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14 Mar 15:28

Well Aren't Stickers Cute! Wait a Second...Aaah!

Well Aren't Stickers Cute!  Wait a Second...Aaah!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: stickers , funny , dinosaurs
10 Mar 15:17

The Kansas City Public Library is better than your public library

by 99Telep☺dproblems on Observation Deck, shared by Robert T. Gonzalez to io9

I can only comment on the header photo - gorgeous!

The Kansas City Public Library is better than your public library


03 Mar 15:52

I Can Call You Boobie...

by Jen

I know there are some weird names (or weird spellings of common names) out there and bakers probably have seen them all. But Jeggery and Jennizzle? Wouldn't that be when you step back and recheck the cake order?

It's Celebrate Your Name Week, my friends, so I have an extra special gift for a bunch of you with common American names: the gift... of new nicknames.


Bobbie knows what I'm talking 'bout, don't ya, hon'?

Yes, yes she does.


So let's get to it - and fingers crossed you find your name in here!

This one works for Bob *or* Deb. A twofer!


Tiffany, your new nickname just entails everyone using finger quotes when addressing you:

You're "welcome."


This one was almost my favorite - but then I found this:

And while you're at it, bring me some Twix bars. Chop chop!


And you thought three letter names would be safe.


I think this one must be intentional, but it still made me bust a gut:

"I have been, and shall always be, your... wait, who are you?"


Thanks to Ashleigh P., Catherine S., Chelsea P., Chelsea N., Allegra S., Anna, Katie, Dawn L., Hannah W., & Jennifer H. for the great name maim game.

Didn't see your name butchered here? Well, never fear, dear Wreckies; I have so many name wrecks to share I had to split them into two posts - so watch for the second batch later this week!


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

28 Feb 19:16

A Magnitude 22.0 Earthquake?? A Star Wars Analogy

by Jim Lehane
A couple of months ago (on Christmas actually, Merry Christmas Geologists!) the USGS, which releases customized Earthquake Notifications based on a users settings, released the news that a magnitude 22.0 earthquake just struck Montana (pictured below).

Now this was clearly a typo. It was meant to be 2.2, however, it does bring up an interesting conversation.(You can see the updated page HERE). What is a Magnitude 22 earthquake capable of?. Some of the comments on my Facebook post included (names abbreviated to protect their identities, if you want your name un-abbreviated, let me know):

Steve R: Looks like NBC now has the plot for the completion of it's earthquake trilogy. First it was "10.5"...then "10.5 Apocalypse"" Montana 22.0 the day the Earth went boom"...all staring Beau Bridges as Beau Bridges acting like an authority figure. 
Tyler S.: It wasn't flattened, there's a new 6 km high fault scarp. 
Thomas H.: Mag 22.0? Impressive! The Chicxulub Impact should have produced only a 10.8! 
Thomas H.: A 22.0 should have toppled every building on the planet, and probably caused mountains all over the world to collapse into piles of rubble. At least. 
Monica S.: Just as a reference, a Mw 10.0 would have a rupture length roughly equal to 1/4 of the planet's circumference. That is why a 10.0 could physically never happen. A 10.5 would rupture around the Earth 1.5 times. (If that movie 10.5 were real, Earth would have been obliterated). This is assuming a max rupture depth of 30 km. Mw 22 is 316,227,766,016 times more powerful than a 10.5.

To understand the audacity of a Magnitude 22.0 earthquake, lets give some earthquake basics. The measure of an earthquake's magnitude is essentially equivalent to the energy released during the initial rupture of the fault (I know they are not exactly the same, but it is close enough). Identification of earthquakes often start with a Magnitude 2.0 and go up to a Magnitude 10, with the largest recorded earthquake in history being a Magnitude 9.5.

The magnitude scale specifically measures the amplitude of the of the waves released from an earthquake (USGS). The Moment Magnitude scale, as it is called (replaced the Richter Scale), is a logarithmic scale. As it goes up one number the size of the amplitude increased by a factor of 10. To make it a little easier to understand you can compare this to the energy released. So, each whole number is 31.62232 times more powerful than the last one (i.e. a magnitude 3 is 31.622 times more powerful than a magnitude 2).

