Shared posts

20 Aug 20:10

Vasectomies Could Cut Feral Cat Population

by Christine Dell'Amore

Interesting, but does it apply to non-virtual cats?

Vasectomies and hysterectomies may keep free-roaming domestic cats in the United States in check, a new study says.
16 Aug 14:28

Oregon’s Pumice Desert


100 feet of pumice! - Geology is awesome.

Take 3b

Photographer: Rebecca Roush
Summary Author: Rebecca Roush

The Pumice Desert shown above can easily be seen on Crater Lake Highway about 3.5 mi (5.6 km) north of the lake as the crow flies. This geologic feature, like Crater Lake itself, is the result of the massive eruptions of Mount Mazama approximately 7,700 years ago. When driving past the Pumice Desert, it’s hard to comprehend the depth of the pumice, which can reach more than 100 ft (30 m). Because this desert has so little organic matter, the landscape only occasionally provides enough nutrients for plant life. As a result, the soil has never been ameliorated by composting organic matter. The Pumice Desert forms a shallow basin, which implies that a deep valley may have been present prior to Mount Mazama’s eruptions. With a thick cover of ejecta, the original flows probably moved across the valley so quickly and with such strength that the basic basin-shape remained as the flows continued over the divide toward the north. Photo taken October 19, 2012.

13 Aug 14:18

Anybody Wanna Peanut?

by Jen

[WARNING: Very mild adult humor ahead. Hide the children-folk!]


John and I like to chat via Instant Messaging when we're across the house from each other. (Because AMERICA.) Below is our actual IM conversation from last night over today's cake:


Me: Well, this earned a triple-take: [attaches photo]

John: What is that??

Me: You'll figure it out.

John: Is it a number 1?

Me: Noooo...

John: Seriously, what the what?

Me: Look closer.

John: I literally have no idea.

Me: *sigh* It's Thor's hammer, ok?

[short pause]

[loud guffaws echo from the other room]

[short pause]

John: Ok, so why the heck is there a peanut on the tip???

Me: I have no idea. Maybe he's a Princess Bride fan?


And before you all mention it, yes, this IS a pretty great cake... minus the surprisingly obscene topper, of course. Personally I like to think that Clayton is just a fan of the Avengers and Princess Bride.

Thanks to Melanie K. for letting me hammer home another dong joke.

13 Aug 14:17

They Hatin

They Hatin

Submitted by: Unknown

01 Aug 22:07

35-foot-tall straw Dalek terrorizes British countryside

by Charlie Jane Anders

35-foot-tall straw Dalek terrorizes British countryside

It's the superior life form in the universe... and it's made out of straw. Your move, clay Cybermen.



29 Jul 14:41

Debris Catalanche

by Dana Hunter
***Warning for extremes of adorable. People with heart conditions, sensitivity to sweets, or a tendency to swoon in the presence of kittens should consult their physician before attempting to read this blog post. Please squee responsibly.***

Apparently stable slopes often fail unexpectedly, leading to general consternation and many geologists standing around saying, "Didn't I tell you that would happen? I'm sure I mentioned it. If you're not going to pay attention, at least grab me a beer."

We had an incident at B's house that illustrated the tendency of unstable slopes to fail without warning. Generally, when one is cradling a kitten, the kitten stays somewhat put as long as you're practicing correct kitten cuddling technique.

Luna asleep in a stable position.
But, when kittens are tired, they often achieve the consistency of a damp paper bag, and become about as grippable as gelatin. This is when gravity begins its cruel work, and a debris catalanche begins.

Once Luna began to slide, there was no stopping the process.
They can be rapid or slow, but in the end, unless there is a ledge or extra pair of hands to stop their decent, the debris catalanches will continue until they reach their full extent.

Luna at fullest extent of slide.

You can see the zone of deposition beginning with her ear, there. This handy diagram from California's Department of Conservation will help you make sense of the chaos.

Diagram of a debris avalanche by Janet K. Smith.
And here's a fine example at the South Bluff of Discovery Park:

Debris Avalanche at South Bluff, Discovery Park. Not quite as cute as a debris catalanche, but makes geologists who don't have to deliver bad news to homeowners squee.
Thanks for once again helping us demonstrate geologic processes, Luna!

26 Jul 03:41

One Shell of a Day



One Shell of a Day

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: shell , turtles , introverts
17 Jul 13:26



I need an excuse to make one of these beds. Any one have a cat (or small! dog) who'd use it?

16 Jul 16:20

Found Him

Found Him

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: found , food , hiding , funny
11 Jul 13:41

Whiny Cat



Whiny Cat

Lol by: Unknown

Tagged: food , mom , whiny , funny
10 Jul 18:40

Ducklings Make Adorable Pets


Based on my mother's experience - No, no they don't make cute pets (but they can be very cute).

Submitted by: Unknown

08 Jul 18:43

Meet The Swedish Vallhund



Meet The Swedish Vallhund

Submitted by: Unknown

28 Jun 01:20

Beautiful Churches That Have Been Converted into Secular Buildings

by Vincze Miklós

The Church Brew Works baby!

Beautiful Churches That Have Been Converted into Secular Buildings

What happens to churches whose religious residents have left? Often, they become a bit more secular. Here are some of the most gorgeous and surprising architectural afterlives for these houses of worship.



25 Jun 16:16

On her discovery of GAME OF THRONES creator George R.R. Martin's books...


It's a good thing I don't work with MRTIM, I'd spend all my time beating my head against counter.

24 Jun 18:48

The Devolution of Style

by Gracey the Giant

See that's why I don't accessorize much - I don't want to loose my undead fighting ability.

