Milk & Cookies Smoothie

Note: There is a print link embedded within this post, please visit this post to print it.

serves 2

recipe adapted from Mad Hungry Cravings

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 1 frozen banana, peeled & sliced
  • 1/2 cup crushed tea biscuits (I used Biscoff)
  • 1/4 cup peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons agave

Combine milk, ice, banana, tea biscuits, peanut butter and agave syrup in a blender and puree until smooth. Top with a sprinkle of crush cookies & serve immediately.


03 Apr 16:45

The cellphone is forty years old today

by Álvaro Serrano

The cellphone is forty years old today | The Verge

Wow. Forty years. That doesn’t seem possible:

On April 3rd, 1973, Motorola engineer Marty Cooper placed the first public call from a cellphone. In midtown Manhattan, Cooper called Joel Engel — head of rival research department Bell Labs — saying "Joel, this is Marty. I’m calling you from a cell phone, a real handheld portable cell phone." The call was placed on a Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, which weighed 2.5 pounds, a far cry from today’s 4-ounce handsets.

History in the making. That reminds me that the future is ours to invent. Wall will we be talking about forty years from now? It must be something mind-bogglingly great, because if we could imagine it today, we would get there sooner.

We live in interesting times, alright.

03 Apr 13:57

Hack Your Face With a Kinect-Mapped, 3D-Printed Mask

by Julia Dawidowicz
Daria Nifontova

Хочу всегда так ходить.

Hack Your Face With a Kinect-Mapped, 3D-Printed Mask
dtm-_-collagene-_-portrait01011 dtm-_-collagene-_-portrait0302 dtm-_-collagene-_-still0104 dtm-_-collagene-_-still0203 dtm_collagene_still0304 collagene

It was only a matter of time before 3D-printing and body “alteration” — two of the year’s biggest buzz-topics– collided. The result? Art.

COLLAGENE is a Kinect software application designed to create custom, adaptable face masks. The program digitally scans the user’s face, allowing them to edit their own detailed, perfectly-fitting design, which is then 3D-printed from collagen and other highly durable WINDFORM materials. Developed by DO THE MUTATION, the project “explores the border territory between physical and virtual, connecting computer code’s abstractions with the intimate, visceral dimension of body alteration’s sense brought by the mask theme.”

The creepy, Ent-like masks made their debut, quite fittingly, at this year’s Venice Carnevale. Here is a sleek, mondo-futuristic video showing how COLLAGENE works.

The post Hack Your Face With a Kinect-Mapped, 3D-Printed Mask appeared first on ANIMAL.

03 Apr 11:14

Making a splash ... an urban splash

by midcenturyjo
Daria Nifontova

мещанство увидело лестницу и кончило

Loving this extension and renovation by Sydney renovations and interior decorating firm Urban Splash. White, bright and playful this family home is creative and fun. A canvas of white walls allows quirky colour accents to shine through. Wallpapered stair risers? Yes please. I would have loved to have called one of the children's rooms mine growing up and the bathrooms are simple but standout with their pattern tiles across floors and climbing up walls. It's a stylish home, casual and practical with a definite wow factor.

03 Apr 11:05

The Cottontail Cocktail

by Mrs. Lilien


Everyone needs a proper Easter cocktail - let's face it, your not gonna wash down those hoards of jelly beans with liquefied kale - so I've removed the burden and thus I present: The Cottontail Cocktail!! Inspired by my fluffy confidante Howard Lilien - this punchy cocktail not only boasts a white fluffy cottontail, but it screams instant Easter tradition! 

Here's a how he goes:

In a cocktail shaker 1/2 filled with ice add 2 ounces mandarin vodka, the juice of 1 lime, the juice of 1 lemon, 2 oz carrot juice, 1oz simple syrup + 1 egg white. Cap the shaker + do the 20 second bunny hop. Pour into chilled roly poly glasses + top with 1 jumbo marshmallow. For added sass garnish with a playboy swizzle.

