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16 Mar 12:19

Kristin Perers and the beauty that is 50

by midcenturyjo
Daria Nifontova

мещанство дейли

Why is Jo Bibby the first photo on my post today? The founding partner and designer at Ochre is just one of the inspiring women photographed and interviewed by Kristin Perers for her blog this is 50.

"As a designer, stylist and more recently a photographer I’ve spent my career trying to create beautiful things. Now I realise it’s not about fashioning beauty but finding it. And finding it in the everyday things around me. When I look now at women in their 50s I see so much beauty. And I want to know their story."

As a woman also in her 50s and just about to embark on a new career journey Kristin's blog could not have tumbled into my lap at a better time. Inspiration, beautiful women, beautiful photos. And just because I can I've included just a few of my favourite images from Kristin's interiors portfolio.

16 Mar 09:44

Help An Amazing Artist Who Has Been Banned From The USA For 10 Years

by Chelsea Fagan
Daria Nifontova

Pogo чуть более чем охуенен.

I’d love to see a show of hands for how many of you have dealt with work visas, visa renewals, and application forms in a foreign country — I can’t see you, but I imagine that many of you are holding your hands. I am amongst you, as it happens. I’ve been navigating the visa system (first as a student, then as a worker) for the past two and a half years, and I think we can all agree that it’s a pretty difficult procedure.

And it turns out that the musician Pogo, who has become quite famous from his remixes of movies posted to YouTube, has run into trouble with border control in America and, beyond spending a few weeks in jail, has found himself banned from re-entering the States for 10 whole years. Before we get to his plan of action, let’s enjoy one of my personal favorites from his catalog:

Now, to more serious matters.

In order to combat this problem — initially a mistake in visa procedure, originally handled by the agency managing his second North American tour — he has posted a video explaining the situation and seeking help from anyone (lawyer or otherwise) who may be familiar with how to appeal the decision. He has also started a petition, which you can sign here, to get people in Homeland Security to notice his case and work on letting him back in, this time on a proper visa.

Here, he tells his story:

As he is a wonderful artist, and I’m sure many of us can sympathize with his initial error, I encourage everyone to go and sign the petition or provide consultation in any way they can. We can do it! TC mark

You should follow Thought Catalog on Twitter here.


15 Mar 08:23


14 Mar 07:44

"Once you decide on your occupation… you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love..."

Daria Nifontova

Открытка всем.

“Once you decide on your occupation… you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success… and is the key to being regarded honorably”

- Jiro Ono - “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” 
11 Mar 22:19

photos by Jamel Shabazz

11 Mar 21:23

Ireland, I Love You So Much It Hurts

by Anonymous
Daria Nifontova


It’s almost my favorite day of the year again. No, not Christmas. Not my birthday. Not New Year’s or God forbid, the hell that is Valentine’s Day. No, I live for March 17th. I live for the green and the shamrocks (don’t call them clovers, for Christ’s sake). I live for the bagpipes and the corned beef and the potatoes, the Guinness and the green beer, the soda bread and green bagels. I stockpile green shirts and break out my collection of green beer necklaces and shamrock stickers. I eat and drink and sing and dance and obnoxiously proclaim my love of all things Irish to anyone who will listen and everyone else who happens to be within earshot. This is my Saint Patrick’s Day, and I love every minute of it.

Until I’m crying, that is.

Saint Patrick’s Day will always be a reminder of what I did and where I was, and what I ultimately had to leave behind. Saint Patrick’s Day is Dublin. It’s Grafton Street and Clarendon Street and Trinity College and Irish American U. It’s the River Liffey and the Ha’Penny Bridge. It’s Leo Burdock’s and Temple Bar and Spar. It’s Bulmers and flakes and Cadbury. It’s Penneys and Dunnes and Saint Stephen’s Green. It’s the Garda Siochanna and Dublin Castle and Christchurch Cathedral. It’s the Dublin Zoo and the National Botanical Gardens and Enniskerry. It’s Powerscourt Gardens and Glendalough and the Cliffs of Moher and the Blarney Castle. It’s Belfast and terrorism and Sunday Bloody Sunday. It’s the Galway Girl and U2 and the Wild Rover. It’s Howth and Dun Laioghare and Cork. It’s Limerick and Killarney and the Burren.

It’s the little balcony I used to watch the sun set from.  It’s the night that I wandered the city in the twilight and stood on the Ha’Penny Bridge staring across the river. It’s hiking the hills of Howth. It’s sitting on the edge of the Cliffs of Moher and thinking that nothing in the whole world could be more beautiful. It’s stopping in the village of your ancestors and seeing your family name on a poster around town.  It’s green and rolling hills and open skies. It’s castle ruins and flocks of sheep and misty mornings. It’s pub music and bagpipes and cobblestone streets. It’s the park at Saint Stephen’s Green and my favorite bookstore on Grafton Street. It’s wildflowers and soft grass and warm sunshine.

It’s not wanting to wash your clothes when you come home, because then the scent from the Irish laundry detergent will be gone. It’s dreaming that you’re back, that you’re finally there again, and for that brief minute before you wake up you think “Thank God, how I’ve waited for this” It’s planning trips with layovers in Shannon just so you can maybe go outside and breathe the air. It’s closing your eyes and forcing yourself to recall every memory, every detail, so that you can be sure you won’t ever forget. It’s measuring the time that’s passed since your flight took off, and how much time it could be until you finally return.

Saint Patrick’s Day, for me, is being American by birth, Irish absolutely by the grace of God, and a Dubliner for a little while. It’s the beauty and joy of what has been coupled with the pain of not knowing if it can ever be again. It’s knowing that while at least I got to go, I now have to live with having to leave it to come back home and not knowing when, if ever, I’ll be back.

Ireland will always be a part of me. It’s the only place I’ve traveled that I’ve felt an intense desire to return to and aching pain when having to leave it behind.  Ireland has brought and continues to bring me such joy, and I have nothing but gratitude for being blessed with the time I had there. Ireland isn’t out of my reach. But on Saint Patrick’s Day, on the day of my people and a celebration of a country that I lived in and a land I immediately loved, the distance seems insurmountable.

Ní thuigeann an seach an seang. TC mark

You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.

11 Mar 21:20

Monday's pets on furniture - part 1

by kim
Daria Nifontova

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If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet! Thanks!