For energy comparisons, let us convert the amount of energy to Joules that is released from an earthquake. The largest earthquake ever recorded was the Chilean 9.5. That would have released 1.12 x 10^19 joules of energy. The Hiroshima nuclear bomb released 6.3 x 10^13 joules of energy by comparison (Wikipedia), quite a bit less than a 9.5 earthquake. Now a magnitude 22 earthquake is 12.5 degrees of magnitude larger than a 9.5. So calculating it would mean that it would be 31.662^12.5 more powerful than a 9.5 (5.7 x 10^18 times more powerful). This equates to 6.31 x 10^37 joules of energy (calculated here:

There is a limit to the size of an Earthquake based on the physical properties of rocks, but let us just ignore that for now.

The energy released in a Magnitude 22 earthquake is a lot of energy, but it is a little hard to grasp numbers that big. A magnitude 3.5 earthquake, which is on the limit of being felt by most people, releases 1.12 x 10^10 joules of energy. On the other hand it has been estimated that the power required by the Death Star in Star Wars (yes I'm going there) to destroy a Earth sized planet was 2.2 x 10^32 joules of energy (as mentioned HERE and elsewhere).

So the amount of energy required to destroy a planet (2.2 x 10^32 joules) is actually equal to an earthquake with a magnitude of 18.33, much smaller than the Magnitude 22 (6.31 x 10^37 joules) earthquake reported. Although the 2.2 x 10^32 joules is a bottom estimate, it is possible that the Death Star could create much more energy than that, just to make sure the planet was obliterated.

Therefore, I believe I have proof to indicate that the Earth was struck by a Death Star laser on Christmas, 2013. But somehow, we survived, and now they are trying to cover it up. Perhaps this was a test of the Death Star that the government supposedly wasn't building (The White House).

Some other numbers courtesy of Dinogami:
  1. Manicouagan impact = 1 x 10^21 joules
  2. K-T  (K-Pg) Chicxulub impact = 4.2 x 10^23 joules
  3. Sun puts out 3.8 x 10^26 joules (however that is all over, not concentrated)
  4. Impact of a Mars size body on the Earth = 4.5 x 10^31 joules 
It appears that our Magnitude 22 earthquake was one of the largest events to happen to the solar system since the last supernova.
28 Feb 15:57

She Must be a Fan of the Electric Company...

She Must be a Fan of the Electric Company...

Submitted by: Unknown

27 Feb 16:15

I Think That Means You Should Give Me Your Cookie

I Think That Means You Should Give Me Your Cookie

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: fortune cookie , dogs , funny
26 Feb 15:57

2014 Oscar Predictions

by Gracey the Giant

I'd find somewhere to wear several of these dresses and would that last cape be too much for worK?

I'm not much of a movie buff, so I'm not even going to try to predict which actor is going to win an Oscar.  I haven't even seen all of the nominated movies this year!  But, I have seen slides of most of the shows from the Paris, London, New York and Milan fashion shows, so I thought it might be fun to predict which dresses will show up on the Oscar red carpet!

Naeem Khan

In my opinion, Naeem Khan had one of the most red-carpet-worthy shows for 2014 RTW and I think we'll see a lot of him on the red carpet.  Here are some of my favorites:

Prints are rare on the red carpet and even more so on the Oscar red carpet, but I'd love to see someone like Sandra Bullock (Gravity) or Julie Delpy (Before Midnight).  Or even Jennifer Garner (Dallas Buyers Club).

This lavender gown may be a little casual for the Oscar red carpet, but that's why I think Meryl Streep (August: Osage County) might give it a shot.  And the color is so pretty!

Anne Hathaway will be there presenting for Best Actor and I think she'd look stunning in this.

This dress would work for any number of stars.  I'd like it for Julia Roberts (August: Osage County), but she'd probably throw a turtleneck underneath.  So, maybe Jessica Chastain?  Or Zoe Saldana?  I'm not sure, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see it.

This is one of several dresses I have picked out for Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave).  She can wear anything and I'd love her in this.  I'd also love to see Zoe Saldana in this.

Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine) would look stunning in this.  She often wears an open back and I love how unique this is.


I wasn't a fan of the last two Dior shows; the Spring RTW had weird boob patches and the Couture show had these dresses: 

However, Dior also has Jennifer Lawrence and Marion Cotillard under contract so while  Marion will probably get something gorgeous, poor Jennifer Lawrence will probably end up in one these.  Maybe lined, maybe not.


I love both of these silvery gowns from Kaufmanfranco and would love to see Julie Delpy in the first one and Amy Adams (American Hustle) in the second.  Adams is totally into 70s cleavage right now so this dress is perfect.

Elie Saab

Like Naeem Khan, Elie Saab put forth some stunning red carpet dresses this season; here are my favorites of his:

I find this dress a bit on the twee side, but I think that someone will definitely wear it.  Jennifer Garner, maybe?

