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06 May 14:49

Friday fold: Baxter and the boulders

by Callan

I love his 'field assistant's' hat!

Last weekend, after we checked Lily in for her race, I spotted some boulders near the check-in site. The next morning, once the race had started but before we could cheer her on, my field assistant and I went back to the boulders to check them out.

My field assistant’s planners had forgotten to pack him a hat – so we improvised with a pair of fleece pants inverted on his noggin:

We were glad to have gotten back to take a closer look at these boulders, which showed limestone and dolostone layers that had been both cleaved and strongly folded.

There was one array of en echelon tension gashes, too.

Look at these lovely folds! They reminded me very much of some folds I saw last summer in Yoho National Park, British Columbia.

In some layers, my field assistant and I spotted limy rip-up clasts:

In some places, these rip-up clasts had been thoroughly distorted (and aligned) through compressional strain:

The differential weathering between the dolostone layers and the limestone was obvious and profound:

Another boulder showed this even more elegantly, and the dolostone was a rich, caramel color to boot!

My field assistant and I were very pleased with what we found. Though these boulders were not in situ, I suspect they are from the Conococheague Formation, which exhibits similar lime/dolostone interlayering. And that does crop out nearby.

My field assistant reminded me it was time to go cheer on mommy as she ran past mile marker 5, so we skeedaddled, right after I made him pose for one more shot…

16 Apr 19:55

This Is, Quite Literally, The Sweetest Resignation Letter You’ve Ever Seen

by Chris Morran



Most folks’ resignation letters are of the two word variety, or even just a single finger held defiantly in the air. But a pastry chef in England decided the best way to say goodbye to his daytime gig with the border protection folks at Stansted Airport was to sweeten his leaving with a little dessert. reports that the resignation letter seen above went viral after the writer/baker’s brother-in-law posted it on Twitter.

It reads:

Today is my 31st birthday, and having recently become a father I now realise how precious life is and how important it is to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy.

For that reason I hereby give notice of my resignation, in order that I may devote my time and energy to my family, and to my cake business which has grown steadily over the past few years.”

He then concludes by wishing his old co-workers well and telling them that if they enjoy the resignation letter, they can buy his cakes from his website.

As for the handwriting, which we had no trouble deciphering, the cake maker now admits that his icing penmanship “was quite fiddly… I would have done it a bit neater if I’d known it was going to go viral.”

Resignation by cake: the sweetest way to say goodbye [The Guardian via]

16 Apr 18:17

Ignore My Grumbling Stomach


THIS is why I prefer lakes and rivers.

11 Apr 19:03

Cats Give no Cares

Cats Give no Cares

Lol by: Unknown

Tagged: dogs , Cats , guilty Share on Facebook
11 Apr 19:01

The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens


Interesting but:'"They think of using an e-book, not owning an e-book," [Abigail Sellen, Microsoft Research] says.' Maybe because you own a license for it and not the content itself?

In a viral YouTube video from October 2011 a one-year-old girl sweeps her fingers across an iPad's touchscreen, shuffling groups of icons. In the following scenes she appears to pinch, swipe and prod the pages of paper magazines as though they too were screens. When nothing happens, she pushes against her leg, confirming that her finger works just fine--or so a title card would have us believe. [More]

11 Apr 14:11


by Jen

Shared for the last one

Is your guy a real "man's man?" Does he enjoy grunting, beer-can-crushing, and flexing?



Remember, pretty colors are for GIRLS. Singed poop and "I love hunting" flotsam is for MEN.



And you know what else is manly? 


Make it a bloody action tableau for that extra festive touch!


Oh, and MANLY MEN may only express affection for other MANLY MEN through poorly spelled insults:


Translation: "I value your friendship and enjoy our long talks and emotionally validating back-slapping sessions."

(I'd tell you how they say "I love you," but there are innocents present.)


MANLY MEN also love the bewbies:

... or the butts.

(It's like a dirty optical illusion: WHICH SIDE AM I LOOKING AT?)


And MANLY MEN ride big ol' manly motorcycles:

Vroom vroom!


... and chug smeary bottles of manly booze for breakfast:



But most importantly, MANLY MEN are always - ALWAYS - happy to let their kids choose their birthday cakes:


 (Although it gets less cute when you realize those blobby things are supposed to be hearts. o.0)


Thanks to Julia K., Katherine H., Meredith, Anony M., Monica F., Anony M., & Marianne for joining me in a rousing rendition of "Men In Tights." All together, now, ladies!

We're men! {MANLY MEN!} We're men in tights! {TIGHT TIGHTS!]

Ok, girls, that should be stuck in everyone's heads now for the rest of the day. OUR WORK HERE IS DONE.