Matilda pretty much owns the furniture in the house, as you can see in the pic.
- Stefanie (Mount Washington, Los Angeles)

This is our cat Heidi enjoying a lazy afternoon lounging on our bed.
- Doreen (Phoenix, Arizona)

Not sure this counts as furniture but Button and Murphy are obsessed with this Ikea stool! 
- Ruth

Since getting the black cat 2013 poster and placed it on top of my dresser for good, my cat "Velcro" often sits for long periods of time right next to it – something she didn't use to do before. Talk about life imitates cat art.
- Meli (San Francisco, CA)

Tosti and Sookie in their new barcelona chair.
- Ricardo

Our cat Bella likes to stake her claim to the best seat in the house. New furniture? No problem! Bella likes to keep it fresh. Here she is establishing herself in one of our just-delivered Precedent wing chairs (upholstered in fabric from Vanguard).
- Lisa (Arlington, VA)

This is our dog Luna. She lays her head on the back of the couch and stares longingly out the window. (She also stores her toys in the windowsill, as you can see.) :)
- Sarah (Bloomington, IN)

10 Mar 20:10

50 Real Ways To Leave Your Lover

by Jeffrey Ellinger
Daria Nifontova

пизда пизда пизда

Paul Simon

Paul Simon

50. Move to Europe – You may have met while backpacking. Perhaps you had a chance encounter on the Eurail, decided to go from villa to villa eating cheese, sleeping in crowded hostels, screwing like Euro rabbits, so memories could remain which you want to avoid. But more than likely, you didn’t meet in the old country and in that case, moving to Europe is not a bad idea. Immerse yourself in the culture. However, if you’re older and this is your third or fourth attempt at finding love, you should have a skill or a craft before you leave. Wandering, like you did when you were young, this is no way to get over a heartbreak.

49. Go on a trip to anywhere – Say you need to see the world. Do this but know it is not for the weak. On your own you’re going to be — possibly for the first time in years – forced to see things with your own eyes. No longer will you have someone to confer with, ask questions, wonder along. You will be alone trying to appreciate all this life. And if that sounds like something you can stomach, head on a trip. Don’t come back.

48. Gain weight – If you’re the one who knows this is over, yet you don’t have the heart to say it. If you fear he won’t be able to take the news, then maybe a large amount of weight gain is in your future. It won’t be pleasant, but this is what you must do. Or, if you, the man puts on the weight, she won’t put up with the way you’re treating your body. Get unhealthy. Set yourself free.

47. Lose weight – Only if your relationship is in a truly dire condition would you go to the extremes of putting your body in physical danger to unburden yourself of a person you no longer love. Going all the way to starving yourself just so you can have the excuse to tell him you “just can’t be with anyone right now,” you must be in an awful state. But here you are in your hospital bed. And there he is, walking away.

46. Grow a beard – You were once in love and she, like you, had certain goals for life. Marry, have kids, settle somewhere near your parents. All these plans made before you went overseas to fight. But now you’re older and don’t see the need for that. What’s worse, you despise trying to keep up on a mortgage for a house you don’t want and would much prefer if she wore less makeup, grew out her bangs, and did not believe, as you once did, that just because a politician says he wants what’s best for the country doesn’t mean he really believes it. So you grow a beard, long and gnarly, and tell her there is no such a thing as a “just war.” She will see your beard as the representation of how much you’ve changed and tell you to shave it. She will tell you to shave until she’s not there to tell you anymore.

45. Grow your armpit hair – He was once willing to try new things. That’s what you liked about him. Though you didn’t know he was just doing all those things to get you to like him. But, even if you had, you wouldn’t have cared. He was so charming, so interesting, with all kinds of unique ideas. He said he was into European women and that made you kind of jealous, he’d been there and done them. It didn’t really matter, though. Those feelings dampened with the warmth of his body. By now, he’s shown he doesn’t really care for things out of the ordinary and you know he’d much rather impress his friends, than impress his love upon you. So grow your armpit hair long. Let your body hair be unabated. Wear only tank tops and be free.

44. Sail around the world – You’ll be able to do this once. Because after seeing the sun rise out of the ocean, feeling the spray from a blue whale, experiencing the drama of a real life storm at sea, it will only be a matter of time before you’re in love with another, from some exotic port. And after this love, taking off on another trip around the world won’t be the answer. There’ll be far too many memories of long mornings lying out on the deck nude, of drinking in the morning and napping in the afternoon, forever ruining anyone else.

43. Go back to school – Going back to school is the indication of so many other problems. You don’t know if you’re going to be a screenwriter or a comedian or a novelist or an essayist or a reporter or a political activist or a teacher. You’ve dipped your feet in so many fields. It used to be cute you would try all these different things and what’s amazing is she still supports you, in whatever you do. Though you’re almost positive she’s holding you back. Maybe there’s someone younger, fitter, with brighter eyes, who laughs longer at the things you say. But not having a job, having no particular path, going back to school again, this will be enough, enough to finally break her. Now you can find that person who must exist.

42. Move in with your parents – Move back in with your parents. Have no privacy. No freedom. This will be a cramped house only the most devoted and delusional lover would want to put with. You tell her she can keep the apartment, if she wants, but you’ve made your decision, you’re moving back home to your childhood bedroom because you’re tried of trying to get ahead. Whatever you make, it seems, goes right back to the leasing agency owner who already has more money than he could ever know what to do with, “and he’s the one that’s getting the tax breaks.” “You can come with,” you say, “but it’s only a single bed.”

41. Start drinking – When the two of you first started dating, you’d have a glass of wine or two with dinner and on some special weekends a couple more so the warmth could take over your body and the numbing would make the sex last longer. He doesn’t drink much now and wishes you wouldn’t, either. But you keep on. Sometimes three or four glasses of wine with dinner, sometimes to the point of passing out on the couch instead of coming to bed, and sometimes on the weekends you begin the day with one and you don’t stop until you’re sick in the backyard before the sun goes down. You have bigger problems now, but you no longer have him, a lover you can’t stand. And maybe that’s the biggest problem of all.

40. Go bald – It is difficult to be the arbiter of your own baldness. Seemingly only God or Nature would be in charge of this. But in times of great need, anything is possible. Perhaps you’ve started to recede. Stress. Obsess. Worry openly. It may not be that you’re losing any hair, but it will seem you are. Talk about it all the time. She will start to be as concerned. She never thought she would be married to a man who worried about things so trivial. And the more you keep at it, she won’t have to be.