This dress obviously needs to be lined, but then I could see this one on Helen Mirren or maybe Kate Winslet.

Margo Robbie (Wolf of Wall Street) would look amazing in either of these.

Again, Margo Robbie.  I don't know if she wears red, but I think she could and should.

Jenny Packham

I was really impressed with the Jenny Packham show from London and I think there's a chance we could see quite a bit of her on the red carpet, possibly including some of these looks:

I think the navy blue is a shoe-in; someone will wear that.  I think it'd be great on Sandra Bullock or Helen Mirren.  The orange dress is a long shot, but I think Lupita would knock it out of the park if it were full length like the navy.  And the last dress would work for Amy Adams or Jessica Chastain; I'd love a redhead in it.

Grab Bag
This next group are designers that aren't necessarily red carpet designers and therefore had fewer Oscar-worthy offerings.  But, they had some:

Those first two are Carmen Marc Valvo and I'd love to see either one on Anne Hathaway.

I also love this Chanel Haute Couture for Anne Hathaway.  But I'd also like it for Sally Hawkins (Blue Jasmine).

This lavender gown is Armani Prive and if Cate Blanchett wore this I would be in heaven.

I don't think Julia Roberts wears a lot of red, but I think she'd look great in this Bibhu Mohapatra dress.  The lines of the bodice kind of remind me of the black and white dress she was wearing when she won.

The Wild Cards

I don't think any of these next picks are likely to come to fruition, but man, I wish they would!

People don't often go this big or this bold on the red carpet, but I'd love someone to show up in this Oscar de la Renta; Lupita would look smashing in this color and it'd be an interesting departure for her, silhouette-wise.

This dress is Ulyana Sergeenko and I would give my left arm for Tilda Swinton (SWINTON!) to show up in this.  She's really the only one who could or should.

This is also Ulyana Sergeenko and it would be amazing and perfect on Angelina Jolie.  It's totally sexy-Maleficent.  

Yes, the red carpet does need more capes and I adore this Blumarine dress and cape combination.  Just make the dress full length and I don't care who wears it!

And there you have it, folks.  My Oscar predictions for 2014.  What about you, Reader Friends?  Do you have any Oscar predictions?

Happy Tuesday, All!


Note: all images via New York Magazine "The Cut"

25 Feb 20:51

A good thing comes from the “New Star Wars” movies!

by Thermochronic

When I start to go on rants about how disappointed I am with the three newer Star Wars movies I try to remember that I am an adult in my late 30′s and that these are movies for kids and about space wizards. It rarely stops my rants but it does at least contextualize the reasons the “New Star Wars” movies annoy me. I am of course not alone, there are in fact many people much angrier than I. For peace of mind I prefer to pretend that these movies were simply never made. My childhood memories are therefore safe, and these new films aren’t really related, just some side project, a failed form of fan art.

But, filed under “things I wish I’d thought of” is an actual positive use of those movies! Published recently in Geomorphology is

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 9.17.50 PM

Lorenz, R. D., Gasmi, N., Radebaugh, J., Barnes, J. W., & Ori, G. G. (2013). Dunes on planet Tatooine: Observation of barchan migration at the Star Wars film set in Tunisia. Geomorphology, 201, 264–271. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.06.026(/small>

The authors looked at satellite imagery covering west-central Tunisia, focusing in on the now abandoned Mos Espa set that was used to film the 1999 Phantom Menace (although the filming was in 1997). The location information is all in the paper, but here are some google earth screen shots to set the stage:

Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 4.28.33 PM Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 4.29.17 PM Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 4.29.39 PM

The region is filled with barchan dunes, and the authors use the movie set and a time series of satellite data shot since 1997 to study dune migration. The set essentially offers a stationary point in an otherwise nondescript landscape.

I started thinking of where I’d want to do something similar. Not a dune study, but what movie location would be great to visit and include in something publishable. My first thought was Helm’s Deep, obviously the formation of the valley and associated caves deserves a thermochronologic perspective. Or perhaps the Ered Nimrais more broadly? Unfortunately however, I  realized that the ubiquity of the green screen is making this kind of an endeavor harder and harder. Perhaps I need to go back in time?

21 Feb 16:38

Read My Lips...

Read My Lips...

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dogs , magazine , noms , funny
21 Feb 16:35

Tunic, My Heinie

by Gracey the Giant

Preach it, Sister!

