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19 Jun 00:13

Best Guacamole Ever

by Ann Marie Heasley
Fernanda Campello

amo guacamole

One of our favorite dishes to make is guacamole. We use it as a dip, on tacos, with eggs, or straight up with a spoon out of the bowl. Sure you can mix it up and get fancy and add lots of stuff to it, but we have a basic four ingredient guacamole that takes minutes to make. Four ingredients. Stuff you usually have on hand any way. “Hey honey, can you go make some guacamole?”

how to make the best (and easiest) guacamole, only four ingredients!

A few friends and I are hosting a progressive dinner of sorts, and I decided to bring my guacamole for an appetizer. Each of the other blogs is posting a dish for the party on their blogs today. Here’s what everyone’s bringing. Don’t they all look amazing?! (I know I’m hungry.)

14 blogs, one big party's worth of summertime dishes!

and here’s what everyone’s bringing:

1. Best Guacamole Ever from White House Black Shutters (me)
2. Melty Caprese Appetizer from Cook the Story
3. Skinny Southwest Chicken Dip from Yellow Bliss Road
4. Blueberry Quinoa Salad from Clean and Scentsible
5. Quinoa and Grape Salad from A Place for Us
6. Spicy Marinated Tomatoes from Kokocooks
Main Course:
7. Grilled Greek Pork Tenderloin from Katie’s Cucina
8. Mama’s Sweet Marinated Chicken from Craft Quickies
9. Mexican Grilled Corn from Nest of Posies
10. Triple Berry Cheesecake from The Lilypad Cottage
11. Mini Berry Pies from A Pumpkin and a Princess
12. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake from Crazy Little Projects
12. Perfect Italian Cream Soda from Ella Claire
13. Mango & Mint Lemonade Chiller from Sweet C’s Designs

We’re also hosting a great giveaway with $550 worth of prizes from KitchenAid, World Market, and Woot Fruit! Be sure to enter at the end of the post.

Here’s what you’ll need for the guacamole:

-4 avocados, diced
-2 tomatoes, diced
-1/2 lime’s worth of juice
-1 T of celtic sea salt, ground

how to make the best (and easiest) guacamole, only four ingredients!

Dice and add the avocados to a bowl and mash them with a potato masher.

how to make the best (and easiest) guacamole, only four ingredients!

Add your diced tomatoes, lime, and salt, and mix. That’s it, you’re done!

how to make the best (and easiest) guacamole, only four ingredients!

and then go nuts on it with some chips.

how to make the best (and easiest) guacamole, only four ingredients!

Doesn’t that look good? It’s hard to make guacamole look good since it’s all green and mushy, but I can assure you that it tastes amazing. Some other things that we add to the mix are taco seasoning from Trader Joe’s (MSG free!), cilantro, or onions.


Okay, time for the giveaway!

One lucky winner will win: A kitchen tools set from KitchenAid, a $200 gift certificate from World Market, and a margarita machine and fruit from Woot Froot! This entire package is valued at over $550! You guys are sure lucky, I wish I could enter and win. ;)

giveaway graphic

For even more awesome dinner ideas, check out the Kitchenthusiast Blog from KitchenAid, and check out all of the awesome dinner party decor options from World Market!

Woot Froot is excited to bring you the ease and convenience of fresh cut peaches and nectarines just in time for summer. Perfect for summer snacking, dishes and drinks – like peach margaritas. Fill out the rafflecopter below for your chance to win this Margaritaville Margarita Maker and get the party started. A $200 value.

Give the rafflecopter widget below a second to load and then enter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author information

Ann Marie Heasley
Hi there, I'm Ann Marie! I get a kick out of making stuff, love pops of color, and am a garage sale junkie. My style is simple, comfy vintage. (I would say clean, but my house is rarely clean.) I think your home should be a place where you feel happy. Join me as I share glimpses of our everyday life, creative projects, and tips to make your life easier.

The post Best Guacamole Ever appeared first on white house black shutters.

18 Jun 21:53

(via tastefullyoffensive:via)

18 Jun 21:39

Hey Look, I Can Do That Too!

Hey Look, I Can Do That Too!