39. Talk about your old boyfriends – Tell him how big it was. Detail all the places you used to go with them and how beautiful they were. Tell of the things with Jim and Adam and Paul. Leave no detail out. Tell of the things you only tell your best friend, in private, after a couple glasses of wine. He will say that he’d rather not know, but push past that. “I’m sorry,” is all you need say. “I didn’t know that kind of thing bothered you.” Then you tell of more, and more, until there’s nothing left to say.

38. Drive across the country together – Is your love just dangling there, hanging on for dear life? Do you wish it could be severed but don’t have the willpower to cut the tie? Go. Get your car. Tell her this will be fun. Fill up on gas and try not to have your argument about how expensive it is in the car you bought. Get a motel room instead of going camping like she’s requested. Try not to sleep with your backs to each other. Play music she hates and wear perfume he never liked and try not to grind your teeth until you can taste the chalky enamel. Did this not work? If it didn’t, perhaps your love is stronger than you thought.

37. Convert to Christianity – What better way to rid yourself of your man than to find an even better man? From now on, every Sunday morning, instead of sleeping in with him, you’ll be bowing down before Him. No longer will you drink or gossip or swear. He can certainly still love you without doing those things, but what will be the death knell now that He’s around will be the conversations you must have, the ones where you instruct your lover on how, “there is no other way to live.” “And if you ever want to have kids,” you say, “they’ll have to go to church.” Separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. Leave your lover behind, the flames of hell are his only warmth.

36. Deconvert from Christianity – You were so young when you met. He was skinny and cheerful and always wore a hemp necklace with the cross. You fell for him the first time you heard him strum that guitar for his, and your, Risen Lord. Every girl in the young adult group fell for him, but you were the lucky one. Though, it’s strange, he tells you he still loves you, that you’re still the same girl he married, but he’s telling you other things you don’t understand, that somehow you’re trapped in a cult and you have to get out. That’s ridiculous. Your love was founded in Christ. If he doesn’t love Him, than he can’t love you. A divorce is the only sensible way. Though now he seems, somehow, happier than he’s been in years.

35. Join the army – “We were hit, can’t you see? Everyone needs to step up.” So that’s what you do. You join to get back at the “fuckers.” And so when you leave, it will be last time you are ever going to see her. Yes, you have those last letters she sends telling you to go AWOL, that “going to another country to fight in a war you nothing about is not what this country needs.” But look, you’re free, you’re free as the bullets wheezing past, you’re free.

34. Write a novel – You need to write down every bit, every emotion over your years together. A glossing over just won’t do. Start by telling her that writing this novel, it will only be in your free time. Then, as time goes by, you say it’s getting better. But she can’t read it, no matter how many times she asks. It’s getting better, though, you say, it really is. So much better you need to quit your job and devote all your time to it, cloistered away in the spare room. And when you finally do reveal it, with its distant protagonist and its shrill alcoholic wife, you won’t even need to be told that it’s time to pack your bags.

33. Become polyamorous – When you first tell her you’re thinking about becoming polyamorous she’s reluctant and so you think this might not work. But he’s always looked up to you. She’s always believed you are the smartest guy in the world. So it’s not too hard to tell him being with more than one person at a time is the most “elevated ” way to live. It is best to switch freely between partners but have only one person you love. You talk about the Bonobos, how they’re the most peaceful apes on the planet. Then you talk about other societies throughout history who’ve experimented with free love and he begins to bend. You say it’s okay for either of you to have “experiences.” Now all you have to do to gain your freedom is easy. You won’t even have to tell him, either, he will know. And when he sees it in your eyes, that’s it been done, you won’t have to have another talk, not even another word.

32. Feign sleep – It used to be all you wanted to do was root around her neck, nibble at her ears as you tickled her stomach. You couldn’t wait for her to touch you, too, let her hand wander until it found what it was looking for. But now the thought of it makes you ill. You don’t love her and you’re beginning to suspect she doesn’t love you either, that’s she only in bed with you because it’s better than being in bed by herself. You say every night you’ve had too much to drink again, that it just won’t work, that you’re “so tired.” And whether she believes you or not, it doesn’t matter. It’s over and you feel good about yourself. You sleep well, once again.

31. Get fit – Drive yourself. Force yourself. Push yourself to be in the best shape of your life. Form yourself into the kind of body you see on TV, the one every other woman pukes into a toilet for. He’ll start to wonder why you’re working out so much. “You look fine, ” he says. But you just respond by saying you want to lose a couple pounds before the holidays. Now you’re looking like a fitness model, like a woman who doesn’t belong at a normal job and he doesn’t know what to think. You don’t take any of his back handed compliments anymore and you certainly don’t catch him commenting on other women. The control is yours and soon enough you tell him it’s time to start seeing other people. He doesn’t hardly know what hit him.

30. Let your back hair come in – She’s never really noticed that you have to do it, that every day you trim your back hair with a nose trimmer and every month you have it waxed professionally. She believes yours is a back like every movie star. Now you let it grow. You let it start to yarn and snaggle and when she runs her hands down your back, no longer is it free to lightly trace up and down the sinewy muscles bracing your spine. She will be confused but you just tell her this is how you’ve always been. It’s how your father was. It’s how your father’s father was. It’s how you are, now alone, happy once more, hairy as a beast.

29. Play fantasy sports – Jump head first into their endless pit. Baseball, football, basketball, but there’s so much more. Hockey, golf, soccer, auto-racing, you play them all and you don’t just play them, you live them. You bet money. You stay up at night learning of each player. You talk with all your friends on the phone in the car while he sits in his passenger seat having to listen. Before long, it’ll be you playing fantasy sports by yourself, and that was the fantasy all along.

28. Do something that makes you feel guilty – Whatever it is, it’s eating you up inside and you can’t tell anyone. Most of all, you can’t tell her. It’s all you do, all day long, think about it. And now something is different about you. People can tell. You aren’t as witty. You aren’t as bright. You aren’t as fun to be around. She will want to talk about it, she says you can tell her anything. But you don’t tell her and as it eats away at you, you withdraw more, and as you withdraw, she withdraws, and soon enough the gap between the two of you becomes so wide, it cannot be crossed.