Be sure to have plenty of supplies on hand so you can drink a lot - and while you're at it turn up some decent hip-hop!



Hanger One Vodka / Roly Poly Glasses / Shaker / Playboy Bunny Swizzles 

03 Apr 11:00

Down by the Water

by Chrissie
Daria Nifontova


I took these pictures on a trip to Santa Barbara last month to visit my friend Sammie (that's her in the pictures—thanks, Sammie!). 67730004 67730015 67730013 67730021 67730022 67730006 67730010 67730008 67730019 67730024 IMG_4598 IMG_4585 IMG_4575 IMG_4580 IMG_4574 IMG_4498 IMG_4493 IMG_4537
31 Mar 15:16

wendering: Latest exhibition at Hayward Gallery


Latest exhibition at Hayward Gallery

28 Mar 15:58

"Угон мозга"

Daria Nifontova

широким массам посвящается

   В рядах некоторых граждан зародилось возмущение фактом функционального разобщения в мозге.Другими словами, не верится, что мозг может угнетать связи между своими отдельными частями в случае надобности.

 Явление это давно известно. Например,  так объяснялась природа истерических параличей, слепоты, глухоты и анестезии и т.п. Т.е. бывают люди, которые реагируют на стресс тяжелыми симптомами заболеваний, но никаких признаков болезней у них нет.  Они, к примеру все так же видят, и слышат , но у них нет связи между теми частями мозга, которые   осознают  услышанное и увиденное.

 Сначала это была теория. Потом теория подтвердилась экспериментами и исследованиями функции нейронов. В посте про мозг и стресс, есть ссылки на исследования. Вы их удалили в своих перепостах, чтобы  исходный пост выглядел безосновательным рассуждением «ниочем». Но, они там все еще стоят. Я понимаю, что есть те, кто не верит в дьявольские эксперименты ученых-приспешников «аццкого  сотоны», а есть те, у которых  развилась слепота на факты, противоречащие их мировоззрению. Но! Ребята, прежде чем обзываться, сделайте над собой усилие и ознакомьтесь с матчастью.

Скажу больше. Там, в статье, описана реакция на хронический стресс, либо на последствия острого стресса. Но процесс разобщения  работы миндалины и лобной коры в состоянии общего стресса тоже бывает нередко. При этом  миндалина делает короткое замыкание на более древние и бессознательные структуры, а затем связь восстанавливается. Самый  яркий пример, вы психанули, а потом удивляетесь6 «Да что это я? Ну я и идиот! Ну, вот зачем я так сделал?»

Впервые теоретически описал это явление Даниель Големан   в своей книге «Эмоциональный интеллект». Назвал он его «угон мозга» по причине того, что миндалина захватывает весь мозг и он начинает работать на нее.

А в 1995 году  Joseph Le Doux написал, что сама архитектура мозга способствует тому,  что миндалина находится в таком привилегированном положении. Ибо, когда  возникает опасность, рассуждать некогда, нужно действовать. Это сохранение времени на реакцию, и даже сохранение  жизни.

Он же описал схему процесса, как именно это происходит. Информация с органов чувств  поступает в отделы мозга,  отвечающие за восприятие. Далее  импульс идет в таламус ( а позднее еще было добавлено, что и в гипокампп, где хранятся воспоминания об отдельных ключевых событиях), где распознается как опасная. Далее импульс поступает в  миндалину и она разряжается в стороны тех самых нервных центров «низшего звена». Это, как правило, лимбика ( центр эмоций), поясная извилина ( переключение с задачи на задачу) и базальные ганглии ( сортировка импульсов). И вуаля, вы убегаете или бьете в глаз обидчику.

 «Угон мозга» случается не только в случае опасности или связан с эмоциями гнева или страха. Это могут быть вполне приятные эмоции. Например, любовь, которая, как известно, заставляет  делать глупости. Это и зависимости,  когда, несмотря на  четкое понимание неправильности своих поступков, человек снова занимается тем, что ему делать не стоит. Это и расстройство пищевого поведения, по типу бинджей.  И те самые грабли, на которые люди регулярно наступают. Иногда лобная кора немного сопротивляется короткому замыканию и в голове идут рассуждения, о том, что «может не стоит». Но безуспешно, ибо миндалина все равно сильнее лобной коры.