No, really, I'd like to introduce this tunic to my heinie because I'm pretty sure they haven't met:

Seriously, one of the most frustrating things about being tall is that shirts are crop-tops (gross), tunics are shirts and dresses are tunics.  Tunics are (supposedly) great because you can just throw them on with leggings and go.  But, I can't.  Not unless I want to wear leggings as pants (I will never).

No, instead, I have to layer my "tunic" over a "dress" that's actually just a tunic on me.  Happily, I like to layer:

Tunic: Old Navy  Dress: LOFT  Scarf: Gifted  Leggings: HUE  Boots: Born "Mabel"

But still, if I could find a tunic that wanted to spend quality time covering all my bottom and not just grazing the top half, that would be super.

Happy Friday, All!


Shop the Look
Similar  (sort of) tunic
Similar striped tunic/dress
Similar scarf
Exact HUE leggings (my fave)
Born "Mabel" boots

21 Feb 16:28

Why the Brains of Dogs and Humans Are More Similar Than You Think

by George Dvorsky

For the image - I wouldn't mind, at all, if there were cute dogs around (or actual cats) for any CAT scan I might have.

Why the Brains of Dogs and Humans Are More Similar Than You Think

As any dedicated dog owner will tell you, canines often appear to grasp the emotional content of what's being said to them. An unprecedented brain scanning study now shows this is likely true — and that this capability pre-dates domestication.



21 Feb 16:20


by John Scalzi

Stuff like this almost make me want a Twitter account. Then I realize the really good stuff gets posted like this.

Context: Chris Kluwe wrote on Twitter about how the GOP are currently destroying themselves, like the Whigs did back in the day. This is what followed.

@ChrisWarcraft You were around for the Whigs? Are you immortal? ARE YOU THE HIGHLANDER?—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft That's what I thought. (sighs) (gets sword) (heads to Chris' house)—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@scalzi It's the 21st century, John. I already have sword drones circling your phone's GPS location.—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft Ah, so that's what's littering up my lawn after my LASER EAGLES got done with them. Good to know.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@scalzi You can't kill sword drones with a laser! THERE ARE RULES IN HIGHLANDER, SIR. #swords
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft Says the man LOCKING ON TO MY PHONE. Sauce for the goose, good sir!—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@scalzi Right, but that's just enhanced tracking techniques. The deathblow is still from a (flying) sword.—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@scalzi Propriety absolutely MUST be maintained when discussing decapitations.—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft You know as well as I do that HANDS must be attached to SWORDS for deathblows to count. Or have you forgot Helsinki in '63?—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@scalzi They ARE attached. Via satellite uplink to a joystick. THAT HAND IS WIELDING THAT SWORD, SIRRAH.—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft By this thinking, the LASER EAGLES are fair play, for I activated the lasers by PRESSING THE BUTTON WITH MY SWORD POMMEL.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft CHECK and MATE, my friend.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@scalzi The jury would've accepted the "coherent beam of photons into a cutting edge" argument, a "light saber" if you will, but sadly…—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@scalzi ..the Pommel defense was ruled inadequate by the third Council of Swordsing.—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft Oh, god, here we go with the Third Council again. YOU KNOW that council was superceded by the Juneau Conference! YOU KNOW IT!—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft This is why no one wants to FIGHT you, Chris. You keep rules lawyering! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD I SAY. On tuesday. If convenient.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

@scalzi I'll have my people talk to your people.—
Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) February 21, 2014

@ChrisWarcraft Good. That's settled then. Time for cookies.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 21, 2014

20 Feb 20:21

I'm Stuffed!



I'm Stuffed!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gifs , puppies , cute , food
20 Feb 18:34

He Finally Met His Hero


All together now...

He Finally Met His Hero

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: hero , dogs , cute , goofy , disneyland
19 Feb 15:32

Q & A

by Fred Clark
13 Feb 23:14

That's One Big Kitty!


Poor plump kitty!

That's One Big Kitty!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: fat , snow , winter , Cats , funny
12 Feb 21:12

I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! You Left the Window Open...

I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!  You Left the Window Open...

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dogs , gifs , blinds , windows , funny
12 Feb 21:12

He Has a Job and He Does it Well

He Has a Job and He Does it Well

Submitted by: Unknown

12 Feb 14:54

The Saga of Bob and Vlad, by John Scalzi and Tom Tomorrow

by John Scalzi

An instant classic.