Submitted by: Unknown

18 Jun 21:31


Fernanda Campello

haja paciência

18 Jun 20:45

Puppy Mo (by Greater Manchester Police)

Fernanda Campello

a linguínea

18 Jun 20:38

words about learning stuff

words about learning stuff

18 Jun 20:37

A drawing that’s only for people of legal age who aren’t driving

A drawing that’s only for people of legal age who aren’t driving

18 Jun 20:10

O choro da professora é problema seu

by Carla Jimenez

A imagem de uma professora de Juazeiro do Norte chorando desconsoladamente correu o País nas últimas semanas como um rastilho de pólvora nas redes sociais. O pranto de Antônia Lucimeire Oliveira se justificava. A Câmara dos Vereadores do município cearense aprovou no último dia 7 a redução de 40% nos ganhos dos professores, em nome do corte de custos do município. A notícia chocou os brasileiros. Os mesmos vereadores haviam aprovado, um mês antes, 30 dias extras de recesso, que se somaram a outros 60, garantindo três meses de férias à custa do contribuinte – os vereadores ganham, em média, R$ 10 mil mensais, e em nenhum momento cogitaram diminuir seus proventos para ajudar a sanear as finanças da terra do Padre Cícero.

Episódios como esse, nos quais professores são tratados como profissionais de segunda linha, se tornaram rotina, diminuindo o respeito da sociedade pela categoria – tornaram-se frequentes, nos últimos tempos, agressões a professores praticadas por alunos. Esse desprestígio sistemático do professorado é uma aberração, num momento em que o Brasil vive uma séria crise de qualificação. Se o PIB tivesse crescido mais, aí sim, teríamos um apagão de mão de obra sem precedentes. Problema dos governos pela sua falta de competência em lidar com o assunto? Não. O caso dos professores de Juazeiro do Norte é um problema de todo o Brasil e de toda a classe empresarial. 
Do País, porque a falta de atitude da sociedade sustenta a cultura de empobrecimento de gente que, na verdade, deveria estar sendo alçada a um status diferenciado. Qualquer país que queira progredir investe na formação de sua sociedade. Para os empresários, são duas as consequências do quadro atual. Ainda que estejam convivendo com um momento pibinho da economia, eles não escondem uma forte inquietação com o que o futuro lhes reserva. As concessões de infraestrutura vão engrenar, multiplicando a necessidade de contratar mão de obra. Onde vão encontrar candidatos, se o sistema educacional esgotou sua capacidade de qualificar pessoas? A segunda consequência: sem opção, as empresas reduziram o nível de exigência educacional dos candidatos às vagas disponíveis. 
E essa realidade se reflete na queda da qualidade dos serviços e dos produtos. Novos tempos, novos desafios. Acostumados com uma economia cambaleante por tantas décadas, os brasileiros parecem viver uma crise de identidade. Somos uma nação à beira do fracasso ou do sucesso? Cada um faz a sua leitura, mas não há dúvidas de que a mais estimulante é a segunda. E certamente um projeto mais interessante para aderir. Pobreza não faz bem a ninguém, seja ela de ideias, de PIB ou de expectativas. Para cruzar essa fronteira, entretanto, é preciso assumir também outra postura enquanto sociedade. 
Não ficar isento do debate sobre educação, mas cobrar do poder público e dos representantes eleitos pelo povo mais atitude diante de questões fundamentais como educação. Hoje, o governo quer pressionar o Congresso a aprovar uma lei que garanta 100% dos royalties de petróleo do pré-sal para a educação. E isso só será possível se houver pressão. De outra maneira, uma hora a corda arrebenta. Os vereadores de Juazeiro do Norte, por exemplo, estão provando do seu veneno. Na semana passada, tiveram de sair literalmente em fuga diante de furiosos professores que os chamavam de “ladrões” na porta da Câmara da cidade. Para muitos deles, “adeus, reeleição”.
18 Jun 19:27

thefrogman: Gastby Adventures [tumblr]

Fernanda Campello

cena 2 - agora serião q q tá escrito aí eu nao sei ler


Gastby Adventures [tumblr]

18 Jun 19:20


Fernanda Campello


18 Jun 18:45


18 Jun 18:41


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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Cyanide & Happiness @ [URL=""][/URL]
<—- Share this comic!

18 Jun 18:28

mercurialme: I believe I can flyyyy


I believe I can flyyyy

18 Jun 17:47


18 Jun 17:43

It’s Plane To See … Yes! All the planets are, more...