Mattew Liberman в показал в эксперименте, что существует обратная зависимость   активности коры и активности миндалины. Чем более активнее миндалина, тем менее активна лобная кора. При этом «сила мышления» падает, снижается степень осознавания, снижается способность принимать решения. Он указал, что  во время стресса и замыкания процессов на миндалине у человека временно снижается интеллект на 10-15 единиц.

 При этом, было отмечено, что  процесс «угона мозга» заразителен. Если лидер группы демонстрирует поведение с замыкание на миндалине, то группа в большинстве своем  тоже начинает «замыкать».

 Стресс, конечно, стрессом.  Что именно является стрессом сугубо индивидуальное дело. Нет, естественно, угроза жизни и здоровью все так же стресс. Но кроме всего прочего существуют  очень личные реакции на те или иные ситуации. Любая ссора может  вызвать неправильное поведение, о котором потом приходится жалеть.

Разрядить миндалину и подавить ее в неподходящих условиях можно путем усиления работы лобной коры.   Такая работа заключается в том, что  вы поочередно фиксируетесь на компонентах своего состояния и реакции, называете их для себя самого, находите причины и составляете план действий.  Можно сказать, что это приведение себя в состояние «здесь и сейчас». Это и есть работа  лобной коры.

Можно задать себе следующие вопросы,когда у Вас возникнет  настроение, которое грозит разрядиться неприятностями:

  1. Что я думаю сейчас?

  2. Что я чувствую в конкретный момент?

  3. Что я хочу сейчас?

  4. Как можно избежать ситуации и что можно для этого сделать?

Естественно, что короткое замыкание  как раз и подразумевает очень быстрый и необдуманный ответ. По этой причине сразу получаться не будет. Но если вы даже начнете работать над собой посте того, как «психанули» или сделали глупость, т.е. ретроспективно, уже будет идти на пользу. Часть ситуаций, которая распознается мозгом как опасная, может быть распознана как неопасная, умеренно опасная или ситуация с которой можно справиться  с помощью той или иной тактики. Если  вы чувствуете, что воспламеняетесь чувствами прежде чем реагировать используйте метод 90 секунд ( медленно досчитать до 90). В это время медиаторы, выбрасываемые миндалиной,  «перегорят» и возможность воспользоваться лобной корой возрастет.
27 Mar 07:27

photos by Harold Feinstein

Daria Nifontova

so pretty it hurts

Coney Island Teenagers, 1949

Father with Baby Daughter, 1954

Sailors Riding the Subway from Coney Island, 1957

Girl in Checkered Dress, NYC, 1957

Cruisin' on Saturday Night, Time Square, 1957

Girl with Horse, 1950

Handwriting Analysis, Coney Island, 1950

Ladies of the Garden Club, Coney Island, 1954

The Whip, Coney Island, 1950

Gypsy Girl at the Carousel, 1949

Sightseeing Bus, 1956

Blanket Toss Beach Play, Coney Island, 1955

Coney Island, 1989

Balloon Pop Game, Coney Island, 1951

Pigeons, 1955

Beach Concert, Coney Island, 1950

Reaching for the Brass Ring, Coney Island, 1958

Night Snow on West 11th Street, 1982

Man on NYC Subway Platform, 1972

Window Washer & Flock of Pigeons, 23rd Street Loft, New York City, 1972

Short-order-cook, Grant’s Lunch Counter, NYC, 1969

Coke-Clock on the Boardwalk, Meeting Place, 1950

Two Coffee Mugs and Doe, 1965

Crowded Day at the Beach, 1960

Greta Garbo Movie Poster, NYC, 1966

Horse in Misty Pasture, 1973

World Watcher Quartette, Coney Island, 1977

Coney Island, 1954

Abundant Life, 1964

Strange Encounters, Coney Island, 1990

Horse Back, 1975

Uh Oh Watch Out, Coney Island, 1951

The Gyro Waiting Line, Coney Island, 1947

Teens Carrying Girl, Coney Island, 1956

Degas' Coney Island, 1949

Polka Dot Twins, NYC, 1952

26 Mar 13:26

Беговые конфетки. LES.