27. Buy a gaudy engagement ring – She always thought you knew her better but the more she looks at it on her finger, the way it hangs there, the way it makes her left side heavy, the more she realizes you never knew her. The ring is the talisman representing your ignorance. She wanted a simple one, probably not even a diamond, maybe a pearl or a colored gemstone, something vintage, small. Not what you gave her, this large thing, shining and reflecting everywhere. It’s like you never listened, or, worse yet, you never knew. And now she’s taking if off. Now she’s giving it back and you’re strolling back to the store, whistling.

26. Force him to buy a simple engagement ring – He never did have much money. And at first it was kind of cute he had to scrap together everything to show you a good time. He made himself poor so you could have the things you wanted. You put up with it because you saw that he was smart and talented. One day he’d get his life together and find a real job that paid real money, the kind which could afford a big house in a neighborhood with foreign cars parked in the driveways. But it still hasn’t happened and you don’t want to be heartless so you say you’re giving him one last chance. Come back with a ring, you say, and you know what’s going to happen, he’ll do exactly that. He’s going to come back with the simplest, plainest, thing in the world. It probably won’t even be a diamond. Now you’ll finally have the last piece in the growing stack of evidence. And you won’t feel an ounce of guilt.

25. Stop waxing it – It always got him so excited when you said you’d just been to the salon. He would come rushing home and try right away to sneak a peek. That was long ago and now you wonder why you’re still doing it. There’s no way to impress him anymore. Those days are gone. And so are the days where you want to do uncomfortable things just to make him happy. You’d rather just let it be. So as it starts to grow back you remember how it was when you did have hair there. Some guys in college loved that kind of thing. It grows more now and when it’s almost as long as it is going to get, at the same length it was when he first told he liked it better shaved, he starts to ask, in that way you know he’s telling you, that you should go back to salon. But you don’t. Instead you leave the house with the glorious feeling, one of new growth.

24. Read a lot of Ayn Rand – You read everything by her and espouse her objectivist philosophies as your own. You read Alan Greenspan, the biographies of George W Bush and Ronald Reagan and Donald Rumsfield. You listen to the radio shows of Laura Schlessinger, Michael Medved and Glenn Back. You were conservative before, but there was still a heart inside, warming your exterior. He will start to resent how much you can’t stop talking about how the country is “heading in the wrong direction” and how we need to “take it back.” What does that even mean, he asks, and you just look at him and say, “If you don’t know, babe, I can never explain it.”

23. Read a lot of Howard Zinn – You read everything by him and espouse his pacifistic theories as your own. You read a lot of Noam Chomsky and Karl Marx and Daniel Quinn. You listen to Marc Maron, Bill Hicks and Lenny Bruce. You look up to Alan Grayson and Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich. You donate large amounts of money to the National Endowment of the Arts, Public Radio. It is starting wear on her. She always liked how you were a little tender-hearted, but this is going overboard. She tells you can’t save the world by yourself and that if this continues, she’s going to have to leave. So you don’t stop. You give to the neediest among us. And this is your most selfish charity.

22. Talk about moving closer to your mother – Oh you won’t ever actually do it, but you talk about it plenty. You start by saying how much you miss your family and your home state, which you do, but not enough that you would actually move there. You say how it’d be nice if it wasn’t such a hassle to get back there around the Holidays. And just the thought of this will send waves of fear through her. She’s never gotten along with your mother, not from the first day they met. Your mother wanted you to marry a reserved, sophisticated girl and now you think that maybe she was right along. So keep hinting at a move close to home. Keep doing it and one day you’ll find she’s gone. Then you’ll be free to do exactly that.

21. Renounce capitalist society – It starts with a statement, though it doesn’t end there. At first you start a garden, one taking up your entire backyard. Eventually the only things you eat are the foods from it. You quit your job and begin to sell the things you make: knitted sweaters, beaded jewelry, carved wood pieces. He may come to the Farmer’s Market to help lug your suitcases full of crafts, help in your dream to get off the grid. But it concerns him that you’ve deleted your online identity, that you’ve gotten rid of every ID card. You don’t have a credit card anymore, or a back account. It won’t take long now. You tell him you want to move to the country and if he doesn’t want to come along then, maybe, the two of you should rethink things. So maybe you’ll then have to move to the woods to prove to him you mean it. But at least you’ll be doing it alone.

20. Join an online dating website – Your heart is dying and so you go online looking for love and you do it like this. On one of the nights the two of you are browsing on separate laptops not speaking, wearing pajamas, feeling the distinct sense that you may never touch one another again, let him borrow your computer. Go downstairs to watch TV and leave him to it. Let him search through emails, check on messed instant messages, page through the recent history. He will see where you’ve been the most.

19. Give up – Not on her. Not on him. But on everything. On everyone. Things have been so hard. The economy has been tough. Your job isn’t getting better. You’re not getting any younger. You can’t stand how much more attractive you used to be. You say all these things, all the time. You tell her, there’s no hope for anything anymore. We just have to get older then die. Eventually she won’t be able to stand it. Then, maybe then, you’ll finally be able to perk up.

18. Revert to your old ways – What was it that you used to do? You used to eat everything there was, didn’t you? Nothing was sacred. Now go ahead. Start eating those delectable meats again. And what about you, what was it you used to say? That the true way to peace was through preemptive force? That’s what you believe again. And wasn’t it you that once said that the only way to truly experience an orgasm was while being whipped? You’re finding your new path through old ones.

17. Do drugs – This is not so subtle. This is out in the open. Smoking a pipe with water at its basin, ingesting the smoky remnants of an illegal flower. It makes him curious why you would be doing something like this. How did you find someone who sold it, he asks, though you don’t tell him. He doesn’t need to be worried about it and if anyone is going to get into trouble, it won’t be him. As you smoke more, you begin to like the way it makes you feel, the way your cares are melting away. He’s even starting to look better to you. You can’t tell him this of course and so you smoke alone in the living room each night before bed and think of all the new experiences and how great they will soon be, with someone else.