I'm not following the olympics this year but I AM following the Bob Costas eye situation, i.e., the most important news from Sochi.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 12, 2014

@scalzi well, that and the hotel rooms.—
Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) February 12, 2014

@tomtomorrow He got his eye problems FROM the hotel room, no doubt.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 12, 2014

@scalzi doorknob comes off in his hand, he stumbles into room, trips over the half-hung curtains, crashes into sink full of toxic water.—
Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) February 12, 2014

@tomtomorrow At night, the stray dogs come.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 12, 2014

@scalzi He seeks refuge in a bathroom, thinking he can hide in a stall. But there are multiple toilets, no privacy. The dogs circle.—
Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) February 12, 2014

@tomtomorrow Taking a towel rack from the wall, he fights them off. One kicks the door shut on the way out. It cannot be unlocked.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 12, 2014

@scalzi Just when all seems lost, Vladimir Putin arrives, shirtless, on a polar bear.—
Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) February 12, 2014

@tomtomorrow "Take my hand if you want to live," Putin says. "Unless you're gay. In which case, Sasha here will claw your corneas off."—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 12, 2014

@scalzi Costas wrapped his thighs around the polar bear and clung tightly to Putin's rippling chest. "Straight as an arrow," he murmured.—
Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) February 12, 2014

@tomtomorrow Costas and Putin never spoke again of their manly, musky interlude. The polar bear eventually told US Weekly. And now you know.—
John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 12, 2014

@scalzi The end.—
Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow) February 12, 2014

12 Feb 03:45

Infographics of chemicals in all-natural foods by James Kennedy

by Dorea Reeser


I don’t know about you, but I often think about all the interesting chemicals that are, and must be, in the foods that I eat. I’ve tried to share some of the interesting chemicals found in grapefruit, for example. Australian teacher, James Kennedy recently made fantastic infographics listing all of the chemical ingredients in various all-natural foods. He wrote on his website that, “As a Chemistry teacher, I want to erode the fear that many people have of “chemicals”, and demonstrate that nature evolves compounds, mechanisms and structures far more complicated and unpredictable than anything we can produce in the lab.”

We at CAYF applaud his efforts and recommend you do yourself a favor and check out his site here.


Added January 23, 2014:

“If I can’t pronounce it, I shouldn’t be eating it!” Co-host Sam Matthews of The Collapsed Wavefunction podcast reminds us that many people say this. Of course his response to this type of statement is that “there’s not much left that you’re able to eat.”

Check out their latest interview with James Kennedy. Learn about the motivation, why potassium isn’t listed as an ingredient in the banana, and what he’s planning for the future.

11 Feb 18:55

Magic Olympic Fridge Provides Free Beer For Canadians Only

by Laura Northrup

How about one in Jones Hall? I'm sure Jacques would be generous.

The nation of Canada doesn’t want its people to have to suffer without beer. While we hear alcohol isn’t in short supply in Russia in general, conditions within the Olympic Village for athletes and coaches might be different. MolsonCoors came to the rescue of Canadians far from home with a refrigerator filled with beer that opens when the user holds up a Canadian passport. Only a Canadian passport.

Molson made a version of this machine for an ad, taking it on a tour of Europe last year as a form of outreach to Canadian travelers.

This is all great publicity and very fun, but what other countries could apply the same concept? We humbly suggest a dispenser full of cheese in New York City that only people from Wisconsin can open. Or maybe a machine that dispenses Dunkin’ Donuts coffee in under-served areas.

This Canadian beer machine is the most amazing technology at the Olympics [USA Today]

05 Feb 22:06

Why is this volcanic eruption blue?

by Ria Misra

This volcano in Indonesia looks like it's seeping with blue lava. So what's going on here? It's not Photoshop. The images are, amazingly, real.



27 Jan 20:14

A realization...


First comment ftw.

24 Jan 00:29

She Wanted Her Own Pigeons to Feed in the Park

She Wanted Her Own Pigeons to Feed in the Park

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: chips , grandma , knitting , bored , pigeons
08 Jan 16:54

December 23, 2013

16 Dec 19:21

Not Just Man's Best Friend



Not Just Man's Best Friend

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: cute , dogs , deployed , Sad , military , veteran , misses
10 Dec 17:33

Who Waxed the Floor Without Telling Me?!


I am a horrible person for LOLing.

Who Waxed the Floor Without Telling Me?!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: derp , dogs , gifs , funny , slip
10 Dec 16:52

Make Sure You Wind it Up Before You Let it Go


Or as we often ask the dog - Are we in your way?

10 Dec 16:51

I Don't Move, You Move Around Me

I Don't Move, You Move Around Me

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: Cats , lazy , funny , mortal
09 Dec 19:32

Such Scrabble, So Smart

Such Scrabble, So Smart

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: cute , dogs , husband , funny , smart , doge , scabble