by 2rude4u
Daria Nifontova

Хочу onesie, а бегать не хочу (и не буду)


Paramonovalesia Вконтакте

Когда чем-то занимаешься со всей душой, то это занятие начинает мягко, как какой-то дурманящий аромат, от которого не помогают ни плотно закрытые двери, ни качественные пластиковые окна, проникать в твою жизнь и заполнять ее. Это происходит незаметно. И к тому моменту, когда ты замечаешь, что и действия твои уже другие, и мысли, и люди вокруг – ты уже крепко-накрепко одурманен им. Ты смотришь на мир вокруг сквозь его дымку, в пелене которой события преломляются таким образом, что все начинает напоминать прямо или косвенно об этом самом занятии и ты везде ищешь связи. Конечно, такое занятие для меня бег. И я часто ловлю себя на мысли – что у меня уже очень «одурманенный» взгляд. Вот яркий пример.


Paramonovalesia Вконтакте

Листая за обедом ленту facebok – я наткнулась на сказочно красивые фотографии одежды, созданной дизайнером Лесей Парамоновой, марка LES.Мое внимание привлекли завораживающие принты и прозрачные платья с комбинезонами.



В моем искаженном бегом сознании волшебные комбинезоны Леси превращаются-превращаются… , конечно, в тайтсы! Да не простые, а в чудесные onesie – а это значит, что уменьшается вероятность перед тренировкой обнаружить, что забыл какой-то один элемент одежды (и со мной, и с одноклубниками случается!), никакой голой поясницы и оригинальный подход к беговой одежде. И самый приятные бонус: умиротворяющие, гипнотизирующие принты. Осознание того, что ты сегодня – поляна цветов, джунгли или жар-птица зададут верное настроение на пробежке и, безусловно, наполнят улицы города, по которым ты будешь бежать – нет, в таком наряде уместно только слово «парить», красотой и радостью.


Но onesie – найти все-таки можно, если постараться. Хотя, конечно, таких чудо-расцветок – нет. А вот следующий элемент коллекции – окончательно лишил меня покоя. Это прозрачные платья.


Я люблю носить беговую одежду или та, которая похожа на беговую по поводу и без. Просто мне нравится ощущение того, что занятие, которое я искренне люблю и которое помогает мне быть собой, находится со мной рядом в течение долгих часов в офисе, сложных презентаций, радостный путешествий… в общем, что оно делит со мной мою жизнь.


Так вот этот комбинезон и прозрачное платье – для меня некий недостижимый идеал повседневной одежды: женственность, ранимость, сила и смелость. И да, эта беговая фея делала бы так: убирала платье в рюкзак и бежала, куда глаза глядят.


Текст: Камилла Газиева.

26 Mar 12:29

OUTFIT | Leather Slouchy Pants

Daria Nifontova

пантон отпусти

sweatshirt: random
trousers: second hand
shoes: Tibi
clutch: courtesy of Backstage

How did these super soft, light grey, slouchy, leather trousers ever end up on a rack of discarded, secondhand clothes?
The only good reason I can think of is that maybe their previous owner died. At least that's the only way you can make me get rid of them..
26 Mar 09:39

the things that clothe us

by (the writer)
There was a time in my life where all I wore were plain white, no name cotton t-shirts. I'd buy them for $4 each at the bodega and wear them until the combination of sea salt, sand, sweat and the equatorial sun wore them down and they split and frayed. Then I'd turn them into rags and buy myself a new $4 shirt.

Simplicity. There's something beautiful about it.
26 Mar 09:13


Daria Nifontova

это я

25 Mar 19:42

Quote of the Day

by Álvaro Serrano

When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.”