16. Watch hardcore porn – You used to watch a fair amount and you still have to admit, it was kind of fun. He showed you arty videos of women in Europe, women with full mounds of pubic hair lounging in a garden or a bathtub. Sometimes he liked watching videos of them touching themselves, but only if tastefully done. But you always liked things with a bit more flavor. Now you go all out. Watch it when he gets home and watch it before you go to bed. Sometimes you turn it on first thing in the morning. And this is not arty European women looking dreamy in a greenhouse. But this is the stuff you must start to love, if you ever want to find someone to love again.

15. Stop laughing – He was always the funny guy. And that’s kind of why you fell in the beginning, that he could make everyone in the group crack up. It seemed effortless for him. Just a little smile there, a little dance step here, a perfectly timed wink or one-liner. But those jokes are long tired now. They’ve been beat into the ground so much that it makes you cringe to hear them. So stop faking the laughter. It’ll be most important to not laugh when you have your friends over and everyone else is. But you don’t. They may even ask what’s wrong. Nothing’s wrong, though. In fact, deep down, you’re laughing harder than ever before.

14. Make lots of suggestions – He always told you, joking of course, that you were a little like your mother in this way, how you would make suggestions on how he should do things, on things that didn’t really matter: how to debone a chicken, how to iron his shirt, how to park the car in the driveway. Don’t let up. Tell him every thought in your head, the ones you used swallow. He’s putting too much toothpaste on his toothbrush. He’s putting the remote in the wrong spot on the table. You hear your mother’s voice in your head, as if she’s a marionette. But you don’t care anymore, becoming her is a small price to pay if it means ridding yourself of him.

13. Play video games – She always knew you used to play and as you start to bring out your old systems and brush the dust off the controllers, you see the worry. And maybe at first she is forgiving. After all, you’ve been so good, for so long, hiding those cartridges and CDs up in the attic, even on the long weekends or on the Holidays when your old college friends were around. But now you bring them out. And with each hour logged in front of the TV, instead of another watching a reality show about cakes, you are another hour closer.

12. Have a threesome – Before it happens you almost worry this could jump start your relationship, if only for a short time. This could be the thing to put the lifeblood back into the veins of the dying, dried corpse of your love. Though you know that corpse doesn’t deserve to live again. It had its chance. All you need to is find a girl, one who he readily agrees with, and before it happens he might ask, “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” But assure him you want to. Then you do it and it is just as you hoped. He makes the oddest sounds and does the most acrobatic moves and lasts longer than ever before and you know, before it even ends, that you can tell him, “I can’t take it anymore. I just can’t.”

11. Find a hipster – She’s always secretly harbored the notion that you would prefer a younger, quirkier type from some coffee place in Uptown or some pizza place near where college kids live, or, even, one of those girls from the photography class you took last year. You can tell she has always thought this, though neither of you have ever spoken a word about it. You’ve told her that she never has to worry. You like her just the way she is. But, you don’t, and so now, instead of keeping those things inside you, you make remarks, very gentle and subtle, about the tattoo on that one or the bangs on that one or the high-waisted skirt on another. You are killing her. It won’t be long now.

10. Start a website – You haven’t done much with your life. You know this. And even if the two of you don’t talk about it, she knows it too. But at least you’ve always been pragmatic. You may not have much to show for yourself but it isn’t like you go around flashing your dumb hopes and ideas on the internet for everyone to see. But now you do. You know that website you’ve been dreaming about? The one you are sure is going to launch you to the top of your profession? It’s time. Get that web address. Buy that theme. This is it. You’re going full bore. Now she can see in the pure light your life’s work is nothing, that you are nothing. And when she is gone, you can go ahead and delete it as fast as you possibly can so that one day someone else might love you again.

9. Fall in love with someone else – Go ahead, talk a walk down the path you walked when you met him, you are bound to find someone. Remember when he rode his bike right into you? You were looking down reading a book, your dreaminess nearly causing a head on collision. Luckily he swerved and went straight into some bushes, though he was funny about it and so there was the coffee, then another date, then meeting his family, then moving in. But fate must have made a mistake that day because he is not the one. So go ahead, get another book. In fact, make it the same one, a Russian novel worked well the first time, why can’t it again? Put your head down like you did before and walk that aimless walk and don’t look now but ahead, it’s a man wearing a tasteful flannel shirt and rolled up jeans, he is biking your way.

8. Develop a mental disorder – Which one you choose depends on what kinds of defects you may already have. Maybe you worry about going outside, why not make it all the time? Perhaps sometimes you like checking to make sure the front door is locked or if the oven is off, why not check three or four or twenty times? And maybe you’re kind of sad. Now be sad to the point where all you want to do is sleep. You can barely function, but, at least, you’re barely functioning alone.

7. Finally start that band – Just now learning the basic chords of a guitar? At your age? Those painful, earnest sounds coming from the basement every night. Ridiculous. You bought a four track recorder, a small amplifier, a microphone. You never could sing before, though you always thought you might have a unique voice, “like Beefheart or something.” Now you go to open mic nights. You drag her along and she has to hide her head as you play songs a teenager would be embarrassed to perform. And, yes, you may die a bit as you realize you never had it you in the first place, that you only ever had the ability to make pithy remarks. But that’s okay, this is working. God in Heaven, is this ever working.

6. Become a slam poet – You may have been doing something good for the world. You may have worked at a factory. You may have picked up garbage. You may have been a telemarketer. Leave that behind. You’re a slam poet now and the moment you perform your first unabashedly sincere, uncomfortable poem about the time you were picked on in elementary school, she will lose all respect. It will all be lost, whisked away with the first word you shout. Yes, you are shouting, even though you have a microphone and there are nine people in the room. This is quickest way you could have possibly chosen.

5. Make a move on a cousin – It can be subtle or it can be brutish. Obvious or not, though, it will be ruinous. You can do it over a holiday or at a family outing or when your lover is out picking up a movie, whatever. And when it’s done, the other will have to tell the rest of the family, how could he not? News will travel fast of what you’ve done. And though you won’t see your family anymore, you won’t see your lover anymore either.

4. Write a letter – Go now, you’ve left your note. You can do no more. You don’t know where you’re going or what you’ll do when you get there, but you’ve written it, sealed it, laid it on the bed. This is the way it’s going to have to be. You feel like a bastard knowing she’s back there just now reading it, pouring over the parts about how you don’t love her in a way you feel a person should love the person they’re meant for. And yes, this is the coward’s way out. But it’s a way out, all the same.