So, June has been a rough month for me.  Work has been atrocious; I'm not sleeping well, I'm not blogging well and I haven't visited other blogs in ages.  Also, I've started dressing like this:

I know, I know, it's boring.  There is no raucous color, no vintage pieces and I practically match.  But, it's also easy and I really need easy right now.  Easy like jeans (Wit and Wisdom via Nordstrom) and a tee (Gap) with flats (Nine West via Piperlime) and a cardigan (Ann Taylor, thrifted).  Besides, this outfit isn't just easy, it makes me feel physically capable.  And I realized that when I feel more physically capable, I feel more mentally capable.

In this outfit I felt like I could not only run from zombies (although not the World War Z zombies; apparently their zombies are fast as hell.  Which, boo.) but I that could deliver a roundhouse kick straight to a spreadsheet's dome. 

I may not be battling zombies (yet; we all know it's coming) but I am battling some serious spreadsheets and dressing like this makes me feel like I have a better chance at winning.

Don't worry, I haven't completely given up.  I did add a lovely Megan Mae button flower because it looks great with leopard and doesn't detract from zombie/spreadsheet fighting:

And, in my mind, that's the mark of a truly great accessory; if you can still fight the undead while wearing it, it's a keeper.

Happy Monday, All!


20 Jun 22:12

What to do if you find a wee baby dromaeosaurus out of its nest

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Never show fear.

What to do if you find a wee baby dromaeosaurus out of its nest

Your definitive guide to all things pertaining to displaced baby birds. And dromaeosaurs.



20 Jun 15:07

While discussing MAN OF STEEL...


Somehow he wasn't an alien before?

20 Jun 13:26

Extreme Dog Grooming


These are a bit insane.

Extreme Dog Grooming

Creative dog grooming competitions make some pretty bizarre looking pooches, here are 15 of the wildest examples.

Source: The Telegraph

Submitted by: Garrett858

Tagged: dogs , Dog Grooming , wtf , funny
19 Jun 14:19

Hug Time?

Hug Time?

Submitted by: thelump

Tagged: dirty , funny , hug
12 Jun 19:23

He Knows What He Did


That is a dog who knows he's done wrong.

He Knows What He Did

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dog shamming , funny , guilty
07 Jun 18:25


07 Jun 13:46

This Han Solo-in-Carbonite lightswitch is clearly turned on

by Rob Bricken

Did no one in marketing see the problem with this?

This Han Solo-in-Carbonite lightswitch is clearly turned on

Looks like when Han Solo was dunked in Bespin's Carbon Freezing Chamber, he was frozen in a most unfortunate... er, position.



05 Jun 14:28

Meanwhile in The Woods


It's an "Oh Shit!" moment for everyone.

Meanwhile in The Woods

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: woods , dogs , gifs , moose , funny
05 Jun 14:21

06/03/13 PHD comic: 'Professor Proverbs'


The last is why Chris does not want to ever be a PhD advisor.

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Professor Proverbs" - originally published 6/3/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

30 May 14:21

Greatest Wedding Photo In the History of the World

by Meredith Woerner

Damn, now I need to redo my wedding photos! (also, SEVEN bridesmaids?)

Greatest Wedding Photo In the History of the World

The Lowders were simply trying to take their bridal party pictures when a most unexpected guest popped into the photo frame. But their terror is our gain, and it has resulted in what is clearly the greatest wedding photo of all time. Update: We talked to the photographer!



29 May 21:02

Gotta Squeeze Through


Dang it! Who moved these bars closer together?

Gotta Squeeze Through

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: squeeze , cat , stuck , funny
21 May 13:49

Nailed It


Apparently this cartoonist has met my dog.

Nailed It

Submitted by: Unknown (via Off the Leash)

Tagged: chair , comic , funny , Nailed It
17 May 13:56

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Fire Swamp

by Sharyn

Oh my, that's a big screwdriver!

According to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, there are NOT three dangers of the Fire Swamp, my friends; there are seven.

Don't Panic!

Instead, grab your sonic screwdriver,

(With both hands...)


and your ugliest tie-dye beach towel,

(You know, the one with the ugly flowers and the nutrient-soaked hem.)

...and let's go see if we can find the other four!


Wait, I'm forgetting something...

Hey! You! In the red shirt! Wanna join the team?

Great! We wouldn't think of leaving without you.



Look, up above! It's a Cthulpoo Pony!

Watch out for their aerial bowel assault!


Now, step lively! The Guide warns of AFGs. You could fall and break your neck.

"Areas of Fluctuating Gravity? I don't think they exi-- aiieeeggghhhh!"


Listen! Do you smell something?

As I suspected: it's the herbivorous blast-ended skrewt!
("They call me... Tim.")

Mind the pincers; they've got nasty, big, pointy teeth!


Well, that's three. There's just one more danger --

The Excitable Squirrels of Amorosity!

Look out, men! They'll go straight for your nuts!
(Whose idea was it to bring all these peanuts, anyway?)




Thanks to Robert S., Stacy, Gillian, Anony M., Kellee C., Rachael E., and Jane B., for sending us pictures of cakes that are mostly harmless.

14 May 13:09

Someone stop me

by Jenny the bloggess

Shouldn't that read "I'm typing in all cats?"

Yes, I realize I just published a new blog post 12 hours ago but I’m posting again because I just found a website that changes your fonts INTO CATS.  Say goodbye to the rest of your week because…

Also, it’s Friday night and this is the highlight of my whole weekend.

I really need to get out more.

13 May 14:37

Belief in Dog

Belief in Dog

Submitted by: Unknown (via Reddit)

Tagged: barking , dog