Milan Kundera (1929 – ), The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

25 Mar 11:58

How To Be A Happy Gay Jew In New York City

by Alexander Seedman
Daria Nifontova

Don’t hate yourself more than anybody else hates Lena Dunham.

How To Be A Happy Gay Jew In New York City

1. Tell people you realized you were gay when [obscure 90s reference] happened.

2. Stop rooting for the gay kings in Game of Thrones, it’s not gonna happen.

3. Get over True Blood it’ll never be good again I’m sorry but it’s true.

4. But vampires are still sexy and it’s OK!

5. It’s also OK to stop in the middle of the street, turn around as if somebody’s said your name, and open your mouth slightly, in order to attract the attention of the general public.

6. Remember those nauseating few seconds right before you came out for the first time and smile because #itgetsbetter.

7. Hashtags are for basic bitches and NYU’s HashtagNYU Twitter account.

8. I’m pretty sure one of the founders of Grindr is Jewish but I’m not totally sure?

9. Your mother is trying to make you fat. And she loves you.

10. Sell your Uniqlo heat tech tights on Craigslist.

11. Call your parents/guardians at least every couple of weeks, even if no one’s sure the other person cares, you both do, so get over it and talk to your family, it can be a good thing.

12. Treat the city like you would a book; don’t just look at it, read it and study it and constantly engage, or you’ll find yourself lost and lonely in an ocean of dirt.

13. Do a Pesach Dinner for your friends and show them how cool Pesach is cuz there’s wine!

14. Poppers.

15. Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

16. Don’t be ashamed of having realized your sexual preference while watching a Disney Channel Original Movie.

17. Consider marriage.

18. Consider the brownie points you’ll get for parenting a Jewish Malaysian Orphan with Gay Parents.

19. When people ask you why you talk about being gay all the time, tell them it’s because they’re still asking that question.

20. When people ask you why you talk about being Jewish all the time, apologize for bragging so much.

21. You can only be arrogant if you’re funny.

How To Be A Happy Gay Jew In New York City

22. Don’t hate yourself more than anybody else hates Lena Dunham.

23. Gay isn’t an excuse to act ignorant about the opposite sex.

24. Slipping your bad OKCupid date a melatonin isn’t ok, even if you’re doing it so they get tired and leave but if you’re using melatonin as a rape drug, you need to go to the police department and tell them you’re trying to rape people with melatonin so you get what you deserve you pathetic fuck.

25. Rape jokes are almost always uncomfortable and rarely pay off.

26. Sometimes don’t make sense and blame it on your “culturally-intersective identity complex.”

27. Coming out of the closet isn’t about telling people that you’re gay, it’s about letting them know.

28. Question the socio-cultural implications of the word “seems.”

29. Listen to a Coldplay song seriously without laughing.

30. Celebrate the day Emoji released gay avatars every year on October 15. I recommend sending your favorite same-sex emoji partners to everybody in the “Favorites” section of your phone.

31. Stop saying “Fag Hag.” Use “Fairy Tail” instead.

32. Stop listening to the Garden State soundtrack while staring out a window, even if it’s raining and you’re feeling “introverted right now.”

33. Imagine a life in which you are straight and Christian and didn’t read internet things.

34. Don’t settle.

35. Visit Central Synagogue at least once, if not weekly/monthly, it’s an awesome experience. (Trust the guy who spent his high holidays as a kid playing thumb wars with himself.)

36. When somebody asks, “Who are you?” be sure to describe yourself with every word but “Gay” or “Jewish” because you’re more complicated and unique than two hot-buttons — you have a dog or an iPad mini or an unabashed passion for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

37. But don’t forget to wear those buttons like badges and, like the intellectual imp Tyrion Lannister once said, “Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness.” TC mark

You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.