3. Vanish – Without a single bit of evidence, you’re gone. You don’t explain a thing. He’ll be worried sick, maybe for the rest of his life. He won’t have a clue where you are or what might have happened to you. Though that’s just the thing, he’s always been clueless.

2. Die – What can you do. You see no other way. Maybe the next world will have something for you.

1. Have the talk – If nothing else can be done, have the talk. Plan a time in your head, then cancel that time. Plan another time, then have sex the night before and reschedule for the next week. Plan a bunch more times after that and break them all. Finally, make a time and for sure this time, go through with it. Sit him down. Tell her you have something to say. And yes, it will be terrible. There is no doubt. She may cry. He might too. Every moment sitting across from each other – but not so close you can touch – will be bad. But this is what you’ve come to do. So you talk and what’s worst of all is you don’t say half the stuff you planned to say and the other half are things you never wanted to say in the first place. All your words are wrong and you constantly say, over and over, “I don’t know, I just don’t know.” She won’t know what that means and you won’t either, but, if you can get through it, if you can somehow mumble your way to the end and say, “Yes, I’ll call you” knowing full well you won’t, it will be over. Now you can leave and give him that last hug goodbye. You had the talk. You are gone. TC mark

You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.

06 Mar 10:49

Rembrandt Photo

::click:: Come back! You didn't see the one of Whistler's mother!
04 Mar 07:43

Pug Life: 40 Prints and Tee Designs for Pug Lovers

by Redbubble
Daria Nifontova

Ето для нас с Натой и Викочкой!

Pug Art and Design: Top Dog by Phil Rowe

In a group Skype chat at RBHQ during the week, someone was heard to exclaim ‘what the hell is with all the pugs lately?’ The general consensus was that we weren’t quite sure why, but they seem to be cropping in greater numbers than usual – in our feeds, the recent items uploaded to the site, WIPs on Instagram and on art and design sites across the interweb.

Maybe people are finally growing tired of moustaches or perhaps they’ve been collectively hypnotized by these fur covered balls of personality. We can’t be sure, so in the name of research (and end of week amusement) here are 40 pug loving artworks from artists on RB. There are currently just over 1500 works tagged with ‘pug’ and we have a feeling there are going to be a few more of these faces staring back at us in future. Pug lovers – prepare to go pug wild. Pug haters (and people who are prone to bouts of extreme seriousness) – you might want to look away now.

If you’d like to leave a comment for an artist, add a work to your favorites, or buy any of these works, just click on the individual images to visit the work pages. And if you enjoy this collection, please do share this post using the tweet and like buttons at the top right of the page.


Things you may want to do after reading this post:

  1. Share your favorite RB Pug art and design nuggets in the comments below
  2. Take the Pug Life challenge and whip up your own design over the weekend
  3. Go out and immediately adopt a Pug and stare for hours into those sad eyes
  4. Tag your pug works with ‘pug’ (if you haven’t already) so people can find them

Or you may just want to look at more lovely art:

  1. Sea Creatures and Underwater Worlds
  2. An Epic Collection of Bike Art and Design
  3. Highlands, Lowlands and Alpine Inspired Art
  4. 50 Stunning Self Portraits
  5. 25 Deliciously Detailed Streets and Cityscapes
  6. Awesome Animals


Subscribe to the Redbubble Blog RSS Feed for a regular helping of art and design inspiration.


01 Mar 21:04

White Box

by kim
Daria Nifontova

домик для пржк

by Russel & George. *sigh*

(see another project of theirs here)

01 Mar 14:24

If Taylor Swift’s “22″ Were Edited For Accuracy

by Tori Ahl
Daria Nifontova

cannot relate / still not happy

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters go to bed by 10
And make fun of our exes Lena Dunham, ah ah. ah ah.
It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight to masturbate
To fall in love with strangers, To cancel on jewboy23, your OK cupid date. ah ah. ah ah. 

We’re happy free confused and lonely depressed poor unemployed and bitter at the same time
It’s miserable and magical miserable, oh yeah
Tonight’s the night when we forget about the deadlines to pay rent
It’s time to call your parents…

Oh oh!
I don’t know about you what real adults do
But I’m feeling 22
Everything will be alright if
You keep me next to you give me your Netflix login or Hulu
You don’t know all about me
But I’ll bet you want to You read my stuff on Thought Catalog and saw my back tattoo

Everything will be alright if
We just keep dancing like we’re complaining about being


It seems like one of those nights every other night,
This place is too crowded expensive
Too many cool kids fedoras. ah ah. ah ah.
(Who’s Taylor Swift anyway? Everyone knows who you are Taylor. Ugh.)
It seems like one of those nights,
We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming eating
Instead of sleeping Then pass the fuck out covered in In-n-Out special sauce and weeping

We’re happy free confused and lonely depressed poor unemployed and bitter in the best worst way
It’s miserable and magical miserable, oh yeah
Tonight’s the night when we forget about the heartbreaks everything and black out
It’s time to start a fight because you think your friends called you fat (you are!)

Oh oh!
I don’t know about you cried when they killed off Rue
But I’m feeling 22
Everything will be alright if
You keep me next to you let me leave your balls blue
You don’t know all about me
But I’ll bet you want to You saw me at Trader Joe’s, my Urban Outfitter’s paisley shirt was see-through
Everything will be alright if
We just keep dancing like we’re complaining about being
I don’t know about you W-2s

It feels like one of those nights,
We ditch the whole scene our deeply ingrained belief we are special or unique
It feels like one of those nights,
We won’t be sleeping on clean sheets
It feels like one of those nights,
You look like bad news a 28-year-old Apple employee
I gotta have you
I gotta have you

I literally don’t know about you have any revenue
But I’m feeling 22
Everything will be alright if
You keep me next to you let me borrow your blazer for my unpaid internship interview
You don’t know all about me
But I’ll bet you want to You saw me order from the left side of the Denny’s menu
Everything will be alright if
We just keep dancing like we’re complaining about being


It feels like one of those nights,
We ditch the whole scene and decide to go to grad school
It feels like one of those nights,
We won’t be sleeping the application’s due at noon
It feels like one of those nights,
You look like bad news This looks like a great excuse
I gotta have you
I gotta have you TC mark



You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.

01 Mar 13:58

See also: The Place, The Orbit and Far Flung.