It’s Plane To See …

Yes! All the planets are, more or less, on the same plane. This means that their orbits all follow the same flat, circular path. This is illustrated by the following animation:

The planets are not perfectly lined up on the same orbit, though. If we define Earth’s orbit to be “the perfectly perfect ecliptic”, then the other planets orbit within a few degrees of that. Why?

When the solar system formed, there was a massive rotating cloud of debris and dust spinning around the young star we now orbit. We call it the Protoplanetary Disk, which would make a great name for a spaceship. When something spins while being tethered in place by gravity, its mass wants to fly outward into a pizza-like shape, like frosting flying from errantly-aimed eggbeaters. The Earth even bulges a bit around the equator because of this “force”. This means that before the planets ever became planets, their planetary “stuff” was already on the same plane. Naturally, they thought this was just fine, and as they matured into the orbs we know and love, they stayed there.

This can be easily observed in the night sky. When multiple planets are visible, you can draw the line of the ecliptic through them! It’s also why we seem to have so many nights when planets are “near” each other in the sky, but never quite on top of each other (called “conjunction”, check it out in this video)

By now, many of you are fidgeting uncomfortably, barely able to contain the following comment: “Bah! You are wrong, science man! Pluto doesn’t orbit on the ecliptic! It’s wonky as hell!

Well, the question was “Are all the planets in the solar system on the same plane?” And the answer to that is most definitely yes. You’re just going to have to get over the fact that Pluto is not a planet anymore. Its tilted orbit is one of the main reasons why.

The first step to healing is acceptance. The second step is realizing that this wacky ball of ice is so off-kilter that it’s lucky it didn’t fly right off into interstellar space:

(images via Wikipedia)

18 Jun 17:20

simonsaysbark: The puppies are four weeks old today!!! Explore,...

Opal's favorite place is my lap...

Amber is a tough little noodle!

Tephra is being totally silly!

Drift is the thoughtful one of the group, aww....

Jade knows she's just too cute for words...

Topaz is the master of the "puppy eyes"...

Flint's into doing things his way!

... and Ralph ate a bug. ;)


The puppies are four weeks old today!!!

Explore, explore, chew, play, chew, nap!!!

They went from peanuts to potatoes and now… THEY ARE CORGIS!!!! SOOOOOO CUTE!!!

18 Jun 17:18


by princessangharad

18 Jun 17:06

That IS actually kind of awesome.

Fernanda Campello


That IS actually kind of awesome.

18 Jun 16:55

recorrupted: vegasmo: The only kind of marks you should ever...

Fernanda Campello




The only kind of marks you should ever leave on a dog.

I’ve reblogged this photo so many times & that’s my favorite comment on a photo in the history of the world.

Yeah, it’s been on my tumblr like 8 times now. Ridiculously Photogenic Bully.

18 Jun 16:54


Fernanda Campello

volta aqui que eu não terminei

18 Jun 16:49

100 Pictures of Henry Cavill ❤ → (15/100) 

by mysterious-shine
18 Jun 16:41

(x) hahahaha ha ah  ha h


hahahaha ha ah  ha h

18 Jun 16:40

If a T-Rex can't get it up is it a reptile dysfunction?



18 Jun 16:27

lordcherry: [X]

18 Jun 16:25

On Break…

by Jonco

On break

18 Jun 15:54

I really don’t think this is the triforce I was looking...

I really don’t think this is the triforce I was looking for…

18 Jun 15:54

There’s no problem a good cuddle can’t solve,...

There’s no problem a good cuddle can’t solve, that’s what I always say.

18 Jun 15:46


Fernanda Campello



18 Jun 15:45

Some snapshots from the mass Brazilian protests (and an explanation)

by Cory Doctorow

(GENTE, olha esse reflexo na fachada de um prédio na manifestação do Rio, no centro da cidade! #ProtestoRJ/@brunoernica)

Brazil is up in arms. Hundreds of thousands are in the streets. The capital building in Brazilia was surrounded, then stormed. Here's some pictures of last night's goings-on, and above, a video explaining some of the reasons for the uprising.

(Manifestantes concentrados em torno do Congresso Nacional (Brasília, 2013)/@FotosDaHistoria)

(Thanks, Spark!)


18 Jun 15:07

sweet-land-of-libertea: thackerybinxx: shinga-tumblr: It’s...

Fernanda Campello

só faltou estar em branco e preto




It’s okay kitten, I too have been that drunk


infomercial kitten.

why is no-one willing to sell him a special kitten straw for $19.95