25 Mar 09:11

Looking Like Milk

by karla
Wore an all-white outfit to grab lunch and pick up a couple things at the grocery store (fuji apples and candied pecans, to be specific)...
Wearing a Zara sweatshirt, J Brand jeans, vintage jewelry, Jimmy Choo pumps, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and Balenciaga clutch
25 Mar 07:43

5 Old Hollywood Men We Need 2013 Versions Of

by Toni-Ann Gardiner
Old Hollywood: where men were manlier, the women were womanlier.

1. The Original Bad Boy: Marlon Brando

5 Old Hollywood Men We Need 2013 Versions Of

Sometimes categorized as ‘eccentric’, Brando was known for his crazy antics that were way outside of Hollywood norms. The man was probably certifiably insane. He was expelled from high school for riding a motorcycle through the halls, owned a private island off the Pacific coast, developed a weird obsession with congas, and used his Oscar as a doorstop.

It was as if he didn’t want to be famous — sort of like the Kristen Stewart conundrum — except Brando was actually wildly talented.

Brando was the perfect male specimen. For many women at that time, with his hunky roles in A Streetcar Named Desire and On The Waterfront, became the fetishized burly working-man who 2013 just hasn’t supplied us with.

2. The Original Cowboy: Paul Newman

5 Old Hollywood Men We Need 2013 Versions Of

Along with being ridiculously good looking, he was also a philanthropist, political activist, and family man. So like, probably a really good person too. But when you look like this, who even cares?

3. The Original Gay Guy You Wish Was Straight: Rock Hudson

5 Old Hollywood Men We Need 2013 Versions Of

He was a huge screen idol who was probably gay. Scandal hit when he was one of the first celebrities to come out in 1984 with having AIDS.

But he was built like a tank, with a 6’5” frame, barrel chest, square jaw and full head of hair that made every lady swoon. And probably one of the first gay men of millions to come after him that made women everywhere go “C’mon he’s gay?! Not. fair.”

4. The Original Dancing King: Gene Kelly

5 Old Hollywood Men We Need 2013 Versions Of

So smooth. Self-assured. Killer smile. And could literally sweep you off your feet. Just kill me now.

5. The Original Hipster: James Dean

5 Old Hollywood Men We Need 2013 Versions Of

So cute, so handsome. And one of the original hipsters, back when the term meant effortlessly cool and fashionable and known for your openness to other cultures, music and art.

This man could make any hot-blooded human blush. Our closest 2013 resemblance would be James Franco, who actually played James Dean in a bio-pic in 2001. But ah, I dunno, I just don’t think they come like this anymore. TC Mark

You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.

20 Mar 12:06

photos by Ellen von Unwerth

Daria Nifontova

и всё мы с пирожочком

Фотографии из альбома 'Couples' Эллен фон Унверт.

20 Mar 06:41

Celine Summer 2013 или пушистики на лето.

Daria Nifontova


Celine Summer 2013. Удивлена. Какие выбираете себе на лето?

19 Mar 22:09

Post St. Patty's Day Hangover Remedy

by Mrs. Lilien
Daria Nifontova

молодому поколению на заметку

Ah yes, how we love to ring in the St. Patrick's Day festivities - but we could do without the pesky downside of those over-spiriting activities!! Not only that, but it's Monday for crying out loud - it's just not a good day for feeling pukey and plowed. Therefore I've done you all a huge favor - I've concocted a post St. Patty's Day hangover eraser!! The above infographic should be pretty easy to follow - hey, it's better than doing the porcelain bus staccato!! Each ingridient above serves a very important hangover reliving purpose - in fact, by not partaking in this recipe, you're really doing yourself a disservice! So, if you've found yourself this fine Monday hurtin' for certain - I urge you to give my remedy a try and relive yourself of the burden!

Good Morning + Good Luck!



18 Mar 11:54

Сильное впечатление производит логика, подразумевающая, что один отдельно взятый человек не может сделать что-нибудь порядочное здесь и сейчас. Нет, он должен для этого быть святым от рождения. Хорошо бы даже непорочно зачатым. И желательно, чтобы матушка его тем же способом произошла. А то что это Cвятой Христофор маленьких мальчиков с места на место таскал. Может, педофил вообще.