Daria Nifontova

Stasis ок,

See also: The Place, The Orbit and Far Flung.

01 Mar 13:32


by corpuscula
01 Mar 10:48


Daria Nifontova

рюкзак джессики хайд!

01 Mar 10:47

Bacon Fried Rice

by Tracy
Daria Nifontova

Во времена моего дествта это называлось «папа кормит детей ЧЕМ ЕСТЬ пока мамы нет»

I think I have mentioned once or twice here that my son is a PICKY EATER. That deserves all caps because that’s how I say it in my head. It frustrates me. There’s a decent sized list of food that he eats but this list is very particular. Like…if I cut one of his beloved red peppers (favorite vegetable) in a different way, he will not eat it. He has a hard time trusting that things will taste the same if they look different. He’s SUPER visual (where do you think he gets that from?). More than half the time I do things to appease his picky palate but every now and then I get really annoyed and take a stand. I WILL BE MAKING MAC & CHEESE AND YOU WILL LIKE IT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I try…and then he still doesn’t like it! Whoever said it takes at least 15 tries for a kid to decide if they like something was full of crap.

And then sometimes I take two things that I know he likes…like bacon & fried rice and I combine them because HOW COULD ANYONE NOT LIKE BACON FRIED RICE?!!  Seems logical, right? Part of me knew he would be apprehensive about the sliced onions. I know he still won’t go near eggs, but when we order Chinese Fried Rice at restaurants, he will totally eat the egg unbeknownst to him. So how did it go?

I should have trusted my gut…Kid Fail. What a crazy kid!

This Bacon Fried Rice is SERIOUSLY AMAZING. I’ve never really liked the pork in Pork Fried Rice but now that it’s replaced with bacon??! Praise the Lard! Bacon adds a delightful crispy bite that I can’t get over. Cooper, who LOOOOVES bacon didn’t appreciate that it was cut up in small pieces. He also was not down with the green onions. KIDS!  Casey and I happily ate countless bowls of Bacon Fried Rice. Maybe it was a good thing we didn’t have to share.

This is going in the rotation and I will scoop out a bowl for my picky eater that doesn’t include bacon, green onions, regular onions and fun.


And we’re off!

Ingredient gathering.

This is one of those recipes that you’ll get to know like the back of your hand.

I’m pretty sure it would be easy to improvise!

First we grate our ginger, mince the garlic and beat the eggs.

When you’re cooking in a wok, it’s important to get everything organized.

First we render the bacon in the wok. Cook for about 10 minutes, drain the fat.

Bacon & Onions. Winning combo.

After the onions are soft, add the garlic, ginger & green onions. Stir quickly being careful not to burn garlic.

Then the peas go in. Warm them up.

The bacon & pea mixture gets set aside in a small bowl. Time to clean your wok!

I used a little bit of cookings spray in the wok before I put the egg in.

Egg gets cooked! Put it aside with the bacon pea mixture. Get the wok fired up again with the oil.

Place the rice in. Fry it up!

Now add soy sauce and the bacon mixture!


Serve some up in a bowl. Add extra green onions on top. Serve a little carrot shreds on the side.


I still can’t believe I can’t get my 4 year old to eat this.

Bacon Fried Rice

Note: There is a print link embedded within this post, please visit this post to print it.

makes 4-6 servings

recipe slightly adapted from Breakfast for Dinner Cookbook

  • 4 cups cooked jasmine rice
  • 6 slices bacon, diced
  • 1/2 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 4 green onions, thinly sliced plus more for topping
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon finely grated ginger (from about a 1-inch piece)
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 4 large eggs, beaten
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon sriracha (optional)
  • 1 carrot, thinly sliced or ribboned using a vegetable peeler, for topping
In a large non-stick skillet or wok over medium-high heat, cook bacon until it is browned and fat is rendered, about 10 minutes. Drain any excess fat from pan (you still want a thin layer coating the bottom) and push bacon to sides of pan. In the center, add onions and cook until softened, about 2 minutes. Stir in green onions, garlic, and ginger and cook for 3 minutes, taking care not to let the garlic brown. Stir in peas and cook for 2 minutes, or until warm. Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl. Lower heat to medium, add eggs and scramble for 2-3 minutes or until fully cooked. Add eggs to bacon mixture. Wipe out skillet (careful as it may be hot), add vegetable oil, and return to medium-high heat. When oil is hot but not smoking, add cooked rice and spread in an even layer. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes, or until rice is heated through and slightly crispy. Stir in bacon-egg mixture. Season to taste with soy sauce and siriacha. Top with green onions and carrots and serve hot. Shutterbean Notes:  I pre-cooked jasmine recipe for this recipe a day in advance in my rice cooker. It’s always best to make fried rice with leftover rice because fresh rice gets gummy & sticky. Two cups of uncooked rice yields about 4-4 1/2 cups cooked rice.


28 Feb 07:39

"We are history’s middle children who have to wear glitter to get attention."

“We are history’s middle children who have to wear glitter to get attention.”
28 Feb 01:22


Daria Nifontova

фрайтфул у тебя в штанах, дебил.

27 Feb 08:59

tumblinglibrary: House Morran by Johannes Norlander Arkitektur...


House Morran by Johannes Norlander Arkitektur AB

27 Feb 07:59


Daria Nifontova

once again

Sometimes I toss a coin. Should I get KFC or McDonalds? Should I quit my job?

If I can't make a decision then I'll just toss a coin. Why? Three reasons:

  1. If I'm prepared to go for a coin toss then the decision is a pretty close-run thing. Even I make a conscious choice, the result is as much chance as the flip of a coin.

  2. As I throw that coin into the air, I often find myself hoping it comes down on one side. That moment reveals what I actually want to do. I ignore the coin result and do what I wanted anyway. The one-second window often reveals what a few hours or days of mulling has failed to uncover.

  3. Action is better than inaction.

27 Feb 07:31


Daria Nifontova

пойду поработаю

27 Feb 07:09

Face It...

by Mrs. Lilien
Daria Nifontova

oh man :(

I love how this day comes every single week without fail - It's Friday, and thus time for the weekend to set sail! 

24 Feb 18:52

9 Gay Leaders Making a Difference in Technology

by Stephanie Buck
Daria Nifontova

!!!!! пржк

1. Chris Hughes

One of the co-founders of Facebook, Hughes left the company in 2007 to become director of online organizing for Barack Obama's first presidential campaign. In 2010, the entrepreneur founded Juno, a social network aimed at connecting users interested in social good and activism. Currently, Hughes is the publisher and editor in chief of The New Republic, a progressive political commentary magazine. Hughes married partner Sean Eldridge, president of investment fund Hudson River Ventures and LGBT equality advocate, in June 2012. Image courtesy of Facebook, Chris Hughes

Click here to view this gallery.

In industries the world over, many employees remain closeted for fear their homosexuality, bisexuality or gender transitions will cause peers and co-workers to think differently of their work. It's an issue in the tech space, too, where females and minorities are also underrepresented and often stereotyped.

Despite the overarching problem, many work environments have created cultures of acceptance when it comes to sexual orientation. Google covers the health insurance taxes of LGBT employees and their partners -- a tax that currently doesn't factor in heterosexual marriages. Twitter has similar domestic partner benefits, as well as strict anti-discrimination policies.

Continue reading...

More About: Business, features, gay rights, LGBT, Tech

24 Feb 12:30

Time Robot

22 Feb 07:26

The Story Behind Keyboard Cat

by Annie Colbert

How did a keyboard-tickling cat in a blue t-shirt go from a no-name around the litter box to Internet star? Vice investigates the story of Keyboard Cat.

More About: cats, memes, viral videos, Watercooler

21 Feb 17:54

Michael Fassbender

Daria Nifontova


Michael Fassbender

20 Feb 08:17

Twitter May Release Advertising API Tomorrow

by Todd Wasserman

Twitter could announce its long-awaited advertising API as early as Wednesday, according to sources among Twitter's partners.

The API, which has been rumored for weeks, would let larger ad agencies create more sophisticated campaigns, a la Facebook. Twitter's current ad platform, introduced in April 2010, lets advertisers and their agency partners upload ads. However, the ads can only be loaded one at a time.

By expanding the palette for advertisers, Twitter could exponentially increase its ad revenues. Such revenues hit $259 million last year, according to eMarketer. Facebook released its advertising API in 2009.

Sources tell Mashable that Twitter is lining up partners for the ann…
Continue reading...

More About: Advertising, api, developers, Twitter

20 Feb 07:42

Possible Responses When People Ask “What Are You Doing With Your Life?”

by Christopher Hudspeth
Daria Nifontova

октрытка для многих

Chuckle arrogantly and condescendingly reply, “Did you just ask ‘what are you doing with YOU’RE life?’ — it’s YOUR, dude. I could tell you used the wrong form by the way you pronounced it.”

Beat around the bush by saying things like “Huh?” or “Define doing?” until you can come up with some high quality BS lie to feed ‘em.

Life Cereal

Life Cereal

Tell the asker that you’ve been doing various types of marketing, then invite them to join your company for a $300 startup fee, making them the first member of your newly devised pyramid scheme.

Adopt the Rick Grimes approach by saying, with a great deal of annoyance and the utmost conviction, “I’m doing stuff. Thaaangs.”

Without hesitation, when the final word of that question, “…. life?” comes out of their mouth, turn your body in the opposite direction and run. Full on sprint.

Tell them to look up the lyrics to all of LMFAO’s music, as they pretty much cover the story of your recent life.

Fake a smile so that you seem happy and say, “So much, I don’t even know how I got here – but first things first, would you like to add on a drink and make that a combo?”

Ask for a moment of privacy to go cry tears of self-loathing shame, but request that they return in a half hour to engage in one-on-one, physical combat for asking such a heinous question.

“Mom, seriously it’s too early for your hassling, get off my back and let me sleep.” Then pull your covers over your head and continue napping, even though it’s noon on a weekday.

Flip the script on them… And by that I mean alter the quote from a film, specifically Batman Begins, declaring dramatically, “It’s not what I do, but who I am beneath that defines me.”

Steal a quote from the Joker.

Give them access to your web history, which is essentially a detailed account of what you’ve been doing with life.

Turn the tables. Literally. Flip the table over (preferably on top of the inquirer) and get the hell out of there.

Over eagerly ask, “Why?! Are you wanting to hang out or something??? Because I’m totally free this weekend… and for like, the next 2-3 months or so!”

Begin describing the life of your favorite, successful television character. Even if they figure out what you’re doing, be adamant about your claims. (I’d roll with Vincent Chase from Entourage.)

Say “I’m doing more than INSERT NAME OF THAT PERSON FROM HIGH SCHOOL WHO IS JUST DOING AWFUL IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE.” Then proceed to pile more verbal crap on that person from high school who is just doing awful in every aspect of life.

Ask if they’d like to smell your fingers and find out firsthand. It’s going to be awkward, yes, but that’s what the get for being nosey and asking how you’re doing.

Start with, “Well what had happened was…” followed up by a detailed description of your setbacks over the past 5-10 years.

Channel your inner Rick Grimes again.
Possible Responses When People Ask “What Are You Doing With Your Life?”

Annnd again.
Possible Responses When People Ask “What Are You Doing With Your Life?”

Print this article out, hand it to ‘em and tell them to take their pick. TC Mark

You should follow Thought Catalog on Twitter here.

image - The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season [Blu-ray]
20 Feb 07:34

Fairy Tales For 20-Somethings: Beauty And The Beast Have A Romantic Dinner

by Tim Manley
Very brief fairy tales for 20-somethings.

Fairy Tales For 20-Somethings: Beauty And The Beast Have A Romantic Dinner

The Beast made Beauty a romantic dinner for two.

“I feel so lucky to know you,” he said. “You’re the thing that makes me happy to be alive.”

Beauty’s heart swelled. “That’s exactly how I feel about you.”

Then that candlestick guy raised the volume on his episode of Downton Abbey. TC mark

This post originally appeared at FAIRY TALES FOR TWENTYSOMETHINGS.

You should like Thought Catalog on Facebook here.

19 Feb 18:50

Pug Surprise Will Bring You to Tears

by Annie Colbert

YouTube user 30poundman makes his bid for Boyfriend of the Year with help from a perky pug puppy. The big-hearted, bearded fellow surprised his girlfriend with the dog after she had to put down her beloved 10-year-old beagle, B.B.

More About: cute animals, dogs, viral videos, Watercooler